[00:00:00] Speaker A: Any last minute questions before we actually go?
[00:00:05] Speaker B: I don't think so.
[00:00:06] Speaker A: Cool. Let's do it.
[00:00:07] Speaker B: I love you guys.
[00:00:11] Speaker A: You're all gonna die.
Let's go.
Hello, everybody, and welcome back to our Halloween special. This year at spells and whistles. We are itching to get back into it. We're all recording this in one kind of go, and we left off with that septopeda, and I want to get back into it really quick. I'm gonna have my players introduce themselves and their characters ready to psycho.
[00:01:04] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Meg. I'm a regular person on the podcast. I use she they pronouns, and I'm playing fistus. I forgot what his middle name was because it hasn't come up at all. I'm playing Festus pip, the sparrow rider of the party. So, yeah.
[00:01:21] Speaker B: Oh, shit. That's me next, isn't it? Hi, my name is Grace. I go by she they pronouns. My character's name is Morsequeek de Sori, or just Marzi, as we've been saying. Or Marcy.
She uses she her pronouns, and I am street tough.
[00:01:37] Speaker A: Thanks.
[00:01:38] Speaker D: I guess it's my turn. Hi, I'm John. I am a guest here on the podcast. My pronouns are he, him, and I'm playing biblo, the trash collector. I go around and collect trash. His pronouns are he, him as well.
[00:01:57] Speaker E: Hey, my name is Stephanie. I use she her pronouns. I am a returning guest to this podcast. I play olive, aka Ollie, who is a disgusting weirdo old lady trash collector.
[00:02:09] Speaker F: Hi, everyone. Jay here again, pronouns. She herself, playing Pamela. Pronouns. She her, and she is a beekeeper.
[00:02:19] Speaker B: Hello, everybody. I am Kelly. I use she they pronouns, and I am playing scamper wick, otherwise known as Wick, who uses he him pronouns. And he's a little trap thief guy.
[00:02:30] Speaker A: Amazing.
Last we left off, we started in the little mouse town of Sickerheim, these big concrete tubes that these mice and many others had set up a little town in. Shortly as the sun was falling, they heard a howl in the distance. And fearing wolves, for they are large and terrifying, they started to head the opposite direction that they heard the howl up north to escape the jaws of such a beast. On their way, they saw curious human giant footprints that headed south, seemingly in the direction of this howl. They followed the fence of the farmlands, which the mice call the fields, where they saw and heard signs of a crow in the fields. And most recently, they headed towards the end of the brook, which leads into the bog, where they were hoping to cross the bog, farther away from this howl, where Pamela Bree, played by Jay, approached near the water and stealthily behind her, a centipede started picking off bees, and as Pamela turned to see it, it reared up and was ready to strike. Let's all roll to get into combat. So, in mouser combat, we roll a deck save to figure out kind of what our initiative order is. So let's have our players do that really quick, and I'll call out asking for what number you get shortly.
[00:04:07] Speaker C: Adding our decks score to our roll. Or is it just a flat roll?
[00:04:12] Speaker A: Nope, it's just a flat roll. If there are any ties, the higher dex goes first.
And the reason that it's a Dex save is if anybody's surprised, you do some saves and stuff, so that's not the case on this one.
[00:04:31] Speaker B: Oh, my God. I love this game. We don't have to do math.
[00:04:34] Speaker D: It's pretty great.
[00:04:35] Speaker A: Meg, what did you get?
[00:04:36] Speaker C: I got an eight. Starting off strong.
[00:04:39] Speaker A: Grace?
[00:04:40] Speaker B: I got a three. Motherfucker.
[00:04:43] Speaker A: Nice, John.
[00:04:46] Speaker D: Nat 20, baby.
[00:04:48] Speaker B: Let's go. Nat 20.
Real game of emotions here. Cause normally that'd be such a good role. Stephen, I got a two.
[00:04:57] Speaker A: Wow. Nice.
[00:04:59] Speaker F: J 15, baby.
[00:05:01] Speaker A: Kelly, ten.
[00:05:03] Speaker B: Perfect.
[00:05:03] Speaker A: And I am going to roll for the centipede.
All right, the first to act in this entire thing is olive. Olive, you can move up to a foot, which is a hilarious thing to say, and you can take one action.
[00:05:21] Speaker E: So am I. I'm really close to this thing. Right, right.
[00:05:26] Speaker A: It's kind of. The main group is farther up on the shore of the bog, and then the centipede and the bees are kind of in the middle. And then Pamela is down by the shore.
[00:05:37] Speaker E: Excellent.
Well, I've got a good layer of moss growing on me, but I think. I think the first thing that Ollie is going to do is do a good, old, thick roll in the mud. So she's just gonna drop and. And roll, and then I don't know if I can do anything else after that.
[00:05:59] Speaker A: You're just trying to cover yourself in mud.
[00:06:00] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:06:01] Speaker A: I love it. I don't think that needs a roll. You can get mud all over yourself whenever you want.
[00:06:05] Speaker B: Excellent. Cover your scent.
[00:06:07] Speaker A: Perfect.
Do you want to run anywhere, or do you just want to run in the mud?
[00:06:13] Speaker E: Well, I would like to proceed with an action if I can. I just didn't know if that would count as well.
[00:06:19] Speaker A: I think if you want to roll it around in the mud for flavor and just, like, have that happen, that's fine. But then it won't have any, like, rules, mechanics effect. If you want to use an action to do that, I will allow it to have some rules effect.
[00:06:33] Speaker E: She is doing it for a purpose.
[00:06:36] Speaker B: So she's cool.
[00:06:37] Speaker A: She's doing it in your brain. What is that purpose?
[00:06:41] Speaker E: She's super slick, and in her mind, she's just harder to see and harder to smell.
[00:06:48] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[00:06:48] Speaker A: I love it. I think that's definitely all of those things are most definitely true.
[00:06:52] Speaker B: Probably harder to grab, too.
[00:06:54] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:06:55] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:06:56] Speaker E: She's already really gross. She already has moss growing and stuff. But, you know, just to add some flavor.
[00:07:02] Speaker A: Perfect.
[00:07:02] Speaker D: I think she's got a lot.
[00:07:03] Speaker A: He's.
[00:07:03] Speaker D: Yeah, a lot of flavor already.
[00:07:06] Speaker E: Yeah, probably some mold.
[00:07:07] Speaker B: It just keeps getting worse, right? Yeah.
[00:07:10] Speaker A: Grace and Marcy, you are up. It is your turn to go.
[00:07:14] Speaker B: Uh, Marzie's gonna have her wee little dagger at the ready, which is very funny to picture a tiny mouse for the dagger. Just in general, the nail with this little mousey dagger. I'm ready to go.
Yeah, Marzie gon be ready to cut a bitch. I guess not gonna move toward the centipede because that's scary and. No, but just be ready to go.
[00:07:43] Speaker A: Cool.
[00:07:45] Speaker B: Maybe move closer to a little bit more in the group.
[00:07:51] Speaker A: Got it. Get closer to the group.
[00:07:52] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:07:53] Speaker A: Ready to cut something.
[00:07:54] Speaker F: Great.
[00:07:55] Speaker B: Ready to cut a bitch.
[00:07:56] Speaker A: Festus and Meg, it is your turn.
[00:07:59] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:07:59] Speaker C: I think Festus is gonna pull out his little sewing pin with the little, did I say purple little knob on the end last time? I think I said purple with this little purple knob. And he's gonna just kind of like, usher, Marzi, little, small, little marzi behind. And he's just gonna say, excuse me, good sir, could you perhaps point us in the direction of the nearest crossing to the brook? He's, like, quaking.
[00:08:30] Speaker A: It had its attention on Pamela and the queen bee at first, but then it coils and turns in multiple circles before its pincers and its eyes start looking down from multiple mice high above festus.
Small, little pointed rod, and it just is hissing and clicking at you.
[00:08:55] Speaker C: Yeah. I think Festus is going to try and make an attack.
[00:09:00] Speaker A: Great.
In mouse ritter, you automatically hit and you roll your dice.
So let me know how much damage you do.
[00:09:09] Speaker B: A six. I rolled a six.
[00:09:12] Speaker A: Amazing. You stab right in between some of its exoskeleton plating, and once again, it kind of, like, foams and bubbles at the mouth, and it just, like, arrives a little bit and then rears up ready to go.
[00:09:27] Speaker C: Still, I think after jabbing that in, he's just gonna say, I do think we probably should be leaving as soon as we are able. You know, just trying to, like. Okay, let's go. But ever the gentleman.
[00:09:40] Speaker A: Perfect. Up next is Kelly and Wick.
[00:09:45] Speaker B: Okay, so I can move a foot.
How far away is the tail end of this centipede from me?
[00:09:54] Speaker A: About eight inches.
[00:09:55] Speaker B: About eight inches.
And you said it crawled off of a rock, correct?
[00:10:01] Speaker A: Yeah. There's a big rock nearby.
[00:10:02] Speaker B: Like, big. Like, is it an actually, like, a big rock or just, like, big to.
[00:10:05] Speaker A: Me, I'm big for a mouse.
[00:10:08] Speaker B: What I would like to attempt, because I said I had picked up rope, I'm thinking I can tie one end of the rope to something heavy and then tie the other end around its. Its tail end so we can get away from it and it can't chase us.
[00:10:21] Speaker A: I think you could find, like, a smaller rock to do that with.
[00:10:24] Speaker B: Rock to at least slow it down.
[00:10:27] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
[00:10:28] Speaker B: Okay, so if I can. If I can move the. However far it takes me to find a rock of a reasonable size, I'm gonna start tying a rope around it, and I don't know how much more of an action it is to do. I have to wait till, like, my second turn to tie it around the centipede, or.
[00:10:46] Speaker A: Nah, let's do it right now.
[00:10:47] Speaker B: Okay. Let's do it now. Yay.
[00:10:49] Speaker A: I would like you for tying quickly and accurately and safely. I would like you to make a Dex save for me, please.
[00:10:56] Speaker B: Okay, we got a six. Ooh.
[00:11:02] Speaker A: Is that under your decks?
[00:11:03] Speaker B: Yes, it is. Let's go. Yippee.
[00:11:05] Speaker A: Amazing. You do successfully tie this little twine rope around a rock, and then you get near this thing's tail, which looks, spookily, a lot like its face, and wrap it around, and you get it in a good spot where there's a couple sets of legs in between it and in between your rope and the end of the centipede. So there's a little bit of buffer room.
Amazing. What a turn.
[00:11:30] Speaker B: If you want to run, now's a good time.
[00:11:33] Speaker A: Jay, it is your turn and Pamela's turn.
[00:11:36] Speaker B: Oh, gosh.
[00:11:38] Speaker F: I think Pamela looks down at aphrodite and says.
[00:11:43] Speaker B: Go start a new family somewhere else, I think.
[00:11:46] Speaker F: And she unties her net from. From aphrodite, and it's like, oh, the good, good idea is looking over at wick and just says, I can help, too.
[00:11:57] Speaker B: I can be a hero, too.
[00:11:59] Speaker F: And she's going to go up the centipede and tie the net around its pincers and its face.
[00:12:07] Speaker A: Wow. Amazing.
That sounds really hard to do at least I'm going to give you an option. J.
[00:12:16] Speaker F: Okay.
[00:12:17] Speaker A: You can either do this roll at disadvantage, it's gonna be another Dex save.
Cause you're climbing up something that's reared up and you're getting near its face. So if you wanna be careful, you can do it at disadvantage. Or you can do it as a regular straight roll. One d twenty. But you will make yourself vulnerable to an attack if the centipede attacks you on its turn. Those are your options.
[00:12:40] Speaker F: Oh, you know what? I live life on the edge, baby. Let's do a straight roll.
[00:12:45] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:12:47] Speaker F: A hero wouldn't be careful. A true hero would be twelve or lower about getting the job done. That's pretty good on it, meets it, beats it, right?
[00:12:57] Speaker A: Yeah. Twelve or lower.
[00:12:59] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:13:00] Speaker F: Yeah, I rolled a twelve.
[00:13:01] Speaker A: Wow. Amazing.
You get this thing wrapped up in your net. You fling the net over it. And then you hold tight and tie it a little knot. And this thing starts writhing and squirming. As it really doesn't want to be in a net. And it is its turn now.
[00:13:19] Speaker B: Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
[00:13:20] Speaker F: I'm sort of like rodeo hanging onto it.
[00:13:23] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:13:24] Speaker B: Like, yay. Oh, my God.
[00:13:26] Speaker A: Um, it is going to make a strength save in order to just break through this net. That's gonna be its entire action. Um, but that's what it's going to do. It's gonna use its pinchers.
It rolled a four, which is very much under its strength. So it succeeds. Its pincers just like bite and rip and
[email protected]. And then it starts turning and coiling once again.
And Pamela, you're in a bad situation now. Cause you're still right up on it. And your net has been destroyed.
[00:13:59] Speaker B: That didn't work as well as I thought it was going to. Sorry, everyone.
[00:14:03] Speaker A: Last in the order is John and B blob.
[00:14:06] Speaker D: So, biblo, seeing that Pamela is on the ground in front of this creature's face.
[00:14:15] Speaker A: Correct. Yeah.
