Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: I did. So I was talking to my dad this week, and he was like, for this goes out after her birthday, so it's fine. But he was like, so for your sister's birthday, I got her one of those, like, clapper thingies for the scene takes. And I was like, oh, that's so, like, clever. He was like, yeah, the scene take thingy. And I. He was like, do you know what they're used for? Like, for real? And I was like, actually, I do now, because we do it for the podcast, but we don't have, like, video to sync up. We just have multiple audios to sync up. And he was like, I mean, it makes a lot of sense, but I never thought about it or whatever. So I'm explaining to him about the fact that we have to do our clap on a delay because Discord always has lag. That's a little bit different for everyone. He started cracking up. Thinking about the five of us sitting here and me counting down and no one watching the screen, trying to all clap simultaneously so that our audios line up correctly.
[00:00:54] Speaker B: We should record it for.
[00:00:55] Speaker A: It's like, honestly, that is pretty funny. Like, it is objectively a little bit funny.
[00:01:00] Speaker C: Listeners, we do this for you.
[00:01:15] Speaker B: So something random is. I recently made my first U quiz ever, which is me telling you what Disney Channel original movie you are, but I didn't realize that I can see everybody's answers.
And so, like.
Cause you put your little name in and then it. And I can see. And I haven't been looking at everyone's answers. I've just been seeing, like, their overall result, because I feel like that's an invasion of privacy. If I'm, like, clicking on everyone, I'm like, what did you put for this?
[00:01:49] Speaker C: Oh, you picked that Mitski lyric. I need to call someone.
[00:01:54] Speaker A: Jay will post this on the Discord. So if you're not joining the Discord, you should so that you can take this you quiz about which dcom you are. It's great.
[00:02:03] Speaker B: It's a little mean.
[00:02:04] Speaker A: I'm sorry. I was only slandered a little bit, but it's fine.
It's a little mean. I got called a Tess Tyler apologist, and I.
I hate that.
[00:02:14] Speaker B: Actually, I also tweeted it earlier, so if anybody else wants to take it.
[00:02:18] Speaker A: It'S also on my Discord.
[00:02:20] Speaker B: No, it's on the Discord.
[00:02:21] Speaker A: No, it's only on the Discord.
[00:02:24] Speaker C: You can find it nowhere else.
[00:02:27] Speaker D: I'm very lost. What is this?
[00:02:30] Speaker B: I made a Disney Channel original movie.
I'll text it to you, Grace. Don't you worry. It's a quiz.
[00:02:37] Speaker D: I got that much. But you said you put it somewhere.
[00:02:40] Speaker B: It's on you quiz.
I posted it on Twitter and on my Instagram story. But yeah.
[00:02:48] Speaker A: So I guess your options are find J specifically or join the podcast Discord. One of the two.
[00:02:54] Speaker B: He, he, he, he. I'll send it to you right now, Grace. I want to know what. I want to know what movie you are, Grace. I need to know. I'm only a little bit mean about it. It's okay.
[00:03:04] Speaker D: I'm a bit afraid of the fact that you can see my responses. I'll be kind.
[00:03:07] Speaker B: I haven't been looking. I promise you. I promise. I haven't been looking at anyone's answers.
I. I wouldn't. I feel that's too much for me. Like, I don't want to know that about people. I don't want to know that.
[00:03:18] Speaker A: Jay's gonna write us Christmas cards and be like, I read all your answers. Here they are.
[00:03:24] Speaker D: Print them out.
[00:03:26] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:03:27] Speaker B: My favorite thing about you is the fact that this is the.
[00:03:29] Speaker D: That'd be really fucking funny, actually. If Jay did that for Christmas cards, I'd actually find that so funny.
[00:03:35] Speaker B: This is totally off topic, but my travel dice tray doesn't have enough room for all of my dice to be on the one face inside it. So I have ventured onto the tabletop itself.
[00:03:45] Speaker C: Oh, dear. Truly a tabletop.
[00:03:47] Speaker A: Well, good thing it's a TTR. Yeah, good thing it's a tabletop RPG.
[00:03:51] Speaker D: Sorry, I swiped that from your speaking of TTRPGs.
[00:03:55] Speaker A: What?
We're playing one organic.
[00:03:59] Speaker C: That was really good.
[00:04:00] Speaker B: We're so good at this, guys.
[00:04:02] Speaker A: Welcome to Spells and Whistles, Something something, D and D something or other.
Last time the crew ventured and perused more of the temple, they found some evidence of abandonment of the temple, which was kind of weird. And also finally figured out that rooms might have traps and started checking for them.
They also found some cool stuff along the way. And if you want to know what that is, that list is in the last episode. So go back and listen to that one, because I didn't compile it.
So you've just found a secret door hidden in the wall that the Featherquill so excitedly showed to you. Found a place in which to open this door, and you're staring down this dark, damp, black cave hallway that is just kind of leading to your left slightly.
[00:05:01] Speaker E: It will light up his radiant weapon infusion that Maila gave him to give us a bunch of light.
[00:05:07] Speaker A: Alrighty, so you Guys, go down the tunnel. All right. ID leading the way.
[00:05:14] Speaker E: I would like to go second.
[00:05:16] Speaker A: Oh, great.
[00:05:17] Speaker C: I can go first.
[00:05:18] Speaker A: This is not. I mean, it gets a little bit wide, but it is pretty much a single file sort of. Sort of tunnel. You're feeling like drips of cave water, like, down your backs.
It's. It's not very fun. So you guys kind of go down this winding cave tunnel, and right near the end of this tunnel, you see a very equal Y split. So one to the left, one to the right. Which direction would you like to go?
[00:05:46] Speaker B: Should we split the party gang?
[00:05:48] Speaker E: No.
[00:05:49] Speaker D: I was going to say neither just to be annoying, but that Sounds fun actually.
[00:05:53] Speaker B: PCs to one side, NPCs to the other.
[00:05:57] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:05:57] Speaker C: Nothing will go wrong with that.
[00:06:00] Speaker E: Yeah, Send Yarin and the girls and.
[00:06:03] Speaker B: Oscar and the girlies.
[00:06:05] Speaker E: And Oscar.
[00:06:07] Speaker B: No, his name's Isaac.
[00:06:10] Speaker C: I'm inclined to go if we're looking at it. The one on the left. But where we're looking on the map. The one on the right. Sure.
[00:06:19] Speaker E: To the southeast.
[00:06:21] Speaker C: Yeah, the south. South east way. Just because vibes, you know.
[00:06:28] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm down.
[00:06:31] Speaker A: All right, so I think maximum visual vision length is 60ft regardless. Right. Like, either with dark vision or with a light source. I actually don't know what the distance vision is for a light Source.
[00:06:45] Speaker E: I've got 60ft of dark vision, and my radiant infusion gives 30 foot radius of dim light or bright light.
[00:06:54] Speaker D: 30Ft.
[00:06:55] Speaker E: Dim light, 30ft. So, yeah, 60ft pretty much no matter what.
[00:06:59] Speaker D: Unless you have special eyes.
[00:07:01] Speaker C: Yeah, unless you're specialized.
[00:07:04] Speaker A: So you guys kind of all reach this point where it very quickly turns into a very wide area to walk into.
I. I need to look up something because I thought I had everything and I don't.
[00:07:19] Speaker C: Arun's gonna say, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[00:07:24] Speaker B: Yeah, put it in post effects in post. Or are we just gonna leave Meg hanging?
[00:07:29] Speaker C: If I set the precedent, then everything that we say in character has to have an echo effect on it. And I don't wish that upon anyone editing or listening.
[00:07:42] Speaker A: All right, I need. So when you guys kind of reach the, like, threshold of this area, I need everyone to make a wisdom safe.
[00:07:50] Speaker D: Ah, yes. Because I'm so good at wisdom.
[00:07:54] Speaker E: Everybody has plus four because everybody's in my aura.
[00:07:59] Speaker D: Do I use my Jacques Whipper die?
[00:08:02] Speaker C: I think you absolutely should use whatever.
[00:08:04] Speaker A: Die your heart is drawn to. Whoa.
[00:08:07] Speaker D: Bad idea. It hates me. Well, it's okay.
[00:08:10] Speaker A: What?
[00:08:10] Speaker D: Dice likes me at this point in my life. We get plus four, Benjamin.
[00:08:16] Speaker E: Plus four additional.
[00:08:18] Speaker C: Got a 24.
[00:08:21] Speaker E: Whoa.
[00:08:22] Speaker C: Uncharacteristic.
[00:08:24] Speaker A: We'll be honest.
[00:08:26] Speaker D: Total of five.
[00:08:28] Speaker A: Five out of five.
[00:08:30] Speaker D: Melon's not good at wisdom. I don't know why you keep giving me wisdom saves here.
[00:08:35] Speaker C: Cause Anastasia knows that's everyone's weakness?
[00:08:38] Speaker A: No, it's because it makes sense for this one.
[00:08:42] Speaker B: Myla got a dirty 20 with her. Plus zero.
[00:08:46] Speaker D: Damn. It's all right, pop off.
[00:08:49] Speaker E: You're welcome.
[00:08:50] Speaker B: 16 for ID.
[00:08:51] Speaker A: Okay.
