Episode 6

March 09, 2025


Shifting Gears - Episode 6

Shifting Gears - Episode 6
Spells and Whistles
Shifting Gears - Episode 6

Mar 09 2025 | 01:07:34


Show Notes

Welcome back to Shifting Gears, our irregular main campaign talkback show! A LOT has happened so far in Arc 4, so let's talk about it!

And shoutout to our newest Patreon supporter AlFalcon! Welcome in, we have (digital non-edible) cookies!

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Cover Art: Incredicoon Studios (@incredicoonstudios on instagram)

Main Campaign Character Art: Madison Saxon (@msaxon.art on instagram, tik tok, and twitter)


Meet our Cast and Crew!

Anastasia (she/her) | Game Keeper 
- GK, Editor, and Discord Coordinator

Ben (he/him) | Id | follow on twitter
- Player and Music Team

Grace (she/they) | Melwyn | check out linktree
- Player, Lore Keeper, and Patreon Coordinator

Jay (she/her) | Myla | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Social Media Coordinator

Meg (she/they) | Oddyn | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Music Team

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:11] Speaker A: Hello. [00:00:12] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:12] Speaker C: Hello. [00:00:13] Speaker D: Welcome back to Shifting Gears, our irregular talk Back segment here on spells and whistles. I'm Grace. I play melon on the pain campaign. And I will be serving as your. [00:00:22] Speaker A: Master of questions for today. [00:00:23] Speaker D: Unfortunately, our dearest Jay, AKA Myla, isn't in call with us today, but we'll. [00:00:28] Speaker A: Be hearing from her asynchronously here and there. Before we start, I'm gonna have my fellow cast members introduce themselves. Hello, adventurers. Who are you? [00:00:37] Speaker C: I'm Meg. I use she, they, pronouns. I play audit on the main campaign and my favorite color is orange right now. [00:00:47] Speaker A: Hi, Meg. [00:00:49] Speaker E: I'm Ben. I play ID in the main campaign. I use he, him, pronouns, and my favorite color is purple. [00:00:58] Speaker C: Hi, Ben. Okay, I was left out of. [00:01:03] Speaker A: It's so funny if it's just one of us every time, though. [00:01:09] Speaker F: Hi, I'm Anastasia. I am the gamekeeper, dungeon master, whatever you want to call it. And I play everybody else and everything else. My favorite color always has been blue and probably always will be blue. But my favorite pop tart does change every so often, so there's that crazy. [00:01:33] Speaker C: Hi, Anastasia. [00:01:35] Speaker F: Hi, Anastasia. [00:01:36] Speaker E: Hi, Anastasia. [00:01:38] Speaker F: Hi. [00:01:38] Speaker A: Hi, Anastasia. [00:01:40] Speaker D: All right, to get started, we are. [00:01:42] Speaker A: Going to everybody roll D20 just to. [00:01:45] Speaker D: See what order we're going to be. [00:01:47] Speaker A: Roll for initiative. I'm the DM now. No, I'm kidding. No, we're gonna roll. We're gonna roll D20 just to get us started. See what order we're gonna go in. Classic Grace roll. I rolled a 6 crit. [00:02:02] Speaker F: I also crit. [00:02:04] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:02:05] Speaker A: Ben and Anastasia, roll again. [00:02:08] Speaker E: Three rollies. [00:02:09] Speaker C: I got an 11. [00:02:10] Speaker F: For the record, I got a 13. [00:02:12] Speaker A: Okay, so it is gonna be Anna, then Meg, then I shouldn't write me Grace. Perfect. [00:02:22] Speaker B: Cool. [00:02:23] Speaker A: So our first question for the day is going to be a question from Maren in our Discord server which says where what does your character consider to. [00:02:34] Speaker D: Be, quote unquote, home, starting with Anastasia. [00:02:38] Speaker F: Well, picking a goosey question. My home. My home has actually changed recently. So I did move if we want to know that. But no, I don't know. Yeah, my street address. I'm home from. No, I'm kidding. [00:03:00] Speaker A: Yeah, drop that sweet, sweet Social Security number real quick for me. [00:03:04] Speaker F: Honestly, you only need the last four digits anymore anyway, right? They're always like, tell me the last four digits to verify who you are. Like, okay, but what if someone had those anyway? Doesn't matter. [00:03:15] Speaker E: I probably have the whole thing. I don't know. [00:03:20] Speaker F: I can't remember any of my characters names. Give me a Second, what does Yarn. [00:03:25] Speaker A: Consider to be home? [00:03:27] Speaker C: Nadia, our buddy as of late. I would love to know if I can choose for you or. [00:03:31] Speaker A: So, yeah, for context. Friends, it's been a very long time since we've recorded the main campaign. [00:03:37] Speaker F: Am a little embarrassed about it, but it's okay. [00:03:41] Speaker B: Sure. [00:03:41] Speaker F: I will answer both for Yaron and Nadia. Yaron thinks that home is not a place that he doesn't know. Like, he doesn't really know. He hasn't had a home because he was made and then he was thrown into the world. And now they've never, like, stayed in one place longer than, like, two weeks at a time, maximum. So probably, yeah, I. Not in the cheesy way, but in the literally, he doesn't know anything else way that, like, a home is because of the people that are there and not, like, where they are specifically. But it's literally not because it's like, oh, home is where the heart is. It's like, because he's so baby that he doesn't know what a house is. [00:04:26] Speaker A: I'm just picturing the fucking green goddess making this little man, balling him up and then just chucking him down from the clouds. [00:04:36] Speaker F: Have fun. [00:04:37] Speaker C: Like bowling. [00:04:39] Speaker F: If you want to know more about Yaron, you should listen to our world of the inked expanse, because I got to write a little short story and it was fun. [00:04:47] Speaker A: Oh, he's so goofy. I loved him. [00:04:49] Speaker F: And he's a little guy. Yeah. If I DM anything else and it goes up on the Internet, just know that there will be a little guy in it somewhere, because little guys are so good in dnd. [00:05:02] Speaker C: Never a bad choice. [00:05:03] Speaker F: Never a bad choice for Nadia. I'm gonna. I'm gonna throw in a Nadia answer real quick. She does have, like, a home base. No one knows where that. Like, none of you in character know where that is. It would be. I have to look at my own map. She has a home base in Rain, which is the country that you guys, like, started this campaign in. It's very likely that it is related to the Shroud, which is the group that Myla's a part of, although she doesn't. She's not affiliated with the Shroud, per se. Like, she is not a Shroud member, but in which she got a sort of hideout from them, maybe does, like, a couple jobs from them kind of thing. [00:05:50] Speaker E: Yeah, I. I think ID's answer is pretty similar to Yarn's, but in kind of an opposite way, where the quote unquote home that he knew for a long time was Extremely hostile and bad for him. And so he doesn't really know much better other than traveling around and camping and staying in hotels. So he has to hold on to the people because that's the good constant. [00:06:18] Speaker A: Yeah, man, I forgot. I forgot how fucking sad he is. [00:06:21] Speaker E: I'll be real sad. [00:06:23] Speaker A: Boy, it's been so long for Auden. [00:06:28] Speaker C: She does not like the. She doesn't have good vibes from her home in Seiya anymore. But also, again, just like, oh, man, it's almost like these are torn up, ruined people in a D and D campaign. But I think for Auden, the closest thing to home is probably the warehouse that they were all squatting in for three months at a time. When she came to live on the dry land and not underwater anymore, she worked as a, like an escort, a mercenary kind of like caravan garter kind of person. So all she knew for a long time was just moving from place to