Episode Transcript
[00:00:20] Speaker A: Cool. Slay. We did it.
[00:00:23] Speaker B: Um, I'm ready for you to cross, Jay. It'll be great.
[00:00:27] Speaker A: Oh, not yet. There's three parts. Um.
[00:00:31] Speaker B: Bet speed. Run that shit.
[00:00:35] Speaker C: TPK, tPk.
[00:00:37] Speaker A: Count two of us.
[00:00:37] Speaker D: So, guys, if we ended up the next part.
[00:00:40] Speaker B: Exactly.
[00:00:40] Speaker C: Whoa.
[00:00:41] Speaker A: I just have you guys make more princesses right here, right now. Session three is just a session zero.
[00:00:48] Speaker B: I'll make Hobie's son.
[00:00:52] Speaker A: Bobby swing.
Gosh. Okay. Hi, friends. Welcome back to spells and whistles, a normally D and D five e podcast. But if you can't tell, today we're playing a different TTRPG called Perils and Princesses, which is by Ryan lynch. It's really amazing. You should check it out.
Yeah. My name's Jay. I'm your fairy God keeper for this part two of a three part one shot.
We are at the penultimate episode. Penultimate is my favorite word at the moment. Sorry. And I have some really fun friends with me that I will just remind you guys who is here, in case you didn't listen to part one. I have Morgan, I have Annie, I have Dan, and I have Grace, who all have their fun little guys.
Let's just go around in a circle real quick and just remind us of your character's name and their playbook real quick. And we'll start. We'll start with.
We'll start with Morgan.
[00:01:57] Speaker C: Hello. I'm Morgan, and I am playing Princess Isadora Arabesque of the graceful Grove. And I am the sprightly agility princess.
[00:02:07] Speaker E: Hi, I'm Annie. I'm playing m a little weirdo. Who is the healing touch princess, or one of two healing touch princesses?
[00:02:15] Speaker D: Hi. I am playing alma sticks from the kingdom of wild Marsh, who is the kitchen magic princess.
[00:02:23] Speaker B: And I am playing Hobie, who's also a healing hand princess. Sorry. This stupid.
This character is so silly in comparison. Like, everybody's character is a little bit silly. It's just that you have all of these lovely princesses. We're, like, very femme kind of characters. And then you got, like, a six foot two big buff man.
[00:02:49] Speaker A: Hoby can be a princess, too.
[00:02:51] Speaker B: Just in mental.
[00:02:52] Speaker C: Anyone can be a princess.
[00:02:54] Speaker D: Princess is a lifestyle.
[00:02:56] Speaker A: If Mia Thermopolis has told me anything, it is that anybody can walk as a princess in the princess parade. Damn it.
And if Princess diaries.
[00:03:07] Speaker D: Queen Rinp. Oh, my God. What is her name? Clarice Rinaldi. If Queen Clarice Rinaldi told me anything, it's that nepotism belongs in the arts, not in plumbing.
[00:03:18] Speaker B: Amazing.
[00:03:19] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh.
Okay, so let's just hop into it with a little bit of a recap. So we are currently residing in the vast land of gratitude, which is a, you know, very typical continent of many, many kingdoms. And we meet our four princesses on the day of the rite of Wintertide, a sort of festival that happens every 100 years, every, you know, century or so, in an attempt to calm the spirits of the frost and persuade them to bless the land of gratitude with calm winters for the next century until the next rite of Wintertide is to be bestowed upon them. So we meet our princesses playing various fair games, stealing various fair games, and stealing various mushrooms and stealing, actually, I don't know if Hobie stole his candy or not, so I shouldn't. I shouldn't assume, but eating various candy mushrooms are free.
[00:04:22] Speaker D: They come on the ground, they're free. That's all I'm saying.
I did steal that bean bag also.
[00:04:27] Speaker C: I stole nothing.
Isadora stole nothing. Isadora tried to stop em from stealing.
[00:04:37] Speaker A: Aw, look at that.
[00:04:39] Speaker C: Aw, shucks. Thanks.
[00:04:41] Speaker A: And through all of this heartfelt cheer, we then come to the time of the ceremony of the rite of wintertide, where four ice thrones are displayed in a request for four volunteers, four of the champions of the fairy godmothers, to step forward and take on the responsibility as that right was bestowed upon Isodora M. Alma and Hobi. They found themselves falling and plummeting through the actual thrones themselves, and they found themselves on a cold, horribly stormy mountainside, where they have just made the realization that maybe they weren't meant to lead, but rather to entertain and that they need to possibly fight their way out of their current situation. And we pick up right there. You have all tumbled not very far from each other onto this mountainside still, I think a little frozen, both physically and emotionally, by everything that's just transpired. And you look around to see each other, your various dresses and garments are starting to get a little torn just from the actual hit of the fall.
You haven't taken any damage, at least not physically. And you notice that all that you have is yourselves and the basically clothes on your back and equipment that you came with that were on your person. What do you do?
[00:06:14] Speaker D: I think Alma is probably the first to kind of react and kind of stand up and brush herself off. She's used to kind of falling down and getting back up again.
She's, you know, out in the wilderness a lot, and without saying a word, she looks around and starts just looking for any sort of, like, firewood and is gonna start building a fire.
[00:06:38] Speaker A: Amazing. Yeah. I think that that is easy enough to do.
What I will say for your actual starting of the fire is, let's go ahead and have a wits check rolled for that, please.
[00:06:56] Speaker D: That is a failure. I rolled an 18 for my eleven.
[00:07:00] Speaker A: Yeah. I think that you're able to gather that firewood and you're able to get the sparks going, but the wind on the actual mountain side keeps buffeting them out a little too hard. I think that you gather with that knowledge that maybe if you can find some shelter, it'll be a little easier to start the fire. But way out in the wilderness, as of current, it's hard to do.
[00:07:24] Speaker D: So I do think she'll still gather up the wood that she's gathered, can tie it up and attach to her pack until they find a place that's like her wilderness training is like, step one, build a fire for sure.
[00:07:38] Speaker A: Absolutely.
[00:07:39] Speaker D: I think at this point, if no one else has gotten up, she's gonna go around and kind of start rousing people to be like, ain't no time for napping.
[00:07:48] Speaker E: Em takes the offered hand and then goes, oh, I remember you. I hit you with a bean bag. I'm Em.
[00:07:55] Speaker D: I remember you as well. My face does. At the very least. It's a pleasure to meet you all mystics.
[00:08:01] Speaker E: Is that your real name?
[00:08:02] Speaker D: No. That's a loaded question.
[00:08:05] Speaker E: Okay. Em leaves it at that.
[00:08:09] Speaker B: Amazing.
[00:08:12] Speaker C: I think if you go to rouse Isadora, she immediately jumps up with a startle and will see the two of you there and look around and see where you are and just go, oh, no, no, no.
This is, like, this is a bad dream, right? This is absolutely just a nightmare. And I just have to close my eyes. And she closes her eyes and, like, waits a couple seconds and open them back up, and you're both still there in this place, and she's just like, no, it's real. Oh, it's real. Okay. And you all would notice that even after the fall, her bun not a hair out, so completely intact, the ballet outfit has probably have a couple, like, rips in the. In the tutu a little.
[00:09:01] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:09:01] Speaker B: Hobie kind of slowly rolls over and sits up and is just like, good morning.
That I missed something. We fell a long way. Oh, it's cold here. Well, that's not fun.
[00:09:13] Speaker D: Got that right, Hobie. Got that right.
[00:09:17] Speaker C: I think that is putting it in very, very light terms. This is an absolute disaster. This is horrifying. How are we supposed to get back? Are we stuck here? Forever. How does this work? Is this where we have to be for the next hundred years? She is just full, like, I think.
[00:09:33] Speaker D: Alma grabs your shoulders a little bit and, like, shakes you a little bit, and you're like, all right, all right, it's okay. Take a deep breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Now you count to ten quietly and turns to the rest of the group and says, first things first. We need to find a shelter and build a fire.
[00:09:51] Speaker E: Okay, let's do that. That sounds like a good idea. How do we do that?
[00:09:56] Speaker D: Just start looking.
