Episode 25

June 23, 2024


Perils and Princesses: Part Three, The Truth of Sacrifice

Perils and Princesses: Part Three, The Truth of Sacrifice
Spells and Whistles
Perils and Princesses: Part Three, The Truth of Sacrifice

Jun 23 2024 | 01:08:21


Show Notes

Welcome to Perils and Princesses, a gritty and pretty ttrpg by Ryan Lynch! Join GM Jay and Players Grace, Annie, Morgan, and Dan as they take on the biting chill of winter. With the Spirits of the Frost seeking satisfactio, there is no telling what perils lie in wait for our team...

- Annie (she/they) || Emme || @cannetrip
- Morgan (she/they) || Isadora || @attackonmorgan
- Dan (they/he) || Alma Sticks || @dan_the_baker

Check out the game by Ryan Lynch ( @outridercreative) herehttps://perilsandprincesses.com/ 

Track used: Ventur Frosti by Alexander Nakarada

This summer, Mini Series Mayhem is BACK! Our scheduling information is below:
- 05/05 - week off; no posting!
- 05/12 and 05/19 - History Check: Drakon, a two-part Epyllion one shot
- 05/26 and 06/02 - a two-part Mole Hunt one shot
- 06/09, 06/16, and 06/23 - a three-part Perils and Princesses one shot
- 06/30, 07/07, and 07/14 - a surprise three-part one shot ran by Ben
- 07/21 - a one-part Main Campaign AU one shot

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Cover Art: Jay

Main Campaign Cover Art: Incredicoon Studios (@incredicoonstudios on instagram)

Main Campaign Character Art: Madison Saxon (@msaxon.art on instagram, tik tok, and twitter)


Meet our Cast and Crew!

Anastasia (she/her) | Game Keeper 
- GK, Editor, and Discord Coordinator

Ben (he/him) | Id | follow on twitter
- Player and Music Team

Grace (she/they) | Melwyn | check out linktree
- Player, Lore Keeper, and Patreon Coordinator

Jay (she/her) | Myla | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Social Media Coordinator

Meg (she/they) | Oddyn | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Music Team

