Episode 23

June 09, 2024


Perils and Princesses: Part One, The Fall of Snow

Perils and Princesses: Part One, The Fall of Snow
Spells and Whistles
Perils and Princesses: Part One, The Fall of Snow

Jun 09 2024 | 00:42:47


Show Notes

Welcome to Perils and Princesses, a gritty and pretty ttrpg by Ryan Lynch! Join GM Jay and Players Grace, Annie, Morgan, and Dan as they take on the biting chill of winter. With the Spirits of the Frost seeking satisfactio, there is no telling what perils lie in wait for our team...

- Annie (she/they) || Emme || @cannetrip
- Morgan (she/they) || Isadora || @attackonmorgan
- Dan (they/he) || Alma Sticks || @dan_the_baker

Check out the game by Ryan Lynch ( @outridercreative) herehttps://perilsandprincesses.com/ 

Track used: Ventur Frosti by Alexander Nakarada

This summer, Mini Series Mayhem is BACK! Our scheduling information is below:
- 05/05 - week off; no posting!
- 05/12 and 05/19 - History Check: Drakon, a two-part Epyllion one shot
- 05/26 and 06/02 - a two-part Mole Hunt one shot
- 06/09, 06/16, and 06/23 - a three-part Perils and Princesses one shot
- 06/30, 07/07, and 07/14 - a surprise three-part one shot ran by Ben
- 07/21 - a one-part Main Campaign AU one shot

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For business inquiries, please email us at spellsandwhistlespod@gmail.com.



Cover Art: Jay

Main Campaign Cover Art: Incredicoon Studios (@incredicoonstudios on instagram)

Main Campaign Character Art: Madison Saxon (@msaxon.art on instagram, tik tok, and twitter)


Meet our Cast and Crew!

Anastasia (she/her) | Game Keeper 
- GK, Editor, and Discord Coordinator

Ben (he/him) | Id | follow on twitter
- Player and Music Team

Grace (she/they) | Melwyn | check out linktree
- Player, Lore Keeper, and Patreon Coordinator

Jay (she/her) | Myla | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Social Media Coordinator

Meg (she/they) | Oddyn | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Music Team