[00:09:57] Speaker E: Okay. And em's gonna try and look around for shelter.
[00:10:01] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:10:01] Speaker A: Whoever wants to can make a. Let's do a wits check or. No, let's. We can do wits or grace. I will say wits or grace.
[00:10:09] Speaker D: The exact same for me.
[00:10:11] Speaker B: We want to roll low, right? That's, like. That's the name of the game here.
[00:10:15] Speaker A: Yes. You want to roll low.
[00:10:18] Speaker C: After I finish counting to ten, can I look around for firewood, since everybody else is looking for.
[00:10:25] Speaker A: Yeah, of course, go ahead. And you can make a what's her grace roll for that?
[00:10:28] Speaker D: I rolled a three.
[00:10:29] Speaker B: Oh, Hobie is so smart. Hobie rolled a five.
[00:10:33] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:10:34] Speaker E: I rolled a 19.
[00:10:35] Speaker C: Oh, no.
Oh, no. That's a 16.
[00:10:39] Speaker A: You got it. So it takes some time. Finding firewood's a little harder because this particular topography, the trees are, like, frozen. There's some pieces for, like, a little fire starter around. And Alma still has, you know, a few of the pieces that she has on her back, too. So you gather that you guys have enough wood to do a starting fire. However, it's not really a supply. So if you wanted to have fire past this evening, it would definitely be something you would have to look for again. As for finding shelter, you walk about a, like, half a mile up side of this mountainscape, and you see that there's a little outcropping that's. It's not quite a cave, more just like a natural, like, shelf in the rock that you would be able to take cover in as the sun begins to set and reside in for however long you would like to sort of stay and sit for a bit or rest, or you can do whatever you want, I think.
[00:11:42] Speaker D: Yeah, I think we just go and start building a fire and kind of start warming up, maybe getting our bearings a little bit, because I think we're also a little, like, rattled and shocked.
As soon as we get a fire started, Alma pulls out a little, like, tea kettle. Her, like, travel tea kettle, and starts making some tea.
This will warm everyone up.
[00:12:04] Speaker C: Thank you.
I don't believe I caught your name. I only know em's name.
[00:12:12] Speaker D: Oh. Her hands are, like, extremely dirty from playing with the fire, basically, and wipes them on her skirt and holds it out. It's still very dirty. And says, alma sticks, pleasure to make your acquaintance.
[00:12:26] Speaker C: She grabs you by a finger and shakes the finger.
I'm Isador.
[00:12:34] Speaker D: The big one is. Oh, yeah, he can. He can introduce himself.
[00:12:38] Speaker B: Oh, hi. I'm Hobie.
[00:12:41] Speaker C: Hello, Hobie.
I would say it's nice to meet all of you, but these are not really the best circumstances for this. And she's, like, clutching the cup of tea, like, really close to her and has her little cape pulled as tightly as she can to her.
At least we are not alone. It's probably, like, the nicest thing I can say about the situation right now.
[00:13:07] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:13:07] Speaker E: I'm very curious if your fairy godmothers usually lead you to certain death, because mine hasn't done that yet, so this is new for me.
[00:13:15] Speaker C: Oh, I was about to ask if that was, like, a regular thing for your fairy godmother.
[00:13:19] Speaker D: No, no, I.
[00:13:20] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:13:20] Speaker D: My fairy godmother has taught me a lot of things in life, and I think the only reason that she led me, and I'm betting the only reason your fairy godmothers led you here is because they knew that we could make it out the other side. And I believe them.
[00:13:37] Speaker B: I believe that my nana just tells me where to go. I just kind of follow.
[00:13:41] Speaker C: What's.
[00:13:42] Speaker E: What's your whole thing? Where are you from? What do you do? Yes. You. The big one with the candy.
[00:13:48] Speaker B: I don't do very much. Um, mostly just kind of be. It's like my name.
[00:13:55] Speaker E: Oh.
[00:13:56] Speaker D: As alma is drinking her tea, I'm gonna use one of my innate abilities in which I can spend time and brew a cup of tea. I can then read the leaves to find the answer to a single yes or no question.
[00:14:09] Speaker A: Ooh. Okay, go ahead. What is your question?
[00:14:13] Speaker D: I think my yes or no question is, do we need to climb the mountain?
[00:14:19] Speaker C: Ooh, that's a good question.
[00:14:22] Speaker A: That's a really good question. Your answer is yes, and, yeah, I'll just leave it at that. Yes.
[00:14:29] Speaker D: I think it's depicted as, like, a little, like, squiggle that looks like, you know, kind of a mountain range with, like, a swirl at the top that's, like, maybe, like, the sun or, like, the way out or something like that. At least that's how Alma's interpreting it.
[00:14:43] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure.
[00:14:44] Speaker D: She says, well, I think the only way out is up.
Well, we fell down, so we have to go up, right?
[00:14:52] Speaker C: Yes, but I don't believe there's a way for us to get up the way that we came.
[00:14:58] Speaker E: But the t says so.
[00:14:59] Speaker D: The t does say so. I think we have to climb the mountain.
[00:15:04] Speaker C: That large mountain out.
[00:15:08] Speaker D: You ain't wearing the right shoes for it, but I think you should be fine.
[00:15:13] Speaker C: Oh, I think you would be surprised at how well I can do most things in these shoes, actually.
[00:15:20] Speaker E: Em leans close to Alma and says, confidentially, her toes bleed.
[00:15:25] Speaker C: I loved her.
[00:15:26] Speaker D: That's it.
[00:15:28] Speaker A: Thank you.
[00:15:28] Speaker D: Thank you. Just kind of taps you on the shoulder a little bit.
[00:15:34] Speaker B: She leans back, satisfied, Hobie will lean over to Isadora. Bingo. Are you cold?
[00:15:43] Speaker C: Um, well, uh, yes. I mean, I'm wearing tights, which is nice, but I wasn't entirely planned to, um, you know, go headfirst down into a massive pile of snow.
So it's gonna clop it. Nope.
[00:16:00] Speaker B: I'm gonna try that again. Hobie's gonna plop his cloak down onto your shoulders. It's gonna drop it.
[00:16:06] Speaker C: Oh, uh, thank you, but that's really not necessary. I imagine it's, like, enormous.
Is adora. I mean, she's, like, five eight, but, you know, she's. She's. She's a dancer, so she's built a specific way.
Thank you. Maybe just until we start going, because I can't exactly be as. Oh, what is the right word? Graceful and agile in this, as I typically am. But I thank you for your kindness.
[00:16:39] Speaker B: He gives thumbs up and starts rooting around in his bag to see if he's got more sweets.
[00:16:48] Speaker A: Yeah, you for sure have more sweets.
[00:16:50] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:16:51] Speaker A: I will ask this. So, the sun is starting to set. It seems that time has been a little wonky because you don't know how long you were falling for. Are you all wanting to get started on your trek now, or are you wanting to take the night?
[00:17:06] Speaker D: I think maybe we should take the night.
[00:17:09] Speaker C: Yeah, I think probably take the night.
[00:17:11] Speaker A: Yeah. So you all go down for a rest. Resting mechanics are a little bit different in this game. They essentially do equate to short rest and long rest, but they are called different things. Um, you can take a short rest, which is when you call what you call a picnic, or you can take a actual, like, rest, quote unquote, which is a long rest, which is an eight hour break in a safe space. You consume one meal, and you restore Hp heart dice and gift dice if you have expended any. But I don't think anyone has lost any? So I think we're good on that.
Not yet.
As the night.
[00:17:48] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:17:49] Speaker A: As the night begins to sort of dawn on you all, I would love for everyone to just make me a wit's roll. This is not anything bad in particular.
We're just figuring out if you can remember some things.
[00:18:06] Speaker D: No.
[00:18:06] Speaker E: Can someone tell me why my die that normally rolls awfully is now rolling incredibly in the game where a 20.
[00:18:14] Speaker B: Is bad, that happens in 15.
His mouse ritter was another system where we wanted to roll low. And I was two nat twenties in a row, and mouse rooter, which never happened.
[00:18:26] Speaker C: You're like, come on.
[00:18:28] Speaker A: Literally.
[00:18:29] Speaker C: Now. This is when. This is when I rolled a five for my amazing.
