Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Ah, fun fact about me. I went to go see the whose line is it anyway live thing the other night, and I kept realizing that I would laugh harder and harder, and I was sitting on the edge of, like, the aisle, and every time I would laugh really hard, I would go away from the stage. Like, I would move my face away from the stage.
I realized it's because I'm so used to when I'm laughing really loud. I turn away from the mic a little bit.
That's so funny.
[00:00:30] Speaker B: And I realized you're so chronically online, Jay.
[00:00:34] Speaker C: Dedicated.
[00:00:34] Speaker D: This is what two years of podcasting does.
[00:00:37] Speaker A: I was like, oh, my gosh. I didn't realize. It's like two thirds of the way in. And I was like, oh, my gosh.
[00:01:00] Speaker D: Another podcast related story. I had a virtual doctor's appointment this morning. But as, like, at the end of the doctor's appointment, my doctor goes, you have a really nice mic.
[00:01:11] Speaker A: Why do you have a nice mic?
[00:01:15] Speaker D: Because I do a podcast sometimes. And he was like, oh, cool.
[00:01:21] Speaker A: Bye.
Have a good day.
[00:01:25] Speaker D: He's like, here's your new medication. Have a good day.
Did you actually want to know that about me?
[00:01:30] Speaker A: Sorry?
[00:01:31] Speaker C: You mean you didn't promote random d and D five epodcast spells and whistles to your neurologist?
[00:01:37] Speaker D: He doesn't seem like the type, but I'll give it a try, I guess. He asks about my Nike listeners.
[00:01:43] Speaker B: Send this specific episode to your neurologist.
[00:01:46] Speaker A: And we'll just get every single neurologist.
[00:01:49] Speaker E: Except for you, inflexible Disney employee listeners.
[00:01:52] Speaker B: Except for you, fucking Disney employees. Call back your insurance, because Disney sucks. Your insurance doesn't cover neurologist. Anyway, I'm sorry, but I know you.
[00:02:04] Speaker D: Don'T very funny things.
[00:02:06] Speaker E: This is still my favorite thing from.
[00:02:07] Speaker A: Arc, one that was ever said.
[00:02:10] Speaker B: It's not your fault, Disney employee, that your insurance is bad.
[00:02:14] Speaker A: The mouse's fault. I don't have the flu anymore, but I still have a very bad cough that is fucking up my throat. So if I sound particularly strange, it's.
[00:02:22] Speaker E: Because my voice just gives up on me sometimes.
[00:02:29] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:02:30] Speaker D: Everyone is so miserable in the Pacific Northwest. It's all like, it's rainy and cold and dark all the time, and it's dark until it's dark before 430 cry.
[00:02:44] Speaker A: Yeah, it's give me sun.
[00:02:47] Speaker E: It was 60 degrees.
[00:02:48] Speaker D: I'm making it today.
[00:02:54] Speaker E: I drove home with my sunroof down and my windows open, and it was.
[00:02:58] Speaker D: Hell, yeah, two days ago, it was.
[00:03:01] Speaker A: Like 75 where I was, and I.
[00:03:02] Speaker D: Was like, shut the fuck up.
[00:03:05] Speaker A: Sorry, we can't. Grace gets an ooh, nice. And I get a shut up.
[00:03:12] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:03:13] Speaker A: Wow. I'm trying to contribute to this conversation. I'm trying to be fuck you, you don't get snow.
I could if I drove.
[00:03:23] Speaker D: They complained about the one day, like, the two days.
[00:03:30] Speaker A: It's been raining a lot. Actually. It's been raining a lot. Okay.
Oh, no, I'm not on fire. For once. I don't know what to say.
[00:03:46] Speaker E: January isn't on fire.
[00:03:48] Speaker B: January fires.
[00:03:52] Speaker A: That's because the rest of the year is still fire season. January, February, we're in the clear. Everything else, we're going to die. Smokey the bear hates us. Like, I don't know what to say.
[00:04:04] Speaker D: Yeah, what did you do?
[00:04:05] Speaker A: I don't went, okay, sorry. This is calling it back to whose line? But they were like, dave, two things you would see on the freeway going past where you are, and the first person said, cows. And they said, okay, name something else that's boring. And someone said, fire. So I'm sorry that I'm defined by cows and fire, but that's just how it works. Okay?
[00:04:28] Speaker C: Like, five minutes away from a burger at that point.
[00:04:33] Speaker A: I mean, I went to an improv.
[00:04:34] Speaker D: Show, a sort of improv show recently, and they asked for the last thing you threw away.
[00:04:41] Speaker A: And this guy thought about it for.
[00:04:44] Speaker D: Like, 30 seconds and then goes, pork, I guess.
[00:04:50] Speaker A: Pork, I guess. Name of the episode.
[00:04:54] Speaker C: Speaking of pork, maybe they got pork on their second eleven and a half foot sandwich. What about spells and whistles podcast?
[00:05:03] Speaker D: Last time, ID and Auden chatted about motives while they met up with the others, the group headed to Kyo's house, looked for anything that might be of use. Myla finds a cipher and later cracks it, learning that the dean of the university is in on something nefarious and that Kia was headed to a town called Darheim. Melwyn had a combined dream of many emotions, and with a failed save against the effect, she seems to not be taking it well. Myla, during the last watch, sneaks off towards the university. I don't think we resolved what happens with Melwyn's dreams.
[00:05:38] Speaker E: We made it through half of them because she did six. Let me get that notebook somewhere. I put it. I don't know if that's the note we're starting on, but that's short. We didn't do that.
[00:05:48] Speaker D: So you did three emotions in the first dream?
[00:05:51] Speaker E: Yes.
[00:05:52] Speaker D: Okay, sure.
[00:05:54] Speaker E: That's what happened. I'm so sorry. I would be more helpful if I.
[00:05:59] Speaker D: Know I'm pretty sure you said you had.
I think you said you took six emotions and you had two dreams.
[00:06:06] Speaker E: I know, but I just didn't remember what the fuck we were doing.
[00:06:10] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:06:10] Speaker E: I'm very good at my job as a lorekeeper guy.
[00:06:15] Speaker D: Yeah. Ben asked me a question the other day and I was like, you don't know, ask Grace.
[00:06:19] Speaker A: I don't know, ask Grace.
[00:06:22] Speaker D: Why do you think I know my own stuff? That's ridiculous. Yes. Melwyn's last dream was about the seven birds. Yeah.
So in this dream, you're like, watching and experiencing these things and you're realizing that you're just there for too long. Like, even in dreamtime, it just feels like you've been there too long. I need you to take nine. Psychic damage that will affect when you wake up.
[00:06:50] Speaker E: We love that.
[00:06:51] Speaker D: For me, post long rest. And also, you are just stuck in your dream until somebody tries to wake you up somehow.
[00:07:03] Speaker E: Do you want the other half of the dreams?
[00:07:05] Speaker D: You're stuck in this dream until the next one.
[00:07:08] Speaker E: Oh, interesting.
[00:07:09] Speaker D: And you can't get to the next one tonight. You'll have to get to the next one in the next night.
[00:07:14] Speaker E: Oh, that sucks. Okay, does she still have those emotions back or not until.
[00:07:19] Speaker D: Yeah, the first three that you took. Yes, you do. Get them back, but not the other three. Yeah.
[00:07:26] Speaker C: All right.
[00:07:27] Speaker D: But we will cut to Myla, who is sneaking off in the early morn towards the university.
[00:07:36] Speaker F: Hi.
[00:07:37] Speaker A: Yeah, super quiet.
[00:07:39] Speaker D: And yeah, I think you made it out of camp without anyone waking up.
[00:07:46] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, I'm going to make my way to the university, and it's before dawn and everything.
So right when I sort of get to the gates, I'm going to look.
[00:07:57] Speaker F: Down at model two, be like, you stay here for now. And if I'm not back in 2 hours, no, if I'm not back in an hour, go back to camp.