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:19] Speaker A: Hello friends. Welcome to spells and whistles, a normally d and D five E podcast, but today we are shaking it up with a different tTrPG called perils and princesses. I am very excited to play this game. I will get into what this game is in a brief little second, but first and foremost, hi, my name is Jay and I am going to be your fairy God keeper. Ha ha. For this one. [00:00:41] Speaker B: Fairy God keeper. I love that so much. [00:00:44] Speaker A: It's going to be three parts. It's going to be fun. And I have some really fun friends with me today. So if you guys would like to go ahead and introduce yourselves, your pronouns and any social medias you would like to plug, by all means, let's do so. Let's go, let's go. Actual call order this time. So we'll start with. We'll start with Morgan and go down. [00:01:01] Speaker B: Hello, my name is Morgan. My pronouns are she, they. I am known as attack on Morgan on all social media platforms. You might know me from the new Rollis campaign on the Dyson autism Twitch channel. You also might know me on the world true quest Twitch channel. I play in the girl squad over there, and I'm also a cast member of Pick your poison productions, which does live, interactive, immersive D and D and TTrPG events. [00:01:25] Speaker C: Yes, hi, I'm Annie. She they you can find me as can trip on all the socials, c a n n e, being overly dramatic or doing song parodies. [00:01:36] Speaker D: Yes, hi, I'm Dan Akaan, the baker on TikTok and wherever else I want you to find me. I am a producer over at Opentable Adventures on YouTube, where I interview creators. I interviewed Annie. I've interviewed Grace. I've interviewed a bunch of other people, and I make recipes and my pronouns are they, he. I always forget that part. It's important. [00:02:04] Speaker E: Hello, my name is Grace. I go by ghostly g everywhere except for Twitter because Twitter is weird. I'm ghostly grace on Twitter. I am a mainstay cast member of spells and whistles. That was a really weird way. [00:02:16] Speaker A: Hell yeah, you are. [00:02:18] Speaker E: I release music. There's music out. I have currently at the time of recording a single and an album out at the moment on Spotify and pretty much anywhere you can stream music. And I do things and places, mostly here. [00:02:32] Speaker A: Hello. Amazing. Perfect. As I previously mentioned, we are going to be playing perils and princesses, which is a fairytale adventure rpg. It was written and designed by Ryan lynch, and if you have not heard of this game, please go check it out. It's basically dark fantasy. I think the creator describes it as gritty and pretty, which is a great way of describing it. It uses a d 20, some d six s, and some d four s, and you are essentially trying to roll a number on your d 20. For most checks, that is equal to or below your statistic. Your statistic. Your stat. [00:03:13] Speaker D: Stat is short for statistic. [00:03:15] Speaker A: Yeah, stat is short for statistics. There are three stats in this game, resolve, grace, and wits that can be used for various things. And there's also fun things like gift dice used for magic, and heart dice used for helping and healing. We have different playbooks that our players are going to be talking about a little later in regards to their princesses, but I think the best way to start is just by starting. So we are going to just jump into it. Once upon a time, there was a vast land named gratitude. Home to countless spanning kingdoms, many of its countries and states have been left to their own devices. They foster trade and wealth, and with such assets come war and turmoil. However, once every 100 years, the nobles of each land come together to harbor peace for a day of the rite of wintertide. Garnished with festivities, this fair of sorts is held with the intention of pleasing the spirits of the frost. They are the judges of all mortals inhabiting the land of gratitude. While this fair can often be met with jovial entertainment and cheerful competition, there is no denying the underlying tension of what is at stake. If the spirits of the frost are pleased with their entertainment, they will bless the land of gratitude with mild winters for the next centuries. If not, then the spirits of the frost will create a winter so harsh and isolating that the endurance of all will be brutally judged. We start on the day of this auspicious occasion. You have all been brought here by your families and or royal court to help harbor such peace. It has taken much arduous travel to get here, but at last the day you have anticipated has arrived. Bolstered by gifts of your respective fairy godmothers, you are seen as champions of spells and skill. Therefore, it is you whom the people look toward for guidance and aid. Snow begins to fall as the early onsets of winter show their face. Spotting the gray stone ground with white powder pine trees don fresh snow like a new dress, just as two children run past it and knock it off in a game of tag. The festivities begin and everyone is given some time to unwind before the main ceremony