[00:14:17] Speaker D: He's gonna run up in between Pamela and the centipede and look at this creature's face and say, with the same voice that he said talking about when he was talking with the cog, you.
[00:14:30] Speaker A: Do not harm my treasures. You don't.
[00:14:34] Speaker D: And he is going to swing his down into the creature's face.
[00:14:44] Speaker A: Amazing. You got a d ten here.
[00:14:47] Speaker D: All right.
[00:14:50] Speaker B: Big money. Big money.
[00:14:54] Speaker D: I was like, that's another d ten. That's a person.
[00:14:58] Speaker F: Big money, no whammies. Big money, no whammies.
[00:15:02] Speaker B: It was a four.
[00:15:04] Speaker A: All right. You do get some purchase. But as you're probably very familiar with the heads of creatures is where they need to protect most. And in this case, the centipede has naturally protected its head with exoskeleton. And so you do make some purchase on it, but not as much as you had hoped.
[00:15:20] Speaker D: Does the fact that it's on fire give me anything?
[00:15:24] Speaker B: Maybe blinding it for a little, like.
[00:15:27] Speaker D: Not damage wise, but I would like.
[00:15:29] Speaker A: You to roll in mouse ritter. A luck check is just a d six. Let's have you roll a d six and see if anything happens. Higher is better.
[00:15:36] Speaker D: Higher is better. Okay.
[00:15:38] Speaker A: Higher is better for you.
[00:15:40] Speaker B: Six. Five. Oh, cl.
[00:15:42] Speaker A: Amazing. I am going to have the Centipede roll a will save against being, like, dazed or blinded. There's no actual effect for this in the game.
But let's. Let's see how it does just for your sake. Centipede's will is eight.
[00:15:57] Speaker D: Oh. B blo's mindset is just to get Pamela out of there. No cool. No thought head.
[00:16:03] Speaker A: So maybe just, like, a distracting kind of thing.
It did not get an eight. It got a 13. And so it is distracted and dazed by this little flame in front of it on the hook.
[00:16:15] Speaker B: Let's fucking go.
[00:16:16] Speaker A: All right, beautiful. We're back at the top of the order, and it is Olive's turn.
[00:16:20] Speaker B: Hi.
[00:16:21] Speaker E: Well, I'm covered in mud and gunk and whatever other weird things died in the bog that are now all over my body.
I imagine the odor is pretty bad. I don't know if any of you have been in a swamp or a bog, but it always just smells like.
[00:16:38] Speaker B: Poop and eggs a few times.
[00:16:40] Speaker D: A few times.
[00:16:41] Speaker E: Just like bad eggs.
[00:16:43] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. Sulfur.
[00:16:45] Speaker E: Really strong.
Well, Ollie is gonna take their mighty trash hook and they're gonna run with it kind of like a. What's it like a javelin almost. And just try to spear him perfect in the gut.
[00:17:03] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:17:04] Speaker A: You've also got a d ten.
[00:17:06] Speaker E: I do.
[00:17:07] Speaker B: I do.
[00:17:08] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:17:08] Speaker C: Is this advantageous because it's dazed?
[00:17:11] Speaker A: Hmm.
I will say you can either have this attack become a d twelve and this is. But that will only be for one person who gets it as a d twelve. Or you can wait and have its damage be lowered. One person gets bonus damage, or nobody gets bonus damage. And it takes a penalty to its damage.
[00:17:37] Speaker D: Gamble.
[00:17:39] Speaker B: Think.
[00:17:41] Speaker E: Penalty to its damage.
[00:17:44] Speaker B: Cool.
[00:17:44] Speaker A: So you're gonna roll. Everybody's gonna roll their regular damage. And it will take a penalty to its damage.
[00:17:49] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:17:51] Speaker A: D ten.
[00:17:54] Speaker E: I got a ten.
[00:17:57] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:17:58] Speaker B: Whoa.
[00:18:00] Speaker A: This thing is thoroughly hurt.
[00:18:05] Speaker C: It's because they're gross. We're so skilled.
[00:18:10] Speaker A: Olive, you stab forward with your, as you described, javelin, like, trash hook. And you actually get under. There's, like, a plate of exoskeleton right where its eyes are. You get under it a good ways, and you pry it off. And so the inside of its head and, like, you can see, like. Like, throat and guts and, like, brain stem in there. It is fully vulnerable to damage. Now, in game terms, you've reduced its hp to zero, but it has not begun taking damage to its strength yet.
[00:18:46] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:18:47] Speaker A: It is now Marcy's turn.
[00:18:48] Speaker B: I'm gonna cut a bitch.
[00:18:51] Speaker A: Go for it.
[00:18:53] Speaker B: So I believe my weapon is a D six, but I'm gonna double check that before I just, like, roll something. It is a D six. We. What? We've had this conversation earlier. For context. I have a dagger. Marzi has a dagger. A dagger in d and D five. E is a D four. But a dagger in mouse rider is a D six. Because weapons work a little differently.
[00:19:13] Speaker C: They are ferocious little guys.
[00:19:16] Speaker B: Arrow the fort. Very nice.
[00:19:19] Speaker A: Nice.
[00:19:20] Speaker C: Damage central over here.
[00:19:23] Speaker B: Marcy goes up and fucking cuts a bitch.
[00:19:26] Speaker A: Nice. Amazing.
[00:19:29] Speaker C: Next is festus, I think, sort of invigorated by everyone. Also kind of going into, you know, cause mayhem. And choppy choppy is gonna also just kind of try and get another hit in and just kind of say, jolly good work, everybody, as he goes in for his next attack. And that's a five. So we're really good on Demi.
[00:19:57] Speaker D: Wonder what its strength is.
[00:19:59] Speaker F: Wow.
[00:20:01] Speaker B: We'll find out.
[00:20:02] Speaker A: All right, do it. Chipping away. You both stab into the fleshy under body of this centipede. And it is now Wick's turn.
[00:20:15] Speaker B: Well, I thought we were gonna run, but apparently I'm traveling with a bunch of murderers, so I will also stab the thing with my dagger.
So let's see.
[00:20:28] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:20:29] Speaker B: No, I just roll damage.
[00:20:32] Speaker A: You just roll d six for damage.
[00:20:34] Speaker B: All right, here we go. Here we go.
We got a four.
[00:20:39] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:20:41] Speaker B: And then, wait, I can move as well, right? Or do I have to move first?
[00:20:44] Speaker A: Yes. Now you can move whenever you want.
[00:20:47] Speaker B: I want to scoot back a little bit from this tail, just in case it's starts thrashing around a little bit.
[00:20:52] Speaker A: Very smart.
[00:20:53] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:20:54] Speaker A: All right, Pam.
[00:20:56] Speaker F: Pamela will scramble up back onto her feet. And are we walking? Sorry, random question. Are we walking on two hinds, or are we full on?
[00:21:08] Speaker A: Depends on the situation.
[00:21:11] Speaker F: I think Pamela will scurry backwards her entire foot of movement, and we'll just.
[00:21:18] Speaker B: Say, thank you, beeplo.
I really, really, really am thankful. Thank you.
[00:21:26] Speaker F: And we'll sort of David and Goliath pull out her little sling.
[00:21:29] Speaker D: Yes.
[00:21:30] Speaker F: And shove a rock in it. And we'll just twirl it over her head and use one of the ammunition and sling usages to chug a rock at this thing.
[00:21:40] Speaker A: Heck, yeah.
[00:21:41] Speaker B: Maybe I should have started with this, guys. Sorry.
[00:21:45] Speaker F: Um. Rah. Roll two. Damage.
[00:21:48] Speaker C: Damage is damage.
[00:21:50] Speaker A: You sling at this thing and you hit it, but your pebble just bounces off.
[00:21:57] Speaker B: Get armor.
[00:21:58] Speaker A: This thing has two armor. So all of your hits have been reduced by two.
And this is the first time we've seen it really do a whole lot.
[00:22:08] Speaker F: Pamela looks defeated.
[00:22:10] Speaker A: Speaking of armored creatures, it's the centipede's turn.
[00:22:13] Speaker B: Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
[00:22:14] Speaker A: Closest creature is B blow. It does have. It does have a penalty. So instead of rolling a d six for its venomous bite, it will roll a d four.
Here we go.
I rolled a four.
So b blow has three hit points. So all of those hit points are gone. And my stat block for the centipede says D deals dex damage instead of strength. So that fourth point of damage is going to reduce your dex by one. Okay. And because you took ability damage, I need you to make a strength save.
[00:22:53] Speaker B: There's something that feels very personal about the stat damage.
[00:22:57] Speaker D: It does. It does feel really personal. Save.
[00:23:00] Speaker B: I want to figure out how to put stat damage into d and d more now because that sounds really all right.
[00:23:08] Speaker A: It is really cool.
[00:23:08] Speaker D: All right, boys, I gotta roll a three or lower.
[00:23:11] Speaker B: Oh, no.
[00:23:13] Speaker F: I got a 15% chance in 3.5.
[00:23:17] Speaker B: They did have damage, if I recall correctly. Yeah, 3.5 did. Yeah.
[00:23:21] Speaker A: What'd you get, John?
[00:23:22] Speaker B: 17.
[00:23:24] Speaker A: All right, I have. I have bad news for you.
So when in mouse Ritter, when you take damage into your ability, you make the strength save. And then if you fail that save, you take critical damage.
The centipede stat block says critical damage. Venom takes effect. One d twelve damage to strength, buddy.
[00:23:49] Speaker B: What?
John really got, like, whammied J's face.
[00:23:57] Speaker A: Is so shocked, as if she's not the one who rolled double ones to find this encounter.
[00:24:03] Speaker B: That doesn't mean I know what the stats are. It's all because of you, Jay.
[00:24:08] Speaker C: We do not blame players in this way.
[00:24:12] Speaker F: It's all my fault. I'll take.
[00:24:13] Speaker A: I'll take.
[00:24:14] Speaker F: I'll take the credit, John. You can have this. You can have the character I just rolled up. It's pretty funny.
[00:24:22] Speaker D: I have a 25 chance.
[00:24:24] Speaker A: Yeah. It's possible that B blo is still alive, but not very likely be will.
[00:24:30] Speaker F: Hang in there.
[00:24:32] Speaker A: I rolled a one.
B blow. Resist. The venom lives another day. So b blow strength is now down to two.
Still alive.
[00:24:48] Speaker C: I have this, like, image where, like, people is laying on the ground, like, fading, and then he sees, like, this, like, potential outcome of the centipede. Just picking up his gear. And that's what gives him, like, the.
[00:25:00] Speaker B: Vigor to keep fire.
[00:25:03] Speaker A: I'll do you one b blow. Or one better b blow. If you get out of this, you think you could turn one of those pincers that just injected venom into you into a sword, yo?
[00:25:14] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, dude.
[00:25:17] Speaker A: So you better live. Cause now you're the only person who can do it.
[00:25:21] Speaker D: Good.
[00:25:21] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Incredible.
[00:25:23] Speaker A: All right, it is now your turn, b blo. You're in. This thing's jaws are right up in its face, and it's exposed spot that all of left for you is right in front of you. So I'm still in its pincers for flavor, not mechanically.
[00:25:38] Speaker D: B blows mad.
He's stabbing his.
[00:25:44] Speaker F: Get him, baby.
[00:25:46] Speaker D: Reckless disregard. Stabbing his fish hook into the centipede.
[00:25:52] Speaker A: Amazing. Roll that d ten.
[00:25:55] Speaker D: See?
[00:25:56] Speaker A: What do we got?
[00:25:58] Speaker D: An eight.
[00:25:59] Speaker A: Amazing. This centipede looks extremely injured. Its strength is sapping away from it as you deal blow after blow. Mice are better in swarms. You all know this. And all of you are swarming on this centipede, and it is olive turn.
[00:26:18] Speaker B: We're so close, I can feel it.
[00:26:21] Speaker E: Okay, the exposed spot is in. Is in its mouth, right?
[00:26:29] Speaker B: Kind of.
[00:26:30] Speaker A: It's like, right on its head in the face. It's like if you pulled the top of somebody's skull off and you were looking at their brain.
[00:26:34] Speaker B: Oh, gotcha. Oh.
[00:26:36] Speaker E: Would you say that this creature may be big enough for said, you know, kind of large mouse to burrow inside of?
[00:26:52] Speaker A: I don't think it's that big, but you could use it, like, a bite attack on it, for sure, if you wanted to.
[00:27:00] Speaker E: She really wants to go in there.
[00:27:02] Speaker A: You can certainly try for it, cuz.
[00:27:06] Speaker E: It'S Halloween, you know?
[00:27:08] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure.
[00:27:10] Speaker E: Okay. All right.
And she's covered in gross stuff. Okay, so Ollie is gonna move into position, her facing head on, and she is going to.
[00:27:32] Speaker B: I guess.
[00:27:33] Speaker E: Yeah, she's gonna try and burrow into its brain. I think that's what she wants.
[00:27:40] Speaker A: I would like you to make a strength save. So you're trying to roll a nine or lower on a D 20.
[00:27:47] Speaker E: Okay, I got a six.
[00:27:51] Speaker A: Amazing.
