Episode 12

November 24, 2024


4.12: The Biggest Libraries are Obviously the Best Ones

4.12: The Biggest Libraries are Obviously the Best Ones
Spells and Whistles
4.12: The Biggest Libraries are Obviously the Best Ones

Nov 24 2024 | 01:15:25


Show Notes

With the group deciding to stay in Trela for a bit for some extra research and spell-writing, Id finds the people of the blue church in Vita surprisingly helpful, Oddyn tries to form a bond with a student of alchemy, and Myla and Melwyn make progress on some new spells. Unfortunately an old friend soon catches up to them...


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Cover Art: Incredicoon Studios (@incredicoonstudios on instagram)

Main Campaign Character Art: Madison Saxon (@msaxon.art on instagram, tik tok, and twitter)


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Anastasia (she/her) | Game Keeper 
- GK, Editor, and Discord Coordinator

Ben (he/him) | Id | follow on twitter
- Player and Music Team

Grace (she/they) | Melwyn | check out linktree
- Player, Editor, Lore Keeper, and Patreon Coordinator

Jay (she/her) | Myla | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Social Media Coordinator

Meg (they/she) | Oddyn | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Music Team

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:13] Speaker A: This. [00:00:13] Speaker B: So today, here's my intro bit. So today we. Today I got a knock on the door mid dnd session. Like two hours in. It's like a four hour session. And it's a maintenance guy who's coming to like, fix the air conditioning unit in my bedroom, which is great because it's been broken for like six months. And they keep like, quote unquote fixing it, and then it like breaks again, like a couple days later or whatever. So he finally comes in and fixes it and he ends up being here for like two hours. And during these two hours, somebody gets murdered very suddenly in the D and D game. Like, just like, random, right? And so now I'm talking about burying a body and stuff while this maintenance guy's in the other room trying to, like, fix my air conditioning unit. And I'm like, I wonder what he thinks I'm doing right now. [00:01:10] Speaker C: Like, truly, like, I mean, how did. [00:01:12] Speaker A: You think he was actually listening? That's the real question. [00:01:16] Speaker B: I mean, I am the only person in a very small apartment. [00:01:20] Speaker C: I am also so nosy and always am listening to people's conversations. Not even on purpose, but, like, I work, you know, at where I work. If people are like, having a conversation over in the corner, I can't help it. I just have to listen in. And I mean, D and D is a little more mainstream now. So maybe that crossed his mind. [00:01:41] Speaker B: Maybe he knows. But it was very bizarre. It's like, huh? [00:01:48] Speaker D: And like, video games, I do wonder. [00:01:50] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. But like, I'm just sitting on a call with some friends. Like, I'm at. He can see my computer screen when he walks through my front door. I'm clearly, like, not playing anything. I'm just sitting on a discord call. [00:02:05] Speaker E: That's when. That's when you're like, so where are we gonna bury the body? Says my half orc rogue barbarian multi class with a proficiency in strength and athletics. [00:02:24] Speaker C: That's so funny. [00:02:26] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Anyway, D and D out of context is crazy. It is. [00:02:32] Speaker A: So I am. I. I'm guesting over on Wanderer's Haven right now. It started today at time of recording, but this comes out in like two weeks, I want to say, so should still be relevant. [00:02:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:48] Speaker A: But I'm guesting over at Watershaven. I'm currently, unless I die in the near future, I'm currently playing a Kobold pit fighter named Nibbles who has a bad Brooklyn accent because I can't really do a Brooklyn accent. But it's been a stim voice Lately. So I was like, okay, so what if I take a stimulus and turn it into a bit, and therefore it's character? But we had two major recurring bits, which was, is there a guest list for this room that we need to sign? And we're gonna throw everything down the shitter. If you've ever played shadowdark, it's kind of like old school D and D a little bit, where everything is. It's one big dungeon crawl, but the game is very much against you, and everything can and will kill you. Nothing has dark vision. It's terrifying. We just. [00:03:46] Speaker D: So, like, all toward the end. [00:03:47] Speaker A: Yeah, no, it's just. It's. It's. It's. It was described to me similarly to, like, second edition or AD&D. It's actually quite fun. But also, holy shit, Nibbles probably going to be dead. And I'm going to bring back the same character with a different name and call him Dribbles, is my current plan for that. [00:04:10] Speaker C: I feel like both of those bits lend themselves really well to merch. Can you imagine a journal that's guest. [00:04:18] Speaker A: The guest list? [00:04:19] Speaker C: Yeah, that would be silly. [00:04:22] Speaker A: The funniest thing is both of those bits I brought up, neither of them were mine. My entire thing was just that I'm a little guy and I have an intelligence of six. [00:04:32] Speaker C: Someone stop. [00:04:33] Speaker A: So I'm also stupid, which. Y'all been playing D and D with me long enough. I don't play dumb characters. It is really fun to just be a little guy that goes up, hits like a fucking tank, and is not very smart. [00:04:47] Speaker C: I love it so much. It's so. It's so liberating to just be a dumb guy. [00:04:56] Speaker E: Stupid. [00:04:57] Speaker B: Speaking of dumb guys. [00:05:00] Speaker C: Who'S getting brought up for this? [00:05:04] Speaker B: I'm not talking about yarn. What? [00:05:07] Speaker A: What do you mean? [00:05:07] Speaker B: Okay. [00:05:08] Speaker E: I am. [00:05:08] Speaker B: All right. [00:05:09] Speaker A: Damn. [00:05:12] Speaker B: Hey, welcome back. Yeah, that and whatever. After leaving Ahri behind with arcanist Amali, the crew goes to Trayla by way of teleportation, courtesy of Amali. That was nice of them. They learn of Arendelle's potential whereabouts and decide they need more information before they can take on their foes again. And Trayla seems like a good place for that, so that's good. They find a place to crash for the night, probably the nicest place they've stayed since the beginning of this campaign. And Auden and Nadia bond over drinks and dancing, AKA clubbing. Wow. [00:05:54] Speaker A: Way to roast Melan's house. [00:05:57] Speaker B: Milo decides she needs to figure out what a best friend is. This is top priority. [00:06:02] Speaker E: Obviously. [00:06:04] Speaker B: So that's where we're at. It's the next. It's the next day in trailer. You guys, I think we're finding a library or going to find places to research. So there are multiple. But I assume you probably want to go to the biggest library in the city. [00:06:23] Speaker E: Best library? [00:06:26] Speaker B: Best, yeah, best library. Also probably the biggest one. [00:06:29] Speaker A: There's only one. [00:06:32] Speaker B: There are a couple like smaller libraries. Like this is a big city and they have kind of like, you know, district sort of libraries or like neighborhood kind of deals, you know, like public libraries do here. Right. You've got like, they're all kind of one big chain, but so that you have some like at least a little closer to you. But the best library in the city is pretty central. It is a very like large sort of Greek Pantheon looking building with like really tall columns and a pretty like short triangular roof, but very, you know, wide and long. You walk in and it's very grand in the way that it's presented. Everything is made of like, well, stained wood. There are a bunch of tables to read at with light sources, chairs, information desks, and then just, you know, books everywhere. There's like a second level with like a little walkway around the whole building. But pretty much everything you can see in this building is like big and in front of you. Right. So like you can see almost anywhere in the library except like between bookshelves. But it's all just like one big open space, essentially. [00:07:51] Speaker C: Let's consult our list. [00:07:53] Speaker E: Our list because we were good D and D players and we sent the list. [00:08:00] Speaker C: Never mind the fact that it was less than 24 hours before the session. [00:08:05] Speaker B: That's okay because I'm the best DM ever and I have everything for you, so it's okay. [00:08:11] Speaker C: Could on the way over, Auden kind of keep her eyes out for like a little bodega shop thing that might have like a local paper or like. Is newspaper canonical? 