Episode 5

September 29, 2024


4.05: Nehdor's Keeper

4.05: Nehdor's Keeper
Spells and Whistles
4.05: Nehdor's Keeper

Sep 29 2024 | 01:03:01


Show Notes

Travel towards the the Lands of Tetros begins, and it does not take long for the party to be met with a few surprises. With discoveries around every corner, there may be surprises in the oddest places...

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Cover Art: Incredicoon Studios (@incredicoonstudios on instagram)

Main Campaign Character Art: Madison Saxon (@msaxon.art on instagram, tik tok, and twitter)


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Anastasia (she/her) | Game Keeper 
- GK, Editor, and Discord Coordinator

Ben (he/him) | Id | follow on twitter
- Player and Music Team

Grace (she/they) | Melwyn | check out linktree
- Player, Editor, Lore Keeper, and Patreon Coordinator

Jay (she/her) | Myla | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Social Media Coordinator

Meg (they/she) | Oddyn | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Music Team

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Sound Effect from Pixabay

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
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Music by Noru from Pixabay 

Anguish Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Pensif Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Since ID had everything kind of placed into his body that maybe the scientists had upped the quality and performance and efficiency of the stuff thats in Ari's body. So it's even. It's a lot like sleeker and less less parts to deal with as well. [00:00:19] Speaker B: That's a really cool iOS update. [00:00:24] Speaker C: Sorry. Myla doesn't actually say that. I'm so wild today. I'm so sorry. [00:00:30] Speaker A: Version 14.1. [00:00:45] Speaker C: Anyway, so I'm house sitting for my dad and my stepmom and my younger siblings, and they have a chicken coop outside with like a chicken run. And it's important to know that I love critters in aesthetic and for what they kind of are, but I'm not a real big, like, undomesticated animal person. Like, I love zoos. I love aquariums. I like looking at them. I like watching them be little guys. I don't want them touching me. I don't want to touch them. That's a bit too close for contact for me. So I just generally try not to animal. And so my dad was like, hey, there's been a possum that's been, like, stealing the eggs of our chickens. So you need to make sure that every day at like five or 06:00 you go collect the eggs, which the eggs are warm. They feel gross. I hate it. And then he's like, and then when they put themselves to bed. Cause apparently chickens put themselves to bed, or at least these ones do. Like, they all go into the coop at once, which I didn't know. He was like, you need to close up the hole to the cooper from the run. So that way they don't, you know, like. And I was like, okay, in the first night that I set up the trap, it's a non harmful trap. I should preface, we do not harm the animals here. And I walk outside the next morning, and there's a raccoon staring right at me that's stuck in the trap. It's like a little cage trap. And I'm like, I don't know what to do. So I call my dad, and he's like, hey, sweetie, what's up? And I was like, there's a raccoon in the trap. And he was like, what? And he was like, there's a raccoon in the trap. He's like, we don't have raccoons. And I was like, there's a raccoon in the trap. I don't know what to tell you. And so then I had to. [00:02:31] Speaker D: Oh, my bad. There's nothing in the trap. Actually. [00:02:34] Speaker A: Someone must have come from a place that does have raccoons. It's invisible. [00:02:38] Speaker E: Invisible. Just making noise. [00:02:40] Speaker C: And so then I called my grandma, and she's like, I'll come help you. So she helps me put a sheet over the cage. I say, she helps me. She did it all. She put a sheet over the cage and just, like, pulled it out of the run so I could let the chickens out. And then my grandpa came later in the day, and he, like, took it to, like, a place a few miles away and, like, released it and stuff because we save raccoon lives here. But anyways, so that's where I'm at in life. And then I went to a hosier concert. [00:03:14] Speaker E: There you go. [00:03:15] Speaker D: That was your good karma after I. [00:03:18] Speaker A: Took care of the raccoon. [00:03:20] Speaker E: It reminds me of one time I had a mouse in my room in this house I lived in when I was in high school, and it fell into my trash can and could not get out of my little trash can. So I put a garbage bag over the trash can and walked down, and my dad was asleep on the couch, and he woke up as I came in, and I just kind of stood there awkwardly with the trash can, with the mouse in it, scrambling to get out of. And my dad was just like, why are you up? Why did you come downstairs? And I was just like, hey, remember the mouse? I caught it. I'm gonna go release it into the neighbor's yard because I don't want it wild. So I took the mouse outside, and it was like the dead of winter. And I took the garbage. I took the little trash bag off, I looked down at the mouse, and I went, well, see ya. And I just yeeted it into my neighbor's yard. [00:04:05] Speaker D: Jesus. [00:04:08] Speaker C: He went on a ride. [00:04:09] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:04:10] Speaker E: I felt bad for that mouse because he was a little guy. He was really cute, but I didn't want a mouse in my room. [00:04:17] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:04:19] Speaker A: My mom is not a fan of rodents in general, but my brother currently is in a. He's a behavioral psychology or behavioral sciences major at his college. And so we went and toured his college. He's a senior this year, and he's in a, like, a behavioral conditioning class talking about how and why things behave the way they do. And part of this is that they're in a lab and they have rats, and they each have their own rat, that they're, like, conditioning to press a lever to get food, you know, just to, like, see what that looks like. And so they got to name it. So he named his Steph Scurry. [00:05:00] Speaker D: I love that. [00:05:01] Speaker A: After the basketball player Steph Curry, which I didn't know. He said his backup name was Meryl Squeak, but liked Steph Scurry better. And he's a little. So anyway, he got to show him off during this tour thing, and he was so cute. He's like a little albino rat, so he's all white and he's got red eyes and I love him. And I wasn't able to hold him, but I could pet him with gloves on. And he was very cute and he was just kind of looking around, being like, there are so many people right now, what are you all doing? And we're like, it's fine. We're just gonna pet you. He's like, I don't know, kinda just wanna bury into somebody's coat and not be here. Like, no, I. Sorry. [00:05:44] Speaker D: You know what else is cute? See Otter Isaac from spells and whistles. Welcome to spells and whistles. A D and D five. A podcast. Not