In the middle of our conversation, Jay said things in the chat. I'm gonna read them out loud so the audience can hear them as well.
If a mouse can fit its head through a space, the rest of its body can squeeze through as well, which is terrifying. I think you can totally burrow into this thing. This thing has four strength left for you to get through. And I think you get in there and the slipperiness of your mud and the strength of your teeth just, like, bite into its flesh and then you just, like, squeeze through and you can get little tastes of, like, the finer musculature of where the legs connect into the main body every so often. And you just go all the way through it and come out the other end with the little bit of rope in your mouth that was tied to the rock. And the centipede dies.
[00:28:46] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:28:47] Speaker C: Horrifying.
[00:28:48] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
[00:28:49] Speaker F: Oh, my gosh. The trash mice for the wine word.
[00:28:56] Speaker A: Going back to where we were just a tiny bit before.
Bee blow. The now empty head of this creature is right in front of you and its fangs are as well. Would you like to try to make a weapon from this creature?
[00:29:12] Speaker D: I absolutely would.
[00:29:14] Speaker A: Amazing. I would like you to roll a will save, please.
[00:29:18] Speaker D: Oh, absolutely. The only stat that hasn't been touched yet. So, so far.
I got a nat 20.
[00:29:27] Speaker B: Oh, no.
[00:29:28] Speaker A: All right, that's your first chance. That's one pincer. You have the other pincer that you can try as well?
[00:29:35] Speaker D: I would love to go for it.
[00:29:38] Speaker A: One more will save.
[00:29:40] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:29:40] Speaker F: Is there, like, help action?
[00:29:42] Speaker A: There's not help action. Wow.
[00:29:44] Speaker B: Every mouse for themselves.
[00:29:45] Speaker F: You're on your own, kids.
[00:29:48] Speaker B: Ritter really said get fucked. Sorry, John.
It smells.
[00:29:53] Speaker D: I believe I got a six.
[00:29:55] Speaker B: There we go.
[00:29:56] Speaker A: That's a success. There we go. All right. I would like you to roll a d six for me.
[00:30:01] Speaker D: Absolutely, I will.
That is going to be a fuller a four.
[00:30:07] Speaker A: So this weapon is a medium weapon, which means if you're wielding it with one paw, it's a d six. If you're wielding it with both paws, it's a d eight.
[00:30:17] Speaker B: There's versatile weapons and it has a.
[00:30:19] Speaker A: Special ability where if you get a critical damage on it, so if you attack something and it goes into its strength and it fails that strength save, you deal an additional d six of damage to that creature's dexterity.
[00:30:37] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
[00:30:39] Speaker D: That's so am going to craft this weapon using some of my trash, maybe like a ripped piece of canvas, wrapping it around the base of the pincer.
And then I am going to walk over to Pamela and hold it out to her and say for next time.
[00:31:01] Speaker B: Oh, I I. Oh, you sure you don't want it?
[00:31:08] Speaker D: I I wave my now embers covered fish hook in front of her. I have my favorite one. I lost my eye getting this one, so I think I'd rather keep it.
[00:31:21] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. Um, thank you.
[00:31:25] Speaker F: Um, I think she'll. She'll hold it and she'll, like, look up and say, well, I don't have Aphrodite now, so I guess I can hold this one, um, here. And she'll take out her jar of honey and she'll give it to you.
[00:31:41] Speaker D: Thank you. Thank you so much.
[00:31:43] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:31:44] Speaker A: If you guys would like to turn this into a short rest, having a little snack and resting for a little bit. Yeah. Recovers you one d six plus one hit points. I think John's the only one that got hurt, so that'll almost certainly refill his HP. A short rest does not recover any, like, ability attribute damage.
And also, if you are keeping your light going, this is going to take an hour. So if you want to keep light going, somebody else will have to start marking their light source.
[00:32:18] Speaker F: I can mark my light source.
[00:32:20] Speaker C: I also still have mine up if we want to just deplete that one the rest of the way for that.
[00:32:26] Speaker A: Perfect.
[00:32:27] Speaker C: Oh, is it?
[00:32:28] Speaker B: I don't know.
[00:32:29] Speaker A: Up to you. That'll end yours and then start on Pamela's.
[00:32:34] Speaker D: Let's give this roll.
I met Max. I rolled a four.
[00:32:39] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:32:40] Speaker C: My question is if we could fashion some kind of like, armor or something out of the remaining exoskeleton.
[00:32:48] Speaker A: Mmm.
That will be very difficult to do.
[00:32:53] Speaker C: I'll give it a whirl.
[00:32:54] Speaker A: Alright. I would like you to roll a will save at disadvantage, please.
[00:32:59] Speaker C: All right.
Yeah, I roll natural 20.
[00:33:06] Speaker A: That's okay. You try some things. And just like, the carapace of this thing is really hard to work with.
And it's in these weird, like, if you take it apart, it's in these weird, like, scale shapes that you've never worked with before. So.
Tough one.
All right. You have a little rest. Of course.
[00:33:25] Speaker B: I retrieved my gore cover rope.
[00:33:29] Speaker A: Good job.
You have a little rest. You have some honey.
And now you are on the bank of the bog and the bank of the brook as well. And you still have that wolf behind you. Where would you like to head to? If you would like to cross the brook here, it'll be very difficult, but you will be able to get across and then you won't have to worry about it. Or you could head east or northeast through the fields looking for some sort of makeshift or giant sized bridge. What would you like to do?
[00:34:04] Speaker C: How deep is this brook?
[00:34:06] Speaker A: Multiple mice deep. Pretty deep.
[00:34:09] Speaker B: I'm sorry, what? Hex are we on?
[00:34:12] Speaker A: You are on hex c three.
[00:34:15] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:34:16] Speaker A: Right where the brook meets the bog.
[00:34:17] Speaker B: Okay, okay, okay. How fast is the water?
[00:34:20] Speaker A: Um, not super fast. Fast enough for a mouse to get slowly swept up if they're not a very good swimmer. Um, but not like rapids, right?
[00:34:31] Speaker D: I will admit, I'm. I don't think I'm in the best condition.
[00:34:35] Speaker B: Oh, boy.
[00:34:36] Speaker C: Could I call my sparrow down?
[00:34:39] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
That's what I'm looking for.
[00:34:43] Speaker C: As people are kind of sitting and resting, I think festus kind of, you know, makes a little whistle and what did I name him? Chipwitch. Chipwitch comes and flutters down and you think after a little bit of, like, a little ruffling feathers, a little moochie meechy, you know, smooshy baby talk to the little sparrow.
Hephaestus is going to say, my dear friend, would it be possible for you to just fly up a little ways, see if there's any natural crossing for us? If all else fails, I may have you aid us in crossing the river, but I don't want to exhaust you.
[00:35:24] Speaker A: I'm going to roll a will save for Chipwitch to see if Chipwitch understands what you want and is able to do it. Chipwitch rolled a three.
[00:35:35] Speaker B: Let's go.
[00:35:36] Speaker A: It's really good.
[00:35:37] Speaker F: Let's go, Chipwitch.
[00:35:38] Speaker B: You know what? I like that bird. He's changing my opinion about birds. Maybe birds are all right.
[00:35:43] Speaker C: He's a very good bird.
[00:35:44] Speaker A: Chipwitch.
[00:35:46] Speaker B: Freaking love birds.
[00:35:47] Speaker A: Up into the air.
After a short bit of just, like, head tilt, like, thinking, jumps up into the air and flies up brook and goes to see if he can find a way across and shortly returns with good news. And that's all you can understand, is that there's a little. Yep. Kind of sound.
[00:36:19] Speaker C: I'm thinking about it. I'm a sparrow rider. I can just get on the bird. So I think Festus is going to get on the bird and just say, take me to what it is you saw.
[00:36:27] Speaker A: Please, Chip. Which does so and takes you and you see a portion of a slice of firewood that is a makeshift bridge across half of the river, and the other half is still open. So the water is still flowing around half of the brooklyn, but this is making, like, half of our bridge all the way across.
[00:36:53] Speaker C: I will return to the group and let everybody know so it's not a full way across, but it gets us a lot farther than other crossing points. Might be worth a little mosey on over there.
[00:37:11] Speaker D: All right.
I guess that'll be better than crossing here. I guess we.
[00:37:17] Speaker A: Would you all like to head there?
[00:37:18] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:37:21] Speaker A: The good news for me is that this is moving into new hex. Into d two.
Roll d six.
[00:37:32] Speaker B: No, you can't.
[00:37:34] Speaker A: A one, a one or a two will encounter a creature here. A three will be an omen.
[00:37:40] Speaker B: No, wait. I have a question.
[00:37:42] Speaker A: Uh huh.
[00:37:43] Speaker B: Is. Is it necessarily a bad encounter? Always?
[00:37:47] Speaker A: No.
[00:37:47] Speaker B: It could be good.
[00:37:48] Speaker A: Like, we could be good.
[00:37:49] Speaker B: Like a gentle. A gentle raccoon.
[00:37:53] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:37:54] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:37:54] Speaker A: Or other surviving mice.
[00:37:57] Speaker F: Yeah. Or a snake sized centipede with poison things.
[00:38:02] Speaker B: I got, like, I got a three.
[00:38:05] Speaker A: A three is an omen.
All right, you all are approaching. You're following the edge of the brook. It's, like, a little sandy and soily. And you can see some roots poking out that are like little bits of scrack, scratchy bits against your fur. As you're following the water and you're going. And all of you suddenly feel the ground start to, like, tremble.
[00:38:31] Speaker B: Oh, Jesus.
[00:38:32] Speaker A: Shakes again. Shakes again. And each one is getting a little bit stronger.
[00:38:36] Speaker B: Okay, that's enough. All right, what the hell?
[00:38:40] Speaker A: And then you see a massive shadow leap over the brook. Over. You land on the other side of the brook, and then head in towards the human town.
[00:38:50] Speaker C: Is it a giant?
[00:38:51] Speaker B: Oh, goodness.
[00:38:53] Speaker A: It. Do I want to give you any information.
[00:38:56] Speaker B: Is it a rabbit?
[00:38:58] Speaker A: It is very large.
[00:39:00] Speaker B: Very large. Is it a horse?
[00:39:03] Speaker A: It's about the size of a horse.
[00:39:05] Speaker B: Oh, it's a freaking horse.
[00:39:07] Speaker A: It doesn't. I don't really look like a horse.
[00:39:11] Speaker B: Never mind.
[00:39:11] Speaker A: Very large.
[00:39:12] Speaker B: Not a lot.
[00:39:12] Speaker A: It's like a giant.
Giant or deer or horse or something that big.
[00:39:19] Speaker B: Right. Did it. Was it run like, do we get the vibe that it was running from something?
[00:39:25] Speaker A: Hmm. Very interesting question. I'd like you to make a will save to see if you can fit. Figure that out. In the split second that it is jumping over your heads, blocking out the moon.
[00:39:35] Speaker B: I crit that's no good.
[00:39:37] Speaker A: As in a 20?
[00:39:38] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:39:39] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. It was just too fast. So many it appeared out of the blue and jumped over you and the tall grasses of the fields had blocked your view of it.
[00:39:48] Speaker B: It wouldn't. It wouldn't be unreasonable for him to suspect anything. So he does take a look to see, like, do we feel any other tremors in the ground, stuff like that?
[00:39:59] Speaker A: You do not.
[00:40:01] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:40:02] Speaker A: As of yet.
[00:40:03] Speaker B: We don't smell anything.
[00:40:04] Speaker A: Don't smell anything.
[00:40:05] Speaker D: I think it's too big to care about us.
[00:40:09] Speaker B: That's true.
[00:40:10] Speaker D: Completely honest.
[00:40:11] Speaker B: I just hope it wasn't running from anything. You know what I mean?
Uh, like, we're running from everything right now.
[00:40:19] Speaker D: Well, we always run from everything.
[00:40:21] Speaker B: That's true. Not. Not actually. Not actually. You guys are a bunch of. You're kind of hardcore, you know, I'm in the city. I'm used to dealing with city mice. And, you know, usually our approaches are danger, run or fight for your life. But you guys were like, nah, we're gonna stab this thing till it's dead.
[00:40:37] Speaker D: See, I always thought the oppressive city rats. I always thought that y'all would be, like, fighting.
[00:40:42] Speaker B: No, no. I mean, if we can get away without getting cut, is probably a good choice. Uh, but you guys. You. I mean. I mean, this entirely is a compliment. Uh, you guys are no joke. You. You crawled into its brain, Ali. That was, uh. Ho. Are you all. You crawl. You crawled into a centipede's brain? Into its cranium. That's a little. That's a little weird. I mean, I respect it. It was a choice. It was a strong choice, but you. Well done. But what? You look like Wick sales says well done, but his face is screaming terror.
Good job.
I got a pocket full of garbage. You know that song? You know that I got a bucket full of garbage? Yeah, absolutely. That's a popular one. In the city. We got lots of garbage in the city. So I hear it all the time.
[00:41:37] Speaker E: Ollie is gonna pull out a little bit of guts from a pocket, a pocket being just as part of their. Their little fur, and hand it to them. Oh, you know how I do that thing?
Because a lot of us haven't met in person, but I do this thing where I. I will hand people garbage all the time without them knowing. You just walk up, and if you just hand someone something, they're. Instinctively.