View Full Transcript

Episode Transcript

[00:00:20] Speaker A: Hello, friends. Welcome back to yet another episode of Spells and a normally d and D five e podcast. But you're here just in time for our finale of perils and princesses, a different TTRPG system that is a fairytale adventure rpg by Ryan lynch. This is the finale. So if you have not listened to the other two episodes, please do or don't and be confused. That's. I won't tell you what to do. [00:00:47] Speaker B: Yeah, live your truth. [00:00:48] Speaker A: Live your truth. Live your best life. Just be whoever you want to be. Be a princess in a world full of snow. Hi, I'm Jay. I'm gonna be your fairy God keeper for this one shot series and for the final time for this installment. And I have with me a bunch of really fun friends. I have Morgan, I have Annie, I have Dan, I have grace. And they are fabulous players playing even fabulous characters. May I say, and you know what? Let's just. Let's just say. Let's just say this. Let's just say what's been going down so far, because I think it's important to do a little recap. We arrive to the land of gratitude on the day of the rite of Wintertide, which is a continent wide festival held every 100 years. The festival welcomes in the spirits of the frost, being used to renew the truce between them and the people of the land. There is a big ceremony that happens on the rite of wintertide in which we discover if winters will be quelled and calmed for the next hundred years, or if they will instead be harsh. Our four princesses were volunteered by their fairy godmothers, aka their patrons or whatever you want to equate them to as champions of the land of gratitude. And in signing them up for a place of prestige, they ended up signing them up for a place of peril as they have fallen onto a mountainside, which they must make their way up now for the entertainment and gratification of the spirits of the frost. Along the way, they discover that there have been some artifacts left behind by previous princesses from previous rites of Wintertide. Having collected two of them, the Ring of Fire and the wand of bubbles, they have collected those, each in their own respect. Having met some dismembered both in terms of soul and body, princesses of rite of Wintertide's past, and having deconstructed the protective topographical magics around these two relics, they are now being swept away down a once frozen river that is rapidly taking them down to the base of the mountain. Once more, we pick up right where we left off. You are all being swept by this tide. There are turning bends. You are being pushed underwater and then brought back up again. Everything is confusing. You can't tell which way is up or down. Your only concern is getting that breath. Those few chances you have a second to. And as you sort of continue following down this river, you don't make it all the way to the bottom because it turns and it bends into a small cavern or arch or something of the like inside the base of the mountain proper. It sweeps you up. It is dark. It is protected from the elements, and some ways, it feels a lot more secure because you're. You are being sheltered by the elements. [00:03:51] Speaker C: Is it? [00:03:52] Speaker A: But in other ways, it's more concerning because you no longer know exactly where you are. What do you do? It is dark, like, it's shadowed. It's not completely pitch black. So you can still see that there's some, like, stalagmites and stalactites that are along the side. It's winding almost like a tunnel into the actual base of the mountain proper. You're no longer going down. You're kind of. [00:04:16] Speaker D: Where did that ring. [00:04:19] Speaker A: It's hard to tell exactly where you are, but you know that you are now inside the mountain. [00:04:22] Speaker C: Okay, well, that's. That's good, at least. Okay, good, right? That's good. [00:04:35] Speaker E: Something typically good. [00:04:42] Speaker B: Hobie. [00:04:42] Speaker E: Oh, the ring that the ghost lady dropped. Yeah, I've got it. [00:04:48] Speaker C: That is true. [00:04:49] Speaker E: Did you want the ring once a year? I already have a pretty cool wand. [00:04:53] Speaker A: So. [00:04:57] Speaker B: I'll take it. I'm not usually a ring, uh, person, but I think I'll. This will make do. [00:05:05] Speaker E: Social interaction will drop down on one knee like he's proposing and hold out the ring. [00:05:13] Speaker D: We have torches, but they're all wet now. [00:05:15] Speaker C: Do we clap? [00:05:16] Speaker B: Should we get in a cool magician? Hell, yeah. Just takes up the ring and. [00:05:23] Speaker C: Yes, that would be nice. [00:05:25] Speaker E: Why would you clap? [00:05:26] Speaker C: We are all soaking wet, and it's. [00:05:28] Speaker B: Incredibly cold out dry. [00:05:31] Speaker C: Those two things do not go well together. [00:05:35] Speaker D: Well, I have some torches, but they're all. [00:05:37] Speaker C: How big is that? [00:05:41] Speaker B: I could cast a fireball. [00:05:43] Speaker C: I don't care how big the room is. Fireball. [00:05:48] Speaker B: Not big enough. [00:05:54] Speaker A: I don't care that there's civilians as. [00:05:58] Speaker C: Well, so maybe that ring could come in handy right now. [00:06:02] Speaker B: Yeah, same, perhaps. Yeah, perhaps. Perhaps, says I. It's a 20 foot radius fireball. [00:06:17] Speaker A: It is a 20 foot radius fireball. I will say if you want to use just, like, a tiny bit of it to just spark a little fire. That. That's totally fine for flavor. I'm okay with that. [00:06:26] Speaker B: Cool. I feel like I kind of. I use it almost like the striker of a lighter and just kind of like flick it and get some like sparks to fly out just to make like a little. A tiny fire for us to dry off at, get our berries. [00:06:44] Speaker A: You were able to do that easily. And it sort of starts alighting the cavern around. You see the smaller stream that was once a raging rapid that is next to you. And I would love for my friends to please make me a wits roll. [00:07:05] Speaker E: Oh, be so smart. [00:07:09] Speaker B: Big money, big money, big money. I'm fine with any money. Actually, I did get an eight, which is. [00:07:19] Speaker E: I got a nine, which is exactly my wit. But I don't know if it's a pass or not in this game. [00:07:24] Speaker A: I'll say that's a pass. I don't know if it's a pizza. [00:07:28] Speaker B: Pizza. [00:07:28] Speaker A: Yeah. Meets a beats. It makes sense to me. [00:07:30] Speaker D: I'll do it. While last time I tried to go get a relic, it turned out to be a monster. [00:07:34] Speaker C: That's okay. [00:07:35] Speaker A: You are watching the flames sort of dance on the. [00:07:39] Speaker D: I would love that because. [00:07:41] Speaker A: And as you know, you notice that something way down, further, deeper into the tunnel, there's like a little glint. [00:07:48] Speaker D: Okay, but I'm taking my frying pan. [00:07:50] Speaker E: There's a shiny thing. [00:07:51] Speaker A: You know what, maybe. [00:07:52] Speaker D: But I'll also be okay because Isadora can Irish. [00:07:55] Speaker C: You know, just, just. [00:07:58] Speaker D: That wasn't. I didn't expect that. [00:08:05] Speaker B: Here. Yeah. Leave your packs here and we'll to dry off. We'll keep watch. This smart. [00:08:17] Speaker C: She sort of like looks down at the ground. [00:08:20] Speaker B: Yeah. That was lovely. [00:08:21] Speaker C: Yeah, well, it. My kingdom is sort of more about ballet and that sort of. You should diversify ever since. [00:08:29] Speaker D: Why would that be a bad thing then you can just do two kinds of dances. [00:08:33] Speaker C: Kind under other styles of dance. I haven't really shown my family yet because I'm. Well, I'm worried that they won't really be happy with it. It's not ballet. Yeah, that's what you would think. Okay, you know what that is? That is one that I have not learned yet. [00:08:57] Speaker B: I can show you some square dancing perhaps. I just do the cotton eye Joe dance. [00:09:08] Speaker E: They should just be happy that you get to these. [00:09:11] Speaker C: I have my deck of your stuff. [00:09:14] Speaker B: Right behind what's down yonder. [00:09:22] Speaker A: Amazing. You all continue walking forward through 30ft, 40, 50. Continuing on down. This glint that's in the back is. Where's my measurements? It looks, um. Well, that's a trap or something yonder sort of situation. Right. So it's visible, turns back once you're about a. [00:09:49] Speaker D: It's really far away. [00:09:50] Speaker A: Do you. Do you still want to be over there? [00:09:53] Speaker D: She calls to the other two rock of