my best work. Not my best work. [00:06:01] Speaker C: I thought it was pretty good. [00:06:04] Speaker A: Anyway, there are worse ones out there. So last session, Myla pulled some fancy magic out of a hat and make something that might slow down ID and Ari's heart countdown clocks. But Ari became kind of hesitant after ID can't seem to calm down, so she asks to have hers done the next day. Id cant get any rest and instead spends all night trying to exert the seemingly infinite energy. In the morning, Melwyn makes breakfast for everyone, including Jack, who leaves soon after. And the group decides to track down nadias contact in Tetros, who wanted the quail in the first place. And then right before we ended, Auden and Myla had a chat. I don't really have anything else to say about that. It was just a chat, so. [00:06:55] Speaker D: Just a chat. [00:06:59] Speaker A: So it's the next day. The sun is coming up over the houses that you can see now, although this is a very low key, unpopulated part of town, so the street noises are very minimal. Mostly people leaving their houses to go to work. But you guys are still in this abandoned shop and you plan to head to tetros, though I think Ari wanted to do, or Milo wanted to do some stuff to Ari's heart. So would you like to do that before or on the travel or. What's the vibe? [00:07:36] Speaker C: If Ari's okay with getting it done, I think Milo would like to do it beforehand. Just because surgery on the go seems like a bad idea if it's preventable. [00:07:49] Speaker A: Surgery? Let's be honest, surgery in an abandoned, unsterile building also seems like a bad idea, so it's kind of really a coin toss. [00:07:56] Speaker E: Nah, that'll be perfectly fine. I don't know what you're talking about. [00:08:02] Speaker B: Yeah, let's get. [00:08:02] Speaker C: We can give it a whirl. [00:08:04] Speaker D: You could sterilize all your tools by holding them in your flaming space buns. Like, if you're easy. [00:08:09] Speaker A: Yeah, there you go. Okay. She tells you that she's nervous, but. [00:08:19] Speaker B: So I guess you're in really good hands. So, like, it'll be good, I promise. [00:08:26] Speaker A: She looks at ID, who's like, still doing stuff. [00:08:31] Speaker F: Okay, it went fine. [00:08:33] Speaker D: It'll be okay. [00:08:35] Speaker A: She looks back at Milo and is like, are you sure he's not gonna, like, crash? [00:08:41] Speaker B: I mean, I. It's a bit of an experiment right now, but at least the timer is slower, which is what really matters. [00:08:57] Speaker A: Yeah, I guess. [00:08:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:00] Speaker A: She lays down and just kind of lays there until someone tells her what to do. [00:09:08] Speaker B: Okay. Um, can I. Does someone want to help me? [00:09:14] Speaker G: I can, like, hand you tools. [00:09:16] Speaker D: Kind of like what we did. [00:09:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, sure. Let's do it. [00:09:20] Speaker G: And Melvin, do you want to be on standby with your healing magic just when things are done? [00:09:25] Speaker D: Maybe. [00:09:26] Speaker H: I figured that was kind of the plan just because it. No, nevermind. I'll be on standby. [00:09:35] Speaker B: Cool. [00:09:36] Speaker A: Great. [00:09:37] Speaker B: And id can be the lookout. [00:09:45] Speaker D: You got it. [00:09:46] Speaker F: You can do that? [00:09:49] Speaker B: Great. We all have a job. [00:09:52] Speaker C: Mila's going to lay out her tools in front of Auden. [00:09:55] Speaker A: Nadia's still sitting there, just like. Yeah, I was about to say, you forgot naughty. I guess. [00:10:02] Speaker C: Roll me. Forgot naughty was with us. Nyla didn't, but me. Jade did. That's the problem with playing a character. [00:10:12] Speaker A: Yeah. Also, you didn't give yarn a job. Come on. [00:10:16] Speaker D: Yarn turned into a scalpel. [00:10:23] Speaker A: There's like a regular scalpel, and then next to it is like a scalpel that looks like a leaf. [00:10:29] Speaker D: I was gonna say Animal Crossing limited edition. [00:10:32] Speaker E: I think the only way this could get less sterile is by using a living creature as your scalpel. [00:10:40] Speaker C: I stick yarn in my space bud. [00:10:42] Speaker E: Oh, my God. He burns your crisp and dies. [00:10:47] Speaker A: Oh, no. [00:10:50] Speaker D: Cause you're made out of fire. [00:10:52] Speaker E: He's a little grass. Whatever. I give up. [00:10:54] Speaker C: Okay, what do I need to roll for this again? [00:10:58] Speaker A: There were two roles. One for building the piece of equipment, and one for installing the piece of equipment. [00:11:07] Speaker C: Gotcha. [00:11:07] Speaker A: That felt like the wrong word to use, but good enough. [00:11:10] Speaker C: No, that's fair. I don't remember what we used last time. I think one was a tools check. [00:11:17] Speaker A: I mean, I think it's definitely a tools check for building the thing. I think the other one was maybe a medicine or arcana check. [00:11:25] Speaker C: I think it was arcana, I think. [00:11:27] Speaker D: Yeah, that sounds right. [00:11:29] Speaker C: Okay. Tools check with assistance. [00:11:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:11:34] Speaker B: Oh. [00:11:35] Speaker C: First one was a natty 17, and we're gonna keep with that for a. What's 17? I can't do math. I believe that's a 30. [00:11:47] Speaker B: 30. [00:11:48] Speaker D: Whoa, great. [00:11:49] Speaker A: You've built this already, and I. Auden knows what to hand you almost before you even need to say it. And so you build it. [00:11:57] Speaker D: We are locked in. [00:11:59] Speaker A: We are locked in. Okay. [00:12:02] Speaker C: And then an Arcana check. I'm thinking really hard. 28 on the Arcana check. [00:12:10] Speaker G: Good math. [00:12:11] Speaker A: Great. Yeah, it's a lot easier the second time. Also, it looks like since ID had everything kind of place into his body, that maybe the scientists had upped the quality and performance and efficiency of the stuff that's in Ari's body. So it's even. It's a lot, like, sleeker and less. Less parts to deal with. [00:12:35] Speaker C: I think that things sort of click into place a little easier this time. And I was like, wow. [00:12:41] Speaker A: Okay. [00:12:42] Speaker C: Second time's a charm. I think Milo's also, like, mentally taking notes to jot down of what pieces are updated and made more efficient. So that way, if there's ever a point where id wants an update, she can knock that out of the park real quick. So she just takes a few mental notes real quick with her, whatever that feat is called, the big brain one. And she closes everything back up, and. [00:13:14] Speaker B: She'S like, all right, you're good to go. How do you feel? [00:13:17] Speaker A: She just immediately sits up after you say, good to go. She's like, fine. Good, great. God. Shit. She just starts doing stuff. Also, she's starting to clean up the area. She's moving everything around and reorganizing everything and cleaning up people's stuff too, like bedrolls and things. [00:13:43] Speaker