All right. And Nadia and Ari rolled as well, but yeah, everything seems. Seems fine.
[00:08:58] Speaker C: Oh, great.
[00:09:00] Speaker A: So you guys come into this room and you see a figure standing kind of towards the edge of the light sources.
[00:09:11] Speaker E: What?
[00:09:12] Speaker A: A very like, tall, dark skinned elf with white hair and a gray, white, purple sort of cloak color scheme.
And just out of the like, reach of the light source is another figure, but you can't tell who it is. Just another humanoid, definitely with light hair. You can see at least that much, but that's. That's about it.
[00:09:37] Speaker C: Auden's gonna say, crikey, you again. And she's going to hoist up her hammer. Yeah, she's waiting. Okay, we're going for it.
[00:09:47] Speaker E: Why wait?
[00:09:48] Speaker A: All right. We roll Initiative.
[00:09:49] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:09:51] Speaker E: Oh, I rolled the same thing.
[00:09:53] Speaker B: Can I ever roll good for initiative? The answer is not as this character.
[00:09:59] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:09:59] Speaker B: But my initiative bonus is okay.
Oh, my initiative's the same exact initiative as last time, so I'm not gonna change anything.
[00:10:07] Speaker D: I did roll well on initiative and I don. I rolled well in initiative because that one's a little useless. But that's okay.
So, fun fact. I rolled a natural 20.
[00:10:17] Speaker E: Let's go.
[00:10:19] Speaker C: Duality in action.
[00:10:21] Speaker D: I hate my dice so much.
[00:10:24] Speaker C: I was checking my character sheet just to make sure I don't have any special bonuses because that would be nice to have.
[00:10:31] Speaker A: But alas, you do have advantage. I think you do.
[00:10:34] Speaker C: I couldn't find. Okay, what is that thing called?
[00:10:37] Speaker D: Feral Instinct level seven.
[00:10:39] Speaker C: Why is that not on my character sheet?
[00:10:43] Speaker A: Good question.
[00:10:44] Speaker C: Wow, that is so goofy. Okay, well, great. Then I'm gonna reroll. That's way better.
It was so funny. I was like reviewing my character sheet and everything beforehand. I'm like, I'm so prepared and so ready. And then my sheet is the thing that's betraying me. Also my past self for not doing due diligence when updating it.
I'm ready.
[00:11:06] Speaker D: Oh, no.
[00:11:07] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:11:08] Speaker D: Oh, no.
[00:11:08] Speaker C: I did my best.
[00:11:09] Speaker A: Oh, well, that's on your NAT20. In this space, we never want Melwyn to go first.
[00:11:15] Speaker D: That's such a bad idea. I have yarin what am I gonna do?
[00:11:19] Speaker A: Turn him into a bomb.
[00:11:20] Speaker C: Turn him into a bomb.
[00:11:21] Speaker B: You're gonna cast Fireball before anyone gets in there.
[00:11:25] Speaker A: All right. So on Melwyn's like beginning turn, everyone can see that on the right is sort of a like 10 foot platform made of stone that looks very natural to the cave. I think on the further end it gets more towards like 5ft. But the closer point to you is 10ft up. It is pretty sheer, like slippery rock. But you know, 10ft you could jump and hoist yourself up or whatever you want to do. So that area that you guys can see on the map is 10ft up and. Yeah. All right. Melon.
[00:11:59] Speaker D: I don't have warding bond. I can't turn yarn into a bomb. That's unfortunate. Or not Warding Bond with glyph of warding. I know my spells. I'm good at this. I'm.
[00:12:09] Speaker C: I'm warding.
[00:12:10] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:12:11] Speaker D: Totally have my brain on right now. It's fine. We're fine. We do have a diamond. So if somebody goes down, I can at least bring back a person.
[00:12:18] Speaker A: True.
[00:12:19] Speaker D: You know you were joking when you said it. But I kind of want to just cast Fireball into this and see what happens.
[00:12:25] Speaker E: Heck yeah.
[00:12:26] Speaker D: Fuck it.
[00:12:26] Speaker A: Do it.
[00:12:27] Speaker D: I need duck saves for the bitches.
[00:12:32] Speaker E: There might be more bitches.
[00:12:33] Speaker A: Are they close enough? They're close enough together?
[00:12:35] Speaker D: Yeah, they're close enough together. I'm gonna pop it like here.
[00:12:40] Speaker E: How big is it?
[00:12:41] Speaker D: 20Ft radius. So 40ft across.
[00:12:44] Speaker E: We could put it like there and get both of them.
[00:12:46] Speaker C: Sure.
Or one for gorgeous.
[00:12:49] Speaker D: Set shit on fire that ended so well for us last time. Listen to arc three episodes because I don't remember what episode it is where we set everything on fire and made of Mickey Mouse out of the fire.
[00:13:07] Speaker B: That was a trail to Oregon by Star Kid reference for those of you who heard me.
[00:13:11] Speaker D: O that's not amazing. That's okay. Oh wait.
[00:13:15] Speaker A: That's way better than all right. Goodness sake. I need to do rollies for things. Deck save erendro, rolled a 16. Okay. And overworld in that 20. Gah. Sorry, I don't roll well.
[00:13:31] Speaker C: I was gonna say I'll allow it this time. Don't make this happen.
[00:13:35] Speaker A: Yeah, it'll all go really downhill from here, so don't even worry.
[00:13:38] Speaker D: Unfortunately, both of them pass.
[00:13:40] Speaker A: So they take half or.
[00:13:42] Speaker D: No, they take half.
[00:13:43] Speaker A: Okay, great.
[00:13:44] Speaker D: 10, 20, 30, 33. 35 points of fire damage halved to 17.
[00:13:51] Speaker A: All right. They both take this damage.
Seem relatively unfazed. Very straight faced. Anything else on your turn.
[00:14:01] Speaker D: Nope, that's it.
[00:14:02] Speaker A: All right, Auden, that's you.
[00:14:03] Speaker C: Okey dokey. Okay, so Auden is going to hoist up her hammer and as she's saying, like, crikey, you guys can't wait. You know, whatever. She is going to enter her flow state. If I had something like cooler to say, I would, but I've been thinking this whole time and I got nothing. So she's going to enter her flow state and she's gonna skedaddle all the way up. I measured it out, it works. She's gonna skedaddle right up to Erendrill. As she is running, she is going to, you know, whip out that little tentacle, trip them up, make it so they might not get me. And she's gonna make an attack against them while enraged.
[00:14:50] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely.
[00:14:51] Speaker C: Well, I rolled a two, which isn't great, but let me get my modifiers and we'll see what happens. That's holding out. Pretty hopeful, but, you know.
Yeah. So I don't think an 11's gonna do it. So I'll make my second attack.
[00:15:04] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:15:05] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:15:05] Speaker C: I've rolled three 19s tonight. This is really exciting for me. So that's gonna be a 28 to.
[00:15:11] Speaker A: Hit, which I'm assuming will for sure. Absolutely.
[00:15:14] Speaker C: Hooray. So she's going to just wail into him, a big old fish pun with her hammer two handed. And she's going to be dealing eight plus three is 11 points of bludgeoning damage as she just cranks it and bonks him upside the noggin.
[00:15:34] Speaker A: Yeah, and I should have had you do this before you swung, but I already forgot stuff. I need you to make another wisdom save.
[00:15:44] Speaker C: Okay. Don't get the plus four because I've moved away from id. I've had to.
[00:15:48] Speaker A: Sorry. It's an intelligence save. And then I roll my own stuff. It's an intelligence save.
[00:15:53] Speaker C: Great for the audience. I didn't say it. She ran 55ft, so she's cruising.
[00:15:59] Speaker A: Zooming.
[00:16:00] Speaker C: I kid you not. I rolled it, bounced up, it's another 19, which is crazy.
[00:16:06] Speaker A: Crazy.
[00:16:07] Speaker C: But that is going to be minus 2 for a 17.
[00:16:09] Speaker B: Wait a second.
Before you say anything, let me check my thingy. Oh, nope, you're too far away. Carry on.
[00:16:16] Speaker C: Okay, bye.
[00:16:17] Speaker A: Okay, you like you're wailing on Erendril and it's very satisfying the second time when you make contact. But your blade kind of like slips through easier than normal and you kind of like test it again. You can't actually really touch him.
[00:16:38] Speaker C: Interesting. I think she's gonna kind of notice that. And for flavor, she's gonna kind of like poke the butt of her hammer like toward him a time or two just to kind of like really figure out what's going on for a second. She's gonna turn back to the others and she's gonna say, uh, I don't know if they're really here or if something weird is going on, but it's not quite right. I don't have anything that I can do as a bonus action. Cause I raged. So that will be the end of my turn. But I see Ben has something to say.
[00:17:07] Speaker E: Does Odyn have dark vision?
[00:17:09] Speaker C: She does.
[00:17:09] Speaker E: She has six feet of further into the room then. Anastasia please.
[00:17:13] Speaker A: Oh yes.
[00:17:14] Speaker C: I didn't even think about that. Thank you.
[00:17:17] Speaker A: Yep. This room is kind of a really wobbly circle.
The space on the right that you can see on this map sort of is across from this platform, but it's the opposite. It's a depression in the floor about 10ft.