sorts. [00:09:55] Speaker A: Sorts that is sitting on a pedestal. [00:10:00] Speaker C: That is so obviously a trap. [00:10:19] Speaker B: I looked at Hobie and said, do you think. I think they might need us. I don't think they can get on with. [00:10:25] Speaker E: Maybe we'll grab the other two packs and start walking. [00:10:30] Speaker B: I'll, like, try and, like, take one of the larger sticks in the fire or something and, like, have pedestal. [00:10:38] Speaker C: Is there, like, anything else, like, on the floor near it or on the walls? Is it just like this pedestal with this stone in this cabinet cavern? [00:10:51] Speaker B: Fuck. [00:10:51] Speaker C: A 17. God. [00:10:53] Speaker A: Stop rolling. Well, to take a look around. [00:11:00] Speaker C: Of. [00:11:00] Speaker A: Course, the one time your d 20s should be rolling. Shit, they're not. [00:11:10] Speaker B: Can I also make a wits check as I like with my little torch? Kind of like getting a closer look. [00:11:15] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, of course. [00:11:18] Speaker B: Three. [00:11:20] Speaker A: Three. [00:11:20] Speaker C: Hey, math is hard. [00:11:21] Speaker B: Let the audience know. I did hold up two fingers at first and then corrected myself. [00:11:26] Speaker E: No, he didn't. You have no evidence. [00:11:29] Speaker A: It was actually six fingers at once. But it was all on one hand, so that's what. Yeah. [00:11:36] Speaker E: Pretty impressive six fingered man. Sorry. [00:11:42] Speaker A: Amazing. You both are taking a scope of this area. And you, Isadora, it's a little hard to see still. And it's not until Alma walks over with this torch that you're able to see Alma that there doesn't seem to be a ton around it. Which leaves the burning question of if these belonged to a princess, which we have seen so far. Where is this piece of this princess? But you do notice that a lot of the ground in about a ten foot ring outside the pedestal looks a. [00:12:19] Speaker B: Little off, like discolored or like, it. [00:12:24] Speaker A: Looks a little cracked. And it's like the pedestal and it's in a ring surrounding the entirety of it, like completely 360. [00:12:33] Speaker B: I think I have an idea. I. Can I usher everyone out of the, like, the radius of this, like, where it looks different? [00:12:42] Speaker C: Oh, yes, absolutely. It's always on me. [00:12:43] Speaker B: And I say to Isadora, do you still have that grappling hook? That square dance lesson will have to wait. Let's. I'm going to teach you to lasso real quick. [00:12:59] Speaker C: I would like. [00:12:59] Speaker B: I would like to try and lasso. [00:13:01] Speaker C: The stone to help aid in that by sort of like, you teach her to lasso and she's giving you. She's like, oh, well, if you're going to do that to reach father. You're going to want to hold your arms up like this. And she's sort of, like, adjusting, like, your stance and your arms a little bit to help. Yes. Hundred percent, yes. You need to flick the wrist. [00:13:33] Speaker B: The little ghost pottery scene. A little bit. [00:13:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:13:39] Speaker B: It's in slow mo. Okay. [00:13:43] Speaker C: So can you roll a virtual. You have failed. Yeah. So you can roll the heart dice, which is a D four, and subtract it from the D 20 roll. Or do I roll the D four? [00:14:06] Speaker B: I don't think it matters. [00:14:09] Speaker A: And I think you can pick who rolls it. I don't care. [00:14:12] Speaker C: Oh, man. [00:14:14] Speaker B: But also, this is a grace check, right? My grace is eleven. [00:14:19] Speaker A: So you can use two heart dice if you want, I believe. Right? Or do you only have one? Sorry, I'm. We have two. [00:14:31] Speaker B: We haven't used any. [00:14:34] Speaker C: Do you want three? [00:14:34] Speaker B: You can roll one and I'll roll one. [00:14:36] Speaker C: Yes. [00:14:37] Speaker B: Okay, so you need at least six. [00:14:41] Speaker A: Fuck, yeah. [00:14:42] Speaker B: I rolled a four. [00:14:43] Speaker A: Oh, yes. [00:14:45] Speaker B: That brings it down to a ten. [00:14:46] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. The success. [00:14:50] Speaker B: The power of the ghost pottery scene. [00:14:55] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. You feel the adjustments of your posture, and as you do, the rope of the grappling hook releases at just the right moment because of this one adjustment to the elbow and the flick of the wrist. And as you do, this stone is grappled. And did you want to pull it towards you, or did you want to just. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Yes. [00:15:16] Speaker A: Cool. [00:15:16] Speaker B: Yeah, pull it towards you. [00:15:17] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:15:17] Speaker B: Pull it off the pedals. [00:15:18] Speaker A: You're able to swing it around and pull it towards, uh, Isadora, who's able to catch it. And as you do, you notice that that cracked ground in that ten foot radius crumbles and drops down. And you see down below, skeletal remnants. [00:15:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:15:36] Speaker A: Wow. [00:15:36] Speaker C: That would have scattered really, really bad. Um, excellence. [00:15:39] Speaker B: Yeah, that would have been. I. I don't think we would have made it out that fall. [00:15:43] Speaker C: Quite impressive. [00:15:54] Speaker B: Now, what is that stone there, anyways? Can you tell? [00:16:03] Speaker D: I think that means you should have. [00:16:04] Speaker A: This is the rainbow crystal that you saw. [00:16:06] Speaker C: Yes. [00:16:07] Speaker A: Or that you've heard about. I will send it. [00:16:10] Speaker C: This is my anxiety stone. [00:16:13] Speaker A: Yeah, this is your anxiety demo. [00:16:15] Speaker C: Tell you all about that. [00:16:16] Speaker D: I remember first irish step dance and then magic. All two things that a person should learn. [00:16:23] Speaker C: Okay, are you absolutely positive? I just. I'm not very. I don't do magic. Not very well. Destiny. [00:16:30] Speaker E: Yes. [00:16:30] Speaker D: Every situation can be solved by one. [00:16:31] Speaker C: Or the other magic. [00:16:38] Speaker B: That could be your next lesson. [00:16:43] Speaker C: The only two things in life you need. Irish step dancing and magic. [00:16:47] Speaker E: I'll do things you ever need. [00:16:51] Speaker C: She just sort of like, sure, I will hold on to it and use it if need be. Now let me look up the spell that I get to use with it. In my book. [00:17:11] Speaker A: It is glitter spray which recharges by leaving in the moonlight overnight. And glitter spray allows you to shoot out an array of colorful magic nearby. Up to some creatures. Sum not so me for my listeners. [00:17:33] Speaker C: Are stunned for I will tuck it away for safekeeping. [00:17:41] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:17:44] Speaker E: Amazing math lesson for the viewers. Viewers, listeners. I do viewers so much. I'm so used to the video components of things I do. Math lesson some means the total in case you're silly like us and had to remember what that means. [00:18:03] Speaker A: It's the total number rolled on the dice. [00:18:06] Speaker E: You add everything up. [00:18:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:09] Speaker E: Just in case you're still goofy like us and could not remember what that meant. [00:18:13] Speaker A: Not like me. I'm so good at math does suck. [00:18:17] Speaker C: We don't need more stem. We need more arts. Come on. [00:18:20] Speaker A: Math sucks. Support the arts. Um, exactly. I did. [00:18:29] Speaker C: Yes. [00:18:31] Speaker A: We're not gonna do that. We're gonna continue with the game. We're gonna continue with the game is what we're gonna do. [00:18:35] Speaker B: Oh yeah. We're playing again. [00:18:36] Speaker A: You all have so you now have this rainbow crystal. You have a ring of fire. You have the wand of bubbles. And you're all in this cavernous area. You can continue walking down this way if you'd like to. You can go back to the direction where you know the surface is. It is completely and entirely up to you what you do from here. You could take a second to. I will remind you that there is the like picnic rest mechanics or rest for 8 hours of break if you wanted to do that too. This is a safe splat. Safe space. Safe space. This is a safe place so you could rest for 8 hours. [00:19:16] Speaker E: It's a safe place now. [00:19:18] Speaker A: It's a safe place. [00:19:19] Speaker E: Safe space. [00:19:20] Speaker A: Safe space. This is a safe place. [00:19:22] Speaker C: Sure. We could do