[00:18:33] Speaker B: Yeah, Hobie's not. Not a very smart boy, in case you haven't picked that up yet. I rolled a 19.
[00:18:40] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:18:40] Speaker D: I rolled a 16, so.
[00:18:42] Speaker A: A 16. Okay. So, Isadora, while you are resting and you're sort of ruminating on this entire situation, it's a lot to process. Right. And I think she's doing.
[00:18:56] Speaker C: Yeah, she's doing the anxiety thing where her, like, head hit the pillow and she was like, all right, let me think about everything that happened today and exactly how it went wrong. And let me think about every conversation I had and how I should have been able to do it instead. And let me think about the situation I'm currently in and what are all the worst case scenario options for this?
[00:19:16] Speaker A: Absolutely. And as you're sort of having that anxiety spiral, I think that your brain goes back to something that you learned about from one of your private tutors a long time ago.
You recall that there's not a lot of documentation over what happens for the rite of wintertide. It's supposed to be sort of a new thing every century that is brought up and like a new task to be fulfilled. Right.
But something that I think that you remember is that there was a situation with the rite of wintertide in which there were four people who were essentially, like, sent out, four princesses that were sent out, quote unquote. And I think that you're starting to piece together, first of all, that maybe this isn't something different that happens every 100 years. Maybe this is the same thing, but it's not documented because you're essentially giving champions for entertainment. And there's a lot, you know, if people knew about that, they wouldn't go right. Like, they wouldn't volunteer themselves. So I think that you start to see that pattern of, like, the little pieces, you know, from like 200 years ago, 300 years ago, 400 years ago. It's starting to. You're starting to find some consistencies with what's happening with you. Secondly.
[00:20:44] Speaker C: Oh, my.
[00:20:45] Speaker A: Oh, go ahead. Sorry, I was.
[00:20:47] Speaker C: Oh, my God. It's a secret Hunger games.
[00:20:49] Speaker A: Yeah, essentially. Right?
Secret games on the mountain.
And that's the theme song for this. That's all for this episode. I'm just kidding.
Starting to piece that together.
Something you also remember is that one of the princesses from this most recent one, the one that was 100 years ago, like, on this day, they were allied with your kingdom, essentially. And you know that this princess had something with them when they went in. They had something called an artifact or. Sorry. They had something called a relic. And relics are pretty big in the perils and princesses game, right? They allow you to do extra stuff.
This particular princess had something called a rainbow crystal, and that princess was never seen again.
[00:21:54] Speaker C: Oh. Oh.
[00:21:56] Speaker A: But something that does sort of peak in your mind is that you're starting to piece it together. If this is the same situation, if it's the same thing that is happening every century or so, that means that other princesses went on the same journey.
And in that regard, there might be things to be found that have been left behind that might help you as you go up this mountain.
So I think that you're starting to gather that above table. On your journey up, you will come across four relics that could help you in the end. And I think you're starting to piece together that, like. That might have something to do with this puzzle.
[00:22:39] Speaker D: There's four of us. Wow.
[00:22:42] Speaker C: And there's four of us.
Almost like it was planned.
[00:22:47] Speaker A: Wow, guys.
[00:22:50] Speaker C: Wow. All right. I think, like, she anxiety spirals, and then it's just like, wait, this has happened before. Oh, my God. Princesses always go missing, and then it's like, wait, there might be some stuff to help us. And I think the, like, little nugget of, like, hope of, like, there might be some things to help us. Maybe we can get through this, I think. Kind of helps her, actually. Then eventually get some rest.
[00:23:12] Speaker A: Absolutely. You all rest for that evening. It's fitful for some. Some more so than others, I should say. I think everyone's a little fitful, but I think some people are more used to being outdoors than others.
[00:23:25] Speaker B: Nah, nah, nah. Hobie sleeps like a log.
[00:23:29] Speaker A: Except for Hobie. Hobie's built different. Hobie's got that dog in it.
[00:23:34] Speaker D: Alma snores like a trucker, so she should get that deviated septum checked out. But she hasn't yet.
[00:23:42] Speaker A: She hasn't had the time.
She's a work works, a single mom who works two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops.
I don't know why all of my pop culture media references are coming out for this, but it just is. Anyways, you all awake the next morning, probably earlier than you're used to because the light is shining off the snow and it's sort of hurting your eyes a little bit. It is still freezing cold, and even though the sun is out, you don't feel any warmth from it. However, you have your task at hand. You know what you need to do. It's time to get up, and it's time to move on. I would love just to see how travel goes. I would love for everybody to make me some resolve checks, please.
[00:24:28] Speaker C: Yeah, let's go. I'm gonna use my mushroom die. In honor of all yay, guys, I.
[00:24:35] Speaker E: Have my first successful roll.
[00:24:37] Speaker C: Oh, no, that's a 15.
[00:24:39] Speaker D: That tracks, actually.
[00:24:41] Speaker C: Thanks, Alma.
[00:24:43] Speaker D: I got a five.
[00:24:44] Speaker B: I rolled a two.
[00:24:46] Speaker A: Oh, and what did em get?
[00:24:50] Speaker E: I have a three.
[00:24:51] Speaker A: Three.
[00:24:52] Speaker C: Whoa.
[00:24:52] Speaker A: That is egg. That's a group success.
I think that what's probably happening is that, correct me if I'm wrong, if Isadora doesn't want to share that information, she doesn't have to. But I think what it probably comes out as you're trying to recall all this information and because you're thinking and talking so hard about it, you're falling a little bit behind everyone, and people are like, let's go.
[00:25:18] Speaker C: No, 100%. She's like, so I was having what do we call a little bit of a spiral last night, thinking about this terrible situation that we're in, but I remembered one of my tutors. It was a long time ago. It was a really lovely tutor. Oh, I miss them. Anyway, that this situation has happened before. They just tend not to document it because then who would want to come and do this? I certainly wouldn't. And that sounds really, really bad because a lot of the princesses are never seen again, and that's scary. However, a lot of them have these relics, and because they've been here before and have never been seen again, those relics are probably still around. So maybe there's a little bit of something that can help us or not. Maybe we're all just gonna disappear and never be seen again. I don't.
[00:26:03] Speaker D: You look up and see that we're all, like, several feet ahead of you.
[00:26:12] Speaker C: And she's like, oh, sorry. And then she'll like, sashay and like, do a leap to catch up with you guys.
[00:26:19] Speaker A: Amazing.
Eventually, as you were all walking through, pushing on, and doing very well in terms of travel, with the group's success, you come across a sort of landmark. There is a what appears to be a glacial wall that has formed on the side of this mountain. It is, like, completely vertical, completely smooth.
But what I will say with that wits success, Isidora, is that in the side of this, you see, you don't see the glittering stone, but you do see what almost looks like a long wand that is embedded in the side with a skeletal hand clutched to it that has been frozen over. Over time. Nothing else is attached to the hand. Let me be clear.
[00:27:13] Speaker D: Oh, so it's just the hand and the wand?
[00:27:15] Speaker A: Yeah, just the hand clutching the wand, and it's frozen behind, like, 3ft of ice.
[00:27:21] Speaker C: Okay.
Isadora will sort of look at all of you and be like, um. Oh, Hobie, you look particularly strong. And then look at the other two go. Not that the rest of you are not.
That is not what I'm saying. Anyway, um, I think that there was something up there that we could use, but, um, we need. It's behind quite a lot of ice, and it's pretty high up. Do you think you can help?
[00:27:46] Speaker B: Sure.
Hobie is gonna look in Hobie's bag and see what Hobie has. Not really anything that would be very helpful for climbing things. But, you know, I think when. I think when Isadora says that Hobie. Hobi's pretty strong. Hobie, like, does, like, a little awkward, little, like, flex, like. Yeah. And then we'll move toward the little Rock ice mountain face to try and get the thing.
[00:28:16] Speaker D: I have a quick question. I have an ability called concoctions, where I make little, like, potions and stuff. One of the ones I can make is called vitriol concoction, which says it can instantly corrode metal. What do you think that would also mean? It could melt ice.