11 foot sandwich. Mayhaps for a study sesh. Yeah, yeah. [00:08:26] Speaker B: Newspaper is canonical. Yeah, there's. You can get a newspaper wherever you want. [00:08:32] Speaker C: Great. She is just going to grab it so she has it and kind of start like picking our way through it as we head over to the library looking for like, I know we have that new opal from Amali about like where these little things are popping up, but just to see if anyone is like reporting on it. Any instances of Erendril and, or his minions and. Or their mysterious sneaky secret sign. [00:08:59] Speaker B: Yeah, it doesn't look like anything here, Chela. I think Based on that, like opal that you have and whatever hasn't really been touched yet. So. And this like news travels, but it's a lot of like more regional type news and not like world news. So far, apparently no one seems to think that it is like a major world threat, so. So. Or the people that do think that are now no longer have their own free will or that kind of thing. So it's, you know, who knows? But yeah, it doesn't seem to be reported on. Everything seems relatively local to the country or few surrounding countries. [00:09:44] Speaker C: I think as they're walking, she's just going to say, whoa, like five trespassers at the Tree National Park. Who would do something like that? [00:09:53] Speaker E: Does it, does it have physical descriptions? [00:09:57] Speaker C: Cheryl? [00:09:59] Speaker B: Sure. [00:10:02] Speaker C: I typed 2d O instead of D20. I am a sleepy nappy individual today. Okay. What? I'm just going to say that's a luck roll and that's a four, so I think it does. [00:10:17] Speaker B: Yeah. So probably. Yeah. [00:10:19] Speaker C: Oh, I think that was us. Oops. [00:10:22] Speaker E: Yeah, that makes sense. [00:10:24] Speaker F: That was definitely us. [00:10:25] Speaker C: Well, good thing we won't go back there. So. We'll be fine. Anyway, the library. [00:10:29] Speaker A: Wow. [00:10:29] Speaker C: It's so huge. [00:10:31] Speaker D: Yeah, this place is really big. [00:10:34] Speaker E: It's perfect. [00:10:37] Speaker F: Divide and conquer maybe. [00:10:39] Speaker E: Sure. I can start looking into the magical stuff. [00:10:44] Speaker A: Where is our list? Hold that point. [00:10:46] Speaker E: That's insane. I did also make a Google Doc to. To start keeping track of it, so. [00:10:51] Speaker B: I'll send it back too. [00:10:52] Speaker E: Yeah, like literally just now. [00:10:55] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:56] Speaker E: Just for you, Jay. [00:10:58] Speaker A: I love you. [00:10:59] Speaker E: Thanks. [00:11:00] Speaker A: What is Melan good at? [00:11:02] Speaker C: I don't know, Melly. In our scheming that we did last night altogether, I was thinking your dads do a lot of magic and invention and stuff. Do they ever do inventing magic where they are like making up new spells? [00:11:21] Speaker F: Somewhat. Both of them are a little bit more focused on sort of like the little trinkets that you saw everywhere in the house. Okay. [00:11:33] Speaker C: That might be like adjacent. So maybe we can look for stuff kind of about that. I can go ask a librarian. She like, looks around this huge building. [00:11:43] Speaker B: There's multiple. Yeah, there's people putting books away. There's people behind the counters. There's someone like cleaning up a desk in which somebody left a bunch of books. [00:11:52] Speaker F: Myla, I'm pretty sure that every one of these things on our list are magic related. So specify a little bit. What are you doing? [00:12:04] Speaker E: Oh. So Myla sort of grabs the crumpled up paper list that we all have. Questionnaire, just loose pieces of notes. [00:12:14] Speaker B: Yeah, it's on the back of your questionnaire. [00:12:16] Speaker E: Someone left a questionnaire about that? That's so weird. She holds it in front of her face and reads it. I think I would really like to look into specifically trying to negate spell, like, abilities. And looking into the. And looking into, like, maybe I could. I don't know. They keep saying that I, like, consume purple magic, so maybe I can find ways to, like, consume their purple magic and, like, make it less or make it different or make it not at all. [00:12:48] Speaker A: Melon summon. Melon summons her scribe, Quill, and just writes in the corner of her notebook. [00:12:54] Speaker F: Nyla wants to eat more magic. [00:12:59] Speaker E: Yes. [00:12:59] Speaker C: I imagine it's like grape Kool Aid flavored. [00:13:04] Speaker E: But it's like spark. Like. Like. Like soda. Like carbon. [00:13:07] Speaker C: Like, sodas. Soda spray. Soda spray. What's the thing where you. Okay, I got you. I got you. [00:13:17] Speaker F: I might be able to help research into the negating spell like abilities, because I already know how to negate spells, so it can't be too much of a lead, right? [00:13:28] Speaker E: Ooh. Yeah, that's fair. [00:13:29] Speaker D: Um, I'm not very good at researching. Do you guys need me here? [00:13:34] Speaker F: I mean, you're better at it than you think you are, but what did you have in mind? [00:13:39] Speaker D: Well, when we heard that and saw that Erendrill had a lot of undead accomplices, I. I started looking for answers to that. And I think I can, like, make a barrier with the black goopy stuff, but it takes a long time because I have to, like. I don't know. Mila taught me about, like, drawing things with magic letters, and I have to do that with the goopy stuff. So maybe I could go ask some, like, holy people if they have a way to do it faster. Or I could also just, like, go trained some more. That's never harmful. [00:14:22] Speaker A: This is the magic circle thing you're talking about, right? [00:14:25] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:14:26] Speaker A: Is that a ritual spell, or am I. [00:14:29] Speaker D: It just has a casting time of a minute. It's not a ritual spell. And even if it was, paladins can't do it as a ritual. [00:14:37] Speaker A: I was going to say if it was a ritual spell. Scribes, wizards have this crazy, weird thing where they can just cast a ritual spell as an action. [00:14:45] Speaker D: As far as I know, it is. [00:14:47] Speaker B: Not a ritual spell. It's just a minute. [00:14:48] Speaker F: Yeah, you might be better off asking a wizard about that, actually. [00:14:53] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [00:14:55] Speaker F: Because I can do something kind of like that with some spells where I can just make it happen faster than it's supposed to be. [00:15:02] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:15:03] Speaker F: Okay. And there's some wizards that can do that and some wizards that can't. But just, you know, be careful because of the whole. [00:15:10] Speaker A: She'll just gesture to all of ID and then all of Myla, right? [00:15:15] Speaker E: Yeah. Myla's going to turn to Nadia and is going to say, do you know any wizards around here? Or, like, anyone around here? You seem well traveled. [00:15:26] Speaker B: No, I've never been here. [00:15:27] Speaker F: Do we have any way disguise. [00:15:29] Speaker E: Oh, never mind then. [00:15:30] Speaker D: So, yeah, maybe. Well, I know that it's like a. It's a protective thing, so I thought that maybe holy people would be the people to go to first. And then maybe if I go there, then they'll. That'll be locals, and they could point me towards a wizard if they think that that'll be the answer. [00:15:47] Speaker F: That's definitely true. And there are some clerics that kind of lean more toward the arcane than they do toward divinity. So that can be kind of. What? Yeah, just go to a church. [00:16:00] Speaker D: Yeah, cool. I'll ask about that. And we'll go over to, like, the library, front desk, and, like, ask for directions. [00:16:06] Speaker F: Probably a blue church, because that's all of the knowledge stuff. [00:16:09] Speaker D: Good point. And then turns back to the person. [00:16:12] Speaker A: Did you. [00:16:14] Speaker B: Yeah, you get. You get yelling across. [00:16:19] Speaker D: Awesome. Yeah, it goes and finds a. I guess a blue church first. [00:16:25] Speaker E: Okay. [00:16:26] Speaker C: I think Auden was right behind the desk when ID was doing. And as soon as he leaves, she's standing there, like, a big, pointy, toothy grin. She's like, hi. Do you have any resources on how to make my own magic? [00:16:41] Speaker B: Yeah, it's really hard to do that. Like, that's. That's. People spend their lives, like, learning how to do that. [00:16:50] Speaker C: Okay, where would one, like, start? [00:16:52] Speaker B: We have that section over there. She just kind of points to, like, great, A little section. Or, you know, you could go to the school in the city. [00:17:04] Speaker C: She nods enthusiastically. Thank you very much. She's gonna go back to Myla and Melwyn. She's gonna say, I'm gonna be hanging out over there for a little bit, looking at some stuff. And then if that doesn't get me anywhere, then I will take a little trip to the school, probably the building kind, and do a little more research into making up spells. [00:17:34] Speaker E: Um, if you go to the school, don't go alone, please. [00:17:39] Speaker A: Okay. [00:17:41] Speaker E: Just in case. [00:17:42] Speaker C: Nadia, where are you gonna be? Do you wanna come to the school with me later? [00:17:46] Speaker B: Sure. [00:17:47] Speaker A: Party pals. Party pals. [00:17:48] Speaker B: Let's go. [00:17:49] Speaker C: Party pals. [00:17:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:17:52] Speaker C: They would totally be in the worst sorority ever. [00:17:56] Speaker