a little clutching her side from where she got hit stab with the ice sword. [00:19:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:19:38] Speaker A: Go ahead and take your pickenickening while we're up. [00:19:44] Speaker E: Pick a nickening. Pick a nick. [00:19:46] Speaker C: Pick. [00:19:46] Speaker E: Oh boy. [00:19:47] Speaker A: Pick a nicking. [00:19:48] Speaker E: Pick a nicknickening. Hobie is gonna sit down. Oh, Isadora. And just be like. [00:19:56] Speaker C: Gets this look on her eyes and. [00:19:57] Speaker E: She'S just like okay. [00:20:00] Speaker C: Do you mean like right in this moment or like overall? Oh, overall overall. No. Everything totally defined. It's just so lying. She's not even trying to hide it. No, I am. No, I am not okay. And she sort of pauses and she goes, I don't think I've ever said that to anybody before. It's sort of tough, too. When you are the oldest daughter sort of set to take over the throne. A lot of responsibilities and pressure and sort of need to remain this air about yourself that everything's effortless and you're fine and calm in the. [00:20:54] Speaker A: In the. [00:20:54] Speaker C: In the face of stress and all that. [00:21:03] Speaker E: Hobie is very gently gonna pull is Adora into a little hug and just be like, it's okay. And hope he's full on fucking crying. Leslie's doing this. She's like, it's okay. [00:21:16] Speaker A: She likes that first. [00:21:17] Speaker C: And then she does. [00:21:18] Speaker A: She. [00:21:19] Speaker C: Don't be on the back. She's like, no, it's it's it's okay. It's okay. I'm I'm I'm sort of. I'm I'm in this moment. I'm surprisingly all right, I think. [00:21:37] Speaker E: But you're so sad. But you're so cool. It's just this. It's just that and more of that. But there actually. There is a mechanical reason why Hobie is just crying hilariously. [00:21:52] Speaker B: Are there mechanics of this? Are you just doing healing? [00:21:55] Speaker E: The healing touch playbook has something called tears as an ability. [00:22:01] Speaker D: Where if you. [00:22:02] Speaker E: Spend time empathizing with somebody, you can cry your gift dice amount of enchanted tears and each tear can cure an ailment, injury or poison. So you see, I'm gonna roll two, I guess. Or no, I'm gonna. I'm gonna use two because we only lose them if we roll a four, right. Or a four to six, right. [00:22:23] Speaker A: Four. Five or six. Yes. [00:22:24] Speaker E: Four, five or six. Okay. I'm gonna use two. Neither of them get used up miraculously. [00:22:31] Speaker A: Okay. [00:22:32] Speaker E: And hope he's gonna continue hugging you and crying and you start feeling a little bit better. Your and your wounds are gonna close up and then you're gonna see Povi pull a little bottle out of his pocket. [00:22:45] Speaker C: It's okay. [00:22:46] Speaker A: It's alright. [00:22:47] Speaker C: This is now turned into Isadora comforting Hobie. [00:22:50] Speaker A: Amazing. [00:22:50] Speaker C: No, no, it's. Hey, I'm okay. We're safe for now. You're. You're very cool too. And got the one. Not everybody. Nobody could do that. And you're very sweet. It's all right. 100%. 100%. I love him. I love him. [00:23:25] Speaker E: Hobie's doing his best. [00:23:28] Speaker C: How many? It's so good. [00:23:30] Speaker E: How many hearts also do I heal? Not very good. [00:23:34] Speaker B: No, it's great. [00:23:37] Speaker C: I only lost three. Yeah. [00:23:39] Speaker E: Oh, I don't know. [00:23:40] Speaker A: It just says a cure as an injury. I think you only lost like three, right? Yeah. [00:23:46] Speaker C: Isadora then finally pulls away from the hug and it's just like, I'll say I'll feel a lot better and like looks down and there's no longer like a wound there and it's just like. Hobby. Are your tears magical? That's not a thing that's special. [00:24:08] Speaker E: Yeah, that's a thing that happens sometimes. [00:24:11] Speaker C: Amazing. That is very helpful. Thank you. [00:24:20] Speaker D: Em offers her hand to Hobie for a high five. [00:24:24] Speaker E: You're welcome. [00:24:26] Speaker C: Is it? I promise you. I have never heard of anyone being able to do that. [00:24:32] Speaker B: It's more common than you think. [00:24:34] Speaker C: It can do that. That is quite a coincidence. Isadora stands up and like does a. [00:24:51] Speaker B: Twirl a wet hand. [00:24:58] Speaker E: Hope he gives a really sad, like yay. [00:25:03] Speaker B: While this is going on, I'd also like to take some time to forage because it's weird, I guess, to forage in a cave. But I have the ability forager, which means once per day I can spend time scrounging for ingredients to replace a spoon. Spent gift, of course. [00:25:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:20] Speaker B: So I can get a gift. Die back. I guess. I'm looking for caving things. I feel like I find maybe some moss. [00:25:28] Speaker C: You lived a life of sin. [00:25:32] Speaker B: Some lichen. [00:25:34] Speaker E: It means you've lived a life of sin. [00:25:38] Speaker B: I just like I'm looking around with my little torch while everyone's sitting and crying. A fun backdrop of just me scooby dooing in the background. Oh, you guys are having therapy sessions. [00:25:54] Speaker D: Should we have to go up the mountain? [00:25:55] Speaker C: Stay. No, not stay here. That's not the right thing that I was going to say. Should we keep going down into the spooky dark cavern or should we go back out? [00:26:07] Speaker D: Spooky dark tunnel it is. Hopefully moon goes up at some point. Does that sound like the plan? Okay. [00:26:19] Speaker E: The tea did say we needed to go up the mountain. [00:26:23] Speaker B: It did. I mean, we could go up from the inside and say we had to go up from the outside. [00:26:28] Speaker A: Great. [00:26:29] Speaker B: I'm kind of curious. [00:26:29] Speaker C: Great. That's. Yes, that's great. She's so just nervously laughing. Excellent. [00:26:44] Speaker B: Alma kind of like links her arm. [00:26:47] Speaker C: I don't want to believe you, but a lot of bad things have happened since we've all been here together. [00:26:52] Speaker B: Nothing bad can happen when we're all together. [00:26:55] Speaker D: I do really want something cool now. Everyone else has one. [00:26:58] Speaker E: Is that so? [00:26:59] Speaker C: Yes. [00:27:00] Speaker B: We're still here. We've made it together. None of us are dead. [00:27:06] Speaker C: Did get a cool rock. [00:27:08] Speaker D: Yay. [00:27:10] Speaker B: You've got a cool rock. [00:27:12] Speaker C: That it? Yeah, would be really nice. [00:27:15] Speaker B: Maybe what's at the end of this. [00:27:16] Speaker C: Tunnel is something cool for relic as well. All right, for em, we will go down the spooky dog cabin. [00:27:27] Speaker B: All right. [00:27:31] Speaker E: Friendship. [00:27:34] Speaker A: You all start down this spooky dark cavern and as you do you realize that it's becoming a little smaller as you go in. The river itself fizzles out into a creek, into a stream, into nothing. And you're walking and walking and walking until the walls are just above Hobie's head and they're closing in. Eventually it makes way for it looks like a tunnel of bramble and twigs that starts down low and has a slight increase. [00:28:16] Speaker C: Up, I guess up it is. [00:28:18] Speaker B: What'd I tell you? Onwards and upwards. [00:28:24] Speaker E: Are the brambles like in the way at all? [00:28:29] Speaker A: They're not in the way. They're sort of making, you know, those tunnels at like Chuck E. Cheese when you used to go through as a kid. Or like the equivalent to like a. Like a play structure for kids, right? It's like a really small tunnel like that. But instead of like the plastic walls. [00:28:47] Speaker D: Because I want to find mine chain. [00:28:48] Speaker A: Thorn and bramble and just like this mess of matted twigs and roots and gnarled pieces of plant that goes upward. [00:28:59] Speaker E: Ouch. That sounds fun. Comfy. [00:29:05] Speaker B: Who wants to go first? Okay. [00:29:12] Speaker E: Follow behind. [00:29:14] Speaker C: Are you going to be alright back there? [00:29:17] Speaker B: I'll take up to the rear if you want to go up. Yeah, I'll be fine. A little like side note, as everyone else has climbed up, the audience sees as Alma is about to climb up, she kind of takes a deep breath and kind of squares her shoulders. It's going to be all right to be alright. And just goes up the. [00:29:45] Speaker A: You start climbing your way up and you're being pricked by thorns and just loose twigs. It is uncomfy. It's getting snagged on your dresses and your skin even. It's scraping you but