Episode Transcript
[00:00:15] Speaker A: Hi, friends. Welcome back to spells and whistles, a normally dd five e podcast. But today I am your dragon keeper, aka DK, aka donkey kong, as donkey Kong, distinguished by my players during the break.
Thanks, Meg.
[00:00:35] Speaker B: I'm sorry I was coughing.
[00:00:36] Speaker A: It's okay, it's okay.
[00:00:39] Speaker C: How dare you? I hold it to the end.
[00:00:42] Speaker D: For shame.
[00:00:42] Speaker B: Tatsiki sauce. I'm like, oh, shame.
[00:00:48] Speaker A: Yeah. So we'll go back to those and whistles, normally dandy five e podcast, but today we are playing epillion. Or epillion, I still don't know how to say it. Don't come for me. Sorry. And we're just gonna jump right into it if you haven't, I'm so good at intros. If you haven't listened to part one, please go listen to part one. I talk about the system and how it's written by Marissa Kelly and distributed by Macpy Games, and how we're taking a little bit of creative liberties. But what I'm actually gonna do is I'm going to plug in a little insert right here that's discussing a tiny bit of the reskinning I'm doing of this just because it's gonna be fun. And so that way you all know the difference. But if you're like, that's not what this is like in the good book. That's why. Take it away, Jay. Hello, friends. Future J here with a little bit of a low down on exactly what we've changed about the epilien TTRPG sourcebook to translate into this one shot. While there's a few minor changes we've made here and there, or rather I have made as the GM, there are only a few major ones that I just wanted to address really quickly. First of all, the sourcebook comes with a campaign or one shot setting called Dragonia. And while that is an awesome setting and the creators do an amazing job of laying out the basis of this civilization for you and your party to explore, we obviously are not in Dragonia. This is a one shot that takes place within the inked expanse. And so because of that, there are a few things about the setting which we have changed. I did not feel comfortable really bringing in this pre made setting into a setting that Anastasia has also worked hard to build. And while both are amazing in their own right, I just wanted to make sure I was staying true to this story and to the campaign universe and make sure it was all hunky dory and good to go. Secondly, the magic system within the epilion TTRPG is based off of the moons, there are five different moons which translate to five different types of moon magic. And within the inked expanse, magic translates to colors. So because we are changing the setting from dragonia to the inked expanse, I wanted to make sure that the magic system reflected that as well. So instead of moon magic, I made a little cheeky adjustment into moonstone magic. And the moon stones have different colors which reflect to the different colors of magic within the ink expanse proper. Lastly, another thing that was changed between Epileon and this particular one shot is that the epilian TTRPG sourcebook states that the dragons use gender neutral pronouns, including a variation of Dre. And while I wanted to stay true to that gender neutral pronoun preference that had been put into the TTRPG, I also wanted to make sure that we were staying within the inked expanse D and d five e canon as well. So the way that I translated that to meet in the middle is that gender neutral pronouns are used for the dragons up until they are of age to decide to change their pronouns, if they decide at all, typically from birth, going by they them pronouns, and then only choosing to change their pronouns to whatever they feel best suits them when they feel that they are ready to make that decision. I hope this helps. And make sure to strap in for part two of this one shot, because trust me, it's going to be wild. Love you all. Catch you on the flip side. Thanks, Jay. That was great. You're fabulous and beautiful. I love you.
[00:04:03] Speaker C: You're fabulous and beautiful. Also a second time.
[00:04:08] Speaker A: Oh, we love to see it. I love myself.
Cool. So we are going to hop right back into it. I didn't even write a recap for this, but just short end of it, we meet our lovely clutch of dragons. We have Yete, Jyn, and Raxiel, all of different playbooks, and all of varying personalities. Raxiel has a vision of this darkness that is looming somewhere close to the solveg, this sort of village or settlement of dragons on the island of Makara, and in doing so notifies Yete and Jinn of what he has seen.
The three decide to ditch granny doom, spelled d u e.
Fun fact. Who is high out of her mind, and they go to venture off toward the twinned mountains where, it is said the darkness, and maybe a creature beyond it, tends to lurk, and on their way out, they talk to some deer and some trees, and Jin goes for a metal flower, which they have somehow quote unquote thrown about, and in doing so tumbles down a hill and into a very, very quick set of rapids, which starts whisking them away down towards the other end of the island.
And we pick up right there, Raxiel and Yete. You watch as Jin sort of tumbles down this hill and you make it to the edge, running after them. And you see them land in this river and be swept up. It looks that their wings are sort of in a tussle behind them. And it's hard for them to push back against the current or even just get up and fly. At this point, Jyn, you feel the confusion and just the not knowing which way is up or down. At some point, you're tumbling through waters, catching breath whenever you can as you are being swept away.
How do you all respond?
[00:06:19] Speaker B: Jing.
[00:06:21] Speaker C: No.
[00:06:23] Speaker D: Yeti is gonna start, like, galloping with his hooved feet along this rapidly moving river and will shout out, like, the roots and trunks of these trees, be strong.
And he will try to invoke red moonstone magic.
[00:06:44] Speaker A: Whoa.
[00:06:46] Speaker D: In order to. The red moonstone is the domain of protection and resilience. And he wants to protect his friend from the harm that could come to them in the rapids.
[00:06:59] Speaker A: Amazing. Go ahead and make a moon magic roll. Are you going to be expending any of your friendship gems to add to this roll?
[00:07:08] Speaker D: I'm going to expand one of my two gems.
[00:07:11] Speaker B: Oops.
[00:07:12] Speaker A: You got it. So that's going to be a plus one to this roll. Go ahead and roll your two d six, please.
[00:07:18] Speaker D: I rolled a six and a two, which is eight, plus one is nine.
I get to choose one. The magic is exceptionally powerful, or the magic remains within your control? I'm gonna pick exceptionally powerful. I feel like there's not a lot that can go wrong with having the protection be even stronger.
[00:07:39] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, I think. What is. What is it? I will have you describe it. What is evoking red moonstone magic? To protect Jyn, look like as yete.
[00:07:51] Speaker D: Summons this arcana, yete's moonstones are tucked under his wide, fat tongue. When he's not, he doesn't have hands, so he can't, like, grab something. So he has to, like, talk, invoke the moonstone, and then, like, push it up into his teeth and, like, hold it there. And it's projecting a beam of red light towards his friend and, like, coating them in this, like, brambly oaken like, textured armor.
[00:08:24] Speaker A: Almost amazing. So you, Jyn, feel this armor envelop you, and in doing so, not only do you stop rotating as much you are now so you are now upright, but you're kind of floating along a little bit better. Now, the one thing I will say is that, yes, it is exceptionally powerful, but because the armor, you still roll the nine. Because of the armor. The armor encompasses all of Jhin because it is so powerful, and because of that, their wings are also armored, and therefore, with this armor, they cannot fly out.
[00:08:59] Speaker D: Checks out.
[00:09:00] Speaker A: But they feel very protective, very protected.
[00:09:03] Speaker C: Can I, like, grab a rock or something?
[00:09:06] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely.
[00:09:07] Speaker C: Maybe act despite danger.
[00:09:09] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead and roll. Act despite danger with my courage of.
[00:09:13] Speaker C: Oh, I do have a plus one. That's a ten.
[00:09:16] Speaker D: Hey.
[00:09:17] Speaker A: Whoa.