Looks like some kind of, I don't know, pit of some sort.
[00:17:36] Speaker E: Pit mentioned.
[00:17:37] Speaker B: Pit.
[00:17:37] Speaker D: Pit?
[00:17:38] Speaker B: Did you say a pit? It's full circle folks.
Full pit.
[00:17:44] Speaker A: I think that's a Pokemon. Anyway, who's next?
It's Erin. Drill. That's right. Oh right.
[00:17:52] Speaker D: They don't cast spells, they just have magical abilities.
I am very useless. Okay. I built a character that can counterspell and then you gave. They gave him a bunch of shit I can't do anything with.
[00:18:04] Speaker E: Well, you're also 75ft away.
[00:18:05] Speaker D: I am also 75ft away. But like Melon is not built for combat. It's okay.
[00:18:11] Speaker A: All right, so he's going to again very straight faced. Like this is also weird. He's not really reacting to a whole lot that's like happening in the room.
But he's going to start moving his hands and saying a few words and this like green black energy starts to like pull from the air into the center of his hands until he kind of lets it go. He's gonna make you make a constitution saving throw.
[00:18:40] Speaker C: Okey dokey.
Assuming you is Auden.
[00:18:43] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:18:44] Speaker C: Since I'm right in front of him. Okay. Sometimes I get silly about it. Okay, that is gonna be a 22A perfect.
[00:18:53] Speaker D: Nice.
[00:18:53] Speaker C: Thank you. This is something that Auden is good.
[00:18:56] Speaker D: At, especially without the aura.
Hyrule's good.
[00:19:00] Speaker C: Yeah, let's keep that up. We'll see what happens.
I don't like all the dice rolling scenes that are happening here. Despite a 22 con save, don't worry.
[00:19:11] Speaker D: I'll roll bad enough for all of us.
[00:19:14] Speaker A: All right, so this, like, green mist, like, kind of enters your mouth and you're, like, choking on it. He is going to do 16 points of necrotic damage to you. That's just rude on a save.
Great. Oh, actually, he is going to blink out of existence like the. From kind of top to bottom. Just kind of. It's like a printer unscanning, you know, unscanning. It's like shifts down to the bottom, and he is going to go 30ft away.
[00:19:51] Speaker D: Fuck with your illusion. Fuck you.
[00:19:55] Speaker A: And reappear kind of slightly behind you, mostly to your left.
[00:19:59] Speaker C: Gotcha.
[00:19:59] Speaker A: Gotcha. All right, it is Nadia's turn.
[00:20:02] Speaker D: Drop an engine on him. Do it.
[00:20:05] Speaker C: She doesn't have darkvision, right?
[00:20:07] Speaker A: Correct. She is a human. So she can only see the 30ft that the radiant light is giving off.
[00:20:14] Speaker E: It's 30ft of bright. And then a further 30ft of dim.
[00:20:18] Speaker A: Oh, great. Well, then she can see the dim. She can see the dim cave as well.
So she is going to start running her way towards everyone, and then she's just gonna dash because that's what she can do. This turn, she's trying to stay along the rock face that has where the 10ft up is in order to just kind of have a little distance. And then she will take a shot with a short bow at what looks like her mother.
[00:20:49] Speaker C: Interesting for raising their buddy.
[00:20:52] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely. Hey, I don't know what I'm trying to calculate. Oof. She only does six points of damage.
She's not doing great right now. She has no way to get advantage on anything.
[00:21:03] Speaker E: So is there any point to me asking about an intelligence saving throw?
[00:21:08] Speaker A: No.
[00:21:08] Speaker E: Okay, understood.
[00:21:10] Speaker A: I mean, good. Good call, but no. All right, that's. That's going to be her whole turn. She did a lot of running. Myla, that's you.
[00:21:18] Speaker B: Myla sees the way that this room is laid out. And as she makes the calculations in her head and figures out exactly where she needs to go, she realizes that it is a little far from the action and can sort of see him starting to, like, hype himself up to run in. And she's just like, I'm gonna make your job easier. Sorry if this messes with your plan. And she's gonna hold her arcane firearm and she's gonna flip it so that the, like, grip and the grip panel is facing ID as what looks like an arcane magazine almost pops out. It sort of hits ID in the shoulder, and you don't feel anything. But all of a sudden, a flash of, like, purple and blue and indigo goes over your vision, and you blink, and ID is right next to a.
Guys, as I cast Vortex warp to get him here, I think.
[00:22:14] Speaker A: All right. Sort of away from your friends. Kid corner.
[00:22:17] Speaker B: Yes, yes. So he's there, and it is, like, slightly southwest of him, but now within melee, which is good. And it is now also near the center of the room, which means his light is brighter in the room.
[00:22:31] Speaker E: There you go.
[00:22:32] Speaker A: True.
[00:22:33] Speaker B: Myla's gonna feel really good about that. She is going to run south down the hallway with her own movement and sort of to this shallow outcropping, putting a wall of stone in between her and Nadia's mom. As she's holding Isaac in her hands with her bonus action. She's going to command Isaac to go 15 to kind of poke out from around the outcropping. He's going to look over at Nadia's mom with his angry eyes still on from when he was fighting the skeletons. And he's going to shoot with his gun.
[00:23:11] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. Take your shots.
[00:23:14] Speaker B: I'm taking my shot, Natty. 16 plus 8 is a 24 to hit.
[00:23:21] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely.
[00:23:22] Speaker D: Jesus Christ, Jake.
[00:23:24] Speaker B: So that is going to be 2d8 force damage. So that's going to be five seconds, eight points of force damage, and she is pushed back five feet away from Isaac.
[00:23:39] Speaker A: Okay, I'll go on the diagonal. Cause that makes most sense.
[00:23:43] Speaker B: The force gun sort of bursts out in a. It's force damage. So I feel like it's almost invisible to the naked eye. But there's like a puff of smoke right as Opal gets hit sort of in her core of, like, where her diaphragm is. And she, I'm assuming, stumbles back a little bit. And the dust clears, and Isaac is just there. Eyebrows on, angry eyebrows on.
[00:24:14] Speaker A: Perfect.
[00:24:14] Speaker B: That's my turn.
[00:24:15] Speaker A: Absolutely.
Id. You do need to make an intelligence save now.
[00:24:21] Speaker E: Understood.
I got a 14.
[00:24:24] Speaker A: 14 fails.
[00:24:25] Speaker E: Great.
[00:24:26] Speaker A: You are.
I'm so sorry. This is going to suck. You are frightened of him.
[00:24:33] Speaker E: Okay.
[00:24:34] Speaker D: That's an intelligence.
[00:24:36] Speaker A: Yeah. And you. Yep. You gotta use your movement to move away.
[00:24:39] Speaker D: Interesting.
[00:24:40] Speaker A: If you would, like, on your turn, you can use your action to investigate, but it is not a free check. It is an action option.
[00:24:48] Speaker E: So additionally, on top of the frightened, I have to move away.
[00:24:52] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:24:53] Speaker E: Okay. Understood.
[00:24:54] Speaker A: Yeah. You're forced to move away from him.
[00:24:57] Speaker B: Is that something that's just movement, or is it like full action and stuff like that?
[00:25:02] Speaker A: You have to use your movement to move away from him.
[00:25:04] Speaker B: Heard.
[00:25:05] Speaker D: Good clarification.
[00:25:07] Speaker A: And then as an option for your action, you can make an investigation check to try to end this.
[00:25:15] Speaker E: Great. I'm so good at investigation.
[00:25:17] Speaker A: You aren't afraid of Opal yet. So there's that.
[00:25:20] Speaker C: Just ping pong back and forth between the two.
[00:25:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Right.
[00:25:24] Speaker D: Wait.
[00:25:25] Speaker A: No.
Okay, it is Ari's turn. She's gonna start running. She kind of comes up right next to Isaac, gives him a fist bump, and then keeps running. And she's running towards Opal. She's going to take a couple of ranged attacks. She actually pulls out. Instead of a bow, she kind of pulls out a makeshift sling. And so she's like throwing it overhead and throwing some kind of projectile. Well, that's a one miss and two misses. Oh, no, no. The second one hits. I take it back.
She's gonna do 12 damage with a sling.
[00:26:08] Speaker C: Whoa, whoa.
[00:26:10] Speaker A: This stone just kind of. It goes into Opal's head and then like slides a little bit and then falls out of her head. Very weird. Id that is your turn.
[00:26:23] Speaker E: Okay. If possible, I would like to ask a question before I continue.
[00:26:29] Speaker A: Yes, please.
[00:26:30] Speaker E: Frightened is when the source of its fear is within line of sight. I have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. And I can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear. If I close my eyes, does that go away?
[00:26:47] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:26:48] Speaker E: Okay. Would that also prevent me from having to move away if I can't see the thing that I'm frightened of? Or is that a separate effect of the thing?
[00:26:59] Speaker D: That's a cool interaction, actually.
[00:27:02] Speaker A: I don't know.
[00:27:03] Speaker D: Things that were not built with tremor sense in mind. Frightening.
[00:27:08] Speaker A: I think you still have to move away.
[00:27:10] Speaker E: Understood. Yeah. It seems like it's like a separate.
