Episode Transcript
[00:00:15] Speaker A: Hello, friends. Welcome to spells and a normally D and D five e podcast. But today, I'm in the driver's seat.
[00:00:24] Speaker B: How dare you?
[00:00:25] Speaker A: I'm Jay. And this way.
[00:00:27] Speaker C: Let me roll down my window.
[00:00:29] Speaker B: Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Meg, stop touching your.
[00:00:35] Speaker A: Are there. Throw up.
[00:00:36] Speaker C: Stop.
[00:00:37] Speaker B: Are we there yet?
[00:00:39] Speaker A: You can do what my little brother did in the same time. And he turned. He turned, and he had a bloody nose. Instead of being like, mom, I have a bloody nose. He turns around, he just goes, blood.
[00:00:51] Speaker D: I'm blasting darude sandstorm.
[00:00:54] Speaker A: Okay, that's. That's about right. That's about right. Um, if you can't tell, I have no control over anything that we do. Hi, I'm Jay, and today I'm gonna be your dragon keeper as we play attrpg called epileon.
Epileon. Epilion.
Epi lion.
But we'll talk about that a little bit later because I needed to tell you. You probably know who's already here. We have most of our main cast. Grace isn't here. Unfortunately. We will miss and cherish Grace for this one shot.
But I do have. Anastasia is my player now, so Anastasia's here.
[00:01:42] Speaker B: I have more control than you do in any given situation.
[00:01:47] Speaker A: Whoa. And Ben is also here.
[00:01:50] Speaker E: I have less control than you do in most given situations.
[00:01:55] Speaker A: And I have Meg here. Okay?
[00:01:57] Speaker B: I am your equal.
[00:01:59] Speaker C: We share control inside of you.
[00:02:02] Speaker B: There are three players, perfectly balanced.
[00:02:07] Speaker A: Okay, so for those of you who don't know, Epilian or Epillion is a powered by the apocalypse game system in which the players are dragons exploring the unknown. It's written by Marissa Kelly and distributed by Magpie Games. And we wanted to use the system to tell a story about a part of the inked expanse that we haven't had a chance to see yet. This sourcebook offers a vibrant game campaign setting called Dragonia, which is built on the idea of moon, magic, and darkness. But since this game takes place in a pre existing world, I've taken a few creative liberties with these concepts. However, the sources that Marisa provides in the sourcebook are exceptional, and they are very user friendly.
So please make sure to check out the rpg because it's phenomenal and amazing and very user friendly, which I've already said, but I'm saying it again because why not?
[00:02:57] Speaker C: It's just that friendly.
[00:03:00] Speaker A: It's just that friendly. Makes you want to get to know a gal, you know?
[00:03:04] Speaker B: If you're not a user of this game, though, watch out.
[00:03:07] Speaker D: It's still very friendly.
[00:03:08] Speaker C: Unuser, unfriendly.
That's how that works, right?
[00:03:19] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah, we'll go with it. Yeah, actually, yeah, we are. You know what, guys? I think we're getting a bit too silly. Goofy. And it's starting to scare me a little, so I'm gonna start the game.
The sunken islands are a mystery. In the current age of the inked expanse, humanoids alike have left the archipelago to its own devices, allowing its tropical wilds to grow untamed. For centuries, however, the sunken islands were not always regarded with such mystery and taboo.
600 years ago, the sunken islands flourished with wildlife. Beasts in flora had claimed the land for their own. Small offshoot islands were taken by different settlements of beasts. This is where we begin our story. We find ourselves on the islet of Makara, a thriving jungle of twisting trees and overgrown leaves, carving mountainsides and tired topography into illusions of floating landmasses.
It would be almost impossible for anything without the ability to fly to properly scale the island itself. It is here that a small hold of dragons known as the Solveig have chosen to flourish. Small and close knit, this hold has thrived on both its remoteness and its exclusivity, naming the archipelagos mainland mejira for themselves. They rarely need to leave Makara for anything. The solveig live quaint and fruitful lives on their own. They practice their own magics, build their own structures, and defend their own walls. A millennium of archived knowledge has prepared them for anything imaginable. And there is little about the sunken islands that they do not know.
We begin our story in one of these little, small carvings of island. It is very early in the morning. The people, well, people, dragons are just sort of starting to rise and start their, like, basically early morning routines, essentially.
And as the dawn crests over the mountainsides and the waterscapes.
Ben, where do we find your guy? And can you please describe your character?
[00:05:27] Speaker D: I think my guy, his name is Yette, is waking up.
He has slept in quite a bit. It's very relaxing in his little nested mass of earth and moss and soft leafy fronds.
Yetes playbook, which is kind of like a class, but not really, if, you know, powered by the apocalypse. They got playbooks, is the nature adept? And Yete doesn't look like a lot of other dragons because yete is mostly furry. There's these big clumps of furs that come out from between Yete's, like, large scales. And because the hair is so long, it just kind of, like, covers up most of the scales. They're still under there. Yete's body shape is kind of a mix between an elk and a bison. It's, like, tall and kind of thin with big moose like antlers, a snout that is wet with moisture that's partly dew and partly snot. Yeti has a long tongue that he uses to scoop around plants and pull them into his mouth that's full of flat herbivore teeth.
And he's got these wings that also have fur and feathers in addition to the regular leathery, scaly dragon tendencies.
He's just kind of like using his cloven hooved feet to get up. Just, like, shake some dew and wetness off of him.
[00:07:20] Speaker A: As you wake up, you notice that you are not quite alone in this little area. Not super close, but still closer than comfortable for just waking from sleep. You see an elder dragon, or rather an elder worm, who you know very well. She's sort of chewing on some plant. And she has these dark gray scales that sort of ombre down the back of her spine into a lighter gray at the end of the tail. You see granny doom sort of looks at you and says, ah, you're awake.
Welcome to the land of the living.
[00:07:57] Speaker E: Good morning, Granny.
[00:07:59] Speaker A: Did you sleep well?
[00:08:01] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:08:02] Speaker A: Have any dreams?
[00:08:04] Speaker E: No dreams, but I slept really good.
[00:08:07] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[00:08:08] Speaker B: Good, good, good.
[00:08:08] Speaker A: Well, it's time to get about moving. Starting the day. Your friends are going to be up soon. We gotta go, you know, make sure that everyone gets ready and all of that stuff. You see that she picks up another one of her little. They're almost these orange ish green, like yellowish green. Or that go to orange. Almost like a leaf that is going through an autumnal phase. An autumnal phase.
But it's just like that normally. And she sort of pops one more in her mouth, takes a deep breath. Oh, yeah, that's the good stuff. Okay. All right. Up and at them.
[00:08:44] Speaker E: What's today?
What's happening today? Why are we preparing?
[00:08:50] Speaker A: Oh, no, just nothing really. Just, you know, gotta go make the rounds, do the chores, get the groceries, all that stuff. You gotta come with me. You know me. You know, I need my, my scale ointment.
[00:09:05] Speaker E: Yes. I'm not applying it again. It's too hard without thumbs.
[00:09:11] Speaker A: Okay. Uh, well, maybe we can get one of your, uh, one of your other friends to help me out.