Yeah. You were able to grab onto a rock, and this rock is connected to either side of the ravine. Do you want to be on the side that your friends are on or on the opposite side in the direction you were going?
[00:09:31] Speaker C: I'm gonna say the opposite side for sure. I think Jin thinks that's gonna be helpful.
[00:09:35] Speaker A: Amazing. Yeah. You see this bluish scaled winged Drake start clawing their way out with an almost glittering visage of red armor across them. They look heroic and daring and, dare I say, courageous, as they pull themselves out of this ravine.
[00:09:58] Speaker C: Okay, that wasn't so bad.
[00:10:00] Speaker D: Good job.
[00:10:02] Speaker C: Thanks for your magic.
[00:10:05] Speaker D: Of course. I tuck it back under my tongue and turn it off.
[00:10:09] Speaker B: Um, Raxiel is gonna fly down into the ravine, across the water, and to the other side, where Jin is, and he's gonna kind of go up to them and, like, you know, lift up their, like, wings and check and see if there are any bumps or scratches and just gonna say, are you all right? I'm. Oh, my goodness, that would look so scary. And, oh, I do hope you're okay.
[00:10:34] Speaker C: And he's like, okay, I'm fine.
[00:10:35] Speaker B: Motherhood.
[00:10:37] Speaker C: Okay, I'm fine. Okay.
Shifting uncomfortably as Rexeel's doing this. I'm good now.
[00:10:47] Speaker B: What made you come over here in the first place? You know, it's so dangerous over here.
[00:10:52] Speaker C: Do I have the flower?
[00:10:54] Speaker A: Uh, yes, sure.
[00:10:57] Speaker C: Um, I wanted to get this. Look, I I made this, like, forever ago.
[00:11:04] Speaker B: Why was it over here?
[00:11:06] Speaker C: I don't know.
[00:11:07] Speaker B: Could I.
[00:11:08] Speaker C: You tripped or something?
[00:11:10] Speaker B: Roll a survey in ancient or arcane area to see if I can, like, get a sense for, like, something is afoot or, like, I don't know, just try and, like, suss out, like, how could that even be? Is that allowed, dragon?
[00:11:30] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. Of course.
[00:11:34] Speaker B: I rolled a two, plus a three, four, a five. But my modifier for cunning is minus one, so I only rolled a four.
[00:11:44] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:11:45] Speaker C: I was gonna help you but it won't reach a seven.
[00:11:48] Speaker A: What was the question? What was the question you were going to ask about this area?
[00:11:55] Speaker B: Does it need to be from the list, or could I freestyle a little bit?
[00:11:59] Speaker A: I would say for these purposes, let's make it at least stemming from the list a little bit. It can be a sort of offshoot of a list question, if that helps. Sure.
[00:12:10] Speaker B: The one that's catching my eye is, how can I gain access to this place's secrets? But more from, like, an approach of, like, what link to our side of this sort of magical divide is here. Like, how. Like, how can. How can that be? What is the connection between, like, our place and this place? If that makes sense.
[00:12:33] Speaker A: That does make sense. As you're looking at the flower, there's something about the flower, and as you're sort of trying to figure out its connection to this area or these effects or whatever it is, there's something about the flower that pulls you in a little bit and you can't quite figure it out. And you see on the inside of the petals, there's a tiny tinge of, like, copper starting to rest a little bit, but you don't want to let go of it.
[00:13:05] Speaker B: I think Raxio just keeps getting, like, closer and holding it closer and closer to his face.
[00:13:11] Speaker C: I know, it's cool, right? This was probably my best metal project in a while. Metal is hard to work with.
[00:13:19] Speaker B: Sorry, what?
[00:13:20] Speaker C: What? Huh? I said it was my best. My best metal project in a while.
[00:13:25] Speaker B: It is very nice.
[00:13:27] Speaker C: I was gonna give it to the deer. They said they wanted a flower.
[00:13:30] Speaker B: I think the deer could make it down and through the ravine.
[00:13:33] Speaker C: Probably not.
[00:13:35] Speaker D: Deer. Is there a crossing to this ravine anywhere?
[00:13:38] Speaker A: Are you asking me or each other?
[00:13:41] Speaker D: I'm asking. I said deer. Is there a crossing?
[00:13:44] Speaker A: Deer.
[00:13:44] Speaker D: Deer.
[00:13:45] Speaker A: Sorry, I didn't hear the deer part.
You see that? The deer back up a little bit and they give a little shimmy and they charge forward and they all just leap across it.
[00:13:59] Speaker D: Oh, good job. Very good. I fly across.
[00:14:02] Speaker B: Thank you.
[00:14:03] Speaker A: Cool, cool.
[00:14:04] Speaker C: Um, I don't speak, dear, but I have a flower. Ninja's just, like, holding this out in a, like, I'm not gonna eat your way. Here ya go, Raxiel.
[00:14:14] Speaker A: I don't know how you feel about that.
[00:14:15] Speaker B: I think, um, he's gonna reach forward for the flower and he's just gonna say, you know, I just think it's a little strange that it was out here, far away from where it should be. So maybe I'll hang on to it and just make sure that it's not dangerous for our new friend.
[00:14:31] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh.
[00:14:33] Speaker B: There is always much danger.
[00:14:36] Speaker A: Scared.
[00:14:37] Speaker C: You're always so scared.
You're always so scared.
[00:14:40] Speaker B: I am, because I see scary things every single day.
[00:14:43] Speaker C: It's just a flower. I'm gonna give it to the deer.
[00:14:47] Speaker B: No.
[00:14:47] Speaker C: Okay, well, then it's mine.
[00:14:49] Speaker B: I don't think you should have it.
[00:14:52] Speaker A: What?
[00:14:53] Speaker C: It's mine. I made it.
[00:14:55] Speaker B: I think there's something different about it, and I don't think that anybody should have it except for me.
[00:15:01] Speaker C: Ah, you're fine. You know, Fin. Whatever. It's fine. Um, okay. Don't throw it in a river or anything.
[00:15:10] Speaker B: I think when you say that, he's still, like, very intently, like, squinting at the sort of rust on this flower, and, like, trying to parse out, like, what does it mean?
[00:15:24] Speaker A: Mm hmm.
I would love for you, Meg, to. To mark the doubt, shadow track on your.
[00:15:33] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness.
[00:15:36] Speaker A: As you take something valuable.
[00:15:38] Speaker B: I'm sorry.
[00:15:43] Speaker C: Let's keep going then. Are there. Jen's just following where the deer are going, I guess.
[00:15:48] Speaker A: The deer lead you through and on into the jungle proper, and you see the same sort of orange desaturation or tonal shift throughout the jungle. As you continue forward, you start noticing pieces of movement from other dragons and scouting parties, and you start piecing together that maybe this secret wasn't unknown to all, just very well kept. And you start questioning, if that's the case, then who knows? Why hasn't it been told what's going on? It becomes daunting. It becomes larger than it was before, and all of a sudden, they aren't just Raxiel's ramblings or Granny Doom's off days. It's becoming reality a little bit more. The deer lead you through for a half days journey, and you reach the outskirts of the twinned mountains. At the base of them and a few hundred yards away, you can see where this divot, this crevasse in the ground, basically is. And you see faint specks of guard dragons on various podiums that same distance away, keeping an eye of watch over this area.