G: Oh, thank you. [00:13:46] Speaker D: She kind of looks over at Melwyn and Milo like, ah, it seems like it worked okay. [00:13:54] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:13:55] Speaker A: Okay. [00:13:56] Speaker E: Melan just kind of shrugs. [00:13:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Great. Great. I don't know what to do with this. [00:14:03] Speaker D: Well, good thing we have a nice, long walk ahead of us. [00:14:06] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:14:07] Speaker A: Yeah. Cool. Can we go, like, right now? That would be great if we could leave now. I would love that so much. Can we leave now? How about now? How about now? [00:14:16] Speaker C: Can we leave? [00:14:16] Speaker A: Can we leave now? [00:14:18] Speaker F: We're ready. [00:14:18] Speaker A: How about now? [00:14:19] Speaker F: Yes. [00:14:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:14:21] Speaker A: Okay. She, like, she goes, like, out the door and then back in, because everyone's way slower than she is right now. Like, goes back and forth until everyone actually exits the building. It's like, I don't know which direction we're going to. Good. I'm just gonna go this way. And she starts heading in one direction down the road. [00:14:39] Speaker D: I think Auden is feeling really tickled a little bit that other people are exhibiting high energy for the first time in a long time. So I think she's just kind of, like, hoists up her pack, and she's. [00:14:53] Speaker G: Like, slap, slap, slap, slap. [00:14:55] Speaker D: Following after her. She's like, let's go. You know, just, like, really, really excited. [00:15:02] Speaker B: Yeah, let's go. [00:15:06] Speaker A: Does anyone want to make a survival check to see if you're going the right way? [00:15:10] Speaker D: I would like to do that, probably. Great. [00:15:13] Speaker F: It would try. [00:15:15] Speaker C: Let's see. [00:15:17] Speaker D: Survival. [00:15:18] Speaker F: It has no idea. [00:15:21] Speaker C: Can I help someone? Is it too late to say it? I don't care who, just someone. [00:15:26] Speaker E: Oh, I don't have Bowen's character sheet open. That would help. [00:15:30] Speaker A: I am also going to use the 5.5 edition exhaustion because I think it's better. In the new 2024 version, it is just kind of the same, but the effects are the same, but they increase in severity over time. So it is the same as in its cumulative. You gain one exhaustion level on top of ones you already have, and then you die at six. That's the same as it used to be, but in 5.5, it affects your d 20 tests. It says when you make a d 20 test, the roll is reduced by two times your exhaustion level. So you just subtract two times your exhaustion level from any b 20 check you're making. And then your speed is also reduced by a number of feet, equal to five times your exhaustion level. So you walk a little bit slower for every exhaustion level you have, and then the same removal conditions where when you finish a long rest and exhaustion goes away, and then once you reach zero, then you have no exhaustion. Is that sound okay with everyone? I feel like it's a lot easier to remember, and, like, it just kind of simplifies the that's fine idea of exhaustion. Whereas, like, previous version was, like, it changes based on which exhaustion level you have. And, like, I don't know. I can never remember the order of things or what things are affected. [00:16:53] Speaker D: If Mila is allowed to assist, should I roll with advantage on my check, or do you want Ben to make the roll? [00:17:02] Speaker A: I don't care. You guys do whatever you want. [00:17:04] Speaker D: I'll roll with advantage. [00:17:06] Speaker C: Take the assistance. Go. [00:17:07] Speaker B: You claim it. [00:17:07] Speaker D: I did it. Okay. [00:17:09] Speaker G: Thank you for the assistance. [00:17:10] Speaker D: It's a 16 instead of a four slay. [00:17:14] Speaker G: Is it 16? [00:17:15] Speaker A: She's definitely going the wrong way. [00:17:17] Speaker G: Oh, Ari, we need to go. [00:17:19] Speaker D: She kind of, like, catches up to her and kind of, like, steers her down, like, and around the other way. This is the way to Tetris. [00:17:28] Speaker G: Last star looked at a map. [00:17:30] Speaker A: Okay, great. Cool, good. Milo, do you have stuff I can fidget with? [00:17:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, let me just. [00:17:37] Speaker C: Milo's just gonna flat out take out a bunch of little knickknacks and just start making essentially one of those. The wiggle worms. [00:17:48] Speaker D: The tangleworm looking things. [00:17:50] Speaker C: Yeah, the little tangles. And it's gonna. Hand it to Ari. [00:17:55] Speaker A: I think this should work. [00:17:57] Speaker B: And if you need something different, let me know. I also have a little baggie full of ball bearings that sometimes is good for squeezing. [00:18:04] Speaker A: Okay, good. [00:18:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:06] Speaker A: Awesome. Okay, I'm going this way. She starts doing the kid thing where she's running ahead and then running back to everybody and then running, just doing short sprints while also playing with this tangle. And you're feeling better, but you are exhausted by one, so until you long rest. Alrighty. [00:18:29] Speaker G: We walk and walk and walk, walk. [00:18:31] Speaker A: And walk and walk. Does somebody want to roll a d 100 for me? [00:18:38] Speaker H: 97. [00:18:39] Speaker E: That is the highest. [00:18:40] Speaker A: That's a lie. [00:18:41] Speaker E: That's not the highest I've ever rolled. I've rolled 100 on the voice before. [00:18:44] Speaker D: Nice. [00:18:46] Speaker E: Higher than I've rolled in a while. [00:18:48] Speaker A: You guys head towards tetros. It's quite a walk. You did get a horse and a cart, though, didn't you? [00:18:57] Speaker E: Yes, we did. [00:18:58] Speaker A: Yeah. So you guys have that, so that's good. Ari's not in the cart or on the horse. She opts out for sure. Nadia does sit in the carta. Yeah. Who's driving? [00:19:14] Speaker D: I guess I have proficiency with vehicles water. So how much harder could driving a carriage be than driving a boat? [00:19:27] Speaker C: That's all that matters. [00:19:28] Speaker D: D and D, I'm assuming that neither of you have vehicle proficiency. [00:19:33] Speaker F: No, definitely not. [00:19:34] Speaker D: That might be the rationale that Auden has. She's like, oh, yeah, I totally can drive a thing. Yeah, totally familiar with that. [00:19:41] Speaker A: Sure. [00:19:41] Speaker E: Grace's suggestion was just gonna be somebody strong. Should do it in case the horse gets out of control. [00:19:47] Speaker D: I'm so strong, I can tell you. [00:19:49] Speaker C: Welcome to the gun show. [00:19:51] Speaker D: Welcome to the gun show. [00:19:52] Speaker A: Yeah, both are possible. Great. [00:19:55] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:19:58] Speaker A: Do you wanna make a check? [00:20:00] Speaker D: Sure. [00:20:01] Speaker A: I'm not entirely sure what it would