not enough to deal any damage necessarily. But it's very uncomfortable. There's like dirt from just walking through the tunnel all over your face. You're like, oh gosh. It's. It's one of those things where some. For some people it's a good thing you're wearing so many skirts because it's a buffer between you and the elements. But those layers are starting to go. And Hobie, your cloak that you have is torn and ripped to shreds at this point. It's essentially like a half cloak. Now that's how horribly distressed it is. You make your way up and Emma, you're leading the way until all of a sudden you see light and you keep going and you keep going and you keep going. And as you exit, the tunnel is getting tighter and tighter. It is like you. You're not even moving, you're just scooting. [00:30:52] Speaker C: Does anyone else not like tight space. [00:30:53] Speaker A: No room to move your arms, just feet. [00:30:56] Speaker C: Great. [00:31:05] Speaker A: Amazing. And so you're climbing to the top until you reach that little pinprick and you're just able like. Like Hobie. It is a tough squeeze for you, like. But you're able to push yourselves out and you almost have to fling yourself out onto the snow. And as you fling yourself out, you realize that you tumble and you roll a little bit until you see that you have landed right on the edge of this little outcropping. And you look down and you see that you are miles and miles and miles away from the floor below. You look up and you see that just over yonder is the peak. [00:31:46] Speaker D: And drags herself out of the hole and pushes yourself and calls back to everybody else. [00:31:50] Speaker A: You see, I found my fucking trinket. Just like 30ft away, a stone's throw. And you see a stick piece of something on the edge, a twig or a long stick that seems to be standing perfectly upright amongst this. [00:32:07] Speaker D: I want that particular stick because it's. Because that was. [00:32:13] Speaker C: What is it? [00:32:13] Speaker D: Enjoy that experience. That was a bad experience. [00:32:17] Speaker C: Now we're very high up. Lovely. [00:32:20] Speaker D: That's possible. [00:32:26] Speaker B: I got plenty of sticks for you if you just want a stick. [00:32:33] Speaker E: That. [00:32:33] Speaker D: Things were terrible. [00:32:34] Speaker B: Okay? [00:32:38] Speaker C: That is such an understatement. That was fucking terrible. [00:32:42] Speaker D: I think you should get to say fuck. You seem like you. [00:32:45] Speaker C: Excuse. Excuse me. Sorry. I don't typically say things like that. [00:32:54] Speaker D: Yes. [00:32:56] Speaker C: Yes. That one. [00:32:57] Speaker E: Uh. [00:33:00] Speaker B: I think she's saying. She usually doesn't say fuck. I think you should say it again. [00:33:08] Speaker D: We'll all do it together. [00:33:09] Speaker E: 24. [00:33:12] Speaker B: I think you should go to that cliffside. And you should go and go. [00:33:17] Speaker C: This is bad too. [00:33:18] Speaker B: No one else will hear you. [00:33:19] Speaker C: Go and just get it out and it'll feel good. Yes. No. No. [00:33:25] Speaker D: No. [00:33:26] Speaker C: Okay. [00:33:27] Speaker D: Well, I'll try it again. Okay. [00:33:28] Speaker E: It's a fun word here. [00:33:29] Speaker B: We'll all do it. We'll all do it together. [00:33:32] Speaker E: How about that therapy scream? [00:33:34] Speaker B: It'll be just between us. [00:33:38] Speaker C: Oh, are we going right now? Just telling us to count down. Okay. Fuck. [00:33:51] Speaker A: Okay. [00:33:56] Speaker E: Fuck. [00:33:57] Speaker C: Fuck. [00:34:01] Speaker B: Just echoes. [00:34:03] Speaker A: Yeah. You hear echoes of fuck? Yeah. For sure. There's some like, there's, like, a slight rumble of the snow as it just, like, topples down a little bit. But nothing to be concerned about right now. Just the power of the stick, actually. [00:34:22] Speaker C: Thank you. Feel better, truly. Is it aura? Thank you, m. Did you want to go find your trinket? Go get your. [00:34:33] Speaker D: I assume we're all gonna go get the stick. [00:34:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:34:43] Speaker E: Hoey's gonna hope Hoey. [00:34:45] Speaker B: We just get it. [00:34:46] Speaker E: His name's Hoey now. Dear God, I don't know if I care. [00:34:50] Speaker C: So is. [00:34:51] Speaker E: Yeah, howie there? Oh, no. Hobie. [00:34:53] Speaker C: Yeah, I think we're all going together. [00:34:55] Speaker E: Fasting case. [00:34:57] Speaker C: Buddy system. [00:34:58] Speaker A: Okay. I think, yeah, we'll all go buddies for sure. [00:35:01] Speaker D: Buddies. [00:35:02] Speaker E: Helping buddies. [00:35:04] Speaker D: Scary things. [00:35:05] Speaker A: You all make it to the top, and you see what looks to be a. Almost like you thought it was a stick from far away. But you see that standing in this small patch. [00:35:13] Speaker D: It is exactly my wit score. [00:35:15] Speaker A: Only little patch of grooming what looks like. Almost like a normal. [00:35:19] Speaker D: Just me. Is everyone rolling or just me that. [00:35:21] Speaker A: Is standing up from the ground? Of course. Go ahead and make a wit roll for me. [00:35:32] Speaker B: I would like to roll to see how fucked this could be. [00:35:36] Speaker A: Amazing. Go. Amazing. So that is a success. [00:35:45] Speaker B: I think you just. [00:35:46] Speaker A: You rolled. Just you with that wits roll. You gather that there's nothing physically wrong with the staff. However, this item does seem a tiny bit more. I don't want to say powerful. It's a little more connected to the things that connect the spirits of nature to. [00:36:06] Speaker D: Can I tell from my role if. [00:36:08] Speaker A: Therefore that is set off by picking it up like this, the physical staff getting triggered up from that space could happen. Or if it's, like, essentially in the staff, this staff has some spells that are charged in it. I would roll a die. [00:36:25] Speaker D: That's not something I can indiana do. [00:36:27] Speaker A: If one is triggered, and if so. [00:36:28] Speaker D: Which 01:00 a.m. relays that information to you all? [00:36:42] Speaker A: It's the disconnect of it from the earth that's below it. [00:36:50] Speaker D: I'll grab the stick. I mean, I guess it's a staff. [00:36:53] Speaker C: I mean, it is always best to be prepared. At least we know this time that something, whatever comes out of it trying to kill us. [00:37:08] Speaker B: Okay, do you. Do you want to grab it or do you want someone else to grab it? [00:37:13] Speaker C: Get in to, like, a fighting dance? But it, like, I'm going to hold it like this. Like, with my dagger in one hand. It looks like I'm about to do a jazz square. It's my fighting stance. [00:37:31] Speaker A: Uh huh. Amazing. I love it. [00:37:38] Speaker B: I preemptively pull out a bowl of gumbo. [00:37:43] Speaker A: Sounds good. Just in case, I am going to roll a d four on a one. Nothing happens. Two. There's one spell that could be cast. Three. There's one. [00:37:51] Speaker E: Four. [00:37:52] Speaker A: There's one. So it's just a matter of that. Let me roll this d four. [00:37:56] Speaker C: Ha. [00:37:58] Speaker A: It's off. [00:37:58] Speaker C: You have to tell us. [00:38:00] Speaker A: What does that mean? [00:38:02] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:38:03] Speaker A: Which spell is it? I'm asking myself. Hehehe. [00:38:08] Speaker E: It's actually the spell that's gonna get us straight to the top of the mountain, actually. [00:38:13] Speaker A: Oh, whoa. It's a teleportation spell. Your guys are really close. You're getting there. As you remove the staff from this area, there are curling vines and roots that turn the green grass brown and they start ensnaring you all in a radius around it. You guys are entangled and cannot move for technically four rounds. If you would like to make a or, well, you have to make a resolve. [00:38:44] Speaker C: I would like to make a resolve and use my ability nimble. [00:38:49] Speaker A: That's on me. [00:38:49] Speaker C: Which means I can modify a virtue test by some to escape a restraint or trap. [00:38:55] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:38:59] Speaker C: All right, did anyone. [00:39:02] Speaker A: I got a four. [00:39:04] Speaker C: Go ahead. [00:39:05] Speaker D: Did anybody roll low enough that I. [00:39:07] Speaker A: Rolled up to help them but I. [00:39:09] Speaker C: Keep to keep my gift die. [00:39:10] Speaker D: Okay, at least, um, then I will go ahead. [00:39:16] Speaker A: Yeah, that's okay. [00:39:19] Speaker E: I am the stuck. [00:39:22] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:39:23] Speaker