just picks past noon with games to play, food to be tried, music to be enjoyed, and conversation to be had. Where do we find you and I will let you guys either if somebody wants to volunteer to go first, or I can roll a d four and see who goes first, or. I don't know. [00:05:47] Speaker D: Let's let the dice decide. [00:05:50] Speaker A: Let's let the dice roll. I don't have any dice rolls. That was a bad choice. It's okay. Oh, gosh, I'm throwing things. [00:05:57] Speaker E: We're so prepared. [00:05:59] Speaker D: Great start. [00:06:00] Speaker B: Yay. [00:06:00] Speaker E: We're the most prepared. [00:06:02] Speaker A: Good start. I was like, I don't need dice. I don't need to roll anything. For this game, my players only roll wrong. Three. Well, the dice have decided that number three is first, which is Dan. Where do we find you? [00:06:19] Speaker D: Well, we find me in my apartment in New York City. We find Alma Sticks, my princess Alma Sticks, whose real name is Eleonora Genevieve Gracie palace lady of Peat and wildgrass of the kingdom. Wild marsh. But she goes by all mystics. That's another story for another day. We find her, I think, a little bit away from the crowd, kind of closer to the forest and the trees. I think we see her looking down amongst the grass, and if we kind of, like, zoom in, you know, theatrically, we see her examining some mushrooms that she found and picking them up. And you hear her talk to herself. Well, this one should be good for eating, I'm pretty sure, but I might need to test that out. And she puts it in her little pack and then sits up, straightens her skirt. Her, like, dark brown hair is tied back in a braid. She has, like, her face is covered in freckles, dark brown eyes, very, like, rounded. Like, she still has some baby fat on her face. She's wearing, you know, just a plain black cloak and, like, a simple white shirt and brown skirt. But just under her skirt, you can see her boots are just caked in mud. She's very much so an outdoorsy girl. And her pronouns are she, they. That's all mistakes. [00:07:55] Speaker A: Amazing. And what playbook are you playing for this game? [00:07:59] Speaker D: She is the kitchen magic princess because I had to stick with my brand. [00:08:07] Speaker E: We love a good brand. [00:08:10] Speaker A: Insert the little legend of Zelda cooking sound here. Yeah, we don't have the right to. [00:08:15] Speaker D: Yeah. I was like, I can't sing it. [00:08:17] Speaker A: But, yeah, you start collecting some of these mushrooms that you're kind of second guessing a little bit. And I think often the distance you can hear the festivities starting. And there's a little area where people make foods from their kingdom as sort of a go and sample sort of situation. Right. And then if you like it, you can buy more if you would like to, and all that stuff. And I think that you're just sort of off that little area, and you're standing there with all of the squirrels scampering up the trees. And you could tell that they're gathering different foods and stuff that they can gather to get ready for winter, basically. You could tell that the flora and fauna here are also very much like. We have no idea how this whole rite of wintertide is gonna pan out, so we gotta be prepared just in case. And we are in that moment, and we will sort of fade out of this little vignette and fade towards Annie, your character. What are they doing? What are they up to? And what are they? Who are they? [00:09:30] Speaker C: Emma is a wild haired, rather thin individual in nomads robes of pink and blue and yellow and white. She has a lot of rings on her fingers. She has a lot of pockets in her skirt. She's very pale, and her blonde hair is also very pale. She has gray eyes. And you would find her wherever the most action is happening in this festival. [00:09:54] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. You could tell that there's a few different sort of versions of action. Right. There is, like, the music that's being played and all of that stuff. And then there's also a slight area off to the side that has games. So people are, like, tossing bean bags into certain rings that have been drawn in the fresh snow. You see that there's one of those. Oh, gosh, what's it called? Where you hit it and the ball goes up to the bell? [00:10:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:21] Speaker A: Strong. The strong person's thing. There's one of those guys there. [00:10:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Test your strength. There you go. [00:10:29] Speaker C: Then you absolutely find her. Oh, it's a mechanics joke, but absolutely. In that case, you find em wandering around all the different games and just sticking her face into the face of all the people running the games. Just like, how does this work? Oh, so you take the hammer. Oh, okay. And then, like, with the throwing of the bean bags, what's inside of those? Like, just very inquisitive and very. In everyone's space. [00:11:02] Speaker A: Yeah. You see a. A sort of burly man turns to you when you ask this question about the beanbags, and he just says, beans. Fascinating. And