[00:08:11] Speaker E: I just remembered, it's just a ball.
[00:08:16] Speaker G: Which sometimes has a spherical.
[00:08:21] Speaker D: Yeah, that sometimes has a spring to get up the stairs.
I think it just turns a little bit just to be like movement. Yeah, I heard you, I guess.
[00:08:36] Speaker A: Yeah, that's fine. She's like, okay.
And then she's going to sort of instinctually kind of like, nervous ticky tapped on the side of her leg a little bit. And she's going to cast enhanceability on dexterity, which I forgot what the thing is, but it's fine. I think it's cat's grace, isn't it? Cat's grace, that sounds right.
[00:09:01] Speaker C: Sure.
[00:09:01] Speaker D: So she has make it up advantage.
[00:09:03] Speaker A: On dexterity checks for the next hour is like she maintains concentration.
[00:09:07] Speaker F: And I'm going to start making my.
[00:09:09] Speaker A: Way to the building where I know.
[00:09:12] Speaker F: That the dean's office is.
[00:09:14] Speaker D: Are you going in the front of the university or are you trying to find a back door?
[00:09:20] Speaker A: I'm going to try and find a back door. Alternate route.
[00:09:27] Speaker F: Did the president's office have like a window?
[00:09:30] Speaker A: Because I know I've been in the president's one. I have not been in the dean's, but I know they're right next to each other.
[00:09:35] Speaker D: It did? Yes.
[00:09:37] Speaker A: Cool. Can I try to go through the window of the dean's office?
[00:09:41] Speaker D: Yeah. Do you want to make an investigation check?
[00:09:44] Speaker A: Yes, I want to make an investigation check. I want to check for people. I want to check for traps and locks and all of that good stuff.
[00:09:53] Speaker D: Sure. Yeah.
[00:09:54] Speaker A: I was just letting you know what my general idea plan moving forward was.
Yeah, my investigation is pretty good. That's going to be a 21.
[00:10:04] Speaker D: So you find the back of the university. It's basically a rectangular building.
And you look through the president's office's window. And you look through the dean office's window and you first are like looking to see if there's any lock or anything.
You don't see any physical lock but it's not impossible for there to be an arcane lock.
It is a magic university. So you don't see any physical mechanism that would lock the window.
[00:10:38] Speaker A: Could I do like an Arcana check to see if there's some sort of any magical effects or anything on this?
[00:10:44] Speaker D: Yes. The other thing with your investigation check is that you see a little bit of movement inside the dean's office.
[00:10:51] Speaker A: That bitch.
Okay, this is fine. Horrible. If I go to the president's office, do I see any movement in there?
[00:11:00] Speaker D: No.
[00:11:00] Speaker A: The window to that. Okay.
I'm going to check this one for magic. That's a 17.
[00:11:05] Speaker D: There's definitely magical. Probably arcane. Like literally the spell arcane lock bullshit on this window.
[00:11:17] Speaker F: Okay, plan b.
[00:11:20] Speaker A: Go to the front door. Is the front door locked?
[00:11:23] Speaker D: Yes.
[00:11:26] Speaker A: Do I see any magic on this lock?
[00:11:29] Speaker D: Very likely.
[00:11:32] Speaker G: Anastasia giving eight ball answers to these questions.
[00:11:37] Speaker B: Classic.
Everybody take notes. Try again later.
[00:11:46] Speaker A: I don't have any sort of dispelling things, which is not ideal.
[00:11:50] Speaker D: If a DM isn't a floating eight ball in space then what are you even doing?
[00:11:55] Speaker C: The DM sonos of a mysterious person in a hood is out floating eight ball in.
[00:12:03] Speaker A: Sorry, I'm just trying to think of what my options are here.
[00:12:08] Speaker D: You can manually lock pick something with arcane lock. That DC just goes up by ten.
[00:12:15] Speaker A: I've got a pretty good, pretty good lock tools check.
How good is it though?
[00:12:27] Speaker D: And you have cat's grace currently.
[00:12:29] Speaker A: Okay, I'm going to go for it. I'm feeling risky. I'm feeling spicy.
[00:12:35] Speaker D: Go for it.
[00:12:35] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:12:36] Speaker D: So it'll be roll a lock pick check, which I think you have proficiency in.
[00:12:41] Speaker A: I have expertise in it because of my artificer.
[00:12:45] Speaker D: Fabulous.
Yes. And then you have advantage.
[00:12:49] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:12:53] Speaker F: 27.
[00:12:54] Speaker D: Are you trying to lock pick the front door or the president's office window?
[00:12:58] Speaker A: The president's office window.
[00:13:01] Speaker D: Okay.
You take your lock pick tools and you just start to see the magic that makes this arcane lock. And you're like moving the little strands of magic out of the way as well as the physical pistons, tumblers. That's what they're called. Yeah. You open the window just fine. Nothing's broken.
[00:13:23] Speaker A: I quietly step in.
[00:13:30] Speaker D: Can you make a stealth check?
[00:13:31] Speaker A: Yeah, of course.
[00:13:32] Speaker D: I said the window has physical tumblers. It doesn't arcane lock on it. Whatever. Fine.
[00:13:39] Speaker A: It's an 18 stealth check because I have advantage on those because of. Okay. Yeah.
[00:13:43] Speaker D: What are you doing next?
[00:13:44] Speaker A: I'm going to close the window.
[00:13:47] Speaker F: Mostly I'm going to leave like a little coins, width of room, sneak over.
[00:13:53] Speaker A: To the can I. This isn't going to do anything because of my perception. Shit. If I put my ear up against the wall that has the dean that's next to the dean's office.
[00:14:06] Speaker F: Can I hear anything from in there?
[00:14:08] Speaker D: Make a perception check? Yeah.
[00:14:14] Speaker A: Six.
[00:14:15] Speaker D: No, just a wall.
[00:14:17] Speaker A: Cool. All right.
We know the president hasn't had anything really to do with this, basically.
So that's fine.
I'm going to go out of the president's office, sort of peek around the corner.
[00:14:33] Speaker D: So just a point of note so that, you know, potential consequences.
[00:14:39] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:14:39] Speaker D: You can unlock the door from the inside. You will not be able to relock it from the outside heard. So when you leave, it will be unlocked.
[00:14:48] Speaker A: Okay, sounds good. Great. No, I appreciate that.
[00:14:51] Speaker F: Thank you.
[00:14:52] Speaker A: Okay, I'm going to unlock it.
[00:14:56] Speaker F: Peek around the corner.
[00:14:57] Speaker A: When I saw the movement, did it look like humanoid shape or was it just like, was it small or shorter.
[00:15:03] Speaker D: Than the average humanoid size?
All you really saw though was like black fabric that kind of shifted a little bit. But it's very dark in the office and it seemed like it was kind of further on the wall that was furthest away from the window.
[00:15:18] Speaker A: You got it.
[00:15:19] Speaker F: I'm going to wait it out a.
[00:15:22] Speaker A: Little bit and see if this individual leaves at all.
[00:15:27] Speaker D: Okay. Just hanging out by the door.
[00:15:29] Speaker A: Not by the door because they're right next to each other. I think what I'm doing is I have the door kind of like still closed mostly, but just open like a little crack. And I'm just kind of like Slenderman standing on the other side of it with my eye just like looking out a little ominously.
[00:15:46] Speaker D: Yeah, make a perception check.
[00:15:49] Speaker A: Okay, 15 on that one.
[00:15:54] Speaker D: You stay there for a few minutes.
How long does Myla actually wait before getting impatient?
[00:16:04] Speaker A: I think she goes 30 minutes.
[00:16:08] Speaker D: Dang, that was way longer than I thought.
[00:16:10] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, she's on a mission.
[00:16:14] Speaker D: Yeah, that's fair. You wait there for 30 minutes, nothing leaves that door and you don't hear anything interesting.
[00:16:24] Speaker A: I wasn't expecting people to be here.