A: Or the best. Depends on how you look. At it. [00:17:58] Speaker E: If you need help with, like, your own magic stuff, let me know, because let's. I've sort of. Well, not like my own. My own magic, but, like, I've learned different types of magic before. [00:18:09] Speaker C: Oh, not for me. Just, like, what are the rules about inventing your own spells and stuff? Because, you know, if the stuff we have isn't. Isn't working, then maybe we can find some and make up some stuff it does. So I don't know. I'll try and wrap my brain around it. We'll see what happens. [00:18:24] Speaker E: That's a good idea. [00:18:26] Speaker B: Okay, so we know where everyone's going. Let's start with Id going to a blue church. It's not hard to find. The bricks are actually just blue instead. Like, they've all been like, the concrete had been dyed before making the bricks cool. So. And it's. It's like it has now faded weirdly so that, like, some of the more top sections of the church are, like, a lighter blue than, like, the bottom section. So it's kind of like this ombre effect going on. But it does look a little bit more like what we would can picture as, like, a typical chapel with, like, pointier spires kind of deal. And you head inside. It's like middle of the day, so there's not really very many people there. There's not, like, any kind of service going on or anything like that. This one looks different on the inside than the place you visited in a spy. This one doesn't have any like. Like, it doesn't seem like they do any kind of like. Like, church service together, like the nospi. It's more like a place for praying or experimentation or both. It's a weird mix of a lab and a prayer space. So there's just kind of stuff everywhere. And then also a statue of what you assume to be the God of blue magic, or at least a very, like, old depiction of it. Her name is Satya S A T Y A with, like, very, like, long blue robes. It does look like it's made out of something like lapis or something like that. Like, it's. It's kind of got, like, a stone texture and not, like a gem texture. But yeah, there's someone kind of just like there are a couple people in there, like, kind of bouncing back and forth between, like, a meditative state and then, like, getting up and, like, working on something and then, like, sitting back down and, like, meditating again. Cool. But there is somebody who's like, cleaning up a bunch of spaces and Stuff. [00:20:48] Speaker D: Great. I think Id kind of just like enters, looks up at the big statue and goes, hey, they're really tall. Okay. And then he goes over to the person who's like, helping to clean up the space. [00:21:01] Speaker B: Hi, how can I help you? [00:21:03] Speaker D: Hi. I'm not a holy person, but we are potentially gonna go face some big challenges soon. And I know this kind of magic, but it takes a really long time and I can't do it in the heat of battle. And it would be extremely difficult to do it somewhere beforehand and then get somebody else. Like, bring the fight to us. Doesn't really make sense. Do you know any way to do that kind of thing faster? [00:21:38] Speaker B: Well, if. Maybe if you were more specific. Like what? [00:21:43] Speaker D: I think it's similar to, like, magic circle based on what my friend told me. [00:21:48] Speaker B: Okay. [00:21:48] Speaker D: I can, like, show you how I cast it if you want. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Yeah, that'd be helpful. Yeah, let's do that here. Sure. [00:21:55] Speaker D: Ed takes two fingers and activates his gag reflex and barfs a bunch of black onto the ground and then sticks his fingers in it and starts, like, drawing runes in a circle. [00:22:05] Speaker B: Why do you do this, Anna? [00:22:08] Speaker A: I just, like, shriek laughed. I'm so sorry because I saw that. You got anything? Holy shit. [00:22:16] Speaker E: It's really funny. I'm going to tee out for a quick second for a 30 second monologue. One of my favorite things about playing D and D games with Ben is that he flavors everything, no matter what he does, whether he's doing a fighter, a magic person, something in between. And as you all know in this podcast, he's been very good about flavoring these spells. Never in a million years did I ever think I would look Ben in the eyes while he says in, puts two fingers in his mouth and triggers his gas reflex, barfs up a bunch of goo and starts drawing roots in a circle. [00:22:51] Speaker C: I know we usually praise it, but this time I feel like shun, shun. [00:22:55] Speaker E: Like, I was already sorry. [00:22:58] Speaker D: Maybe we could put a TW at the beginning of this one. [00:23:01] Speaker C: We probably might. For a metaphobia. [00:23:03] Speaker B: Heard he's been. I can tell by the way you said it, he's been waiting to say that exact flavor. That. That wasn't off the cuff. He's been waiting for who knows how. [00:23:14] Speaker A: Long to say that. [00:23:15] Speaker C: Look at that smug little grin. [00:23:18] Speaker B: Oh, God. All right. Anyway, she also kind of goes a little bit before realizing that was probably a little rude, but also, like, she knows that she's gonna have to clean it up. [00:23:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:23:31] Speaker A: And so she's like prestidigitation Bitch watching. [00:23:35] Speaker B: You like draw all over. Because it's a 10 foot radius, so. [00:23:39] Speaker D: It'S a 12 circle and it's going. The last time I did it, it evaporated at the end of the spell. So I think you're good. [00:23:48] Speaker B: Okay. You finished casting and Yeah, I mean, I guess technically you have to pick a target group type. [00:23:56] Speaker D: Yeah, I think he's completely focused on undead. Like that's what Arian Troll is gonna have on his side. So he just is choosing undead. [00:24:04] Speaker B: Okay, well, on the good side, the three people in here are not undead, so there's that. You'd be a little screwed over if she like popped out of the circle. [00:24:12] Speaker D: That'd be so funny. [00:24:13] Speaker B: No, that would be funny. My secret bbg. No. So you do this. It doesn't like seem to have any effect on the people inside, so that's good. But yeah, she kind of like looks at it and then she goes. She's like, give me a minute. And she goes over and does the same kind of meditation, prayer sort of deal. And it like she's there for like 10 minutes. [00:24:38] Speaker D: I think at like minute three, it goes over to like the spot closest to hers and also sits down and just like watches. Like, he doesn't know how meditation works. He's never done that shit. So he's just like, what is happening right now? [00:24:50] Speaker A: Yeah, it shows. [00:24:51] Speaker B: Yeah. She does not move for the next like seven minutes until, you know, like ten minutes or so. She kind of like opens her eyes. Are you like staring her down? [00:25:01] Speaker D: Yeah, he doesn't know what's going on. [00:25:02] Speaker B: Okay. She like opens her eyes and goes like recoils back a little bit because you are staring at her. But she just gets up and kind of takes like a lap around to like look at all these runes and stuff and goes, okay, well, there are like magic items out there that would like, if you do it earlier in the day, you can like basically give it to somebody or you can keep it for yourself and then like do it later at a faster time. [00:25:35] Speaker D: Got it. Okay. [00:25:36] Speaker B: Because you like already spent the time or you could use more energy to do it. [00:25:43] Speaker A: Spell storing would work for that. [00:25:46] Speaker B: Like mechanically. Like if you used a fifth level spell slot, you can cast that in action. Like, I'll let you do that. [00:25:55] Speaker D: I only have. [00:25:55] Speaker B: Casting it as an action is a. That's fine. Casting it as an action is a big deal. So like. [00:26:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:26:01] Speaker B: You'd have to upcast it. [00:26:03] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:26:03] Speaker B: To do that. And you wouldn't get any of the other benefits of like quote unquote upcasting the spell. [00:26:08] Speaker D: Right. [00:26:09] Speaker B: Because you're already. You're like, reducing the time. Time by 54 seconds, so for sure. Yeah. But other mechanics, basically, like, she's telling you that, like a ring of spell storing. I would rule it that way. [00:26:25] Speaker D: Yeah. That's pretty sweet. And that's a good point, too. [00:26:28] Speaker B: If you want to put one in a ring of spell storing, you can, like, trigger it as an action. Yeah. [00:26:34] Speaker D: Okay. It goes. [00:26:36] Speaker B: All right. [00:26:37] Speaker D: Yeah, that works. I don't know if I can, like, I have stronger magic in me, but that, like, saving it for a later thing makes sense. Do you know where I could, like, get something like that? [00:26:49] Speaker B: I mean, we make stuff here sometimes, but it's really. It's like a really personal process. So we kind of just make stuff for ourselves. [00:26:57] Speaker D: That's fair. [00:26:57] Speaker B: I know some people do sell it, but. So there are a couple people here that you might be able to talk to. I know there are a couple of. There are