what do you call those bean bags? Amazing bags of beans. [00:11:22] Speaker C: She takes one and starts throwing it back and forth between her hands. [00:11:26] Speaker A: I love it. So I got it. We love it. And what's your playbook that you have for this game? [00:11:33] Speaker C: Healing touch. [00:11:35] Speaker A: Incredible. As you start playing with this beanbag, we notice that the bean bag sort of flies a little bit out of your hand and towards an individual. Amazing. Morgan, please describe your character. [00:11:51] Speaker C: OMG. [00:11:51] Speaker E: Let's go. [00:11:53] Speaker B: So you look over and on the dance floor, sort of doing this very, like, graceful dance, is Princess Isadora Arabesque. She's about five eight. She's got paler skin, piercing blue eyes. She's got this sort of, like, auburn red hair that is tied up into this tight bun. She's wearing this all white ballet outfit with the silver crystal embellishments. She's got this white tutu that kind of juts out these white tulle puff sleeves that are, like, slightly attached, but also not. She's got a silver crystal tiara that she wears right by her bun, as well as, like, a matching pin that goes through her bun. She's got nude tights on. And you look down as she's dancing, and you see that she is wearing light pink ballet shoes that are on point. Point. Literally, she is always on point. And she has this light pink see through cape with these white lace embellishments kind of all over it. She stands with this grace and this poise. And as I am playing, the spritely agility princess is my playbook. And she sort of, like, reaches a handout and catches this bead bag as it sort of comes towards her with this, like, grace that you would almost think that it's part of the dance that she is doing on the dance floor and sort of looks over to see where this launching bean bag came from. [00:13:38] Speaker A: Amazing. Yeah, this bean bag is sort of caught, and you make eye contact with the girl who had accidentally flung in through it a little bit. And I think there's, like, that brief moment of recognizing each other as a person of station in the middle of this area. [00:13:57] Speaker B: I will sort of give a little curtsy bow and walk over and go, oh, I believe this belongs to you. Possibly. Maybe. [00:14:07] Speaker C: Oh, thank you. I was borrowing it, but I'll keep it now. [00:14:10] Speaker B: Oh, I don't know if you're actually supposed to. I think you need to give it back to the person whose booth you got it from. Um, probably. I would assume so. [00:14:23] Speaker C: Okay. [00:14:24] Speaker B: But, I mean, who am I to say it's not really my booth that I'm running? Um, she just kind of looks at. [00:14:30] Speaker C: You with these very large and slightly vacant gray eyes. [00:14:34] Speaker B: Right. Um, what kingdom are you from exactly? [00:14:38] Speaker C: Lonely castle. It's very self explanatory. The name. It's very indicative. [00:14:44] Speaker B: Oh, I do not believe I've heard of that from. Well, hello. I'm Princess Isadora Arabesque from the graceful grove. It's a pleasure to meet you. As she sort of reaches her hand. [00:14:56] Speaker C: Out, em takes it and shakes it with surprising grace. For someone who's as kind of floaty as she is, it's wonderful to meet you. I'm em. And you have a pretty name. As pretty as the way you catch things. [00:15:10] Speaker B: Oh, um, thank you. That's ever so lovely of you to say. Yeah, I am. [00:15:15] Speaker E: You're welcome. [00:15:17] Speaker B: Well, um, I should probably maybe sort of get back to. [00:15:22] Speaker C: Oh, you're standing on your toes. [00:15:23] Speaker B: Ah, yes. Yes, I am. I'm wearing my pointe shoes as I usually do, so always standing up on point on my toes. I'm. My kingdom is sort of known for. [00:15:36] Speaker C: Does it hurt? [00:15:37] Speaker B: Um, yes, it is terribly, terribly painful as there are wood blocks in actual ballet shoes itself. And it's awful, you know, but my kingdom is sort of very well known for dancing, specifically ballet. So we're all trained from a pretty young age. [00:15:58] Speaker C: Wow, that's beautiful. And that sounds horrible at the same time. [00:16:03] Speaker B: Yes, well, beauty and grace seems to come at a price, does it not? At least that's what my mother and father always tell me. [00:16:13] Speaker C: Okay, and then em's gonna turn and she's gonna like, hyuk, the bean bag into the little hoop or whatever she's supposed to be throwing it at. [00:16:20] Speaker A: Ooh. [00:16:23] Speaker B: Alright then. [00:16:24] Speaker A: You wanna roll something for it? [00:16:26] Speaker B: Sure. [00:16:26] Speaker C: Yeah, let's roll something. [00:16:28] Speaker A: Cool. Let's do. Hmm, let's do a grace roll for that. [00:16:35] Speaker C: Okay. And so that is me trying to roll below my grace score or my grace stat, right? [00:16:41] Speaker A: Yes, you are trying to meet it or roll below your grace score. [00:16:47] Speaker B: As. [00:16:48] Speaker C: I natural 20, which is bad in this one. [00:16:51] Speaker A: No, no. [00:16:53] Speaker C: I think it actually fits the situation, though. [00:16:56] Speaker