place. So even though it was only three months between. I almost said season three and four, arc three and four. Even though it's only three months, I think that's probably like one of the longest stays that she's had anywhere. So I think that that warehouse and workshop that they were staying at is definitely a big and important place for her. [00:07:32] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:07:32] Speaker A: Nice. [00:07:33] Speaker F: How about you, Grace? [00:07:34] Speaker A: I feel like Mellins is pretty. Pretty straightforward. Like, home is at home with her dads and her brothers. The only person that had a stable upbringing. [00:07:46] Speaker F: We love that for at least one person. [00:07:48] Speaker C: I was about to say, I'm glad you're well adjusted, but I don't know about that. I'm glad. Childhood was nice. How's that? Is that better? It sounds mean. [00:08:01] Speaker A: So terrible. Oh, we shouldn't laugh at that. But it's so funny. [00:08:05] Speaker F: You know what? One out of four is a pretty good track record for any D and D party. If any D and D party has a stable, existing family, it's a miracle. [00:08:17] Speaker C: Truth. [00:08:18] Speaker A: Yeah, well, they're existing. Stable is debatable. They're missing like two years, but that's fine. [00:08:27] Speaker B: Hello, my buddies here at the pod. Just a disclaimer. I am answering these questions without having heard other people's answers. So if I say the same answer as somebody else, let's just pretend I didn't. And I'm the original one who said it. Thank you. Just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding. You know what I mean? I think that Mila considers home to be quiet, not necessarily lonely. I think there was a point in her life where she would have thought that home was loneliness. And that being on your own is. Is supposed to be your deal. But I think that she's starting to learn that there is a hominess in taking it easy. And in that silence, even if it is uncomfortable, she is such a busybody that I think that that's still a very new concept. And I think that home to her is also just being with people of like minds, being with people who care about the same things and want to reach the same goals and really grasping onto that. And I think that even if those people have differences from her, that is home. It's the people and places she choose, and it's having that fun and having those hard times and having that silence. [00:09:52] Speaker D: Okay, next question. [00:09:54] Speaker C: Got a 13 again. No, I didn't get a 13 before. I got. [00:09:58] Speaker D: All right, new order. [00:10:00] Speaker A: Anastasia again. Meg and I just switched. [00:10:06] Speaker F: It's a good thing. It's a good thing I don't roll like this during the actual campaign, because your lives would have been ruined by now. [00:10:15] Speaker A: One of the. One of the only times I rolled really, really well in game was when I was hitting people. [00:10:21] Speaker F: Hey, that's a good time. [00:10:22] Speaker A: When I was hitting my friends. I mean, it is a good time. I think it's in. Goofy Lubble from our Discord server asks. [00:10:31] Speaker D: If each party member could have a pet, what pet would they have? [00:10:34] Speaker F: Okay, I will answer for Arcanist Amali, because Amali is definitely a snake person. A hundred percent. You know, one of the, like, smaller snakes that are, like the white with the pearlescent sort of look and all that. Like, a hundred percent. [00:10:51] Speaker C: I like it. [00:10:53] Speaker E: Nice. It would have a Doberman that tracks. [00:10:57] Speaker F: Yeah, that makes sense. You ever seen a Doberman with the floppy ears? [00:11:02] Speaker E: Yeah, it's really cute. [00:11:04] Speaker A: I was gonna say Melwin would have a bird, but that feels very on the nose, given her entire family is named after birds and she's not. [00:11:13] Speaker F: Melon would have a yarren. Let's be clear. [00:11:18] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:11:19] Speaker A: I don't know that we should call Yaren a pet. [00:11:23] Speaker C: That feels. [00:11:24] Speaker F: Yeah, exactly. [00:11:25] Speaker C: That feels. You know what I mean? [00:11:32] Speaker A: Yeah, Just like. Just like something small. [00:11:35] Speaker F: I like a bird. I think a bird makes sense. It's a good choice. [00:11:38] Speaker A: I think a bird makes sense. It just feels very on the nose. Given literally everything I've done with Nolan. [00:11:43] Speaker C: I dig it. Any specific kind of bird? [00:11:46] Speaker F: Meg's eyes go wide. Tell me about birds, Birdman. [00:11:52] Speaker A: I would. I'm saying a crow, but that's because I'm biased and I like crows a lot. [00:11:57] Speaker C: Yeah. I think Auden would not have a fish. She wouldn't have a fish. Don't think she would have a fish just because she's from the sea. I think she would be into like medium sized rodents, like a gerbil or a chinchilla. [00:12:13] Speaker F: You know, as you said it, I'm. [00:12:14] Speaker A: Surprised you didn't say like an octopus. [00:12:16] Speaker F: As you said it. I like, I understand it. I see it. I wouldn't have, I wouldn't have said it, but I see it. [00:12:24] Speaker C: Like I can just. I can see the art that we have from our amazing artist, Maddie Mads. Amazing. We love you, but like, imagine that with like a nice brown sausage shaped guinea pig on her shoulder. Like I can see it so clearly. [00:12:43] Speaker F: Or in a little clear ball next to her. [00:12:46] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, it would be. [00:12:49] Speaker A: Artists. You know what to do. [00:12:52] Speaker C: I'm not like on my knees begging for fan art. However, if you feel inspired, I know Gray's on the other hand. [00:13:00] Speaker A: No, I just commissioned Martin. Next question. I rolled an 8. [00:13:07] Speaker C: I also rolled an 8. So let me roll again. [00:13:09] Speaker E: I'm rolling 14. [00:13:11] Speaker A: Also, I rolled a 6. [00:13:13] Speaker D: Okay, so it is going to be. [00:13:15] Speaker A: Then, then Meg, then me, then Anna. Complete opposite end of the spectrum for Anastasia. [00:13:26] Speaker C: I don't think I've heard you give such a yippee before. [00:13:30] Speaker A: Al Falcon. I think that's how you say that. I'm. I'm pretty sure it's Al and not AI. I was wondering about that too. I'm so sorry. [00:13:38] Speaker F: Please message us in the Discord. [00:13:41] Speaker A: I really hope it's not AI and I didn't I just completely that up. Anyway, the Discord. [00:13:48] Speaker F: The Discord font says it's an L, so I'm gonna go with L. I agree. [00:13:53] Speaker A: Al Falcon from the Discord says. What advice would you give people looking to podcast their aps? [00:14:00] Speaker D: What, if any, challenges have you had to handle? [00:14:02] Speaker A: For anybody that isn't familiar with TTRPG lingo, AP's is just short for actual plays or live plays. Like what we're doing here on Spells and Whistles, where we record our podcast and we put it out and we're actually playing the game. Hence the name. [00:14:19] Speaker E: The main thing that I think about a lot is that in every meeting we have, the main driving force is that we're doing this for the purpose that's good for us. And for us, that's like having a good time with our buddies. If your purpose is showing off your GM style or also having fun with your buddies or trying to be the best, like no one ever was that great. Good for you. And hold on to that idea until it changes. And when it changes, feel free to change with it because doing it for your reason is the only reason to do it. Don't do it for somebody else's reason. Don't do it for money, because that's probably not gonna work that way. [00:15:12] Speaker F: We do have a Patreon. I'm just kidding. [00:15:20] Speaker E: Find the reason that