a lot of very powerful magic people at the school, so a lot of people there could probably do it. There are also a few magic shops in town that just sell magical items. [00:27:20] Speaker D: Okay, well, thank you. That was, no offense, a lot more helpful than I thought it was going to be. [00:27:30] Speaker A: Same. Honestly, I don't know. [00:27:31] Speaker D: I'm not in church as often, but thank you. And ID will go around to all the shops and see if people have, like, something like that. And he only has 40 gold, so he's probably gonna have to, like, write down a bunch of prices and then, like, bring it back to the group and be like, hello, can I get money, please? [00:27:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:27:52] Speaker A: Doesn't each of us have a little chunk of the lustgite that we got? So you have that that you can use as money? [00:27:59] Speaker D: I don't. All right, well, I'll. I have to go around and ask people for prices. So how much would something like that cost on the stage? [00:28:08] Speaker B: So for the most part, you walk around and it seems like around like a thousand. [00:28:13] Speaker C: Okay. [00:28:15] Speaker B: Like, it's expensive. There is somebody who's willing, like somebody at the school you go to, like, just kind of take a quick, like, ask around. [00:28:25] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:28:25] Speaker B: And it seems like there's somebody. You didn't meet this person. You're, like, talking with other people who know this person. But it seems like if you were to provide, like, a lot of the materials and, like, were also there to assist them, they would sell it to you for 300. But you'd have to, like, provide a lot of the stuff. [00:28:44] Speaker D: I think ID will Take that information back to the library and find the buddies and ask what they think. [00:28:51] Speaker B: Let's go back to the library. So who wants to go first? [00:28:54] Speaker C: I can go. [00:28:56] Speaker B: Great. [00:28:57] Speaker C: Auden's gonna flap, flap, flap, flap all the way over to the section that the librarian pointed out. And first order of business, she wants to look around and see if there's anybody else here in this area that seems to be studying the same thing that she's looking for. She knows that she is not the brightest. So my goal here is to charismo my way into information. [00:29:20] Speaker B: Yeah. Make a perception check. [00:29:22] Speaker C: Okay. Perception check. Oh, I accidentally deleted my dice. Okay. Investigation, if you want it, will be perception, Let me tell you. 17. [00:29:34] Speaker B: Okay. It looks like there's maybe, like, a student from the school who has come here to, like, pick out books from this section as well. [00:29:43] Speaker C: She's going to kind of start perusing the shelves, and she's gonna keep an eye on this student until it looks like they are taking a break or something, like not in the throes of academia. And then once that happens, she's gonna pick whatever looks like the biggest book she can find. She's gonna sit down at the table with them, have it split up, and be like, wow, this has been. Wow. There's just so much to learn in so little time. [00:30:13] Speaker B: I know, right? It's crazy. [00:30:15] Speaker C: Mm. [00:30:16] Speaker B: It looks like they have, like, seven, eight books, like, stacked. [00:30:21] Speaker C: How is your studying going? [00:30:23] Speaker B: Good. Yeah. I mean, I got a final next week, but should be okay. I think we're doing all right. [00:30:32] Speaker C: That's cool. What are you studying? A final full. [00:30:35] Speaker B: Yeah, it's my alchemy and crafting class. [00:30:40] Speaker C: Oh, that's very cool. How are you feeling? Are you ready? [00:30:44] Speaker B: I think so. I don't know. I mean, I have, like, a week, so. [00:30:50] Speaker C: Well, I heard someone once say that the best way to make sure you really know something is to try and, like, teach it. I. I heard someone say that once upon a time. So if you. If you want to just kind of talk about it and, you know, I can act like I don't know anything about it and make sure that you really know it, if that would be helpful. [00:31:10] Speaker B: Uh, sure. Yeah. [00:31:12] Speaker C: Auden's gonna be ready with, like, a quill to just jot as much down as possible from this individual to take your. [00:31:21] Speaker B: You're trying to just learn about making your own spells, like, how that works. [00:31:24] Speaker C: Yes. Mm. [00:31:26] Speaker B: Okay. Can you roll a persuasion check? [00:31:30] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:31:31] Speaker B: I just want to see how well you, like, guide the conversation in that way. We don't have to roleplay the whole thing because they talk to you for, like, hours. [00:31:38] Speaker A: But, oh, I rolled so poorly. [00:31:41] Speaker C: And I only have a plus two. It's only a six. [00:31:44] Speaker B: A lot of this is talking about literal crafting. I mean, some magical crafting, right? Like mending spells or things coming from nothing kind of spells. But a lot of it is mixing magic with component pieces to make stuff. So it's not. It's probably something Milo would be very interested in, or at least, like, knows a ton of it already, even. Probably. But all you really get from it is that, like, putting magic into something else sometimes changes the properties of what it does. Right. But they don't talk to you specifically about creating new spells or anything like that, but that you can sometimes redirect what a spell might do. [00:32:45] Speaker C: I think that she kind of deflates a little bit as soon as she realizes that it's not exactly what she's looking for. But then she, like, figurative smoke starts kind of coming out of her ear. So she's trying really hard to turn it into something that we can use. And I think that she kind of starts kind of scribbling stuff down on her own of potential kind of ideas of, like, okay, well, if it's a matter of imbuing, maybe we change the components of a spell and see what happens. Or if it's like, you know, and just kind of like, if it's a. If it's like, a recipe or something, like, if we make substitutions, that can affect the outcome. So how can we turn that into, like, a magical parallel? And I think as she's, like, writing it down, she kind of starts, like, jotting down, like, recipes, like, she may have seen Melwyn carrying around of, like. Well, I've seen mail use, you know, you know, whatever, like, tin in this one. So if I. If we try it with a different, you know, whatever, and start, like, just kind of, like, as best as she can. [00:33:56] Speaker B: You're brainstorming. [00:33:56] Speaker E: I love that. [00:33:57] Speaker C: Yeah, she's scheming, so we'll see how far that gets her. [00:34:01] Speaker B: Awesome. [00:34:02] Speaker C: And then, yeah, she'll kind of prep and ready to go to the school. If we can do that after other people's stuff or we can do that now. [00:34:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Let's go to what Melwyn's looking for. Are you helping Myla? I'm sorry. [00:34:19] Speaker A: So Myla's looking at. And correct me if I'm wrong, Jay, because obviously this is your thing. Myla's looking at researching how to consume magic and how that Works for her or investimigating into how she eats magic. [00:34:35] Speaker E: Yeah, basically how to better consume magic. And not only that, but because we. We know that they use magic like abilities without actually casting spells. And like you said earlier, Grace, like, there's ways to counter magic spells, but if she can find a way to, like, consume, obviously this guy's using a bunch of purple magic. So if there's a way for her to, like, consume the purple magic within those abilities, maybe she could either lessen them or negate them or something. And in a way that would be beneficial. And something Milo's looking for is also, while she's looking at all this is she wants to see how she can retain that and make. Try to, like, use that consumed magic to, like, boost her own abilities. But she didn't tell other people about that because she's scared they'll think she's weird. [00:35:26] Speaker B: Sure. And then Melon. [00:35:29] Speaker A: Yeah, Melon has access. So Melon has access to both divine magic and arcane magic because she's a scribes wizard and a divine soul sorcerer. TL doctor. Is she weird? So Melon is focusing less on, like, Myla's whole consuming magic thing because obviously that's not something she can really do and more of, like, she already knows how to counterspell. She already knows how to dispel magic and shows she wants to try and figure out a way to counter the spell like abilities that she can't counter currently. So there is some overlap in what Myla and Moen are looking into. So I think they pull a couple of the same books or are looking in somewhat the same section, and then they quickly kind of diverge from there. [00:36:16] Speaker B: Cool. Let's do separate roles then. Let's have Melon go first. Need some arcana roles. [00:36:23] Speaker A: Let me remind myself, do I have. [00:36:26] Speaker F: Guidance on this character or did I make that up? [00:36:29] Speaker A: I doubt it's another character. I'm thinking