[00:41:58] Speaker B: They just take it. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:42:00] Speaker E: So that's what happens.
[00:42:02] Speaker B: Okay. Thank you for these guts. I will treasure them always.
You're a hero.
I've been trying to die since I was born, and it just hasn't happened yet. That's a little unsettling. But all right. I mean, everybody's got their thing. Yours is death. You're just. You get old, and then everything is weird, and I don't understand kids and babies are weird. And babies are weird. Babies are. Yeah, they're kind of weird. Yeah.
[00:42:35] Speaker D: Are we having this conversation on the log?
[00:42:38] Speaker A: Probably on the way there maybe.
[00:42:40] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:42:41] Speaker A: You all make it to the log shortly after this conversation. As a reminder, the log reaches about halfway across the brook, but then the rest of it is moving water.
How will you get across?
[00:42:55] Speaker E: Can't swim.
[00:42:56] Speaker D: All right, I think that we should probably establish if we're doing this as a group effort or a singular opportunity.
[00:43:05] Speaker B: How far across is it?
[00:43:08] Speaker A: I would give you a foot and a half.
[00:43:11] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:43:12] Speaker D: A Sparrow talker.
[00:43:14] Speaker B: Sparrow talker.
[00:43:16] Speaker D: We have rope, right?
[00:43:18] Speaker B: I got rope.
[00:43:19] Speaker C: There is some dirty rope.
[00:43:24] Speaker B: It still works best.
[00:43:25] Speaker C: Just looks a little less than enthused.
[00:43:27] Speaker B: It still works.
[00:43:29] Speaker D: If your. If your sparrow can hold one person, could we tie the rope to their leg and crawl across one at a time? Wouldn't even have to touch the water.
[00:43:39] Speaker C: How long is our rope?
[00:43:42] Speaker B: I don't know. I didn't specify when I took it.
[00:43:46] Speaker A: How long do I believe the rope item is? Six inches.
[00:43:49] Speaker B: Okay. It's a short rope.
[00:43:52] Speaker F: Long rope for a mouse.
[00:43:54] Speaker B: Long rope from me.
[00:43:55] Speaker A: It is.
[00:43:56] Speaker C: And you said the log goes halfway across a foot and a half river. So that would still leave us with.
[00:44:03] Speaker A: There's a foot and a half left.
The brook is about 3ft wide. The log is doing half of it for you.
[00:44:11] Speaker B: This brook were mice who are too small.
[00:44:14] Speaker A: You could also travel up further and see if there's a better way. This is just the first one that the sparrow saw.
[00:44:19] Speaker B: I love. I love the visual of being stopped by a brook. Like, it's usually a villain or something terrible. No, ours. Running water terrible.
[00:44:29] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:44:31] Speaker B: I mean, I guess. I guess if we were like, these were like normal adventurers in d and D context. Like a raging river. A raging river is the equivalent. Yeah.
[00:44:42] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:44:43] Speaker C: Steph, it looks like you're cooking up a plan.
[00:44:46] Speaker E: Are there any trees or plants or anything near us?
[00:44:51] Speaker A: There's a bunch of the tall grass, but that's pretty much it for what's near you right now.
[00:44:56] Speaker E: Grass floats.
[00:44:57] Speaker B: Oh, there's no water sausages. I don't know what they're actually called, but. The cattails. Yeah, those forbidden hot dogs.
[00:45:06] Speaker A: There's more cattails down by the bog.
[00:45:08] Speaker B: Damn. Gonna say we could make a water sausage fridge.
[00:45:12] Speaker D: But, I mean, going down might not be the best option. Not the worst option. I mean, as b blow is clutching onto the cog, knowing deep down that that's the only reason why he doesn't want to swim across.
[00:45:29] Speaker C: Um, would it be possible? I think festus is gonna start kind of like, nibbling at the base of some of these tall grasses, and he's gonna just start.
[00:45:38] Speaker B: Start.
[00:45:38] Speaker C: Like, toppling these little blades and start, like, weaving them together. Like braiding them to make a rope. But more than six inches, maybe.
[00:45:49] Speaker A: Sure. I like it.
[00:45:51] Speaker B: What's wrong with my rope? You don't like my rope?
[00:45:53] Speaker C: Your rope is fine.
[00:45:56] Speaker B: It's a great rope.
[00:45:57] Speaker C: A little more length to get across is all.
We can tie them together, and then you'll have an even longer rope.
[00:46:05] Speaker B: You did before, right?
[00:46:07] Speaker A: If you tie this rope made of grasses and the real mouse rope together, it'll be exactly the length that you need.
[00:46:17] Speaker B: All right.
[00:46:18] Speaker A: You'll probably need to leave your rope behind, though, wick.
[00:46:21] Speaker B: What?
My precious resource.
[00:46:24] Speaker D: We can get you more rope.
[00:46:27] Speaker B: We can just weave some more out.
[00:46:28] Speaker C: Of some grass on the other side.
[00:46:31] Speaker B: Fine.
He's not happy, though.
[00:46:35] Speaker C: He will do this, but he is not happy. Very begrudgingly.
[00:46:39] Speaker B: Yes.
I be blow.
[00:46:44] Speaker D: Yes.
[00:46:45] Speaker B: Great. So perhaps, just for a little bit, you give your cog to Chipwitch. Just for a little bit, just in case you do fall into the river. Because then you won't sake. Maybe, just maybe, just a justinian. Of course. You don't have to follow it. I'm just gonna stop talking.
[00:47:08] Speaker D: Biblo is staring at you with anger in one of his eyes. Or his only eye, I guess.
He flips up the eye patch and there's a second one.
No, people. Bebo is gonna stare at you with anger for a moment before holding it out to in Chipwitch's direction and looking away as if he can't see it be taken from him.
[00:47:35] Speaker B: I can't get to see it.
[00:47:37] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:47:38] Speaker B: Take it. Before I change my mind.
[00:47:42] Speaker A: You fashion this new grass rope to your old, much sturdier rope. Tie that to chipwitch's little leg, and tripwitch picks up the little cog in his mouth and then flies over to the other side and dutifully stands waiting for you all to cross.
[00:48:00] Speaker B: How do I get a bird? How did you get a bird?
[00:48:02] Speaker C: Family business. When we get to the city, I can teach you if you'd like.
[00:48:08] Speaker B: Oh, yes. Okay, cool.
[00:48:12] Speaker D: Well, now that we're all standing here, who's going first?
[00:48:17] Speaker B: I'm willing to give it a try. I'm small, so maybe it won't break. I don't know. We're all small.
That's true. We're all small.
[00:48:26] Speaker F: I think that Pamela will mention.
[00:48:28] Speaker B: So, sometimes when the bees back, you.
[00:48:33] Speaker F: Know, at home, would want to need to repair some broken honeycomb. They would do this thing called festooning.
[00:48:40] Speaker B: Where you would grab onto each other's.
[00:48:42] Speaker F: Legs or tails, and you would go in a chain.
[00:48:45] Speaker B: So maybe if we all, like, grab.
[00:48:46] Speaker F: Onto each other's tails and we walk across around the same time, if somebody.
[00:48:50] Speaker B: Falls off, then that would prevent them.
[00:48:52] Speaker F: From being swept away. Really?
[00:48:55] Speaker B: I don't know. Just a thought.
[00:48:56] Speaker D: I was worried about chipwitch.
[00:48:58] Speaker B: Oh, whatever works.
I'm okay with anything. I don't know.
[00:49:05] Speaker F: Just some thoughts that my family used to do together. She sort of is, like, kicking the grass under her feet.
[00:49:13] Speaker A: If you follow through with that plan, you'll just succeed. No rules necessary.
You put a ton of work into.
[00:49:21] Speaker B: This plan I've ever heard in my life. All right, everybody. Everybody else is wrong. You were right.
Pamela for president. Pamela. Do we have a president? Okay.
[00:49:39] Speaker D: I'm just imagining twiddling her little mice thumbs, but with a centipede pincer in her hands.
[00:49:46] Speaker B: Like, um. I don't really know. She's just sort of like, okay, we festoon.
[00:49:53] Speaker D: Let's do it.
[00:49:54] Speaker A: All right. You festoon your way across and reach the other side of the river. You are now on the other side of the brook in hex d two. If you go northwest, you will reach more open field and then the road. If you go straight north into d one, you will more quickly reach the road and then be in the giant town. And if you go north east, you will come across the road much sooner. And you'll have less room to go. But you will be much deeper in the midst of the human town. Where would you like to head to next?
[00:50:37] Speaker B: Wick?
[00:50:38] Speaker C: I do believe you are more experienced in terms of city life. What would you recommend?
[00:50:47] Speaker B: Well, people kind of suck. Not gonna lie.
They're not necessarily actively hunting you, but they got these freaking traps all over the place. It's very rude. And they put food on them. Have you ever seen a mousetrap? My God. They put food on them to make you think, oh, look at this beautiful smorgasbord. We love mice. Come, dig in. And then it's like, boom, dead.
So it's just like a different kind of villain you gotta look out for. You know what I mean?
[00:51:14] Speaker D: I've never encountered this kind of giant before.
Most of the ones that I've seen in the forest are, well, a little bit more uncaring than that.
[00:51:26] Speaker B: Not they're busy. They're kind of dumb. They're like. They're narcissist. Just walking around, trying to get. Get on with their lives and not really looking at their feet all that much.
So they let the traps do it for them. Is what I'm saying.
You know what I mean?
Uh, so I guess it kind of depends. I mean, if you would like to go into town, if you want that experience, if you want to see something new, then why not?
[00:51:53] Speaker D: But I've never been.
[00:51:55] Speaker A: What are you thinking before?
[00:51:57] Speaker B: You want to go to town of.
[00:51:59] Speaker A: Note, on our hex map, there's more town to the north and to the east, there's a less town to the northwest. So if you want to avoid a bunch of people, you probably want to go northwest. If you are okay encountering more people, you'll be more okay going straight northward to the northeast.
Why don't I have.
Why don't I have wick roll a will save for me.
[00:52:27] Speaker B: Okay.
The fear.
We got a seven.
[00:52:34] Speaker A: All right.
[00:52:34] Speaker B: We're good.
[00:52:36] Speaker A: When you came to Sickerheim, you were following this road, and you remember out west, there is a really old giant settlement, which in our eyes, is like one house, one building, that's all out by itself in hex, a one. And then in the main town, there's a ton of giant settlements, all very close together. So if you're trying to avoid people, going out to that old one is a good idea. And also because you rolled so good with your city knowledge, you know that lights on usually means that the giants are awake and that there's giants there.
[00:53:18] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:53:19] Speaker A: That old human settlement in a one usually doesn't have the lights on, and it doesn't right now.
[00:53:25] Speaker B: Okay. All right. Well, you know, I gotta listen to my gut, and, uh, you know, maybe under a less trying time, I'll take you into some secret routes in the city where I don't think we'll be in a trap or anything like that, but, uh, I could take you.
There's, like, one of the giant houses over yonder, and I don't think anybody's home. If you would like to see what they look like, if you're interested in that.
[00:53:52] Speaker D: Yeah, that sounds good.
[00:53:54] Speaker B: All right, so we. We can take the route with. Watch.
[00:54:00] Speaker A: They're gonna wait going into this. So you're currently in d two.
And so the goal will be to head into c two and then into b one, and then into a one.
[00:54:11] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:54:11] Speaker C: As far as I understand.
[00:54:13] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:54:14] Speaker B: And so just. Just a reminder of goal. So we are just.
[00:54:18] Speaker A: Are we trying to avoid a wolf?
[00:54:20] Speaker B: Yeah, we're just trying to avoid a wolf. There's no specific destination that we are heading to. We're just running.
[00:54:24] Speaker A: Correct.
[00:54:25] Speaker B: Okay. Just want to make sure.
[00:54:26] Speaker A: Trying to get to a safe spot.
[00:54:27] Speaker B: Okay. So yeah, we should not take our time. I'm thinking, like, I'm gonna take them into town, we'll see the sights. But that's probably not the best idea.
[00:54:34] Speaker A: No, probably not the best idea.
[00:54:35] Speaker B: Especially if a wolf comes to town and the giants panic.
[00:54:40] Speaker A: Yeah, if. And the. The giants are probably aware of the wolf already, so they're probably even more on guard right now.
[00:54:46] Speaker B: Yeah, that's totally fine.
[00:54:47] Speaker A: Usual?
[00:54:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay, cool. Cool. All right, cool.
[00:54:50] Speaker A: Let's head into c one. I believe the next person to roll an encounter dice will be Meg. We've gone through everybody. Oh, my gosh. D six for me, please.
[00:55:01] Speaker C: A regular d six?
[00:55:03] Speaker B: Yeah. And I have a question.
[00:55:05] Speaker A: A six.
[00:55:06] Speaker B: What are the odds we get hit by a fucking car?
[00:55:11] Speaker A: Now that Meg rolled a six, pretty low.
[00:55:13] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:55:18] Speaker A: You come. You make your way through more field, these tall grasses. Eventually you come to a gravel bank that leads up to a very dangerous spot. The road is a very dangerous place to be for a mouse because these large metal beasts go back and forth very quickly and very often. But it seems like right now the road is quiet. And as you look up a little bit, there's these, like, a big metal fence that's on the side of the road that usually keeps the.