you're doing it and use that to help you be motivated and enjoy your time. [00:15:26] Speaker F: I like that. That's really nice. [00:15:28] Speaker C: I think for me, I mean, my experience that I'm trying to come at from is like as a player of the main campaign, but also as a GM a little bit for like the miniseries. Obviously it's totally different GMing longer. [00:15:42] Speaker F: Go for it, Go for it longer term. [00:15:45] Speaker C: So, you know, whatever, take it with a grain of salt. But I feel like for me, one of the biggest things is like, organization is super important. And I always feel a lot better about the game that I play. Like what I bring to the table if I've taken the time to figure out what are my goals for this session. Because at least us, we just do like an hour and a half recording session. Episodes are cut down to about an hour because listening to a big bulky thing is still. So I think especially for the shorter form style that we aim for, I think that being organized and having like a list of goals in mind at not all times, but a lot of the time is super helpful to like having a clear direction and figuring out like where the story is going and feeling like motivated to like bring the A game, you know, and stuff like that. So I think that like, it's. A lot of people like go into an AP and you're like, oh yeah, the GM like works so hard. But it's. I don't be like, it's hard work for the players too, but it's like it is work for all people involved. And so if you're interested in like being an ap, like that's something to keep in mind from the get go is like, you know, you want to. If you're putting it out, I'm assuming you want it to be as. As good as you are capable of making of. As good as you are capable of making it. And so just like giving yourself the time to prepare accordingly regardless of your role in the production, I think is super important. And, you know, give yourself a pat on the back because it's. It's cool. Go team. [00:17:28] Speaker A: I'm going to be so straight with y'all the advice I have is going. [00:17:32] Speaker D: To sound kind of harsh, which is. [00:17:34] Speaker A: Just ask yourself if this is a. [00:17:35] Speaker D: Game you actually need to put out for the public. [00:17:38] Speaker A: Not everybody is cut out to be in an industry where, you know, you post to something and it is not, it may not go anywhere. That's always a chance you take whenever you put anything online for other people to consume. If you don't think you're ready for slow growth, because every little bit of growth that we've had on this podcast has been slow and we've been proud of every bit of it. If you're not ready for people to not have the most positive opinion about your production or your GMing style or certain players, if you're not ready to ask yourself some kind of tricky questions, don't do this. If you're doing it just because you want to have fun, you want to make something that makes you happy and you just want to share that, cool, go for it. [00:18:26] Speaker D: But be ready to put in the work. [00:18:28] Speaker A: Other than that, because none of us have really tackled like the challenges, half of this scheduling has been a huge one for us. Um, we're busy people. Scheduling is the absolute hardest thing in any ttrpg. And if you don't have a group that can consistently sit down and work around scheduling issues, or can consistently sit down and be able to play a game as much as you want to be releasing, or is able to like batch, record or anything like that, find a group that you can do that with or find your workarounds. I guess really to kind of summarize is just like, make sure that you are ready to be flexible with whatever everything throws at you. Because we've had to roll with the punches a whole lot, especially this year, between new jobs and new work schedules and moving and a whole bunch of other stuff that's been going on in our personal lives. So, yeah, that's me. [00:19:26] Speaker F: Yeah, I mean, everybody has great points. It's been an experience because I came to a bunch of people and was like, what if you guys want to do this for funsies and it is work on top of being fun, the payoff we get is a little bit of growth, but mostly because I'm having a good time with friends doing D and D, which is a thing that I like to do. So, echoing a lot of stuff that's already been said, it is probably more than you think it's going to be. Work wise. It's always something that's kind of in my brain as, oh, we have to record this week I, you know, is my voice okay? Was I sick? And now I'm gonna sound weird. Like, have we said anything that might come off as insensitive? Right. Do we need to re record these things or understand that what we're saying and doing and putting out into the world is like, there forever? Even if we deleted all of our episodes, they have to be somewhere. Right? The other thing, just from a DMing perspective, because I know people might be interested in that, that actual plays in a podcast form are really different to prep for and run. It's still taking. We've been doing this for two years, and it's still taking me some times where I plan too much for a session or I planned too little for a session or, you know, these kinds of things, because in the beginning, and it took me probably a good three arcs to actually feel comfortable with how much I was prepping and how we were pacing the. The recordings that trying to put an engaging D and D session into an hour instead of a meandering D and D session in four hours, like you tend to do with your friends in your private time, is very, very, very different. So if you are running a game for somebody or a group of people, just know that the style of DMing that you do currently is probably not going to be the same that you do on a podcast or a stream or whatever kind of content you're making. It is a much different beast that needs a lot of different preparation and understanding and a lot more communication with your players than I think a DM tends to have. Because while I never want to spoil the session, I do want to make sure that we don't have just 20 minutes of nothing. So if we're all at least leaning the same direction as to what we're doing next, we can all make sure that we're going that direction and that kind of thing. [00:22:14] Speaker B: Oh, man. I could talk for hours about this, but I will spare you the details. First of all, I love creating content. I am a very creative mind. I love creating things, especially with my friends and having this. This project that is just bursting with life and creativity and storytelling. I love storytelling, especially collaborative storytelling. I think that there's something so. But so precious in these, these stories that just makes it all feel so much larger. But with that, I think that there's a lot of misconceptions. You know, there's this idea. I'll just say it. With the rise of Critical Role, which I love, Critical role. This is not anything bad or anything. Just using them as an example, but the rise of Critical Role. It was this home game that turned into a live stream that garnered this huge following, and now they have these live shows and they have guests and. And the production is super high. And I think that because of the. This transition from a home game to an actual play, that it's viewed as like, oh, I could do that too. And definitely you could do that. But I think that what people don't realize is that there was a transition period where stuff was adjusted for a live game, for Critical Role. For example, they switched from Pathfinder to D and D. And also just this. This idea of like, expanding your backstory and stuff like that. And I think that there is a difference between playing games at home with your friends and playing games for production with your friends. And I think that you have to