Latest Episodes

Episode 9
December 17, 2023
3.09: Mixed Bag
Kind of a chicken and the egg situation, huh? Melwyn has her emotions back in the special Bag of Holding, but she can't decide...

Episode 8
December 10, 2023
3.08: A Puppet's Master
Arriving at the inn where Melwyn's story wiht her patron began, the party discovers that freeing Melwyn from her patron's bonds won't be as...

Episode 7
December 03, 2023
3.07: Every Bird Must Spread Its Wings
With Melwyn back to feeling nothing, the party must decide where to go next. With pressure from Melwyn's parents to seek out answers about...

Episode 6
November 26, 2023
3.06: What Is Harm?
With combat well under way, Myla, Id, Melwyn, and Oddyn continue to defend the house from it's assailants, and hope to get some information...

Episode 5
November 19, 2023
3.05: When Narratives Collide
Let's roll initiative! With the majority of Melywn's family's assailants approaching the homestead, the party immediately raises their guard and take action. However, it...

Episode 4
November 12, 2023
3.04: Picking Up the Pieces
After the explosion of the shed and the subsequent stabilization of Melwyn's family's home, the party takes some time to recover. Oddyn and Myla...