These, like, metal beasts on the road.
And up there you see a big, fat rat sitting on its butt. It's, like, on its butt and its back paws are out in front of it, and its front paws are on its belly. And it's on the top of this wooden post that's kind of holding up the metal fence. And it looks down at you and it goes, huh? I ain't seen any cars for a long time, you know? So if you're gonna go across the road, that's a good time.
[00:56:21] Speaker C: Oh, thank you, good friend.
[00:56:24] Speaker A: What the fuck did you call me?
[00:56:27] Speaker B: What the fuck did you call me? This is like city talk, right? Were you from the same.
[00:56:31] Speaker A: I didn't call you fucking daddy.
[00:56:33] Speaker B: What do you mean? I don't know.
[00:56:35] Speaker A: You got two. You got two trashy mice. That's my job, you know, I'm basically a trash mouse.
Are you sure about that?
[00:56:44] Speaker B: I am 100% certain, yes.
[00:56:46] Speaker A: You know what? Maybe because you're being so nice to me, you gotta pay me in some trash.
[00:56:53] Speaker D: B Blo is gonna chime in if cursing's allowed. B Blo is gonna chime in. His eye growing beady. Once again, we ain't giving you a shit.
[00:57:04] Speaker B: Oh, he's got, like, an alternate ego.
[00:57:05] Speaker A: Bite your head off, will ya?
[00:57:08] Speaker C: You can't do that.
[00:57:09] Speaker B: I rolled his, bro. That's kind of cannibalism. That's kind of nasty. I think you should reconsider.
[00:57:15] Speaker D: All right, then, bud.
[00:57:17] Speaker B: Wait, whoa, whoa. Nobody. Nobody's getting ahead. Eating off first.
[00:57:19] Speaker A: You want to go? You want to go?
[00:57:21] Speaker B: Listen.
[00:57:21] Speaker A: And he kind of just, like, starts tilting and then just kind of, like, tumbles off of this wooden post. And I'm going to make a Dex save for him.
[00:57:31] Speaker B: What a predator.
[00:57:33] Speaker A: He rolled into 18. He lands flat on his head and knocks himself out.
[00:57:38] Speaker B: I take his stuff. What's he got on him?
[00:57:42] Speaker A: He's got some folds of, like, his tummy fat. And in there, you find a quarter.
Shiny quarter.
[00:57:52] Speaker B: He's got what?
[00:57:53] Speaker A: He's got a quarter. In, like, the folds of his tummy tummy flabs. And in another fold of his tummy flab, you find what looks to be a little to all of it looks like a candy, but it smells way different than a candy. It smells like smoke, but it's, like, wrapped up in paper, like a candy.
[00:58:13] Speaker B: Oh, I'll take that.
Wait, did we just listen? I think that's drugs.
[00:58:21] Speaker A: He's got a couple of them, bro.
[00:58:22] Speaker B: We about to get wick real lit.
[00:58:28] Speaker A: Just to be clear, it's wrapped up on both sides like a werther's with, like, a thing in the middle.
[00:58:33] Speaker B: We.
[00:58:34] Speaker F: Okay, yes. We have to clarify the shape of this. Is it like, a long.
[00:58:38] Speaker A: It's an orb.
It's an orb with, like, a thin paper around it.
[00:58:45] Speaker B: It.
[00:58:45] Speaker A: And it's twisted on both ends, and it smells like.
[00:58:49] Speaker F: I know what this is.
[00:58:50] Speaker A: And it smells like smoke.
[00:58:51] Speaker F: I think I know what this is, but I don't know if I want very character.
[00:58:54] Speaker D: I have no clue.
Be blows. Good. Can be blow. Eat it.
[00:59:01] Speaker B: Listen, there's one thing I learned. Don't eat straight trash. We got to know what it is first. That's how I lost my brother Kenny. He ate some straight gum on the street. Died right away. Died.
[00:59:12] Speaker E: Ollie. Ollie wants to eat it.
[00:59:14] Speaker B: Ollie's gonna eat it. Oh, my God.
[00:59:17] Speaker F: Oh, my gosh.
[00:59:19] Speaker B: Getting all over again.
[00:59:20] Speaker F: Oh, my gosh.
[00:59:21] Speaker B: My brother death has been coming for.
[00:59:24] Speaker E: Ollie forever, and Ollie just keeps winning.
[00:59:27] Speaker D: Are both Ollie and Biblo committing to this? Are we doing the thing where we're locking arms together?
[00:59:33] Speaker C: No.
[00:59:33] Speaker A: No.
[00:59:34] Speaker B: I mean, Ollie wouldn't. Ollie would.
[00:59:36] Speaker C: Ollie would think you're weird for doing that.
[00:59:38] Speaker D: That's fair.
[00:59:38] Speaker B: Like a freaking death cat.
[00:59:40] Speaker E: Like, don't touch me.
[00:59:41] Speaker F: All he says, covered in, like, centipede guts from burrowing into.
[00:59:46] Speaker B: Something's freaking. Does he just, like, fucking smack this.
[00:59:50] Speaker F: Out from between these two?
[00:59:52] Speaker A: Uh, yeah. You can't get in it. PvP hits the floor.
[00:59:56] Speaker B: Does it does anything?
[00:59:58] Speaker A: It's on the ground. Nothing's happened yet.
[01:00:00] Speaker D: It doesn't smell the worst. What? What's wrong?
[01:00:03] Speaker B: It's. It's. I don't think I'm gonna trust wick on this one and say that it's probably not the best idea to try and eat it. It's not for you. Like your elders. It smells spicy. And not the good kind. It's a don't. Don't eat it. Don't eat it.
[01:00:17] Speaker D: I guess I don't have the best constitution right now.
[01:00:20] Speaker B: No, you don't.
[01:00:25] Speaker D: Ollie can go for it. B blow is going to bow out.
[01:00:29] Speaker B: Ollie.
[01:00:30] Speaker E: So it's on the ground right now?
[01:00:31] Speaker B: Correct.
[01:00:33] Speaker E: So Ollie's gonna take the end of her trash hook and smack it into little pieces.
[01:00:41] Speaker B: No way.
[01:00:42] Speaker A: You smack it, and it explodes in a flash of light and a thing of smoke, and it goes.
[01:00:51] Speaker B: What was that? I've seen them on the 4 July in town. They like Dino. I don't know where we sit. Where's this? What year is it? I need clarification. There are cars. What year?
[01:01:06] Speaker D: My mental image is 1997, and I cannot explain.
[01:01:14] Speaker B: Wick is also wearing, like, a little denim jacket with patches all over.
[01:01:23] Speaker A: That's where he keeps the painting of his mom.
All right, would you all like to cross the road? It is unguarded by a rat.
[01:01:32] Speaker B: Now we got a quarter.
[01:01:34] Speaker D: You said. You said there were two of these wrapped things or just one?
[01:01:38] Speaker A: Just the one.
[01:01:39] Speaker D: Just the one. Okay. Yeah, let's cross.
[01:01:41] Speaker B: All right. So don't eat it. Yeah. Don't eat what?
[01:01:47] Speaker C: Wick just shakes his head.
[01:01:49] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh.
[01:01:50] Speaker A: You all cross the road, and we head into a new hex. B one. B one is kind of a mix of, like, outskirts of town and also some grassland y kind of feel. And you're kind of following the edge of the road as you're heading towards this lone giant settlement still looming off in the distance. No lights on, unlike the other giant settlements. And I would like grace to roll a d six for a possible encounter in b one.
You are going along this road, and there's these metal poles that are holding up a little fence that keeps the rat, called them cars, from going off the road and landing with big, clawed feet and wide, black wings. Is that crow that you heard of earlier? And it lands there and looks down at you as you're trying to walk along the road and get towards this house. Mike starts tilting his head.
[01:02:58] Speaker B: My quarter's in a sec.
[01:03:01] Speaker D: The cock isn't.
[01:03:05] Speaker A: Caws at you.
[01:03:07] Speaker B: Marcy waves her dagger in front of the crow. Like, look, shiny.
[01:03:11] Speaker A: The crow hops down towards you.
[01:03:13] Speaker B: After letting out a very undignified speech.
[01:03:15] Speaker F: That did not get him picked up.
[01:03:17] Speaker B: On discord at all, I raise you.
[01:03:27] Speaker A: Your dagger. It looks over towards it and then looks back at all of you.
[01:03:30] Speaker B: All right, hold on, hold on. We don't want any trouble. Oh, my gosh. Maybe it's the one that took my uncle. Uncle Ned, rest in peace.
Listen, we don't want any trouble. He slowly goes for the sack, takes out the quarter.
[01:03:44] Speaker A: It kind of, like, lowers its head a little bit, picks the quarter up.
[01:03:49] Speaker B: And, like, rolls it along the ground towards the crow.
[01:03:53] Speaker A: It picks up the quarter and hops a little ways away. And then it kind of reaches in between where these wooden posts are and where this metal is. And it puts the corridor in there, and then it pulls something else out and hops back over to you, and then it drops it on the ground.
[01:04:12] Speaker B: Oh.
What? It.
[01:04:16] Speaker A: It looks like a little. Like a little flat stone.
[01:04:22] Speaker B: Okay, thank you. Thank you for the stone.
We're gonna be going now, everybody. Right?
[01:04:34] Speaker A: Does anybody pick it up?
[01:04:36] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm taking this.
[01:04:38] Speaker A: You pick it up, and there's, like, a carving on the other side.
[01:04:41] Speaker B: Oh, a fancy stone. Oh, fancy stone.
[01:04:45] Speaker F: Oh, yes.
[01:04:48] Speaker A: This is a spell.
[01:04:49] Speaker F: What is the carving? A spell. It's a spell.
[01:04:53] Speaker A: Magic.
[01:04:54] Speaker B: I freaking love magic.
[01:04:57] Speaker A: This spell.
Spells in mouse ritter are created. Were created by ancient mouse wizards who carved their magic into stones and bark and bones. And then their methods were lost to time. So nobody can create magic, but you can find it in many places.
This spell in the mouse tongue, you read this little symbology on this little, and you can tell that this spell is called be understood. And basically, it can have up to three creatures be able to understand each other for a short period of time.
If you would like to use it, we will get into how using it works in a little bit.
[01:05:49] Speaker B: Thank you. Magic quilt. Can I go get my dagger?
Very brave.
[01:05:56] Speaker A: The crow flies away.
[01:05:58] Speaker B: I'm having lots of positive bird interactions lately.
[01:06:01] Speaker A: All right. Is it time?
[01:06:03] Speaker C: We are almost at our destination. Shall we sally forth?
[01:06:07] Speaker D: I think so, yeah.
[01:06:10] Speaker B: Sounds good.
[01:06:12] Speaker A: As you are heading still west northwest very slightly, you start to hear screams of giants behind you.
[01:06:21] Speaker B: Oh, boy.
[01:06:22] Speaker A: It seems like maybe the wolf got into town, is wreaking havoc.
Best to get inside quickly and hide. Yes.
[01:06:30] Speaker D: Yes.
[01:06:32] Speaker B: Also, are they right? Are the humans running, or are they just making a ruckus?
[01:06:36] Speaker A: They are running.
[01:06:37] Speaker B: Okay. We don't want to get trampled. Yes.
[01:06:39] Speaker D: Let's house the house. Get to the house.
[01:06:41] Speaker A: All right, you all head into hex a one where this lone house exists.
This house is old. The wood is rotting and decaying from lack of giant use and care. It is easy to find holes and small gaps in the wood, in the windows, in the door, where you can slip inside. On the inside, you are struck with an initial pang of fear as you see many, many cobbles. Cobs are bad for mice because it usually means that there's spiders nearby. But even these cobwebs look old and abandoned, almost like the giants abandoned this house, and then the spiders did, too.
What would you like to do?
[01:07:25] Speaker D: Let's explore the house a little bit, make sure that it's safe for everyone. We only have to spend a night or so here.
[01:07:32] Speaker A: The giants gen outside, you hear a loud bang.
[01:07:35] Speaker B: Oh.
[01:07:36] Speaker A: In the distance.
[01:07:37] Speaker B: Like a gunshot.
[01:07:39] Speaker A: Like a gunshot.
[01:07:43] Speaker D: Inside.
[01:07:43] Speaker C: I think we should stay inside.
[01:07:45] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:07:47] Speaker D: I'm going to relight my fish hook torch.
So I will say that I am lighting that.
[01:07:59] Speaker B: Can I say from. From my torch.
Could I make the argument that, that it gains more uses if I take some of these abandoned spider webs and wrap it around the end?
[01:08:11] Speaker A: Sure. I like it. There you go.
Awesome. Yeah.
You all begin looking very carefully around this house. You see massive chairs and tables made of wood, some of which are broken, many of which are in a bad way. You see in this large main entryway, you see a metal, like, multiple fish hooks hanging from the ceiling with candles. You recognize candles attached to it. You see massive stairs that go up higher than some trees.
And all of it is shrouded in darkness, as your very small light sources can only light a little bit of it. Once again, outside, you feel as though that big shape is approaching you once again, just like the one that leaped over you at the brook. It seems to be approaching this house.