[00:28:35] Speaker A: Ooh. I think that that is a very smart use of that, and I will say that. Sure. Absolutely. We honor creativity in this house. So. Yes, yes, I think that does work. You would have to. So Hobie would still have to, like, get it up there, which, if anyone's gonna have a good time doing it, it's going to be Hobie being the tallest. It's, like, 10ft up into the ice, so, like, a good jump could definitely get it up there.
[00:29:02] Speaker D: But, yeah, so I take out a little. It's like. It's like a little mason jar.
Like, one of the like, eight ounce mason jars. And I hand it to Hobie and say, hobie, this should melt the ice. Don't get it on your skin or in your eyes. And make sure you like brick. She, like, brings Hobie down to her level, looks him right in the eyes. Do not drink it. Just pour it on the ice, and the ice will go away.
And then I think she then kind of secures it to his belt loop or something like that in a way so he can still use his hands to climb up.
[00:29:42] Speaker A: For sure.
[00:29:45] Speaker C: I'm going to check in my bag and go, oh, I might actually have something that can help you. And I will pull out my.
One of my equipment pieces that I get from my background, which is a.
[00:29:59] Speaker A: Grappling hook with Rojo casual.
[00:30:03] Speaker C: You see this, like, ballerina go into, like, her knapsack, and she pulls out a grappling hook.
[00:30:10] Speaker D: So funny, actually.
[00:30:12] Speaker A: It's so good.
[00:30:13] Speaker C: And Hannah, y'all stocked up.
[00:30:16] Speaker B: Amazing.
[00:30:18] Speaker E: And leans forward and is like, am I also supposed to do something to help in this situation?
Everyone else got, do you have anything?
Em thinks for a second, then she takes out of her snapshot. It's just a little music box, and it's specifically a sad music box in the manual. And she's just gonna play it, and she goes, background music.
[00:30:42] Speaker C: That is very, very, very important. Thank you.
[00:30:47] Speaker D: Please put sad music over this entire. The next.
[00:30:50] Speaker E: Whatever happens music box music.
[00:30:51] Speaker A: There will be sad music box music over this entire next scene. Yes, exactly.
[00:30:56] Speaker C: Incredible.
[00:30:59] Speaker A: Okay, perfect. So what I will say is, let's do a resolve roll from Hobie. You will get advantage on it because of the grappling hook.
And also, your friends are just yay.
In the sad music box. Yes. We cannot forget about that.
So go ahead and roll and take the lower.
[00:31:20] Speaker B: Oh, thank God for advantage, because one of those was, like, a 14. So I rolled the seven, which is good. My brother is calling me. He can wait.
[00:31:34] Speaker A: Yeah, that's perfect. And I believe that's a success for you, right?
[00:31:37] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:31:38] Speaker A: Amazing. Yeah. So you, what does it look like when Hobie uses this grappling hook to climb the ice?
[00:31:44] Speaker B: I think Hobie. Well, because the thing is, like, sticking out a little bit, right?
[00:31:48] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Yeah, a teeny bit. It's like a smooth ice wall, but, like, you could easily, like, make some foot holes in it and stuff.
[00:31:54] Speaker B: Yeah. So Hobie uses the grappling hook to really get it, like, stuck in there. He goes full, like, Olympic, like, shot put with the grappling hook, because I'm assuming we don't have anything that we can use to, like, shoot it, like a crossbow or anything like that. So Hobie goes full Olympic shot put yeets the fucking grappling hook up there. Um, and then he's gonna pull out his fucking battle axe that's sitting on his back, because I forgot to mention that in his description. Uh, you watch as Hopi takes this big old battle axe that he's got on his back, and he just digs it into the side. And if you've ever seen the game, like, getting over it, I think it is where you got, like, the little guy, and he's got, like, a pickaxe, and he's just, like, going for it, right? That's what hopi's doing. He's just yeeting himself up with battle axe.
Is that how physics works?
[00:32:50] Speaker A: No.
You get up to the top, and you are able to take Alma's little concoction and put it on the piece of ice. The ice melts, and the wand is still in it, but the hand is free. So you figure you could grab the hand and yank it out with the wand.
[00:33:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Sorry. I was trying to come up with a hand based pun, and there wasn't one that made sense enough in this context, so that's okay.
[00:33:20] Speaker D: Down at the bottom, Alma says, ladies, let's give him a hand.
[00:33:27] Speaker E: But he already has one hope.
[00:33:30] Speaker B: He's gonna grab the hand, and he's gonna hand it to you when he gets back down.
[00:33:35] Speaker A: Perfect. You break from the ice, you land back on your feet, you give the wand to whoever wants to take it. This in particular, you all recognize as a wand of bubbles. So it allows you to cast bubble, and it recharges by prolonged exposure to laughter. That's how it recharges.
[00:33:58] Speaker D: That's adorable.
[00:33:59] Speaker A: And it has an additional gift. Die. That comes with it when you roll for it. So I will send that information in the chat as well.
[00:34:10] Speaker D: Well, I can already cast bubble, so if someone else wants to take that, they totally can.
[00:34:14] Speaker C: Oh, well, I'm not really much of a magic caster, so I don't know how useful that will be for me.
[00:34:22] Speaker E: Obi, I think you should keep it. You got it, so you earned it.
[00:34:26] Speaker D: I agree.
[00:34:28] Speaker C: That is a very fair point.
[00:34:29] Speaker D: And you're so bubbly.
[00:34:30] Speaker B: I do like bubbles. Okay. Mobile. Boby fuck.
[00:34:37] Speaker D: Bubble. Hoby boba.
[00:34:40] Speaker B: I am bubble homie now.
[00:34:42] Speaker C: Um.
[00:34:42] Speaker B: Bubble.
[00:34:43] Speaker A: Bubble.
[00:34:45] Speaker B: I can't talk.
Where's my name?
[00:34:48] Speaker D: Let's take it from the top. Everyone reset.
Cameras, lights.
[00:34:54] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:34:55] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
[00:34:56] Speaker A: One more time and take it again.
[00:34:57] Speaker B: Hope he's gonna, like, I guess, like, tuck it into his belt kind of like Harry Potter style a little bit where they just, like, had them in pockets and stuff, because for whatever reason, they put them in jeans for the most of the movies.
[00:35:12] Speaker A: So.
[00:35:12] Speaker B: So Hobie's just gonna tuck it into his belt, and he's gonna be. He's gonna. He's gonna kind of, like, pull down the grappling hook and hand it back to Isadora.
[00:35:23] Speaker C: Oh, thank you, family heirloom. She tucks it back into her bag.
[00:35:27] Speaker A: I love it. Oh, my gosh. Okay, you all gather that, and there's a brief moment where you take in that success, and you are extremely excited by it. And then you notice that the wall of ice begins to shake and shift a little bit, and pieces of it start crashing down.
It is that this. It seems as if the nature itself is unhappy with you acquiring this asset, and as it does so, the ice wall breaks off in pieces and begins flinging towards you all. You guys can justify to me what stat or what skill you would like to use for this, if you have a skill you could use or a stat to roll.
But I would love for you guys to each make some sort of roll for it. It can be a move that you have. It can be resolve, grace, or wits.
You just let me know what you think your character would do to get out of the way.
[00:36:26] Speaker C: One of my innate skills. Abilities is evasive. I am skilled at dodging attacks, so I would try to dodge out of the way of the falling ice.
[00:36:41] Speaker A: Absolutely.
[00:36:41] Speaker C: There's rocks I have to make for.
[00:36:43] Speaker A: That, I would say. I think that because you have that innate feature right now, I think that that's plenty to let you sort of nimbly duck out of the way unless you want to roll for it. I could make you roll for it if you want.
[00:36:56] Speaker C: You see her, like, do, like, a back bend to get out of a chunk of ice that's, like, falling towards her, and then as another one comes, she kind of, like, leaps out of the way of the other one.
[00:37:08] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:37:09] Speaker D: I am going to attempt to use my goodies ability.
Saying I'm gonna use my goodies is weird to say.
[00:37:19] Speaker A: Use your goodies.
[00:37:20] Speaker D: Yeah. I basically have little snacks that I can use. One of my gift dice, and they cast a spell. The spell depends on what I roll, but several of these could be useful, so.