This is messing with me a little bit.
How silly goofy does Myla feel?
[00:16:34] Speaker F: Myla?
[00:16:37] Speaker D: Six out of ten. No, I don't know.
[00:16:38] Speaker F: Six out of ten.
[00:16:41] Speaker A: Mila is going to just sort of like. She's going to. I will roll another stealth check, which I'm pretty sure I will have to.
[00:16:49] Speaker F: She is going to take a minute.
[00:16:54] Speaker A: Outside the dean's office door to cast alarm as a ritual.
So that way if someone leaves, she'll know. Okay. Yeah.
[00:17:05] Speaker D: Why don't you roll a dexterity arcana check?
[00:17:10] Speaker A: Natural 20 for a 25.
[00:17:15] Speaker G: Nice job.
[00:17:16] Speaker D: Best casting of alarm you've ever done.
[00:17:20] Speaker A: She is not very happy with this. So she casts that spell. I think she goes back out through the president's door, locks it, leaves out the window, closes it. The sun's starting to come up.
[00:17:33] Speaker F: She's like, shit, I've been here for a while.
[00:17:36] Speaker A: She's going to go meet model two by the gate, be like, ha. And is going to grab some donuts.
[00:17:46] Speaker D: Model two had like literally 30 seconds before, had just started rolling back to camp because it hit the 1 hour mark.
[00:17:54] Speaker F: Hey, model two, come on, let's go this way.
[00:17:59] Speaker A: And then Milo's going to go grab some donuts and then it's going to go back to camp with donuts.
[00:18:04] Speaker D: Perfect. Everyone wakes up in their own time, except Melwyn.
To the point of like, oh, Melwyn's sleeping in. And then it gets to what time of day does it become a concern?
[00:18:16] Speaker C: You make it sound like she died in her sleep.
[00:18:19] Speaker A: She did.
[00:18:19] Speaker D: She died in her sleep. No, she just stuck in a dream.
[00:18:23] Speaker E: Yeah. Actually I'm playing a new character today.
[00:18:27] Speaker D: Yeah. Introduce in a fun way. No, who you see walking before you.
[00:18:32] Speaker A: Is a.
[00:18:35] Speaker E: Yeah, roll up with the shadows.
[00:18:37] Speaker D: Motherfucker Grace's new character is this model two.
[00:18:44] Speaker E: I am a ball.
Not the ball, because that's a ball.
[00:18:51] Speaker D: What if Grace was a war forge? That was a transformer that turned into a ball.
[00:18:57] Speaker E: Don't tempt me.
[00:18:59] Speaker B: Fucking love that, Jay.
[00:19:01] Speaker E: I know what I'm saying.
[00:19:01] Speaker B: Was that one byakugan? Shout out to Byakugan.
[00:19:06] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:19:08] Speaker D: God. Wow. That was.
[00:19:10] Speaker E: I think it's just Bakugan. I'm pretty sure Byakugat has the Naruto ability.
[00:19:14] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, you're so right. It is Bakugan. Wow.
Edited out.
[00:19:22] Speaker E: I out nerded the nerd.
[00:19:26] Speaker A: I don't know if that's something to.
[00:19:27] Speaker D: Be proud of, sending you a little.
[00:19:29] Speaker A: Paper crown in the mail.
It's okay. My mom calls them backygons, so it's okay.
[00:19:36] Speaker B: Your mom is right.
[00:19:37] Speaker A: Actually, wrong.
[00:19:39] Speaker F: Your brother's into the backygons.
[00:19:42] Speaker E: Oh, laughter cousins.
[00:19:43] Speaker B: He loves those bakugans.
Limped himself really great to a strong.
[00:19:50] Speaker C: New York accent based on past experience traveling with Melwyn. How is she? Usually an early riser?
[00:20:00] Speaker A: Does.
[00:20:00] Speaker E: She's usually an early riser. Holy shit.
Yeah, I just can't breathe.
[00:20:13] Speaker C: I think after a little bit, I think Auden probably wakes up, does some nice big stretches in her sleeping bag, maybe goes for a little walk around the camp before coming back. And I would imagine that Ed probably wakes up around then too.
Then Myla returns when she.
[00:20:34] Speaker D: Before. Actually, before that. I do want you, Jay, to roll a stealth check coming back to camp.
[00:20:40] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
I'm going to say enhanceability is probably done for after getting donuts.
[00:20:48] Speaker D: Is it an hour? Probably, yeah.
[00:20:51] Speaker F: Ten.
[00:20:53] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:20:53] Speaker E: No, actually the donuts canceled out the enanceability.
[00:20:56] Speaker B: Antimagic donuts?
[00:20:59] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:20:59] Speaker C: Their ability dehancers.
[00:21:02] Speaker D: My favorite thing is in Baldish gate, they have a little flower that does an antimagic field. But if you send it to camp, it'll just like sit in a chest. And anytime anyone goes close to the chest, they just get antimagic for a little bit and they can walk away and be fine. But it's so goofy and I love it. Okay, well, I think Audin and Ed, are your passive perceptions both higher than ten?
[00:21:26] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:21:26] Speaker D: You both wake up, actually. To Myla coming back.
[00:21:30] Speaker C: Good morning.
[00:21:31] Speaker A: Hi.
I have donuts.
[00:21:36] Speaker C: Thank you.
Could I make an insight check and stress out the vibe?
[00:21:43] Speaker A: I will roll deception.
[00:21:45] Speaker B: I want to roll an insight check.
[00:21:47] Speaker G: But to see if Milo is bullshitting.
[00:21:50] Speaker A: Okay. I will keep my same deception roll.
[00:21:54] Speaker E: I got a natural 20.
[00:21:58] Speaker B: I got a seven.
[00:21:59] Speaker E: Shit.
[00:22:00] Speaker A: I got a four.
[00:22:05] Speaker D: Yikes.
[00:22:08] Speaker A: Wait, so what are you guys asking about so I can give you a better answer?
[00:22:13] Speaker E: Just trying to see if you're full of shit.
[00:22:15] Speaker A: Yeah, well, no, I have donuts.
[00:22:18] Speaker F: That's true.
[00:22:18] Speaker A: I got donuts for everyone.
[00:22:20] Speaker B: Mila doesn't just grab donuts for people.
[00:22:23] Speaker A: No, she doesn't. It's really weird.
[00:22:25] Speaker B: So that's why it's bullshit.
[00:22:28] Speaker A: Yeah, it's absolute bullshit. But she's not lying. She did get the donuts, but, yeah, it's absolute bullshit. She's obviously covering something up.
[00:22:34] Speaker B: She's like you imagine when you roll an anti check and you open the box and there's no donuts in there.
[00:22:39] Speaker A: It's a Glock.
[00:22:42] Speaker B: The fucking ball ate them all.
Robot sucks.
[00:22:47] Speaker A: Model two ate all the donuts.
She is holding the donuts. And yeah, she's telling the truth. She has donuts for everyone. But she's like not making eye contact with anyone. She's like looking up a little bit and I think that you can even see some residue of tool grease on her fingers.
[00:23:07] Speaker C: Shenanigans ensued. How was your morning stroll?
She is squinting.
[00:23:18] Speaker F: I went two places, so it was good.
[00:23:26] Speaker G: And you left us without watch for how long?
[00:23:34] Speaker F: Not like super long in comparison to sleeping.
[00:23:40] Speaker G: Can you be more specific?
[00:23:44] Speaker F: I was gone.
Well, okay, so maybe like an hour and a half.
It was a long donut line, but people are after me, so it's fine because you guys wouldn't be hurt because they're after me, but you could have.
[00:24:06] Speaker G: Been the day we met these two.
Melwyn got almost captured because of her brother.
Yeah, these people are going after people that are connected. We are inherently connected to each other by being in the same group.
[00:24:28] Speaker F: Okay.
[00:24:31] Speaker G: An hour and a half.
[00:24:33] Speaker F: Yeah.