[00:27:13] Speaker A: Thing, like investigation, shift, disadvantage of it goes away.
[00:27:17] Speaker E: Sounds good to me.
[00:27:18] Speaker A: And you can also, like. I mean, you can swing first and then move. Same as your regular, like, you know, turn options.
[00:27:26] Speaker E: Is there a way for me to check and see if this is like a thing that he is concentrating on or is this like an aura thing that I can't turn off?
[00:27:37] Speaker A: You can make a free check for that.
Whatever you want. Although I think with your eyes closed.
[00:27:44] Speaker E: Right. I haven't decided to close your eyes.
[00:27:46] Speaker A: The DC is a little. Okay. If you close your eyes, the DC just goes up a little bit.
[00:27:51] Speaker E: Fair. What kind of check do you think that would be? Insight.
[00:27:55] Speaker A: You could. Insight or arcana or.
[00:27:58] Speaker E: I am significantly better at insight, so I will roll that. Probably not. That's a 12.
[00:28:04] Speaker A: Well, it doesn't seem like a spell.
[00:28:06] Speaker E: Okay, valid. Understood. Okay. My action. I'm going to try the investigation check. I have plus zero to it, so it's gonna be rough, but we'll see.
That's a second natural. Seven in a row.
[00:28:21] Speaker D: Oh, Bean.
[00:28:23] Speaker A: Sorry.
[00:28:24] Speaker E: I'm going to bonus action before I close my eyes. Compelled duel at Aerondral.
[00:28:32] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:28:33] Speaker E: Which is a wisdom saving throw.
[00:28:35] Speaker D: Hell yeah.
[00:28:36] Speaker A: A NAT one. How's a NAT one for you?
[00:28:38] Speaker E: That's a failure. So for the duration, he has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures that aren't me and must make a wisdom saving throw each time it attempts to move to a space that is more than 30ft away from me. And that, that wisdom saving throw only affects that turns movement.
[00:28:55] Speaker A: I'm putting Charmed on here, but only. Great.
[00:28:59] Speaker E: And I am now concentrating on that. And then it will, because of the saving third thing, will move back 30ft. And that is action. Bonus action movement. So that's my turn.
[00:29:11] Speaker A: All right. It is Opal's turn. She. You can you guys see her see Nadia and she. She just has no reaction to it. The only thing she does is like slightly tilt her head. That's about it. In terms of reaction.
Pretty low. She looks. She looks very similar to how she did in the institute. She is very like dark eyes and it's like seeping out from her eyes towards her face. Everything that she's doing has like purple tinge to it, black tinge to it. She doesn't look fabulous. She thinks she does because of course she does. She is going to cast a cloud of daggers. That. Why that's so small. Holy cow. All right.
[00:30:01] Speaker E: Yep. Because it's really good.
[00:30:04] Speaker A: That makes sense. That makes a lot of sense.
So it is a five foot cube. She is going to center it on Nadia.
All right. It doesn't do anything yet to her. It's when a creature enters the spell area for first time or starts its turn there. So it hasn't come to Nadia's turn yet, but it is currently there. All of these like purple illusory daggers are all just kind of rotating and pointed at Nadia at the moment. And that's gonna be her turn. Melwyn, your turn.
[00:30:39] Speaker D: Cool. Melwyn is going to action dash. I should actually fucking measure that. That would be very helpful. Cool. You said there is a bunch of shit surrounding Nadia. Right. That is likely about to hurt her on her turn. Before I do that, Melwyn would have still had detect magic up because she has eldritch to depth. So she would just Be constantly re upping it as she goes. It is concentration. Jay put a little ring around me because I forgot it was concentration, but good call. Still be going. So what the fuck is going on here? Before I do anything else.
[00:31:14] Speaker A: You can't. I mean, it's 30ft, right? It's 30ft. You're getting. Arendelle is more than 30ft away from you. Opal is literally just in range.
Just the whole. All of her glowing. It's mostly blue, weirdly.
[00:31:31] Speaker D: Does it seem like illusory in nature.
[00:31:34] Speaker A: At all or Possibly.
I think last time she was not this way. So there's definitely something wrong. Or she is. Or she's potentially under some sort of spell or covered in some sort of magical something or other.
[00:31:54] Speaker D: Ben, what are you concentrating on?
[00:31:56] Speaker E: Compelled duel.
[00:31:57] Speaker D: Oh, shit.
[00:31:59] Speaker A: Right.
[00:31:59] Speaker E: Okay.
[00:32:00] Speaker D: Well, that didn't in fact change what I was gonna do. Okay, hang on. Let me double check the range on this spell again so I don't fuck up a bunch of shit. Oh, right. It's only one. Just kidding. I'm not about to fuck up a whole bunch of shit. Hey, that thing around Nadia gone dispel magic.
[00:32:22] Speaker A: I think you have to roll for it.
[00:32:24] Speaker D: If it is above third level, yes.
[00:32:27] Speaker A: For sure. Yeah, it is.
[00:32:28] Speaker D: This is putting a lot of faith in my dice rolls right now. Oh, never mind. 17 on the dice without anything added. I forget if I add shit, do I add shit to this spellcasting modifier that. You're so right. So 19, actually.
[00:32:43] Speaker B: Wahoo.
[00:32:43] Speaker D: It's been a minute.
[00:32:44] Speaker A: Okay. The daggers like fall. They clatter to the ground and then sort of just kind of sink into the floor and then they're gone.
[00:32:52] Speaker D: And that one will yell. I don't know about him, but Opal, Lady, Nadia's mother.
She's glowing blue. She wasn't last time. So unless she's concentrating on something and we're not aware of it.
I'm so good at talking.
[00:33:08] Speaker C: It's so Melwyn and I love it.
[00:33:10] Speaker D: That's so me.
[00:33:10] Speaker A: That's the problem, Yarin. Starts like he's standing on your shoulder still, and he's doing the boxer thing. When they warm up and they're moving around and jumping around and he's just punching the air right by your.
[00:33:24] Speaker D: Why do we let me have responsibility over the little green man? I'm going to get him killed.
[00:33:29] Speaker C: He's scared of ID and Myla. And also Auden.
[00:33:33] Speaker D: Such a mistake.
[00:33:35] Speaker A: So you've nailed it. Default process of elimination.
Great. Auden, it's your turn. You did just Watch id. Like, back away from Erendril and Erendrill for the first time. Kind of has a slight, like, facial expression. Just a very slight, like, it looks like a more intense, concentrated stare towards id, but it's not. It's not much.
[00:34:04] Speaker C: She's gonna look over to I.D.
what's going on? Should I get him or get her?
[00:34:10] Speaker E: Chef's choice. I don't know.
[00:34:13] Speaker C: Great.
Auden is going to say nothing. She's gonna nod, and she's gonna skedaddle on over to Opal.
Whoa. Oh, my gosh. There's a bendy ruler now.
[00:34:30] Speaker A: It doesn't work. I need to get rid of it because I. I've not figured out how it works.
[00:34:35] Speaker C: And she's gonna take a swing at one bow.
[00:34:39] Speaker A: Oh, my God. It is working. Oh, my God. That's crazy. Do you see that? Whoa.
[00:34:44] Speaker B: Pythagoras. Your theorems.
[00:34:46] Speaker E: Get Pythagoras.
[00:34:49] Speaker B: This is gonna make angles so much easier.
[00:34:52] Speaker D: I need y'all to know that that wasn't a triangle for the audience.
[00:34:56] Speaker E: It was an angle.
[00:34:57] Speaker B: It was an angle.
[00:34:58] Speaker A: It was two thirds of a triangle.
[00:34:59] Speaker D: Tigris isn't for angles. It's triangle.
[00:35:02] Speaker B: Sometimes if you're. If something is a certain number of feet away on the map and you're a certain number of feet up on a 2D map, you need to figure out how 3D the line works.
[00:35:13] Speaker A: It's flashbacks. It's not your turn, Jay, which means you have to be quiet, okay?
[00:35:17] Speaker B: Whoa. You will not silence me. I am this team's rules lawyer.
[00:35:24] Speaker A: This is against the law.
[00:35:27] Speaker C: Everyone wouldn't have be funny if we muted Jay on our own ends.
[00:35:31] Speaker D: You say this Anna is the server admin? Anna could just mute her with server muter.
[00:35:36] Speaker B: Do it.
[00:35:37] Speaker A: It'll still be a recording kicked from the discord. Unfortunately, I can't mute her audacity, so whatever she says will still be on.
[00:35:45] Speaker D: The audio chat, which makes it even better, honestly.
[00:35:47] Speaker C: I got a 22 to hit.
[00:35:49] Speaker A: A 22 to hit. Definitely hits.
[00:35:52] Speaker C: Okay, for damage, that is going to be.
[00:35:59] Speaker D: Oh, I should clarify that. I quicken spelled to make that dispel magic happen, because my action dashed. I thought about it in my head, and I had the meta in my head and then did not say that. So before anybody comes for my ass, I did. I used to quicken spell. I just didn't.
[00:36:16] Speaker A: I forgot to say it sounds good.
[00:36:18] Speaker C: 15 points of damage on the first attack as she swings her hammer around, she's sort of swinging it in such a way where she's trying to, like, clock her across the face so she's not looking at Nadia anymore and directing it towards her, which presumably would have happened anyway just for hitting her with a big hammer, but, you know, for the flavor.