[00:37:35] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:37:36] Speaker D: Some of them not. So I'm gonna.
[00:37:38] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead and roll.
[00:37:39] Speaker D: That is a.
Oh, the exact one I wanted, which is three, which is animate nearby objects come to life and obey your commands the best they can for up to three minutes, I guess.
And could that be that I am, like, commanding the rocks that are falling towards us to move out of the way?
[00:38:07] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely.
Do you eat the goody? Do you throw the goody at the rock?
[00:38:14] Speaker D: I think what it is is she pulls out.
I think it's a little thing of cornbread, basically, but it's wrapped in leaves. It's fucking lembis bread, but it's just a thing of cornbread.
[00:38:29] Speaker A: Uh huh.
[00:38:30] Speaker D: Uh. And she mashes it up in her mouth a little bit and then just spits up at the object.
And I think what she's instead gonna. Instead of having them move away is gonna have one of the bigger ones kind of block the other ones, like, have it hold right above them.
[00:38:51] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:38:52] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:38:53] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. That definitely works. It holds in. In space and time for that second. And it's able to block the various pieces of ice and rock that are falling towards you easily.
[00:39:06] Speaker B: Emm and Hobie, this is really silly.
Can Hobie just kind of, like, try and hit them away?
[00:39:14] Speaker A: Absolutely. Yeah. You can definitely roll for an attack, which would be. I think this would be resolve, probably because you're trying to hit it with your axe. Right.
[00:39:25] Speaker B: Amazing. Yeah.
[00:39:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Go ahead and make a resolve roll for me.
[00:39:28] Speaker B: Three.
[00:39:29] Speaker A: Yes. You do it.
[00:39:31] Speaker B: Yay.
[00:39:32] Speaker A: You are splitting down the center of these large pieces of ice that are just coming right at you. And it almost breaks into, like, hail past you as, like, the gusts of wind and shattered ice go past your face and your arms.
[00:39:47] Speaker B: Insert Jojo's reference here somewhere.
[00:39:53] Speaker E: Em's gonna try to step under Alma's ice umbrella, if that's okay.
[00:39:57] Speaker A: For sure. Let's. Yeah, let's see. Absolutely. Can you just make me a grace roll at advantage because you're gonna be underneath the ice umbrella.
[00:40:06] Speaker D: Under my umbrella?
[00:40:08] Speaker E: Well, I rolled twice, but they were both good. So both successes. The lower ones are four.
[00:40:12] Speaker A: Yay. Amazing. Yes. So you're able to. I think what happens is you, because there's only enough space under this for one person, but you're able to, like, stick yourself up against Alma, like, just enough to be able to fit under with her.
[00:40:30] Speaker B: Just give her a little hug.
[00:40:32] Speaker E: She just goes, oh, now we're warmer.
[00:40:35] Speaker D: Rather effective wilderness survival technique, actually. But I think we should skedaddle now.
[00:40:42] Speaker C: Yes. It's probably best if we leave right now, immediately. Let's go.
[00:40:47] Speaker A: Eventually, all of the ice pieces tumble past you, and you're able to make a pathway enough to get to the top of this sort of area. You see a little shelf, a stone shelf in which you're able to look down and you see just like the cloud of fresh snow piling up and puffing up into the air. Yeah. You take in your surroundings and you're able to catch a breath for a second in this sort of nice little area with a. It's like a frozen waterfall almost. So it's a small waterfall where it seems to have stood still and you could still see the ripples of movement, but they seem to just be frozen from the cold that pools into a small pond that is equally as frozen that eventually trails off. And you have this second to look around, catch your breath and take in exactly what has happened.
[00:41:44] Speaker E: Wow. You did a good job, says em.
[00:41:46] Speaker D: To Alma, that's secret cornbread recipe.
[00:41:50] Speaker E: You just have magical cornbread.
[00:41:52] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, all cornbread is innately magical, but this is a specific, magical cornbread. Yes.
[00:41:58] Speaker E: Wow. What happens if you eat it normally? What if you just eat it like cornbread and don't spit it out?
[00:42:04] Speaker D: It tastes delicious. Oh, this is the thing I gave Hobie. That's one you cannot ingest wholly because it would corrode you from the inside out. This one is just a delicious treat that also can animate objects. Wow. Yeah.
[00:42:22] Speaker C: How do you distinguish between the two? Have you ever had a situation where you've accidentally ingested one that you should not?
[00:42:30] Speaker D: You can tell by the taste. The ones you shouldn't have usually taste a lot better than the ones that you can have. You know, like the one that I gave Hobie, I believe is green apple flavored.
[00:42:43] Speaker C: Huh. Interesting. It was very impressive. I mean, I can't do anything like that. I can just sort of move out of the way of falling.
[00:42:53] Speaker B: I don't think I would actually corrode from the inside out. Poison doesn't work on me.
[00:42:59] Speaker C: I don't like, like, at all.
[00:43:03] Speaker E: Em goes, wait, me neither. And looks at Hobie as though she's found a new best friend.
[00:43:08] Speaker B: Friend.
[00:43:11] Speaker C: Isadora leans over to Alma and goes, can you also not be poisoned? Was this just, like, a them thing?
[00:43:17] Speaker D: I think it's just a them thing. I've gotten food poisoning a lot, and I've eaten a lot of accidental poisonous mushrooms and got rather sick.
[00:43:26] Speaker B: For the audience, the healing touch playbook has an ability as an innate ability called lifeblood, which makes you immune to illness, infection, and poison. But it makes us extra tasty to monsters, vampires, and anything carnivorous.
[00:43:41] Speaker D: Good to know.
[00:43:42] Speaker E: You guys look over and Emma's trying to do the, like, you know, the theater kid, like, mirroring exercise with Hobie's doing it.
[00:43:52] Speaker C: Oh, my God, there's two of them. Wow. There's two of them. Okay.
[00:43:55] Speaker D: I think we're gonna be just fine.
[00:43:58] Speaker C: I hope so.
[00:43:59] Speaker D: I think Alma is gonna start looking around, just, like, seeing, possibly seeing if she can see the easiest way of egress the way up and their surroundings.
[00:44:09] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. Go ahead. I will give you information either way. Just go ahead and make me a wit. Roll to see if you get anything extra spicy.
[00:44:16] Speaker D: Not 20. So it's nice.
[00:44:23] Speaker A: It's done.
[00:44:25] Speaker D: Out of here.
[00:44:27] Speaker A: Goodbye. I think the way that that manifests is that you see that there's an obvious way up, which is just to, you know, continue on up this side of this, like, waterfall area.
It's more cragged and jagged, so there's, like, platforms for you to climb up physically and then, like, continue on your way, like, fairly straightforward.
You wouldn't have to roll anything to climb to the top of it, is what I'm saying.
So that's a pretty easy way. I think that, like, as you're sort of going over on this area, you know, most of this topography is pretty much the same. Almost as if it's been curated. Right? The only difference you've seen in topography, besides, like, just the side of the mountain with the trees, is that ice wall in which that wand was trapped in. And so I think you're looking around for a second, you're like, huh, that's weird that we're at this, like, new, sort of, like, landmark place, but you don't see anything currently.
[00:45:33] Speaker E: Do we still have the skeletal hand with us?
[00:45:35] Speaker B: Do you want it?
[00:45:38] Speaker E: Yeah, em wants to bury it.
[00:45:40] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, for sure. Amazing. For sure. You can bury it. For sure.
[00:45:43] Speaker D: Alma has a shovel.
[00:45:47] Speaker C: I think I also have a shovel.
[00:45:49] Speaker B: Really funny.
[00:45:50] Speaker C: I do.
[00:45:51] Speaker E: Em raises a hand and goes, can we bury the princess hand before we go? I just feel bad. We took her wand and then now she's just a hand.
[00:46:01] Speaker C: That is a sentence I never thought I would ever.
[00:46:04] Speaker D: What she means to say is, that's a great idea, mister.
[00:46:07] Speaker C: Yes. Right? Yes. Sorry.
Do you need. I think. I think I have a shovel in here as well. Pull out a shovel.
[00:46:14] Speaker D: It's the same model of, like, collapsible shovel.