You see that? She sort of turns to the side and says, kind of like offstage. Right. Quote unquote. But under her breath is like, no, no, no. Not them. They've long since grown up. And she cracks her neck a little bit. She's like, okay, let's go. She picks up a little, like, woven, really crudely woven basket that's all asymmetrical. And she sort of crooks it in the little crook of her arm and begins clawing up the side of this structure and looks to you. Are you coming?
[00:09:52] Speaker E: A gubbing.
[00:09:53] Speaker D: Just Shakespeare. Loose moss off of his back.
[00:09:57] Speaker A: Amazing. We follow you and granny doom up a little bit, and as we follow you up, we scoot to the right a little bit, and we see a small patch of grass sort of at the top of this water feature. And next to it, we have a chopped down tree that has since become, like, a stump, which is used as a stool or maybe even a slightly smaller bed for some. And it's in this little grove where we see a few little very crudely made wooden tools kind of around. As this early morning light continues to rise. Anastasia, would you like to describe your character and what they are doing on this fine morning?
[00:10:38] Speaker B: Yes. I love them dearly.
Their name is Tiryujin, or most dragons just call them jinn.
Their pronouns are they them. They are the playbook, whatever the pillion wants to call it. They are the crafter.
And they have just, like, they have a very slender dragon frame with really bony fingers, really bony features. Everything's just kind of, like, harsh cheekbones, spindly fingers, and toes.
Even their tail is kind of really thin until it gets to the very end, where there's a big sort of club section. And they are just completely wrecked, I guess they not wrecked, but they're. They're completely, like, covered in evidence of arts and crafts, kind, like a kindergarten kid with some glue and access to crafts stuff. But their scales, which are, like, a dark and light blue kind of ombre ish, are covered by paintings of things. They just, like, have people paint stuff on them all the time or, like, test swatches or stuff that they painted on themselves. It's just everywhere. Like, their whole body is graffitied, and then their horns have been charred. One of them is a little bit broken, and that's, like, where the most charring is. But there is some evidence of it on other parts of their horns. Yeah, they're chilling up by this stump, like, trying to mix different colors and, like, not quite getting the right one. They're, like, testing it on their arm even though there's, like, hardly any space, but they're just testing, like, over dried paints already.
They're like, it's not right.
Put a little of this in it. They just, like, mix it again. And they're like, that's not quite right either.
They're just doing that.
[00:13:00] Speaker A: I think, as you go to reach for one of your other paints, you see that the paint is gone. And you look up to the side, and you see a small monkey that sort of has it in their hand. They're like, as they're sort of, like, swinging back and forth on this vine.
[00:13:18] Speaker B: Hey, well, that's not nice.
Can I have that, please?
What did you say? What did. I don't I don't know what that means.
[00:13:34] Speaker A: And you see it sort of shakes its head back and forth for no.
It sort of laughs and continues swinging.
[00:13:40] Speaker B: Okay. That I. That I do get.
Ah, fine.
They're gonna, like, put everything down and just try to. Is it on a tree?
[00:13:57] Speaker A: Yeah, it's sort of hanging on this vine by its tail. And one of its bottom feet. The other foot is hanging loose, and its head is upside down towards you. And it's just sort of swinging. And basically just jesting at you.
[00:14:10] Speaker B: Okay, great.
I'm just gonna try to, like, jump up and get this thing. And if I can't, if it's, like, way too out of reach, then I guess I'll start climbing this vine. And hope that it holds my weight.
[00:14:26] Speaker A: You have wings. It's very easy to get up to the creature. And you say he gets up to it, and it's like.
[00:14:32] Speaker B: I do really think that they start climbing the vine, like, halfway. And then remember that they can fly and do that for real.
They just, like, snatch it. They're like, do you think I do we need more of this?
[00:14:49] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Sort of nods a little bit.
[00:14:52] Speaker B: And then they just go back down and try to, like, mix it into their. Their current mixed solution.
And then they're mad because the monkey was right. And they did need a little bit of that color.
[00:15:08] Speaker A: As you're sort of feeling this frustration, the monkey skimpers away. And you hear off in the distance. A little bit of humming of now, back in my day when we had this. And you hear the distant chattering of granny doom towards Yete.
And sort of is telling stories of her youth. As she sort of walks this elder worm dragon figure. Walking this winged Drake younger figure. Through the, uh, village ish proper.
[00:15:45] Speaker B: Um, hi.
[00:15:47] Speaker E: Good morning.
[00:15:49] Speaker B: Do you like this color?
[00:15:52] Speaker E: I suppose it depends what you painting.
[00:15:56] Speaker B: That's a good point.
I don't know yet. I'm just mixing colors for fun.
[00:16:03] Speaker E: Uh, okay. Have fun.
[00:16:08] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:16:10] Speaker A: Jane, I have a very important job for you later today.
They look at.
[00:16:18] Speaker B: They look at Yete and they're like. Like in an. In a. Oh, no. Is this her scale oil again?
Like, look.
[00:16:29] Speaker E: It just nods.
[00:16:32] Speaker B: Oh, I'm busy later today.
[00:16:36] Speaker A: Oh, nonsense, nonsense. You can come play with your paints later. Come, come. You're coming with me. She sort of scoops you up a little with her tail and keeps walking.
[00:16:48] Speaker B: Dang it.
[00:16:50] Speaker A: We descend a little bit further, down a slight hill and into a darker area. It's a little bit damper, but it's cozy. Perfect for a great night's slumber.
Meg, what does your character dream about?
[00:17:06] Speaker C: Well, that's a great question.
I think Raxiel, my little guy, is dreaming about being on the very edge of the island, looking over the cliffs, down to the sea, listening to the way the waves crash against the stone and the breeze floats past his face.
It's a very immersive dream, I'd imagine. And he can feel sort of the light spritz of like, ocean spray.
And I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, my friend, I think there's a storm brewing in the distance.
Dark, dark clouds on the horizon.
[00:17:57] Speaker A: There are some dark, dark clouds on the horizon. And I think that as Raxiel is looking, there's something a little calming about being on the edge of a storm.
Because you know that it's not at you. At least not yet.
The waves crash and the breeze continues to blow, just as it always does. But something shifts from your normal dreams.
Just slightly.
Slightly at first, at least, the clouds are far. And then in a blink, they are above.
They've never been this close.
And then in another blink, you are in them. And the clouds morph and they shift, shift into a vision that is new to you.
You see the clouds turn into rolling copper and orange smoke that billows towards you, glittering with obsidian specks of Arcana. And it fills your vision. And before you can turn, it fills your lungs.
You cannot breathe properly. It's as if you've forgotten how to, or maybe that you just do not dare to do so. You see flashes of faces, elder dragons, young Drake spirited dragons, all looking towards you in mourning. They swirl in and out of the smoke, becoming one with it, like disturbing a potion that has been layered with time.
You feel parts of your mind fog and then fade. And you awake with a start.
Um, and would you please like to describe your character for me?
[00:19:31] Speaker C: Yeah.