A: I think so too. I think what happens is you throw it super hard and it hits Alma sort of in the back of the head. Oh, mother. [00:17:06] Speaker D: Who did? [00:17:10] Speaker C: Em reaches up her hand, just. Sorry, that was me just fully in the air. [00:17:17] Speaker D: Alma does a little like, just the little like points at her eyes, points at Em like a little bit like I'm watching you. And just takes the beanbag and puts it in her bag. [00:17:33] Speaker C: M goes, I guess that's not mine anymore. [00:17:37] Speaker E: This poor fender is never getting this beanbag bag. [00:17:40] Speaker C: No. [00:17:43] Speaker A: Oh my God. [00:17:43] Speaker D: It might be real beans. I can use those. [00:17:49] Speaker B: True. I sort of look over at Emmy and I go, maybe you should be careful where you throw those things. [00:17:58] Speaker C: You're right. I should go get a hammer. [00:17:59] Speaker B: No, that is absolutely not what? I said, that might not be the best idea, given how well your aim is. [00:18:06] Speaker C: Do you not want me to have a hammer? She says, noting the expression on Isadora's face. [00:18:12] Speaker B: Oh, maybe there are other games here that don't involve throwing things or things that are going to hurt other people that might be better suited for you. [00:18:21] Speaker C: Okay. I would have a hard time throwing a hammer, and she's gonna float off to the test of strength, and then she call over her shoulder. It was wonderful to meet you. I had a great time. [00:18:31] Speaker B: Isadora just has this, like, worried, pained. [00:18:34] Speaker A: Expression on her face and looks around. [00:18:35] Speaker B: And is like, oh, no, it's just me seeing this. Oh, all right. I guess I have to be the one to do this. Why am I always having the one to clean up the messes? Oh, all right. Well, here I go, and I follow Emmy to the leaves of strength. [00:18:49] Speaker A: We follow you two down that path, and as we do, I think the camera, the metaphorical camera, sort of stays back a little bit, and it turns. And, grace, please describe your character. [00:19:00] Speaker E: This is so incredibly funny, like, hearing what everybody else built after knowing what I have done. [00:19:07] Speaker A: Oh, gosh. [00:19:09] Speaker E: Drew, Diana, and Roman, this is for you. I played a character named Hobie, who is a big and buff little boy, and I love him dearly, and I decided to make him a pretty princess because I thought it'd be funny. Hobie is, like, a six foot two, very, like, beefy little man. He has a, you know, cute little, kind of, like, coming of age, all american boy kind of vibes going on about him. You know, he's very muscly. He's got, like, mousey brown hair. He got them blue eyes. He got. He's wearing very, very simple clothes. He's got a cloak that clearly was meant for somebody much smaller than he is. That is kind of just, like, hanging off of one shoulder, but he's kind of making it work a little bit. Not really. And hope he's just kind of walking around at some point. We don't know how. He's, like, procured a giant bag of candy, and he's just kind of going to town on that. Um, and he's just having the time of his life, kind of wandering around. Man's got no clue what's going on. [00:20:21] Speaker A: Really amazing. I love that. And what is your playbook? [00:20:26] Speaker E: I am also playing the healer because there's a certain ability we get at level two that is very funny for this character. [00:20:36] Speaker A: Okay, we'll look into that later. I think that as you're walking around, chomping down on this candy. You see this entire beanbag interaction happen where you just watch this. This woman, like, this girl toss a beanbag. It goes super far, it hits another person in the face, and then they just sort of storm off a little bit. I think that what's probably happening is that almost like, storming off in your direction. So unless you're going to actively, like, get out of the way of this person, you're eventually going to meet up with this person. [00:21:11] Speaker E: I don't think Hobie's paying a ton of attention to what's directly in front of him. So he's like, because he has to look kind of down a little bit to kind of see the people around him. And he's really just kind of, like, vacantly going forward, he's got his little thing of candy, and he's just kind of like, you know, I do think. [00:21:32] Speaker D: Alma and Hobie do, like, cross paths, and Alma is very much so, like, I think she's on track to go back to, like, the food area because that's where she was kind of hanging out before she went foraging. And Alma is five three. So, like, basically a full, you know, like, over a foot shorter than Hobie. So, like, I think she's just like, she's kind of looking down after getting hit in the face and is like, sees, you know, like, you're, like, you kind of cross paths, sees your feet and then just like, looks up and says, oh, boy, you ate your vegetables growing up, didn't you, Hobby looks down. [00:22:11] Speaker E: And like, oh, hello. I'm sorry, can I help you? [00:22:17] Speaker D: No, sorry. Hi. I'm just on my way back to the food