Episode 21

April 07, 2024


3.21: Clash and Burn

3.21: Clash and Burn
Spells and Whistles
3.21: Clash and Burn

Apr 07 2024 | 01:34:50


Show Notes

Combat continues! With harsh blows dealt on each side, will the party be forced to feel or push through 'til the end? Only time (one hour and 34 minuteds to be exact) will tell... 

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Cover Art: Incredicoon Studios (@incredicoonstudios on instagram)

Main Campaign Character Art: Madison Saxon (@msaxon.art on instagram, tik tok, and twitter)


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Anastasia (she/her) | Game Keeper 
- GK, Editor, and Discord Coordinator

Ben (he/him) | Id | follow on twitter
- Player and Music Team

Grace (she/they) | Melwyn | check out linktree
- Player, Editor, Lore Keeper, and Patreon Coordinator

Jay (she/her) | Myla | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Social Media Coordinator

Meg (she/they) | Oddyn | follow on tiktok and twitter
- Player, Editor, and Music Team

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: NASA sponsor us, NASA partnership. We'll play your, your campaign setting or whatever it is. [00:00:05] Speaker B: We'll find a Hubble telescope. Yeah, we can find our telescope. [00:00:10] Speaker C: Great artificer, Mister Hubble. [00:00:25] Speaker D: So real question, real quick, before we get started. What are we playing? The NASA DTRPG. [00:00:31] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:00:33] Speaker A: Right now, actually. [00:00:34] Speaker B: I'm such a nerd. I. So I'm going to say this is, like, semi related, but I'm going to a convention at the end of this month with. And it's a very, like, small convention on the scale of conventions, but. And at first, I was like, this looks really geared towards, like, Sci-Fi writers. Like, very specifically. And I'm not a Sci-Fi writer. So I was like. And then he was like, you should look at the panels, though. And they have super cool panels that are like, how would space. How would spaceships actually shoot each other in space? How does the physics of that work? And I'm like, yes, please. I'm such a nerd. Please tell. Please tell me yes. All the things. I think there's a panel about, like, inhospitable planets because it's such a common theme, you know, like in Star wars or dune or, like, whatever. And, like, can you actually live here and, like, the anatomy of monsters? And I'm like, this sounds so rad. I'm so excited that we're going. [00:01:31] Speaker C: So spells and whistles campaign two is gonna be space adventure. [00:01:37] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:01:38] Speaker D: Both of you two assume we're not gonna try and find a way into space in this campaign. [00:01:42] Speaker B: That's very fair. You could. [00:01:44] Speaker A: We are going to space. [00:01:45] Speaker B: Honestly, you should. Beltrammer helm, look at where you started. [00:01:48] Speaker D: Back in rain, and then look at where we are now and tell me that was where you were expecting this to go. [00:01:54] Speaker A: Somebody mind flayers, somebody out there in our audience pool, clip this, and then save it on, like, a hard drive for, like, five years. And then when you'll dust off so that when we are eventually in space, because we'll definitely be playing the same game in five years. Right. When we eventually get to space, let us do the thing where you clip. [00:02:17] Speaker B: It together, send it to us. Send it to us before we release the episode so that you definitely, like, know what's going on before. Yeah, it'll be a surprise. No, but it'd be so fun to run a space game. Let's do it. [00:02:31] Speaker A: NASA sponsor us. [00:02:33] Speaker B: I guess technically it has been two space ish. Yeah. [00:02:38] Speaker E: So I've astral projected. [00:02:40] Speaker B: At least it's not there. Did you go all the way to. [00:02:47] Speaker D: The space or just the upper layers of the atmosphere? [00:02:50] Speaker C: What is space if not the upper. [00:02:53] Speaker B: Levels of the atmosphere? It's just the extra, extra infinite upper levels of the atmosphere. [00:02:58] Speaker C: Yeah, we don't have to stop counting after we get to the. [00:03:02] Speaker A: This is getting weirdly existential for me. What is space and time? [00:03:08] Speaker B: This is bells and the D and D podcast and we are in mid combat, not in space, on the regular ground. [00:03:16] Speaker D: But I raise you. It would be funny. [00:03:19] Speaker B: It would be funny. [00:03:20] Speaker E: Not impossible to happen this. [00:03:21] Speaker C: I'm really stressed out because the last time that we started a session in the middle of combat that went really poorly. [00:03:29] Speaker E: It's fine. [00:03:30] Speaker A: No, we got it together this time. [00:03:32] Speaker B: Have we done this? Which combat was middle? The mind flayer one. [00:03:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:03:38] Speaker D: Last session we started in the middle of combat was at Melwyn's house. [00:03:43] Speaker C: Oh, you're right. That one went. [00:03:45] Speaker E: That one went. [00:03:46] Speaker B: Okay. [00:03:46] Speaker E: Also, we definitely won that one. [00:03:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:03:53] Speaker C: Two combat streak. [00:03:55] Speaker B: Two combat streak. I'm doing my absolute best to keep it in two episodes, much less I'll stop hitting one. No, no, no. Like, just trying to like, cram it into an hour is actually impossible. Unless everyone knew exactly what they were doing and had. No, no, like, you know, off track tangent. It's just not gonna happen. So. Sorry. [00:04:19] Speaker A: You have to listen to split up combat, never apologize. [00:04:22] Speaker B: But if you binge this, if you binge spells and whistles, you don't have to wait between weeks. You'll just get them back to back. Perfect. [00:04:31] Speaker D: But if you don't and you listen to Us Weekly, get fucked. [00:04:34] Speaker B: Sorry. They also had to wait a minute. [00:04:38] Speaker E: And also, you're welcome for all those combi lovers like me. [00:04:42] Speaker C: Hehehe. [00:04:43] Speaker B: Alright, so ID and Melwyn headed up to the institute to try to find a way past the shielded walls. After chatting with a voice in their heads, the voice invites them all in, even Mila and Auden, who were hidden a few hundred feet back. As they all head into the institute, they see their old friend, Professor Caleb, who seems to not be shying away from a fight. With that, combat begins, revealing a group of zombies and the figure from ID's vision with a purple symbol glowing on their forehead. Many blows were exchanged and as everyone's figuring out what to do, the figure seems to raise Professor Opal from the dead. So that was their turn. So we are going to start with Melwyn on this, are we now? Fine. Combat day. Okay. Interesting. That's not where I thought we were going to start, but that's fine. Um, okay. [00:05:33] Speaker D: Melon is currently surrounded by some dead dudes, which kinda sucks. But it's fine cause I'm gonna do a thing. Ready? Oh boy. Anastasia, can you please make a kan say for me? [00:05:49] Speaker E: Anastasia the person? [00:05:50] Speaker B: Yeah, me specifically. Is it one for each of them? [00:05:55] Speaker D: One for each of them? Yes. [00:05:56] Speaker B: Just for the three around you or any. Just for the three. Okay. Is this poison? [00:06:04] Speaker D: No. [00:06:05] Speaker B: Okay. Oop, these are really good so far. Let's see. Number three got a six, number five got a four. And number six got a 13. Okay, so they all failed. [00:06:23] Speaker D: Yes, and I rolled really, really well. So you hear a crack of thunder and see a few sparks of lightning as all three of the zombie creatures around melant are pushed. Uh, how far is it? 10ft away from her. [00:06:43] Speaker C: Nice. [00:06:44] Speaker D: Thunder wave. [00:06:45] Speaker B: Because I just remember that spell. Let's go. Don't they take damage? [00:06:50] Speaker D: Uh, yeah, they take twelve points of thunder. Wait, hold up. [00:06:55] Speaker B: Does yarn have to make this? [00:06:56] Speaker A: Because rules is written in the spell. [00:06:58] Speaker D: It says each creature in a 15 foot cube originating from you. Yarmin's riding on Melbourne's shoulder. [00:07:05] Speaker B: Uh, yeah, probably then. Oh, I don't have a yarn stat block yet. [00:07:13] Speaker C: So they've