Baldur's Gate. I'm thinking Guiding Bolt. None of the above. [00:36:36] Speaker E: Hmm. [00:36:37] Speaker A: Arcana roll. [00:36:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:39] Speaker A: Yay. [00:36:39] Speaker F: Melon is who did those? [00:36:41] Speaker A: Oh, my God. That's a natural 20. So 28 for Arcana from Melon. [00:36:47] Speaker B: Okay. So you know that you could pay someone to come up with something like this. It would take a lot of time. You could do it. It would mean that you wouldn't have to do the work. Something like this would probably cost 3,500 gold pieces because someone would have to be working on it a lot, like, pretty much as their full time. And also, it's a very niche ability to be able to create new spells with an ATT 20, you could do it yourself. It's gonna take, like, two full weeks, but you wouldn't have to pay for it. So there's that. This isn't, like, specific to Melwyn or specific to this spell. Creating spells is a lot of work. [00:37:30] Speaker A: Yeah, no shit. [00:37:31] Speaker B: Like, regardless of who the hell's doing it, it takes a long time to do so. So, like, this isn't gonna be built in a day. [00:37:40] Speaker A: Who's the. Who the fuck is the deity of blue magic? I know it's in Resources. [00:37:45] Speaker B: That's Satya. [00:37:46] Speaker A: Thank you. So methinks. Mayhaps Grace is in too many games at the moment and almost said, I'm gonna go to a church of Corellon. Nope, not this game. Who, if people don't know D and D gods, is a deity of, like, arcane knowledge, basically in DND lore. Fair. [00:38:13] Speaker B: No, I know. And I throw you a curveball by not doing anything canonically. [00:38:18] Speaker F: It's fine. It's fine. It's very cool and very creative. I just complete a lot of things. [00:38:23] Speaker A: Because I have a small brain. So I think Melon would end up comparing notes with Myla briefly and being. [00:38:32] Speaker F: Like, hello, I have found this, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So, basically, I think I might be able to do it myself. [00:38:46] Speaker A: This is me remembering that melon has a 19 intelligence and therefore actually might be quite good at this. [00:38:53] Speaker F: So I might be able to come up with my own method of doing things because magic's weird, and my magic's a little bit weird. So, long story short, I'm gonna go to the church. Probably the same blue church that ID went to. So if it comes back, I'll probably just ask him where that was. [00:39:14] Speaker E: Okay. [00:39:16] Speaker F: The downside is it would take, like, two full weeks. I don't know how much time we have. [00:39:23] Speaker E: Okay, well, what if we did it together? Do you think that would cut down. I mean, that's gotta cut down some of the time, right? Not like a ton, but, like, if there's two people working on the same thing and working towards a common goal. [00:39:33] Speaker F: Then it probably would. But I know you're trying to do your own thing, so. [00:39:38] Speaker E: Well, I mean, I feel like this is kind of all of our thing is, like, killing this bitch. Right. [00:39:45] Speaker F: But I. I know you were specifically trying to figure out the whole you eat magic thing. [00:39:53] Speaker E: I think you'd be surprised how many things I can focus on at once. [00:39:57] Speaker F: Fair enough. What have you found so far? [00:40:00] Speaker E: Well, let me show you. [00:40:03] Speaker B: Yeah, well, it's give me a roll. [00:40:05] Speaker E: Amazing. [00:40:06] Speaker B: Also an arcana. [00:40:08] Speaker E: Okay. An arcana. [00:40:08] Speaker B: Check. [00:40:09] Speaker E: Heard. Heard. I am going to. In preparation for this and knowing that this is what I was born to do. As I'm sitting down, I think Miley gets a little distracted and looks off a little bit and then comes back to herself. And then the tips of the baby hairs on her head flash a tiny bit of brighter blue and a little bit of indigo. And she's going to enhance ability on herself for intelligence checks for an hour. [00:40:47] Speaker B: Let me be clear. This research takes like five hours. Like that's fair. [00:40:52] Speaker E: But just for like the first. [00:40:54] Speaker B: Like that's fine. It'll still help you. Yeah, that'll still help you. I'm just saying, like, just so we are aware of like time, it. It's going to take you probably the rest of the day to like figure all this out because read a bunch of books. [00:41:08] Speaker A: This conversation between Myla and Melan probably course over those five hours or just like I found this, this and this. Because again, they're focusing on something kind of similar. They're just going about it in different ways. [00:41:20] Speaker E: Yeah. And I think that with like, especially with Miles, like, keen mind, like she's, she's like listening to you while also just like kind of photographic memory, like scanning. If you've seen Criminal Mind and you've seen Spencer Reed read a book, it looks like a lot like she just like follows her finger and just observe. Absorbs the knowledge. That way she can compute it later and while Melwyn is talking at her. Yeah, okay, Slay, we're getting somewhere. It's a good thing I did do that because one of those roles was really, really bad. [00:41:52] Speaker A: I like the idea of Myla and Melwyn being similarly intelligent, but Melwyn just kind of processes out loud more than Myla does. [00:42:01] Speaker E: Yeah, definitely. And Milo's just like, is like a sponge and just absorbs everything. That's going to be a. Oh, shit. Arcana check. 25. [00:42:17] Speaker B: 25. [00:42:17] Speaker E: 25. Yes. 25. [00:42:19] Speaker A: Let's go. [00:42:21] Speaker B: Okay. It's really, really, really hard to like, take other people's magic because it's kind of like, I don't really know how to explain it. You know, there's like magical essence in the universe and then every person takes it and like makes it into something that works for them specifically. So taking it becomes a. A process of like breaking down somebody's internal mental magical barriers in order to even get there in the first place. But you think that you could make a spell that at least helps you out, even if it doesn't detriment somebody else. Does that make sense? [00:43:16] Speaker E: Yeah, I think that reading that. Because I think that Milo's like, okay, yes. I feel like this is something she kind of maybe learned about way back and, like, in, like, university or whatever. And, like, at the institute. And, like, is re. Jogging. Is there a way in addition to that? Like, just, like, as a little sidebar while she's reading about this, can she study, like, the timing of casting a magic? Because there comes a point where when a spell is cast or an ability is done, where that spell or magic leaves that individual. Right? And so she. I don't think she's trying to look for things that are like. And maybe it is all the same, and, like, it's still technically theirs even when the spell's been released. But what she's looking for is, like, a split second of time where, like, the magic is, like, there has to be a transitory thing for it to, like, either be. Either be taken in to make it into your own and then released to harm other people. There has to be, like, a split second in time. This is what she's thinking. Maybe there's not, but she's like, there has to be something in the timeline where there's a break in the chain or, like, a hole in the defense or something. Like, she's not looking for, like, I'm gonna siphon your magic out, like a. Like a. Like a mind flayer or something thing. She's thinking, is there a moment of defense in the actual construction and building blocks of the Arcana proper where she can either sever it, break it, take a chunk out, or just, like, try and, like, I don't know. I don't know. Brain. Weird. [00:45:07] Speaker A: Grace just had a thought that I can either. That I can say as Melwyn. That actually might help with this conversation. [00:45:16] Speaker F: Myla, you know the spell absorbs elements, right? [00:45:19] Speaker E: I've heard of the spell. I don't know if I've ever used it. [00:45:22] Speaker A: I'm double checking to see if it's in your spell list. Give me a second. [00:45:27] Speaker E: I know. I don't even know if it's in my spell list. [00:45:29] Speaker B: It is. [00:45:30] Speaker E: It is. [00:45:30] Speaker B: It is. [00:45:30] Speaker E: It is. [00:45:31] Speaker A: It is. [00:45:31] Speaker E: Okay, yeah, I've heard of it, but I Typically, people hit me with fire, and that's fine with me because I like being warm. [00:45:41] Speaker F: Okay, well, yes, but I know it. [00:45:43] Speaker E: Yes. [00:45:43] Speaker F: So we might be able to combine our methods a little bit more than I thought, because that spell lets you absorb a little bit of Energy from something that comes at you, right? [00:45:56] Speaker E: Yes. [00:45:58] Speaker F: And then you can send it back out again. The only thing about that spell is that because it's not very powerful, it only affects certain types of magic. But we might be able to modify it in some way that Grace grayed. [00:46:14] Speaker A: Trying to do it as Melvin and trying to do it as Grace at the same time. [00:46:17] Speaker E: Oh God. Myla reaches