table and just noticed, you know, you're a rather tall individual. [00:22:26] Speaker E: Am I Amelie in your way? Do you need help getting somewhere or. [00:22:33] Speaker D: No, no, it's fine, sweetie. I just want. Just saying hi, I'm Alma. I'm Alma. Sticks. [00:22:41] Speaker E: Sorry. [00:22:42] Speaker D: She sticks a hand out. Sticks a hand out and then also goes a little bit up to be like, I need to. I need to go up a little. [00:22:50] Speaker E: Bit for this hobby. Reaches his hand down, is just like, I'm Hobie. It's nice to meet you. They sound like Ernie from slipping street. [00:22:58] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:23:01] Speaker A: It's the vibes. [00:23:06] Speaker D: Alma, you know, takes her hand and then kind of like, with her other hand grabs and is like, oh, boy. Your hand is like three of mine combined. That's wild. [00:23:16] Speaker E: Yeah. You're very small. [00:23:19] Speaker D: Or are you rather large? [00:23:21] Speaker E: Could be both. [00:23:22] Speaker D: Very well could be Mister Hobie. Very well. Could be. Are you. Where are you participating? Who are you participating with today? Like, what's your. Where do you hail from? As they say. [00:23:36] Speaker E: Mostly from kind of wherever. And Hobie just kind of awkwardly holds up his bag of candy. [00:23:43] Speaker D: Is that. Are you offering alma candy or are. [00:23:46] Speaker A: You just kind of. [00:23:46] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:23:48] Speaker D: She goes, sure. I wouldn't say no to some sweets. Grabs it, chomps down. I'm from back down south. Kingdom of wild marsh. You know, it's a little bit colder, less humid up here, so I don't really know. It's, you know, hard for me to deal with. But I was gonna go head back over to the food table. Would you like to join me, Mister Hobie? Unless you had some other something that you were doing. [00:24:18] Speaker E: Sure, I'll come with you. And Hobie is just like going back to his candy. [00:24:24] Speaker A: I think that there are points where you all are sort of doing your due diligence of visiting every little part of the festival, making your appearances wherever you need to be. And then eventually, around noon, this is when this sort of big event is happening. This is when everyone discovers what it is that the spirits of the frost desire to help quell this winter for the next hundred years. People stand up, they leave their games behind. The vendor of the beanbag toss just gives up on looking for the bean bag. He only brought one, so that game's closed now. Canon. [00:25:09] Speaker E: We ruined it. We ruined it. New goal. Get this man a new beanbag. [00:25:17] Speaker A: This man is the BBEg in the sequel. [00:25:22] Speaker C: Sorry. [00:25:24] Speaker A: So he sort of gives up on looking for that. The food fires have been tempered down and everyone gathers in this center where you see a pillar of ice has been brought up. It looks almost like one of those. I'm forgetting what it's called. [00:25:41] Speaker E: The. [00:25:41] Speaker A: The poles with the ribbons that go around it. A maple, but it's a maypole. There we go. You guys are so smart. It looks like one of those, but it's. There you go. [00:25:53] Speaker E: I had to do a maple dance in the third grade. [00:25:56] Speaker A: Whoa. Sleigh. [00:25:58] Speaker E: We'll tell that story later. [00:26:01] Speaker A: I would love to hear it. But it. So it's a maple, but it's made entirely of ice, and there's no ribbons that go around it. But it does look almost woven into the ice itself. You're unsure if this has been carved for this occasion or if this has been put here by the spirits of the frost. It's still hard to discern. As the sun hits the perfect point in the sky in which it is officially noon, there is an influx of cold in the air. The snow that is on the ground is puffed up and it hangs suspended around you all. It's not evasive, but it's present much like the seasons themselves. As this suspension happens, there are clouds that cover the sun. And when you know it is midday it is fairly dark outside, shaded, covered. You hear what sounds like a million voices conglomerated into one. Four kingdoms shall give a gifted child to spurn cruel frost, gain winter mild. And you see that four thrones appear made of ice. They build up from the ground, the snow trickling around them and weaving up the sides. There's a little bit of silence. It is in this moment that you notice that there are many new figures in the crowd. They are tall, poised, decadent. They have elongated limbs and they are covered in some sort of sheen. You recognize these figures because you have one associated with you which it seems that a myriad of fairy godmothers have appeared. Your respective one stands behind you just as they do for the rest of their champions. One of the figureheads of one of the larger kingdoms steps forward. He claims that it seems from their guesses that the spirits wish for four people to lead either the ceremony, the people for the next century, whatever it is, they are looking for leaders, they are looking for figures to be appointed to take that