got like a 20 con, right? [00:07:16] Speaker B: Snow. Sorry, little buddy, not even close. [00:07:18] Speaker E: Demigod. [00:07:19] Speaker B: Yaron Yarn. Got a 15. Okay. He saves. [00:07:25] Speaker D: So he takes half. So he takes six, is fine. [00:07:28] Speaker E: And isn't pushed, which is also good. [00:07:30] Speaker D: He also doesn't get pushed. [00:07:31] Speaker B: Just like right off the shelf. All the zombies take twelve by the way. [00:07:37] Speaker D: Thunder damage. [00:07:38] Speaker B: Nice. Great. Anything else? [00:07:43] Speaker E: Move. [00:07:44] Speaker D: I am gonna move. I'm trying to decide where, cause, range and things. [00:07:48] Speaker B: You should run towards one of the zombies. [00:07:50] Speaker D: I mean, technically speaking, where I was gonna. [00:07:54] Speaker B: There's. [00:07:54] Speaker D: There's very few directions that aren't in. [00:07:58] Speaker B: The same spot as a zombie. I'm just gonna point out they've now been pushed back 10ft. So you have a lot of directions to run that are not zombie covered. [00:08:06] Speaker C: This is trail. [00:08:07] Speaker B: They don't have reach or anything. They're just melee guys. [00:08:11] Speaker D: That's also true. I'm gonna have melon move 10ft north, little closer to balcony because I think we can see them from down here if I recall correctly. You can because of the weird geometry of life. I don't know. [00:08:28] Speaker B: They're on a balcony near the edge. So yes, you can see them. Just like a regular balcony on a house. Yeah. [00:08:34] Speaker D: That's Mellenstern. [00:08:35] Speaker B: Nice. Amazing. Great turn id. It's your turn. [00:08:38] Speaker E: All right. I'm just gonna try to kill Caleb. Hopefully this works well. [00:08:43] Speaker B: Okay. [00:08:44] Speaker E: I've still got some temp hp from melon snack, so I'm not gonna bonus action shift, but I will bonus action searing smite, and then I will attack with flanking. First attack is a 21 to hit. [00:09:03] Speaker B: Yeah, great. [00:09:06] Speaker C: I forget he's got a really low ac. [00:09:08] Speaker E: That's great damage. [00:09:10] Speaker D: He's a wizard. [00:09:12] Speaker E: Do you need piercing and fire separated? [00:09:15] Speaker B: No. Okay. [00:09:17] Speaker E: 18 points of damage and can't do math to. Never mind. Remind me of something at the start of his turn because he now has a searing smite on his face. And then I will attack a second time. [00:09:37] Speaker B: He's going to use his reaction to make you roll at disadvantage. [00:09:42] Speaker E: Okay, so then I will just roll one dice. Ooh. Suck it, idiot. 26 to hit. [00:09:52] Speaker B: Yeah, the calmness is suck it I've. [00:09:54] Speaker D: Ever heard in my entire life. [00:09:56] Speaker B: Oh. [00:09:57] Speaker E: 15 points piercing damage. [00:10:01] Speaker B: Nice. [00:10:01] Speaker E: Is he okay still? [00:10:04] Speaker B: He's still up. [00:10:06] Speaker E: Okay. Um, you're doing great, though. Do you need me to flunk for you still? Oh, I'll also use to have my movement. [00:10:15] Speaker B: I could reckless, I mean, but if. [00:10:17] Speaker E: You don't have to, then that's good. Are you leaving this turn or are you gonna try to kill this turn? [00:10:23] Speaker C: Well, I can kill him. I can finish him off. Maybe this turn. [00:10:28] Speaker E: Okay, then I will stay where I am. [00:10:31] Speaker C: Well, I won't need you to flank. You don't need to flank because his ac is so low. I would be hard pressed to know. [00:10:38] Speaker E: But it's a higher chance for a crit and all that good stuff. [00:10:43] Speaker C: Up to you. [00:10:44] Speaker E: I'm gonna move then. I am currently just south of Professor Caleb, and I'm gonna head. 510 15 2025. I'm actually gonna go past this zombie provoking an opportunity attack. I'm standing diagonally right next to Melwyn. Melwin's in my aura now. [00:11:06] Speaker D: Yay. [00:11:07] Speaker E: It is aiming to protect her from the Zambos. [00:11:11] Speaker B: Yeah. They will try to swing both their fists down at you. 21 to hit. [00:11:17] Speaker E: That's a hit. [00:11:17] Speaker B: Woah. Zombie was like, hell no, dude, he was mad. [00:11:23] Speaker D: Mad. [00:11:25] Speaker B: Six points of bludgeoning damage. That's probably the best any of these guys are gonna. [00:11:30] Speaker E: It actually takes three points bludgeoning damage because he's a master of the armor that is drilled into his bones, which. [00:11:37] Speaker B: Means you only get rid of your temp hp spiral. [00:11:41] Speaker E: I am still at Max HP because. [00:11:43] Speaker B: It'S the temp hp that's gone wild. [00:11:46] Speaker E: That's my turn. [00:11:47] Speaker B: Amazing. At the end of your turn, audin, are you incapacitated or just prone? [00:11:53] Speaker C: Just prone because he lost his concentration on Tasha's, so she's prone from being knocked over, but she's no longer incapacitated. [00:12:01] Speaker B: Okay, great. [00:12:03] Speaker C: I remember. [00:12:04] Speaker B: Thank you for remembering. [00:12:05] Speaker C: Happy to. [00:12:07] Speaker B: So at the end of ID's turn, Caleb is going to Eldridge. Blast him. Sure. At disadvantage. [00:12:15] Speaker E: Yes. [00:12:18] Speaker B: He is very, very angry with you. [00:12:20] Speaker E: That's fair. [00:12:22] Speaker B: Ooh, yikes. I don't think a 14 hits. No, I rolled garbage. Cool. All right, then. That is its turn. It is now Professor Opal's turn. She has entered initiative right after ID. So she is going to stand up, which takes some of her movement, and she's going to start moving her hand in circular motion and speaking spellcasting words, good descriptions. And I need ID and Melwyn to make wisdom saving throws. [00:13:00] Speaker D: Does Melanie see her casting from where she's standing? [00:13:03] Speaker B: Yes. [00:13:03] Speaker D: Counter spell. [00:13:05] Speaker B: It is not a spell. [00:13:07] Speaker D: That is unfortunate. Okay. [00:13:09] Speaker B: Nevermind. Was safe. Yes. And I would be nice and say, you don't have to expect. You don't have to expend this lot. I think it just doesn't work. So you're good. [00:13:18] Speaker D: What is your bonus to aura again? [00:13:21] Speaker E: Plus four. [00:13:23] Speaker D: It's not gonna do much. [00:13:25] Speaker E: I got an 18 total. [00:13:27] Speaker D: That was an eleven. [00:13:29] Speaker B: Okay, so you just, like, feel yourself being pulled in that direction and brace yourself against it, like physically and are just able to stay there. But Melwyn gets swappied with Opal. Okay, that's not good. [00:13:52] Speaker E: Yes, yes. Come down. Sit right next to me. Opal, please. [00:13:57] Speaker B: Opal is now next to ID instead of Melwyn. And Melan is about 10ft away from. Uh oh, yarn. Yarn is not up there. Actually. Yarn stays down here. No, down here. Now, is it a pole or is it a teleport? It's like a teleport, but that's just. I'm just describing. Oh. [00:14:19] Speaker D: Cause if it was a pole, that was gonna make a funny sound. [00:14:22] Speaker B: But it's a teleport. It's a teleport. But I just. It was just a flavor thing. Yeah. [00:14:28] Speaker D: No. [00:14:29] Speaker B: So now Melwin is up on the balcony staring down at this elf guy who's just there, and he just kind of looks over at you and is like, huh? And then that's. Yeah. [00:14:44] Speaker D: But was just like, hi. [00:14:45] Speaker B: And as a bonus action, she's going to take zombie number six and just pull, like, do another sort of teleport and don't kiss zombies and pull him towards her so that he is now also within 5ft of id. So they are next to each other as well. That's gonna be her turn. Let's see. It is zombies's turn. Melan, you can see there are two more up on this balcony that you could, but now you can. They're hanging out up there. [00:15:31] Speaker D: Love that from Ellen currently. [00:15:33] Speaker B: Love that for me. Let me move and see what happens. So zombies one and two are dead from a previous spell. [00:15:44] Speaker D: Yay. [00:15:45] Speaker B: Three and five who were pushed away by Melwin are going to move towards it because it is their closest enemy. So now it is surrounded on like three ish sides of the map. The guys up on the balcony are also going to move. They are not very fast. These two are going to dash. The two up on the balcony with Melwyn are going to dash through. You can get double speed. So one was able to get up in melee with Melwyn, the