Was there anything in the interim that you guys wanted to do or anything in this moment you would like to do to prepare for this next leg of your journey?
[00:17:19] Speaker B: Um, I have a question.
Since this is a new session, do I have another haunting vision?
[00:17:27] Speaker A: Ooh, do you want to have another haunting vision?
[00:17:30] Speaker B: I mean, if that would be cool. Like, I don't know, whatever.
[00:17:36] Speaker D: Listeners. Jay just leaned in toward the camera like you want to fucking go when she said that, and I did not like it. Do you want to have another haunting vision?
[00:17:47] Speaker B: I think that would be on brand as we get closer to our destination.
[00:17:52] Speaker A: Absolutely. You approach this edge, and you don't see the smoke, but you feel it that same way that your heart stopped in your previous vision this morning.
The way your body forgot how to breathe. Or rather, it didn't dare. It happens for a brief second in reality. This is the first time ever that your dreams and your reality have intersected. And you've never been this far away from home.
The flower in your claw feels warm to the touch, but you can't help but grip it a little bit tighter. And you swear. You swear there is a voice heard just through your left ear.
It is layered by voices that feel familiar but are stranger to you, draconic in nature, hissing serpentine over top of them, you hear a deeper voice. I see you found me in my thing.
[00:18:55] Speaker B: It says on a ten plus, you've seen the true face of darkness. And I rolled a two and a six and have a plus two to charm.
That is a ten.
So if Araxial looks to his left, where the voices are coming from, what does he see?
[00:19:15] Speaker A: You see a snout once, sharp teeth that have been broken and jagged, creating three or four points with a single tooth. It snarls, it grins, and you see what almost looks like ancient, old, archaic marigold scales that looked as if they've been dipped in ink.
They drip with dark ichor and eyes of black obsidian with rolling orange smoke. Meet your gaze, you turn to the left. It looks at you, smiles, and it opens its jaws towards you, turning into smoke as it covers your head.
[00:20:07] Speaker B: I think usually these visions happen in dreams, but I kind of almost feel like maybe this just happens while plodding along while we're walking through the jungle. And I think that it's probably quiet.
I mean, I don't know. We have Jin with us, who is very, very chatty. So maybe it's not that quiet. But I think Raxiel is fairly quiet for a lot of this trek before, like, jumping and kind of letting out, like, a little yelp and kind of stumbling over his feet, trying to dodge out of the way of this maw that isn't there.
[00:20:51] Speaker C: Huh? What?
[00:20:52] Speaker B: I saw something.
It looked like. It looked like to me, or. Or like, days. No. What's the guy write it down?
[00:21:07] Speaker A: Let me find my own noise.
Eldrill. Eldrill, Eldrill. I don't know. There's an l. Sure. There's a drill.
[00:21:17] Speaker B: It looked like me or. Or like Eldrill. Golden scales, but black eyes with that orange smoke that I saw yesterday. Today. I don't even know how long it's been, but there's.
It said that. I see that you found me. And I think we're getting very, very close. And I think that whatever it is intends to harm us. What do we do?
[00:21:46] Speaker C: I don't know.
[00:21:47] Speaker D: The place where you saw this person, you think it is under the mountains?
[00:21:55] Speaker B: It could be. I just. I heard it in my ear, and I looked, and it was there.
But under the mountain. If that's where the darkness is, then I imagine that that's where this dragon is.
[00:22:12] Speaker D: This dragon is making the mockery of the beauty of this nature. We need to stop it.
[00:22:21] Speaker B: I get to ask two follow up questions, but we can do it after this conversation happens. I just scrolled and remembered, so I just want to say it, because I will forget it if we don't. But let's finish this little combo. Take it away.
[00:22:33] Speaker C: Can I, uh. Can I vote for a friendship gem for Yeti? That felt very honorable.
[00:22:41] Speaker B: Mmm. Yeah.
[00:22:42] Speaker D: Oh, I get one if I do the thing? Hell, yeah.
[00:22:46] Speaker A: Sure. I was sure. I don't see. I don't know if that's actually how it works, but I'm gonna say yes because I like it.
[00:22:52] Speaker C: Isn't that how I thought it was?
[00:22:54] Speaker D: Like, if your buddies do one, but if it's also me, then that's great.
[00:22:58] Speaker A: I think that if your friends recognize it in you, that's you're doing your.
[00:23:03] Speaker C: Your virtue. Got it. You're not trying to convert people to your virtue. I don't think. I think. I mean self fulfillment.
[00:23:11] Speaker B: Okay. The two questions that I get.
This dragon that I saw with the Marigold scales, is that a dragon? Like, is that Eldro?
[00:23:24] Speaker A: It is not Eldrill, but it does. They did look vaguely close to Eldrill.
[00:23:30] Speaker B: Okay, so maybe a long lost clutch mate or ancestor. Um, and then my additional question.
Did it. I was gonna ask, did it seem malicious? It tried to take a bite out of me.
[00:23:45] Speaker C: Um, I have a question suggested.
[00:23:47] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:23:48] Speaker A: Please.
[00:23:48] Speaker C: Coming up short. My suggestion is, um, any, like, environmental factors that you might have missed. Like, was it dark? Were there reflections in the eyes?
[00:23:58] Speaker B: Like, I like that. That's really good. Yeah. Do I glean anything about where this creature could be based on what I saw?
[00:24:04] Speaker A: Ooh, it did seem to. No glints in the eyes. You gather that wherever they are, it is dark and closed off from any sources of light.
[00:24:14] Speaker C: A voice like echoey or anything.
[00:24:16] Speaker A: Voice echoey.
[00:24:18] Speaker B: Definitely underground in a cave, maybe.
[00:24:21] Speaker C: Ugh. I don't like caves.
[00:24:23] Speaker B: Me neither.
[00:24:24] Speaker C: Especially creepy, dark ones.
[00:24:27] Speaker B: We're gonna find it. I'm sorry. What was that?
[00:24:30] Speaker D: I love caves.
[00:24:33] Speaker B: Like, plants in them, though.
[00:24:35] Speaker C: I like rocks, but I don't like the caves. You know, rocks are cool. Caves are weird.
[00:24:42] Speaker D: Historically, caves are home to dragons, which also does not make much sense because wings don't like caves.
[00:24:50] Speaker C: True. That's why I got paint on one of the elders ones, actually, because I was trying to fly around in the cave and I hit a wall and then also them on accident.
[00:25:00] Speaker B: I do remember that.
[00:25:01] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:25:02] Speaker D: We need to keep moving.
[00:25:04] Speaker B: How are we gonna get past the guards, though? They know us. They'll recognize us. And my grandparent is very angry that I am no longer there.
[00:25:13] Speaker C: I am going to try to blend.
[00:25:16] Speaker D: In with the deer herd, but I don't think that would work for you.
[00:25:21] Speaker C: I have an idea that works for all of us.
[00:25:23] Speaker D: What is.
[00:25:24] Speaker C: I'm. Can I try to make a harmless but loud explosive?
[00:25:35] Speaker D: 600 years ago, dragon bomb.
[00:25:39] Speaker B: Roll the bomb.
[00:25:43] Speaker A: I. Yeah, that's the goal.
[00:25:46] Speaker C: That's the goal here.
[00:25:47] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:25:47] Speaker C: Most out of metal.
[00:25:49] Speaker A: What would you.
[00:25:49] Speaker C: I guess.