[00:24:34] Speaker G: Did not take you that long to get donuts.
[00:24:37] Speaker F: No. I mean, yes, there was a long line of donuts and I also went for a walk.
[00:24:48] Speaker G: There was a long line of donuts.
[00:24:50] Speaker B: They just had a lot of donuts.
[00:24:52] Speaker A: No.
[00:24:56] Speaker F: The donuts weren't in a line.
[00:25:00] Speaker A: Those were maple bars.
[00:25:01] Speaker E: I love that.
[00:25:02] Speaker A: I know.
[00:25:02] Speaker E: This is Ben being pedantic and not just id.
[00:25:06] Speaker F: They have eleven and a half foot maple bars too.
[00:25:13] Speaker A: Audit is going to squat down to.
[00:25:15] Speaker C: Look at model two. Where did you two go?
She's gonna try and intimidation check on the ball.
[00:25:22] Speaker A: Mila commands model two not to answer.
[00:25:26] Speaker D: Subway is releasing footlong cookies, so we're not that far.
Oh, yeah. No, it's a real thing.
[00:25:34] Speaker A: Oh, my God.
[00:25:35] Speaker D: Yeah. Sorry, subway. Footlong cookie.
[00:25:37] Speaker C: Can't believe Subway copied our intellectual property. Like that.
[00:25:41] Speaker D: I know.
[00:25:42] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:25:44] Speaker D: The press release came out on January 18, so clearly they stole our bit.
[00:25:50] Speaker A: When this episode comes out, what, late February?
Yeah. No, I think, yeah, Mila's definitely bullshitting, so she just sort of puts down the donuts, and she's like.
[00:26:02] Speaker F: Okay. So I went by the university to try to break into the dean's office, but I didn't. There was somebody in there, so I left.
[00:26:14] Speaker G: Who was in there?
[00:26:15] Speaker C: I feel like this is probably a group discussion.
[00:26:17] Speaker G: This is a group.
[00:26:19] Speaker C: She's going to look over at Melwyn.
[00:26:21] Speaker A: Melan.
Melan, wake up.
[00:26:24] Speaker C: She'll kind of walk over with her sandals. Flap, flap, flap, flapping. Melan.
[00:26:31] Speaker A: Melan.
[00:26:31] Speaker C: We're mad at Mila.
She'll kind of shake her wake a little bit.
[00:26:36] Speaker A: Melan can't be mad at Mila. She doesn't have.
[00:26:42] Speaker C: I'm just going to gently kind of, like, shake her a little bit in her bedroll.
[00:26:50] Speaker D: You can wake up melon.
[00:26:52] Speaker E: Okay, cool.
I think Melan wakes up with a horrible headache and immediately just curls up more.
[00:27:00] Speaker C: Just catching you up. Mila snuck away while on watch and went to the dean's office, but left because there was someone there.
We're giving her a talking too, if you would like to get involved.
[00:27:17] Speaker H: Wait.
I'm both not awake enough, and I also don't think I have enough emotions to process whether or not that's a good or a bad thing.
[00:27:28] Speaker G: It's a very bad thing.
[00:27:30] Speaker H: Right?
[00:27:33] Speaker C: You're all right.
[00:27:34] Speaker G: Ow.
[00:27:38] Speaker H: Define all right.
[00:27:40] Speaker C: Well, I mean, you are sleeping in a lot later than. I mean, usually you wake up before me.
[00:27:47] Speaker H: I mean, got a headache. That's about it at the moment.
[00:27:54] Speaker C: Odin's gonna slap down her canteen of water. I don't know if it's gonna help.
[00:27:59] Speaker H: But it might give it a try in a second.
[00:28:02] Speaker E: Moan is still just, like, lying sideways on her side.
[00:28:06] Speaker C: Anyway.
Carry on.
[00:28:08] Speaker F: Id?
[00:28:10] Speaker G: Milan, do you understand that you put yourself and us in harm's way by separating?
[00:28:16] Speaker F: I understand I put myself in harm's way, but I think you guys are fine.
[00:28:22] Speaker G: All of us were asleep, and we know that these people have been going after people that are connected to the people that they're interested in. We watched it happen.
[00:28:34] Speaker F: I think Mila just stands and kind.
[00:28:36] Speaker A: Of stares at you a little quizzically.
[00:28:39] Speaker C: What was your plan?
[00:28:40] Speaker F: I was going to go in while no one was there, and I was going to see if there was anything like a paper trail, like if there were notes or something physical or tangible that we could do to track down Kyo or figure out what was going on. Something that was physical and tangible. So that way we had proof and more information on what was going on.
Because we're at a dead end.
[00:29:06] Speaker G: We're not just going. I thought we were just going to your school where those two professors who attacked us were from.
[00:29:14] Speaker F: But we don't know if kYo's there.
[00:29:16] Speaker G: But it's not a dead end.
[00:29:20] Speaker F: So.
So what? We just go and maybe find some information on what Kyo is doing or where he is? Like how we came here and we just walked around for Two days?
[00:29:36] Speaker G: How is that different from you going to the office?
[00:29:39] Speaker F: Because I was trying to find answers while no one was there. That's the Bad Guy. The BaD Guy has to know something.
[00:29:47] Speaker G: The people that attacked US were Bad guys. They have to know something.
[00:29:52] Speaker F: Yeah, but one is here and the other is far away.
[00:29:56] Speaker G: The best point you've made this morning?
Still did it alone.
[00:30:01] Speaker F: You're one to talk.
[00:30:03] Speaker G: About what?
[00:30:05] Speaker F: You put everything on yourself, id everything, from the mind flayer to the puppet. It's like you don't.
People here care about you, and you always put yourself in danger. And you're signing up for things that you just don't know. And so sorry that I wanted to have more information about what we were getting into before we went there for once, but sometimes finding that information is good.
[00:30:31] Speaker G: Didn't have the full information either.
[00:30:33] Speaker F: Exactly. So we were taking Care of it.
[00:30:37] Speaker G: We did a great job taking Care of everything.
[00:30:39] Speaker H: I don't think I'm the best example to be using for this.
Never mind. You look AnGry. CARry on.
[00:30:47] Speaker G: Did you leave ANy evidence behind that you were there?
I didn't 100% sure.
[00:30:54] Speaker F: I mean, I cast an alarm spell, but they can't trace that to me specifically. AnYone could do that. And I was really good about it. I don't know what you want from me.
[00:31:05] Speaker C: We want you to be safe.
[00:31:08] Speaker F: I've never been safe. Ever since leaving, I've never been safe.
[00:31:13] Speaker C: Isn't that all the more reason to want that?
[00:31:16] Speaker F: I don't know.
I don't get it. It doesn't make sense to me. Nothing makes sense to me about any of this. Like why someone would do the things that they're doing or why I feel the way that I feel about the things. It just doesn't make any sense. So I just don't handle it. It just stays there.
And if I don't look at it, it doesn't exist.
[00:31:43] Speaker C: Did you feel like you couldn't wake us up to go with you?
[00:31:47] Speaker F: I don't know.
I don't know.
Whenever I try to do things, like, I sneak into places or something like that, it's like, though there's always another way.
So I thought maybe if it was just me, then it would be easier, because then it's just me and I know about how to do things like that.
Not always super well, but I know how to prepare myself for it. I was so prepared going into this. I was so prepared. I don't know. I don't know what I was thinking. I just thought it would help.
[00:32:26] Speaker D: Your alarm spell goes off.
[00:32:28] Speaker F: He's gone.
[00:32:29] Speaker G: Then let's go now. When there's no person in there.
[00:32:33] Speaker F: Okay.
[00:32:34] Speaker G: It starts walking.
[00:32:35] Speaker C: Melwin, Mila did bring some donuts if you want to grab one on the way.
[00:32:40] Speaker H: Um, sure.
[00:32:43] Speaker D: What kind of donuts?