other is lagging a little bit behind. And now let's take some attacks. Aide, you have three zombies on you. A 16 doesn't hit. [00:16:26] Speaker E: Correct. [00:16:27] Speaker B: Great. So the second one also doesn't hit. But the third one is a 22. That guy rolled. [00:16:32] Speaker E: That's a hit. Are zombies immune to being charmed? [00:16:37] Speaker B: Not so far. [00:16:40] Speaker E: Cool. I will expend a reaction to use a new level seven ability that I got. It's called treacherous strike. It says if a creature within 5ft of me misses me with a melee attack, I can use my reaction to force the attacker to reroll that attack against a creature of my choice that is also within 5ft of the attacker. So they're gonna. One of those misses is gonna reroll their attack against Opal? [00:17:05] Speaker B: Yeah. Get zombed. In an unfortunate turn of events for you. They rolled an eight. [00:17:15] Speaker E: Shit. [00:17:17] Speaker B: Worth a try. It's one of those like, oh, I hate my bad rolls most of the time. This one worked for me and I appreciate that. [00:17:26] Speaker A: Zombies ain't shot. [00:17:31] Speaker B: It was super. With shot. You take only three points of damage. Probably halved to one. [00:17:41] Speaker E: No, it's actually zero. [00:17:43] Speaker B: Why? [00:17:44] Speaker E: My heavy armor master feet says bludgeoning, piercing and slashing is reduced by three. [00:17:51] Speaker B: Gotcha. I thought it was halves. [00:17:54] Speaker E: Onto a metal plate. And does not touch my skin. [00:18:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:00] Speaker E: Whoa. [00:18:02] Speaker C: Makes a nice, like, clang. [00:18:04] Speaker E: Go to the dentist. [00:18:05] Speaker B: Odd. And that's gonna be one attack against you. You're currently prone and being flanked, so I don't think a twelve hits, though. [00:18:17] Speaker C: It doesn't. Sorry. I would let you beat me up if it were up to me on a stage. [00:18:23] Speaker B: All right, so that is all the zombies. I think so. It is now Professor Caleb's turn, which ben said that you had something at the beginning. [00:18:32] Speaker E: At the beginning of your turn from searing smite. I need a constitution saving throw. [00:18:36] Speaker D: Paladins, man. [00:18:38] Speaker B: They're so good. Landed on other dice. That's a nat 20. [00:18:43] Speaker E: All right, so that is done now. I'm a successful save. The spell ends. [00:18:49] Speaker B: Okay. Sorry. [00:18:50] Speaker E: With shot. [00:18:51] Speaker B: No, it's. Yeah, good. [00:18:53] Speaker C: Rolling. [00:18:54] Speaker E: Also great to get that not 20 out of the way. [00:18:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:58] Speaker E: Cause I'd rather definitely limited on a first level spell. Yeah. I mean, for you, probably. [00:19:05] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:19:08] Speaker D: Damn. [00:19:09] Speaker B: Ever. [00:19:10] Speaker E: I get a little saucy. [00:19:13] Speaker B: Yes, you do. [00:19:14] Speaker D: And it's really funny. [00:19:15] Speaker B: Do you wonder why I don't run combats very often? Because you shouldn't. [00:19:22] Speaker D: You ever really want to hear Ben get extremely sassy during combat? The end of arc one is a really good example. [00:19:28] Speaker C: It has the most sad peak level of smarm. [00:19:32] Speaker A: It's so good. [00:19:34] Speaker B: All right. He's going to cast a spell on Auden. Can you make a wisdom saving throw, please? [00:19:43] Speaker C: Yes, I can. A 14. [00:19:48] Speaker B: A 14 does not do it. Wait, wait. Can I do a thing? [00:19:52] Speaker A: Wait, hang on. 1 second, 1 second, 1 second. [00:19:55] Speaker B: Hang on. [00:19:55] Speaker A: I have a thing. [00:19:56] Speaker B: Can I do it for this genius at 519? Is there a range? Are you good? 30ft. [00:20:09] Speaker A: I'm within 30ft. [00:20:11] Speaker D: She's good. [00:20:12] Speaker A: I'm within 30ft. [00:20:13] Speaker B: All right, I'm just checking because we've had this problem before. [00:20:16] Speaker A: No, I know, I know, I know. Sorry. [00:20:18] Speaker B: I get. So I was. Okay, so last time it was me. [00:20:23] Speaker D: That made the range mistake. [00:20:25] Speaker B: You're good. Well, because I've done it too, so I just like. [00:20:28] Speaker A: No, I'm sure I've also been guilty of it. Like, we. Everyone read your abilities. Moral of the story. [00:20:35] Speaker B: So you don't, uh. You. You aren't dominant. [00:20:44] Speaker A: Can I. Can I. Can I. Can I. Can I add. Can we add a little flavor to this? [00:20:49] Speaker B: I feel like this is J. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm happy to add flavor. I am so focused on doing combat. So you can add flavor as well. [00:21:06] Speaker A: I would love to add some flavor. [00:21:08] Speaker B: Please take a breath before you do anything else. [00:21:11] Speaker A: I did. [00:21:13] Speaker B: Okay. I'm good. Dear Lord, I'm good. It's. Sorry. [00:21:20] Speaker A: I get so stressed when there's, like, abilities. Like, especially on calls when, like, you have to call it, like, at certain points, like, when you hear roles, but, like, sometimes it's before GM's say something. So it's like, especially on calls. And like, when stuff's okay, it's okay. [00:21:37] Speaker D: I will point out we are a recorded medium and we can always fix it to make sure. [00:21:41] Speaker A: No, that's fair. I know. [00:21:42] Speaker B: I don't. I also don't think I'm a main person that's like, well, discord lagged, so. [00:21:46] Speaker A: No, no, I. No, I know. [00:21:47] Speaker B: It's just. It's. It's. It's a. [00:21:49] Speaker A: It's not you, it's me. [00:21:51] Speaker D: Breathe, jay, please. [00:21:53] Speaker A: I'm breathing now. I'm breathing. [00:21:55] Speaker B: Flavor action. [00:21:58] Speaker A: She got her paper bag that, um, that Milan sees caleb casting the spell and sort of starts recognizing some of the components, like, what it is, and she's like, oh, shit. And so I think that, like, I mean, I don't know exactly how the spell casting thing happens, but I'm assuming, like, as the words are, like, starting to, like, enter, like, auden's ears. Myla remembers, um, when Auden, like, enters her, like, flow state and, like, sort of that, like, focus and calm. And I think that she goes to, like, assist with that with just, like, there's almost like, a small arcane sound of, like, ocean waves to, like, help pull in that focus. As she's like, yes, this is what helps. And it blocks out the components of it enough for her to, like, zone in on it. [00:22:54] Speaker B: So he looks over at you and goes. And then is going to do his fun Tasha's hideous laughter again. But he's also gonna do it at Milo because it is within 30ft, so he's gonna do on Auden and Mila. I need a wisdom save. Sorry. Does not house. I am so brave. Oh, I rolled natural one. [00:23:22] Speaker A: Oh, I rolled a natural 20. [00:23:24] Speaker E: I'm so sorry. [00:23:25] Speaker B: That's okay. All right, so now Auden is officially incapacitated. You're already prone, but you are now laughing again. [00:23:36] Speaker A: No. [00:23:37] Speaker B: So at the end of your turns, you can make another wisdom save. [00:23:40] Speaker C: Oh, I will. Right now. Unless there's something that's happening before then. [00:23:48] Speaker E: The fire. [00:23:49] Speaker B: No, it is initiative. Fire spreads. I have to roll for it. [00:23:58] Speaker D: I'm not gonna lie. I forgot the place was on fire. [00:24:01] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:24:03] Speaker C: Barbecue smell. [00:24:04] Speaker B: Consequential details so far. [00:24:06] Speaker E: That grew a lot. [00:24:07] Speaker A: I gotta run. [00:24:09] Speaker E: I gotta run. Guys, there's a fire in the southwest that just grew, like, 10ft. Fire in the northwest that grew, like, 510ft. Fire in the northeast grew, like, 1015ft. [00:24:22] Speaker B: Whoa. [00:24:22] Speaker E: Crazy wild. [00:24:27] Speaker B: All right, now it's audience turn. [00:24:29] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna just make my wisdom saving throw again. I'm gonna succeed this time and it's gonna be an 18 plus one for a 19 way. [00:24:40] Speaker B: Get wrecked. [00:24:42] Speaker E: Not funny. [00:24:44] Speaker B: Not funny. Oh, no. Meg just deleted herself off the board. Instant karma. [00:24:54] Speaker C: It's so not funny. And it's at the end of my turn, so I can't stand