[00:46:18] Speaker C: It's the exact. Yeah, it's the exact same shovel.
[00:46:20] Speaker A: Did you get this on sale? Oh, my gosh.
[00:46:24] Speaker D: Macy's. No.
[00:46:26] Speaker A: When someone shows up, Macy's famously known for collapsible shovels.
[00:46:32] Speaker D: They might, I don't know. And there's like the seven story one in New York.
[00:46:36] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm gonna look it up. You guys could just.
[00:46:39] Speaker D: Macy sell shovels.
[00:46:41] Speaker C: Did you, did you, oh, did you also get this at Stacy's?
[00:46:47] Speaker B: We distinct Macy's.
[00:46:51] Speaker D: Yeah, we get to work.
[00:46:52] Speaker C: Such a lovely place.
[00:46:53] Speaker D: Doing a little making a little like it doesn't have to be too deep. I don't think it's just a hand.
And the ground is pretty, probably pretty, you know, tough.
[00:47:05] Speaker E: I think Em holds the hand with the same, I think Em holds the hand in her own hands with some reverence. And then once the hole is done, she yucks it into the hole with the same type of throw she used.
[00:47:17] Speaker D: For the bean bag earlier for the audience. Macy's does sell shovels.
[00:47:22] Speaker A: Do they really?
[00:47:24] Speaker E: No, they don't.
[00:47:24] Speaker A: Macy's sells snow shovels. No, they do not. Yeah. In particular.
[00:47:29] Speaker B: I mean it kind of makes sense because they have that whole home goods section and you can buy like other.
[00:47:34] Speaker A: Oh yeah, huh?
[00:47:36] Speaker C: Yeah, that's true.
[00:47:37] Speaker D: Yeah. And then we cover it back up with some dirt. I think Alma takes some sticks and makes like a little grave marker. It ties them together and just puts it right on top.
Does anyone want to say a few words or no?
[00:47:55] Speaker C: Sure. And Isadora will kind of step towards the grave and go, I'm sorry for whatever happened to you and I really hope that it does not happen to.
[00:48:06] Speaker D: The rest of well said. Shall we move forward?
[00:48:10] Speaker E: Yeah, it's just when I was in the dungeon, we didn't get to bury people. They just got carted away. So I wanted to try.
[00:48:16] Speaker D: I look at Isadora and I say, should we stay and unpack that or.
[00:48:24] Speaker C: No, you know what? There's no talk about really. We should be going.
[00:48:27] Speaker B: I love that Annie said that and the rest of us made the exact same face before Dan started speaking again.
[00:48:36] Speaker C: Just wide eyes. What do we do? What do we.
[00:48:38] Speaker B: Oh, wait a second.
[00:48:41] Speaker D: One time I wish this was a visual medium.
[00:48:45] Speaker B: Oh my gosh, we wish it was a visual medium all the time. There's so many visual bits that like me, Jay and Ben especially will do in the middle of session.
And then we're like, nobody gets to see these.
[00:48:56] Speaker A: Anyway, it's all good. It's just treats for us, for buddies, just little treats. Okay. While you are all starting to head on your way, I would love for cause Omar already did it. I would love for em, Isadora and Hobie to make wits checks for me. Please?
[00:49:15] Speaker C: Sure. As we're walking, I have a handful of buttons in my inventory, and every so often, I'm just gonna drop.
[00:49:23] Speaker A: Oh, good job. Awesome. I love that. Yes. Yes.
[00:49:26] Speaker E: I rolled a three again.
[00:49:28] Speaker A: Nope, nope. Absolutely not.
[00:49:30] Speaker B: That's a nice, smart little boy.
[00:49:32] Speaker A: Oh, I rolled a dungeon 20.
[00:49:35] Speaker C: Oh, my God. Oh, no.
[00:49:39] Speaker A: Maybe it's because I think everybody's looking forward and trying to get out of this situation, but you're sort of looking down at this grave marker, and as you're looking down at it, you see out of the corner of your eye, in this pool, where this frozen waterfall is. You see, like, a blob inside of it.
[00:50:01] Speaker E: Everybody stop. There's a blob. It's in the pool. Maybe it's another relic I want to go see. And, like, with that sequence of sentences, she starts walking toward the pool, almost races after.
[00:50:17] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll follow. I just, like, under my breath, go. I really don't understand the things that she says.
[00:50:26] Speaker E: Is that loud enough for em to hear?
[00:50:29] Speaker C: Probably unintentionally. Yeah.
[00:50:31] Speaker E: M just says over her shoulder, sorry.
I grew up talking to prisoners and not act, you know, like a lot of different people. So, uh, yeah. And she. She just kind of continues.
[00:50:45] Speaker C: Oh. Turns to Alma. What do we do with all this? I choked.
[00:50:50] Speaker E: Nothing. Yeah, it's just explanation.
[00:50:53] Speaker D: Yeah, it's just exposition. I think we can just keep moving.
[00:50:57] Speaker C: I don't know whether to hug her or, like, leave her here.
[00:51:02] Speaker B: I just.
[00:51:02] Speaker E: You know, I can still hear you, right?
[00:51:04] Speaker D: How's that blob looking?
[00:51:07] Speaker A: Sorry?
[00:51:08] Speaker C: Yeah. What does it look like? Is it going to help us?
[00:51:12] Speaker E: I don't know.
[00:51:14] Speaker A: So you go up to this blob, and you're sort of looking over, and as you say, I don't know. And you sort of look down. You see that whatever is in the ice starts to, like, move a little bit, and then you see it shift again. You see a flash of metal. And in that moment, the sun overhead is, like, darkened by clouds covering it. And then, almost like a nightmare or something far worse, a face that is just a dull, gray skull followed by nothing but shadow, no body, nothing, almost as if it's been cloaked, comes out towards the ice. You see a shadowed hand with a ring on it, and it's going to reach up towards you. I think, for the sake of this, you're able to duck out of the way just in time. As you answer this question by Alma and Isadora, and you fall backwards a little bit, and you scoot back in the ice. I would love for everybody to roll for initiative. And the way that this works is you are going to test your wits.
Do me a favor and in the call chat, just send whatever you roll there and I will tell you if you act before or after the beast.
[00:52:41] Speaker B: Oh, God, you go be so fucking smart.
[00:52:47] Speaker C: Oh, no.
[00:52:49] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Did we get three nat twenties?
[00:52:52] Speaker C: Why do I. Oh, my God.
[00:52:55] Speaker B: I roll like this when we're recording spells and whistles.
[00:53:01] Speaker A: Where are you when I need you.
[00:53:02] Speaker C: To roll this dice?
[00:53:03] Speaker A: Oh, my. Come on.
[00:53:05] Speaker C: I am literally.
[00:53:06] Speaker B: I am known for my bad rolls. All of a sudden I am rolling like a God. What the fuck?
[00:53:14] Speaker A: Okay, so just for the listeners at home, combat is a little bit different in barrels and princesses, just as it is in any ttRPG that you play.
The way that it works is that I have a specific DC that comes with a monster. And if you roll below that DC, which is a success, you go before the monster. If you roll higher than that DC and it is a failure, you go after the monster. You can go in whatever order you would like to in these rounds. As long as we are not discerning or reordering who goes before and after for fighting, you can move somewhere nearby and you can do one action. And also once per round, you get a react. During anyone else's turn. You can use a gift ability. If that is allowed in your gift ability, you could spend heart dice to assist as that reaction and all of that fun stuff, which is fun. To attack, you need to test resolve for at hand attacks and test grace for ranged attacks. If you succeed, you will then roll damage dice and you will do that. Rolling a one is a critical so that you would roll two damage dice. If you roll a one on your brazal or grace thing. The fun part about me running this monster is that I don't have to roll dice. And I know what you're talking about. You're like j, but you have a turn. Well, that is because instead of me rolling to hit you, you're going to roll grace to see if you can avoid the attack.
It is a successful hit. So if you do not make that grace check versus your grace, the damage, the attack hits and I will roll or I will have damage for it.