[01:09:12] Speaker B: We should hide.
Oh, no, wait. The thing that left over us at the brook. So that was an animal that left over us at the brook. Correct.
[01:09:19] Speaker A: It was big.
[01:09:20] Speaker B: Do you think it was a wolf?
No, we don't know that it wasn't.
[01:09:27] Speaker C: I think festus is gonna try and find one of the holes in the walls.
[01:09:33] Speaker D: Biblio wants elevation.
[01:09:36] Speaker A: Cool.
[01:09:37] Speaker B: Is there a biblo will ascend?
[01:09:39] Speaker A: Yeah, there's a table.
[01:09:40] Speaker D: Can I climb one of the legs?
[01:09:44] Speaker A: Yeah, you climb up one of the legs of the table. Get onto the table. You hide between some of the objects there that were left on the table.
[01:09:49] Speaker D: Just to lay flat. Like I look dead.
[01:09:52] Speaker A: Perfect.
[01:09:53] Speaker D: Snuffing out my torch, I should say.
[01:09:56] Speaker A: Amazing.
[01:09:57] Speaker B: I want to hide behind, you know, like those. Those knife stands that people keep on countertops. Do they have one of those in here? I want to hide behind that.
[01:10:06] Speaker A: Yeah. You run into an area that's got really slippery floor, and you climb up some small doors and get behind a knife block.
All of you hide inside the walls, behind things, laying flat on your stomach. And the front door of this giant house does not open in a swinging motion, but falls flat on the floor.
[01:10:29] Speaker B: Oh, no.
[01:10:29] Speaker A: When you see a creature, panting, almost crawls into the room.
You see liquid dripping from its chest hit the floor, and you see the face of a wolf crawl into the room, start sniffing, and then it starts heading for another door, one that you haven't peeked through yet, but it starts heading through the door, crawling as it goes, does not seem to notice you. Goes to another door. Its front paw reaches up towards it, and just kind of bats at it, falls to the floor, reaches up toward again, seems to get purchase, opens the door, and it seems to open into deep, deep darkness, one that is both terrifying and comforting to many mice. Not many things could see you down there if you went there. This wolf creature is going there as well. And it starts to go down, disappears, seeming to go around a corner.
[01:11:46] Speaker B: Was it fully.
[01:11:47] Speaker A: Was it fully wolf looked wolfish to you?
[01:11:51] Speaker B: This thing's a freaking werewolf. I just feel it in my bones.
[01:11:57] Speaker C: How else would it know to open a door?
[01:11:59] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah.
[01:12:01] Speaker C: I kind of think festus might start creeping toward the door.
[01:12:07] Speaker B: Oh, boy.
[01:12:08] Speaker C: To see what happens, bro.
[01:12:10] Speaker B: The d and D player in me is just like, let's fucking go after the weird thing.
[01:12:14] Speaker D: But the Halloween special in me is going. Light the house on fire.
[01:12:19] Speaker B: Oh, dude, burn it down.
Arson is always the answer.
[01:12:27] Speaker E: Um, Ollie is gonna drag themselves out from the wall, and I think Ollie is gonna head that way. Cause they're ready.
[01:12:39] Speaker B: They're ready for what?
[01:12:41] Speaker A: Constantly.
[01:12:42] Speaker E: Well, yeah, they've lived their life, all right. They lived for a really long time. So they're like, well, if this is.
[01:12:50] Speaker C: It, so be it. And so they just.
[01:12:52] Speaker E: They start going, and they're gonna. They're gonna head to the door.
[01:12:55] Speaker B: I don't think I've ever played in any TTrPG with a character with this much of a death wish.
I have, so.
[01:13:06] Speaker F: So Festus and Ollie are both going towards the door. And you guys were both two that were in the wall. I think Pamela's in there, too, because she didn't say she was going anywhere, so I think she's just gonna follow you guys. She has no idea what's going on.
[01:13:18] Speaker B: She's like, oh, I guess we're where I guess we're going. Okay.
[01:13:23] Speaker F: Grips. Onto the weapon. Kind of shakily.
[01:13:26] Speaker B: Okay. I feel like Wick definitely had a moment of. His initial instinct was when he thought it was fully, like wolf was. I'm gonna push this knife, block off the counter, and just impale this thing.
But then got suspicious because this thing isn't moving, like, normally. So we'll scamper down to all of you. Are we going down there? Is that what we want? That's. That's the plan.
I mean, that's what a hero would. I mean, that's. That's true. But, yeah, you're kind of right. I have a question for the question. What do the heroes do? Um, would we maybe. Because there's a lot of weird things kind of around. Um, do we want to try and grab things that might be helpful? Because we did have to sacrifice things like our rope and other things. Stimpy's rope.
[01:14:20] Speaker D: Does anything smell like the soaked twine that I have on this table?
I'm trying to. How would a mouse know what alcohol.
Very flammable lips.
[01:14:37] Speaker A: You don't think that there's any alcohol, but there is, like, a very stumpy candle here. Here.
[01:14:44] Speaker D: And there's a lot of.
[01:14:45] Speaker A: Closest thing you can get to, like, helpful with fire.
[01:14:49] Speaker D: Oh, yeah.
But I have to get it off the table, though.
[01:14:55] Speaker A: Feeling pretty weak right now, too.
[01:14:57] Speaker D: Do I want to. Do I want to cause chaos? I don't want to cause chaos.
[01:15:02] Speaker B: Maybe we could lock him down there and then sit the house up.
Truly noble.
[01:15:10] Speaker D: I will. I will scamper down from the top of the table.
[01:15:16] Speaker B: There. Is anything cool up there?
[01:15:18] Speaker D: There is a candle up there.
I know that there's a lot of spider webs out here. We could possibly use that while it's distracted down there in the safety.
[01:15:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Helly feels so bad. It's not. It's not Wick. It's me. I'm like, what if this. What if this person is a werewolf and just literally can't. We can't control all these urges, and then we're just gonna murder them? Set the house on fire?
[01:15:44] Speaker A: We do have to.
[01:15:45] Speaker B: I mean, we can, but Wick doesn't know that. That's true. That's true. We do. We do have the stone.
[01:15:51] Speaker D: Who should someone be a disembodied voice in the darkness, try to hide from it and talk to it?
[01:15:59] Speaker B: That might be a good idea.
[01:16:01] Speaker F: We have the special, um, rock etch thingy now, right?
[01:16:08] Speaker B: That might be a good idea.
[01:16:10] Speaker D: We should be ready to set the house on fire, just in case.
[01:16:14] Speaker B: Do you want to grab the candle?
[01:16:16] Speaker D: I could use some help getting it down.
[01:16:19] Speaker B: We have two of the most opposite plans in motion.
[01:16:22] Speaker D: We're gonna, we're gonna have both of them going on at the same time.
[01:16:28] Speaker B: Marzi is strong as fuck, so Marzi can help with this. Cool.
[01:16:33] Speaker A: Marzi, if you go up there, it's automatic.
[01:16:34] Speaker B: Cool.
[01:16:35] Speaker A: You can get the candle.
[01:16:36] Speaker B: Yeah. Arson.
[01:16:38] Speaker A: You get the candle, push it off the table, scamper down, pick it up again.
[01:16:43] Speaker B: Fuck yeah.
[01:16:44] Speaker A: Everybody's heading towards the stairs into the basement.
[01:16:46] Speaker B: So take up, like, two body slots. I don't know, maybe.
[01:16:49] Speaker A: Yeah. It's gonna be like both hands.
[01:16:51] Speaker B: Convince him that we're his conscience and he should leave mice alone forever and always for the rest of its life. Ooh, that's quite convincing.
[01:17:05] Speaker F: When I have a question, Ben.
While everyone is talking and figuring out a plan, can Pamela sneak away and start going down the stairs?
[01:17:16] Speaker B: The audacity. Why?
[01:17:18] Speaker A: What would you like to do?
[01:17:19] Speaker F: I just want to see if I could get a little bit more context for what's going on here. Like, I'm essentially just trying to. She's read a lot of stories her mom has read, has told her a lot of fairy tales.
So she's just trying to see if there's anything that she might have read in one of her fairy tale books going on.
[01:17:38] Speaker B: If you make Pamela tragic, I'm gonna be really mad.
It's a Halloween. One shot.
[01:17:44] Speaker F: Ellie, listen, I don't know what to tell you.
[01:17:52] Speaker A: All right?
[01:17:53] Speaker F: We'll see.
[01:17:53] Speaker B: She has too much hope in her heart.
[01:17:56] Speaker A: Jake, you roll a deck. Save for me, please. This is both. This mostly for, like, being sneaky.
[01:18:05] Speaker F: Bada bing, bada boom. I succeeded with a three.
[01:18:07] Speaker B: Amazing.
[01:18:07] Speaker A: That's a really good role for you.
[01:18:11] Speaker F: Yeah.
[01:18:11] Speaker A: You start sneaking down the stairs, and you see there's a small, like, basement window. That there's a bunch of moonlight coming through. It's helping. You see down in this basement. And you can see this creature still panting.
The blood that was seeping from its chest earlier is starting to slow down. And you see that it's crawling towards what looks like a stump. And on top of it, you see it kind of looks, it doesn't look dissimilar to the stone that wick has, but it's much larger. And the carvings into it are also much larger. I would like you to make a will. Save for me, please.
[01:18:59] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:19:02] Speaker F: I rolled a seven, and my will is a nine.
[01:19:04] Speaker A: Perfect. You see this much larger carving?
And it's in mouse.
[01:19:13] Speaker B: What?
[01:19:14] Speaker A: It's many words combined all together. Seems like something you could read. And it would have incredible effect.
[01:19:23] Speaker B: Oh, boy.
[01:19:25] Speaker A: If. If wick's small spell, that's the size of. I don't know, like an iPad to a mouse compared to a human's, like, posture. This thing is probably larger than your home back in those concrete tubes, and it has words all over it.
[01:19:45] Speaker F: Oh, um, can I see what any of them say, or is it pretty?
[01:19:50] Speaker A: You need to go up and climb up onto it to be able to see it.
[01:19:53] Speaker F: Okay. I think Pamela will go back up to the top, and while everyone's talking, having conversations, like, we should leave the.
[01:20:00] Speaker B: House, we should do this, blah, blah, blah.
[01:20:01] Speaker F: She's like, hi.
[01:20:04] Speaker B: Excuse me. So I went and I did some.
[01:20:07] Speaker F: Please don't be mad.
[01:20:08] Speaker B: I went and I did some looking around, and there's this big old tablet.
[01:20:12] Speaker F: Thing, kind of like your rock pointing to wick, kind of like your rock.
[01:20:18] Speaker B: And it's all a bunch of words.
[01:20:19] Speaker F: And mouse, but it's really, really big.
[01:20:20] Speaker B: And I think if we can get.
[01:20:22] Speaker F: Up there and we can read it, it might do something really, really big.
[01:20:27] Speaker B: Also, the.
[01:20:28] Speaker F: The wolf is down there, and the.
[01:20:30] Speaker B: Bleeding is slowing, so I'm not entirely sure if that's, like, a concern or not. But that's what I found. Sorry. Carry on. Sorry. That's incredible.
[01:20:45] Speaker D: Just wanted to distract the wolf and get him up here. Maybe we could run down there. When. As he comes up, we go down.
[01:20:53] Speaker B: We don't even know what that does yet.
[01:20:56] Speaker D: Well, we don't.
That's why it's.
[01:21:02] Speaker F: It's written in mouse.
[01:21:04] Speaker B: So I think it's supposed to be for us, right?
Maybe we knock something over up here, hide by the doorway. He comes up, we run down.
You know what would have helped? The freaking firecracker that we tried to eat.
Could have been anything.
[01:21:26] Speaker D: Was there anything obviously breakable on the.
[01:21:29] Speaker B: Table, like a box.
[01:21:31] Speaker A: There was a glass on the table.
[01:21:33] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:21:35] Speaker D: I have an idea.
[01:21:36] Speaker C: Property damage.
[01:21:37] Speaker A: Be ready to run.
[01:21:40] Speaker D: Be ready.
[01:21:41] Speaker C: Downstairs or out the door?
[01:21:43] Speaker D: Downstairs.
I look at Marcy with a look.
You understand the look, Marcy, right?
[01:21:52] Speaker B: Grace, doesn't.
[01:21:55] Speaker D: The candle.
If you don't know what the look means.
Be blow is firm. That you know what the look means. So that is how that is gonna go.
[01:22:07] Speaker B: Marcy's assuming that Grace is assuming that this look means, you know, light this bitch on fire, but.
Or, like, be ready to light the.
[01:22:15] Speaker D: House on fire, but Biblo's gonna run up the table.
[01:22:19] Speaker A: Biblo runs, scampers back up the table. The rest of the mouse are. The mice are waiting by the door to the basement. B blow. I want you to make a strength save. See where and how hard you push this glass over.
[01:22:37] Speaker B: Be strong.
[01:22:37] Speaker D: Absolutely.
[01:22:38] Speaker B: Do the muscles.
[01:22:40] Speaker D: I got a two.
[01:22:43] Speaker A: Your strength is two right now.