really have that drive and that vision and that. That want to share that story with other people in a way that is conducive and amazing. It's art. You're making art. I mean, there's no other way around it. You're creating art. And it's so beautiful to have those stories, those rich stories that you tell with these people and have them kind of immortalized for times to come. But I also think that it's very easy to get caught up in either side of it, to get caught up in the, well, I want to play the game like we normally do, and the, well, we're making content, so we got to make content. There's a really fine line and a really fine balance between that and I think that finding your vision, finding your tone, and talking with your team about what that entails is huge. Communication is huge. Having that vision and just sort of settling into that and enjoying it and having fun with it and realizing that you are making the content because you want to make the content, not because you feel like you have to. It shouldn't feel like a job. It should feel like. Like storytelling, like art. It's like writing a children's book for your own kid, but publishing it. Right? [00:25:14] Speaker A: Alrighty. So it's Meg, then me, then Ben. No, then Anna, then Ben. I know how to read. [00:25:22] Speaker F: Cool. [00:25:23] Speaker A: Amazing. [00:25:24] Speaker D: Our next question is going to be. [00:25:27] Speaker A: From Sarah in our Discord server. If your character had a flashback, what would change about their appearance, hairstyle, color, clothes, scars, etc. And then second half of the question is also, if your character had a flash forward or how, how would their personality. Which would they. Second half of the question. Also, if your character had a flash forward, how would their personality Change over time. Time. [00:25:50] Speaker C: Ooh, interesting. [00:25:52] Speaker A: Spicy question. [00:25:53] Speaker C: I think flashback mode. I think Auden was probably a lot. She has kind of a bluish gray, mostly blue kind of skin tone and I think it was probably a lot lighter before she came to the dry land. As a somebody who lived in the deep water, you know, there's not really much coloration that happens. So I think that like getting to the surface, getting that vitamin D has made her a bit more vibrant in a color way. I think looking forward, I think she has the potential to have long hair someday if it doesn't bug her too much. I think it would be interesting to see long haired Auden that she does like weird stuff too for fun. I don't know. She seems like a hair experimenter. [00:26:51] Speaker D: So yeah, I think Melwyn, I think. [00:26:54] Speaker A: Melwyn previously had much shorter hair. I like to think that there was some kind of like experimental accident and Melwyn's hair just got like fucked up. And that's why it's the length that it is now because she's been just letting it do whatever to try and fix whatever happened. I think she used to wear some brighter colors. I think that what she's wearing now isn't what she probably would have worn at home necessarily because they were traveling when all of this happened. And so she finally went back home. She didn't bother to change because she knew she was leaving again, among other reasons. Flash forward. I think Melwyn would cut her hair short and I think she would probably dress a little bit more akin to Myla or Auden, especially if she decides to keep traveling. I think she wants a cloak like ID because she thinks ID is really cool and just, just other things. I can, I can see Melwyn having like goggles like Myla, maybe tying her hair back like Audyn and like maybe just like incorporating little bits and pieces of stuff from her friends as she gets older. [00:28:03] Speaker F: I had like a minor flash of imagery of Yaron in a tiny cloak and I don't know why but it made it really funn. [00:28:12] Speaker A: I need it, I need it now in a cloak. [00:28:16] Speaker F: And then with Yaron in leaf form in another cloak. [00:28:19] Speaker A: Like so funny than artists, you know what you must do anyways man, if she had met ID and and she was like just herself. Like I could a thousand percent see Melon going out into that weird little side area where they have all those targets set up. Grabbing a training sword or whatever and trying to imitate ID like I can 1000% seeing that happen. And I think it's so cute. [00:28:47] Speaker F: Okay, I have been asked to answer this for Erendril. Actually, Ben said Etherendrill, which is not correct, but that's okay. [00:28:56] Speaker A: I don't even know where I'm at. Ben spelled it the way he says it. [00:29:03] Speaker F: They've made fun of the name for so long, they can't remember what the original one is. I guess Flashback Erendrill probably looks like a really skinny nerdy elf guy. Like, he's just. He's got pretty basic clothes on. He's. He's very much a twink. Just kind of. [00:29:26] Speaker A: I was gonna say twinkle up was real. [00:29:28] Speaker F: Just kind of like. Yeah, probably like, like longer than Justin Bieber style hair. You know, like kind of the Matt Mercer a little bit. [00:29:39] Speaker C: Oh my God. [00:29:40] Speaker F: Like, yeah, like nerdy flash forward feels mean because probably a pile of dust if the players have their way. If it was his way, he would probably just be a. An elf shaped being made of purple. Black magic slash light. So if we want to be. Those are the good and bad endings for whichever side you're rooting for. I guess if you're. Hey, if you're. If you're Team Erendrill, you have to come join the Discord and tell me that you're Team Erendrill because I need to know that people are on my side side. [00:30:26] Speaker A: If you're. [00:30:26] Speaker F: Hey, if. [00:30:27] Speaker A: If you're. If you're Team Aaron Drill, we'll give you a special Discord. [00:30:30] Speaker F: We'll give you a little Discord. [00:30:32] Speaker A: Number one Erendrill fan. It's purple. [00:30:37] Speaker C: Oh, jeez. [00:30:41] Speaker E: For id, I think younger id, like inside the bunker, the science lab zone. I think they all had like buzz cut hair and had the like almost like scrubs on most of the time when they weren't like wearing armor for training or whatever. Probably with like, I don't even know if it would be a full shirt or just something with like two buttons with the amount of like surgery and checkups and stuff. Stuff that they would probably do to them. Probably need quick and easy access to wherever they've put their modifications and future id. I think he in a good future, like slowly mellows out over time. And I think in my brain, older ID starts looking like somewhere between like. I think he starts looking somewhat like Liam Neeson. [00:31:49] Speaker A: I was so hoping you were gonna say he grows out his hair. [00:31:52] Speaker E: Yeah, I mean like Qui Gon kind of maybe or Keanu Reeves ish. [00:32:00] Speaker F: Somewhere in that zone. [00:32:02] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:32:02] Speaker A: Now he just gets the he man cut. [00:32:09] Speaker F: That's so funny. [00:32:11] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:32:11] Speaker A: Fan artist, you know what you must do. [00:32:13] Speaker E: I think there's a lot of. This is something that just popped in my head. I think there's a lot of trauma and like the. The history of you as a person that like ingrains itself in your body. And I think it has like perpetual frown lines as he gets older because he frowns a lot. [00:32:33] Speaker A: He ages with the grace of a raisin. That's the dumbest thing I've said all day. All right, then we're gonna move into some player specific questions. Alec from our Discord asks. We've seen or heard more accurately ID temporarily, quote unquote, transform his warpick into a scythe. I'm just curious if there was any inspiration behind