up or do anything else. [00:25:00] Speaker B: This is true. [00:25:01] Speaker C: Can I just for flavor say, stop telling your stupid jokes. [00:25:06] Speaker B: They're not that funny. [00:25:07] Speaker C: I don't even know why I'm laughing. That's her turn. [00:25:10] Speaker B: Amazing. At the end of Auden's turn, Opal is going to move away from id. She is going to back up a couple feet. And this does not provoke opportunity attacks. [00:25:24] Speaker E: Couldn't take one anyway. I used my reaction deflecting a zombie. [00:25:28] Speaker B: That is going to happen. Then it is now Milo's turn. You are very close to the edge of some fire. [00:25:35] Speaker A: I am super gonna get away from that. Milo's real sick of this Caleb guy being alive. So she is going to. She's currently, like a little west of Caleb in model two and a prone Auden and a zombie. And she's gonna take her movement to head east away from the expanding fire. But as she does, I think that she runs her because she's standing right on the edge of it. She runs her hand along the flame that is expanding and it turns blue for a second. And using her fire genossy ability is going to cast flame blade in her hand, which is the fire. She's using her fire genocide. So it doesn't take anything and she's gonna come up and she's going to make. That's her bonus action. She's going to make two attacks with it against Professor Caleb. [00:26:32] Speaker B: Awesome. I do not believe you have advantage because Audan is prone. [00:26:39] Speaker E: I think you still public defender been here. I think as long as the other creature has a melee weapon out, you do get flanking. [00:26:53] Speaker B: All right. Okay. That seems very unintuitive to me. I don't disagree with it. We agree with it. It just feels weird. [00:27:01] Speaker E: The thing with prone is that if Auden made an opportunity attack, it would be a disadvantage because she's prone. [00:27:10] Speaker B: Yeah, that's fine. I don't think I've ever really come up with can you flank while prone? It doesn't happen very often. [00:27:19] Speaker E: Yeah, it doesn't. [00:27:21] Speaker B: All right. So nevermind. You had vintage. [00:27:24] Speaker A: Sounds good. I will make. I will make my attacks at advantage with. [00:27:31] Speaker B: I still just for the record, is like. That feels weird. [00:27:34] Speaker A: Just feels fine. [00:27:37] Speaker B: Go for it. Send it. [00:27:39] Speaker A: First attack is. Oh, Mimi. Big boy number. [00:27:46] Speaker B: What? 21? [00:27:50] Speaker A: 21 to hit. [00:27:53] Speaker B: Yeah. Actually, he's going to impose disadvantage on the next one. The next one. [00:27:59] Speaker A: Okay, that's fine. So I'll do a straight roll for that. One that's a more than the other 125. Nope. [00:28:09] Speaker B: This is really working well for me. [00:28:13] Speaker A: So for the first hit, that's going to be six points of fire damage, which wasn't a great roll, but I'll take it. I guess that one's significantly better. 510. 14 points of fire damage on the. [00:28:28] Speaker D: Second one, I will say, if anything, you have us being a lot more careful than we usually are in combat. [00:28:34] Speaker E: Also. [00:28:34] Speaker B: True. Awesome. [00:28:37] Speaker A: Yeah. And Mila will with this is she's not really a melee girly, but the thing is, she can be like. She just doesn't because she feels like that's like id's thing, right? So she's like, I'll let him be the guy who hits things. But I think she's just. She doesn't really care now. I think that she's mad. And she takes the flame as the part of the fire with the blue flames that are sort of like. That's like purple at the center. She just sort of like slashes into his shoulder and then into his side as some of the clothes, like singe a little bit from the flame. [00:29:18] Speaker B: And how about model two? [00:29:21] Speaker A: I use my bonus action to cast flame blades, so I cannot command model two this turn, unfortunately. [00:29:26] Speaker B: Got it. Understood. Thank you for clarifying. All right. You guys have put me in a bad position where I have to hurt a child. [00:29:34] Speaker E: Are you talking about yarn? [00:29:39] Speaker B: Okay, this elf Aaron drill is going to move forward 5ft. They are not within melee of you. There is still one square between you. They are going to use their action to reach their hand up into the sky and pull down this beam of light that just comes through the ceiling and hits the area right in front of them and spreads out horizontally. Is this a spell? It's not a spell. I'm sorry. [00:30:15] Speaker D: I'm not casting spells. I'm casting bigger spells. Then fuck you. [00:30:20] Speaker B: I'm not saving my spell slots if. [00:30:22] Speaker D: They'Re not casting spells. [00:30:24] Speaker B: Look, everyone in this combat also does have. Well, not the zombies, but everybody in this combat has spells. But they also have other stuff that's not spells that is more useful at the moment. So they're going to. They send out this, like light horizontally in 30ft. And it feels like nothing to you Melan. But you see, the two zombies that are like kind of near you are both. They're like kind of cracking and bending over. [00:30:53] Speaker D: Oh, well, that's gonna be a problem, isn't it? [00:30:57] Speaker C: I can't tell if that's a thinking face or a face. [00:30:59] Speaker B: No, it's a thinking face. All right. Okay. So these zombies just kind of, like, crack and bend over, and then they stand back up again suddenly. And they're just kind of, like, all these cracks and stuff in the bot. In the corpses are, like. They have, like, purplish black light that's, like, seeping out of them. And their eyes are go completely white, and they are. I'm going to mark. I'm just going to color a circle around them just so we can, like, differentiate these guys. That's gonna be his action. So at the end of that turn, they're going to, like, just kind of wave their fingers at you, and they're going to teleport down just kind of to the base of the balcony and a little bit more forward, and that's gonna be their turn. Melwyn, it's your turn. [00:31:56] Speaker D: Your geometry gets weird really quickly. That's not what I meant to do. [00:32:02] Speaker C: No one parkours off the balcony. Does a sick flip on the way down. [00:32:07] Speaker D: I can get two of them and yarn, I guess. Um, hang on. We're playing with angles really quickly. The annoying thing is, these guys have legendary resistances. So no matter what I do, it's probably not gonna work anyway. But it's fine. [00:32:22] Speaker E: Spending them is good. [00:32:24] Speaker C: We can burn on them. [00:32:25] Speaker D: Yeah, but then they get them back the next turn, so it doesn't do too much. [00:32:29] Speaker E: No, not legendary resistances. Legendary actions they get back, but not resistances. [00:32:33] Speaker D: Oh, good point. [00:32:34] Speaker B: True. [00:32:35] Speaker D: Not the best use of this, but I kind of don't care at this point. Cause Moen can't really do much else. Otherwise, I am gonna upcast lightning bolt at fourth level. I need you to make a dexterity saving throw for me. [00:32:47] Speaker B: For which character? [00:32:49] Speaker D: I just. The annoying guy I refuse to try and pronounce right now. [00:32:56] Speaker E: I got you. [00:33:02] Speaker B: It's not that hard. It's not that. Wait. No, wait. Real talk. It's not that hard. Right? I got it. [00:33:10] Speaker E: I got it. [00:33:13] Speaker C: You have to say it with the same panache and pizzazz. [00:33:16] Speaker A: You gotta say it. You gotta say it like a white man at Texas Roadhouse mispronouncing their server's name. [00:33:23] Speaker B: All right, Aaron Drill, you say this. [00:33:27] Speaker D: I have a history of being really bad at reading, so we're gonna. We're gonna save my sanity of stumbling over one name for ten minutes. [00:33:38] Speaker C: What'd you roll? The loser guy. [00:33:41] Speaker B: Not good enough. So, no. [00:33:44] Speaker D: What did you roll? [00:33:45] Speaker B: Cause it might be okay. No, it's not good enough. [00:33:49] Speaker D: My dc is pretty low. That's why I'm asking. [00:33:52] Speaker B: Like, that's why it did. It's just an eight. [00:33:55] Speaker D: It was super low 96 at fourth level. [00:33:58] Speaker B: I'm going to resist it. I'm gonna legendary resist it. Does he take half? [00:34:04] Speaker D: Does take half. [00:34:06] Speaker B: Okay. [00:34:06] Speaker