[00:25:52] Speaker A: Okay. What move would you like to put forward for that?
[00:25:56] Speaker C: I'm gonna. I'm gonna use my signature move.
Just making stuff. What? Dragon trade for sure.
[00:26:05] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. Go ahead and roll.
[00:26:08] Speaker C: Seven.
[00:26:09] Speaker B: Okay, never mind. I was gonna say if I could. I don't know if I understand quite how. Oh, I closed the tab, like rolling or whatever. Yeah.
[00:26:21] Speaker C: The help action only gives helper hinder if you succeed.
[00:26:24] Speaker B: Ah, okay.
[00:26:26] Speaker C: Or a minus two if you want to hinder them.
[00:26:28] Speaker B: Don't make a bomb. No, I totally.
[00:26:34] Speaker C: Okay. I got a seven. It says I can pick durable, functional, or attractive. And I'm gonna say functional.
[00:26:41] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:26:43] Speaker B: What would a durable bomb.
[00:26:46] Speaker A: Well, here. Here's what I'll say. It is fun. It is functional.
It is very fragile.
[00:26:55] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:26:57] Speaker A: Very fragile. That's fair.
[00:27:00] Speaker C: It also does not look good. It does look like a crazy person made this.
[00:27:04] Speaker A: What does it look like? What does this balm look like? While you're in the middle of the.
[00:27:08] Speaker C: Jungle, glass, paper, and paints, like, don't really come in, you know? Okay. You know what it is? I don't know how many people I know Ben seen Arcane. I don't know if Megan J. Have. But in there, there's a character named Jinx who makes, like, bombs, but they all just look like crazy, stupid contraptions with, like, wires poking out everywhere and, like, metal pieces that, like, probably don't need to be there. And then also, I think Jin has painted on it to try to, like, pretend that it's like a rock or something, but it doesn't come out very well. So it just looks awful.
[00:27:43] Speaker A: Like, it's.
[00:27:43] Speaker C: There's just metal pieces everywhere and terrible painting jobs.
[00:27:47] Speaker B: That's so funny.
[00:27:48] Speaker C: It looks nuts.
Can I like Jay because it's functional? Can I have, like, a timer or some kind of remote button for it?
[00:27:57] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. I'll say a timer at the very beginning. Remote buttons. Time's a little, like ten plus time. Like a timer.
[00:28:04] Speaker C: I'll take timer. Timer's great.
[00:28:06] Speaker A: Motion said there's, like, a.
[00:28:07] Speaker C: How's that? Just kidding.
[00:28:09] Speaker A: No, there's, like, a five second differential on the timer too. So it could explode 5 seconds before or 5 seconds after.
[00:28:17] Speaker C: That's fine. 5 seconds is doable.
[00:28:21] Speaker A: For sure.
[00:28:21] Speaker C: For sure. I wanna go put it, like.
So if there's dragons kind of above us on both sides, they wanna put it, like, on one side behind those dragons on that side. Does that make sense or the left?
[00:28:35] Speaker A: Absolutely.
[00:28:36] Speaker C: I wanna put it on the left a little bit behind those dragons.
[00:28:39] Speaker A: So they have to turn around and look, hopefully amazing. Let's. Here's what I will say. You are successful with the bomb.
I would love for you to make a mislead or trick move.
[00:28:55] Speaker C: Rad plus two to cunning. This is my favorite one.
[00:28:59] Speaker D: Oh, can I actually help this?
I want to tell the deer.
[00:29:04] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead.
[00:29:05] Speaker D: And I'll tell, like, the nearby deer and birds to, like. I mean, I know they're gonna scatter anyway, but, like, scatter in a way that, like, makes it really, really convincing that something big and bad is happening.
[00:29:19] Speaker A: For sure. Go ahead and roll for help or hinder, which I believe is plus two because you have two friendship gems right now.
[00:29:25] Speaker D: I do.
I really want to hit this one. I got a nine. So I expose myself to cost, complication, or harm.
But you do get a plus one.
[00:29:38] Speaker A: Okay, let's do this. Yeah. Roll your thing first.
[00:29:42] Speaker C: Is Raxial helping in any way? Yeah, you don't have to.
[00:29:47] Speaker A: Sorry.
[00:29:47] Speaker B: He's, like, reading it to be like, yes, I would like to help. Sorry.
I think Raxiel helps by.
Well, let me roll first and then see what happens.
[00:30:05] Speaker C: Because I currently have a nine, so if you succeed, then it's a ten.
[00:30:10] Speaker B: So I got five. Sorry.
[00:30:13] Speaker D: Oh, no, it's okay.
[00:30:17] Speaker A: My word.
[00:30:18] Speaker D: Oh, so you just don't help? There's no complication or anything?
[00:30:21] Speaker B: I think he tries to do it, but then gets distracted by the flower again.
[00:30:26] Speaker A: Mm hmm.
Ben, I would love for you to mark a shadow track, let you pick which one, and while you think about that and we sort of do that, I will say with your nine, you set the explosive, and the deer are somewhat helpful.
Even in this moment, you are able to set off this loud and harmless explosive. But it's very, very fragile, as we've established.
And because of that, because it's so fragile, you set it down, you set the timer, you leave. I think that, like, because it's on the side of a mountain, something moves up top in which there's, like, a rock that falls down and sets it off a little early.
And because of that, you all also weren't expecting it. The dragons are successfully distracted, but it does start a tumbling of rocks down, heading in your direction.
[00:31:36] Speaker C: Okay, I'm just running faster while they're destroying.
[00:31:41] Speaker A: How does. And in this moment, how does your shadow track manifest?
[00:31:47] Speaker D: I really liked that complication, and so I marked fear exaggerate the danger of a situation.
And so I think it's just like, we're just like.
[00:31:57] Speaker C: That makes a lot of sense.
[00:31:58] Speaker D: Yeah, I think it's like, oh, no, this will crush beneath trees. This is not good. Creatures run. And he's just, like, trying to get all the creatures to run away from the rock slide.
[00:32:10] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. The creatures start running, and I think that there's, like, it causes a tiny bit of a stampede as all of these camouflaged animals start coming out of the jungle, running in opposite ways. And you all have a hard time kind of keeping together. You are still able to do so, but it starts. There's. It pushes you back far enough to where you're making your way. Where is your goal? Where do you want to end up? Do you want to go into this darkness? Do you want to, like, okay, I think we.
[00:32:43] Speaker D: I want to go into the darkness.
[00:32:44] Speaker B: I think we are cool. Go in there.
[00:32:47] Speaker A: You find this crag in the side where you know, this darkness is housed, and you duck inside. However, as you do, the rocks that are following, that are following you, I will give you all the option as players. Do you want the rocks to potentially hit you, or do you want to be locked in?
[00:33:06] Speaker C: I think locked in. I vote locked in.
[00:33:09] Speaker D: I also vote locked in.
[00:33:10] Speaker B: Okay, locked in.
[00:33:12] Speaker A: We're locked in.
[00:33:13] Speaker B: We are locked in.
[00:33:15] Speaker A: You slow mo dart into this crag in the side, wings sort of outstretched and giving you that last boost of energy and speed that you need to get in unharmed. However, as you do. A large stone hits the side. Dust and rock particles from the top of this crag in the side of the ravine tumble, and they hit your snouts a little bit. You cough and you sputter a tad, and then you blink and you realize you are in darkness.