[00:36:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Weirdly, it's like pushing her face, but not as much as it would for anybody else.
[00:36:50] Speaker C: What's. Remind me of the policy on little checkies.
[00:36:54] Speaker A: You can make little checks.
[00:36:55] Speaker C: Can I make a little checky?
[00:36:56] Speaker B: Little checks.
[00:36:57] Speaker C: I don't even know what checky I would make is the thing.
[00:37:00] Speaker D: What the fuck is going on? Check.
[00:37:02] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, unfortunately, my modifier in all those is not super great. So I'll think on it. I'm gonna make a second attack.
[00:37:11] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:37:12] Speaker D: No, thank. Just hit. Consider the check under the check.
[00:37:15] Speaker C: That one is an 18 to hit.
[00:37:17] Speaker A: All right. You do right before it would hit right before you make contact. She again, like, phases out of there.
[00:37:26] Speaker C: Ah.
[00:37:26] Speaker A: Ends up right kind of at the top of the cliff face. The indoor platform. I don't know what to call it. Goodness. Just. She just kind of stands there like nothing has happened.
[00:37:40] Speaker C: Okay. Auden is gonna say, you do this every single time. She's gonna turn around to look at, like, the rest of her party. She's like, they're not even doing anything. What if we just kept walking through that door right there? And she's going to use her movement, the rest of her movement. She has 15 more feet. She's going to start moving towards, presumably, the exit.
[00:38:03] Speaker A: Yeah, there is a hall. It seems to be a sort of wider hallway at the bottom of this room or the opposite end from the way you came in.
[00:38:13] Speaker C: She's just going to say, they're not acting smug. They're not acting, like, cheeky about anything. I. Something here is very, very strange.
I don't think I have anything as a bonus action, so I'm gonna go ahead and pass my turn to the next person.
[00:38:31] Speaker A: All right. The next person is Aarondril. Everyone's crowd favorite, favorite name to fuck up.
[00:38:40] Speaker C: We love him for real. Honestly, he's creepy.
[00:38:42] Speaker A: All right, all right, I get it. Okay. I understand.
Okay, I gotta look up compelled duel because I already forgot the stuff.
[00:38:49] Speaker E: I got it. If he wants to move away from me or into a space that is more than 30ft of me, he has to make a wisdom saving throw. And if he attacks anybody other than me, he has disadvantage.
[00:39:02] Speaker A: Andro will then move towards you by about 15ft. He is still 20ft away from you, but he just kind of raises an arm slowly and points at you. And this one I think is a save. Oh, nope, it's a spell attack. Dig back.
[00:39:21] Speaker E: Go for it.
[00:39:22] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:39:22] Speaker A: It's like 23, I think.
[00:39:23] Speaker E: Yes, that is a hit.
[00:39:25] Speaker A: All right. You are now only going to do half damage with your weapon attacks that use strength.
[00:39:32] Speaker E: All right. I think that applies to all the damage.
[00:39:35] Speaker A: Half damage with weapon attacks that use strength.
[00:39:37] Speaker E: Great.
[00:39:38] Speaker A: At the end of your turns, you can make a con save against the spell.
[00:39:44] Speaker E: Sick.
[00:39:44] Speaker A: But if anyone wants to know, this one is Ravenfeeblement.
[00:39:48] Speaker C: Oh, no.
[00:39:49] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:39:50] Speaker A: So Arendelle is also now concentrating. That's going to be his turn, I think. It is Nadia's turn. She's going to put her bow, sling it back over her shoulder, and she's going to look at Auden and just kind of like understanding what she means. But she wants to do stuff anyway, so she takes out her notebook and scribbles something real quick. She looks at Arendril because she doesn't actually know where Opal went. Opal is, like, sort of above her sightline at the moment. And her back, she's not facing in that way. So she looks at Arendelle and she's going to draw something real quick. He looks up and just sees this.
[00:40:33] Speaker B: It looks.
[00:40:34] Speaker A: It would be a small boat if you were actually in it, but, like, let's go. Currently, it's not good when it's falling on somebody.
[00:40:43] Speaker D: Looney Tunes that shit.
[00:40:46] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:40:46] Speaker A: He just looks up and sees, like, a wooden boat falling from the sky. I like this because I think it's funny, but I did roll a NAT one.
[00:40:56] Speaker E: Hell yes. Oh, that's a good thing.
[00:40:59] Speaker D: Resisting wild.
[00:41:01] Speaker C: Oh, yay. Sorry. I don't know why I was thinking backwards.
[00:41:05] Speaker D: I love that he looked up at it too. That just makes it better.
[00:41:08] Speaker A: Well, you gotta know it's coming to make a Dex save, you know? Yeah, I guess.
Great. This boat, like, shatters to pieces as it cracks over his head. He does crumple over.
A lot of the pieces start, like, cutting up his body. Like the worst splinters in your life. Doesn't look like that was a great hit for him.
[00:41:30] Speaker B: Does he have to make a concentration check?
[00:41:32] Speaker D: Yes, he does.
[00:41:33] Speaker A: Yeah. No, it's actually not even possible. Whoa.
[00:41:36] Speaker D: Get wrecked.
[00:41:39] Speaker A: So he is no longer concentrating on Raven. Peoplemit.
[00:41:43] Speaker B: Wahoo.
[00:41:44] Speaker E: Its muscles shrink and then regrow instantly.
[00:41:48] Speaker A: Nadia runs out behind Odin and kind of double checks that, like, Auden still wants to run. And then goes another 30ft towards the entrance of the hall. She's a rogue and she can do that. All right. Myla. Your turn.
[00:42:05] Speaker B: Myla is going to take her full movement to continue going south towards her friends.
[00:42:09] Speaker A: By the way, you also cannot see Opal currently until you round the corner.
[00:42:14] Speaker B: That is okay. Halfway there. When I get about 15ft towards my friends in that direction, I would love to look at Aaron drill and use my free check to make an arcana check to see if he has been created by some sort of spell.
[00:42:29] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:42:30] Speaker B: Cool.
Oh, my gosh. I really like being good at things. I'm so sorry if you can't relate. That's a 32.
[00:42:40] Speaker A: Oh, my God. This is, like, one of the most powerful illusions you've ever seen, because it's taking damage, it's dealing damage, and you're able to hit it but not touch it. It is some very weird form of an illusion, for sure.
[00:42:57] Speaker B: Myla's gonna say under her breath, these fuckers aren't real.
And then she's gonna say out loud, these fuckers aren't real.
And she's gonna be mad, and she's gonna call Isaac to her with her part of her bonus action is going to continue her movement forward with Otter Isaac. So she gets kind of next up next to Ari with her normal movement, continuing her bonus action. In that moment, she's going to command Otter Isaac to shoot at Arendril. Because even if he's an illusion, screw this, man. I hate him.
[00:43:33] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:43:35] Speaker B: That's going to be a. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Math.
21 to hit for sure.
[00:43:42] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely a hit.
[00:43:44] Speaker B: And that's gonna be.
[00:43:46] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:43:47] Speaker B: Two points of force damage. Yippee. But he's pushed five feet away from me.
[00:43:53] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:43:54] Speaker B: And then Myla's gonna use her action to dash further in towards the hall on the other end. She's gonna be kind of like diagonal over Auden's right shoulder as she's running, as Myla just sort of sprints forward and is like, why they're not real.
And she's just, like, really frustrated that these bitches aren't here. For real. For real. She wanted to kill them.
And that's gonna be her turn.
[00:44:25] Speaker A: It is Ari's turn, and she looks at it and goes, so do we just leave then?
[00:44:32] Speaker E: I guess we're just leaving.
[00:44:34] Speaker A: I. Okay. She just starts running towards the exit hall, and she doesn't make it quite as far up to Nadia, but she is pretty close behind.
That's gonna be her turn, I think. Id, it's your turn.
[00:44:49] Speaker E: I am going to. I don't need concentration on that anymore. So IDs just going to Drop concentration on compel duel because he doesn't need to duel him. Okay, we'll move movement and dash 60ft. Actually, he'll probably movement and dash just 40ft. What am I doing? I don't know what to do right now. It's gonna just movement southwest to get Auden and Myla into his aura, but be closer to the door and will take the dodge action so that if anybody tries to hit, he is harder to hit. He hunkers down behind his shield. And that'll be my turn.
[00:45:36] Speaker A: Absolutely. Alrighty. It is Opal's turn. She just kind of turns to see you all heading towards the exit and she's going to probably cast a spell. Crazy.
[00:45:49] Speaker D: Actually cast a spell or use that weird spell ability that she has.
[00:45:52] Speaker A: She's going to actually cast a spell.
[00:45:54] Speaker D: Counter.
[00:45:55] Speaker A: Spell Rol.
Working with high level shit here.
[00:45:58] Speaker D: I don't care. Fuck you. No, you don't get to play the game. You're not even real dirty. 20.
[00:46:05] Speaker B: Nice.
[00:46:05] Speaker E: Get a 10th level spell counter.
[00:46:08] Speaker B: It's an 11th level spell.
[00:46:11] Speaker A: You're so right. Ah, shit.