responsibility. And they have called upon the fairy godmothers to offer such people such figures in the land of gratitude. Fairy godmothers are a little bit different than your classic fairy tale, right? I know we've discussed this as players, but for the listeners at home, they are less fruitful and giving of small skill and spells. And they rather appear when someone has needed their guidance the most. They attach themselves to that individual and become only that person's patron, essentially creating a bond of parent, child, patron, champion, friend and friend, whatever that is fostered as whatever you would like that to be. In this moment, everyone looks around and they are a little confused. But the fairy godmothers all look at each other and they nod. It seems that they have some sort of connection mentally in which they've been able to discuss this and look forward with it. And they have just the four champions in mind. The first fairy godmother that steps forward holds out a graceful hand. They are in this sort of longer dress that is shorter in the front with very simple but durable, essentially is the only way I can describe it. Dancing shoes on, almost like auditions shoes for musical theater, right? Laducas. That's what they're called. I know things. Not the laduca, the laducahs. Are in as a theater. [00:30:21] Speaker B: Can I approve of this description? [00:30:23] Speaker E: Musical theater girlies are quaking. [00:30:28] Speaker B: I'm quaked. [00:30:29] Speaker A: That was a musical theater, girly. [00:30:31] Speaker B: I'm quaking. [00:30:32] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. You see that? She steps forward and she offers a hand towards you. Isadora, I will take the hand. A little hesitantly, with the same poise and grace that you always have known her to be, she walks you forward and places you on one of the thrones, lightly bowing her head. She smiles. [00:30:57] Speaker B: I think there's a flash of a little, like, disbelief and worry across Isadora's face before it's gone. And a very regal, neutral expression. [00:31:09] Speaker A: There's a light round of applause as the first of four leaders has been appointed. [00:31:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I think there's just this flash of disbelief a little bit before the mask is up, and a very neutral, calm expression takes it as she sort of bows her head to the clapping that is commencing while she's on this throne. [00:31:37] Speaker A: I think after viewing that, everyone nods. And then next, there is a second fairy godmother who steps forward. They seem to have almost look as if they've been covered in moss and nests, and in their hair are a bundle of twigs that are poking out almost like they would be antlers, but they're a little more sporadic and not quite as long. And they hold their hand out towards Alma. [00:32:16] Speaker D: Alma looks around and kind of whispers, are you sure this one me? And begrudgingly grabs her fair godmother's hand. [00:32:30] Speaker A: You see that? She nods in a CoMforting, I know that this is hard, but this is the right thing to do. When have I ever steered you wrong sort of way? And she presents you onto the throne next to IsOdora, who you just recently saw with the girl who threw a beanbag at you. [00:32:55] Speaker D: Alma, like, barely even regards IsAdora, not in a rude way, but you can kind of see she's almost shaking a little bit. Not from the cold, but from the fact that, oh, every single person in this group is looking at her underneath her freckles. Her face flushes, and she just hopes that people think she's cold as she sits down. [00:33:21] Speaker A: Next, a figure who is a little more. I think the only way to equate it is a little bit akin to if the witch from Hansel and Gretel was a good person, right? Just like a slightly more jovial figure. Rounded cheeks, very robust in the shoulders and chest area as well. I will say, you see that she is holding these almost sort of. They almost look like. They almost look like pastries, but they are just like, beacons of light a little bit as you see that she, you know, she reaches her hand out towards Hobie, but not in, like, a beckoning way and more of, like a let's walk together sort of way that Hobie's very familiar with. [00:34:23] Speaker E: Oh, Hobie's doing, like, the gentleman, like, offer in his arm sort of thing. [00:34:28] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. Yeah. She takes it and she walks with you up to the throne and sits you down, same sort of curt node. And there's a sense that's instilled within you of, like this is supposed to be. And whether that makes you anxious or concerned or gives you comfort, whatever that looks like, you know, that she has only done what is best for you. [00:35:00] Speaker E: Yeah. Hobie's got a little bit of a. I don't know what's going on, but we're here. I'm going with it kind of look on his face. [00:35:07] Speaker A: Amazing. [00:35:08] Speaker E: Still got his bag of candy. He's just nothing. [00:35:12] Speaker A: And lastly, the last figure is extremely tall, extremely lanky, a bit spindly of sorts. Long ears, long