D: Okay. [00:39:26] Speaker C: Me sounds good. Yeah, I mean, I need a. I'd need a three or four on the die, but it's possible or. No, I need. I need a two or three or four. [00:39:45] Speaker D: Yay. [00:39:47] Speaker B: Okay, I'll get Hobie, you get Isadora. We just go and are just like ganking them, I guess. [00:39:55] Speaker A: For sure. Go ahead and roll your heart dice. [00:39:58] Speaker C: I needed. Yeah, I needed. That's exactly my resolve is an eleven. [00:40:01] Speaker B: What do you need? [00:40:03] Speaker C: I feel like what happened? She like, she tried to like just sidestep out of the way. She was a little overconfident and like her. You guys know that thing where sometimes your ankle just like rolls? [00:40:16] Speaker D: I think for Isadora, what happens is. [00:40:17] Speaker C: She like did that and it caught. [00:40:19] Speaker A: Her seconds ago when. [00:40:20] Speaker D: When you were feeling the power of saying fuck with your friends. Just channel that and she's like pulling you out of the vines. [00:40:25] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:40:26] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:40:27] Speaker E: I am no longer the stuck. [00:40:29] Speaker D: There. Now you're getting it. There you go. [00:40:32] Speaker B: I think you're just so big. I'm like, just lift your foot, hobey. [00:40:36] Speaker C: Just lift your foot. [00:40:37] Speaker B: It's just your foot. Just lift your foot up. [00:40:43] Speaker C: Okay. [00:40:44] Speaker D: Thank you for being there because I got my stick. [00:40:46] Speaker C: I hate this. [00:40:49] Speaker D: Thank you. Yes. I know that immediately as I look at. [00:40:56] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [00:40:58] Speaker D: I guess it can cast. [00:40:59] Speaker A: You are all able to be free. And you are. [00:41:02] Speaker D: I'm excited personally, because I didn't, you know, in the dungeon, there wasn't a lot of nature. [00:41:06] Speaker C: So very cool. Do you know what it can do? [00:41:09] Speaker D: It's very exciting for me personally. [00:41:12] Speaker B: That's a really cool stick. [00:41:14] Speaker A: Thanks. [00:41:15] Speaker D: Okay. [00:41:27] Speaker C: That is lovely. It is so difficult. I have so many questions, but I know I can't ask any of them because it'd probably be very rude. [00:41:45] Speaker B: Yes. I feel like there's a vein popping up. [00:41:54] Speaker E: And this is literally our oven kelp. I love this so much. [00:41:59] Speaker C: That is what your tea said. Yes. [00:42:02] Speaker B: Well, I guess we should just go to the top now. Where? It's right there. [00:42:07] Speaker C: Wait, no, I'm sorry. [00:42:08] Speaker B: What if I read it right? There's a possibility that I didn't. [00:42:12] Speaker E: Climbing. [00:42:17] Speaker B: I'm just walking. I'm just walking away. [00:42:20] Speaker A: Amazing. [00:42:21] Speaker E: We are climbing. [00:42:23] Speaker A: You are climbing. You make it up the top of this mountain, and it is long and hard and arduous. You feel the bones of your body ache in the light. Scrapes from the foliage of the tunnel sting in the cold. You're covered in dirt and your toes have gone numb from the snow that you've been trudging in. You're still a tiny, teeny, tiny bit damp from that tumble in the river, even though most of it has dried up. And you make it to the top and you see a flat surface. You look around and you can see for miles there's nothing but snow and mountains. And I think there's a brief second. Where is this the right mountain to climb up? There's nothing here. And in that moment of doubt, there's a flurry of. [00:43:12] Speaker D: Sorry. We were not supposed to make it. [00:43:15] Speaker A: Four figures, tall, spindly, familiar, appear behind you as each of your fairy godmothers approaches. [00:43:23] Speaker E: These fucking bitches. I knew it. Sorry. [00:43:29] Speaker A: And they say, you've made it. You've done it. You are strong. [00:43:38] Speaker B: Yeah, you sound surprised by that. [00:43:40] Speaker A: They look at you all. They see the relics that you all have. And they say the temptations, they did not work. They had to rid us of you. We cannot have that. [00:43:55] Speaker B: You're gonna need to play that back for what's. [00:44:02] Speaker C: Ah. [00:44:03] Speaker A: You can't hear it? Cause my mic. But I'm laughing. Don't worry. And they let out this, like, guttural chuckle that layers on top of itself. And then they say, you have never been strong enough. You have never been enough for us. Our gifts to you were a mistake. They were wrong. You are weak. We are strong. I am strong. And as they say these things, you notice that they are starting to get closer together. And then all of a sudden, they're starting to morph and they're starting to become one. As this patchwork monster of your fairy godmothers, whom have you believed have chosen you tell you that in their choice, they made a mistake. They were wrong. They knew exactly what this was. And they had hoped that the entertainment for the spirits of the frost would have been enough to take you down and out so that they may pick somebody new. But they were wrong. They form into one massive. [00:45:07] Speaker D: I rolled a 14 to my ten so I could technically maybe get it, but it was. Oh, okay, well, I got a 14. [00:45:17] Speaker C: That's a fish. [00:45:18] Speaker B: I'm just saying, I was trying so hard not to make a Voltron. [00:45:22] Speaker A: What? [00:45:22] Speaker B: Bitches. [00:45:25] Speaker E: That's a natural one, baby. I was waiting for it. Whoa. [00:45:29] Speaker A: Whoa. Well, they have. They have a DC for this. [00:45:40] Speaker C: They have a. I truly like Isadora shellshock. Like, truly cannot believe. Yeah, high five. [00:45:53] Speaker B: More like fairy bitch mother. Am I right? [00:45:59] Speaker A: Fairy bitch mother? [00:46:01] Speaker E: I had a pun that I don't know if I could say on the Internet. [00:46:05] Speaker A: Sorry I missed your role. Fucking bitch mother. So, in the order we have the first round going to Hobie and em. After that, the thanatetros will get a chance to go, and then after that, Isadora and Alma will be able to take their turns. So, actually, I think. I think that meets it. [00:46:40] Speaker C: I got some things to say. [00:46:41] Speaker A: So you all. That's on me. It's the I'm up opposite of the last fight. [00:46:52] Speaker B: Yeah, well, and I still don't get it. Not 20. It was just an 18 year old whale. [00:46:59] Speaker A: Whale. Okay. [00:47:02] Speaker E: I texted. Yay. What? The joke I wasn't gonna say was. [00:47:05] Speaker A: Oh, I think you could have said that. [00:47:07] Speaker E: Okay. I was gonna say fairy godmother. More like fairy cunt mother. [00:47:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:47:14] Speaker B: That's what first came into my head. I was like, no, I'll go bitch. I'll go bitch. [00:47:18] Speaker C: No, that's right. [00:47:19] Speaker D: We can still take. Even though we're not all mat twenties. [00:47:21] Speaker A: We can all still serve. [00:47:26] Speaker B: She is not serving mother. [00:47:28] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:47:33] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Okay, now it's time for you guys to die. Hobie, M and Isadora, who is going first? [00:47:46] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:47:47] Speaker A: Yes. You guys can go in whatever order you would like to. It's basically just like round before monster. Round after monster. [00:47:54] Speaker E: I don't think I get anything for Roland now, actually. [00:47:58] Speaker C: Sick. [00:47:58] Speaker A: Oh, wait, you do. I think you get a second action, this act. [00:48:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:48:02] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:48:02] Speaker A: I'm pretty sure you do. [00:48:04] Speaker B: That's. Yeah, you get a second action when you crit. [00:48:06] Speaker A: Yeah, you get a second action. [00:48:07] Speaker C: Yeah. Go, Hobie, go. [00:48:10] Speaker E: Hobie. Going. Cut a bit. [00:48:16] Speaker A: Go, Hobie. Go, Hobie. Go, Hobie. [00:48:19] Speaker E: Oh, I almost said it. I almost did. D and d. D to hit math. That's not how. We're not. This is parallels and princesses. This is by Ryan lynch. This isn't D and D. [00:48:31] Speaker B: This is Gary Gygax. [00:48:33] Speaker D: You're five bubbles in a trash. [00:48:35] Speaker E: Nine points of damage. [00:48:37] Speaker A: Amazing. She is going to use a bubble on that. [00:48:41] Speaker E: That is rude. [00:48:45] Speaker A: I guess I should say they because