[00:46:13] Speaker D: No way.
[00:46:14] Speaker E: She's casting create universe. Actually, an 11th level spell.
[00:46:18] Speaker B: She's. She's casting break fourth wall. Thank you.
[00:46:23] Speaker D: No spell for you. Fuck you.
[00:46:25] Speaker A: All right, she's going to try another one.
[00:46:28] Speaker E: Whoa.
[00:46:29] Speaker D: How?
[00:46:29] Speaker A: Good question.
[00:46:30] Speaker C: Magic.
[00:46:31] Speaker D: I don't like that. I don't. I don't have another reaction. I'm not special like that.
[00:46:36] Speaker B: Does it seem to be like the same spell or is it like.
[00:46:38] Speaker A: No, it looks like a different spell.
[00:46:40] Speaker B: Like mechanically. Is it like a bonus action or.
[00:46:42] Speaker A: Yeah, seems like a bonus action if you were doing this in game terms.
[00:46:46] Speaker B: Gotcha.
[00:46:49] Speaker A: Myla is closest, so she's just gonna target Myla with this.
[00:46:54] Speaker D: I'm assuming this is something weird because typically speaking, you can't bonus action, a leveled spell. Unless you have Quicken spell.
[00:47:01] Speaker E: Right. Or it could be casting through a magic item as a bonus action.
[00:47:05] Speaker A: All right, I need you to make a constitution save with plus four.
[00:47:09] Speaker B: With plus four.
[00:47:10] Speaker A: Whoa.
[00:47:11] Speaker B: Okay, Ease me.
Hi, I'm. The problem is me.
[00:47:17] Speaker D: Yeah, but if you die, I can fix you, so it's okay.
[00:47:20] Speaker B: Okay. Seven. I rolled a seven on the die. My addition to constitution saves is seven, so that's a 14, plus four is an 18. And I will use my reaction to Flash of genius for a 22.
[00:47:32] Speaker C: Ooh, nice.
[00:47:33] Speaker B: Or 23. Sorry.
[00:47:34] Speaker E: Oh, my God.
[00:47:35] Speaker A: This swarm of purple insects just comes and like swirls around you, tries to kind of bite under your skin, and you shake it off very quickly and they all fly away.
[00:47:47] Speaker B: Can I be a little bit of a flavor queen here and say that the bugs. That Myla's hair, instead of being a blue flame, flashes purple and the bugs are attracted to the flame and they just go into her hair and don't come out. And she looks at Opal and she says, you can come find me when you're actually you. Coward.
[00:48:11] Speaker A: She again has no reaction.
[00:48:14] Speaker B: Myla flips her off.
[00:48:17] Speaker A: Melon. You have your reaction back, so that's good.
[00:48:21] Speaker D: You said they're both illusions, right?
[00:48:24] Speaker A: Myla made that check on Erendryl.
[00:48:28] Speaker D: Uh, gotcha. And she did scream that they're not real.
[00:48:32] Speaker A: Arendelle looks the same as Opal. Like, same blue aura. So it's up to you whatever you want to think.
[00:48:38] Speaker D: So safe to assume. So the fun fact, the range for DISPEL Magic is 120ft. And it's one magical effect.
I don't know if just saying I want to end the illusion counts for that. Shit's weird. I don't know.
[00:48:57] Speaker A: I mean, I think. I don't have target one or the other unless it reaches between the two of them.
[00:49:02] Speaker D: Counterpoint. I have twin spell.
Just sorcery things, you know? Just sorcery things. I mean, would that work?
[00:49:12] Speaker A: You gotta try it. I can't just tell you that you.
[00:49:15] Speaker E: Are allowed to target more than one thing with dispel magic and twin spell.
[00:49:20] Speaker D: If you had said you didn't think it was worth trying, I wouldn't go for it.
[00:49:24] Speaker A: Do what? Do whatever you think works. Not here to step on any toes. Most of the time, a little bit.
[00:49:32] Speaker E: My toes feel squamped.
[00:49:36] Speaker A: Sorry.
[00:49:37] Speaker B: You step on our toes, we crash into yours.
[00:49:41] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[00:49:42] Speaker D: That's good. Natural 20 plus 2 for 20.
[00:49:45] Speaker A: Whoa.
[00:49:46] Speaker E: Today is the day.
[00:49:47] Speaker B: Grace's dice say no good rolls in the house tonight.
[00:49:51] Speaker E: Speak for yourself. My roles have been so bad.
[00:49:53] Speaker D: Whoa.
[00:49:54] Speaker A: Who are you targeting first? Opal or Arendelle?
[00:49:57] Speaker D: So twin spell means I'm targeting both of at the same time.
[00:50:00] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[00:50:01] Speaker D: So it's a spell that usually targets one target that can now do. Not one target, two targets. In fact, that is the word I was looking for.
[00:50:11] Speaker A: You watch them both, like, flicker at the same time. Kind of like a. I don't know, like a bad connection. And Aarondril doesn't seem to come back. Opal goes out for like a half second and is back.
[00:50:25] Speaker C: Hmm. Interesting.
[00:50:27] Speaker A: Go away.
[00:50:29] Speaker D: I don't know.
[00:50:30] Speaker C: Begone.
[00:50:31] Speaker A: She's been here the whole time.
[00:50:35] Speaker D: I don't like you, lady.
[00:50:37] Speaker A: Let it Be all right. And then.
Yeah, what else do you want to do? Race.
[00:50:42] Speaker D: It's fully mellow and just being like, stranger danger. Don't like you. Anyway, me being an idiot aside. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Melwyn cannot move very fast, but that's okay. She's not a sportsy little girl.
[00:50:55] Speaker A: Fair.
[00:50:56] Speaker C: She's no athlete, but she is a mathlete in my mind.
[00:51:01] Speaker D: Yeah, There we go. Anyway, Melon has moved toward the others. Motherfucker's gone. The other bitch is still there for some reason. I don't know what the story is there.
[00:51:12] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. All right, it is Auden's turn.
[00:51:15] Speaker C: I am going to have her skedaddle. She's, like, so over it. And she's gonna go 40ft down the tunnel.
All right, that's everything I'll do.
[00:51:28] Speaker A: Okay.
It is Nadia's turn. She's also just gonna keep running, and I guess she'll dash because she can. So she goes around the bend. You can't see her anymore, Auden.
[00:51:42] Speaker C: Bye.
[00:51:43] Speaker A: Hopefully she's good. Myla, your turn.
[00:51:47] Speaker B: Myla is going to not want to leave Melwyn and Id and Ari in here. So what she's going to do is she's going to continue moving a little bit towards the hallway, but is going to hug the wall on the other side of ID is going to use, like, 20ft of movement to do that. She's gonna look up at Opal.
Bonus action.
She's holding Otter Isaac in her left hand. And Otter Isaac's going to shoot at Opal.
[00:52:23] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:52:23] Speaker B: Because he can. He's an otter with a gun.
[00:52:28] Speaker A: Of course. Of course.
[00:52:30] Speaker B: Mim, I don't think that's gonna hit, but 14.
[00:52:36] Speaker A: A 14 does hit.
[00:52:38] Speaker B: Oh, coolio. She's gonna take 10 points of force damage and be pushed back five feet.
[00:52:44] Speaker A: Of note, this opal does not have any evidence of her previous wounds.
[00:52:51] Speaker D: Great. Cool. I love that so much.
[00:52:54] Speaker E: Very illusion.
[00:52:55] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a new one.
[00:52:57] Speaker A: Fuck this bitch.
[00:52:59] Speaker D: What a bitch.
[00:53:00] Speaker A: Yeah, that's fair. That's valid hatred. If my players hate my guys, that's good.
[00:53:09] Speaker D: If they hate your villain. Yes. I feel like that is the goal.
[00:53:13] Speaker C: Job well done.
[00:53:15] Speaker A: I exist to annoy you all into submission. No, just kidding.
[00:53:20] Speaker B: I think that she sees that there's no wounds on this opal, but I think that she sees it. But I don't think it registers with her that there are no wounds. I think that she is just flat out like, you're not here. You're gone. You're dead. I will kill You.
And as she sort of, like, looks with that similar, like, blaze in her eyes, she's going to. With Otter Isaac in her left hand and her arcane firearm in her right, she's going to point it out, and she's going to shoot.
[00:53:57] Speaker A: Bring it, Jay.
I'm just kidding.
[00:54:00] Speaker B: That's gonna be an 18 to hit.
[00:54:03] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:54:03] Speaker B: And then it's my arcane firearm, so it's a little funky, but that's okay. Okay, so that's gonna be a additional point. 9 points of damage on top.
[00:54:16] Speaker A: What was the first number? Nine plus.
[00:54:18] Speaker B: No, it's nine.
[00:54:19] Speaker A: Just nine.
[00:54:20] Speaker B: Nine from the gun and then the ten from Otter Isaac.
[00:54:23] Speaker A: Got it. Okay. That's what you meant by additional. I understood.
[00:54:25] Speaker B: Mylet's gonna continue a little bit towards this bottleneck of a tunnel and is going to look at ID And Melwyn is gonna say, come on, that's my turn.
[00:54:37] Speaker D: I got little legs. I can't move that fast.