[00:32:44] Speaker E: That's the real question. Naten.
[00:32:47] Speaker A: Oh, gosh, I don't know. Probably just like. She probably was just like, whatever doesn't is available. I think what probably happened was there was like an order that was ready for pickup that nobody came and got. And she was like, that box was already made.
No, she didn't steal them. She paid for was like, she was like, this box is already made. I need to get. Let's. Let's do that.
[00:33:12] Speaker C: One oven will kind of follow after id looking back to make sure that the other two are also coming.
[00:33:18] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, Melan's gone.
[00:33:20] Speaker C: I heard gone. I was like.
[00:33:26] Speaker E: She just phases into the shadows and she's just gone.
[00:33:31] Speaker A: Yeah. Milo probably fall like 10ft behind you guys.
[00:33:34] Speaker D: Head towards the university.
It is probably like eight ish in the morning. 815 when you get there, things are starting up, shops are opening up, and it's a little bit of a drab day. It's kind of cloudy, probably going to rain later.
So you can see a lot of vendors are already preparing for that, making sure there's extra waterproof fabrics and stuff ready to put over their produce or whatever.
You head towards the university.
It's open now because it is school hours.
[00:34:15] Speaker C: If we made a scene, would that give you the chance to get up there and to look with us nearby as backup?
[00:34:25] Speaker F: Possibly.
[00:34:26] Speaker H: How big of a scene do you need?
[00:34:28] Speaker F: Whatever.
[00:34:31] Speaker E: Sorry.
[00:34:32] Speaker C: Auden's going to kind of look over to id to see what his thoughts on that are.
[00:34:38] Speaker G: We can do that. Things go sideways.
[00:34:40] Speaker A: Where will be meeting up that quiet room.
[00:34:42] Speaker H: The otising guild.
[00:34:44] Speaker A: Yeah, sure.
[00:34:46] Speaker H: How big of a scene do you want? And Melwin turns to in Odin.
[00:34:51] Speaker C: Odin has excitedly already taken her hammer out of its little spot on her back, however big we feel would be helpful.
She has a really big smile on her face.
[00:35:02] Speaker H: All right. That didn't answer my question at all.
[00:35:05] Speaker C: We need to keep the president, the dean out.
[00:35:09] Speaker D: There are people moving past you guys getting to classes and such.
[00:35:15] Speaker H: Do we divide and conquer?
[00:35:17] Speaker C: Then Otta's gonna turn toward like a group of passing students and she's going to say, did you know that the tuition that you're paying isn't actually going to the staff here?
All that money.
[00:35:34] Speaker D: Do you want to make a charisma check of sorts?
[00:35:38] Speaker C: Okay, let me see here.
How about her intimidation is the highest, but that's not a really intimidating statement.
I think I'll just go for deception, I guess.
[00:35:59] Speaker D: Are you going with deception because this is a lie you're telling or because you are trying to redirect attention?
[00:36:08] Speaker C: Mostly just because she's trying to stir the pot, kind of push some buttons and see if she can get students like eleven. She's trying to start a mild riot with a twelve.
[00:36:23] Speaker D: You get like it's an olive garden elf. Actually. He kind of turns and is like. That's what I've been saying, but no one wants to actually hear that because it's whatever. We still are here and learning stuff that's something crazy.
[00:36:44] Speaker C: And she's going to look over at it and Melwyn like, help me out here. I mean, shouldn't students have a say in where that goes? Shouldn't that go to making the facilities better?
[00:37:00] Speaker D: You're a student. Oh, my bad. Thought you were just hanging out here, which was weird, but I guess.
[00:37:11] Speaker F: It'S.
[00:37:11] Speaker D: Like discouraged but not banned. Like you can do that.
Yeah, but today's probably not the day. I do have a test, so it's probably not the day to start a protest.
[00:37:32] Speaker A: Can we just push about like 3.
[00:37:34] Speaker E: Hours maybe moan's gonna cast a message to Ed and go, this isn't working. I'm gonna go blow something up.
[00:37:43] Speaker A: I just walk off it just nods.
[00:37:47] Speaker C: Okay, so when I cause direct crimes at a function, that's a no no. But when I don't know where she's blowing up something that's like, oh yeah, cool, go for it.
Wow. Kidnapping is not worse than exploding.
[00:38:04] Speaker A: You don't know.
[00:38:05] Speaker E: What?
[00:38:05] Speaker B: Well, kidnap with the intent of feeding their brain to somebody.
[00:38:14] Speaker C: Which direction does Melan head?
[00:38:17] Speaker E: Mellen is going to head off kind of away from the dean's office.
[00:38:25] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll explain it just so that we make sure that we all have the same floor plan in mind and I don't know how. Well, I explained it the first time, but it's basically like an analog zero where there's like a top straight line and two side straight lines and one front bottom straight line. And that's like the hallways. There's only four hallways in this building. And then the center of this o is the huge common area. And the dean and president's offices are at the back. So at the top of this o, if you were looking down.
So the furthest point away from it would technically be the front doors. But you can go to one of the corner classrooms or something if you want.
[00:39:11] Speaker E: Yeah, just somewhere out of the way that's away from the main entrance.
[00:39:15] Speaker D: Cool. Oh, I don't.
[00:39:17] Speaker E: Hang on.
[00:39:18] Speaker D: Are you trying to find any, like, are you trying to find the lab classroom or like, just any classroom?
[00:39:22] Speaker E: Doesn't matter.
[00:39:23] Speaker D: Okay, great. The one in the corner is empty.
[00:39:27] Speaker A: Cool.
[00:39:28] Speaker D: So that's what I'm saying, is, like, tuition should probably be lower because I'm sure all of it doesn't actually go all the way to them. But we live in this society whatnot. So ethical consumption and everything?
[00:39:41] Speaker C: Yeah, it's terrible. And she's going to just kind of like stomp off after Melwyn.
[00:39:47] Speaker E: Kid related to Jared in any way, shape or form. I need to know now. Very important question.
[00:39:55] Speaker B: Just like, watching everybody walk away from him. Just stand there for a little bit and wait and see what happens.
[00:40:02] Speaker E: I'm off to commit war crimes.
[00:40:04] Speaker A: Great. Where are you going?
[00:40:05] Speaker D: Milo.
[00:40:05] Speaker E: Spell that. I thought I had that. I don't have. Hang on.
[00:40:10] Speaker A: I'm going to awkwardly not look at it and walk to the dean's office.
Sneak walk.
[00:40:19] Speaker D: I like they all walked in together, but now you're pretending you don't know each other.
[00:40:23] Speaker A: I was 10ft behind everyone. I said it. It's canon. I was 10ft behind everyone.
[00:40:31] Speaker D: Not that much, it's not.
[00:40:33] Speaker A: No.
[00:40:34] Speaker D: I'm just giving you a hard time. Yeah. What are you doing to cause an explosion? Auden? Are you going towards explosion or towards Myla?
[00:40:43] Speaker C: She's going after Melwyn a little bit.
[00:40:46] Speaker E: Got it. Selected one of my hee. Please hold. I never selected one of my spells. I thought I was one short, that's why.
[00:40:54] Speaker D: There you go.
[00:41:00] Speaker E: Melan's going to send Auden a quick message and just go.
[00:41:05] Speaker H: Normally, I would say it's better not to split up, but maybe in this instance it might be harder to catch all of us if we're not all in the same place.
[00:41:16] Speaker D: Have you done this before? The message?
[00:41:18] Speaker C: I think stops, then is like, mary, are you in my brain?
[00:41:24] Speaker H: Have we really not done this before?
You know, what time and place where should I.
[00:41:31] Speaker D: Another student just walks by you, like, looking at Auden, talking to herself with a little bit of a puzzled expression.
[00:41:40] Speaker C: Do you not want me to follow you right now?
[00:41:44] Speaker H: I think it would be best if you didn't, especially because I don't want you to get caught in this.
[00:41:51] Speaker C: Okay, bye.