into the bag of holding, pulls out a roll of butcher paper that you've never seen before and just like swipes half the table and rolls out this big piece of butcher paper and she starts like full on basically like drawing physical manifestations of like what it looks like to cast a spell that is not seen to the eye. If that makes sense. Right. And she starts like looking at these and she's like, so if. So here's the thing. If purple magic is redirecting and amplifying pre existing magics, maybe we can just. There's a way to. If that is redirection magic, is there a way that we can use and manipulate that magic of redirection and redirect it into a different direction? Like can we like literally like peel it off and just like. [00:47:06] Speaker F: I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. Right. Especially when there's stuff that may already makes that happen. [00:47:13] Speaker E: Yes, yes. [00:47:15] Speaker F: And there's spells like shield right. Or IDS thing that cause a lot of things to that negate a lot of things or make things easier to happen. So maybe we just kind. We just. Maybe this is a case where we just kind of have to mush things together until they work. [00:47:42] Speaker E: So if there's no. No, I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. I start. My list starts from memory drawing out the like sigils and spellcasting for absorb elements. And there's like a part where it's like oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh. This is me being a little bit of a nerd. Hold on one second, let me. [00:48:01] Speaker A: You know, I have, I have the book for the theory of magic by Gorilla of Destiny I think is the username. [00:48:09] Speaker B: I want that. I want to do that so badly. [00:48:12] Speaker A: I have the book, I have the book for the spell writing guide too for mutuals and I, I was. I'm going to make one for. I'm going to try and see if I can figure out how to draw it. Or I might message him and be like, hello you. I love that guy. He literally got his masters in physics and was like, I'm Going to use it to do nerd. [00:48:36] Speaker E: Myla is going to take the phys, like, the physical runes of, like, absorb element and just start, like. Because part of it. Part of this magic is because it. It lessens its effect on you. Meaning that the magic or, like, whatever is like, it's literally redirecting things. Right? Because it's lessening its effect on you. So I think once she sees, like, this, like, map of, like, this magic is, like, whole. And then part of it redirects to part B. I think she just erases the part B part to where it just says redirects. And she's like, I just need to get that anchored into my magic. [00:49:22] Speaker F: I wonder if we could figure out a way to make it have some variations in here. Because usually it's for when you hit things. Which is probably why you and I never use this spell. Because I'm never very close up and you use a gun. [00:49:36] Speaker A: What a sentence. [00:49:38] Speaker F: But you could probably. We could probably modify it to work for both because then we could maybe be able to put it on ID somehow on Odin, and then they could be able to take it and redirect it from their weapons, maybe not on them, maybe on the weaponry and maybe we could put it to. It works on my spells and it works on your friends the otter, Phoenix and everything that's been appearing lately. I'm not really sure. [00:50:05] Speaker E: Yes, yes, yes. My. Yes. She. She puts her, like, little, like, Bakugan balls on the table. She doesn't take them out, but she just, like, sets them there. This is Myla also takes out her. She hasn't shown anyone yet, but she takes out her gun blueprints. And part of her. The new, like, gun she got is actually occasionally changing the damage type of her gun. And she's like, this is part of it too. [00:50:40] Speaker B: So she starts taking some of those. [00:50:42] Speaker E: Pieces of those blueprints and is, like, putting them in to the formula. She is like, we've created a tunnel. [00:50:52] Speaker B: Vision having these two together. Yeah, yeah. [00:50:56] Speaker E: She's like, tunnel vision, like, going at it. [00:51:00] Speaker A: I want to say. [00:51:01] Speaker E: I know it's gonna take a long time. [00:51:03] Speaker A: It and Auden come back and the table. And there's like five tables that have been pushed together. There was papers everywhere. It's just a mess. [00:51:12] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:51:13] Speaker B: So here's. So here's my above the table thing as a dm. [00:51:16] Speaker E: Absolutely. [00:51:17] Speaker B: I wrote you of. I wrote you a freaking spell to absorb energy. I did not write you a spell to take out energy from something else. Because that was not the question. The question was consume purple magic. That is which was not clarified. [00:51:34] Speaker A: Very fair and valid. The entire absorb elements. [00:51:37] Speaker B: You want me to write another spell? No, it will have to be later. I do not have that shit. [00:51:42] Speaker A: Jay and I can also work on one together if you. [00:51:45] Speaker E: Well, here's the thing. Here's the thing. I know that Myla's still very like, yes, buffing our friends would be great. Myla is a little bit of a power hungry bitch. So she's just. She just cares about absorbing the magic and like trying to retain it and bolster herself. Basically. [00:52:07] Speaker A: This is very much like Myla's approach versus Melwyn's approach. Because Melwyn is a support character. Myla is very much trying to do her own thing. [00:52:18] Speaker B: Yeah, I just wanted to let you know what I had so that. [00:52:22] Speaker E: Absolutely. [00:52:23] Speaker B: I will also say I like change things in that direction, but I just. [00:52:27] Speaker A: Absorb elements that's been happening for the last 10 minutes. Was fully. Grace thought of something on the spot and Jay and Grace ran with it. [00:52:35] Speaker B: No, it's a good point. [00:52:36] Speaker A: I'm so sorry. [00:52:39] Speaker B: No, you're good. [00:52:40] Speaker A: We can throw all of that away if you already have something. [00:52:44] Speaker B: Here's my deal for you. Is that you can make this spell yourself as well. It will also take two weeks. Or you can also pay like 3,000 for it for someone else collectively. [00:52:56] Speaker A: Even with the lustgite we have enough money to spend that. [00:53:00] Speaker B: So I know it's an expensive process. You're trying to make it a spell. [00:53:07] Speaker E: I just want to be clear. That was basically just flying flavor of like this is like we're starting to like really like dive into what this means and like how to physically like what is this is. Sorry, another quick tangent. That's just something like me in game. Jay is like always likes to do like. I love this idea like this the like almost like science in mathematics and theory of like this fake arcana that D and D has built. Right. So it's like how does like and especially with artifice, it's like how do. How are discoveries made and how is progress made in this like with this fictional thing that we cannot see nor understand. Right. So absolutely. Just flavor. Adding some garlic salt to the blueprints. That's all. [00:53:57] Speaker B: No, it's good. I like it. So now that you know at least the time it will take collectively as a crew, do we want to spend this much time here in trailer? I'm happy to do a montage if we want to do like a two or four week montage or whatever. Like however we want to do this. Or if you guys are like, we did a day of research, we're going to go somewhere else also. Fine with me. What's the vibe? [00:54:29] Speaker A: Woodcrafting the spell. I'm assuming that Melwyn and not Auden. Other person. Myla. The other m. Yeah, I'm assuming that Melwyn and Myla would take point on crafting a new spell because Melwyn is the only full caster in the party and Myla is the artificer. So I feel like that just makes sense. Would this be something that one or both of us could work on as we travel or no. Would we need a stable environment to be able to work on this shit? [00:55:05] Speaker B: I think it's. It's. You're going to get better. If you want to spend more time because you're doing it while traveling, you can do that. But I think if you want to do it in this, like, allotted time, you're probably going to need, like, a, like, a set, you know, area in which to, like, practice this thing or, like, be really precise, you know? Cause if you're, like, walking, it's really hard to, like, draw or something very precisely or, like. Or just very bumpy or whatever. So I think a stable environment makes sense. [00:55:36] Speaker A: What if we ask the weird Knot angel for help? [00:55:41] Speaker B: You could do that, too. So you guys spend the next two weeks here. What? Myla and Melwyn's time is completely taken up. What are Auden and ID wanting to do in this time? Auden, you probably know now that they have kind of answered the question you were looking at. So, like, you don't need to go to the school if you don't want to, but you can if you want. You guys want to try to, like, make money. Want to keep looking at other stuff, like, what's the vibe? [00:56:08] Speaker