be you can make an animal handling check. [00:20:05] Speaker D: I don't know why I was so excited about that. I don't have anything like boosting my. [00:20:08] Speaker A: Animal, but it's fun. And you don't have proficiency in land vehicles, so no proficiencies here. [00:20:17] Speaker D: All right, I'm gonna roll really, really good. Okay. Actually, that's not bad. A 17. [00:20:23] Speaker A: Great. Yeah. You're, like, navigating the busy streets of ghaznash and dodging around people as they're doing daily tasks, buying bread and selling things, and, you know, headed to work and all that jazz, but you're doing great. [00:20:40] Speaker D: I imagine she's kind of sitting on the edge of the cart, feet, like, swinging as. She's just kind of like. [00:20:46] Speaker A: The horse seems to respond very well to, like, the directions that you're giving it, which is great. And you guys head off. This is a long travel, but we aren't going to prolong it too much. It's probably going to take you guys two and two and a half days to get to the border of Gaznash and Tetros, which is about north of you. Do you want to kind of go close to the lake or close to the mountains? It is relatively the same north. It's just more of, like, do you want to hang on the right side near the lake to follow the lake into Tetros, or do you want to follow the mountains where the institute was? I think sort of in that direction. [00:21:31] Speaker D: In my mind, thinking geography style, lake. [00:21:35] Speaker G: Would probably be easier for a horse. [00:21:36] Speaker D: And carriage because it'll be less uphill for a horse to log a cart, for sure. I like it. [00:21:43] Speaker G: Mm hmm. [00:21:44] Speaker D: Plus, we haven't seen the lake before. [00:21:47] Speaker A: Yeah. So you guys head out the entire day, Ari is just bouncing off walls. Thankfully, there doesn't seem to be anything for her to keep quiet for. There's not really any. You're not, like, being secret or trying to stealth past anything or anyone for a while, at least. On this day, you're on major roads, and there's not anything crazy in there. You guys stop for a long rest, which is great. So the next morning, Id's exhaustion goes away, and you guys head out again. Gaznash is kind of flat, especially north towards tetros. You get a little bit of desert, but mostly, like, grassy plains. Because of that lake, things are vegetated here and do grow. So that's nice. It is really easy to see for a very long distance that no one's following you, that you're not running into anybody. And the people coming by just seem like travelers headed towards Ingen for who knows what, right? But they all seem fairly on the up and up. Your second day goes past and that third day, you know that you're going to cross the borders into tetros. So about halfway through the day, it starts to become less road and more off roading, unfortunately, which means your pace slows down, like, just a little bit as you're dealing more with sands instead of predefined roads. And you're starting to see, like, sand dunes in front of you. You can still see the mountains to the west very well. They're just very far in the distance. On that third day, you do hit this lake. It is massive. Like this is. We're talking like, great lake sizes where it looks like an ocean, but it is technically a lake because it's in the middle of a continent, but it is huge. [00:23:56] Speaker C: Is this lake sort of where we're at the end of that third day, we're sort of getting ready to rest? Or is that just something that we're. [00:24:05] Speaker A: Passing or, like, you're definitely going to be along the lake within, like, the time you'd want to set up for camp. [00:24:13] Speaker C: Gotcha. I think after the third day, Myla, and we're sort of, like, setting up camp for the night or whatever, or we're taking a rest. Myla wants to go over to Melwyn. [00:24:26] Speaker B: And he's gonna say, hey, how's it going? How are you? How's life? [00:24:36] Speaker H: Do you need something, Mila? [00:24:39] Speaker B: Oh, well, I just wanted to see what you were doing and was wondering if maybe while we chatted, if you would let me take a look at that quail for a little bit. [00:24:48] Speaker E: Yep, there it is. [00:24:49] Speaker H: Yeah, you can, Miley. You can just look at it. [00:24:55] Speaker B: I mean, yeah, but also, like, I wanted to see how you were doing and stuff. Like, I promise it's not like, you know, I wanted to see both. [00:25:02] Speaker E: Can I insight check to see if she actually wanted to see both or if she's just making up bullshit excuses. [00:25:11] Speaker A: Anytime. [00:25:12] Speaker C: Amazing. [00:25:13] Speaker A: Cool. [00:25:14] Speaker E: With my amazing insight skills, this Melan, it's a four. [00:25:21] Speaker C: I guess I can I. Oh, gosh, I rolled a three with my. What's my shit? Charisma again. It's. Yeah. Plus zero. Yeah, I mean, I have only minus one wisdom. [00:25:42] Speaker E: You had to roll so bad for that to happen. [00:25:48] Speaker C: The dice are telling a story. I don't think. I think Myla definitely. It's not that Nyla doesn't care because she cares about you and how you're doing and stuff. She just also wants to talk while doing something productive, and that productive thing is the thing that she wants to do really well. [00:26:10] Speaker E: She's just gonna push the quill over awkwardly to Mila, like. [00:26:18] Speaker B: And I essentially. [00:26:20] Speaker C: Just want to try and spend some time with it. We know how it works. We know that it's essentially just a normal quill. But Myla wants to see, I think, first of all, we out of game and in game know that it has certain attunement things, but she wants to see how it feels to try to attune to it, even though it has to attune to a specific person. [00:26:42] Speaker B: And she. [00:26:42] Speaker C: I think she's less concerned about actually trying to attune, and she's more trying to attune in an attempt to try and figure out the magic that goes into this attunement process, like, how it feels. If she can sense any particular new magics or colors of magic that she's worked with before and is trying to study that process and see what makes that attunement process different than a classic attunement process, if that makes sense. [00:27:18] Speaker A: Sure. [00:27:19] Speaker E: Okay, cool. [00:27:20] Speaker A: Yep. That's gonna require an arcana check, for sure. Okay. [00:27:26] Speaker C: Natural 20. I'm screenshotting it right now for a 33. [00:27:37] Speaker B: And you know what? [00:27:38] Speaker C: Let's flash of genius it for a, um, 33. [00:27:41] Speaker B: 38. [00:27:44] Speaker D: Whoa. [00:27:46] Speaker C: Wow. I love being good at things. [00:27:51] Speaker A: The dice wanted you to know this one specifically. Okay. You sit, and you start to try to attune to it, which for most people looks very meditative as you're really focused on the object in front of you. And this, like, pearly pearlescent. This pearlescent quill sits in front of you and kind of seems to, like, shimmer. Even though there's not a light