She'll kind of, like, slowly scuffle off elsewhere.
She kind of turned back to id.
[00:42:03] Speaker D: And shrug, actually, can you make an insight check, Audin?
[00:42:09] Speaker A: Yeah, insight.
[00:42:14] Speaker C: Twelve.
[00:42:15] Speaker D: Okay. You watched Melwyn go into this corner classroom, and as you're turning and walking away from it, you see a teacher who looks like they're trying to head into that classroom, like they're going to start their class in the.
[00:42:34] Speaker C: Cool sharks.
[00:42:39] Speaker D: You don't have to do anything about it.
[00:42:40] Speaker A: I don't care. It's up to you.
[00:42:42] Speaker C: I think Auden's just going to let out, like, a long sigh and reach up to her pigtail and pull out that wisp of smoke that just turns into her fog cloud.
And she's going to just kind of, like, will that into existence. So it's a 20 foot radio sphere of fog, and she kind of takes it and slings it a little bit so it captures the teacher in such a way that will encourage them to not go that direction anymore.
[00:43:13] Speaker D: So you achieve your goal, I think, which is to stall this teacher a little bit. But she turns and goes, who's practicing magic in the hallway? You know the rules. We can't have magic in the hallway because this is what happens. And she just starts waving. You can't see this, but she starts waving her hand and she is dispelling your fog cloud.
I will say she does know that it's you, but currently she's, like, trying to get rid of this fog cloud. So if you want to try to get out of there, you can roll stealth, you can just run away. I don't care.
[00:43:55] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:43:55] Speaker C: I think she's going to say, I'm sorry, I got confused on the way to the common area.
I can get rid of that. She's going to cast gust of wind to disperse her fog cloud, and she's going to approach the teacher and be like, I'm sorry, I'm still getting the hang of everything the first week here. Could you show me? I'm pretty sure it's this way, but there's a big classroom I'm looking for. She's, like, trying really hard to walk with me here trying to get this picture to go elsewhere.
[00:44:40] Speaker D: Yeah, she gives you like a good 30 seconds of don't use magic to fix the magic you weren't supposed to do in the first place, et cetera, et cetera. And you were able to stall her for enough time for Melan to do something. So you cast fireball in the room. Yeah.
[00:44:59] Speaker E: Melwin blows up the room.
[00:45:00] Speaker D: Yeah. So you cast fireball in this room and you do 36, 32, 32 damage to all the furniture. 33 damage to all the furniture in this room.
[00:45:10] Speaker C: Question, what kind of classroom is this? Is this like an alchemy classroom?
[00:45:16] Speaker D: Perhaps? I'm not doing that.
[00:45:22] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, the fireworks classroom.
It's actually wood shop.
[00:45:27] Speaker D: Well, I was curious if Grace wanted to go find a lab specifically or just like a regular classroom. And they said regular classroom, right? Yeah.
[00:45:39] Speaker E: Can I amend what I'm doing a little bit? Yeah, I'm still casting fireball. I'm still using that.
[00:45:44] Speaker D: Yeah, don't worry.
[00:45:47] Speaker E: Or maybe worry. I don't know. I am actually going to order of operations for this gets weird.
I am going to quicken spell the fireball because there's only so many things you can cast, and I know we're not an initiative, but there's only so many things you can cast in a.
[00:46:04] Speaker D: Short period of time.
[00:46:05] Speaker E: I'm going to quicken spell the fireball and I'm going to use thomaturgy to make it sound even louder.
[00:46:10] Speaker A: There we go.
[00:46:11] Speaker D: Great.
[00:46:12] Speaker B: Okay. Sick.
[00:46:13] Speaker D: Yeah, sure. Yeah, definitely. You do that slay.
[00:46:17] Speaker A: You could.
[00:46:18] Speaker D: Do you have a plan out of this classroom?
[00:46:21] Speaker A: No.
[00:46:21] Speaker D: Great.
[00:46:23] Speaker E: That's my problem for later.
[00:46:26] Speaker D: Just a little treat for later. Moen.
[00:46:32] Speaker A: It's true to character and the person that I did not think was true.
[00:46:35] Speaker E: Before I said what I was doing.
[00:46:36] Speaker A: So.
[00:46:36] Speaker D: Hey, I love it. No, I think my favorite thing is that said, hey, Melwyn, don't be a liability. And she said, okay, let me fireball classroom.
[00:46:50] Speaker E: Wait till we get to the other half of the dream that we missed.
[00:46:53] Speaker D: So funny.
[00:46:54] Speaker A: So good.
[00:46:55] Speaker D: I'm excited for. So anyway, so let's skip over to what Myla's doing during this fireball explosion.
[00:47:05] Speaker A: I'm going into the dean's and sneaking into the dean's office.
[00:47:11] Speaker D: Great. Roll a stealth check for me. Okay.
[00:47:16] Speaker A: I'm going to enhance ability again. Oh, it's a good thing I did that 818. The other roll was a three.
[00:47:25] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh.
[00:47:27] Speaker D: You can see that your alarm spell has.
Just kidding. I don't remember the specificity. Of alarm 1 second.
I have, like, seven spell tabs open right now until a spell.
[00:47:41] Speaker C: What are you prepping for there, buddy?
[00:47:44] Speaker D: No, I keep looking up us enhanceability, fireball alarm. Just checking things so that I can make sure I get everything right.
Because when we're super popular and people on the Reddit are commenting that I did Dnd stuff, I'll be like, too bad. Anyway, yeah, so your alarm is still up because it lasts 8 hours, and it just goes off anytime someone goes through it.
It went off twice, pretty back to back. So the first time that you heard it, it went off, and then about two minutes later, it went off again, which you can roll insight on that if you'd like.
[00:48:30] Speaker A: I'll give it a shot. No insight on a fucking rune.
[00:48:35] Speaker D: All right, two people left, then maybe. Or two people entered. Or someone entered and left. Who knows?
[00:48:41] Speaker A: I'm shoving that down with my anger and frustration.
[00:48:45] Speaker D: Great. So you are headed into this office. You open the door, it is empty, and the light is off.
Would you like to roll investigation?
[00:48:55] Speaker A: I would love to roll investigation. I would also like to preface that I'm looking through things, but I'm also making sure that I'm not leaving a ton of obvious things behind. Like, I'm not tripping any wires, setting off any alarm things, if best I can.
[00:49:14] Speaker F: That's a 13 plus eleven for a 24.
[00:49:21] Speaker D: Yes.
You go into this office, and it's kind of set up similar to the president's office, though this guy's only got, like, one desk. Instead of the president, who kind of had, like, three sides of a square, he's got one desk with a chair, a bunch of shelves with books on them. But the thing that really stands out to you is a teleportation circle that has been drawn on a super large brochure map style piece of paper that is laid out on the floor.
So, yeah, that's the thing that stands out most.
[00:49:58] Speaker A: I absorb it with my keen mind.
Okay, I know I don't have to super claim keen mind, but just in case people forgot, can I make a sort of either, like, arcana or history check to see if I can figure out what the deal is?
[00:50:17] Speaker F: Like, where does it go?
[00:50:18] Speaker A: Is it like a leaving or. Okay, cool.
[00:50:22] Speaker D: Go for it.
[00:50:25] Speaker A: Dirty 20 arcana check.
[00:50:28] Speaker D: So this teleportation circle does not have any indicator of where it leads to or what it's linked to, which is very unlike most teleportation circles. They tend to link to a specific thing, and you can see that in the glyphs even if you don't know what it says, it typically is linked to one thing. This looks like a very portable teleportation circle. And you probably would have to have a secondary way of linking this one temporarily to another permanent one to be able to use it properly. And like all teleportation circles, it goes both ways. So someone could have left? Someone could have come in. You're not sure, but interesting.
[00:51:12] Speaker A: I'm going to start rifling through its shit.
[00:51:15] Speaker D: Okay, great.
Your investigation was 24 from before?