[00:33:48] Speaker B: This is just like what I saw, actually, no, this is worse. I don't see anything at all right now. It is so dark in here when I even think Rexiel is just, like, spinning around in circles, just kind of like.
Like, just not having a very good time.
[00:34:05] Speaker C: Uh, do we breathe fire?
[00:34:07] Speaker A: I was just about to say, I remember you guys. You do have quote unquote breath weapons, so if you would like to breathe fire, you can't. I don't. This is a in a d and d setting as well. So I will say that it probably corresponds a little bit with your, like, the color of dragon you are. But also this is epileon, not d and d five e. So we can say screw it, and I don't care. Someone can breathe fire. I don't care who.
[00:34:35] Speaker D: Can I maybe also try to help remedy this situation a little bit? With an ability of mine, of course, a move of mine.
I have a move called beast of the land. I can take a special move called commune with the spirits native to the land. And roll plus charm. On a ten. They impart their wisdom upon you. Ask two of the following questions. On a seven to nine. Ask one on a miss. The spirits are in trouble and need help with a ritual of their own. Okay, so I'm gonna roll plus turn.
[00:35:08] Speaker A: Okay?
[00:35:10] Speaker D: My dice are a nine. I've got plus three, so that's a twelve.
[00:35:14] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:35:15] Speaker A: Slay.
Yeah. What questions are you asking these spirits?
[00:35:21] Speaker D: I am going to first ask, what spirits dance here?
[00:35:25] Speaker A: You take a look around and you inhale the air and the natural sediment of this cavern. And as you do, you catch a whiff of something. It's almost like a warming spice. And as you do, you get this strange sense of not being alone. The spirits that dance here, they are present, but they are forgotten. The spirits of the forgotten.
[00:35:50] Speaker D: I breathe in the spice, the dust and the heat. Not in a literal sense, but the spiciness, heat aggravating my nose slightly and making me a little snottier. And I speak directly towards them and I ask them, how could I nurture this place?
[00:36:11] Speaker A: As you ask that, you feel a sense of sadness wash over, and you get a sense that in remembering what you've experienced and discovering what is happening, there will be a sense of peace and you exhale a slight breath of coolness, almost like. This is gonna be a weird analogy. Sorry. You know me. I love weird analogies. It's almost like when you, like, are really sick and you put on vaporub, right?
[00:36:43] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:36:44] Speaker A: As you exhale, there's that sense of coolness, but it's not internal, it's external. It's like that.
[00:36:51] Speaker D: I will tell my friends that this place is in chaos. It is a place of unrest. We have to calm the spirits and the land here. This dragon is not being kind. It is causing chaos and darkness.
[00:37:09] Speaker B: How do we calm them?
[00:37:11] Speaker D: I do not know.
[00:37:12] Speaker C: We have to calm you first.
[00:37:13] Speaker B: I would appreciate that very much. I think he kind of just, like, bonk, you know, like how cats will just kind of, like, bonk, you know, their head into, like. I think he just kind of comes up and, like, bonks his head into your side, Jin. Just like, here.
[00:37:28] Speaker C: You know what's really helpful is painting something. You want to paint something.
[00:37:32] Speaker B: I couldn't see what I'm painting.
[00:37:34] Speaker C: Anyway, I've got. Okay, so in D and D rules, if I'm a blue dragon, I've got lightning breath, which is good enough for me. If we can find a stick, it turns into fire. So easy peasy.
[00:37:47] Speaker A: Yeah, you totally can.
[00:37:49] Speaker B: Great.
[00:37:51] Speaker C: Okay. I guess I exhale bolt of lightning, which is very unsettling.
And set a stick on fire.
[00:38:00] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:38:01] Speaker C: And then I pull out my paints and I give them to Abraxio. And I say, here, goats, you just can paint on the floor.
[00:38:06] Speaker B: Probably araxial art therapies for a little bit.
[00:38:09] Speaker A: And as you're starting to take a look around, you notice that a little further down the cavern, you start seeing a very faint trickling of, like, orange coppery spores, almost flaked in dark dust, going further into the cavern.
[00:38:27] Speaker C: Cool. What does Raxiel draw?
[00:38:31] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, that's a good question. I think he draws his little bank hideout spot, like, where he likes to hang out by the river.
The sand there is really pale. I mean, he's trying to paint it as best as he can in kind of some skewed lighting, but he paints the little river and his little burrow, and he draws himself curled up like a little cinnamon roll or something. Just kind of, like, wound.
[00:39:03] Speaker C: Jinnah is helping you too?
[00:39:05] Speaker B: Yeah, I was gonna say, I think eventually he'll draw yete. I don't know why I, like, stuttered there for a second. Yete kind of like chatting with the monkey in the tree and Jin over with their little workshop and their like, little tinkering things and just draws, like, home very much missing that sense of familiarity.
[00:39:31] Speaker C: Does it really?
[00:39:32] Speaker B: As he puts his last little stroke.
You're kind of right about that. That was quite. That was quite.
[00:39:39] Speaker C: It's pretty fun. That's why I paint on myself. Although there's a lot missing now because I did swim, which was gross anyway. It's pretty good. Okay, let's go. It cleans up all the paint stuff. Okay, I'll go. Who's first? I guess I go first.
[00:39:56] Speaker B: Okay, Rex, you know, we'll bring up the rear.
[00:40:00] Speaker D: Yetay will kind of talk to Jen and just be like, the spirits are floating this way.
They turn here, they go up over that cave ridge.
[00:40:12] Speaker C: Do you want to be in the front, like, offers you the torch?
[00:40:15] Speaker D: No, I can't hold the torch. It would be in my mouth, and then it would burn my fur.
[00:40:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I should, like, make you a hand so you can hold.
[00:40:25] Speaker D: That seems wild.
I don't know. I carry baskets at my mouth a lot, but not very good for fire.
[00:40:35] Speaker C: Yeah, but then you. If you have two hands, you can carry two baskets.
[00:40:38] Speaker D: I could carry three baskets if I carry the other one in my mouth.
[00:40:42] Speaker C: Also true.
[00:40:42] Speaker D: There's much darkness here. We cannot be joking. Focus.
[00:40:46] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:40:49] Speaker C: Head to where Yete is telling me.
[00:40:53] Speaker A: Yeah. You follow down, and as you continue to do so, the spores start turning into a light mist of this very familiar taraxial orange copper substance flecked with obsidian.
And as you continue, you hear movement outside of the next cavern. A large body that is moving on the ground, almost dragging.
[00:41:20] Speaker B: I think whatever it is is in the next room over.
[00:41:23] Speaker C: Yeah, we should probably be quiet.
[00:41:25] Speaker A: Why?
[00:41:26] Speaker D: We must talk to this creature. We must convince them to be at peace. Unless you have another way.
[00:41:34] Speaker C: I can make another bomb.
[00:41:37] Speaker D: We are trapped in a cave.
Perhaps a mirror so that they may reflect on their actions.
[00:41:44] Speaker C: Uh, you can't do that without a mirror, though.
[00:41:47] Speaker D: That is a good point.
[00:41:48] Speaker B: Could I have Raxio, like, very quietly, kind of creep up to the front? There's the study. Another dragon. Basic move.
[00:41:59] Speaker C: I was wondering about that.
[00:42:01] Speaker B: Kind of, like, very sneakily peek around the corner. I'm assuming it's a dragon on the other side.