[00:54:41] Speaker A: All right. Ari's just gonna keep running, though. She's keeping an eye backwards just to, like, make sure everyone keeps coming. So she is gonna just kind of come up next to Auden, so that's where she can continue to see people and, like, make sure everyone's on their way as well.
ID it's your turn.
[00:55:02] Speaker E: I will move to be right in the entryway of this tunnel, ready and waiting for Melwyn and keeping Myla within my aura just in case.
[00:55:13] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:55:14] Speaker E: And that will be my turn.
[00:55:15] Speaker A: All right, it is Opal's turn. She is going to cast another spell.
[00:55:21] Speaker D: This bitch. Sorry.
Is she worth burning another spell slot on? I don't feel like she's worth running another spell slot on.
[00:55:28] Speaker E: You've spent, like, four, three.
[00:55:32] Speaker D: I have more.
[00:55:33] Speaker E: I know, but we might need them for something after this.
[00:55:36] Speaker D: I know. That's why I don't think she's worth it. Yeah, that, and she's kind of a cunt.
[00:55:40] Speaker E: Damn.
[00:55:41] Speaker A: Yeah. Valid O.
[00:55:45] Speaker C: Melwyn.
[00:55:47] Speaker D: Listen, if I don't say it in the cutesy voice, it's not Melwyn talking, but Melwyn's thinking.
[00:55:53] Speaker C: I think Melwyn should say it.
[00:55:55] Speaker A: That's one of the words the puppet taught her.
Ari. I think Ari would be taken aback, but, like, not shocked. Just a little bit. Like, I guess we're going there. Okay.
[00:56:10] Speaker D: No, you know what it would be? It would be a very disappointed look toward ID And Myla.
You did this.
[00:56:17] Speaker B: I'm trying to think of anyone cares here if Melwyn said.
Because Milo wouldn't care.
[00:56:23] Speaker A: All right, she. Opal's gonna cast A spell that is gonna go right at the entrance of this hallway.
[00:56:31] Speaker D: Oh, that's not.
[00:56:33] Speaker A: Melon and Myla are outside of this.
[00:56:37] Speaker E: Can she see that point?
[00:56:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know that she has.
[00:56:41] Speaker D: A line of sight.
[00:56:42] Speaker A: All right, well, then she'll move here then. How's that? Is that better? Okay. Great.
[00:56:48] Speaker E: Movement Dynamic battlefield.
[00:56:52] Speaker A: She moves a little bit northward and a little bit to the right so she can see in the center point of this hallway. Although I guess center, like, on an actual space would be this one. Something like that. Anyway, it is covering the hallway.
[00:57:08] Speaker D: I do like the visual of her just kind of, like, scooting. Just like.
[00:57:13] Speaker A: Yeah, she's just. She's already cast this bell. She scoots a little bit and then drops it, like, on the point she wanted.
There's a twisting sphere filled with smoke and flaming embers that are just whipping in this area.
Melwyn, Otter, Isaac and Melwyn and Yaren are not within it. Nadia is too far ahead. But id, Ari and Auden are within this.
And actually, Ari and Auden are barely outside of ID's aura range, unfortunately, so.
[00:57:52] Speaker D: How much health does Ari have?
[00:57:55] Speaker A: 91.
[00:57:57] Speaker E: I have healing.
[00:57:59] Speaker C: Okay. She'll be fine.
[00:58:00] Speaker D: I can. I can. I can fix. I can fix one of you. If you die. Dash.
[00:58:04] Speaker E: I think we're gonna get one shotted by this now.
[00:58:06] Speaker C: We're fine. Am I seeing her cast it? Like, will I be making this with advantage as a barbarian?
[00:58:12] Speaker E: Yes. You can see it.
[00:58:14] Speaker C: Yippee.
[00:58:18] Speaker D: Too enthusiastic in the dice roll.
Off it goes.
[00:58:22] Speaker C: Off it goes. Let's give that another.
I got a dirty 20.
[00:58:27] Speaker A: Ari rolled badly. Oh, no. What did.
[00:58:30] Speaker B: What did id get?
[00:58:32] Speaker E: I got a 12 total. I'm gonna.
[00:58:36] Speaker B: Flash of genius. Plus five.
[00:58:39] Speaker E: 17 total.
[00:58:40] Speaker D: Moving up in the world.
[00:58:42] Speaker A: All of you within this are going to take. Ari takes 47 points of damage. The other of you take half. 20.
[00:58:51] Speaker C: 23 or 2023. Yeah, that's fine. Whatever. It's fine. We could take a short rest.
[00:58:58] Speaker D: Why'd y'all have to be human?
[00:59:01] Speaker B: Only human.
[00:59:02] Speaker A: Great. That's gonna be Opal's turn. I believe. She.
She is concentrating on this.
[00:59:08] Speaker C: Concentrating on it.
[00:59:10] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:59:10] Speaker B: Whoa.
[00:59:11] Speaker E: Incendiary cloud.
[00:59:13] Speaker A: All right, Melanie.
[00:59:15] Speaker D: It's a good spell. It's a good spell, but it's annoying as shit when we have to go through it.
There's so many spell slots on this freaking bitch.
[00:59:25] Speaker E: You could just blast her. Just make a concentration check.
[00:59:29] Speaker D: I could.
[00:59:30] Speaker B: True.
[00:59:31] Speaker A: She hasn't concentrated on dispell the whole fight.
[00:59:34] Speaker E: Right. Cloud of daggers for a Tiny bit.
[00:59:37] Speaker A: Oh, yes. Before Melwyn dispelled.
[00:59:39] Speaker D: Fucking fuck you. Magic missiles.
[00:59:42] Speaker E: Hell, yeah.
[00:59:44] Speaker D: I forgot I had that. Genuinely, how many missiles do I get from them?
[00:59:47] Speaker A: Three at base level.
[00:59:49] Speaker D: All right, cool. I forget. Do I roll these separately? I never gasp.
[00:59:53] Speaker E: Interpretation.
[00:59:54] Speaker A: I will have you roll them separately because I think it just averages out to be better. It doesn't feel as bad when you roll one. And I want you guys to come back for the next episode, so I have to be a little bit nice.
[01:00:07] Speaker E: All of the missiles have plus one damage every time.
[01:00:10] Speaker A: Yeah. All right, so you can roll all three and then add plus three if you want.
[01:00:14] Speaker D: I can't read these dice. Why did I pick these up?
Nine damage.
[01:00:19] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:00:20] Speaker D: This.
Don't like her.
[01:00:23] Speaker A: That does not seem to trigger a concentration check from her.
[01:00:27] Speaker D: You.
[01:00:30] Speaker B: What is going on here?
[01:00:32] Speaker C: Schemes, no doubt.
[01:00:34] Speaker D: I don't like her.
[01:00:37] Speaker A: All right. Anything else? Melan, do you want to move closer?
[01:00:41] Speaker D: I'm gonna. I'm leaving. I'm off this.
[01:00:46] Speaker A: Owen's like, actually, I'm really sick of this.
[01:00:48] Speaker D: Yeah, she's somewhere here. I don't know.
[01:00:51] Speaker A: What are you concentrating on?
[01:00:53] Speaker D: Detect magic, technically.
[01:00:54] Speaker A: Oh, right. Yes.
[01:00:55] Speaker D: Thank you, Jay. Put it there because I forgot that it's a concentration spell.
[01:01:00] Speaker A: That is true.
[01:01:01] Speaker D: Melan just has it up the entire time we're in here. So I'm like, ah, yes. This thing she's just detecting.
[01:01:07] Speaker A: All right, well, this big cloud in front of you is very bright, so there's that also. All right.
[01:01:14] Speaker D: Probably do something about Aden.
[01:01:17] Speaker A: It's your turn.
[01:01:18] Speaker C: Okie dokie.
[01:01:20] Speaker A: The only person you can see in here is Ari. And you can only really see the five feet, like, on either side.
[01:01:24] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:01:25] Speaker A: It's basically a blinding effect.
[01:01:26] Speaker C: So here's what I'm cooking with here. Do I need. Since I'm starting my turn, do I need to make do I. Am I taking any damage starting here?
[01:01:36] Speaker A: Yeah. No, only if you end your turn.
[01:01:38] Speaker C: Okay, great. Okay.
In that case. Yeah. I mean, I have wall of water, but based on, like, the.
What's the word?
[01:01:48] Speaker A: I'm looking for dimensions.
[01:01:49] Speaker C: The measurements. The dimensions. Yeah, the dimensions. I don't think that's gonna be super helpful in this moment, which makes me sad.
[01:01:57] Speaker D: Could you just pick up Ari and.
[01:01:59] Speaker C: Yeah, but then you guys are gonna get toasted. Coming through.
[01:02:02] Speaker E: We don't get toasted. Well, I'm not gonna get toasted because I'm entering. I am starting in there, and I can just run through, but, yeah, they're gonna have to enter it at some point.
[01:02:12] Speaker D: I can Take some toasting.
[01:02:14] Speaker E: Milo's resistance Fire.
[01:02:16] Speaker C: Okay. Every man for him. Just kidding. Auden's gonna kind of grab onto Ari's shoulder and just, you know, kind of like with her other hand, just kind of like, you know, fanning her face, coughing. She's gonna say, the tunnel goes this way. Let's just get out of here quickly.