C: Auden might pick up some odd jobs to try and earn us a little more income, since we're probably going to be spending a lot on various resources and things like that. And then I think she's gonna go clubbing a lot of nights, too, if we're there for a good long while. [00:56:21] Speaker B: Hell yeah. [00:56:22] Speaker A: Can Melan give people, like, a laundry list of things to get? [00:56:26] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. She'll happily be a runner for you guys. [00:56:29] Speaker B: Cool. [00:56:32] Speaker D: It will do a bunch of training and also work because he knows that we're gonna be for a long time. Help this person at the school work the ring of Spell store. And if they're willing to do that. [00:56:47] Speaker B: Cool. Awesome. I think we can deal with, like, money stuff somewhere else. I don't want to do that here. It's so boring to do money. Math. Math. [00:56:59] Speaker A: Everybody's favorite part of AP's. [00:57:04] Speaker B: Okay, let me send you the spells. [00:57:08] Speaker E: That I have while Anastasia. While Anastasia sends this. I think, like halfway through the week, Milo's gonna go up to Melwyn and be like, hey, I know you've been talking a lot, and I'm still. Oh, by the way, I have some more notes for you. And she's. She's sort of been making some copies of some of her stuff that she thinks would be helpful for Melwyn and all this. She's gonna be. I need your shoes. [00:57:28] Speaker F: I. Begging your pardon. [00:57:30] Speaker E: Or a pair of your shoes, whatever you wear normally. [00:57:33] Speaker F: Begging your pardon, why? [00:57:35] Speaker E: I need your. I need your shoe. I need to see them. I have an idea. [00:57:39] Speaker A: Okay, then. [00:57:47] Speaker E: I said please. Yeah, that's rare for me. [00:57:49] Speaker A: Melon's giving Myla her shoes. I guess. I know Grace knows what this is for. It doesn't make it less weird. [00:57:58] Speaker E: Myla is going to take your shoes for the evening. And then she comes back the next morning. She says. So you also notice she no longer has the bag of holding on her. So I ripped apart my bag. Well, not ripped apart, but I took the lining out and I lined your shoes with them. Because sometimes you tend to fall a little behind. And so I just want to make sure that, like, you have a chance to like, catch up. And she holds out your. Your shoes for you. [00:58:35] Speaker F: Thank you. Thank you. But didn't you need the bag? [00:58:40] Speaker E: I mean, I can just carry it. I'm really strong. [00:58:44] Speaker F: Okay. [00:58:44] Speaker E: We didn't have a lot in there. We. It was mainly just paper and like, I'll have to leave my butcher paper scroll here. [00:58:53] Speaker A: I forgot I just had a. [00:58:55] Speaker E: Carried the rocks. I can carry the rocks in my bag and the gold in my bag, so. So here, you can have these. You're gonna have to like, kind of sit with them and figure out how to use them, but they should help with your like, movement thingies. [00:59:17] Speaker F: We could also probably. Thank you should say that first. We could also probably buy a bag of holding if need be, or have a sack or something that will increase going capacity. Or I guess I could just give everything to Ed Nodded. [00:59:35] Speaker E: I mean, we've been using a lot of the paper and I feel like this would be useful because it'll help keep you slippery against the bad guys. And they're really looking for smart people who know a lot about magic, so. [00:59:54] Speaker F: That's true. But that. [00:59:56] Speaker B: That's true. [00:59:56] Speaker F: But they're really just looking for you, Honestly. [00:59:59] Speaker E: Yeah. But I can, like, eat their magic. That's pretty scary. And I can shoot them with my art and my gun. [01:00:08] Speaker F: That doesn't change that they're really just looking for you. So explain to me how these work. [01:00:15] Speaker E: So you put them on. You have to sit with them for, like, about an hour and make sure they fit. I know it takes a long time, but you're just gonna have to do that. And then if you think really hard and you're like, oh, I really want to go over there. So she, like, points to, like, a little, like, staircase that's 10ft away, and she's like, so just think about how you want to be there. [01:00:33] Speaker A: Think of the happiest thoughts. Sorry. Yeah, they got it. [01:00:40] Speaker E: And as Melwyn thinks about it, the bottom of the shoes begin to warm up a bit. Not like they're on fire, but just, like, you know when you have, like, a hand warmer through a sweatshirt sleeve, it's kind of like that. And as Melwyn takes a little bit of a step, you teleport up to the stairs, and, like, a little. A little. A small, like, visage of Melwyn is temporarily left in that spot where she leaves. That's sort of like sparkling purple and blue. But then it quickly fades. I was like, see? So now if you're on the other side of a fire hole or a wall of electrocution or bad water, you can just go through it. [01:01:35] Speaker F: To be fair, the electric water was Arden's fault. [01:01:39] Speaker E: We were all trying our best. I don't think it's fair to really blame Auden for that. [01:01:45] Speaker A: Auden cast the spell bestie and then throw. Mel went into it. [01:01:51] Speaker C: No one did blast me with a fireball. I want that to be very clear that that happened before any of that. [01:01:57] Speaker A: I was under the influence of a mind flayer. [01:02:00] Speaker C: I was under the influence of scared. [01:02:04] Speaker B: So scared. I did send you guys your spells, so I'm going to read them out loud so that podcast listeners can also be excited with you. So the one that Melwyn created is called Disruptability, or I guess Grace can rename it if you want. It's a third level spell. Red Magic takes one reaction when you can see a creature within 60ft of you, uses an innate magical ability, like a breath weapon, gaze attack, or other supernatural traitor. Has a range of 60ft, has somatic components, is instantaneous. You attempt to disrupt a creature in the process of using an innate magical ability. The creature must make a saving throw with the type determined by your spellcasting ability, the DC is equal to your spell save dc. On a failed save, the ability is disrupted and has no effect. On a successful save, the ability proceeds as normal, but the creature loses its reaction until the start of its next turn. And at higher levels. When you cast this using a spell slot a fourth or higher, the DC of the saving throw increases by one for each spell slot. [01:03:06] Speaker A: I probably can't just rename it. Nope. Huh? [01:03:11] Speaker B: I did say you can name it whatever you want. [01:03:13] Speaker A: I know because I really want to. Because that feels on brand for a 14 year old. Functionally 12 year old. That is just naming spells. Just like Can I cast. Nope. [01:03:25] Speaker B: Fair enough. Myla's spell is called Absorb Violet Essence. Again. Myla can rename this if you want. It's a third level purple spell and is only for the artificer class. It is a casting time of one action, a range of self. It has verbal, somatic and material components. A crystal that is purple worth at least 10 gold pieces that does not get consumed by the spell. That is just something you have to have. It has. It requires concentration up to a minute and yeah, so endures for a minute. You draw upon potent purple magic, absorbing its essence and imbuing your arcane firearm with enhanced force for the duration. Violet energy crackles around your forearm and your firearm, granting the following benefits. Enhanced power on once. Once on each of your turns. When you make a ranged spell attack with your arcane firearm, you add your intelligence modifier as extra force damage. The projectile takes on a deep violet glow as it channels the energy has surge of potency Once on each of your turns, you can overcharge a spell attack delivered through your arcane firearm, adding an additional 1d6 force damage. The damage increases to 2d6 at 10th level and Arcane feedback at the end of each of your turns. While concentrating on this spell, you have to make a constitution saving throw. You have to make a concentration check. Basically, if you fail your concentration check, you take a D4 of force damage as the violet energy strains against your control. I take this back. This is a separate. This is a separate than a. It is a DC10 it's constitution saving throw. So it's basically a concentration check. But it doesn't end your concentration obviously at higher levels. If you cast this with fourth level or higher, both the force damage from enhanced power and surge potency increased by a D4 for each level above third and has the additional benefits. At fourth level, you gain temp HP equal to your intelligence modifier. At the start of each of your turns. Fifth level, you have advantage on constitution, saving throws to maintain concentration. And at sixth level, when you hit with an attack using your arcane firearm, you can knock the target back five feet as well. Hopefully. You guys like these. [01:05:40] Speaker E: They're so sweet. [01:05:41] Speaker B: So that is what you spend two weeks doing. At the end of these two