D: I have to do math. Give me a minute, Meg. [00:34:09] Speaker B: Do you like that? I actually put this symbol on this guy. [00:34:18] Speaker D: 14 points of lightning damage. [00:34:20] Speaker B: Okay, Brad. [00:34:22] Speaker E: Sweet. [00:34:23] Speaker B: I'm sorry. [00:34:24] Speaker D: It's fine. [00:34:24] Speaker B: Do you have anything else you want to do? [00:34:27] Speaker D: Nope. [00:34:28] Speaker B: All right, it's your turn. [00:34:31] Speaker E: All right. I'm going to stroll right on up to Opal by moving 10ft northeast. [00:34:38] Speaker B: I think five had taken a reaction, but I don't think three or six have. [00:34:42] Speaker E: Either way, they've had their turn since I went. [00:34:44] Speaker B: That's true. Okay. They will take you. [00:34:48] Speaker E: Go for it. [00:34:49] Speaker B: Oh, snap. Yeah. 21 and 22. [00:34:54] Speaker E: Yes. In fact, all three of them can take an attack if you want them to. I'm out of range of all three. [00:35:00] Speaker B: Sure. Okay, so the first zombies, three and six, who are the more like north of you are going to. I shall reduce them both by three. So you take eleven points total. Whoa. They rolled really good between the two of them. [00:35:17] Speaker E: Yeah, that's great. [00:35:19] Speaker B: Yeah. The third one will take into tack too, but he completely misses. Just kind of stumbles and like, stands on the ground. [00:35:27] Speaker E: It will keep going and be one spur north of Opal and will bonus action shift, which gives him some temp hp and plus one to my ac. So I get 15 temporary hit points and my ac is now 18. [00:35:47] Speaker B: Nice. [00:35:48] Speaker E: And ID will take two attacks against Opal. He can't literally do this, but he's like, sweeping at her legs. If it was a battle master, he would be using tripping attack. But the first one is a 19 to hit. [00:36:08] Speaker B: Yeah, 19 hits. [00:36:10] Speaker E: The second one is also a 19 to hit. [00:36:12] Speaker B: They both hit. [00:36:14] Speaker E: Geez. Worst damage. I've rolled all combat. 15 total damage for both of them combined. One and a four on my two D. Ten s total. [00:36:27] Speaker B: Honestly, I think savage attacker is an underrated feat. I'm gonna say that it's not bad. I had it on a. On a fighter once, and just because I roll so badly all the time, I used it constantly. [00:36:40] Speaker E: Yeah, that's fair. [00:36:42] Speaker B: Okay, awesome. [00:36:44] Speaker E: Uh, I moved 510. 15. I'm gonna. It's gonna keep going. Uh, 20, 25, 30. Now he's heading northwest. It's kind of doing like a sideways v shape. And he's heading up northwest towards Ehren drill to get on their case. [00:37:06] Speaker B: Cool. [00:37:06] Speaker E: And if Opal can take enough talk of opportunity, I'm cool. With that. But also, I'm not pressed. [00:37:13] Speaker B: Not too worried about it. It's fine. It's whatever. [00:37:16] Speaker E: I am not a fresh squeezed juice about it. [00:37:19] Speaker B: Uh, she's not going to. [00:37:22] Speaker E: No. Okay. [00:37:24] Speaker C: Interesting. [00:37:25] Speaker E: Saving her reaction or not having an option. [00:37:30] Speaker B: How dare you? True. [00:37:32] Speaker E: I mean, that's caster life, honestly. Gotta have Warcaster or something. [00:37:36] Speaker C: She can kick you, stub her toe on your metal shin. [00:37:41] Speaker A: Can we just say, can yarn? Just run yarn. [00:37:45] Speaker B: Stretching me out at the end of your turn. Id. She is going to look at you and, like, kind of smirk a little bit and then twist her hands and try to cast a spell in the direction of Caleb Auden. Myla, model two. Yeah. [00:38:04] Speaker D: No. [00:38:05] Speaker B: Are you counter spelling? [00:38:06] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm counter spelling. [00:38:07] Speaker B: Is it a 30 foot range? [00:38:09] Speaker D: It is a 60 foot range. [00:38:11] Speaker B: 60. Great. [00:38:13] Speaker D: Actually, I don't think I'm far. I should have checked this. I don't think I'm close enough. [00:38:17] Speaker B: You are 45ft plus some pythagoras, which I'm 60. Is it 60 foot or is it 60 foot? [00:38:25] Speaker D: 60. [00:38:26] Speaker B: It's. Yeah. So you. So you're within range is what I'm saying. [00:38:29] Speaker A: It does work out. I looked up pythagoras. Wow. [00:38:34] Speaker B: Okay, great. So you just. You just counter spell it. Wow. Necessary red. Sweet. Yeah, that's rough for her, I'll be honest. She's going to move towards id, just kind of skirting around the edge. So she's not quite within melee of you and she's going to. Okay. Actually, this is fun. She's going to pull out that same notebook that you guys saw earlier. She start drawing in it. And I need Auden model two, Caleb and Myla to all make dexterity saves. Although I think Auden gets it as a straight roll because of barbarian things. Because if you can see something coming, you get an advantage on dexterity. [00:39:32] Speaker E: No, it's always. [00:39:33] Speaker B: No, it's all the time. So you have a straight roll. Mila, model two. Calum. Oh, my gosh. [00:39:45] Speaker D: This bitch pulls out another engine, I'm gonna scream. No, I'm not, because that would peek. [00:39:49] Speaker E: My mic, but pull out the corps of Xander. [00:39:52] Speaker D: Too soon, Benjamin. [00:39:54] Speaker E: It's not too soon at all. [00:39:56] Speaker D: Too soon for the listeners. [00:39:58] Speaker A: Oh, gosh. Wait, what did Auden get? [00:40:01] Speaker C: I got a five. So even flash of genius wouldn't do it. [00:40:05] Speaker A: Milo got an 18. Model two got a six. [00:40:08] Speaker B: Okay. [00:40:09] Speaker A: You don't have inspiration, Meg? [00:40:12] Speaker C: No, I don't think so. [00:40:14] Speaker B: Let me. [00:40:15] Speaker C: I'm looking to see if I have anything. I'm on the ground. My tummy hurts from laughing so hard. [00:40:23] Speaker B: It's okay. So everyone that failed is going to take 58 damage as a flaming post falls from the ceiling and slams on the ground. [00:40:38] Speaker A: What type of damage is this for the failures? Model two's done. [00:40:42] Speaker B: I mean, legending. Okay, shoot. [00:40:46] Speaker A: And did I was an 18 a fail or a success? [00:40:50] Speaker B: A. That's a save. [00:40:52] Speaker A: Okay, so do I take half? [00:40:56] Speaker B: Uh, yes, you take half. Yeah. Which is 2029. Okay. [00:41:02] Speaker C: I think. [00:41:04] Speaker B: Yeah, that's how math work. So Caleb just dies. Um, he was already really low. He just straight up dies. This post, like splits him in half. As it falls. Auden takes full damage. Milo takes half. Model two is gone. And for extra bonus fun, a small fire that's gonna be smaller, I promise. A small five foot fire is starting in the space where Caleb is. [00:41:34] Speaker D: Yes. [00:41:34] Speaker B: Or Caleb? Us. Guess what? [00:41:36] Speaker D: We need more fire. [00:41:38] Speaker B: I'm sorry to kill your guys, Myla. [00:41:41] Speaker A: Don't be sorry. Model two was shit. [00:41:46] Speaker B: It's just weird that it's happened twice. [00:41:48] Speaker E: She fucking admits it. [00:41:50] Speaker B: Nickel. That's her turn. Zombies. This zombie's gonna take an advantage on you. Odin. [00:42:04] Speaker A: Come on, Red. [00:42:05] Speaker B: In your face. Wait, I have a question. [00:42:08] Speaker C: Um, who cast cloud kill? [00:42:11] Speaker B: Was that, uh, Aaron drill? I think. [00:42:13] Speaker C: Okay, nevermind. I was just gonna say if it was what's her face, it's probably not. Also concentration. [00:42:19] Speaker B: That's a good call. That is a good call. [00:42:20] Speaker C: Nevermind. We are good. [00:42:22] Speaker B: Um, does a 17 hit you? [00:42:25] Speaker C: It does. [00:42:26] Speaker A: Ooh. [00:42:27] Speaker B: Seven points of damage. That's as bad as it can be. Seven bludgeoning to you. The other zombies that are south kind of by where ID and Opal were are gonna start running towards ID. One of them gets within range. The second one doesn't. The third one doesn't. [00:42:45] Speaker D: I love that they just left yarn alone. [00:42:47] Speaker B: He's so tiny. The other. So the outer two that are kind of going towards it, they're gonna dash action so they can get up to him. There is one that made it within their turn. So they're gonna attack you with a 17. [00:43:00] Speaker E: That's a miss now because of my shifting. [00:43:03] Speaker B: I'm not gonna kill Yaron. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can kill a metal sphere. [00:43:10] Speaker C: Yarn supposed to help us out. [00:43:12] Speaker B: You guys haven't asked them to do anything. [00:43:15] Speaker E: We have to ask. [00:43:16] Speaker C: Genie in the bottle, kill that guy for us. [00:43:19] Speaker D: To be fair, Yarn also did not know how he could help when we asked. So true. [00:43:24] Speaker E: So why would we ask? [00:43:26] Speaker D: We did ask, technically, just not during combat. [00:43:29] Speaker B: Don't really know what Yaren can do really. [00:43:32] Speaker D: So listen, my thought was uh. Oh God was like fucking glyph of warding him and then use him as a projectile or something. I don't know. [00:43:45] Speaker B: Like the game developers. [00:43:47] Speaker E: In gum gum yarn bomb missile mode. [00:43:52] Speaker B: I don't have that spell though. [00:43:56] Speaker E: I know, but it would be so fun. [00:43:57] Speaker B: You're gonna take two zombie attacks. Oh shoot. [00:44:00] Speaker D: Okay. [00:44:01] Speaker B: Lucky for you they were both nines. Oh, nine total. [00:44:07] Speaker D: Or do you just roll the nine I bought? [00:44:09] Speaker B: I rolled two attack. I rolled to hit. Both were nine. I rolled the same number on the dice to hit for both of them and they both rolled nines to hit, which I do not think hits. If a nine hit, we would need to. [00:44:22] Speaker E: If they teamed up, they probably would have hit. [00:44:24] Speaker D: Mullen's AC is pretty sad. It's not that sad though. [00:44:26] Speaker B: It's not? Yeah. Great. That is the zombies turn. It's Caleb is a mischief dead move from initiative at the beginning of the round. Gonna be good. You've got. Okay. Fire spreads a little bit more. [00:44:47] Speaker D: At least the guy is on the ground, so you could just run up to him. [00:44:50] Speaker C: Yeah, I could. I am not loud. [00:44:52] Speaker B: Looking super good. [00:44:56] Speaker D: I'd have Melwin jump down. That would not end very well for Melwyn. [00:45:01] Speaker A: I don't. [00:45:03] Speaker B: If you end your turn in the fire, you will take fire damage. [00:45:07] Speaker C: Okay. [00:45:08] Speaker E: End turn and fire. Got it. [00:45:10] Speaker B: Auden, it's your turn. [00:45:12] Speaker C: Is the beam still there or did it disappear? And am I like trapped and crushed under it right now? Okay. [00:45:19] Speaker B: I'm not gonna say like, you don't have to make any checks about it. Cause it mostly centered around Caleb, but it still hit you sure. With gotta, gotta, gotta semi magical properties. [00:45:30] Speaker C: Yeah. I think for flavor, Auden is gonna kind of like push off. Like what bits of like debris is kind of like on her. Her clothes are like scorched. She is looking very, very poor right now. And she's gonna kind of like my Myla out of here. Run. [00:45:56] Speaker B: We. [00:45:56] Speaker C: We need to go. And she's gonna get herself to her feet so she is no longer prone and she is going to. Gosh, what is she gonna do? Um, I think Mila can like see her kind of like freezing in this moment. Like her muscles are like tensed as she is. Like, you know, she makes a move, like she's going to move and then stops and then sort of thinks of something else and tries to do that instead. And it doesn't like nothing seems to be like working as she is. Just kind of like frozen in this moment. Um, I think she is going to. Gosh, I really can't get to Melwyn very fast. [00:46:51] Speaker B: Catch me, she says, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. [00:46:55] Speaker C: I could. Auden is going to. Yeah, I think this kind of sense of fear that Myla is seeing as Auden is taking these, like, big, like, breaths, trying to, like, you know, cough out any extra, like, smoke that she's been inhaling and she's going to, like, take these big, deep breaths and try and, like, force herself into that flow state. She is going to enter her flow state. She's going to get her bonus little 20ft of movement. And what she is going to do with the rest of her movement is she is going to run and jump up onto the balcony. I know it's 20ft, but I have some mad hops. [00:47:42] Speaker D: Didn't you grab on so last time, at one point. [00:47:45] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:47:46] Speaker D: Didn't you, like, jump and grab onto it at one point? [00:47:48] Speaker C: Last time, I think that was the plan. I don't know if I got that far. [00:47:52] Speaker D: Talked about what it was. [00:47:53] Speaker E: Yeah, we didn't get that far. [00:47:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:47:56] Speaker E: So we're talking about options to get up high. [00:47:58] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:47:59] Speaker C: So it says when you jump, you can make a strength athletics check and extend your jump by a number of. [00:48:04] Speaker A: Feet equal to the checks total, which is pretty good. [00:48:07] Speaker C: I always have to look up the jumping high jump rules because they never stick in my brain. I think it's 3ft plus your strength. [00:48:14] Speaker B: Three foot, plus your strength. If you move 10ft before the jump, which you will, it says sometimes. What? Wait, what are you seeing? That's letting you do a roll for it. So. [00:48:25] Speaker C: Okay, this is part of my barbarian beast form. Sorry, I should have played with that. [00:48:29] Speaker B: That makes more sense. Yeah. Sorry. [00:48:32] Speaker C: She has something called bestial soul and I think that as she is, like, running, anyone who is looking sees, like, kind of the fins on the backs of her, like, legs and her forearms kind of shift and merge more into, like, the fins you would see on, like, a flying fish. And as she, like, jumps, that kind of, like, is able to help her, like, propel up. So just the base jump, it's 3ft plus strength, which is going to be eight, probably not eight, it's just seven, but that's still crazy high. And then I'm gonna make an athletics check to add that to the thing. So I just need to get a 13. [00:49:20] Speaker B: You have advantage on an athletics check because you're raging. [00:49:24] Speaker D: This is true. [00:49:26] Speaker C: Okay, so that's gonna be a 14 plus seven for a 21. So she super is able to jump up that high. [00:49:32] Speaker B: That's crazy. I believe you. [00:49:34] Speaker C: Yeah, she. She mad hops up there. [00:49:37] Speaker B: Okay. [00:49:39] Speaker C: And she used her action to jump, but I think she's gonna kind of. [00:49:49] Speaker B: Is the beast. Is the beast form thing an action? Is that weird? [00:49:53] Speaker C: I think it is, yeah. [00:49:54] Speaker B: A regular jump. [00:49:55] Speaker C: The other options are, like climbing or swimming. Yeah. Oh, it only costs. [00:49:59] Speaker B: A regular jump costs movement. [00:50:01] Speaker C: Then I won't be doing that. Then I'm gonna go ahead and. And take a swing at number seven, then. [00:50:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Which is why I'm asking about your chill thing. If that takes an action, then I would see it, but I don't know if it does. [00:50:15] Speaker C: In copying and pasting, it just says when you drop, it just takes your movement, then the action economy. [00:50:20] Speaker B: Cool. Awesome. [00:50:21] Speaker C: That's incredible. I learned something new today. [00:50:24] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:50:24] Speaker C: So I'm gonna take a swing at seven. [00:50:27] Speaker B: The zombie that you moved away from is gonna take an attack of opportunity against you as you moved away. There's a 15 hit. [00:50:33] Speaker C: That does hit. [00:50:36] Speaker B: Oh, seven points of damage again. Okay. But that would be halved because you are raging, so it only be. Yeah. [00:50:43] Speaker C: So it's just three. [00:50:45] Speaker B: Sick. [00:50:47] Speaker C: Thank you. Thank you. Okay, so for the first attack against zombie number 715, to hit 15 hits. [00:50:55] Speaker B: Sorry. [00:50:55] Speaker C: Not 1513. [00:50:56] Speaker B: Sorry. [00:50:57] Speaker C: Can't do math right now. [00:50:58] Speaker B: Pretty sure 13 also hits. Yes, it does. Okay, great. [00:51:02] Speaker C: And she is swinging two handed here, so that is going to be a d. A ten. [00:51:09] Speaker B: Oh, I rolled really good. [00:51:11] Speaker C: Okay, great. So nine plus four, plus my rage bonus, which right now is a two still. [00:51:21] Speaker B: Yep. [00:51:22] Speaker C: So 15 points of damage on that first swing, and then she's gonna take a second attack. That one's a natural one. [00:51:31] Speaker B: Again. [00:51:31] Speaker C: So the second one does not hit. [00:51:32] Speaker B: Okay. [00:51:33] Speaker C: And she's gonna just kind of, like. As she's, like, leaping up, she kind of, like, slams hard onto the ground. She's just gonna say, melee, do whatever you can to run. [00:51:43] Speaker B: That was Auden's turn. Myla is your turn. [00:51:46] Speaker A: I don't know what to do, guys. [00:51:48] Speaker C: I mean, I told you what to do. [00:51:50] Speaker A: I know you told me what to do, but then you went further in. [00:51:55] Speaker C: I have to save the child. [00:51:57] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:52:00] Speaker A: Can. Okay, we have not been exercising a lot of free actions. Could I use my free action to make an insight check on my party to see what their intention is moving forward? Do they want to fight? Do they want to run? What are they doing? I have shit at insight. So this is. Oh, gosh. This is gonna be great. [00:52:22] Speaker B: Five. [00:52:23] Speaker A: Great. [00:52:23] Speaker B: Cool. [00:52:24] Speaker A: Not helpful at all. No one. People went further in, okay? [00:52:33] Speaker D: I did not choose to go further in. [00:52:35] Speaker B: That's true. I know. [00:52:38] Speaker A: I know. [00:52:38] Speaker B: You did forcibly entered the building. [00:52:42] Speaker D: Would just like that to be made clear. [00:52:46] Speaker A: Okay, I know this is gonna look really stupid. I need you guys to trust me. First of all. I'm gonna. I'm gonna cure wounds myself this round. I'm gonna first level cure wounds myself this round because I need healing. So I'm gonna do that first and foremost. I rolled a seven plus whatever, so it's okay. [00:53:13] Speaker B: Plus twelve. [00:53:15] Speaker A: Okay, perfect. So I am looking a little healthier. I'm gonna move right on the other side of the zombie wall. There's, like, a wall of three zombies right below it. I'm gonna move right on the other side of those, which I know is a little silly, goofy, but I need you guys to trust my processing brain because I'm running out of options here. Um, you know what? [00:53:39] Speaker B: Screw it. [00:53:39] Speaker A: No, I'm not. I'm gonna go stand in, but gonna go stand kitty corner between Opal and the zombie. [00:53:44] Speaker B: You're joining the zombie line? [00:53:46] Speaker A: Yes, I'm joining the line of zombies. [00:53:47] Speaker B: I'm joining the zombie wall. [00:53:51] Speaker A: And I'm just gonna look at Ed and be like, hi, let's not die, please. [00:53:59] Speaker E: I'm fine. You need to leave. [00:54:01] Speaker B: Everyone's saying that, but you're staying here. [00:54:04] Speaker E: Yes, I am practically uninjured. Well, I got punched by two zombies. I'm fine. [00:54:11] Speaker A: Well, I'm fine, too. She says, bleeding. [00:54:18] Speaker E: Covered in the ash and soot. [00:54:21] Speaker A: I mean, it's pretty normal for her. I use my action. I don't really have a bonus action since model two is gone. So that is going to. That's gonna be my turn. Yes, it's my turn. [00:54:32] Speaker B: Cool. It is next going to be Arendelle's turn. He is going to run up to id. Oh, yeah, get up in here with one of the zombies. But it doesn't matter because what he does is he pushes his hand out and a black smoke just curls from Opal into his hand and he takes out this, like, massive warhammer that's been on his back, like, this whole time because he hasn't done anything with it. And the smoke, like, curls up the weapon and starts to make it glow some, like, purple, and he's just gonna take some big swings at you. [00:55:15] Speaker E: Cool. Send it. Is this a magical weapon? [00:55:17] Speaker B: Yes. Cool. [00:55:19] Speaker E: I don't get my reduction then. Cause this feat is stupid. [00:55:24] Speaker B: So the first attack is a 30 to hit. [00:55:28] Speaker E: Jesus Christ. [00:55:30] Speaker B: Smokes. Get it cuz it's smoked. The second is a 24. Yes. You take nine bludgeoning damage on the first one. [00:55:43] Speaker E: Okay. [00:55:44] Speaker B: Plus 26 necrotic damage. What the fuck? The second one. The second hit was six bludgeoning damage. [00:55:55] Speaker E: Okay. [00:55:56] Speaker B: Plus 17 necrotic damage. [00:55:59] Speaker E: Okay. [00:56:01] Speaker B: And in taking that damage, you watch, like, some of the blood, like kind of curl up in that same way and he's gonna heal for half of what he just did to you. [00:56:15] Speaker E: Oh, my God. Of all that zero, like 15 damage that he took. [00:56:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:56:23] Speaker E: Okay. [00:56:24] Speaker B: Now it's gonna be his turn. Melon, it's your turn. Auden has now appeared next to you. [00:56:30] Speaker D: My turn always comes after weird shit happening. Okay. [00:56:34] Speaker B: You are right after this guy. [00:56:37] Speaker D: First things first. I am going to use my bonus action to. To convert five sorcery points into a third level spell slot. [00:56:43] Speaker E: Hell yeah. [00:56:45] Speaker D: And then I am going to. I'm gonna move so I can it in a comfortable way. [00:56:53] Speaker B: Jesus. That was a good reminder to, like, make me, like, if I didn't think. [00:56:59] Speaker D: It would fucking cause so much bodily harm to Melwyn because she is very squim cheap to just jump off this fucking balcony. I would do it because this thing pisses me off. [00:57:10] Speaker E: If you need more time, I have a reaction thing that I can do. [00:57:13] Speaker D: Sorry. [00:57:14] Speaker E: When I got hit, I will finally be able to use Myla's infusion and my war pick will flash like, big camera flash and I need to make a constitution saving game. [00:57:29] Speaker A: This movie was so silly. [00:57:30] Speaker B: Goofy. [00:57:31] Speaker E: I think this is against. I think this is against Mila's spell. [00:57:34] Speaker B: Safe DC. [00:57:35] Speaker A: Uh, c'est moi. [00:57:38] Speaker B: Because it's your infusion. Okay. [00:57:40] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:57:40] Speaker B: It's your infusion that's really bad. That's seven. [00:57:47] Speaker E: Yeah, for sure. So he's blinded until the end of his next turn. [00:57:53] Speaker C: Nicely done. [00:57:54] Speaker B: Good call. Oh, you're welcome. [00:57:58] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [00:57:59] Speaker B: Sorry. [00:58:00] Speaker A: Sheds a tear. So proud that her shit's finally useful. [00:58:04] Speaker B: I can't. There it is. [00:58:07] Speaker D: God. Temptation to just jump off the balcony is so strong. I want to really badly. Grace wants to. [00:58:17] Speaker B: I don't know if it's a d six, right? [00:58:19] Speaker C: Well, it'd be two d six because it's 2020 stories. [00:58:23] Speaker B: I just. In my brain, I'm at a d six per ten. [00:58:26] Speaker D: It is not 20 stories, Meg. [00:58:30] Speaker B: 20Ft. It would be two d six. Man. [00:58:32] Speaker C: This is the eleven and a half. [00:58:33] Speaker B: Foot stub all over it. [00:58:35] Speaker D: Uh, no, if Melan jumps, that probably puts her at prone, which means it's. [00:58:41] Speaker B: Only two d six damage. [00:58:43] Speaker D: It's two d six damage. And then. Well, that's the. Well, I guess the question would be, would all wing down and probably not landing on her feet because Melan is not a dexterous or athletic little bean. [00:58:56] Speaker B: That's fair. [00:58:57] Speaker D: Would that count as her movement? That is like. That becomes the question. Because if that counts as movement, then falling is instant. [00:59:05] Speaker B: It does not. [00:59:05] Speaker E: So you don't use movement falling, but. [00:59:09] Speaker B: If you land prone, then you will have to use. [00:59:11] Speaker E: You might land prone. [00:59:12] Speaker B: I'm just gonna say DC ten. [00:59:15] Speaker D: But if it doesn't count as movement, then half my movement to get up really won't change that much. [00:59:21] Speaker B: In theory, it is technically the fastest way off the balcony. Yeah. [00:59:24] Speaker D: Melon's jumping. [00:59:26] Speaker B: Fuck it. Okay. Yeah, you can roll some two d six if you want. Or I can roll some two d six. [00:59:33] Speaker D: Oh, you rolled two d six. [00:59:35] Speaker B: Okay. [00:59:37] Speaker D: Seven, no damage. Otherwise this whole fight. [00:59:41] Speaker B: So dc ten an. Athletics or acrobatics. [00:59:44] Speaker D: Athletics or acrobatics. That's an eleven. [00:59:48] Speaker B: Okay. It's very balcony, barely standing upright. But it's one of those ones where like the pain shoots in your ankle for like second, you know? Did anyone have that? Maybe that's just me. Oh, okay. [01:00:02] Speaker D: Melan does like the stand on, like the Ghibli stand on. On edge, sort of like. Okay, cool. Well, she's down. That's cool. Um. I still have my movement, right? [01:00:17] Speaker B: You still have your movement? Yes. I think technically you moved. I would say technically you moved 5ft to get off the balcony. Like you moved the square forward. So you have like you took 5ft of movement. [01:00:28] Speaker D: That is fair. Thank you so much for putting them in a line. Anastasia. 