Her. She doesn't have her rage anymore because last time she just moved. She didn't make an attack, so she. She and Ari are just gonna.
She's gonna drag her along. Is that legal? Is that allowed?
[01:02:50] Speaker A: What's your. Yeah, that's fine.
You are gonna move at half mo. You're gonna move at half speed, okay? Because you're carrying somebody.
[01:02:58] Speaker C: It's gonna be 5, 10, 15, 20. Is Ari out of there or is she.
[01:03:05] Speaker A: Ari is not out of there.
[01:03:06] Speaker C: That makes me feel scummy. Hold up.
[01:03:08] Speaker E: You could dash.
[01:03:10] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, I could dash.
[01:03:11] Speaker A: Yeah, you can dash.
[01:03:12] Speaker C: What am I doing?
[01:03:13] Speaker D: Yeah, you are.
[01:03:14] Speaker A: You could. Hey, you could also rage to get your half your movement.
[01:03:17] Speaker C: I'll save that for later.
Not. She's just gonna drag Ahri fireman style through the blaze and hang out with Nadia, who's presumably not left us all behind.
[01:03:28] Speaker A: Holy moly. Wait. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 80ft, 30, 35, 40.
[01:03:34] Speaker E: Moving at half speed because. Because of carrying.
[01:03:36] Speaker C: Oh, well, you're right. It's half.
[01:03:37] Speaker A: So you're right. You can be in the spot behind Nadia. Right, Great. Yeah, right there. Calm down. Good.
[01:03:43] Speaker C: This is fine.
[01:03:44] Speaker A: Great.
[01:03:44] Speaker C: Okay. And I'm done.
[01:03:46] Speaker A: All right. Nadia looks at the two of you. Coming around the corner is like, are you good?
[01:03:52] Speaker D: She got settled by her crispy fish sick and tongue. Sorry.
[01:03:58] Speaker C: Quit turning me into seafood.
[01:04:02] Speaker A: She just kind of looks at you guys, makes sure that you're aware and know where you are, and then she just keeps moving down the hallway. She's not dashing at this point. She just wants to kind of stick with the crew. But she is sort of leading the way at the moment.
[01:04:17] Speaker C: Yeah, but if we kept getting blasted. She does not want to be a part of that. Which I respect.
[01:04:21] Speaker A: She's going to make an investigation. Check. She's just looking around the tunnel to check for traps or anything.
Doesn't see anything so far. Myla, it's your turn. Your friends have all disappeared into this flame smokesphere.
[01:04:38] Speaker B: Myla's gonna move five feet closer to Melwyn, is going to grab Melwyn, and is going to continue her movement to say first free check. I'm really sorry, mellon, but we gotta.
[01:04:52] Speaker A: Get out of here.
[01:04:52] Speaker B: And she's gonna drop drag Melwyn half speed into the cloud. Unfortunately.
[01:04:59] Speaker E: This is so smart by Jay.
[01:05:01] Speaker B: I'm gonna go through here to get.
So that's movement. We're both gonna have to make dexterity saves thingies. Right?
[01:05:10] Speaker E: Dexterity saves, but with aura plus four.
[01:05:12] Speaker B: Okay. We're both within its aura, so that's a 16 from me. Yep.
[01:05:17] Speaker D: Nope.
All those good rolls gone. Not one.
[01:05:21] Speaker C: Oh, no, sorry, I changed it.
[01:05:23] Speaker D: No, it's okay.
[01:05:24] Speaker A: People typically reroll for the damage in here.
[01:05:29] Speaker E: Yeah, you don't have to, though, with aura.
[01:05:31] Speaker D: Total of.
Total of eight, I think. No, seven. I can't max.
[01:05:40] Speaker A: All right, you both fail. You both take 32 points of damage.
[01:05:44] Speaker B: Which is halved again for me because. Well, not halved again, but it's halved for me because I'm resistant to fire damage.
[01:05:49] Speaker A: Right, sure.
[01:05:50] Speaker D: Not actually Cool.
[01:05:52] Speaker B: I know you're not, but we're gonna have. It was a chance and we had to take it.
[01:05:56] Speaker D: You're fine. I'm just squishy.
[01:06:00] Speaker B: Action.
Myla is going to dash.
[01:06:04] Speaker D: One downside to switching from warlock. Fun fact. I have less hit points than I would have, actually.
[01:06:10] Speaker A: That's fair.
[01:06:11] Speaker C: Uh oh.
[01:06:12] Speaker B: So action. Myla dashed further into the cloud and is going to use her bonus action to cast expeditious retreat on herself.
[01:06:22] Speaker D: Oh, you're so smart.
[01:06:24] Speaker B: And is going to go 5, 10, 15, getting us both out of the incendiary cloud on the other side of it.
[01:06:33] Speaker A: Nice. Cool.
[01:06:34] Speaker E: Everybody should hire Jay.
[01:06:35] Speaker A: I was like, uh, oh, I'm going to have to roll again. They're both gonna end there.
[01:06:42] Speaker D: Really, really good. Because Melwyn would not have made it through there, actually.
[01:06:46] Speaker B: Yeah. And so Myla is going to pat out some of the flames on Melody. Like, I'm so sorry, but we had to get out of there because it's really bad hurting and you. Opal, she's not real. She's not real. How could she do this if she's not real? And she's like, kind of go going a little crazy, and she's frantically looking back for id, and that is her turn.
[01:07:10] Speaker D: I was about to say, you know you left ID back there, right?
[01:07:13] Speaker B: He's a big boy.
[01:07:14] Speaker A: Isaac has to take damage too, by the way, if he's coming with.
[01:07:17] Speaker B: Oh, I mean, like, what about Yaren? He's probably gone then. But it's okay.
[01:07:22] Speaker A: Yarn is dead would also have to make.
[01:07:27] Speaker D: I can fix him. It's okay.
[01:07:30] Speaker E: They would have had to Ara too.
[01:07:31] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't think Yarn's Very dexterous. But he does take half. Okay, so 16 the damage.
[01:07:40] Speaker D: Wait, two. Yara. The plant takes half.
[01:07:43] Speaker E: He made the save.
[01:07:44] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[01:07:46] Speaker D: I didn't hear that. He made the save.
[01:07:47] Speaker A: He did make the save. Yeah. He's a fireproof plant now, you know? No, I'm kidding. No.
[01:07:53] Speaker C: It's like those pine cones that only drop seeds only when they're in a forest fire.
[01:07:59] Speaker A: No. Yarn's just completely unconscious for sure. Definitely making nest saves at this point.
Spare the dying.
[01:08:07] Speaker D: Spare the dying. Spare the dying. Melan melon's a healer.
[01:08:10] Speaker A: It's not. It's not your turn.
[01:08:13] Speaker D: I will bear the dying. He's not in Initiative.
[01:08:17] Speaker A: Ari looks on, is like, hey, thanks. That sucks. That's not. Oh, God.
What are. What are we doing? What are we doing? Who are they?
[01:08:29] Speaker D: That just.
[01:08:30] Speaker A: Is a go.
[01:08:31] Speaker D: Very Just.
[01:08:33] Speaker A: Okay, okay. She comes and runs right up behind Nadia, but she also is not.
Oh. Actually, before her turn is over, she's gonna second win herself.
[01:08:47] Speaker E: Noice.
[01:08:48] Speaker A: Hey, I rolled good on that.
[01:08:50] Speaker D: She's a fucking fighter.
[01:08:51] Speaker A: She's a fighter.
[01:08:53] Speaker D: Since when?
[01:08:54] Speaker A: You've never fought with her. I don't think Ari, like, shakes. Shakes off. Shakes everything off and readjusts your shoulders and everything. A lot of her wounds seem to, like, have kind of stopped bleeding and closing up a little bit, which is good.
Yeah. She like.
All right. It is not your turn.
[01:09:16] Speaker E: I don't want to end my turn in here. Movement and dash.
[01:09:19] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:09:21] Speaker E: Yeah. I gotta get. It's gonna move 40ft down the hallway and end his turn kind of in between Myla and Melwyn, just, like, goop dripping from his fingers. Ready to heal people when it's his turn again. Or soon in the future.
[01:09:38] Speaker B: See, Melvin, look, he's. He's. He's a big guy.
[01:09:41] Speaker A: He could.
[01:09:41] Speaker B: He can handle himself.
[01:09:42] Speaker D: He didn't come out crispy. That's not fair.
[01:09:44] Speaker A: We will leave Initiative because Opal stops chasing after you guys. So I don't want to play out the next, like, three turns in movements. So she's just going to stop chasing you all.
And we will pick up from there. I think we will have one more Dungeon episode. This has been a bit of a journey, but thanks for coming along. We will catch you next time. Bye.
[01:10:08] Speaker D: Bye.
[01:10:10] Speaker B: I'm a survivor.
[01:10:15] Speaker E: Hello, listeners, this is Ben. If you like what you just heard and want updates, trailers, or just to be informed when our new episodes come out, follow us on social media. Spellsandwhistlespod on Instagram and TikTok or Ellsworth Whistles on Twitter. We also have a community discord where we do things like D and D trivia, chat with our audience, get questions from our audience for things like bonus episodes.
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