Raxiel is probably about the size of like, a large great Dane, not as large as some of his fellow buds, but, you know, he does his best. He has sort of golden in the color, not the metal kind of shade scales. If you were to put it to a crayola crayon, a goldenrod or marigold. He has curling ram's horns that kind of go up and around his head. And his jaw is sort of. It comes to almost a beak, sort of, like, pointier on the end. His tail is very long and slender. And at the bottom of his sort of hands and feet, he has pretty sharp talons, even though he is of sort of on the smaller side. You wouldn't want to pick a fight with him. Raxiel is of the seer archetype.
He's got good eyes.
I don't know what else to say, but I would like to ask if I can make a roll using one of my special seer moves. Is that allowed yet?
[00:20:56] Speaker A: Absolutely. Go ahead. What is the move called?
[00:21:00] Speaker C: Yes. So this is the special move that only I have. It's called haunting visions.
You are haunted by visions of the darkness at the start of the session. Roll plus charm on a hit. You've seen a vision of the darkness that will aid your efforts.
And I can ask questions about it depending on how well I roll.
[00:21:23] Speaker A: Amazing. Go ahead and make a roll for me.
[00:21:25] Speaker C: Okay.
I have a plus two to charm, so that's gonna give me a seven.
[00:21:35] Speaker A: A seven is a partial success. That's amazing.
[00:21:38] Speaker C: So I get to learn something. Oh, yeah.
[00:21:40] Speaker A: Sorry. Yeah. What questions would you like to ask about that?
[00:21:43] Speaker C: Okay. I get to ask an extra question because we are at the second level of this, so. Or, like, an additional question. So I'm gonna ask questions, and you tell me when to stop asking questions.
[00:21:56] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:21:58] Speaker C: When Raxiel saw this vision, were there any sort of physical feelings that accompanied it, like, cold or hot or any textures that stood out?
[00:22:14] Speaker A: Ooh, it felt warm, but strangely voided as well.
[00:22:24] Speaker C: Okay, another question I would like to ask is you said that the dragons he saw seemed to be mourning.
I don't know if it's genuine. Genuine. What is the word I'm looking for?
Would he be able to discern if it's, like, over a person or over, like, their home or any question like that?
[00:22:53] Speaker A: I will say, I will answer this question. You'll get one more. They seem to be mourning themselves.
[00:23:01] Speaker C: Oh, dear.
Okay. The final question that I would like to ask is, I would like to know if, with the vision.
[00:23:14] Speaker B: Hmm.
[00:23:15] Speaker C: I'm trying to think how I want to phrase this. Did there seem to be any kind of, like, beacon of hope or anything that seemed like it could possibly avert or prevent this vision from transpiring.
[00:23:32] Speaker A: I don't think you get a sense of prevention, but I do want to honor that question and say that I think that I'm going to slightly skew that question in that regard, if that's okay with you.
[00:23:45] Speaker C: Sure.
[00:23:46] Speaker A: Please. To where you get the sense that there is knowledge to be found out about this rolling smoke or cloud or whatever it is, some of which lies in your home and some of which lies probably outside of it.
[00:24:06] Speaker B: Ooh.
[00:24:08] Speaker C: I think Raxio kind of jolts awake from this dream.
He's curled up in a little, he's got like a, you know how beavers and like otters, like, they build their dams and then they also have like a space up and underneath in the bank and stuff? I think he, he hangs out in like a little dark, damp, muddy cave within the banks of the river. And I think he kind of bolts out and like, sort of, he's got like a long snake like body and kind of squiggles out into the water and up onto the banks of the river where he sort of stamps out his feet and shakes off his head and starts looking around very frantically for any of his clutch mates or anybody from their little dragon community.
[00:24:58] Speaker A: Yeah. You see that just as described earlier, sort of heading to the right and crossing a large log that has been repurposed to a sort of bridge. It's been flattened over just the amount of foot traffic that's over it. Even though you guys can fly, don't lie. Use your wings when you don't have to.
You do see Granny doom flanked by both of your clutch mates, Yette and Jyn.
[00:25:23] Speaker C: I think Raxiel is gonna kind of scrabble on over to them.
He's not wanting to alarm anybody, but anyone who were to look at him for more than a second would realize that he is very frenzied in this moment. And he sees kind of flapping along his head, kind of looking up to the sky to check the weather pretty frequently as he kind of scampers up towards his, his buddies.
Um, hello. How, how are you all doing today? Um, how's the weather?
[00:25:59] Speaker A: I just woke up.
[00:26:01] Speaker E: It's warm.
[00:26:02] Speaker B: Hi.
[00:26:03] Speaker E: I'm sleepy.
[00:26:05] Speaker B: You're always sleepy.
[00:26:06] Speaker C: You haven't seen any weird clouds or, or anything like that? Would, would you have?
[00:26:13] Speaker E: No.
[00:26:14] Speaker B: I saw one shaped like a bird.
[00:26:18] Speaker C: His eyes kind of like widen. He has just kind of solid gold eyes that kind of have that reflective quality that cats and nocturnal creatures have. And they widen and kind of reflect some of that light back and tentatively looks up towards the sky again before returning down to his normal gaze. Oh, okay. Duly noted.
[00:26:41] Speaker B: Did you want to see it? Because I think it's probably gone.
[00:26:47] Speaker C: I think I'm okay. Um, are. Are you all, uh, headed.
[00:26:52] Speaker A: Headed somewhere?
[00:26:54] Speaker C: I don't want to interrupt, but the, uh. The world may be ending.
[00:26:59] Speaker A: Ah, Raxiel. Welcome to the club. I got a very important job for you later, my friend.
[00:27:06] Speaker B: You know what? Actually, Raxiel can do my part. I'm gonna go back to the, um. Monkey.
[00:27:13] Speaker A: No, no, no. This is a three Drake job.
[00:27:18] Speaker C: Dang it.
[00:27:19] Speaker E: Oh. I thought I got out of it.
[00:27:22] Speaker A: No, you're just being silly.
[00:27:26] Speaker C: If I had extenuating circumstances, such as preventing the apocalypse with. With that.
I don't wish to leave you to your own devices, but there's is a chance that this is the last day that we will be on this mortal plane.
[00:27:44] Speaker A: Do you have a dock? Dragon's note?
[00:27:48] Speaker C: No. I had a vision.
[00:27:49] Speaker A: Granny doom. I'm afraid she keeps walking.
[00:27:54] Speaker C: I think Raxio kind of like swallows back the rest of his words and hangs his head and kind of plods after yeh teh.
[00:28:03] Speaker E: It's okay.
You have visions of doom all the time.
[00:28:08] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:28:08] Speaker C: But this one felt different. It felt accelerated.
[00:28:14] Speaker E: I don't like it when things accelerate.
[00:28:18] Speaker C: Nor do I. Especially when it's dark. Stormy clouds. Full of storm and darkness and cloud.
Yes. Lots of that. Also.
[00:28:34] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:28:35] Speaker B: Sorry, Max. You just like, you do this all the time?
[00:28:39] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:28:40] Speaker B: For good reason. Not that we don't believe you, but.
[00:28:43] Speaker C: Also, you remember when I had that dream about that tree that fell over? And then when it was your birthday, the day that you hatched from your tiny little egg. That tree just barely missed your nest. It could have been so bad. I saw it while I was stuck in my egg. I couldn't tell anyone about it. But this time I can do something about it. I can tell people about it. What I have seen.