it, whether it be correlated with ID backstory or if it was just on a whim. [00:33:08] Speaker E: There wasn't anything in particular in ID's backstory, at least the very first time that I did it. There's probably some like farming in IDs, like lineage, because that makes sense, but not his direct parents. But in terms of why I did it, I, like many people who enjoy nerdy things, think that the scythe is a cool shape for a weapon. And taking something that's like very obviously a warring thing, like a warp pick, that's like a very practical thing, and turning it into something that looks more emotional for it is very cool. And the. The two examples that come into my mind when I think of that insides is I think the big one is Soul Eater. I think if you've watched any Soul Eater, I was wondering. [00:34:01] Speaker F: I was waiting for it. [00:34:04] Speaker E: The nerdier one from a younger Ben is Gundam Death Scythe, because that was cool. So, yeah. [00:34:16] Speaker A: And the answer from the AU is that it is just an anime nerd and really liked how it looked. [00:34:22] Speaker E: For. [00:34:26] Speaker A: Another question we have, and I'm making, I'm adding this in and I'm recording it now because I think this question is so fucking funny. Al Falcon from the server asks Jay, have you tried not being a Scorpio? So we'll see what Jay's answer to that is later. Love you, Jay. [00:34:46] Speaker B: Let me tell you something, El. We're gonna. We're gonna have a little chat, a little chat in front of everybody because we're all friends here, right? I have never been one to define myself by my astrological sign. You know, Scorpio, Scorpio. Do I know my sun, moon and rising? Absolutely. But that's because, you know, all of my friends are queer and so am I. And so we just sort of know those things, right? Gay people love astrology, but I never really defined myself with it. And you know, Scorpios have this. Have this reputation. They have this reputation of like, oh, tag yourself the month you were born, slash your astrological sign versus D and D classes. And it's like Aries barbarian Virgos are clerics. And then it's like Scorpio, the bbeg. And let me say one even though I do not align myself with the ideas of a Scorpio, I will never stop being a Scorpio because that is me and I will never stop being me for anybody, nobody. Do you hear me? I am me and I like being me. And if that means that I'm a Scorpio, then damn it, I'm a Scorpio. And I don't know what you are. Ow. But let me just say, don't stop being you either. And that is my aggressive forms of compliments and lifting people up. In all seriousness, no, I have not tried not being a Scorpio because I don't know anything else. And for those curious, I am a Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon and Scorpio rising. So we love to see it. [00:36:28] Speaker A: Alec from our Discord asks what birds did Melon imagine the rest of the party being in her dream? After a quick little side conference here in the call, I realized I said this to the party when we were finished recording and not actually. Never actually said this out loud, which is not helpful at all. So this is actually a really good. [00:36:53] Speaker D: Question because believe it or not, there is a good amount of consideration that went into what birds Melon would correlate with each party member. So Auden is a hummingbird, which can represent lightness, joy, happiness and resiliency. They also represent a sense of wonderment, good luck, vitality, beauty, and encourages one to find joy in the sweetness of life and seek healing when you need it. Melwyn values her relationship with Auden a lot because Auden is her first friend, her first real friend at least, and is somebody that she really kind of looks up to. And Auden is this source of energy within the party and positivity that Melwen. [00:37:40] Speaker A: For obvious reasons, doesn't really have going on in her life at the moment. [00:37:43] Speaker D: Myla is represented by a sparrow, which can represent productivity, diligence, creativity, self worth, triumph over adversity, awakening, empowerment, hard work, teamwork, joyfulness, inclusion, resourcefulness, honesty, simplicity, intelligence, and the ability to seek out what you want from within. Myla is very driven, she's very intelligent. And Malin sees day in and day out just how hard Myla works, not only on achieving her goals, but even just making her machinery and working on her inventions and even just improving things for the party as we move forward. And she really admires that about Myla. ID is represented by a blue jay, which can symbolize protection, the capacity to use our skills and talents to ensure the safety and well being of one's family, the ability to take weaknesses that hamper your growth and use them to urge yourself to focus on your strengths instead. And it also can be a symbol of resilience. ID is very dedicated to protecting people. Melon has seen firsthand how it is very dedicated to protecting the other members of the party, and especially Ari, throughout their adventure. And it's definitely something that she looks up to in id. So all of the birds that appeared in Melwyn's dreams to represent the others are all traits that Melwyn really looks up to within the other party members, whether she really realizes it or not, given her current situation. So, yeah, we're gonna move on to. [00:39:19] Speaker A: Host questions because we don't really have any more from. From here. So this is the time when we, as cast members are gonna ask questions of each other because we don't get to do that very much. [00:39:31] Speaker D: And it's fun. [00:39:33] Speaker A: So I don't know. Who wants to go first? [00:39:36] Speaker C: Me, please. I would love to know. We sort of touched on this. A teeny, itty bitty bit. But what for the characters? What do you see the happy ending for your character being. And what do you see that bad ending for your character being? [00:39:57] Speaker A: Hilariously. You're starting this. [00:39:58] Speaker F: That makes sense to your question? [00:40:00] Speaker C: I will. Thank you so much for asking. Meg, let me tell you about. I think that the good ending for Auden is. Well, I asked this and I haven't thought about my answer. [00:40:16] Speaker A: I think that's hilarious. [00:40:18] Speaker C: It happens often. I think the good ending for Auden is obviously like saving her friends and saving the world. I guess I think that for her it's less about the world and more about, like, finding a purpose for herself. And this is definitely, you know, saving the world will definitely fill that bucket. But I also think that, like, finding contentment. Is that a word? Not contentment, but being content with existing and not fulfilling a role or a purpose, I think would be a really liberating and happy thing for her. Yeah, I think just finding not even relaxation, but I think just, like, pride in herself, just as she is not having to conform to something or to bend in a certain way to make somebody happy. I think is a happy ending for her. I think her bad ending is dying or someone else dying. Her buddies. [00:41:25] Speaker F: So fair. [00:41:26] Speaker C: I think that's a bad ending. [00:41:27] Speaker F: Good point. [00:41:27] Speaker C: And I think that as a result of that, I think she would jump into the ocean and swim far away and live solo for the rest of her life, however long that may be in the deep ocean. That's you next, Grace. [00:41:41] Speaker A: I think Melon's happy ending is getting to travel the world. Like, continue to travel the world just without the stress. [00:41:49] Speaker D: Like, I think. [00:41:50] Speaker A: I think there's. There's times where we've done stuff where Melwin's like, something has caught Melwyn's eye and she's been like, oh, this is cool. Or like when we were just like hiking