[00:42:09] Speaker C: Of course it was weird because the questions are very player to player centric.
[00:42:16] Speaker A: We can.
[00:42:16] Speaker C: I don't know if we could modify.
[00:42:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I think that that's fine.
[00:42:21] Speaker D: I would also love to roll this.
[00:42:24] Speaker C: Yeah, I can help, but my help would just be also looking, so I don't.
[00:42:30] Speaker A: Do you. Do you all three want to roll.
[00:42:32] Speaker D: This all roll if you'd like to.
[00:42:33] Speaker B: This is just all.
[00:42:34] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:42:35] Speaker C: Great.
[00:42:35] Speaker B: For fun.
[00:42:37] Speaker D: Oh.
[00:42:40] Speaker A: I failed dichotomy of man.
[00:42:42] Speaker C: I got a five, plus a five is ten, minus one is nine.
[00:42:47] Speaker B: I got a four and a five for nine plus two, two for an eleven.
[00:42:55] Speaker D: I completely failed. I'm gonna mark XP even though it's not gonna matter.
[00:43:01] Speaker A: Okay. Also mark another shadow, please.
[00:43:06] Speaker D: Oh, fuck. Really?
[00:43:09] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:43:10] Speaker C: This is a one.
[00:43:11] Speaker A: Y'all are in the darkness now, so let's do this. While you think of that shadow, ask me. We had a full success and a half success. So that's three questions. You may ask three questions in regards to this figure.
[00:43:27] Speaker B: I think this is like cumulative between Jinn and Raxiel, correct?
[00:43:33] Speaker A: Yes. Or you could just discuss it as a group too. I'm fine with that.
[00:43:36] Speaker C: I love the grudge question. I think that's rad.
[00:43:39] Speaker B: I also am really intrigued by the what could I learn from you question, which, like, I think is interesting.
[00:43:46] Speaker C: I think.
[00:43:47] Speaker B: Is there a question like, what's your deal?
[00:43:49] Speaker C: That's what the like, I'm hoping the grudge gives us.
[00:43:51] Speaker A: What's your backstory?
[00:43:53] Speaker C: That's what I'm hoping the grudge question gives us.
[00:43:56] Speaker B: Yeah, I like that a lot. Let's start with that and see.
[00:43:58] Speaker C: What are you holding a grudge against?
[00:44:02] Speaker A: You think this question in your mind, and the way I will say that this manifests, is that as you inhale this darkness, capital darkness, right? You start getting bits and pieces of memory. You ask this question about the grudge, not the movie.
It's grudge. And.
And as. And as you do. Sorry. And as you do, you see flashes. You see a Drake. Not a young Drake. Well, young in age, but also in actual terminology, a Drake. A dragon like figure without wings. You see the Marigold scales. You see a walking next to a dragon. Similar marigold scales that you do pick up as the head dracon with wings. Pre moss, pre elder dragon status. Right. They're in a. They're on these platforms and they're making their way across these places. And you see a part in which the next level up is too steep. And while Hedrake and Eldrill flies up, you see that another figure is left down below, unable to make its way up. In that moment, the figure seems to almost time lapse age.
And you hear scoffs and laughs and remarks. Multiple voices, many voices. People saying that you could never do that. You could never be this person, you could never lead. You could never be a true part of this family. Who are you? You can't even make your way up to the next level of our home. What are you? You hear names, you hear insults. A freak of nature, an outcast, a joke. And you feel anger harden.
You feel self doubt creep in. You feel the shame of not being good enough and the fear of never being loved build up armor until it becomes a pressure. The grudge isn't against one person. It's against a society that never understood.
[00:46:19] Speaker C: You want to ask the learned question?
[00:46:21] Speaker B: Yeah. What can we learn from this dragon?
[00:46:24] Speaker A: What you can learn from this dragon? Ooh. I'll give you guys a choice. Do you want to learn what you can learn from this individual in terms of, like, morality or what you can learn in terms of information about the darkness itself?
[00:46:39] Speaker B: I kind of feel like the darkness itself is maybe what I'm leaning towards a little bit.
[00:46:44] Speaker A: That one, in that same memory, you sort of are pulled about, and you soar through this smoke and darkness, and you land in a cavern, solitary, alone. And that pressure that had been built up of never being enough and ashamed and angry at the people you loved turning against you. It bubbles in the stomach and then in the throat. And as a deep exhale of what's trying to be a calming breath lets out, that pressure is released, and a smoke of fog and darkness clings to the walls of the cave. It exits almost, and it latches on to the greenery of the jungle, leeches it, of its green, encompasses it, and brings it back into the cave. What you can learn from this is that this darkness manifested by this creature's shadow self, and because of it, it is taking away the plant life and the memories associated with it. And the green moonstone magic that derives from the land and is consuming it into itself.
[00:48:00] Speaker C: We have one more question.
[00:48:01] Speaker B: The last question.
How could we get that dragon to.
[00:48:07] Speaker C: Talk to us, not attack on sight without eating us? Yeah.
[00:48:14] Speaker A: You simply walk in.
[00:48:15] Speaker B: I think Raxio will take a very tentative step in to this next cavern. I think. You know how dogs on hardwood floors sort of click with their nails? I think there's kind of that click that resonates through throughout this cavern as he places his.
[00:48:36] Speaker C: I thought you were talking about the hesitation, because sometimes when dogs haven't seen a hardwood floor, they're like, what is this? And then they just kind of hug her down, and they're like, I don't like it. That's what I thought you were talking about.
[00:48:51] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. I'll go with. Take a step in. Jin is following yete.
[00:48:55] Speaker D: What happens to you in this moment, yet stays back. And I think he also sees this same memory and begins to think that he and his friend Jyn have been led here by a traitor who saw a vision that was not of the doom of the dragons, but of their lineage's success in removing the light and color from our island.
[00:49:29] Speaker C: Damn.
[00:49:30] Speaker A: And what shadow mark have you marked?
[00:49:32] Speaker C: Doubt Jin's coming to Raxiel.
[00:49:40] Speaker A: We're all bobbing our heads back and forth in unison. You know how it is.
[00:49:45] Speaker B: Making my way.
[00:49:46] Speaker A: Raxiel and Jin. Fucking fast. How much can we sing of that?
[00:49:50] Speaker C: Actually, Jade did say making their way, and I was, like, making their way, but I didn't want to interrupt your, like, super cool monologuing.
[00:49:58] Speaker A: Oh, it's okay.
[00:50:00] Speaker C: Making my way?
[00:50:02] Speaker A: I love monologuing. Yes. Raxiel, you step in, followed by Djinn. And not followed. At least not yet by yete, if at all. You hear a whisper. Welcome.
[00:50:15] Speaker B: I found you, like you said.
[00:50:18] Speaker A: You found me? At what cost?
[00:50:22] Speaker B: Well, we're stuck here for a while.
[00:50:24] Speaker C: I had to give Raxiol my flower.
[00:50:27] Speaker B: What's your name?
[00:50:28] Speaker A: I have many names. You may call me Rendror.
The dread patron of negligence.
[00:50:38] Speaker B: You may call me Raxiel. I have not earned a title yet.
[00:50:43] Speaker C: I want to give a friendship gem. Because I think. I think Raxiel is being very empathetic right now.
[00:50:50] Speaker A: Absolutely.
[00:50:51] Speaker B: Yay.