source, like, moving the shimmer, you're not moving the quill. So this shimmer is kind of just happening on its own as you're trying to attune. And for the first, like, three to five minutes, it doesn't really feel like a whole lot. Just kind of a regular sort of exchanging of energy situation, as most things do when you are attuning to them. You just kind of start putting your energy into it and seeing if it's going to, like, give energy back to you. And it seems to a little bit. You can tell that this is, like, every color of magic that you know of and even ones that you don't. It's like, an entire spectrum of color that seems to be, like, trading with you for a few minutes. And then there's a point when this feeling kind of gets up your arm and into kind of across your shoulder, like, right to your collarbone. And it feels all of a sudden like somebody stuck an ice cold hand into your chest cavity and is, like, trying to pull out your heart from the inside out of. Um. It is incredibly uncomfortable. It sucks in every way. Um. Can you make a constitution save? [00:29:37] Speaker F: Is Milo within my aura? [00:29:41] Speaker A: If you guys are all sitting together for camp? [00:29:44] Speaker D: I was gonna say Auden is probably having a swim. So sorry, she's not around right now, but she doesn't have power, so it doesn't matter. [00:29:51] Speaker A: That's so valid. [00:29:53] Speaker C: You said a constitution save? [00:29:55] Speaker A: Yes, please. [00:29:56] Speaker F: With an additional four. [00:29:58] Speaker C: With an additional four. Okay, so that's a six, plus four is a ten, plus seven is a 17, and I'll flash of genius myself again. [00:30:08] Speaker A: 22. [00:30:09] Speaker C: Yeah, 22. [00:30:11] Speaker A: This feels like it's trying to pull out your soul from your body. It's really rough. But you honestly, this constitution save is to just drop the quill. Like, being able to let go of this thing, to break this connection. So you drop the quill, and this feeling fades back out the way that it came in to your body. [00:30:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:30:40] Speaker C: I think that she drops it and. [00:30:43] Speaker B: Is breathing a little heavy, and her. [00:30:46] Speaker C: Eyes are, like, darting back and forth. [00:30:50] Speaker B: She doesn't look. [00:30:54] Speaker C: It's kind of like the shock of, like, accidentally, like, getting a shock of electricity when plugging something in, you know? [00:31:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:02] Speaker C: And she's just looking at it. [00:31:05] Speaker B: Huh. Interesting. [00:31:09] Speaker H: You. Are you alright? [00:31:11] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I'm fine. [00:31:14] Speaker E: She's just been sitting there awkwardly while she's been doing this. [00:31:20] Speaker A: This all took maybe, like, seven ish minutes. To everyone else, though, it really screws with your perception of time. Trying to reflect a little bit on what it was with your freaking 38 is like. It feels more sentient than most things do. You've never attuned to a sentient thing before, but you imagine that this isn't what it does. Like that the attunement process is not itself sentient, but that the item itself is probably sentient. This was like, the attunement process had its own mind or own will and purpose, which is not typically the case. [00:32:05] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:32:07] Speaker A: You also can't seem to remember any of the, like, color spectrum that you felt from. Like, you can't remember the feeling or what it looks like other than the stuff that you already know. You know, like the basic blue, red, green, yellow, that kind of thing. [00:32:25] Speaker B: You're a nasty little thing. She sort of, like, looks down at the quill. [00:32:31] Speaker H: I'm sorry. [00:32:35] Speaker E: Couldn't resist. [00:32:36] Speaker A: Sorry, that's rude. [00:32:38] Speaker B: Oh, no, not you. The item. Hmm. That was interesting. [00:32:49] Speaker C: The gears are turning in her head. She's, like, thinking very hard about things. [00:32:58] Speaker B: Thanks, Melanie. [00:33:00] Speaker H: Uh, right. [00:33:02] Speaker B: Oh. I mean, I wasn't gonna leave, but it feels great if I don't. [00:33:06] Speaker A: Oh, leave now. [00:33:08] Speaker H: I mean, usually. What? Sorry. Um, I'm gonna go finish dinner. [00:33:14] Speaker C: Oh. [00:33:15] Speaker B: Oh, so you're leaving? That's why you said bye. Okay. [00:33:17] Speaker C: Bye. [00:33:18] Speaker H: Yep. [00:33:19] Speaker A: Nadia walks up to you, Myla, and says, that was really stupid. Why was that stupid? To talk to the person? They're probably not gonna find us if we don't have it, so don't break it. [00:33:38] Speaker B: Oh, I see. Gotcha. It's easy to think that something that looks that fragile could be that breakable. But I promise you that something that's strong doesn't just break. But I can understand how it would come off that way. [00:33:53] Speaker A: So you don't know that. How would you know that? [00:33:58] Speaker B: Because it's still a quail. Magic items. And I know how things are built, and it's really hard to break things. [00:34:05] Speaker C: That are made of magic. [00:34:07] Speaker A: Okay. Just. We need it to talk to this person. So if we don't have it, that's not gonna go well. Make sense? [00:34:18] Speaker B: I don't understand why you think I don't know these things and why you're talking to me like I'm stupid. I don't think it's intentional, but I'm not. [00:34:30] Speaker A: Don't think you're stupid. I think sometimes you're too smart, and you don't think about the consequences. [00:34:39] Speaker B: Understood. [00:34:43] Speaker A: Great. [00:34:45] Speaker B: Okay. Well, I'm gonna go somewhere else now, but it was great talking to you. I've got some notes to take, and. [00:34:57] Speaker C: She'S gonna rummage around in her bag for her notebook and is gonna go find somewhere unbothered to just start taking notes and writing things down and theorizing things. [00:35:12] Speaker A: Perfect. Auden, you're on a swim. [00:35:16] Speaker D: Auden emerges. Yeah. She's looking for fish for dinner. [00:35:20] Speaker A: So she's like, you are on a swim in this lake, and it feels so good, and you've not been swimming in a while, and it's awesome. It's, like, cold, but not. It's actually warmer than the ocean, so it's great. And the stuff that's growing here is mostly, like, kelp and seaweed based sort of things. Not many, like corals or anything like that. [00:35:45] Speaker D: Algae. [00:35:47] Speaker A: Some algae. And things. There are a lot of, like, a lot of fish. In here, this is a very, like, unbothered lake, so they just keep producing. There are so many fish here. The biggest thing that you saw, that you see is, like, a very small shark sized fish. Like, a shark that's tiny, but fish. Anyway. [00:36:13] Speaker D: She's going noodling. Grab the fish by the gills, arm and mouth style. [00:36:20] Speaker A: Yeah. You want to make a survival check? [00:36:23] Speaker D: Sure. Could I argue