weeks, you guys have figured out your spells. ID and Auden are, you know, being runners, doing errands. Nadia is kind of as well, although she's probably not being as, like, gung ho about all of it as, like, Auden might be. She also joins in the clubbing for sure. But yay, my new buddy. Yeah, honestly, probably not as often as Auden because she's like. It's not like a novel thing for her, so she's not as like, hyped, like, goes occasionally. But yeah, I think she's like, assisting Myla and Melwyn if they want it. You know, just being like, I don't know, reading over things or testing it out or like that kind of thing, or like seeing if it has certain effects with. In condition in addition with another spell or whatever. So she's helping out a little bit in the ways that she can. It didn't like, make the process any faster, but she's just. [01:06:40] Speaker A: I would say Nadia, motherfucker. I was muted. Nadia does have spell like abilities. So Nadia's actually a really good person for Melan to test hers on if she's a willing participant on that. I don't know if she is because she doesn't like us very much. [01:06:57] Speaker B: No, that's. No, she's fine. [01:06:59] Speaker A: Okay. [01:07:00] Speaker B: She would do that. [01:07:01] Speaker A: I think Melan would go up and she'd. She'd give like the. [01:07:05] Speaker F: Hi, Ms. Nadia. I'm really sorry. I know that you're not our biggest fan, but we are trying to help you sort of help ourselves. Anyway, I'm working on this spell with Myla, and I was wondering if you could help me test it. [01:07:19] Speaker A: And that's the whole. That's how. That's how approaching. It's that conversation. [01:07:24] Speaker B: She, like, makes sure it's not going to kill her. But I think after like, the first day of testing, she does come out with, like, sizzly hair, you know, and is like, looks just awful. Because the first day of testing, like, went okay, ish of she actually asked. [01:07:39] Speaker A: Is it gonna kill me? [01:07:40] Speaker F: She'd be like, no, no, no, I can fix you. It's okay. [01:07:44] Speaker B: Yeah, like a week and a half and you start testing and for the next like four days or so. She's like. She like, looks less awful every time because you're, like, changing the spell up a little bit. [01:07:54] Speaker A: No one knowing will make extra special treats for Nadia in the morning every time because she's being a good sport and Melwyn feels bad. [01:08:08] Speaker B: Sweet. Okay, awesome. So that's the two weeks in trailer. I think there is one day, like the day after you guys finish doing this. I think, Jay, you can correct me on this, but it's. I just gonna, like, say it and if you don't, like, that's fine. No, but there might be a time where you have, like, stayed back at the hotel or whatever you guys staying or wherever you guys are staying. [01:08:40] Speaker E: Like, can I say that I have received my questionnaires and I'm just filing for you. [01:08:46] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're like, sorting through your questionnaires. Everyone else, like, went to go get food and was going to bring you back food as well. Right. Like, and all of a sudden you're just like, you're there, but you can't move. You can't like, do anything. And everything looks like you look, you feel closer to the ground than you were and you can't, like, see anything other than the questionnaires in front of you and the, like, floor of this place. And as the rest of this crew gets back, what you see sitting on the floor, all these questionnaires spread out and a wooden Myla doll sitting next to the papers. [01:09:39] Speaker A: What? I hate that. [01:09:44] Speaker E: What do you do? [01:09:48] Speaker A: Running. Running over. Sorry, wait. I had to. I had to process for a second. Holy shit. Oh, gosh. Do I have the spell? What do I have? Oh, God. I don't fucking know what I have. [01:10:00] Speaker C: Oh, God. [01:10:01] Speaker A: I have remove curse. No one's gonna go over and remove curse. Fuck it. [01:10:06] Speaker B: You tried remaining move curse. It like, strips the paint off the thing and then the paint, like, reappears. Okay, Milo, it feels like you, like, blinked your eyes. [01:10:20] Speaker F: That's not great. Okay. [01:10:25] Speaker B: The doll, the wooden doll, like, stands up. It hasn't moved this whole time, but it like, stands up and. Milo, you feel, like, shunted backwards and all of a sudden, like you don't know where you are. It's like a dream state in which, like, you can't really process, like, the surroundings that you're. That you see. It's more of a feeling of just like, void. But everyone else in the room looks and hears this, like, wooden doll, like, crank its head towards. [01:10:58] Speaker A: Oh, that's horrifying. I hate that. No, no, no, no. No, no, sorry. Grace doesn't like dolls. Grace finds dolls incredibly creepy. Oh, God. [01:11:12] Speaker B: Sorry. [01:11:13] Speaker E: ID looks. [01:11:14] Speaker B: Looks at Id, and there's, like, a voice that comes out of it. You don't see, like, a mouth moving, but a voice comes out of it and says, I told. [01:11:24] Speaker D: I'll fucking kill you. [01:11:28] Speaker B: Hey, I was watching you. [01:11:32] Speaker D: Yeah? And what'd you learn? [01:11:33] Speaker A: Is this the. Oh, God. [01:11:35] Speaker B: Do you know what hurts worse than you taking yourself away from your friends? Your friend being taken away. [01:11:44] Speaker C: I think Auden is gonna swing her hammer almost to, like, crush the doll, but then she's like, wait, but what if it's still Myla? And instead. Instead just slams it hard into the ground next to it. The floorboards, like, cave in and shatter. And she's just gonna say, put it back. No, she's gonna scoop up the doll, hold it. [01:12:06] Speaker B: Be careful. It is still Mila. [01:12:09] Speaker F: Why did you. Why did you take Mila away? [01:12:13] Speaker B: Because that's what gets its attention. [01:12:17] Speaker F: Many, many other things would have gotten its attention. [01:12:21] Speaker B: Yeah, but they're not as fun. I will talk to you later. And then it, like. And then Miley, you, like, feel yourself, like, shunted back into this. You can't move. You can't say anything. You, like. You can't. [01:12:33] Speaker E: I know, but, like, that's what my. [01:12:37] Speaker B: You can. You can say stuff to yourself. But, like, everyone. Let me be clear. Everyone else in the room can't hear anything that Myla's saying. [01:12:44] Speaker A: Or is Myla in, like, a weird, liminal space like, ID was when he was in the mind player, like, goop thing? [01:12:52] Speaker B: It's. No, it's. It's a different, like, space. [01:12:54] Speaker F: Okay. [01:12:55] Speaker B: And we will continue from there. Jay is going on a small hiatus. [01:13:04] Speaker E: Oh, God. [01:13:05] Speaker B: So we will see what comes from there. [01:13:12] Speaker C: We will miss you, Jay. [01:13:16] Speaker E: I don't know why I was not expecting the doll. [01:13:20] Speaker C: Just when I had forgotten about the doll situation, I forgot about the doll. [01:13:25] Speaker A: I would like to. I would like to point out I did not come up with the doll puppet thing. That was all Anastasia. [01:13:32] Speaker C: Oh, I see. See, we designed. [01:13:35] Speaker A: I just blame Anastasia. I gave Anastasia bullet points. Anastasia put a fucking doll that was not me. [01:13:42] Speaker B: That's true. If it's any better, Grace, it's not like a. Like a doll with a face. It's like. [01:13:48] Speaker A: It's like drawing artist, pose, doll. No, no, no. I know that. That doesn't make the little wooden head slowly turning like fucking Chucky any better. [01:14:00] Speaker E: Great. [01:14:00] Speaker B: Cool. Just checking. [01:14:02] Speaker A: I was. I was in a sphere at Halloween right after Ren Faire. Last month with my friends because we went for shits and gigs and there was a section of little creepy dolls that were decorations and they could fucking move and I hated it so much and I wanted to cry. [01:14:19] Speaker B: If it becomes a boundary for you, please let me know. [01:14:21] Speaker A: No, it's fine. I will be freaked. I will. I will have a reaction and I will freak out. If I wasn't okay with it, I would have said so a long ass time ago. But like. [01:14:30] Speaker B: All right, good. Okay, cool. We will see you guys next time. This is going to be fun. All right. [01:14:38] Speaker A: I'm so lucky. [01:14:39] Speaker B: Bye. Bye. [01:14:42] Speaker F: Hello, friends. Grace here. If you like what we do here. [01:14:44] Speaker A: And want updates and other silly, goofy. [01:14:46] Speaker F: Fun things, follow us on social media. [01:14:47] Speaker A: At spellsand whistlespod on Instagram and TikTok or elswhistles on Twitter. We also have a community discord where we do DND trivia questions for the audience and our beau sneeve counts. And for those of you that are all caught up and simply craving new content, consider supporting us on Patreon. All proceeds go toward making the show even better. We've got custom home proof feats, bonus episodes, tarot readings and more. Thanks for all the support and happy listening. [01:15:13] Speaker B: Bye.

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