[00:50:52] Speaker A: Go ahead.
[00:50:53] Speaker B: Thanks for the gym.
[00:50:55] Speaker A: He's for the gym.
[00:50:56] Speaker B: You're a gem.
[00:50:57] Speaker C: That's what friendship is for. Anyway, friends are the real gems are the friends who made a long way. Okay.
[00:51:05] Speaker B: Real.
[00:51:07] Speaker A: You have traveled far, young one.
[00:51:13] Speaker B: We have. We deemed it very important to be here.
[00:51:18] Speaker A: And you are not alone.
[00:51:20] Speaker B: No.
[00:51:20] Speaker A: No.
Who comes with you?
[00:51:24] Speaker B: Rexhield is like the dog side eye.
[00:51:29] Speaker C: Um. I'm Jin.
[00:51:30] Speaker A: And who is the one who has abandoned you?
[00:51:33] Speaker C: Jin, like, looks behind them and realized that Yete did not come with. Hey. You should come out.
[00:51:41] Speaker D: I wish to.
But the. The spirit showed me the past. And how Raxio's family caused this.
[00:51:53] Speaker C: It did. They, like, turned back to Raxio.
[00:51:55] Speaker B: I saw Eldrill. You seem to know them. A sibling.
[00:52:01] Speaker A: Yes. Younger sibling. At least they once were. What do you desire coming into my domain?
[00:52:09] Speaker B: I foresaw this smoke that you wield, that you bear. And I saw it overtaking this place. This home. We are here to prevent that from happening.
[00:52:26] Speaker A: There is no prevention. My plant has been in motion since before you were a thought. What makes you think you can do anything about it?
[00:52:38] Speaker B: What plan?
[00:52:39] Speaker C: Jyn is bending down and is gonna start making something.
[00:52:43] Speaker A: Okay. Plan. I've been erased from the histories and bloodlines of the Sollweg. My blood still stands. My name does not. My face does not. They are ashamed of me. I will erase them from their land the way they erased me from theirs.
[00:53:05] Speaker B: Retaliation won't fix what happened to you.
[00:53:09] Speaker A: I don't want to be fixed.
[00:53:11] Speaker B: What do you want?
[00:53:13] Speaker A: I want to expose the darkness within them. The way they exposed it in me.
I want revenge. Is that something you can help with?
[00:53:25] Speaker B: I won't. You say you want revenge. I saw what I saw.
Maybe revenge would feel good. Maybe it would feel validated. But that won't undo the hurt that was done to you.
You wanted to be cared for and loved, as we all do.
I'm sorry that Eldral did not.
That was wrong.
But acting that same harm, that same ill will, on the dozens and dozens of other drakes that have been birthed since.
That's not right.
[00:54:21] Speaker A: Jin, what are you making?
[00:54:25] Speaker C: So, I think they were making one thing, and then when this drake said, they don't want to be fixed, they pivoted.
But they're making a, like, what seems to be, like, a canister made of metal around the outsides and, like, a metal plate on the back of it. But the actual, like, container is made of glass, and it has, like, a couple of, like, backpack straps on it. Is kind of what it looks like.
And then I think they scratch that and go for, like, a necklace thing.
But, yeah, currently, it's just kind of empty.
Should I roll for, like, making a thing?
[00:55:19] Speaker A: Yes, please.
[00:55:21] Speaker C: Let's do it. Come on. Please don't screw me over.
[00:55:25] Speaker A: Please.
[00:55:26] Speaker C: Okay. It's a seven. I'll take it.
[00:55:29] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:55:30] Speaker C: It's not a fail.
[00:55:33] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:55:35] Speaker B: Um.
[00:55:39] Speaker C: I think this thing is gonna be durable.
[00:55:44] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:55:47] Speaker C: And Jin really wants to.
They've made, like, an in, like, a bracelet for themselves, but the inside is where all of the moonstones are, in, like, a circle, just a metal piece, but they can take out the stones and put them back in. So they want to take out the white one and try to power this thing above table. My intent is, like, white is healing, and they're thinking maybe if we can put this healing magic close by, it might reduce some of the, like, negative thought effects that are happening.
[00:56:36] Speaker A: Interesting. Heard.
[00:56:38] Speaker C: Don't know if that's how it works.
[00:56:40] Speaker B: But could I donate a friendship gem? I feel like that's ambitious, and I appreciate it.
[00:56:48] Speaker A: Absolutely.
[00:56:49] Speaker C: Awesome.
[00:56:50] Speaker A: Yeah, it's gutsy.
[00:56:51] Speaker B: Getting rid of your own stone for somebody else, like, that's, I think, absolutely noteworthy.
[00:56:57] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:56:57] Speaker A: And before we do the next thing, yete, you hear all of this, this whole conversation. Does anything change? Do you do anything or do you just sit and wait?
[00:57:09] Speaker D: I. I don't think yet I can do anything.
This dragon is large and old and completely enshrouded in shadow.
And Yete's in a place that is unfamiliar and unkind to his entire being.
[00:57:39] Speaker A: Raxiel.
As you were talking, a face emerges from the smoke, the same that you saw, but this time it's real. Your fears, your visions, everything you've seen since you were in an egg is manifested.
It stoops down and looks you in the eyes.
I would love for you to make a convince a dragon roll.
[00:58:09] Speaker B: Okay, I rolled a nine.
[00:58:19] Speaker A: A nine.
[00:58:22] Speaker B: Um, I feel like the result.
Gosh, I don't know. If they don't do it, they mark a shadow that seems like really, really bad.
[00:58:33] Speaker C: No, that's for clutch mates.
For an NPC.
They don't get it quite right or they don't tell you everything you need to know.
[00:58:41] Speaker B: Okay. And I. Do I choose or do you choose? Jesus.
[00:58:46] Speaker A: I choose, I think. You give this speech and you see something.
You see a glimpse of a lightening of the brain.
The figure stoops.
My sibling has chosen their path.
They, as well as all of the ones who laughed and tormented me.
They will suffer.
How do I know you who grew up under their wing will not do the same?
[00:59:38] Speaker B: Because I'm like you.
Not the same, but the taunting, the laughing, the scoffing and the scorning.
I see things and I know they're real.
Not everybody believes them.
I don't need to be believed.
I know what I know, and I know myself.
And I trust myself.
Do you know who you are beneath the fog and the clouds and the shadow beneath the body with no wings at the very core, at the very heart?
Who are you?
[01:00:30] Speaker C: Can I throw the necklace thingy over top of their head?
[01:00:34] Speaker A: Absolutely.
[01:00:36] Speaker C: Would you like me to make a magic roll or a, like. I want to activate magic.
[01:00:45] Speaker A: Yeah, I would love for you to do a moon magic roll. Please.
[01:00:50] Speaker B: Could I? Oh, I can't help because there not with moon.
[01:00:53] Speaker C: Moon magic. But I will expend all three of my friendship gems.
[01:00:59] Speaker A: Absolutely.
Friendship is magic. Oh, your friends are helping.
[01:01:07] Speaker C: That's an eight, plus three is an eleven, baby.
[01:01:10] Speaker D: Let's go.
[01:01:12] Speaker C: So it's both exceptionally powerful and within my control, although I don't know if it is because the stone is inside the thing. So that's up to j. But you know.
[01:01:22] Speaker A: Absolutely.
There is a moment where this goes over.