for advantage on this, because I've done this so much fishing? [00:36:32] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah. [00:36:33] Speaker G: Yay. [00:36:38] Speaker D: That's gonna be a. [00:36:40] Speaker G: An 18. [00:36:42] Speaker A: I will make the dexterity. Save for the fish. It does. It fails. You grab this fish by the gills, you're fairly deep in the lake. This thing is kind of living closer to the bottom. As you're swimming back up to the surface, there's this very low hum that echoes through the whole lake, and you can just feel it in your bones as you're swimming. A prolonged tone. [00:37:13] Speaker D: Does this sound like anything that, in my mind, I'm like, oh, my gosh, a whale. But we're in a lake, so it's probably not a whale. [00:37:21] Speaker A: It's probably not a whale. [00:37:22] Speaker D: Does this sound like anything that she would have expected before? Is it like, a mechanical thing that she may have heard in, like, votara or, like, I don't know. Is this anything that she would recognize? [00:37:36] Speaker A: Yeah. You make a history check. [00:37:37] Speaker D: Sure. Oh, that's a natural 20. I do have a minus two to history, but a natural 20. [00:37:46] Speaker C: Wowie zowie. [00:37:48] Speaker A: Yeah, this feels a lot like Naidor. Ugh. [00:37:55] Speaker D: I think she's gonna stop. She's holding onto this fish. That's kind of like trying to wiggle out of her. [00:38:00] Speaker A: She's trying to get out. Yeah. [00:38:01] Speaker D: And I think she lets it go as she's just kind of like, huh. And I think she is going to swim deeper and try and find where that is coming from. [00:38:18] Speaker A: Yeah. You hear it, it stops, and then 10 seconds later, starts again, and you're swimming deeper, and it is getting louder. So that's positive. Maybe it's, like, vibrating the water around you at a certain point. You can just kind of feel it affecting the whole lake. This is something that everybody who is near the lake, even up top, could, like, by the third one or so, can start to, like, hear it a little bit. It is weird. It's causing, like, some weird little unnatural ripples on the surface, but you keep going deeper and trying to find the bottom. Eventually, you hit sand and rocks at the bottom, and the tone stops, like, as soon as you do. And then you hear another one, but this time, it's a little bit higher in pitch, but it's kind of doing the same thing. Do you want to roll an investigation? [00:39:22] Speaker D: I would like to. [00:39:24] Speaker G: My investigation is so bad also. Okay. A twelve. [00:39:31] Speaker A: Yeah, it takes you a little bit. It now has just fully switched to this higher pitched version, and it's kind of going for 10 seconds and stopping for 10 seconds or approximately around there. And eventually you come across a little cave opening really down at the base of the lake. That obviously isn't something people go into very often. It is about maybe four of you could swim through it at the same time, but pretty tightly. It's not huge. It's comfortable for one person to swim through at a time. [00:40:13] Speaker D: Yeah, I think she is going to. She's got, like, anytime. I haven't said this, but in my brain, anytime she's going swimming, she'll have her, like, trident, kind of, like, strapped, you know, just in case. Not her hammer, but her trident. And I think she's going to kind of, like, pull it out and just kind of be ready in case there is something in this little cave. She's gonna kind of, like, in primordial, she is going to call out, like, hello, into this cave. Is anybody there? [00:40:53] Speaker A: This time, you get a tone that's even higher pitched, but it's very short. [00:41:00] Speaker D: I think she'll just kind of kick into this little tunnel then. [00:41:04] Speaker C: Okay. [00:41:05] Speaker A: Yeah. You head in, you swim for, like, maybe 30 seconds along the wall. It gets very dark very fast in there, but you were used to that. So you can at least, like, barely see where you're going until just at the very end, there is a. You see just two, like, glowing spots in the darkest. They're just kind of green. [00:41:33] Speaker D: She's gonna kind of come to a stop, and she's gonna do her best to kind of make that short, higher pitched chirp back. [00:41:46] Speaker A: Yeah, you do this back to it, and it does, like, a two tone, like a high, and then a slightly lower, just kind of right back to back. And then all of a sudden, you feel a tentacle that's wrapping around your ankle, and that's, like, the last thing that you see for a minute because your vision goes completely, completely away, and all of a sudden, you're staring at your old home and back where Naidor was in your old home and. [00:42:22] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:42:22] Speaker A: What do you want to do? [00:42:23] Speaker D: Um, well, first of all, I would like to see if there is anything grabbing onto my ankle. [00:42:31] Speaker A: Uh, there is. There is still a tentacle that's. It's not like gripping you. It's just kind of touching, like just resting around your ankle. It's not, it's not trying to like pull you or anything. [00:42:45] Speaker D: I think she's just gonna kind of like kind of jump as much as one can jump when underwater. She's gonna say reds and greens and blues. [00:42:55] Speaker G: Um, what is happening here? [00:43:00] Speaker A: There's some more movement in front of you and you can see that a bunch of, a bunch of Triton come down from above you and they're swimming downwards. [00:43:16] Speaker D: Do these look like Triton from sea? Like are these people that I would recognize and that I know? Yes, I would like to. Are there any like big, kind of like reefs that I can kind of hide behind or like. I do not sure. [00:43:33] Speaker A: I mean, this is down by the, yeah, this is down by that sunken shipwreck that you used to go to. So you know it very well. [00:43:41] Speaker D: Yeah. She'll kind of gently kind of kick off this little tentacle and sort of swim down to like, you know how like big sail ship pirate style, have like the big sort of back overhang part of the boat. She's gonna try and get down and like underneath that. [00:43:58] Speaker A: So she is not seen for sure. Yeah, of course. You head down there and, but you can still see and you watch these, this group of Saiyan Trident. Triton. Saiyan Triton. Sorry. Who come down and start tearing apart the shipwreck. [00:44:19] Speaker G: Oh. [00:44:22] Speaker D: Okay. I would like to cast fog cloud. I know we're underwater, so if it's okay, I would like to flavor this as just like an intense kind of like ripple stirs up all this sand kind of at the bottom. And she's trying to like enshroud the boat in this. Yeah, I mean, it's only 20ft. Is it 20ft diameter, 20 foot radius. So pretty big, pretty decently large area of obscure. And she is going to try and. [00:45:06] Speaker A: I don't want to burst your bubble before you do things too much. [00:45:09] Speaker G: No. [00:45:10] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:45:11] Speaker A: You can't cast