[00:51:19] Speaker F: 24?
[00:51:19] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:51:20] Speaker D: Cool. Yeah. You start going through the desks and the one thing that you find. Everything seems really on the level, but the one thing you find is a vial with a purple potion that has, like, black in it that looks like the one that Kylie had.
[00:51:40] Speaker F: I'm going to put it in the bag of holding.
[00:51:44] Speaker D: That's it to you in the office. There's no secret compartments or anything. Nothing else. Got you.
[00:51:52] Speaker E: Wow. The evil motherfucker really just had his shit lying out.
[00:51:56] Speaker A: I wish I had more spy things, but I don't. That's okay.
[00:52:03] Speaker F: Does he have any official sealed stationery.
[00:52:07] Speaker A: Like letters that have a stamp on it or anything like that?
[00:52:11] Speaker D: Or blank pieces of stamp?
[00:52:14] Speaker A: Yeah, because you know how deans and stuff, important people will have blank papers that are specific for them, that have their email address paper. Yeah, exactly.
[00:52:27] Speaker D: He has a stamp for this school.
Probably like the president would as well.
But most letters in this universe world aren't like preprinted names and stuff. They'll sign their names.
[00:52:42] Speaker A: Got you, or whatever.
[00:52:43] Speaker D: But typically important places have their own stamp for that.
[00:52:48] Speaker A: Cool.
[00:52:49] Speaker F: And does he have.
[00:52:51] Speaker A: Authorized documentation for, I don't know, budgeting or anything like that? That's just sort of like his own copy of, like, this is like my personal copy of something that I authorized for the school and stuff like that?
[00:53:03] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, definitely.
[00:53:05] Speaker A: Cool. I'm going to take a look at that paper. I'm going to look at a Signature. I'm going to take it in, I'm going to put it back. I'm going to take the school stamp, put it in the bag of holding, and I'm good.
[00:53:20] Speaker D: Ed, where are you? During an explosion, I think Ed is.
[00:53:26] Speaker G: Trying to keep an eye on the office, keep an eye on the room that's exploded, keep an eye on the classroom, just in case Melwyn needs help. And he's also kind of just like holding doors open.
[00:53:45] Speaker B: I feel like he's in a doorway from outside going inside at a point.
[00:53:51] Speaker G: Where he can see where Milo went and hopefully see this classroom, if that's possible.
[00:53:58] Speaker D: You can't see both at once. They're just at an.
Actually, technically, you could. If you were at one of the corners, you'd be very far away from the classroom. Milo is. Sorry. Jesus. You'd be very far away from the classroom that Melwyn is in. You'd be closer to Mila, but you could see them both. If you're like looking down two perpendicular hallways, I'll be there.
[00:54:21] Speaker G: That's fine.
[00:54:22] Speaker D: Lots of people pushing past you or just kind of trying to figure out what's going on.
Yeah. Do you want to make a perception check?
[00:54:29] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:54:31] Speaker G: Pretty good.
15 plus 419.
[00:54:35] Speaker D: Okay. There's nothing that really sticks out to you, clearly. You don't see the dean or anything like that. Everyone seems really genuinely a little bit frightened about what happened or just a little panicky because an explosion is scary.
I do think that compared to real life, they're not as panicked because I think explosions would probably happen more commonly in magic school. But an explosion that sounded as big as it was, even if it wasn't as big as it was, is likely to cause some panic. But you don't see anything, like in particular. Nobody's watching the office door except you.
No one seems to have seen Myla going in.
[00:55:16] Speaker G: Cool.
[00:55:17] Speaker D: Melan, you're in this classroom. Sound of the classroom. There's like scorch marks coming from every direction of you.
We. What do you want to do?
[00:55:25] Speaker E: Is there a window?
[00:55:27] Speaker D: Yeah. You can go out the window.
[00:55:29] Speaker E: Yeah. Melan's stomachurgying that shit open and getting the fuck out if she can.
[00:55:35] Speaker D: So Melwyn's out.
[00:55:36] Speaker E: If she can get out, she's going to do the same thing again just from outside. And then she's going to book it.
[00:55:42] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:55:44] Speaker E: I'll burn two third level spell slots.
[00:55:46] Speaker A: Don't think I. Yeah, do it. Mega.
[00:55:50] Speaker B: Where's your tuition money going now?
[00:55:54] Speaker E: She won't do the explosion sound just because I don't want to burn too many sorcery points because I only have so many of those before. A long rest.
[00:56:00] Speaker A: But okay.
[00:56:02] Speaker F: You could quicken spell the thomatergy and only spend one sorcery point.
[00:56:05] Speaker E: Quickenspell is two sorcery points. No matter.
[00:56:08] Speaker A: Or two sorcery points. Yeah.
[00:56:11] Speaker E: Oh, got you to use the metamagic. It is two sorcery points for that. One twin spelled is one.
[00:56:19] Speaker A: Gotcha.
[00:56:20] Speaker C: Sneaky, y'all. And your sorcerer knowledge.
[00:56:24] Speaker E: I know my fucking build.
[00:56:27] Speaker D: I love sorcery points.
[00:56:28] Speaker A: It makes spell casting so much more silly.
[00:56:31] Speaker F: Goofy.
[00:56:31] Speaker A: Ha ha.
[00:56:34] Speaker D: So post explosion, Melan sets off another.
[00:56:37] Speaker E: Fireball and then books it toward the artisan guild if she can.
[00:56:41] Speaker A: Okay, great.
[00:56:43] Speaker D: You have certainly caused both an indoor and outdoor ruckus.
[00:56:47] Speaker E: I mean, she would have cast it in the classroom again, like at the.
[00:56:52] Speaker D: Corner or something, like as you're leaving from the window.
60 foot range. All right, great.
There is still some outside ruckus because people outside the university are hearing this as well. But it's super easy to slip into the crowd and try to get away from this thing. So you can definitely do that. How is everyone else getting out?
[00:57:17] Speaker C: I think Auden is maybe going to escort a couple. Like, if she sees anybody who's stuck, she'll try and usher them elsewhere away from the explosion as best as she's able. And I think she's kind of like wildly. Like, her eyes are darting around looking to find Melwyn and like, oh, my gosh, she exploded.
[00:57:43] Speaker A: She just went in there and popped.
[00:57:46] Speaker C: I think that she'll just kind of, like, after she gets anyone who seems to be in any immediate danger out, she'll follow the evacuation that is happening.
[00:57:57] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:57:58] Speaker G: I'm right by the door, so I'm quick and easy. Unless he sees Myla needing help getting out, in which case he would stay and help Myla. But I think Myla's leaving a different.
[00:58:13] Speaker A: She's actually probably going out the window. No, I'm actually going to come back out the door because I'm pretty sure the window still is arcane locked and it's fine. I lock it from close the door.
[00:58:28] Speaker D: And say, okay, can you roll a stealth check on the way out?
[00:58:37] Speaker A: Whoa. It's a good thing I have advantage on that because one of them was a 118.
[00:58:46] Speaker D: Easy peasy. I think you just make it look like you just pass it off. Super nice. Make it your way out of the building as well.
[00:58:55] Speaker A: I pass by model two.
I sort of do the head up.
[00:59:01] Speaker F: Nod to it at the door.
[00:59:03] Speaker A: We're good. Cool.
[00:59:05] Speaker D: You guys meet up at the artisan guild?
Are you inside or outside? Me? Everybody? You guys all just meet up again.
[00:59:13] Speaker C: Aden would probably be out to see people rocking up because she got out earlier than ID and Mila, so she'd probably be know keeping an eye out for the buds.
[00:59:25] Speaker D: Yeah, that's fine. Great. You guys are in the artisans guild. Little gardeny area.
What'd you like to do?
[00:59:35] Speaker G: What'd you find?
[00:59:36] Speaker A: I got some stuff.
[00:59:39] Speaker F: Okay.
There was a teleportation circle and I'll.