Rend roars head and you watch as the dread patron of negligence, a marigold Drake, who is covered in an inky ichor, has a moment of clarity.
He blinks.
Oh, there's not much time.
For what? I'm so sorry.
[01:01:55] Speaker B: What you did what you needed to do to protect yourself.
[01:02:02] Speaker A: The white stone in the contraption, it is powering, and it is a battery. But it doesn't take a very arcanely expertised person or dragon to know that this will not last forever.
Rendor looks down.
It's too far gone.
The darkness. It's consumed. There's not much time. I it wants to consume.
Makara, the solveig, the flora.
I can hold.
You see? A grunt of pain. I can hold it back as long as this is here, which is not very long.
A day.
A day.
You all need to leave.
[01:03:00] Speaker D: The entryway is blocked.
[01:03:05] Speaker A: I can fix that.
[01:03:06] Speaker D: I think yete would go try to whisper through a crack and tell the creatures to spread the word to leave.
[01:03:14] Speaker A: Okay, I will say that you take a step out and you start doing that as this moment of clarity happens, right? So I think that's your first instinct, and you immediately hear. I think the way that it functions is that there's a small mouse that's in the cave, and there's a little crack big enough for that mouse to get through. And they say, oh, um. Oh, okay.
[01:03:39] Speaker D: Tell the one you can tell the granny.
[01:03:43] Speaker A: Okay, okay, I will. Yes, yes.
[01:03:48] Speaker D: Go to the color.
Find granny.
[01:03:51] Speaker A: Okay, okay. Go to the color. Fine.
[01:03:55] Speaker B: Granny.
[01:03:55] Speaker A: Okay. And they sprint off.
And as they do, you see that, uh, Ren drawer? The dread patron of negligence comes up behind, and they just full sprint, ram into the rocks.
There's a crack in it big enough for smaller creatures of your size to sort of claw and headbutt their way out.
He says anything left here by next sunset will be gone.
I. We can't.
[01:04:39] Speaker C: Why can't we fix it? I can't.
Things are fixable.
How do we fix it?
[01:04:51] Speaker D: We have to go.
[01:04:54] Speaker C: That's not a fix.
[01:04:58] Speaker A: You have to go.
There are some hearts too broken and too dark to see the light properly.
[01:05:10] Speaker D: Yete will uncover the white stone from under his tongue and drop it in front of jin. Can you add this? Can you give more time?
[01:05:28] Speaker C: Um. If I do that, do I have to make a magic roll.
[01:05:33] Speaker A: Yet? I will have to make a magic roll.
[01:05:35] Speaker C: Okay, great.
[01:05:37] Speaker A: Stone. Go ahead.
[01:05:39] Speaker D: I'm gonna expend both of my friendships.
I got it. Exactly. A two and a six on my d sixes. And two friendships spent. It's a ten. Exactly.
[01:05:51] Speaker C: Nice. I will add it. I don't know if I have to add anything, but you're able to add.
[01:05:57] Speaker A: Another day onto this.
[01:06:00] Speaker B: Marxio will offer his stone as well.
[01:06:06] Speaker A: Amazing. Go ahead and make a moon magic roll.
[01:06:09] Speaker B: Moonstone magic roll. I will be expending all three of my friendship points.
[01:06:14] Speaker A: Okay.
1010 on the other day.
[01:06:20] Speaker D: Oh, my gosh.
[01:06:22] Speaker A: 72 hours.
What does this look like? The three of you together. I want a word picture. What does it look like? As the three of you give pieces of not just yourself, but of your bonds and of each other to a creature deemed so far gone that they haven't seen the light of day in centuries.
[01:06:46] Speaker D: Yete takes the white moonstone into his mouth and sees the spirits of this place start to like conglomerate, like moths drawn to this canister. Onto the canister. And then as he drops it on the ground for his clutch mate, he stops seeing them.
[01:07:08] Speaker B: I think for Raxiel as he. I imagine it like a. Like a pearl, round and smooth.
And as he places it on the ground and nudges it over, I think in like the reflection of like the little light from the torch, the little bits of glowing sort of copper in the air, there are reflections of Raxiel back with the dragons telling the story of Rendor. Someone who was abandoned but still loved.
And sort of this campfire story image of this being a lesson not for Rendor to learn, but for. For our community to learn that the ones that we leave behind are not to be forgotten.
[01:08:08] Speaker C: For Jyn, everything has been very much something that you could change or fix in a short period of time or even maybe a long period of time. But regardless, it can be that way. And putting two more, like, activated moonstones into this contraption causes their hand to just like, all of the color leaves. And it's all the scales up to, like, their forearm are just white because there's an intense amount of power.
And I think it just stays that way. And honestly, this is like the first time Jin has learned that some things just like, don't fix.
[01:08:57] Speaker B: I think as we finish these offerings to render or with some little way out for us smaller dragons, I think Raxiel will sort of curl up between Rendrawar's forearms for a minute and rest his head on one of their clawed hands and just say, I see you.
[01:09:29] Speaker A: In the faint bit of light coming from the small opening that Rendor had made. You see a reflection in their eyes as they see the faintest bit of the newly setting sun, and the golden warmth is breathed in as they nuzzle down. And they say, I see you too.
They allow you all to leave with the lesson imparted, that sometimes people don't need to be fixed, and creatures don't need to be repaired, but they need to be shown compassion and love.
In those few days, you feel that piece of white moonstone that you've given fade from you. And there's a mechanic in Apelion, where whenever you grow, you lose a connection to a moon. And I think that in this moment, you feel your teeth grow a little longer, and your bodies grow a little taller, as you're no longer drakes, but dragons.
Our game ends in both dispersal and growth.
After a few days, darkness overwhelms Makara, and the members of the solvig are forced to either be consumed or scatter across the ink DX.
Some dragons choose to be consumed, refusing to meet any other living soul in the fear that their minds will also become forgotten and shadowed. Others relocate into mountains and caves, growing their family in an effort to remember what they hold dear. However, some dragons chose to prioritize themselves through the years. They gather and stash their own various collections and places not easily reached. To collect something is to know it, and to know it means to control it. There is nothing that quenches the thirst of fear quite like control.
The darkness of Makara fed on the green magics woven into the land itself, using rend roar as its vessel. The darkness consumed the memory and life of of the islet proper, forming a new beast of its own, known by few and seen by fewer. This entity feeds and grows on not just the consumption of creatures, but also on memories.
Some will say that this beast is considered the first false hydra. Others will say it's something much more sinister. It is rumored to still stalk the waters near the sunken islands, but there's plenty of room in the ocean's depths for a creature of such prowess. And that, my friends, is a story for another time.
Hello friends, thank you so much for listening to history. Check Drakin this is our first of five series that we are posting for this summers mini series mayhem. So if you like what you hear, make sure to give us a follow here or anywhere else you can find podcasts. We also have a main campaign which we will be kicking off arc four of in the fall. So to stay up to date with all things, spells and whistles, you can catch us on all pod platforms every Sunday. At 12:00 Pacific or you can give us a follow on our socials. We are spellsandwhistlespod on TikTok and Instagram and whistles on Twitter. If you want to become a part of our community, you can check out our discord for fun, games and discussion. And if you want to add a little extra sparkle to your support, check out our Patreon. All of the money we make there is immediately funneled back into the show, giving us a few extra spells and whistles. Thanks again for listening and we will catch you next week. Bye.