[00:29:07] Speaker E: Also, granny Doom is really old and also high, so you can't really, like, take her ignoring you too hard.
[00:29:18] Speaker B: She has no urgency.
[00:29:21] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:29:22] Speaker C: What if we just put on her scale ointment really fast, and then we can figure out whatever it is that I saw and not die. I don't know what will happen, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid. Jin.
He kind of like, puts his little hands on the side of your face and like, pulls your head out.
[00:29:45] Speaker B: Okay, I got it. Uh huh.
[00:29:47] Speaker E: You have all over your hands.
[00:29:49] Speaker C: Now I'm gonna wipe them off. On yetay?
[00:29:53] Speaker A: No, on his fur.
[00:29:56] Speaker B: He can't do anything about it now you're like me.
[00:30:02] Speaker E: It looks like rocks.
Is that where you were gonna paint?
[00:30:07] Speaker B: Maybe. Oh, okay.
I will now.
And Jin's just gonna go over and make the thing that.
Oh, Raxiel did and just make it actually look like rocks on the walk. While we're walking. Oh, okay.
[00:30:33] Speaker A: Amazing. As you all are walking, you follow granny doom and she leads you to this. When I say market, quote unquote, it's not really a market. It's mainly a sort of area of trade, almost, except traded in sort of ious or like, hey, if I find this thing, I'll sort of. It's basically a big old share pot, right? Of just like, I have some extra stuff. You can have it. And eventually you'll get me back, right? And you see that granny walks over to another dragon that has a white belly and a sort of, like, brown scaled visage, and you see that? She says, ah, forager, it's very nice to see you again. He says, all right, granny doom, back for your ointment. She's like y'all, you always know. She picks it up and she continues on, you know, still in her sort of half open eyes that are a tiny bit bloodshot and her goofy little crooked smile, but still endearing. And still lit, may I say.
[00:31:52] Speaker B: I can't believe Jay has single handedly brought weed into the inked expanse.
[00:31:57] Speaker E: She ate a mushroom, right?
[00:31:59] Speaker A: She ate leaves.
[00:32:00] Speaker E: Oh, she ate leaves.
[00:32:01] Speaker D: Never mind.
[00:32:02] Speaker A: It's a leaf.
[00:32:03] Speaker B: It's inedible.
[00:32:04] Speaker A: It's a leaf that's green in the center that goes to, like, a yellow and then fades to, like, an orange. Almost like it's, like, halfway through the autumnal, like, turning process.
[00:32:13] Speaker C: What do we dragons call that plant? Jay.
[00:32:17] Speaker A: You call it plant.
[00:32:23] Speaker B: Okay, I get it. Cause it's, like weed, but not. That's funny. Yeah.
[00:32:30] Speaker A: It'S plant, but with a silent h in it. Won't tell you where.
[00:32:36] Speaker C: It's not where you think it is.
[00:32:38] Speaker A: Flant?
Is that what you're suggesting, anastasia?
[00:32:42] Speaker B: Flat? Yeah, I would take that over plant.
[00:32:47] Speaker A: To be completely honest.
Does that mean that there's. Does that mean that there's, like, a drugstore called the inked ex. Inked ex flance?
[00:32:59] Speaker B: Probably. And then it immediately went out of business because no one could say the name of it.
[00:33:04] Speaker A: Damn it.
[00:33:06] Speaker B: Shucks.
[00:33:07] Speaker A: It's okay. You just have to say it in, like, dwarven or something, you know?
[00:33:11] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:33:12] Speaker C: That translates to weed in Dwarvish.
[00:33:16] Speaker B: Oh, Jay. Can I use my signature move for this painting rocks?
[00:33:23] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. Of course. What is the signature move called, my friend?
[00:33:28] Speaker B: My signature move is called dragon trademark. Dragon trade. Dragon trade.
You are known for your gifts in the draconic arts. Mark two mediums you have dedicated yourself to. From the list I chose paints and metal.
When you create something in your medium, like I'm doing roll plus cunning on a ten up, pick two. On a seven and nine, pick one. Your creation is durable or functional or attractive on a miss. The work is fundamentally flawed and the DM will tell you later how.
[00:34:03] Speaker A: Okay?
[00:34:05] Speaker B: Okay, great.
I have a plus two to cunning.
I rolled an eight. Plus two is ten.
I think I have to go with your creation as durable and it's also attractive.
I do not want it to come off.
[00:34:26] Speaker A: I think what this ends up being is it's it's durable and attractive but also in a sense where it's like a tiny bit almost armored in that area too. Like just a tiny bit.
What makes the rocks attractive? What do you think is an attractive rock?
[00:34:41] Speaker B: No, I just think that the painting itself is very well done. Like it's an attractive. Like it's a good looking painting.
It has red lipstick and full mascara.
No, I just think it's like a good painting.
[00:34:58] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:34:59] Speaker B: You can immediately tell it's rocks.
[00:35:01] Speaker A: Yeah. Yet a this is a some real cool rocks.
[00:35:06] Speaker E: I'm sure that will trade for lots of good stuff.
[00:35:10] Speaker B: What?
[00:35:12] Speaker E: You did a good job painting rocks. I look at rocks all the time and those look like really good rocks.
[00:35:19] Speaker B: Thank you.
[00:35:20] Speaker C: It's a beautiful painting.
[00:35:22] Speaker E: You should paint some storm so that Rexio can tell you that it looks like the storm.
I told you it looks like a thing that I see. It is. Rexial stir now.
[00:35:32] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:35:35] Speaker C: Paint the storm. You'll invite it in sooner.
[00:35:40] Speaker B: It's just paint.
[00:35:42] Speaker C: Art has a way of manifesting in our lives that we do not understand.
[00:35:48] Speaker B: Are you saying if I had drawn, if I painted a tree falling the other way from our eggs it would have happened that way?
[00:35:57] Speaker C: I don't know how it works. I just channel it.
[00:36:01] Speaker B: Uh huh. That feels super lame.
[00:36:05] Speaker C: Is there a shadow for bullying your clutch mate?
[00:36:09] Speaker A: Oh I don't. You know what? We'll put you on a thin ice point there anastasia. Thin ice point?
[00:36:17] Speaker C: I'm just kidding.
[00:36:18] Speaker A: I promise I'm cheating.
We're good. We're good.
[00:36:23] Speaker B: They also aren't saying it in a super malicious way. They're just like that's super lame. Why would you get a power that is super that's only like half the power.
[00:36:34] Speaker C: I would be too powerful if I understood the universe.
It's too bright. My third eye has to squint.
[00:36:46] Speaker A: As you all are sort of having this conversation and this little sort of shindig sort of thing going on. You see that another figure sort of enters this sharing square, we'll call it, right?
You see that the head Draken ealdrill, who uses they them pronouns. They walk in to this square. They are a very, very ancient elder dragon, same sort of like marigold scales as Raxiel has. But this time they have moss and vegetation that sort of grow off their shoulders and at the base of their tail.
And they just sort of come in and are checking in on how everyone's doing, nodding curtly and making the rounds as the head Draken is wont to do.