Your ac or your armor, you subtract from the damage. So if I deal you three damage and your armor is one, you subtract one from that, taking two gp worth of damage. If you roll a 20 on your grace check, that is a critical hit on my end. So that would be that for reactions, you can react when it's not your turn. This is when you can spend your heart dice to help a friend's virtue test, or there's some special abilities that allow you to do that. I know that was a lot of information. Does anybody have any questions on that before we get started?
[00:55:29] Speaker C: Let's fucking go.
[00:55:31] Speaker A: Let's do this thing.
[00:55:32] Speaker D: Not a question, but I feel left out that I didn't roll to 20. Just saying.
[00:55:38] Speaker A: Do you want to roll a 20?
[00:55:40] Speaker D: No, I'm not.
[00:55:41] Speaker A: I can have you go after my little guy.
[00:55:42] Speaker C: No, you don't. No, you don't. No.
[00:55:44] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:55:44] Speaker C: No.
[00:55:44] Speaker A: No.
[00:55:45] Speaker C: No.
[00:55:45] Speaker A: Okay, if you say so. You could go with your friends.
[00:55:47] Speaker C: Please go first, Alma. Please save us.
[00:55:51] Speaker A: Come on, Alma. Sticks. All right, with that, let's jump into some combat. Alma, you see this creature burst out of the ice and is starting to crawl its elbows. It has elbows, but they're folding, like, inwards as it is crawling on its, like, basically knees and pulling itself across the snow towards em.
[00:56:14] Speaker D: Alma was already kind of in the process of, like, you know, running after em, because it's like, oh, this is gonna be some messed up shit. And I think she just kind of steps on the gas and, like, fully is, like, diving now towards em, and she takes out her. She has, like, she had a hatchet attached to her knapsack, and she, like, unclips that and just goes out at the little skelly man.
[00:56:39] Speaker A: Alrighty, go ahead and make me a resolve check two. Amazing. And how much damage does that deal?
[00:56:47] Speaker D: It is d six damage, and I rolled a one.
[00:56:52] Speaker A: Ooh. So you watch as you go to hit it, and as you go to hit it, it almost passes through one of the ghostly parts of it, because its armor is two, so it doesn't take any damage from that hit.
[00:57:05] Speaker D: I will also say I pre rolled one of the goodies that I have, just to see what spell I had at my disposal. And I rolled bubble, which can be used as a reaction. So I'm going to hold that in case I need it, just so everyone knows.
[00:57:20] Speaker A: Yes. We love above table rulings.
Okay. Amazing. So with Alma is now next to em, with this creature right next to the both of them.
It is its turn to act, and it is going to.
What can I do?
[00:57:38] Speaker D: Just sit there and look pretty. That's all you can do.
Hit you and take away your hit points.
[00:57:46] Speaker A: It is going to summon to its hand this almost crystalline sword from the ice next to it. And as it pulls out, it's going to raise its hand. It looks really weird because, like I said, the elbow bends the opposite way, so it almost bends with it. And as it does, it's going to slash down towards Alma, who just tried to hit it. So please go ahead and make me a grace roll and let me know if you succeed.
[00:58:13] Speaker D: If I roll bad, this is Grace's fault. It's a three.
[00:58:16] Speaker B: No, I'm sorry.
[00:58:19] Speaker D: Which is also Grace's fault. Thank you, Grace.
[00:58:24] Speaker A: You said a three, right?
[00:58:25] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:58:25] Speaker A: And that succeeds on your grace, right?
[00:58:27] Speaker D: Yes, yes. My grace is eleven, so.
[00:58:29] Speaker A: Okay, cool, cool, cool, cool. Yeah, so you nimbly duck out of the way of this attack, and this creature just stands up a little bit more straight and is trying to loom over you all. It is now m Isadora and Hobie's turns. You guys may go in whatever order you would like to go in.
[00:58:50] Speaker C: I'll go first, if that's okay.
So I think is Nora sees this happen, sees this creature go for Alma, and is just like. I thought the hottest part of today was going to be climbing up this mountain, but. All right. And I'm going to reach in to my bun and I'm going to pull out the hairpin. And you all would see that it's actually a dagger.
[00:59:17] Speaker D: Wow.
[00:59:19] Speaker C: As I pull the pin out, her hair, like, falls down and it's long, long and a little bit wild and wavy, which, from secured in the bun, didn't appear that way. And I would like to make an attack with my dagger against this creature.
[00:59:42] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. Go ahead.
[00:59:44] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:59:45] Speaker C: So I'll kind of, like, run up to it and take a swipe at it with.
[00:59:48] Speaker A: Gonna be a resolve. Roll.
[00:59:51] Speaker C: Resolver. You got it. Cool.
[00:59:54] Speaker A: That's an eight. That is a success. So go ahead and roll your damage. Die, please.
[01:00:02] Speaker C: Yes. Let me double check. I believe. Yeah, it's a.
Oh, that's six points.
[01:00:09] Speaker A: Whoa. That's awesome.
[01:00:11] Speaker C: Of damage. And then, as in addition to my attack, I'm going to use one of my special abilities, and I'm going to use pirouette, and I'm going to attempt an additional attack in the form of a spinning kick or academic maneuver.
And I test grace to hit for it so that I feel like she, like, sinks this dagger into. Into this creature. And then while the dagger is still in there, I would like to irish step dance and, like, kick this creature to, like, knock it to the ground.
Yes. And you all would know that this is the first time you have seen her not do a ballet move.
[01:01:01] Speaker A: Spicing it up a little bit.
Okay. So, dora.
[01:01:08] Speaker C: Oh, cool. That's a three.
[01:01:09] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Absolutely. Yes. Go ahead and roll more damage for that.
[01:01:14] Speaker C: Okay, so then I get to do a gift dice, right? I just do. I just roll my gift dice for the damage?
[01:01:21] Speaker A: I think. So let me.
[01:01:22] Speaker C: Because it's a special.
[01:01:23] Speaker A: So let me double check. This is when we get.
[01:01:26] Speaker C: Okay.
[01:01:27] Speaker A: In addition to your tank, you can test grace if you hit. If you do the attack deals.
Yeah. So go ahead and roll a roll your gift dice.
That's it. I think you can, because you have two gift dice, so you can roll both of them for this.
[01:01:45] Speaker C: Oh, I can. Okay.
[01:01:47] Speaker A: If you would like, I'll roll both.
[01:01:49] Speaker C: Yeah. That's six. That's another six points a day.
[01:01:51] Speaker A: Amazing. Sounds good.
So that's. Whoa.
[01:01:56] Speaker D: And you get that because you rolled it, too.
[01:02:00] Speaker A: Yeah. The one you could roll as a two.
[01:02:01] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:02:02] Speaker A: Which is a sleigh.
[01:02:04] Speaker C: Yeah. So I still have one.
[01:02:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Amazing. Yeah. You do that. You sink the dagger into it, you irish step dance, and you hit clock it again. And this creature just, like, hisses at you. It goes and it sort of, like, directs towards you, except as it's directing towards you, you get that second hidden, and it just. It sort of stuff stumbles back a little bit. It's shocked at just how quickly you're able to go for it. And I think in that brief second, you see, like, a flash. And in seeing that flash, you see a very faint visage of a, like, long, decayed, ratted hair. Like, half. Half of the skull is showing, but the other half still has skin on it of this, like, feminine figure with gaunt cheeks.
[01:02:57] Speaker B: Oh, it's a fucking wraith. All right.
[01:03:00] Speaker A: Who just, like, looks towards and, like, for, you see shock, but you almost see, like, there's almost a thanks to it as you deal that second blow.
[01:03:13] Speaker C: Oh. Oh, I feel like. I feel like that causes Isadora to, like, stumble back a little bit, which, like, takes the dagger out of the creature as she's just a little, like, taken aback by that.
[01:03:27] Speaker A: Absolutely.
[01:03:29] Speaker C: And that's my turn.
[01:03:30] Speaker A: I'm in. Hobie, what would you guys like to do?
[01:03:33] Speaker E: I'm gonna let Hobie go first.
[01:03:35] Speaker B: I'm gonna whack it.
[01:03:38] Speaker A: We got a whack. Go ahead, whack it.
[01:03:40] Speaker B: This is resolve, right?
[01:03:42] Speaker A: Absolutely, it's resolve.