along and being like, oh, this is pretty. This is nice. This would be really nice to look at when everything's not awful and it's not. We're not just trying to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. I think she wants to go to the World Tree again because her dad's talked about it so much and last time we kind of trespassed. And also, will they let you back. [00:42:22] Speaker C: At the World Tree? That's the question. [00:42:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. Who knows? Maybe go back to that temple that we found. Maybe just explore places that we've been when we're not getting chased by guards or attacked or whatever. Maybe try to find a sanctuary that she hasn't been to because I don't think she's been to any of them. Oh, and everybody's alive and well and she gets to spend all the time she wants with her friends. [00:42:53] Speaker E: Man, I am going to be sad. Boy. I think it has been looking for a purpose for a long time. And with all this, like, world ending badness, he has found that he has one. And it's really hard for him to imagine anything after it. And I can't imagine him having a good time dealing with aftermath type things like the. The politics part and the recovery part. He's not as good at that as he is at the fighting part. And so I think I keep seeing post this winter of like, this is the perfect place to bleed out in the snow, right boys? That's like what Id imagines. Like a happy ending is. Oh, gosh, like, save the world and then be like, we did it, I did it, gang. Yeah, that kind of thing. [00:43:52] Speaker A: We saved the world. And Ben just drops dead. [00:43:57] Speaker E: I think bad ending ID is. [00:44:01] Speaker A: I didn't know if we were saying bad endings yet or Not. No. [00:44:04] Speaker E: I think bad ending is. Is getting turned by Erendrill and having to fight his buddies and then being forced to live forever and not bleed out of the snow. [00:44:15] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:44:19] Speaker C: Oh, my goodness. [00:44:20] Speaker F: Do you want to say a bad idea? Zombie. [00:44:22] Speaker A: Zombie. [00:44:22] Speaker E: It does sound like worst for standing it, I think. [00:44:26] Speaker A: I don't know what Melan's worst ending is. There's a lot of. There's a. She got a lot going on. I'll be real. We all do. I feel like the. The obvious bad ending is everybody becomes created. Myla is like. Is gets turned into whatever the opal is that which I guess is also created, but like, weird. Or she takes the bag full of stuff and just chucks it away and just never gets all that stuff back. Which, if you've been listening or if you forgot bag of stuff, is just Melon's remaining emotions and there's. There's a good chunk of them. [00:45:06] Speaker F: So, yeah, I think I want to answer for the world as a whole, because that is my character, I guess, that I made. I do think that obviously a good ending is a balance in magic colors, which currently doesn't exist. It's obviously being thrown into imbalance currently, but there are even some colors that haven't existed for a while, and that's just throwing off the balance as is. So, like, you know, if all of these magic colors get their respective deities and everyone has equal amounts of power or whatever, that would probably be the good ending. That's hard to do because, you know, power and people and all that. Famously, nothing bad happens when people go for power. So, you know, that probably won't happen, but it would be the ideal situation. And then you can talk about, like, yeah, everything on. On the world being like, all the countries being at peace and etc, etc. But then you get into the debates of if a utopia is like an achievable thing and like, what does that look like? And all blah, blah, blah, all that stuff. So, you know, as good as any universe can be. I mean, bad ending is everyone is zombie. So that's the bad. That's the bad ending. [00:46:47] Speaker C: Everyone is zombie. Frowny face. Emoji. [00:46:49] Speaker F: Yeah, exactly. [00:46:51] Speaker A: Part of me was just like, what is Erendrill's end goal with all this? And I was just like, you know what? We should probably just ask that in session. [00:46:58] Speaker C: Grace have zombies. [00:47:01] Speaker F: Yeah. I think the end goal is everybody is zombie. [00:47:06] Speaker A: Yeah. But, like, why? That's what I want to know. [00:47:09] Speaker F: Because then he's. [00:47:10] Speaker A: What does he get? [00:47:11] Speaker F: Because then he's the one and Only God. Right. If nobody is on Earth to believe in other magic colors, then he's the only deity. [00:47:20] Speaker A: So he's also the only person. [00:47:22] Speaker F: Yeah, well, at that point, he could do what he wants. Whatever. [00:47:28] Speaker C: Has he tried asking nicely before? [00:47:31] Speaker A: Has he tried asking nicely? [00:47:34] Speaker B: It's hard because I think Myla is so set on getting rid of this corruption that has to do with, like, the Institute, right, With Opal and Arendril and all of that stuff. Right. That I think that she views her happy ending as just being on the other side of that and not having that be in this world anymore. I unfortunately think that Mila. Mila is very smart. And I think that the analytical part of her brain would recognize that this isn't something that can be like, one and done. Like, you can't. You don't just kill the source and then it never happens again. But I think that there is a part of her. There's a part of her natural, very small amount of hope that. Hopes that this will be the end and that maybe if she can be just enough of a threat to. In defending it, that she won't ever have to see anyone else taking advantage of these students or of anyone to. For that matter, for. For their power. You know, it's the same reason she's been helping ID with ID's things and why she's been helping Mellon with Melvin's things and all of that stuff. Like, it's. It's just this idea of. Of overcoming abusive power. Power that uses you, me, as a player. I think that her happy ending would be. Honestly, I think that she would. She wouldn't be great at teaching kids, but I think that there is a sense of, like, creating an environment that is for people who want to learn, but not just learn in, like, in like, a general sense, but like a. Like. Like kind of like when you have, like, a general English course, but then you make it your major and you start having all of these, like. Like, I'm going to take poetry and creative writing, too, and all that stuff. Like. Like really hone in on specialty courses. And I think that being with her road family is definitely a part of it. I think I would hope that her and Auden still remain as close as they ever have been and that id, even though he's probably going to be traveling, would, you know, would still stop by and be close. She'd want to check in on Argonong and Melwyn as much as she possibly could. Maybe writing letters or. Or pen pals would be the way to go. [00:50:00] Speaker E: With that. [00:50:00] Speaker A: Okay, who wants to ask their question next? [00:50:04] Speaker F: I guess. Am I asking. Are we asking mine? [00:50:09] Speaker C: You should. Yeah, I want to. [00:50:11] Speaker A: I want to ask your own questions. [00:50:13] Speaker F: It's my turn for a question. I'm sure we've asked it before, but I like to ask it anyways because it can definitely have changed. What's everybody's favorite part, Ben? It can be about the campaign or the podcast recording or whatever you want it to be. I just want to know what's fun or what you like about this. [00:50:32] Speaker C: What's your role? And then maybe I'll answer. [00:50:35] Speaker F: Sorry, I got a five. So Ben and I have to roll these. [00:50:39] Speaker C: I will be going first then, while you guys roll off. I loved. I have two answers. I think in game. I absolutely