hair. Head is kind of stooped down a little bit, but still smiles. And the elongated fingers reach out towards em. [00:35:40] Speaker C: I think em regards her fairy godmother with a gaze that is less vacant suddenly than it's been for everyone else. And she goes, okay. And still holding the hammer from the test of strength that she is also stolen. [00:35:59] Speaker A: She will, yeah. [00:36:01] Speaker C: Follow her fairy godmother. [00:36:05] Speaker A: The fairy godmother places you on that last throne. And as you all appear, the thrones themselves are almost lifted, like on a pedestal. So that way, even the people far in the back can see there's a circlet of ice and snow that is placed upon your head that then sort of, like, engulfs into your skin a little bit. It feels like a slight brain freeze for a split second, but then there's a soothingness that happens with it. You have been given the opportunity to lead your people for who knows how long. You hear the voices of the spirits of the frost continue. Four kingdoms shall give a gifted child to spurn cruel frost, gain winter mild. And as that happens and as you feel that sense of emboldenedness and everyone is about to start clapping, all of a sudden, your arms, they aren't picking up from the throne. You go to move your shoulders, and they're stuck. It's almost like something wet has been put onto the coldest ice. Your legs won't move. You feel yourself sinking into the throne, cracking. Your skin is now the ice that you sit upon and all of a sudden, almost like traveling through a window from 20 stories up, you fall into your throne. You are shunted into darkness. You are free falling. There is ice and crystal and horridness around you. You look up and you see this pinprick of the light. Where you have come from gets smaller and smaller. You think back. The people who brought you here, the people you lead, they are still up there. I am not. I am down. I am falling. I am. There's a brief second where I think your fight or flight kicks in and you start twirling around a little bit. And you're looking for anything to grab onto, anything to save you, anything to get the air that is stuck and trapped in your lungs to keep going, anything to keep your heart beating for a split second. And as you look for that split second and you're twirling in the air and you look down, you realize that you are 5 seconds away from the floor you hit, but you are not broken. You awaken your own times. And you look around and you are somewhere new. Ice covered trees, frozen rivers. The temperature is no longer that newly, freshly, slightly warmed winter. It is biting and it is cold and it is harsh. You feel your constitution need to build itself up just to fight back against the basic elements. You look outward. Hundreds and hundreds of miles of mountainside. The sun beginning to slowly wane down. The words repeat in your head. Four kingdoms shall give a gifted child to spurn cruel frost, gain winter mild. You were not given to lead. You have been given to fight. You've been given to climb your way. To find a path back to your lives before. You have been given to perish. And you have this feeling, this gut feeling that this isn't a gift of time and devotion to the spirits of the frost. This is a gift of entertainment. And they are watching. And I know this is a really short episode, but I think we're gonna end this one here. I had to be scary. I sawy you looked at the fears. [00:41:14] Speaker D: And nightmares section of my character and said, I know exactly what I'm gonna do. [00:41:20] Speaker B: This is insane and I love it. [00:41:23] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Okay, well, thank you so much for listening to this episode of spells and whistles. I will plug in an outro because that's what we do nowadays and because I don't have anything written, so insert future j. Yeah. Make sure to tune in next week for the second part of this three part miniseries. And until then, we will see you on the flip side. Bye, spooky. Hi, friends. Thank you so much for listening to our first episode of our payrolls and princesses one shot. We hope you had just as much fun listening along as we had playing. A massive thank you to our players for this one shot. Annie Morgan, Dan and Grace. If you want to follow their latest projects, make sure to check out their social platforms. LinkedIn in the description we have a lot of fun things coming up this summer for miniseries mayhem, so if you want to keep up with all of the things that are new and exciting with the pod, you can follow us on our socials, spells and whistles pod on Instagram and TikTok and whistles on Twitter. Want to join in the fun of all things ttrpg? Come join our community discord. We have some really neat things like games, hangouts, and even a few fun show and tell channels if you wish to support us even more. We also have a Patreon channel that you could checkout with tons of fun rewards like player notes, tarot readings and even more. Thanks again for listening and we will catch you next week for more perils and princesses. Bye.

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