there's multiple of them. [00:48:50] Speaker C: Dan. Dan is just. Dan is just three kobolds because there's multiple of you. [00:48:56] Speaker A: You're just a bunch of goblins in a trench coat. [00:49:02] Speaker E: Bubble is less for. For four rounds, I think. I'm trying to find you. So no winner. [00:49:08] Speaker A: Okay, sorry. I'm. I know. I'm checking. I'm rolling things. So increase their armor value by. Okay, so my armor value was increased by eight. Oh, wait, no, sorry. By three for eight rounds. [00:49:25] Speaker E: So I can still hit them is what I'm hearing. [00:49:28] Speaker A: Yes. You still hit. You did. You said you did seven. [00:49:31] Speaker E: I did nine. They take six. [00:49:32] Speaker A: Oh, nine minus three. So that's six. Okay, cool. [00:49:35] Speaker E: I can do math and I'm gonna. I get two actions, right? [00:49:40] Speaker A: Correct. So you could bonk again. [00:49:41] Speaker E: I'm gonna bonk again. Holy shit. That's a natural one. [00:49:46] Speaker A: Whoa. So you get two damage dice on that one. [00:49:50] Speaker E: We're gonna use Whitney's dice, and then we're gonna use this really cute little frog dice that I have from dispel dice these little frog wizards on them. I'll take a picture. It's not gonna show up on camera if I try to hold it up to my camera. [00:50:02] Speaker D: I think you should go first because I'm not especially with armor now. [00:50:06] Speaker E: I'm not. [00:50:06] Speaker B: It's also an audio media eight. [00:50:08] Speaker E: Oh, fuck. You're right. It's a seven and an eight. So 15 points of damage. Rawr. [00:50:16] Speaker A: You got it. [00:50:17] Speaker E: Amazing. Cool. Does Hobie turn take a picture of froggy dice? [00:50:23] Speaker A: Who's next? Yes. [00:50:25] Speaker C: You got it. I think Isadora stole just a little shell talk, and she's just like, no, no, no, that's dancer. I trusted you, and I'm gonna pull out the rainbow crystal, and I'm gonna cast glitter spray. So I'm gonna shoot out an array of colorful magic glitter. I need a witness save from yay. [00:51:00] Speaker A: A witsave. So I believe it's against your. [00:51:05] Speaker C: No, it does my wits. A ten. [00:51:06] Speaker A: That's a twelve, which I don't think that's right. [00:51:09] Speaker C: Yes, correct. Haha. [00:51:13] Speaker A: No. So it. She has to roll. [00:51:14] Speaker C: Okay, what do I roll? To see how many creatures and how many rounds. [00:51:24] Speaker A: Okay, so this is one gift die associated with the spell. And if you want to use your gift die as well. You could use your gift dice as well. There's just an extra one because you're using the item, so it's completely up to you. [00:51:44] Speaker B: Does this count as one? [00:51:45] Speaker A: Yes, it does. It would be one creature fantasy. [00:51:48] Speaker C: It's fairy godmother Voltron. It's Voltron. [00:51:51] Speaker B: Voltron. [00:51:51] Speaker E: It is just Voltron. Voltron. [00:51:58] Speaker A: Yeah, totally. I don't know nothing about Voltron, so I'm just trusting you guys on this. [00:52:05] Speaker E: You know how power. You know, you know, you know how the power Voltron is robot lions that. [00:52:14] Speaker C: All form together to make a giant mechanical. Yeah. Oh, cool. So I rolled a four on the gift eye that comes with the spell. [00:52:23] Speaker A: Slay a super robot. [00:52:28] Speaker C: Okay. [00:52:29] Speaker A: Amazing. Okay, so does. So that is. So then that charge is used up for that, but that's. Okay. So then it would be up to four creatures. I only rolled around. Would be stunned. Or did you roll two? Okay, did you roll gift dice or. [00:52:46] Speaker C: So, yeah, it is now stunned. [00:52:48] Speaker A: Yeah, it would be one round because that's the number of dice that you rolled for it. [00:52:54] Speaker C: And that's a good round to stun. [00:52:58] Speaker A: It and just like, amazing. [00:53:02] Speaker C: Just be like, well, how's that for trust? And then it's just like, I don't know how to do this. And that's my turn. [00:53:10] Speaker D: Um, I guess I'm gonna have the most boring turn ever by actually, before I do that, is there anything environmentally. [00:53:20] Speaker A: That I can hurt? And it cannot move this thing because. But it's still looking directly at you. That same, like, move this thing, and a whole bunch of rocks fall down, being better. And it's frozen. Now, in that position, m, it is your turn. [00:53:36] Speaker D: A two. [00:53:46] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, very interesting. This won't be your action. Just go ahead and make me a wits check at advantage. Since you're at the top of a mountain and there's not much to not see, a two. Something that you notice is that there's nothing to, like from up top to, like, harm because you're at the top of the mountain. See that? You are at the top of the mountain. And if there is a way, I'm gonna try to. [00:54:16] Speaker D: Yeah, that would be great if you could help me push. [00:54:19] Speaker A: Push the fairy God monster. [00:54:21] Speaker D: That is what m will be doing. [00:54:22] Speaker A: They would tumble down the mountain, which would not be very good. [00:54:30] Speaker D: I wasn't sure if it's now your turn because master can't do anything on his turn. [00:54:37] Speaker A: True. [00:54:38] Speaker B: I can. I can. I can help with that. Well, I have a thing I can do on my turn that would really help that out. But I think. But we can save that for later. [00:54:57] Speaker A: Correct. So it's technically your turn. [00:55:01] Speaker B: Okay. Can we do, like, a tandem? [00:55:04] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [00:55:05] Speaker B: Okay. I retake out that gumbo, and I throw it behind the fairy godmothers, which is casting slip n slide. [00:55:15] Speaker C: Ooh. [00:55:17] Speaker B: So it's a grace save. A nearby ten foot square is covered in a supremely slippery grease for five eye rolled. [00:55:32] Speaker A: So is what happens, like, natural 20. [00:55:35] Speaker D: No, you're about to do what I was about to do. Go ahead. [00:55:38] Speaker A: Which would normally be very scary, but. [00:55:42] Speaker B: It is for you. I'm trying to. Yeah, I'm trying to create an actual slip and slide to push them off the mountain. Uh, like, slide them off. Yeah, like a bowling alley. [00:55:57] Speaker A: Okay, so let's. No, you go. Okay, sounds good. [00:56:02] Speaker D: I would like to push these. [00:56:04] Speaker A: You. You placed down this cell of slip and slide, and you start seeing that because they are stunned, they can't actually move. However thing, if you want to roll a resolve check as advantage because of slip and slide to push them off the edge, I will allow you to do so. Amazing at advantage. [00:56:40] Speaker D: That would be nice. I think we all deserve this moment. [00:56:42] Speaker A: Does anyone have any heart dice? [00:56:44] Speaker E: Oh, I do. [00:56:45] Speaker A: Ooh. So you could. If multiple. [00:56:47] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:56:47] Speaker A: Then heart dice. [00:56:49] Speaker C: That does. [00:56:50] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, that does it. Yeah. [00:56:51] Speaker C: Our friendship. [00:56:52] Speaker D: Yeah. Two, three and two. [00:56:53] Speaker B: I could spend a heart dice. Can we all spend a heart dice and work together? [00:56:56] Speaker E: Friendship. [00:56:57] Speaker A: If you. [00:56:59] Speaker B: Power, friendship. [00:57:00] Speaker C: If you allow the two. [00:57:01] Speaker A: I will allow it. [00:57:02] Speaker C: Power, friendship. [00:57:03] Speaker E: Composer. [00:57:05] Speaker C: Nine. Wait. Seven. [00:57:08] Speaker E: You rule the tree. [00:57:10] Speaker C: Two, two. [00:57:11] Speaker B: So that's seven. [00:57:15] Speaker E: Friendship. [00:57:16] Speaker A: Yeah, that does it. Amazing. Describe. This is you guys are pushing. Describe in this moment how you all come together. Full shoulder shows this figure off the side of the mountain. [00:57:33] Speaker B: Well, I think I first, I, like, throw the gumbo, you know, across the ground as I see them, like, stunned, and I go. I go, like, through their legs and I just yell. [00:57:44] Speaker C: Now I'm gonna do, like, breakdance moves to, like, go around her legs with my grappling hook to wrap it around the legs. [00:58:02] Speaker E: And then Hobie is gonna fully fucking like, like football player tackle this bitch. Just like shoulder dropped immediately. Bam. [00:58:14] Speaker A: You all work together in this one final push. And as you do, and as the push happens, it's a new round. The stun wears off, but they are