loved. The Mind Flayer arc, I think was super sick and I was so scared and stressed out the whole time, which in my mind is fun in D and D. I like being stressed out in D and D. I thought it was just super cool. I thought the build up to it was really awesome. I thought the reveal Slade, I just. It was awesome. I'm a big fan of that. I Out of. Out of main game. I loved the roll for shoes one shot so much. That was so ridiculous and silly and I had a really good time with that. I thought Baby's got a Gun was so slay. I thought that like friendship pow or whatever. Like I thought. I thought it was just so, so goofy. [00:51:35] Speaker F: What a genius little system to get. [00:51:37] Speaker C: To do it all together. [00:51:38] Speaker F: A good little system. It's like if you roll a six, you get a new ability. Everything past that, you roll whatever you roll. Like. Yeah, I don't know. You can't make it more lightweight than the PC. [00:51:50] Speaker D: Really. Well, in me. [00:51:54] Speaker A: Oh, no, it's not me, it's Ben. [00:51:56] Speaker C: What do you mean, at me? Natural one. [00:51:58] Speaker A: I don't know. I just assume when there's a long pause. I was supposed to speak and didn't because it happens a lot. [00:52:08] Speaker E: I have to. I think the first fight or not the first fight. Well, yeah, the first fight. Us going down into the sewers and there being the big gas blast and trying out our powers and doing things for the first time with super, super fun and like, what a cool way to start off. Like showing off steampunk stuff and the kind of place that we are in. And my other favorite part has been getting to meet my friend's friends and run Halloween and summer things for them and hear them do cool things because people are cool and cool people do cool things. So if you're listening to this and you are a guest on a spells and whistles thing, you're cool. [00:53:03] Speaker F: I thought you were gonna be like, if you're listening to this and you're a cool person, do cool things. You're a cool guy. No, I think I've only played in one Halloween, one shot, but the first one was really fun. [00:53:18] Speaker A: I thought you were. Oh, no, you weren't in Master. Just kidding. I thought you were Mandela. [00:53:25] Speaker F: I, I listened to it. It was very funny. I really liked the guests and everything. It was great. [00:53:30] Speaker A: God, I, I. What I would pay to play with Kelly again. [00:53:34] Speaker B: Aww. [00:53:35] Speaker C: Love Kelly. Love all of our guests. It's so fun playing with Stephanie. The two Halloweens. And John is super cool. I just, man, I love people. Love our buds. Thanks, buds. [00:53:48] Speaker F: It's me. I have a lot. I really love how everyone reacts to these characters that I keep putting in front of you. Especially, like, characters of importance. It's my favorite thing to watch and know that people can, like, the players can think that this character is really cool, but they're so good at staying with their character that I'm having fun, you know, watching Myla have a bad time with somebody who is like a really powerful arcana person, you know, and she's like, actually, fuck you, because you've been sitting in this temple for who knows how long and like, letting the world exist how it is, which is really fair. Also, I love that character, you know, it's like, it's a fun. It's a fun dichotomy. I really just love watching everybody react to these things that are put in front of them. The second part that I love is watching your problem solving skills, because I have DMed a lot of things, in my opinion. I have DMed multiple games, and every single time it feels a little bit different on how the group wants to problem solve things and get around something or, you know, because some groups want to, like, throw every smart answer they can at it until literally nothing works. And some groups are like, screw this. We could probably find a better way to do this or get the same info right? Or like, I'm gonna try it a couple times and if it doesn't work, I'm gonna go try something else, you know, so it's always really fun. And I like this group because it's been a mix of like, we're gonna try a bunch of stuff. Stuff. But if our first, like, three answers don't answer the question, let's just, let's Just focus something else. We're done with this shit. Get it out of our faces, Anastasia, we're going somewhere else. Those are my favorite things, I think. [00:55:50] Speaker A: I think my favorite things so far have been our weirdly, like, in and out of character, love, hate, relationship with Yaron. Because all of us out of character are like, look at this little guy. He's so silly. We love him. And then in character, you have, like, fucking ID and Myla being like, what the fuck is this thing palming his. [00:56:11] Speaker C: Head like a basketball? [00:56:12] Speaker F: Like. [00:56:13] Speaker A: Like holding his head like a basketball. Or me out of character, like, continuously threatening to turn him into a bomb. Like, I will do it. I still think it would be a really funny way to deal with something, but just because. Just because it's Yaren and he's just. He's just a funny little guy. And I love anytime we cut to, like, one of our characters doing something stupid or just, like, small, silly character moments, those are always my favorite in a D and D game of just, like, small, silly character moments that might feel out of character because the players might be just goofing around. But it adds so much. Like, ID and Argnan just introducing each other. Like, their first interaction was just screaming at each other in arc one. In that first episode, like, arcdog just screams and IDs just like, yeah, fuck it, I'll match this energy. Screw it. And it's fully just Ben and Bryce fucking around. It's so funny. Or like, a recent one for me is. Is it feels silly to say something that I did, but, like, Melon dropping the dagger into the pool just to see what would happen. And then the dagger come flying out and she's just like, nothing happened. I don't know what you're talking about. [00:57:28] Speaker C: People see it so clearly in my mind. Like it's a film or, like, animated or whatever. Like, it's just the way you describe it so visually. Like, chefs. [00:57:39] Speaker A: All I could think about, like, mental. My mental picture of it is Clementine and the salt lick in season one of the Walking Dead, the Telltale Game. We're like, she's like, don't lick the salt lick. [00:57:54] Speaker D: It tastes bad. [00:57:55] Speaker A: And Lee's just like, did you lick it? And she's like, no, it's very clear that she did. It's the same energy to me. And then my persisting favorite thing in this podcast is any and every time that Ben describes anything that it is doing. I continue to find it amazing and cool, and everybody has really cool flavors with it. It was just. I'm biased because it's my favorite character. And it caught my attention when I was listening to arc one before Meg and I started. This is definitely one. I'll get Jay to answer. [00:58:31] Speaker F: One of my favorite small cutscenes was when I think it was Auden. And ID are like, walking around the desert town ruins, you know, and everyone's like, serious, and everyone's like. And, you know, Myla is, like, going and investigating the temple, and it's all like, serious and kind of mysterious and all that jazz. And then, like, Nadia's teaching Yaron how to play solitaire. And then we cut back to everyone digging through sand to try to find shit. I don't know. That one really got me. I don't even think I was the one that suggested it. I'm sure someone else suggested it. And I was like, well, that's canon now. I think it was great. [00:59:11] Speaker A: Or Auden going off and buying an 11 foot sandwich for the four of us. [00:59:17] Speaker C: It's gonna haunt me forever. [00:59:21] Speaker