[01:03:44] Speaker D: I do like, me and Isadora coming in with, like, our little dagger and our little hatchet. And then in comes Hobie with their full battle axe.
[01:03:55] Speaker B: Hobie gives a bonk on the head because Hobie rolled the two.
[01:03:59] Speaker A: Whoa. Go ahead and roll some dimaggi.
[01:04:02] Speaker B: It was battle axe is a d ten.
Let's use one of my Whitney dice.
[01:04:08] Speaker D: Shout out whitney.
[01:04:09] Speaker B: Or I could send it flying.
[01:04:11] Speaker D: Don't shout out Whitney.
[01:04:12] Speaker B: Nah, it's okay. This is a seven.
[01:04:15] Speaker A: Seven. Amazing.
[01:04:16] Speaker B: Bonk.
[01:04:17] Speaker A: Oh, this thing is looking rough.
[01:04:20] Speaker B: I found the one that ran away.
[01:04:24] Speaker A: Amazing. You bonk it on the head, and you, for a brief second, see that same visage, like, cut in and cut out a little bit, but then it regains its composure. It takes a little longer this time as it's hanging on by a thread at this point, and it looks towards anticipating something or someone to come next. M, what do you do?
[01:04:48] Speaker E: Did m see the visage, or was it just the people who attacked at the time?
[01:04:52] Speaker A: I think you all see the visage. Yes.
[01:04:55] Speaker E: And to clarify, something you said earlier had thanks. In its expression when it got.
[01:05:00] Speaker A: Yes, yes.
[01:05:02] Speaker E: I guess in that case, em will try to thwack it, and she'll do that by taking out of her knapsack a big old iron frying pan, and she's gonna try to brain it.
[01:05:15] Speaker A: Yes. Okay, go ahead and make a resolve roll for me.
[01:05:21] Speaker E: Nope.
[01:05:21] Speaker C: Hit them with the pan.
[01:05:22] Speaker E: Get them. I whiff it.
[01:05:24] Speaker A: Oh, no.
[01:05:26] Speaker D: What did you get?
[01:05:27] Speaker E: So, yeah, a 15.
[01:05:28] Speaker D: What's your resolve?
[01:05:30] Speaker E: So we could maybe help nine.
[01:05:31] Speaker D: Okay, never mind. We cannot help out.
[01:05:33] Speaker E: Yeah, no.
[01:05:36] Speaker A: Yeah. I think that you go to whack at it, but it's anticipating you to be the last to act, because everyone else has already gone, and I think that it just ducks out of the way of it, and in that, it gets a little closer to your face.
[01:05:50] Speaker E: Frying pan comes up as a shield, because that is the frying pans thing. And I got this one to my armor.
[01:05:56] Speaker A: Yay.
There you go.
We are back at the top of the round, which means that, alma, it is your turn next.
[01:06:05] Speaker D: Okay.
Yeah, I think I'm just gonna go for another hit with my hatchet.
[01:06:11] Speaker A: Go ahead.
[01:06:12] Speaker D: An 18. So, no, 18. Another.
[01:06:16] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I think. Yeah, it just goes. I think that as it ducks down to get into m's face, you were anticipating. It's still getting taller, and so it just goes above its head.
It is going to. I think that it looks at m, and it exhales. I was like, aaa. And it's really, like, horrible. But as it does so, the sword juts out to its left, m's right, and it's going to go for Isidora, who just bodied it, but it's still looking at em in the eyes.
[01:06:53] Speaker C: Damn.
[01:06:54] Speaker A: So go ahead and make me a grace roll, please.
[01:06:59] Speaker C: Let's go. Okay. Shit. That's a 14.
[01:07:02] Speaker A: It is going to deal with its sword. Seven points of damage.
If you have armor, please subtract that number.
[01:07:11] Speaker D: I'm gonna give you my bubble.
You. I get an extra two armor as I think, I scoop out from my pocket. Loose, like grits, basically, like. Basically like porridge, and just throw it at you and it forms, like a protective shield around you.
Adds two to your armor, of course.
[01:07:35] Speaker A: Amazing.
[01:07:36] Speaker C: Okay, so that makes it a four.
[01:07:39] Speaker A: Four. Perfect.
[01:07:41] Speaker C: So that's.
That's three points, right? Or heart?
[01:07:46] Speaker A: Yes. Three heart points gone. I would love for you to make me a wits check, please. And just let me know the number you roll.
[01:07:53] Speaker C: Ab.
Absolutely. All right. The one time I wish to roll Ro, it's a two game.
[01:08:01] Speaker A: Whoa. That would have been really bad if you hadn't succeeded on that. So I'm very glad that you time.
So you get slashed into and you're able to maneuver yourself to where it's not a critically dangerous hit. And as it slashes into you, you feel the coldness from the ice seep into your body and you see a blink of dark. And everyone, for a second watches as Isadora's face takes on the same skeletal gray visage.
But then. No, she, like, shunts it off and she's able to come back to herself. As you have evaded a doom curse.
[01:08:48] Speaker C: She immediately yells out, do not let that sword get you.
[01:08:51] Speaker D: Wasn't planning on it.
[01:08:55] Speaker A: It is now. Isadora. Hobie and EMS turns again.
[01:08:59] Speaker C: I went first last time. Somebody else can go first this time if you'd like.
[01:09:05] Speaker A: Bonk.
[01:09:06] Speaker B: Go, Hobey bonk. That's a success.
This dz ten does not want to stay anything solid. Four.
Four parts of damage. Hobie bonks.
[01:09:21] Speaker A: Amazing. That. That is just enough to knock it off its feet. Hobie, how do you kill this beast?
[01:09:30] Speaker B: He said it's like a skull and like a creature, right?
[01:09:34] Speaker A: Yeah. I could show. Here, I can show you a little picture of it.
[01:09:38] Speaker B: I would love to see the little picture.
[01:09:40] Speaker A: He's a little guy.
[01:09:41] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. It is a little guy. Look at him.
[01:09:43] Speaker A: He's a little guy.
[01:09:45] Speaker B: Okay, so Hobie is gonna obey's gonna be very apologetic about this. He's gonna be like, I'm so sorry.
You seem like you used to be probably pretty nice. Um, but it also seems like you want this. So Hobie is gonna cleave that skull in half and basically just fucking bisect this. Thing.
[01:10:07] Speaker A: Yeah. You bisect it. And you notice that you see that visage again of almost relief as this suffering has been ended and dropping. In the place of this dissipated shadow, you see a ring.
This, my friends, is a ring of fire that allows you to cast fireball. As this once corrupted spirit of some past princess leaves, you have been bolstered with that understanding of entertaining, of needing to push forward. And the ice beneath you all in the pool begins to melt instantly and you begin to be swept away back down to the bottom of the mountain. And we will resolve that on our next episode. Boo. Ah.
[01:11:02] Speaker C: Oh, my God. This is amazing.
[01:11:05] Speaker A: Next episode is gonna be our last episode of this three part series. Boo.
[01:11:10] Speaker D: Boo.
[01:11:11] Speaker C: No, I know.
[01:11:12] Speaker A: I. Sorry.
And I'm going to. But that also means I get to kill everyone, right?
[01:11:18] Speaker E: Right?
[01:11:22] Speaker C: I didn't sign a waiver that said that that was okay. That's true.
[01:11:25] Speaker A: That's true.
[01:11:25] Speaker D: That's not in my contract.
[01:11:27] Speaker A: It's okay.
Yes. The contract. The twelve page contract we made you all sign the anti death benefit that you were going to be.
[01:11:39] Speaker C: I need to call my agent. I specifically told them I will only accept contracts that state that I cannot die for sure.
[01:11:47] Speaker A: We will catch you all in the next and final episode.
[01:11:51] Speaker B: Ha ha ha.
[01:11:53] Speaker C: Done.
[01:11:56] Speaker B: Bye.
[01:11:57] Speaker A: Hello, friends. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Spells and Whistles. Make sure to tune in next week for our third and final episode of our perils and princesses. One shot. But if you don't feel like waiting to support us until then, you can go ahead and give us a follow here or on any of our social media platforms to stay up to date with the most recent content. You can follow us on Instagram and TikTok at spellsandwhistlespod, and on Twitter.
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