You see that? They notice Raxiel and then his friends.
And granny doom sort of does a little eyebrow raise. A granny doom like, oh, boy.
But walks over and they address you all.
Good morning, my, my friends. You all are up fairly early for this time, aren't you? Young and supposed to be, I don't know, sleeping in and, you know, taking the days easy. And the night's hard.
[00:38:19] Speaker E: What?
[00:38:20] Speaker B: What does that mean?
[00:38:22] Speaker A: Shakes their head a little bit.
[00:38:24] Speaker B: No. What does that mean?
[00:38:28] Speaker A: Uh, sleeping hard, like rocks.
[00:38:33] Speaker E: I did that.
[00:38:34] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:38:36] Speaker A: Mm hmm.
Granny starts laughing.
I'm sort of whispers something to herself.
[00:38:46] Speaker C: Adriel. I would be enjoying a nicer sleep. The thing is, I have had another sighting, another vision of some kind. I think we need to run away from the island and find somewhere new to live.
I have seen a vision of a great and mighty storm overtaking the island. And I think it is best that we do not see that through.
[00:39:13] Speaker A: You see that? They clear their throat and they gesture with their head to have you follow them a little ways away. They nod curtly to Yetei, and Jin say, if you'll excuse us for one moment.
They walk to the side and say, raxiel, I don't mean to, um, lessen your concerns. Your feelings are extremely valid. Um, however, you are a winged Drake now, and I think it's time that, uh, you know, you grew out of the whole mass paranoia thing. It's not.
I don't want to concern the people. And given, you know, your general station and relation, I think that it's, um, important to be supportive in a community of support.
[00:40:19] Speaker C: What do you mean? I should not tell people what it is that I'm seeing? That's what I've been trained to do. To see into the future. Glimpses of what could be and what will be.
I'm supposed to keep that to myself?
[00:40:36] Speaker A: Raxiel, I've been around for a very long time. Centuries. And the small points of darkness, which you know, these are no secret. There are small areas of the island in which there are small, like, pockets of this darkness. Right. They haven't grown at all.
We've been keeping an eye on them, patrolling. As we should. You can check the archives. The keeper of scrolls and scribes is a fantastic person to talk to about that history.
[00:41:08] Speaker C: I know what I saw.
[00:41:09] Speaker A: The scrolls don't lie. Yes, but. I know what you are saying.
But the facts don't line up.
[00:41:19] Speaker C: Just because something has always been one way does not mean that it will continue to be that way. The way that the seasons change. I mean, it's a smaller scale.
[00:41:29] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:41:30] Speaker C: We don't know what this darkness is, what it does to us.
[00:41:35] Speaker A: We don't.
But we have coexisted with it for centuries since its first spawn, and it has not grown since. Maybe it's.
Maybe just take a nap.
Take it a little easy. Maybe you're not feeling well. Are you feeling warm?
[00:41:59] Speaker C: I feel fine, I think. Raxiel pauses for a moment and remembers the warm feeling of being in the storm. That warmth and that void before he shakes it off.
I'm fine.
[00:42:17] Speaker A: Uh, maybe it's best you stay with the granny, doom and Jin and yete for today.
[00:42:26] Speaker C: Yes, Adriel.
He takes a deep breath, then kind of like slowly makes his way back to the rest of the group, his head hanging a little bit, you know?
[00:42:41] Speaker B: Yet rocks are not just gray, they're like kind of blue also.
You have to. You have to, like, do the shading, right? And everything.
[00:42:51] Speaker A: It's.
[00:42:53] Speaker B: It's like there's a lot of color. There's a lot of hues in there.
[00:42:56] Speaker E: I cannot talk to rocks yet. I don't know if they're blue or not.
[00:43:02] Speaker B: Not the feeling, the color.
Oh, you know, like water. Like water. Is blue.
[00:43:11] Speaker E: Is water also rock colored?
[00:43:14] Speaker B: Uh, sometimes, I guess. But not like the gray part.
[00:43:21] Speaker E: Okay.
The blue part, the sad part.
[00:43:25] Speaker A: Like the blue part.
[00:43:26] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:43:27] Speaker E: Anyway, I can't talk to water yet either.
[00:43:30] Speaker B: Are you gonna do that someday?
[00:43:32] Speaker E: I hope so.
Everything has wisdom in it, as you.
[00:43:38] Speaker A: Say, everything has wisdom in it. You notice that a little bit, that granny's eyes blink a little bit. There's a little bit more clarity in which you would recognize that she probably needs to eat a little bit more plants. But before that, her eyes dart towards where Raxiel and eldral are sort of having this conversation.
And she blinks again, and her eyes have a faint orange glow.
And she turns to both of you and she just says, the point betwixt the twinned mountains.
And then she shakes a little bit. Oh.
Huh. That was weird. Grabs some plants, starts eating it.
[00:44:28] Speaker B: Jin just kind of leans over to Yete and is like, I really hate it when she does that.
[00:44:37] Speaker D: Do I know where the twinned mountains are?
[00:44:43] Speaker A: Yes, you do know where the twinned mountains are. On the opposite side of the island, there is a.
They are called the twin mountains because they look while they are slightly staggered. So one is a little bit more north and the other is a little more south from the other. They are the same height and almost the same exact sort of topography, almost mirrored in a way. And you would know, based off of just general talk and maps and knowledge, that one of the points in which there's a tiny bleed of darkness is within this small, almost divot slash ravine sort of situation that's emptied in the center of these twinned mountains.
[00:45:27] Speaker D: So it's mountains on either side, deep in between.
[00:45:31] Speaker A: Yes, correct.
[00:45:34] Speaker E: I think we should go there by ourselves.
No, with ragtail.
[00:45:42] Speaker B: Okay, by ourselves.
By ourselves. Jin, like potions to everybody. Ragtail is like walking over.
[00:45:50] Speaker E: The elders want us to do boring things. This seems good and helpful.
[00:45:57] Speaker B: Yeah, I guess I have to pack, though.
[00:46:01] Speaker E: Well, sure, but even if it is nothing, we will probably learn something.
[00:46:11] Speaker B: Right? Because the mountains are super wise and stuff.
[00:46:15] Speaker E: Mm hmm.
[00:46:17] Speaker B: Uh huh. Okay.
[00:46:19] Speaker E: They're very old, and they started very deep. They come up like this from the crack of the earth, from tectonic plate movement.
[00:46:29] Speaker B: Okay, I believe you, Rexy.
[00:46:31] Speaker C: I'll probably plod at this point. I'm looking very dejected.
[00:46:35] Speaker B: Hey, do you have any visions about the double mountains?
[00:46:41] Speaker C: Not today.
[00:46:43] Speaker E: The Twin Peaks.
Good show.
[00:46:46] Speaker B: Did you say good show?
[00:46:48] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:46:52] Speaker A: Good show. Good show.
[00:46:54] Speaker E: No Twin Peaks.
[00:46:56] Speaker D: Come on, people.
[00:46:59] Speaker A: I know what you're talking about. There's a reason I said twinned mountains and not Twin Peaks.
[00:47:06] Speaker C: This is just a spin off.
[00:47:07] Speaker E: It's just a layup.