[00:59:42] Speaker A: Take out one of my myriad of loose sheets of paper, and I'll start drawing it.
[00:59:49] Speaker F: It was weird. It wasn't like it was anchored to one particular point, necessarily.
It almost like it was portable. Almost kind of weird.
[01:00:03] Speaker A: And she'll relay all the information she found out about that.
[01:00:05] Speaker F: So there's that. I didn't touch that. But I did take two things, and.
[01:00:12] Speaker A: I'll pull out the vial, I'll hand it to Ed.
[01:00:16] Speaker F: Say, you're the goop boy here.
[01:00:21] Speaker B: Am I supposed to do with.
[01:00:25] Speaker F: Know?
[01:00:25] Speaker A: I don't.
[01:00:26] Speaker E: I have the other one. Why are you handing him this one?
[01:00:33] Speaker A: She just feels like she has to at this point, so she hands it to Ed there.
[01:00:38] Speaker E: She's like dead magic in that. Whatever. I give it.
[01:00:42] Speaker A: And I also take out.
[01:00:44] Speaker F: I also got this.
[01:00:45] Speaker A: And I'll pull out the official rubber stamp for his stationery.
[01:00:49] Speaker F: I'll say, I can also now forge his signature from memory.
[01:00:53] Speaker C: Wow.
[01:00:54] Speaker G: Okay.
No keo evidence or anything like that?
[01:01:01] Speaker F: No, that's all I found. But if we can write a letter that's like, oh, my gosh. We need to transport him to this site or compromise. Where are you?
I'm not good at talking to people, so I don't know what would be good with that.
[01:01:24] Speaker G: And then we'd intercept the response. Mail.
[01:01:29] Speaker F: Yes.
Mail fraud is actually really easy when you think about.
[01:01:36] Speaker E: We at spells and whistles do not condone mail fraud.
[01:01:40] Speaker A: We don't.
[01:01:43] Speaker C: Kia may have gotten away, right? I mean, they left that message for.
Was it for Lonan?
They left that message for Lonan saying that they were going to get out of town. I mean, do we know that they got nabbed or could they have gotten away?
[01:02:04] Speaker F: So my thought is that if somebody knew Kyo was leaving with the information he had, that's when they might have picked him up, because that's what they were. It's a common.
So. But that could be true, too.
[01:02:20] Speaker G: Takes us in opposite directions, doesn't it?
[01:02:24] Speaker F: Yeah.
[01:02:25] Speaker C: Speaking of mail, would it be worth it to send a letter to where they said they were going to be staying? Maybe Melvin can talk in brains now. Can you do that, like, long distance?
[01:02:39] Speaker F: Oh, you could talk in brains.
Like the mind player.
[01:02:46] Speaker D: Oh, message.
[01:02:48] Speaker F: Oh, that's so good to know.
I'm not the only one.
[01:02:53] Speaker D: What was your question, Ben?
[01:02:55] Speaker G: Is there a way that we can get mail while we're on the road, or would we have to wait somewhere for a response?
[01:03:02] Speaker D: No, I don't have a cool way that mail gets to you on the road.
[01:03:05] Speaker B: So if we send a letter to.
[01:03:09] Speaker G: Where Kyo was headed. Then we have to wait for a maybe response or who knows how.
[01:03:16] Speaker D: Yes.
[01:03:16] Speaker F: We could theoretically also map out how long that response would take. Theoretically. And then we could map out and see where we will be, depending where we're going to sort of intercept it.
[01:03:34] Speaker G: Sure.
But then we are committing to going in a direction before knowing the response to the letter.
[01:03:41] Speaker F: Yes.
[01:03:45] Speaker D: Also with, I think, collective information, you guys could figure out that the cipher noted that you'd have to ask somebody specific and say something specific and give them something specific for them to tell you that Kyo is there. So a letter is maybe only going to work if you have that key phrase and the item and you send it and you hope you get something.
Like, I think collectively you could all figure that out.
[01:04:13] Speaker E: It might be very difficult and, like, broadcasting that we are going to a location.
[01:04:19] Speaker D: Yeah.
[01:04:20] Speaker E: This is not a Melwin thing. This is fully a grace thing. Kind of a dumb ass move, frankly.
[01:04:25] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:04:26] Speaker E: You're basically just being like, hi.
[01:04:29] Speaker A: Hello.
[01:04:30] Speaker E: This is where we're going to be.
[01:04:33] Speaker F: What if the message was left for Lonan?
What if we have lonen go?
[01:04:43] Speaker G: That's a little bit smarter, I think.
[01:04:46] Speaker H: Depends on if they remember.
[01:04:48] Speaker C: I mean, the memories were coming back right slowly.
[01:04:53] Speaker H: And Lonan didn't remember anything about school.
[01:04:58] Speaker F: But they were like, I don't know. You'd think that you'd still remember your friends.
[01:05:06] Speaker H: I mean, you knew who Kyo was, but, yeah.
[01:05:10] Speaker F: So maybe he could go past raising.
[01:05:13] Speaker H: The item and also the fact that the family doesn't exactly have the best track record of keeping themselves safe.
[01:05:21] Speaker G: We could, at the very least, just send Lonan this message that Keo meant to get to Lonan anyway.
And we could include our own. Be careful. Don't do anything stupid.
[01:05:35] Speaker H: Addendum like a work.
[01:05:37] Speaker G: He doesn't remember anything. He doesn't have to do anything with it.
[01:05:40] Speaker F: Yeah.
[01:05:41] Speaker C: And we make our way toward the institute in the meantime.
[01:05:48] Speaker G: It's our other thread.
[01:05:50] Speaker C: We won't make you go, myla. But it may lead us somewhere where we can find some.
[01:06:04] Speaker F: Can, um. We can go find some answers.
I just want to make sure that we all leave, too.
[01:06:12] Speaker C: We will.
[01:06:14] Speaker D: Ben, could you make a constitution? Save for me.
[01:06:17] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:06:21] Speaker G: The role is 15 with my con, plus my aura is. Wow. I can't do math.
[01:06:27] Speaker A: What's 1523 plus my con, plus my aura?
[01:06:34] Speaker D: Yeah, you're fine. I rolled.
[01:06:36] Speaker A: Great.
[01:06:37] Speaker D: Fabulous.
[01:06:38] Speaker G: 23.
[01:06:39] Speaker D: That's it. We will do some travel, I think, in the next episode, probably.
[01:06:45] Speaker B: You're not going to say anything about that?
[01:06:48] Speaker D: No.
[01:06:49] Speaker G: Okay.
[01:06:50] Speaker C: You keep rolling too well on these constitution checks. We have no idea what's happening this entire time.
[01:06:55] Speaker A: Oh gosh.
[01:06:58] Speaker D: Yeah, we will find some things out, I guess.
[01:07:01] Speaker A: Next episode.
[01:07:03] Speaker D: I loved this.
[01:07:04] Speaker E: This was chaotic.
[01:07:05] Speaker D: It was fun.
I loved, it was great.
[01:07:08] Speaker C: Well, thanks for listening.
[01:07:12] Speaker A: Thanks everybody.
[01:07:13] Speaker D: We'll see you next time.
[01:07:16] Speaker A: Goodbye.
[01:07:16] Speaker D: Don't explode anything or steal mail.
[01:07:19] Speaker A: Okay, bye bye.
[01:07:22] Speaker G: Hello listeners. This is Ben. If you like what you just heard and want updates, trailers, or just to be informed when our new episodes come out, follow us on social media at spells and whistles pod on Instagram and TikTok, or at spells underscore whistles on Twitter. We also have a community discord where we do things like d d trivia, chat with our audience, get questions from our audience for things like bonus episodes. And if you really like what you have been hearing and you want more homebrew content or behind the scenes content, consider supporting us on Patreon. All the money that you give us there goes towards making spells and whistles even better than it is now. There's things like homebrew feats and weapons, bonus episodes and more.
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