already halfway down the mountain. They fall, they tumble beyond the eye can see you see puffs of snow. [00:58:36] Speaker D: And leans over the side of the. [00:58:37] Speaker A: Mountain and goes, fuck you. [00:58:39] Speaker D: And the other three of you too. [00:58:41] Speaker A: I'm just gonna roll it. [00:58:42] Speaker D: And then. Well, I do above table. I do have an idea for getting. [00:58:46] Speaker A: Back, but I'll let everybody else coldness overtake you. As if the spirits of the frost are. Are satiated for now. But that leaves the question, how do you get back? [00:59:03] Speaker D: Em holds up. [00:59:04] Speaker C: Yeah. Immediately after you do that, fuck you. [00:59:12] Speaker D: Then Em is gonna hold up her staff and she's gonna cast back to bed. And what back to bed does fuck all? I'm going to say this counts as us because we are not of this world. Therefore, I think we count as otherworldly, if you allow that. So you calmly tell however many dice undead awakened, otherworldly or animated creatures to go to bed, they must save or return to their dormant states or home planes of existence. So I'm going to. That comes with an extra gift dice, right? Because it's a relic. Great. Then I'm going to use all of my gift days, correct. [00:59:52] Speaker A: Yes, that's correct. [00:59:54] Speaker D: To do that. Which I think is four D six. Because I don't think I've used a gift day yet. But I'm not even going to roll for it because that's all four of us. [01:00:05] Speaker A: Amazing. It comes with two extra gift dice. Mm hmm. Mm. Correct. Yeah. That's all four of you guys. [01:00:26] Speaker E: Yay. [01:00:27] Speaker A: So you feel a sense of wash over you. Is anyone resisting? [01:00:32] Speaker E: Nah. [01:00:32] Speaker B: No, I think that we imagine I grab. [01:00:38] Speaker D: That would be so funny. [01:00:39] Speaker B: But of course, Isadora and Hobie's hands. [01:00:42] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:42] Speaker B: As I see. [01:00:47] Speaker C: Before we go back. [01:00:49] Speaker D: Okay, we will go into cast this belt. [01:00:58] Speaker E: Why wouldn't we be? [01:00:59] Speaker C: Quite like having you all around. [01:01:09] Speaker B: We like having you around too. Let it rip, man. [01:01:15] Speaker A: Amazing. You cast the spell and the snow around you lifts it, encompasses you. You feel this sense of calm. You feel yourself drifting. It's almost as if you're floating. And when you open your eyes, you are back in the square as if no time had passed. You are back on these thrones, except you have autonomy back. You see some concerned faces immediately get relieved, but then see concern again as they see your battered, bruised, bloodied, dirtied forms. You have a sense of community and you were the first to make it back, which means you have power for change. However, as much as I would love to end our story there, that's not quite where it ends. Because the winter, while satiated, is tough. Crops grow stale, animals freeze. The constitution of everyone is tested. Some fail the test. But due to your guidance and initiative and frankly, your resolve, you're able to guide your people through the winter as best you can. There's something that itches in the back of your mind. Something isn't sitting right. And you realize you did not start of the theratetros back on the mountain with a resolve. Natural one. Rude, you said. [01:02:55] Speaker D: Wow. [01:02:56] Speaker A: Burst through the snow and no, no, that is where we are going to end this campaign. [01:03:07] Speaker D: Wow. [01:03:09] Speaker C: How me when I get my hair. [01:03:11] Speaker A: Cut, I have a question. Do you have a question? Yeah. [01:03:15] Speaker B: How dare you? How dare you. [01:03:21] Speaker A: Try to find me first? Hehehe. Yeah, that was a really lucky. [01:03:28] Speaker C: The dice really tell the story, don't they? [01:03:30] Speaker A: So if I can take a picture of it, because it is still in my dice tray. [01:03:36] Speaker C: Oh, darn, they do. [01:03:38] Speaker A: And that just means we'll just eventually have to circle back around, which is I'm fine with. Oh, darn it. This was awesome, man. Thank you guys so much for playing with me. It was very fun of a course. Yeah, of course. [01:03:56] Speaker E: Solid group. [01:03:57] Speaker A: I know you guys did. [01:03:59] Speaker B: Hey, I'm gonna speak, I'm gonna speak directly to the audience. Everyone listening, play this game. This is a really fun game and you should play this game. Ryland, such a very good job. [01:04:10] Speaker E: Thank you for making. It's such a cool game. If you're listening. [01:04:15] Speaker A: Yeah, Ryan. [01:04:17] Speaker E: Oh my goodness. Yeah. [01:04:22] Speaker A: Yes. We at spells and whistles. This is our second year of doing miniseries mayhem, which is a onslaught of different, smaller ttrpgs. So please make sure to check out, honestly, not just the ones we play, but a ton, there's a ton of games out there that are absolutely amazing. If you want to check out perils and princesses, go check out Ryan lynch on TikTok. His username is outrider creative and he has a lot of really cool stuff. He's actually gonna be coming out with what, like an extension or a part two or like an adventure or something, something like that. [01:05:00] Speaker B: There's like, yeah, he's having, he has a bunch of things in the works. [01:05:03] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, you would know. [01:05:06] Speaker A: Yeah, he has a bunch of stuff in the works. So make sure to go give a follow. If you liked what you heard here and want to hear some other fun games, make sure to check out all of the players on socials, please. They were linked probably in the description right now so you could check them out there. Or if you listen to episode one, everyone plugged their stuff. So please go give follows, give listens. [01:05:34] Speaker E: Or if you're going to Gen Con 2024, because this comes out before that, come say hi. Dan Morgan and I will be there, so you should see. [01:05:43] Speaker C: We'll carry on the photo of you. [01:05:45] Speaker A: I will be there in spirit vibes. [01:05:49] Speaker B: Danny J. Hates us. [01:05:51] Speaker C: Yes. [01:05:51] Speaker E: We'll find. We'll find. [01:05:52] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [01:05:53] Speaker E: Dan and Morgan will find each other and we'll get a picture with John and Kelly. So we just get all of, all of our spells and whistles guests. Yeah, I'll hunt them down. I'll get a picture. [01:06:05] Speaker A: Yes. So please make sure to check that out. We have some really fun stuff coming out with MSM. We've already had by this time. I ran something with most of the core crew, which was an epilian one shot. So go check that out. Meg ran a ttrpg that's very long in name. We've been calling it mole hunt, but it's like an insanely long name. That. That one was a hoot and a holler. So go check that out. We have another one coming out next week, led by Ben. We are still a little bit unsure of the details on that. And then we have anastasia ran in a u one shot that has all of the main cast for our main campaign in it. That one's gonna be a one sessioner. But it was very fun cause we got to record in person and we. [01:06:52] Speaker E: Played roll for shoes for that one. And that was really fun. [01:06:54] Speaker A: Oh, yes. That one was roll for shoes. Thank you, grace being my brain. So we have a bunch of small ttrpgs that are coming up, some that have already come out. Please go check out pearls and princesses. It is amazing. Go check out Dan and Morgan and Annie and Grace. You could check me out, too, but I don't post very often. But hey, I'll take it. And besides that, bye. We love you all very much. Thank you so much for listening. And we'll catch you next week. Buh bye. Goodbye. Hello, friends. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Spells and Whistles. You can go ahead and give us a follow here or on any of our social media platforms to stay up to date with the most recent content. You can follow us on Instagram and TikTok elsandwhistlespod and on Twitter spells whistles. If only following us on socials just isn't good enough for you, we also have a discord that's a community discord that you can come hang out with all of us in. And if you feel like showing us a little bit extra love, we also have a Patreon that you can check out with a bunch of fun rewards, whether you're able to participate in any of those or not. Thank you so much for being here, and we look forward to seeing you next week. See you later. Bye.

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