[00:47:10] Speaker A: I've read that scroll before.
[00:47:14] Speaker B: Oh, I've seen that play.
[00:47:17] Speaker E: Granny blurted again with orange eyes. And I think that your vision and Granny's blur is connected.
We should go.
[00:47:28] Speaker C: Orange eyes in her?
[00:47:31] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:47:34] Speaker E: You know how sometimes she just, like, gets orange eyes and says things like peanut bubber?
[00:47:40] Speaker B: I don't even know what that is.
[00:47:42] Speaker E: Or plants are the answer to everything.
You know, like nonsense stuff. She said something that actually kind of made sense this time.
[00:47:53] Speaker C: It's probably connected. We should go there as soon as we can.
[00:47:58] Speaker E: I agree. Let's go.
[00:47:59] Speaker C: We should go make the little raw scale Drakes. They can do her scale ointment for today.
[00:48:05] Speaker B: Thank God. We can. We can get out of this one. I'll take it.
[00:48:10] Speaker E: I don't even have thumbs, so. Yeah, let's go get those other ones to do that.
[00:48:14] Speaker C: I think Raxiel goes over to one of the, like, small, little, like, I don't know if they have, like, nests where they hang out or whatever, but goes up to one and kind of says, you will start coughing in three days unless you go to talk to Granny. Granny doom.
I'm just kidding. She just needs help with her scale.
[00:48:37] Speaker A: Can you roll for either convince a dragon or mislead or trick, please. That would be the moves that you have triggered.
[00:48:46] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:48:49] Speaker B: One's charming, one's cunning, so.
[00:48:51] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I'm more charming than I am cunning. I'm anti cunning, so. Okay, maybe I should retcon. Maybe he doesn't go up and say, you will start coughing three days. Because now that I'm looking at my stats, I don't think he would do that. But I think he's gonna take it again and take it in.
Excuse me, my young fellows. Granny Dune is in need of some assistance today.
[00:49:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay.
[00:49:18] Speaker C: She requires you to go there, and I'll roll for that. To convince a dragon.
[00:49:25] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead.
[00:49:27] Speaker C: Math is. Math is nine. A nine.
[00:49:31] Speaker A: A nine.
I think that, okay, so that is a. That's partial success. So I think that this, the way that that plays out is that this raw scale Drake looks, you says, okay, what you gonna give me for it?
[00:49:47] Speaker C: Um.
[00:49:48] Speaker A: Pay up, brother.
[00:49:50] Speaker C: I am your senior.
But I think he kind of, like, what about it? Surround for a second and finds, like, a really fat, like, grub or something, that he kind of give me the grub out of the ground.
[00:50:04] Speaker A: Uh huh.
[00:50:05] Speaker C: And drops it into his little scaly gremlin hand.
[00:50:11] Speaker A: That's some good grub. All right, so here's how this is gonna go down. He looks towards his friends.
We will accept this grub as the down payment.
[00:50:24] Speaker C: Down payment?
[00:50:25] Speaker A: What?
There's one grub, six of us. Oh, come on.
[00:50:30] Speaker C: Give me some more questions.
[00:50:31] Speaker A: Gotta keep up. Ah. I'm calling the shots here.
So, um, we're gonna do this and we won't snitch on you.
And in return, you gotta give us some of Granny's plants.
[00:50:51] Speaker C: Your minds are still developing.
[00:50:54] Speaker A: Later, it can be later.
[00:50:56] Speaker E: Oh, good.
[00:50:56] Speaker A: You. There we go.
[00:50:59] Speaker E: You could just go pick them yourself.
[00:51:02] Speaker A: No, we're not allowed. They're too high up there.
[00:51:05] Speaker E: I'll give you permission.
[00:51:08] Speaker A: No, there. I can't reach them.
[00:51:10] Speaker E: Say this to the monkey. Say this.
Go up the tree.
Grab the leaf tree.
Return us the leaf to us exactly like that. And the monkey will go up and do this for you.
[00:51:31] Speaker A: Okay? You got it. You're a real one. These payment terms are accepted. They turn around and they look to their brother and sister and say, let's go, guys. And they scamper off to granny doom.
[00:51:46] Speaker B: Were we that obnoxious?
[00:51:49] Speaker E: No.
[00:51:50] Speaker C: What does Drake need to do to get some respect around here? I didn't think Raxio kind of, like, kicks over a small pile of dirt.
[00:51:58] Speaker E: Hey.
[00:51:59] Speaker A: Yeah, tay.
[00:52:00] Speaker B: Did you just say I was?
[00:52:02] Speaker E: Yes.
[00:52:03] Speaker B: That's rude.
[00:52:05] Speaker E: You got us in trouble seven times for getting paint on the elders, and we didn't even do anything. I was asleep. Five of the seven, and they still got me in trouble.
[00:52:20] Speaker A: I.
[00:52:21] Speaker B: Sorry, I don't make.
They've decided that collective punishment is an effective form of discipline.
That's not my fault.
[00:52:30] Speaker E: Well, you didn't exactly try to convince them otherwise.
[00:52:35] Speaker B: Okay, sorry. You want me to just not paint to the mountains?
[00:52:40] Speaker E: You complete the mountains. Let's go.
[00:52:44] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:52:44] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:52:45] Speaker E: Wise old rocks.
[00:52:48] Speaker A: Is there anything else before leaving your settlement that you would like to do, or grab any supplies, any research you would like to do? Anything like that, or are you just looking to get going?
[00:53:01] Speaker C: I would like to go and visit the scroll keeper and see if there are any scrolls on the. What do they call. I keep wanting to call them the.
[00:53:10] Speaker A: Dual pigs, but that's from Zelda. The twinned mountains.
[00:53:14] Speaker C: The twinned mountains. Sorry, I'm writing that down.
[00:53:18] Speaker A: The twind mountain.
[00:53:19] Speaker C: I literally have it written down already. Yeah, I would like to go and see if there are any readings about that. Already written.
[00:53:27] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. So you go to the Keeper of scrolls and scribes, whom jinn knows fairly well, you get a lot of your blank scrolls and such from this individual. They are a bearded dragon named Eddais Edaes. And they sort of keep this grove of trees with slabs of findings, culture, deities, et cetera. Anything you need to find, it is here. The trees themselves have been hollowed from an internal fire that has been sort of rewoven with green magics, green moonstones. And the writings themselves are on slabs of bark, animal hides, and then more recently, scrolls. Hence, the keeper of scrolls and scribes. You also know that they are very. They're very interwoven with the actual researchers of the solvig, and they sort of head that sort of department. So you go there, and they definitely question a little bit on exactly where, why you're researching the twinned mountains, but nonetheless, they give you a little bit of information.
You will get information no matter what. I would love for somebody to roll me either a specialty move, if that works, or you could do a survey in ancient or arcane area. I know this isn't the area, but it's finding information about it. So you could roll for that.
[00:55:01] Speaker C: I could do survey, I think is. Are the others with me, too? My cunning is not very good, so I may see if I can get Jin to do it since.
[00:55:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll do it.
[00:55:14] Speaker C: Most knowledgeable person I know. Within the clutch.
[00:55:19] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:55:19] Speaker B: Between the three of us, it's a hard. It's a hard guess.