A: Oh, the perks of having to update my notes for Patreon. Because we release players notes. Meg, Jay, and I put our players notes up on Patreon every time we release the Shifting Gears. So I've been going through my notes to make sure they're ready to upload, and I'm just. I keep finding every time I've written down something really stupid, which a lot of the time is just like, yarn snores really loudly. And I thought it was funny. I don't know. That's like the small little moments of just we're characterizing. We're giving these characters something silly or like, we're making snowmen, like. Or Myla's little questionnaire that she keeps giving out to people. [01:00:02] Speaker F: I don't know. Even ed can't be 100% silly serious all the time, even if he wants to be. [01:00:08] Speaker C: Yeah, him sleeping on the floor when. When Auden and Nadia came back from clubbing and he's like, no, get out of the living room. [01:00:18] Speaker A: No, it. It is unintentionally very funny, but it's fully just like Ben being like, it. I'll match this energy. It'll be funny, like, and I love it. It's great. Yay. Who has a question? [01:00:32] Speaker F: Ben does. [01:00:33] Speaker E: I'll do a really quick final one. Which of our big bads is most intimidating to you? We've still got Arendrill and the puppet out on the loose wreaking havoc. Which one's scary? [01:00:47] Speaker F: I can't answer this question because I feel like that's not a fair question. I don't think either of them are scary because I think they're cool because. Because I made them. [01:00:57] Speaker E: So I think aren'tral's the biggest threat. I think if the puppet decided to, they could completely ruin everything, and there's nothing anybody could do about it. I think that's terrifying. But it's like the. It's kind of, oh, man, this is going to be the worst. It's kind of like the Joker, where he's more in it to, like, around with Batman than to actually ruin everybody's lives. Because if we wanted to, you could and sometimes has. But that's not the big point. The public wants to mess with people, and that's what makes it not as scary. [01:01:35] Speaker C: I think I agree with you. I feel very similarly. I think, like, the puppet, me, personally, puppet freaks me out more just because it's uncanny. It's weird. And we, like, we know it wants a body, but we don't know, like, anything about it beyond that. And that fear of the unknown is always like. [01:01:52] Speaker A: I mean, we gave it a body. [01:01:54] Speaker C: Compared to, like, Erendrill, who's like, I. [01:01:57] Speaker A: Want to take over the world. [01:01:58] Speaker C: I want to turn you into zombies. You know, like, yeah, that's like evil bad guy stuff. But, like, we know his MO. We've got him vibed out. You know, we kind of, like, we know what he's all about. But the puppet is just like an enigma, and it's like, hello, freaky puppet man. Turn my friends into puppets. [01:02:23] Speaker A: I. I have to agree. I think the puppet is the scarier of the two. Although we did kind of. I say we, like I or Melwen had absolutely anything to do with this. This is entirely Ben and Meg. Y'all did give him a body and he fucked off. [01:02:41] Speaker E: That's true. [01:02:42] Speaker A: So we might be good on that front. I don't know. I think the, like. Like what you said, like, we have this big. We have. We have the big, bad evil guy. We have this big. We have the beach, and we have. [01:02:57] Speaker C: That's funny. [01:02:59] Speaker A: It's not. It's. I ate my brain. It's fine. Well, we have our big, bad evil guy. [01:03:04] Speaker D: We have this. [01:03:05] Speaker A: We have this person that's, like, world domination. And like I said earlier, I don't know what the, like, why he's doing what he's doing other than he wants power. He wants to ascend to godhood. And I'm like, well, that's gonna be empty if he succeeds, because there's nothing left but you Know if that makes you happy, my guy, you do your thing. I don't know. Versus like the puppet is very personal stakes for Melwyn and the party now because of what's going on with ID and literally just conceptually horrifying. Like it with Mila. We weren't cool with that. But also just like the idea of like, you have this being that is taking over bodies with a horrific noise accompanied by it, apparently. And now just on the loose, do it as it pleases. [01:04:03] Speaker F: Who has a history of stealing people's emotions. Yeah. Also has time fuckery. Right. Like. [01:04:12] Speaker A: Mm. [01:04:13] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:04:14] Speaker A: My working theory is also still that like Melon fully might have died to make that pact. And I. We just don't know. I don't. [01:04:23] Speaker F: This. [01:04:24] Speaker A: This is an Eldritch being. And I. I know we're gonna do like the. You wrote this backstory and I'm like, Anastasia came up with the puppet. He had four bullet points. [01:04:35] Speaker F: I'll take all the credit for that one. As a guy. Sweet. [01:04:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:04:41] Speaker D: Well, what do you think? Anastasia? No, I'm kidding. [01:04:44] Speaker F: I love them both. [01:04:46] Speaker B: I think to me personally, Erendrill is more intimidating just because I feel like we've been really building up to this point. I think that after her stint as a little puppet, Maila is probably more scared of the puppet, which is why she will be focusing solely on Erendril. Because if you don't think of it, it won't happen. Right. [01:05:06] Speaker A: Alright. [01:05:07] Speaker B: Thank you for having me answer the questions. I hope that this works. It was really fun answering questions and I'm sorry I couldn't be there to answer them live. But I hope that these answers give you some thoughts and brain worms into the POV of my label it. I'm signing off. So farewell. [01:05:30] Speaker A: I think we're gonna leave it off there for now. You can find all of us on social media. You can find all of us on social media. You can find us on social media spellsandwhistlespod or @spellswistles on. On Twitter. Although we don't really use Twitter as much anymore. [01:05:50] Speaker F: It's mostly TikTok and Instagram. [01:05:52] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, you know, TikTok, Instagram. Blue sky. We're on Blue sky. That's fine. [01:05:58] Speaker C: We are on Blue Sky. [01:05:59] Speaker A: Keep an eye out on socials. All of us have our own individual socials that I don't know if we feel like. [01:06:05] Speaker F: I think they're in the description of the. [01:06:07] Speaker A: They're in the description. There's a reason I'm not usually in. [01:06:11] Speaker F: Charge of episodes hey, cool. [01:06:15] Speaker A: Yeah, that's nice. [01:06:16] Speaker F: Thank you for all the questions. We appreciate it. We love doing these little episodes. [01:06:20] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:06:21] Speaker A: Here's to killing some things and beating them. [01:06:24] Speaker F: Now we're gonna finish the game. [01:06:29] Speaker D: Okay, bye. [01:06:30] Speaker A: Bye. We'll see you next week with main campaign. [01:06:36] Speaker D: I have been handed another piece of paper because apparently somebody else from the magical land of Discord has decided to become a patron at the Ecoteer over on the Patreon. So thank you very much to Alfalcon for their support. Yay. This is Melwyn, by the way. I'm not sure if I was supposed to say that or not. Doesn't matter. Anyway, the paper also says that you should join our Discord for chaos and shenanigans and follow us on all social media for updates on new episodes and projects. Oh, and we'll see you next week for the main campaign. Is that all, Myla? Yeah, that'll do. Okay, Goodbye. Strange recording device.

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