[01:22:45] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
[01:22:47] Speaker A: Okay. Do you want this glass to shatter onto the table? Do you want it to shatter on a chair? Or do you want it to shatter on the floor?
[01:22:55] Speaker D: Can I do dramatic?
[01:22:57] Speaker A: Of course. Go for it. Do dramatic.
[01:22:59] Speaker D: I kick the glass off and it hits the ground and does not burn.
And then I pick up, and then I pick up my cog and I chuck it down.
[01:23:14] Speaker A: Yeah.
The cog turns and spins through the air and it slams into the glass.
A loud smashing of glass is heard. And then from downstairs, you hear.
And then you start to hear.
[01:23:30] Speaker B: Oh, God.
[01:23:31] Speaker A: This wolf clawing its way back up the stairs, the wood creaking under its weight.
[01:23:37] Speaker D: I am going to yell down at the other rats or mice.
[01:23:42] Speaker B: Good luck.
[01:23:43] Speaker D: Run.
When he gets up, he head away?
[01:23:48] Speaker B: Not yet. Run right into his mouth.
[01:23:50] Speaker A: Its first paw reaches and slams into the ground right next to the other five mice back, firmly pressing. And it's sniffing and growling and crawling its way. And then as it gets over by the table, it starts to rise back and it stares down at b blow. But the rest of you are heading downstairs.
I would like all of the rest of you to make dexterity saves to see how fast you can make.
[01:24:22] Speaker D: I did not realize it was taller than the table.
[01:24:25] Speaker B: I did not realize it was that tall. Well, that's because it's a freaking row. Oh, gosh.
[01:24:32] Speaker D: Again, I don't have enough eyes for foresight.
[01:24:35] Speaker F: I've never been happier to roll a natural one in my entire life.
[01:24:40] Speaker B: Oh, no, I rolled a natural 20.
I got a twelve.
[01:24:47] Speaker A: And twelve is just barely over your.
[01:24:50] Speaker B: Deck in my entire life.
[01:24:54] Speaker A: Okay, Pamela, you snuck down the stairs already. You know what to expect. You've seen these drops, you've seen the wood. You know what direction you're heading.
But the one who had the light on is up on the table. So it's dark here.
And so you. You saw down here already. And your eyes adjusted to the moonlight. But your friends didn't. And you're rushing down and you're making good progress. Behind you, you hear your friends trip and tumble and fall their way down the entire stairway.
[01:25:30] Speaker B: Probably because we were scared.
[01:25:32] Speaker A: Fucking rolling festus. You take five points of damage falling down the stairs.
[01:25:40] Speaker D: Oh, no.
[01:25:42] Speaker A: Marcy. You take one point of damage falling down the stairs with, you take six points of damage, which means one of them goes into your strength.
[01:25:55] Speaker B: Okay. Dang it.
[01:25:56] Speaker A: And I need you to make a strength save because you took damage into your strength.
[01:26:00] Speaker C: I also took damage into my strength.
[01:26:03] Speaker B: I didn't.
[01:26:04] Speaker D: Thanks.
[01:26:06] Speaker C: Save.
[01:26:07] Speaker B: Oh, I got an extra one. Okay, so that's a success. We've got a two.
[01:26:13] Speaker A: All right. Neither of you are incapacitated from taking this damage. You land at the bottom of the stairs, wind knocked out of your tiny mice lungs, and rise again to see Pamela already scampering towards this thin stump with this stone on top of it.
Do you all join her?
[01:26:33] Speaker B: Yes, I think I will. I'm a little winded, but yes.
[01:26:37] Speaker A: Olive, are you going with them?
Where are you going, Olive?
[01:26:41] Speaker B: No. So, Olive.
[01:26:43] Speaker E: I didn't roll because Olive doesn't go downstairs.
[01:26:46] Speaker A: Good.
[01:26:46] Speaker E: Olive can't run very well. She's old and it just hasn't come up until now.
So what Olive does is essentially by the time that the creature comes up the stairs and everyone freaks out, olive drops and plays dead.
[01:27:03] Speaker A: Awesome.
[01:27:03] Speaker B: Yep.
[01:27:04] Speaker A: I love it.
[01:27:04] Speaker E: Just a lump of, of weird, smelly stuff on the floor.
[01:27:08] Speaker B: Smart.
[01:27:09] Speaker A: Honestly, extremely well camouflaged.
[01:27:12] Speaker B: Very smart.
[01:27:15] Speaker A: All right. The four other mice climb up the stump. Yes, Chris?
[01:27:20] Speaker B: I would like to look for something flammable, please.
[01:27:24] Speaker A: Are you climbing up the stump with your friends or are you looking for something flammable?
[01:27:27] Speaker B: I am looking for something flammable.
[01:27:29] Speaker A: What? Alright, I would like you to roll a width. A will save for me, please.
[01:27:35] Speaker B: That is a three. That's below my will.
[01:27:39] Speaker A: You see on the floor around this weird wooden stump, a circle of candles.
They look like they're kind of like attached to the floor. Their wax has melted, but they're there.
[01:27:51] Speaker B: That is a summoning circle. First of all, that shit's creepy.
[01:27:58] Speaker F: But yeah.
[01:28:00] Speaker A: Any who's, what do you do?
[01:28:02] Speaker B: Um, I am going to place my candle. I am going to light my lethal torch. I'm gonna light one candle.
[01:28:15] Speaker A: Great. You light a candle.
[01:28:17] Speaker B: Okay, cool.
And see what happens.
[01:28:20] Speaker A: You wanna light some more?
[01:28:20] Speaker B: Yep.
[01:28:21] Speaker A: Great. You're just going around lighting these candles in the circle as her other friends are climbing up this thing. And when you get to the top, you see a stone tablet carved in mice. It's bigger mice writing than you've ever seen in your entire life. Doesn't even look like it was written by a mouse. It looks like it was written by something else.
And you read and it says control in one line.
And then in the second line it says fear.
In the third line it says grow.
And then at the bottom it says repeat.
What do you do?
[01:29:08] Speaker B: What about you? What is, um. This is a freaking mouse.
I don't know. Um.
Do I. Do I read it? I mean, it's really the only option. We'll probably die here. Otherwise this thing's gonna look for us too.
[01:29:28] Speaker C: Perhaps try the grow line, as that would make us large and able to find our. Our friends.
[01:29:35] Speaker B: Perhaps. Oh, they can be read individually, like different parts.
[01:29:41] Speaker C: No.
[01:29:46] Speaker B: Grow.
[01:29:47] Speaker A: Nothing seems to happen.
[01:29:49] Speaker B: Yeah, I think it's an all or nothing kind of deal. Maybe I have to.
Yeah, maybe I have to say it all in a. Are we gonna turn into that thing? Cuz I'm not too keen on that.
But whatever it is, people, who needs help. That's true. So we need to do it. Let's do it.
Am I. Am I doing this or does someone else want to do it? I'm pretty sure we're supposed to hold hands in this kind of situation. Everybody grab a paw. Grab a paw.
[01:30:17] Speaker F: Body up.
[01:30:18] Speaker B: Okay. Friendship circle. Let's all three say time. Regular. Coven. Let's do it.
[01:30:23] Speaker F: Okay.
[01:30:24] Speaker B: Okay. Let's go.
Fear. Grow. Repeat.
I think we just do the three words.
[01:30:38] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm not too familiar with the workings of magic.
[01:30:43] Speaker B: It's fine. Let's. It's.
[01:30:45] Speaker F: I think it's just like it.
[01:30:45] Speaker B: Like a three. Like a three.
[01:30:47] Speaker F: And then. And then the repeat.
[01:30:48] Speaker B: Silence.
[01:30:48] Speaker F: Let's try again.
[01:30:49] Speaker B: Okay.
Okay. Control fear. Roll. Control.
Fear. Grow.
[01:31:00] Speaker A: You all start to see the words on this tablet as you begin to chant. They start to glow and let off different multicolored mists and b blow. You start to see this creature. It had crawled over to you. It raised up to a full giant standing height. You've seen giants before, but this one has fur all over it. It has the head of a wolf, and it is snarling at you as small shiny things are pushed from its chest and onto the floor as its wounds heal.
And it snarls at you. And then there's this colorful mist that comes up the stairs, and it goes right past. Olive. Olive. You can smell it. It smells like magic. And it goes past you, and it goes up and starts swirling around this wolf giant.
[01:31:56] Speaker B: What if we made it worse.
[01:31:57] Speaker A: And it starts going into its mouth and its nose, and it starts to.
Starts to, like, twitch and kind of swipe at the mist. And from downstairs, you start to see light as more candles are lit. And you start to hear your mouse companions chanting, control fear, grow. Control fear, grow. And in front of you, this thing starts to turn even more wolf like and even bigger. Its muscles grow. It starts to drool and foam at the mouth. The floorboards start to buckle under its weight as it gets taller and more massive. And its head starts to push against the ceiling and break through the wood of the ceiling as well. And it starts to look at you and almost cartoonishly, there's these rings of yellow and red that start to form at the edge of its eyes and go towards the center. And they start to swirl and twist into each other. And it looks at you and it starts to. You can tell, almost like when you've seen mice get sick and they can't think properly. It starts to drool and its mind starts to fade. And it's just like, pushing against the ceiling and pushing against the floor. And the table is bending under one of its massive paws, and it's just staring at you.
Downstairs, you see this magic flowing up the stairs.
In mouse verder, each spell has a number of circles on it, equal to the amount of times that you can use it. And when you use it, you can, like, put dice into it. Basically, you're adding energy into it.
You can roll a number of d six s equal to the amount of open remaining circles. And that many d six s impacts the effect in some ways. Most spells say something about how many dice you spent is part of the effect, or the sum total of the number of dice is the effect in some kind of combination. The three of you that are chanting, you can roll as many d sixes as you want, knowing that if you roll a six, it's. It's part of a miscast. And when you roll a six, you take a d six, damage to your will.
But if you roll a four, five, or six, you add to the effect.
How many dice would each of you like to roll?
[01:34:40] Speaker B: If you wouldn't know that, you're hoping it.
[01:34:45] Speaker C: I'm gonna roll four with me.
[01:34:49] Speaker A: Awesome.
[01:34:51] Speaker B: Maybe this is us.
[01:34:54] Speaker F: Yeah, I'm gonna roll three because they're all on sixes, and sixes is funny to me.
[01:35:00] Speaker A: Awesome.
[01:35:01] Speaker B: Kelly, I have two in my tray, so I'm gonna roll two.
[01:35:04] Speaker A: Awesome. Go ahead and roll.
[01:35:10] Speaker C: Okay.
[01:35:11] Speaker A: Anybody roll any sixes?
[01:35:13] Speaker C: I rolled one.
[01:35:14] Speaker A: Okay. I want you to roll that d six again, please take your. Meg's holding up a five on an audio.
[01:35:23] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, sorry. Well, wait, I thought that was if you rolled more than one six, then it was a miscast.
[01:35:28] Speaker A: No, it's any sixes. One or more sixes.
[01:35:32] Speaker B: Oopsies.
[01:35:33] Speaker A: Okay, so you're gonna take five will damage, and then I need you to make a will save.
[01:35:40] Speaker D: I. Speechless.
[01:35:41] Speaker C: Okay, I have to get a three or lower squad.
[01:35:44] Speaker D: Hey, I beat those odds. You got this.
[01:35:45] Speaker F: Oh, my gosh. You could do it.
[01:35:49] Speaker D: Tragedy.
[01:35:50] Speaker A: You failed.
[01:35:52] Speaker C: I failed.
[01:35:53] Speaker A: You take the drained condition, which means any will saves you need to make in the future are with disadvantage. As you guys are chanting this, you start to see Festus's strength, like almost SAP from his bones. He starts to look older and weaker as the spell pulls the energy from him. Jay, did you roll any sixes?
[01:36:14] Speaker F: I did not.
[01:36:15] Speaker A: Did you roll any sixes?
[01:36:16] Speaker B: I did not.
[01:36:17] Speaker A: Great. How many? Tell everybody how many fours, fives, or sixes total you rolled with your dice.
[01:36:24] Speaker B: I got a two and a three.
[01:36:26] Speaker A: Okay, so Kelly's dice did not succeed at all.
[01:36:29] Speaker F: I. I rolled a three, four, five. So I have two successes out of my three.
[01:36:34] Speaker C: Do I count mine also, or was it missed?
[01:36:37] Speaker A: Okay, your six is still a success, but it drains from.
[01:36:39] Speaker C: Got it. So I got a one and then a four, five, and six.
[01:36:43] Speaker B: Awesome.
[01:36:44] Speaker A: So that's three successes and two successes. That's a total of five successes. I want you guys to know the grow spell says, grow a creature to dice plus one times its original size.
You have grown this werewolf to six times.
[01:37:02] Speaker B: It's a real kaiju.
Oh, my gosh.
[01:37:09] Speaker F: We need to be its friend. We need to be its friend. We need to be its friend.
[01:37:12] Speaker B: Maybe it'll just explode.
[01:37:14] Speaker C: That's what I was gonna say.
[01:37:15] Speaker E: I was like, wouldn't it eventually just.