Yeah, I can do it for sure. Four plus two is six plus two is eight.
[00:55:29] Speaker A: Eight. I will give you some information, and then I will. There's a list of questions that you could ask. You could just reflavor it for, like, doing research instead of being actually there.
[00:55:39] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:55:39] Speaker A: Or if you. There's, like, another question you wanted to ask, I would allow that as well. So you would know that the twin mountains are very far on the other edge of this islet. The islet itself is not very big. It's maybe a day's travel from complete end to complete end. So it's going. But you guys are on, like, it's on the opposite side of the island, on the shorter, like, width of it. So it'd be about half a day to get to where you would like to go.
You would know that there are some dangers in terms of obstacles, animals just traversing the land. Overall, it hasn't been very. There's a reason that the most skilled dragons are the ones that sort of go out for security detail and to keep a watch on these darkened areas.
And it's because the jungles themselves are a bit difficult to traverse, not necessarily due to threats. There's not much that's more threatening than a bunch of dragons, but just in terms of the actual topography of it and stuff like that, knowing where to go, not getting lost and all of that. You look a little bit into the ravine. You see that it's very. A very deep ravine. Your wings will come in handy with that for sure. So you're not quite as concerned about that, but you are also probably going. It's also a very open area, and so whatever search party is out there in that area is going to be able to see you fairly easily unless you do something to either hide your way there or convince them that you're supposed to be there, whatever that looks like. Is there any other information that would be helpful for you, or is there a question that you wanted to ask?
[00:57:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I guess. Can I. Can I have a question that's like. Yeah, I suppose, like, previous expeditions, like, what have we.
How many, like, how many people have actually explored this place and come back and said anything about it?
[00:57:36] Speaker A: Absolutely. You read up on expeditions, and you notice that there's obviously the head Drake in Eldrill. I might have mispronounced its name or their name by now. It doesn't matter. It's okay. It's my character. I can do what I want.
Definitely knows about this, as well as their sort of entrusted circle that helps them make decisions. People know of the twinned mountains. They don't know exactly what's there, per se, except for the more higher ups. You start digging about investigations and expeditions, and you realize that a few people have surveyed the area around this darkness and come back and reported their findings. There is one report about something that lies beyond the darkness that was unknown and unable to be made out. You also find notes that any expedition that has gone into the darkness has not returned.
[00:58:35] Speaker B: Noted. Okay. Raxiel. It's gloom and doom.
Doom and gloom.
[00:58:43] Speaker C: He kind of scrunches up his face.
[00:58:46] Speaker A: He's, like, made up.
[00:58:47] Speaker B: It's just like you would cry.
[00:58:48] Speaker C: It's just like you. Look, I don't want it. That's the problem. But if we don't go, then nobody will, and we will be blindsided, and we just won't know what's coming to get. Kill us.
[00:59:02] Speaker B: Okay, so I'm hearing you wanna go to the doom and gloom. That's fine.
[00:59:05] Speaker A: We have to. I don't want to, but we must.
[00:59:09] Speaker E: It is also going to take us a long time to get there. You should probably go.
[00:59:15] Speaker B: Yep. Okay.
Jin really wants to pack, and they're probably going to overpack, take a couple steps, realize they can't take an entire burlap sack that's, like, the size of them and instead just take a backpack's worth of the craft supplies that they like. One of the things about my signature move is when we became.
When we became winged drakes, we get to advance our signature move. And so in that, I got to choose two additional mediums crafting things. So I have paints, metal, glass, and paper are the four that I have. So they're, like, taking some, like, some glass, like, not big pieces, but, like, little chunks of it, some paper, like scrolls or whatever.
Definitely all their paints, and probably some, like, a couple sheets of metal, stuff like that.
Yeah, I think we probably take to the skies. We head out, you all take to.
[01:00:29] Speaker A: The skies, and there's a point in every winged Drake's life where they reached the farthest point they've gone outside the village.
And I think you all approach that line, and it's a lot. And I think you take a second and you look at each other, recognize that this is farther than any of you have gone on your own. But you continue on, and you fly, or step or whatever you prefer to do. And about ten to 15ft past that point, past that point where your parents or grandparents or granny doom herself told you you should never go past until you're older. You feel yourself pass through a wave.
And as you pass through that wave, you feel a sense of Arcana wash over you. You all have had small trinkets on yourself that are meant to grow with you. That house five stones on them. And before they were just stones and jewelry and representations of these five moonstones of magic yellow white. It livens as you're connected with the arcana of the outside.
And as you continue forward, you notice that the green trees and foliage around you, this vibrant life that, you know, these water fixtures, these floating land masses, or so they seem, this fantastical world of whimsy and wonder and growth, has faded.
Everything is tinted with this coppery gray color.
It's not as green as you thought. It's not the same land you thought you knew. It's weird. It's strange.
And I think yete in particular, you know nature, and this is not natural.
[01:02:23] Speaker D: Can I walk up to one of the trees? And my nature adept special move is called wild speech. Yes, I can.
In short, I can talk to creatures and use the study them, insist they accept your help or mislead and trick them. Moves as if they were dragons. And as part of my advancement, I can talk to wood as dragons.
Okay, so I'll go up to this tree and just start talking to it. And yet they just kind of opens his mouth and is just, like, groaning and, like, creating, like, creaking of, like, branches sounds with his mouth. She's like, but he's speaking to this tree, and he's going to use. Study another.
[01:03:22] Speaker A: All right, go ahead and make me a charm roll.
[01:03:26] Speaker D: I rolled four on my dice, plus three is a seven.
[01:03:30] Speaker A: All right, I will say that you can have, because this is a very strange instance that you get like a general opening question of a general one. And then for your seven nine, you can ask one of the more specified questions that's on the list, if that makes sense.
[01:03:49] Speaker D: Okay, I think the general question is, do you know what is happening here?
[01:03:55] Speaker A: The wood groans. Back to you.
I don't know.
I don't remember.
[01:04:05] Speaker E: Uh.
[01:04:06] Speaker D: For my real study question, I will ask, what could I learn from you.
[01:04:13] Speaker A: In a brief moment of clarity with the activation of this move you hear.
It's not what you could learn, but who. There is one behind this. They come from a lineage of one of your clutch.
They know more, more than any of us could.
And with the exhale, you get that fogged sense coming back to you.
[01:04:43] Speaker B: That sounds really weird.
[01:04:45] Speaker E: I was speaking to the tree.
[01:04:48] Speaker C: What did the tree say?
[01:04:51] Speaker E: The tree.
The tree is very forgetful and thinks that one, another dragon, is doing this to the land or knows what is doing this.
[01:05:07] Speaker C: Another dragon. What? We would know who, right? Based on, you know, the scrolls and who's where and what they're doing, we should know if it's somebody we know.
[01:05:21] Speaker E: Perhaps there is someone living in the mountain.
[01:05:25] Speaker B: Maybe it's an unhatched Drake and they're having visions like you or axial, but they can't tell us because they're still.
[01:05:33] Speaker E: An egg and the egg is doing this to the land?
[01:05:38] Speaker B: I don't know, maybe.