a spell. Like you try and it doesn't, it doesn't work. [00:45:15] Speaker G: Oh, no, no, no. [00:45:18] Speaker D: Okay then. [00:45:20] Speaker G: Oh, gosh. [00:45:20] Speaker D: I think she's going to take her trident. She's going to swim sort of up and above, knowingly putting herself in line where she can be seen. And she's going to, speaking in primordial, which I imagine underwater sounds like kind of whale calls, like clicking and humming and all that. And she's going to try and just kind of like attract any kind of attention and see if they respond to her being there. [00:45:52] Speaker A: No, no one seems to even notice. [00:45:54] Speaker D: You swim up to one and try and, like, grab at their arm to keep them from pulling up the boat. [00:46:00] Speaker A: No, your arm passes. Oh, no. [00:46:03] Speaker D: I was afraid that was what was happening. [00:46:08] Speaker A: These Saiyan Triton continue to pull apart the boat until you see a couple of them who surround this shape that's inside the sunken ship and are trying to, like, hold it captive, and it's. It's trying to, like, fight back. And you don't actually know what Nador looks like, and you still can't really see what Nador looks like, but you can tell that that's what this thing is. And they hold on to him. Hold on to it. I don't, you know, and are keeping it in place. You watch one of the Tritons cast a spell on Nador, is very, very powerful spell, and all of a sudden, the primordial that you were hearing Naidor kind of saying back to them is just gone. And you can hear Naidor trying to make these sounds, but it's not working. And then you watch for another full minute while somebody is drawing a teleportation circle underneath the ground. And then Nidor gets teleported. And the next, like, scene that you see, you're standing maybe four, 5 miles away from the lake on the tetros side. And so is this, like, octopus like blob just kind of in the middle of the Sandhennead, looking very defeated, but this thing starts to crawl painstakingly back towards the nearest water that it can sense or see, which is this, like. And then you come out of it, and this thing is still, like, this little tentacle is still wrapped around your ankle. [00:47:58] Speaker D: I think Auden is just quiet, and I think she's gonna kind of reach down and, like, put a hand on the tentacle, not trying to, like, push it off, but just to, like, just put her hand on Nador, and just, I think after a minute, she just says, I'm sorry. [00:48:22] Speaker A: There's, like, a feeling of warmth, like home, like, nador missed you. [00:48:32] Speaker D: I think she is gonna kind of squeeze tighter, and she's gonna say, you. [00:48:39] Speaker G: Shouldn'T, because I left you, and I left you to be hurt, and I left you to be stuck there, and you shouldn't miss me. [00:48:50] Speaker A: There's a very low tone that just echoes for a minute. [00:48:56] Speaker G: I'm really glad you're safe. I'm really glad you made it here. It's a lot less salty. Is that okay? [00:49:06] Speaker A: Kind of a. Just kind of a medium tone, like, shrug you know, like it is. [00:49:18] Speaker D: I think Auden's in her mind. [00:49:19] Speaker G: Like, I should have kept onto that fish just in case they were hungry. Um. Ah. I was not expecting to meet you here in a desert again. Well, meet you again in the desert. [00:49:34] Speaker A: Another tentacle, like, comes out of the dark and just hands you a bigger fish than the one that you. [00:49:40] Speaker D: Oh. [00:49:41] Speaker G: Oh, thanks. I'm. Well, I should probably. I have people here. Would you want to meet them? They can't come down, but if you. [00:49:53] Speaker A: Feel like leaving your cave, they don't say anything. [00:49:59] Speaker G: Yeah, I know. The last time you were around people, it probably wasn't very good. Is there anything that I can do for you? [00:50:08] Speaker A: You get, like, a no feeling. [00:50:12] Speaker G: But you're okay here? [00:50:15] Speaker A: Kind of that same medium tone again. [00:50:19] Speaker G: I bet it's lonely. Can I make an insight check? [00:50:27] Speaker D: I would like to see. Just kind of like, what is the. Like, I think Auden is having such a hard time with, like, the rationale here. Like, why. Why would Nador want to see me after I left them, when I left and all this kind of thing, just trying to rational out. So just kind of like, getting an inside check. Just kind of like a vibe check of, like, what is happening here right now. Yeah, it's a 15, I think. [00:51:05] Speaker A: You get the feeling that they don't know that you told people that they were down there. Like, they don't know that they just think that you left, and then everything went to hell. And they were like. It seems like a. I don't. They only remember the good parts kind of thing. There wasn't really any bad parts. And the stuff that were the quote unquote bad parts they don't know about. [00:51:35] Speaker G: Mm hmm. I didn't leave you just because I, like, I didn't want to. Um. I. I accidentally brought something back from the deep one time, and that got me in trouble in the village because it. [00:51:55] Speaker D: Well, it followed me there, and they. [00:51:58] Speaker G: Didn'T want me there anymore because I. [00:52:01] Speaker D: Brought it there on accident. [00:52:04] Speaker G: So I had to go away. And on my way out, that's when I saw you the last time. I wanted to see you again, but I couldn't. I didn't want to have to say bye. That's a hard thing to say, especially when you don't know if you're going to come back. And so I just left. And I shouldn't have done that, but I guess they followed me there to make sure that I really did leave. And so they came and they found you, and they took you away, too. [00:52:35] Speaker D: And I'm really, really sorry. [00:52:38] Speaker G: Oh, but it's been a terrible time, and it's been months, and you've had to be stuck here in this little lake compared to back home, and it's. I'm sorry. It's my fault that you're here, and I'm. [00:52:57] Speaker A: You see the eyes, like, go away, like, close, and just a very long, low, but comforting tone. And a couple of tentacles, like, reach out to your hand and, like, kind of wrap around your wrist. [00:53:19] Speaker G: Yeah. I can. I can try and find a way to get you back to the ocean, if you'd like. I'm friends with some very powerful people who can do lots of cool magic, and I don't know if any of them can do sort of circle magic like that, but, I mean, maybe they know somebody that can. I can. I can. I can get you back if you want. [00:53:42] Speaker A: There's kind of a sad. A sad sound that reverberates. You're getting the vibe of, like, it's okay. It's not your job. And a kind of. [00:54:02] Speaker E: A. [00:54:02] Speaker A: Kind of secondary. Like, a secondary, again, kind of comforting tone. Like, it's okay. [00:54:11] Speaker D: I think she's gonna kind of, like, swim down in such a way where she's kind of, like, sitting on the floor of this little cave and just kind of, like, still, like, holding their hand. [00:54:25] Speaker A: Yeah, right. [00:54:27] Speaker D: And I think that after a little bit, she's just gonna kind of start telling them sort of what it's been like for her, you know, like, you know, I started, you know, working as a mercenary, and I've seen lots of. [00:54:44] Speaker G: Really interesting places, and the things that you taught me have helped a lot. [00:54:49] Speaker D: Of people, and they've kept me alive, and they've kept people that I care about alive as well, and. But, yeah, I think she's, like, doing a lot to really emphasize, like, you know, I got to do all these cool things, but I wouldn't have if, like, you hadn't taught me the things that you did. And if, like, you know, you hadn't. [00:55:09] Speaker A: You know, just, like, yeah, they. They kind of grab your hand, and eventually you figure out that you can share memories with them as much as, like, they can with you. If that's something you want to do, you don't have to, but, yeah, I. [00:55:25] Speaker D: Think, um, most recently, I think she'll choose to show them sprinting through the streets of Engan, like, mach twelve. And the way that she's maneuvering in the dark for the cinematic audience, whatever. In retrospect, it's very fish like. The way that she's darting past these obstacles and bobbing and weaving through all these things. I think she's going back to when she bit Kylia and accidentally exploded with her shark mouth and her tail tripping over people and just all these things that she can do and just kind of sharing that just in a way of gratitude. [00:56:21] Speaker A: They seem very proud of you. [00:56:24] Speaker D: Oh, I think after a bit of that sort of sharing, she's just gonna say. [00:56:31] Speaker G: I thank you. Been down here for a little bit. I'm happy to come back down. I just want to make sure that my companions know that I didn't get eaten by a big fish in the lake or something. But again, if you'd like to meet them, I can show you up to the surface. [00:56:57] Speaker A: They kind of let go and push you, just nudge you a little bit. [00:57:03] Speaker G: Yeah. I think she'll just say, I'll be. [00:57:07] Speaker D: Back, and she's gonna go back to sort of, like, the beachy area. The party's set up. [00:57:15] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:57:15] Speaker A: What's everyone else doing? During weird lake tones, it is standing. [00:57:21] Speaker F: Like, knee deep in the water, ready to fight something if it comes up, like sea monsters strangling Auden and is shocked to see Odin come back completely physically unharmed. What was that? [00:57:38] Speaker D: It's one of my friends. [00:57:40] Speaker G: Um. [00:57:41] Speaker F: Uh huh. [00:57:43] Speaker E: Then space. [00:57:44] Speaker G: It's all. It's all fine. [00:57:46] Speaker D: It sounded strange, but everything is fine. [00:57:49] Speaker G: I'm gonna go and keep chatting with. [00:57:51] Speaker D: Them, but I just wanted to let. [00:57:52] Speaker G: You know that I'm okay and everything. [00:57:55] Speaker D: Is good and you're all safe. She's, like, splashing backwards into the water. She's, like, saying, okay, I'm not. [00:58:03] Speaker C: I'm not. [00:58:04] Speaker F: Dad, Owen said dinner in 20, so. [00:58:07] Speaker D: Wouldn'T take too long. [00:58:08] Speaker A: Do you throw them the fish? Yeah, yeah. [00:58:12] Speaker G: If you. If you. [00:58:12] Speaker D: If we're extra hungry, I know we've got some, like, really speedy, speedy guys going around right now, so if you need some extra celery, got this big fish, and she'll, like, kind of toss it ashore. Flops a little bit. [00:58:25] Speaker G: Okay, I'll be back. [00:58:29] Speaker D: And she is gonna kind of swim back to the cave. [00:58:34] Speaker A: Yeah, you swim back into the cave, and the next thing you get is another, like, another tone. Kind of, welcome back. It's a lot weaker. [00:58:48] Speaker G: Oh. [00:58:50] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:58:53] Speaker G: She's gonna. [00:58:54] Speaker D: I'm, like, sad. Okay. [00:58:56] Speaker G: She's gonna say, is everything okay? Are you. [00:59:00] Speaker D: Are you hungry? [00:59:01] Speaker G: I should have brought you some fish. [00:59:04] Speaker A: There's kind of the very short, low, like, no tone and just kind of tentacles that do this time they are kind of bringing you closer. You get like, montage memory from their perspective of every watching you grow up and learn. And by the end, they just kind of sort an underwater exhale and let go. [00:59:40] Speaker D: That's really sad. I think Audan knows what's happening, and I think she has the thought of, like, bringing them to shore to see if there's anything that Melwyn or Myla can do. But I think she probably knows not the case. And so I think that she stays there for a little bit. It's dark and she probably can't see very well, but she'll kind of arrange their tentacles in a comfortable kind of way, you know, get them settled and situated. And I think that she. [01:00:30] Speaker G: Will put. [01:00:31] Speaker D: Her hand on their kind of blobby. [01:00:35] Speaker G: Octopusy head and just say thank you. Couldn't have done it without you. [01:00:46] Speaker D: And I think she will swim out of the cave, and even though dinner is in 20, I think she'll spend some time pushing some large rocks from the bottom of the ocean to kind of build up a little wall in front of this little cave to make sure that they have a nice, peaceful rest. And I think she'll swim back up. [01:01:15] Speaker G: To the surface. [01:01:19] Speaker D: And very quietly sit down for dinner. [01:01:29] Speaker A: We will see you guys in the next episode. [01:01:32] Speaker C: I feel like crying. [01:01:33] Speaker D: For real, for real. And I don't have any tears. [01:01:34] Speaker A: I am crying for real, for real. [01:01:38] Speaker D: Sorry my friend is dead, but I didn't. [01:01:42] Speaker A: I'm sorry. [01:01:44] Speaker D: Devastating. Oh boy. Thanks for listening. Spells and whistles are really fun and goofy flemy. [01:01:51] Speaker A: Ha ha. It's really fun. [01:01:53] Speaker D: I need a clean. I'll be right back. [01:01:55] Speaker A: Thanks for listening, guys. We will see you next time. Join us for desert travel soon. Bye bye. [01:02:03] Speaker C: Bye bye bye. [01:02:06] Speaker F: Hello, listeners, this is Ben. If you like what you just heard and want updates, trailers, or just to be informed when our new episodes come out, follow us on social medialsandwhistlespod on Instagram and TikTok or Twitter. We also have a community discord where we do things like d and d trivia, chat with our audience, get questions from our audience for things like bonus episodes. And if you really like what you have been hearing and you want more homebrew content or behind the scenes content, consider supporting us on Patreon. All the money that you give us there goes towards making spells and whistles even better than it is now. There's things like homebrew feats and weapons, bonus episodes and more. Thanks for your support.

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