[01:37:17] Speaker A: Maybe explode and then you have now controlled it for ten times six minutes. So you've controlled it for an hour.
[01:37:30] Speaker F: Oh, my gosh.
[01:37:31] Speaker A: And any.
The first. How many is it? The first five creatures that the werewolf comes across will automatically be afraid.
[01:37:43] Speaker B: Wolf.
[01:37:44] Speaker D: Oh, me.
[01:37:46] Speaker A: The first two are two mice.
[01:37:49] Speaker C: Oh, no. I'm sorry.
[01:37:51] Speaker A: The two of you immediately run in fear.
[01:37:55] Speaker D: Okay.
[01:37:56] Speaker A: But you still have a chance to do something very interesting as this wolf, this werewolf, as you now know it to be, pushes its way through the roof of this building and lets out another even more bellowing and loud howl than the one you heard first before the sunset.
What would you like to do? Uh.
[01:38:20] Speaker D: Oh, I don't know.
My first thought is, my friends are in the basement below me, so I don't want this crashing down onto them.
[01:38:35] Speaker A: Valid thought.
[01:38:36] Speaker D: I'm also terrified.
So dual handed, I am going to scream very, very loudly and yeet myself off of the table, and I'm sprinting for the door.
[01:38:55] Speaker A: So to go outside screaming the whole way.
Perfect. You do that. You run outside. The street is right in front of you. You can run across the street if you want, but you're gone. This thing has not paid very much heed to you.
[01:39:10] Speaker B: I love that as mice. This is so dramatic. But really, it's just like. Like, as you scream, it's, like, awesome.
[01:39:17] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:39:20] Speaker D: I could, like, go stand at the back of my room and just give out a guttural yell if you want.
[01:39:27] Speaker A: Up to you.
[01:39:29] Speaker D: My roommates are home.
[01:39:30] Speaker B: Probably not.
[01:39:34] Speaker F: It's in the middle of recording.
[01:39:35] Speaker B: They barge into the room, like, what the. What's wrong?
[01:39:38] Speaker D: Is everything okay? Yeah, I'm recording something.
[01:39:42] Speaker B: I'm being a mouse.
[01:39:46] Speaker A: All of you are also frightened by the growing size and ferocity of this creature laying flat on the floor. What would you like to do?
[01:39:56] Speaker B: Oh.
[01:39:59] Speaker E: That'S such a good question because I'm really thinking, see, I could. I could shuffle out the door.
Probably wouldn't notice, because when you're that size, you didn't really notice.
Or I could stab it in its toe and that would suck for him really bad.
[01:40:24] Speaker A: That's true.
[01:40:27] Speaker B: Would it, though?
[01:40:29] Speaker C: He's so big now.
[01:40:31] Speaker E: A stub toe at any size, I.
[01:40:34] Speaker B: Think, still just sucks.
You're done. You know, if you.
[01:40:39] Speaker E: When you hit your toe on the bed, it's like nothing else matters.
[01:40:42] Speaker C: That's fair. You're just holding your foot, right?
[01:40:44] Speaker B: It hurts.
[01:40:46] Speaker D: Have you ever stepped on a really tiny piece of glass?
[01:40:49] Speaker B: Yes. Yeah.
[01:40:50] Speaker D: That.
[01:40:51] Speaker B: There is glass on the floor.
[01:40:52] Speaker A: Yeah, there is glass on the floor.
[01:40:54] Speaker B: What the hell?
[01:40:54] Speaker A: What are you doing, steph?
[01:40:55] Speaker B: But then it's.
[01:40:56] Speaker E: But then what point would that serve? Because we couldn't.
We could not win.
Unless I could get in his nose.
[01:41:05] Speaker D: Oh, my God.
[01:41:06] Speaker A: It would take a lot of climbing to get up to his nose. He's 36ft tall.
[01:41:12] Speaker D: It's 36 rounds.
[01:41:15] Speaker C: It's gonna take so many turns.
[01:41:17] Speaker B: Yeah, you're right. Okay.
[01:41:18] Speaker C: That's too many turns.
[01:41:20] Speaker B: All right.
[01:41:20] Speaker E: I think.
I think Ollie's gonna have to shuffle out the door.
[01:41:25] Speaker B: Dang.
[01:41:26] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:41:26] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:41:27] Speaker A: You also flee following, um. You also flee following. B blow's example. The other four of you are downstairs, one lighting a circle of candles, the others having finished chanting.
[01:41:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Is there anything else I can fucking set on fire down here, Benjamin?
[01:41:48] Speaker A: There's wood.
[01:41:49] Speaker B: Cool.
[01:41:50] Speaker A: It's a basement.
[01:41:52] Speaker B: Cool.
[01:41:53] Speaker A: Want to try to light some wood on fire?
[01:41:54] Speaker B: Yep.
[01:41:55] Speaker A: All right, I want you to roll a luck check for me. In this game, it's just a D six, and the higher the number, the better.
[01:42:02] Speaker B: That is a three.
[01:42:05] Speaker A: All right. You think you've started to set something on fire. It's smoking at the very least, so there's stuff being applied to it, but you don't see any extra flames just yet. Do you want to stay down here and keep trying, or do you want to head upstairs?
[01:42:18] Speaker B: I'll head upstairs and see if I can set anything on fire. I don't know how if I can do that. Carrying the candle.
[01:42:23] Speaker A: Yeah, you. I mean, you've got a light source that's, like, torch sized for a mouse, so you can just light that on fire and carry it up with you if you'd like. Marcy leaves the circle of candles behind, lights a small, little mousy torch, and starts scrambling up. The other three of you that were just chanting, what will you do?
[01:42:43] Speaker B: Uh, there's something happening upstairs. I'm here.
[01:42:46] Speaker C: It definitely sounds like it's not quite exactly what I thought would happen.
[01:42:51] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm not bigger. I'm looking. I'm not bigger.
Maybe it's linked to that thing. I don't know.
[01:43:00] Speaker F: Ben, do we have any sort of recognition of what has happened with this spell?
[01:43:06] Speaker B: Or is this ceiling.
[01:43:07] Speaker A: The wood of the ceiling is starting to cave in under the weight of this now massive creature. Splintering and cracking.
[01:43:14] Speaker B: That's not good.
Oh, I'm pretty sure we made the thing bigger. Maybe. Yeah, maybe we should go. Yeah. Um, or, um, maybe we could talk to it. We have the spell. Maybe we could talk to it. Maybe we could say, like, um, um, um, leave the giants alone and leave us alone, please. I just want to go home.
We can figure it out when we get up there. Right now, I'm afraid that ceiling's gonna fall on my head. Okay, uh, let's go.
[01:43:46] Speaker A: All right. All three of you head up the stairs not far behind Marcy's little torch guiding your way. And as you get up there, you see this creature immediately turns and stares at you. These ringed eyes that are slowly fading in and out, these yellow and red circles staring towards you as a slobber falling out of its fanged mouth. Just leans over on the floor now on all four paws looming down at you. What do you do?
[01:44:18] Speaker C: The first word. The first word was control. Tell it what you want to do, Pamela.
[01:44:23] Speaker B: Um, um, um, um, um. Please stop being mean to us.
[01:44:30] Speaker A: It doesn't seem to react. It just.
[01:44:35] Speaker B: I don't think it works. Tell us to go to sleep.
Go. Go. Go to sleep.
[01:44:40] Speaker A: Still has no reaction. And, in fact, one paw gets closer to you, scraping paws against the floor.
[01:44:47] Speaker B: Okay. Okay.
Can't understand you. The rack. The rack. I get the rag. Get the rag. Something. What's it say on it again?
[01:45:00] Speaker A: It says, be understood.
[01:45:02] Speaker B: Be understood.
I did.
[01:45:06] Speaker A: How? You can put up to three dice into this if you would like.
[01:45:11] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:45:12] Speaker A: How many would you like to put it?
[01:45:14] Speaker B: I guess we're gonna go.
I'll put. I still only have two. I'll just do two. I'll do two.
[01:45:23] Speaker A: Okay. Roll two d six for me.
[01:45:25] Speaker B: Okay, we've got. I've got a one and a five.
[01:45:32] Speaker A: All right. So you can make one creature be able to either be understood or understand.
Which creature do you want to have greater mental capacity?
[01:45:49] Speaker B: No, wait. It's not a two way street. He either. He'll either un crap. Okay.
[01:45:54] Speaker A: Yeah. Either your voice. Your voice. Or another mouse's voice. Voice is understood by this thing. Or this thing understands everything that all of you say.
[01:46:02] Speaker B: Okay.
I want to still all be in on this. So I want him to understand. I'm not always the good best with this kind of thing.
[01:46:12] Speaker A: You see those yellow circles continue on this creature's eyes, but the red ones turn purple as purple smoke comes out of this stone. And again, once again. Swirls into its mouth and nose.
What do you say, guys?
[01:46:32] Speaker B: I think he can understand us now. What do we say?
[01:46:39] Speaker A: I'm gonna let you in on a little rules thing.
[01:46:42] Speaker B: Oh, sure, sure.
[01:46:43] Speaker A: You get to tell it. You get to tell it one thing, because you got one success on your d sixes.
[01:46:48] Speaker B: So, wait. One thing like one word or like, one sentence?
[01:46:53] Speaker A: Up to you.
[01:46:54] Speaker B: Oh, boy.
[01:46:56] Speaker C: One very long run on sentence.
[01:47:00] Speaker A: Technically, it has to fit within a.
[01:47:01] Speaker B: Turn, like the command spell.
[01:47:04] Speaker A: You don't know.
[01:47:04] Speaker B: And it understands all of us. Or just one of us?
[01:47:07] Speaker A: It should.
[01:47:08] Speaker B: Okay.
Those things you were saying before me. You were talking to her before. Um.
Oh. Oh. Um. Um.
Okay, um.
[01:47:23] Speaker F: I think Pamela will scamper up the wall to sort of get a little closer to its face, and we'll.
Hi, friend. Um, please run as far away from here as you possibly can.
[01:47:46] Speaker A: And it turns. It locks eyes with you. And those purple rings overtake the yellow ones.
And it runs through the front of the house, shattering the front walls. And it runs into the woods.
[01:47:59] Speaker B: We need to go.
[01:47:59] Speaker A: And that's the end of our adventure.
[01:48:04] Speaker B: We lived.
Oh, God.
[01:48:07] Speaker A: You all alive? Lived.
[01:48:09] Speaker D: Legendary.
[01:48:12] Speaker A: Barely.
[01:48:16] Speaker E: Poor Ollie, man. They just wanted to go Ben and yarn.
[01:48:21] Speaker B: Let her go. I just want to set something on there.
[01:48:26] Speaker A: There's always next year.
[01:48:27] Speaker E: Like, maybe Ollie should just run at this thing and that should just be it, you know?
[01:48:32] Speaker D: How do you think I was?
[01:48:34] Speaker B: I just wanted to set something on fire, man.
[01:48:36] Speaker A: Dude, I love the mouse. Ritter rules say I don't know if I can find it. Hold on.
It says something about how d are the most common damage? Die? Yeah. Damage ranging from D four to D 20. D four is minor. D six is dangerous. D eight is enough to seriously injure. D 20 damage is rare but deadly. I took that and I ran with it. Werewolf does D 20 damage.
[01:49:10] Speaker F: As the werewolf should.
[01:49:12] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:49:15] Speaker B: Woof.
[01:49:15] Speaker A: All right.
[01:49:16] Speaker E: I was so ready to climb in a nostril, you guys.
[01:49:19] Speaker A: I know.
[01:49:21] Speaker B: Climbing into entities you just like.
[01:49:24] Speaker C: I respect it.
[01:49:28] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:49:28] Speaker E: Ollie's an opportunist, you know, just rational.
[01:49:32] Speaker A: Opportunistic. Someday you'll get to ant man, one of my creatures. I'll let it happen someday.
[01:49:39] Speaker B: Equal opportunist. It doesn't matter if you're a centipede or a werewolf.
Climb up.
[01:49:46] Speaker A: Thank you all, listeners, for joining us on this year's little Halloween two shot adventure. This year, if you want to check out mouse Ritter, please do. It's by Isaac Williams and losing games. It's an amazing, amazing system that was really fun to learn and use in a little twisted way than usual.
Thank you to all of my players, Meg and Grace and Jay, regular players, and my guests, John, who's demd monetized pretty much everywhere, and Steph, who's at Incredacoon Studios, and Kelly, who's at the Kell Hop. Thank you all for listening and thank my players for being here. Have a great all Hallows Eve.
[01:50:34] Speaker B: Goodbye. Woo.
Hello, dear listeners, it's grace speaking. Happy Halloween from all of us at spells and whistles. Oh, my goodness. You're really getting a treat this week. I mean, three days of content in a row. Bonkers. Our socials have oh so slightly changed because not only do we have our usualsandwhistles pod on Instagram and TikTok and whistles on Twitter, but we also have a brand new bluesky account at spellsandwhistles beesguy social. Want to join in on the chaos between episodes? Join our community Discord server linked in the description. And for extra bonus content, including bonus episodes, homebrew feats, player notes, and more. Please consider supporting us on Patreon. All proceeds go directly into helping us make the show even better. Thank you so, so much for listening and happy Halloween.