[01:05:41] Speaker E: Maybe. Eggs are weird. Taste funny sometimes.
[01:05:46] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:05:47] Speaker E: Egg, not dragon. Egg.
[01:05:49] Speaker A: Oh.
[01:05:50] Speaker C: Oh, good. You had me worried there for a moment yet.
[01:05:53] Speaker E: A. I've thought about it.
[01:05:58] Speaker B: You haven't thought about it?
[01:05:59] Speaker A: Rah.
[01:06:00] Speaker C: No, those are arcane.
[01:06:01] Speaker B: Sometimes you're like, I wonder what that would taste like.
[01:06:04] Speaker E: Yeah, but they're going to be assholes for like 1200 years until they grow up like us.
[01:06:11] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:06:11] Speaker C: Yeah, we're perfect, aren't we?
[01:06:14] Speaker E: No. Yeah, we are fallible.
[01:06:17] Speaker C: That was sarcasm, yete.
[01:06:20] Speaker E: Oh.
Let's go. I don't like this. We should get over with it fast.
[01:06:26] Speaker C: Do we need to worry about search parties seeing us?
[01:06:30] Speaker E: Yes. Watch this Yeti.
[01:06:33] Speaker D: Goes up to a bunch of deer and starts talking to them.
[01:06:40] Speaker E: Hello, dear.
[01:06:42] Speaker A: Hi.
[01:06:43] Speaker E: Can we travel with you? Please? We are heading towards the mountain.
[01:06:49] Speaker A: Oh, mountain. Scary, you know?
[01:06:51] Speaker E: I understand, but you don't have to get super close.
[01:06:56] Speaker A: I. Oh, I don't like the mountain.
[01:07:00] Speaker E: Perhaps just to the lake. The shore of the lake next door.
[01:07:05] Speaker B: No?
[01:07:06] Speaker C: Okay.
[01:07:07] Speaker A: There's not much left of that lake.
[01:07:09] Speaker B: But I will try.
[01:07:10] Speaker A: We'll try. We'll try. We'll try.
[01:07:12] Speaker E: We will go with you as protection and friends.
[01:07:16] Speaker A: And you. And you won't eat us, right? Right?
[01:07:20] Speaker E: No, I only eat plants.
[01:07:22] Speaker A: Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay.
[01:07:26] Speaker E: I have flat herbivore teeth.
[01:07:29] Speaker A: What about who they all say in.
[01:07:30] Speaker E: Innocence, just like you.
Let's go, dear.
[01:07:37] Speaker B: Let's go.
[01:07:38] Speaker C: Let's go.
[01:07:39] Speaker E: Also, these are my friends that are definitely carnivores, but I promise they won't eat you, okay?
If they do eat you, I will eat them back.
[01:07:51] Speaker B: What are you saying? Do they want a flower?
[01:07:54] Speaker E: Yes, they want a flower.
[01:07:55] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:07:56] Speaker E: Also, they're going to walk with us so we can blend in with the herd.
[01:08:02] Speaker C: Raxioles gonna kind of roll around in some dirt and grass to kind of mute a lot of the colors of his vibrant scales.
Are our scales still their usual coloration, or are they also affected by this sort of desaturation?
[01:08:20] Speaker A: They are still your usual coloration. Everything that's on you is the same. It seems that whatever nature or Arcana connected to it in the actual islet proper outside of this settlement is what's being desaturated, or rather, recolored.
[01:08:41] Speaker B: Can I. Can I have a. This is an excuse to use a move. So I think.
So Jin's gonna reach into their little, like, they've got, like, a fanny pack. Also, like, they've got a backpack. Also got, like, fanny pack thing. I have a move called saddle bag of potential that says you collect odds and ends, including bits of armament and ancient artifacts, just in case the inspiration strikes. When you search your saddlebag for something small enough to be carried with, you.
Roll. And if you roll a ten up, you have that thing. If you roll a seven to nine, you have something similar, but it's, like, incomplete or flawed. Yeah.
[01:09:21] Speaker A: What are you trying to.
[01:09:23] Speaker B: I think in the past, Jin has made a flower out of metal and is like, oh, the deer want a flower. I have one of those, and it's just gonna, like, scrounge around for it, and it'd be like, I think I have it.
[01:09:37] Speaker C: Actually.
[01:09:37] Speaker B: I think I packed it for some reason.
I just want to roll dice because rolling dice is fun.
[01:09:44] Speaker A: Sure.
[01:09:46] Speaker B: That's snake eyes, baby.
[01:09:48] Speaker E: Oh, no.
[01:09:49] Speaker B: Oh, no. Plus two is a four.
[01:09:54] Speaker A: You do not have that flower with you.
[01:09:57] Speaker B: Yeah, it says on a miss. You've used it recently, but you might be able to get it back.
That's what it says on this, which.
[01:10:04] Speaker A: Is our you know what, just for funsies. Cause that's a miss. I think that you're thinking about this metal flower, and off in the distance, you see a glint and you see the flower. It somehow flew out of your bag. It must have, huh?
[01:10:21] Speaker B: Okay. 1 second. And then they go over and they go try to pick it up.
[01:10:27] Speaker C: Jin, where are you going?
[01:10:29] Speaker B: Getting a flower. It's over. I just fell out. I'm gonna go get it.
They're, like, saying this as they were walking away for sure.
[01:10:38] Speaker A: I think that you go to reach down and get the flower. And as you reach down to get the flower, Raxiel you hear from back at the settlement the angry, yelling voice of your grandparents going, Raxiel as you're nowhere to be found. And as that happens, it spooks Jyn just enough to where you pick up the phone and you start tumbling down a hill and into a ravine of rapids that starts whisking you away. No.
And that's where we're gonna end this session.
[01:11:17] Speaker B: No, I'm dead. Welcome to rolling.
[01:11:22] Speaker A: Quick.
[01:11:22] Speaker C: Make a new dragon.
[01:11:24] Speaker B: Quick.
[01:11:25] Speaker A: Mark three shadow.
[01:11:26] Speaker B: I'm gonna be the dragon that's out here by the mountains.
That's my next character, the problem dragon.
[01:11:35] Speaker A: Wow, you guys made such cute little guys.
I'm very excited to see where this story takes us and see what you guys can discover about the darkness and those attached to it.
[01:11:49] Speaker B: Are we there yet?
[01:11:50] Speaker A: Jay, you're on your way.
And with that, we will see you all next week for the second and final installment of history. Check Draykern.
Hello, friends. Thank you so much for listening to history. Check Drakin. This is our first of five series that we are posting for this summer's mini series, Mayhem. So if you like what you hear, make sure to give us a follow here or anywhere else you can find podcasts. We also have a main campaign which we will be kicking off ark four of in the fall. So to stay up to date with all things spells and whistles, you can catch us on all pod platforms every Sunday at 12:00 Pacific. Or you can give us a follow on our socials. We are pod on TikTok and Instagram and spells whistles on Twitter. If you want to become a part of our community, you can check out our discord for fun, games and discussion. And if you want to add a little extra sparkle to your support, check out our Patreon. All of the money we make there is immediately funneled back into the show, giving us a few extra spells and whistles. Thanks again for listening and we will catch you next week.