12345 paces to the south. Melons casting lightning bolt. I need both of them to make a duck save. [01:00:38] Speaker E: Where? [01:00:38] Speaker B: Who's both of them? [01:00:40] Speaker D: Opal and what's his face? [01:00:44] Speaker B: The guy line. I see. I thought you meant line of zombies. [01:00:48] Speaker C: Nope. [01:00:48] Speaker D: Stop. [01:00:49] Speaker B: Ouc. [01:00:49] Speaker D: Nope. That would hit my left. [01:00:51] Speaker B: No, I don't know. I didn't know if we were just sending it. Aaron, drill got a 15, so he takes half. [01:00:58] Speaker D: Damn it. [01:00:58] Speaker B: Is that safe? [01:00:59] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:01:00] Speaker B: Opal. Opal got a 13. [01:01:02] Speaker D: Both of them take half. Okay. It's okay. I didn't roll that wall anyway, so it's 13 points of lightning damage to both of them. [01:01:10] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, you know what? Let me reroll Aarondryls because he's blinded, so he might have disadvantage. [01:01:18] Speaker E: Oh. [01:01:19] Speaker B: On the roll. Right. Uh, I bet that that would make sense. [01:01:24] Speaker E: I'm looking it up. [01:01:25] Speaker B: No one ever can remember it doesn't come up enough. [01:01:29] Speaker E: It doesn't say anything about that. It just says any ability check that requires sight, which doesn't mean saving throw. I don't know. [01:01:39] Speaker D: I don't know. [01:01:41] Speaker B: That's very weird. [01:01:42] Speaker C: I think it's your call, Anna. [01:01:44] Speaker E: I. Yeah. Ability checks are not technically saving. [01:01:49] Speaker B: I feel bad being like, I want to go rules is written, but also like, I don't want to make any sense. [01:01:55] Speaker D: Oh, girl. [01:01:57] Speaker E: Oh, Jeremy Crawford tweet. Blind creatures fail. Ability checks that require sight. Yeah. No, ability checks and saving throws aren't. [01:02:06] Speaker B: Okay, I'm just gonna say the thing. I'm gonna go. Rules is written because when this comes up in 20 more episodes, I don't have to remember that I did something different. I'm just gonna go with it. [01:02:17] Speaker C: I think that's so fair. [01:02:19] Speaker E: Yeah, that's weird. [01:02:19] Speaker B: We'll say that it's a magical. It's so. Maybe he's got some better sense about spells. I don't know. [01:02:25] Speaker D: Theoretically, if he has good enough reflexes, he would hear the lightning coming, but. [01:02:29] Speaker C: Feels a little like all the hair. [01:02:31] Speaker B: All right, so they both say they took. They took 13 damage. Great. Always helps. [01:02:38] Speaker D: Cool. [01:02:38] Speaker B: Anything else on your end? [01:02:40] Speaker D: That's all I can do. [01:02:41] Speaker B: Okay. Opal is going to move away from Myla. 10ft. This does not provoke opportunity. Effect. Whomp. [01:02:50] Speaker A: Whomp. [01:02:52] Speaker B: That's okay. Honestly, more useful than I thought it was gonna be. All right, id. It's your turn. You are very surrounded. Holy moly. [01:03:01] Speaker E: Yeah. I've got three zombies to my south. I've got a necrotic y elfie person ish to my north. First thing is, first, I'm gonna use my amulet of the devout to get another use of my channel. Divinity. It just lets me use it again. It's not like using the item, which is rad because ikhendril is blinded. I have advantage on them, which is the perfect use of this. And I will make two attacks with my war pick with advantage natural. 19 for a 27 to hit on the first one, I will second level smite on it. Is this guy an undead or something else? [01:03:52] Speaker B: Fiend. [01:03:52] Speaker E: No, under fiend. Not under fiend. Understood. Oh, baby. [01:03:59] Speaker B: 54 damage. [01:04:02] Speaker E: If you need any of it, separate it out. I can do that for you. [01:04:05] Speaker B: I don't think so. What are the types? [01:04:07] Speaker E: Poison. Piercing and magical. Piercing and radiant. Great. I will take my second attack. Second attack is a 19 to hit. [01:04:21] Speaker B: Great. [01:04:22] Speaker E: I will do another second level smite. [01:04:25] Speaker B: Teehee. [01:04:27] Speaker E: I was saving them. 26 more points of damage. [01:04:31] Speaker C: Basically done. Holy smoke. [01:04:33] Speaker B: Mixed leg crazy. Crazy turn. [01:04:36] Speaker E: And holy spirit, it is just. He's not gonna move. He's just gonna stay there. His weapon extends once again. It almost seems like he takes some of the breath out of these undead zombies that are behind him. And it coalesces into this big scythe, pierces it through the torso. The necrotic energy just stays there. And he swings it around again and clocks him on the forehead with the blunt end both times, flashing his weapon with radiant light. [01:05:07] Speaker B: Oof. [01:05:07] Speaker E: And that's his turn. [01:05:08] Speaker B: Good turn. It's going to be Professor Opal's turn. Oh, I super didn't make concentration checks. I don't even think I could roll high enough. Half of 54. 20. [01:05:22] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:05:23] Speaker B: 27. [01:05:25] Speaker E: 27. [01:05:26] Speaker B: Uh, one sec. No. Oh, unless I can. [01:05:32] Speaker E: Yeah, I don't know what it is. [01:05:34] Speaker A: Oh, is that cloud kill? [01:05:36] Speaker B: Is the cloud kill? [01:05:38] Speaker E: Oh, that's right. [01:05:39] Speaker A: Nasty. [01:05:39] Speaker E: That's fine. That clears a little bit more path. [01:05:42] Speaker B: Cloud code goes away. Yeah, it wasn't helping in much anyway. Whatever. Right. [01:05:48] Speaker E: But it does let us get to the door a tiny bit easier, probably. [01:05:52] Speaker D: Hey, look at that. One less giant ring of scary on the field. [01:05:57] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:05:58] Speaker C: Now we only have five. [01:06:01] Speaker B: Opal is going to see what happened to Arendrell and she's going to make him swap spots with a zombie on the balcony. [01:06:14] Speaker E: Get him on. [01:06:17] Speaker B: They are both willing, so they did not have to make wisdom saving throws. So she is just gonna do that, and I think that's gonna be her turn, actually. She's gonna move. She's gonna move 20ft towards kind of, like, underneath the balcony, just slightly in front of it, just so she can best guess, like, passive insight is that she's probably just trying to, like, have line of sight of Aarondril and, like, make sure that she's close enough to do stuff if needed. Zombies turn. One of them is gonna move to Auden and attack. It's got four zombies, although I think three are gonna attack it and one's gonna attack Mila. Sure. Zombie number four is also gonna move up to Mila. [01:07:02] Speaker A: Oh, cool. [01:07:03] Speaker B: With zombie five. So two on Myla, three on. Flip them on Auden. [01:07:10] Speaker A: Just flip off those bombies. [01:07:11] Speaker E: They suck. [01:07:13] Speaker B: Oh, that's, um, an eight for zombie number four, which does not. Oh, I'm rolling. Great. Zombie five gets a six to hit. Also doesn't hit zombie number three. Wow, this is nuts. It gets a seven. That doesn't hit zombie. [01:07:31] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. [01:07:33] Speaker B: Zombie. That's labeled zombies, which is like zombie eight. Oh, zombie eight. Got an at 20. Whoa. [01:07:40] Speaker A: You know what? I have an underdog. [01:07:46] Speaker E: No, we don't. Not this one. [01:07:47] Speaker B: That's a good. [01:07:48] Speaker E: It's not even a zombie. Dog. [01:07:50] Speaker C: Under the ground dog. [01:07:51] Speaker B: Five points of damage. Could you handle it? [01:07:54] Speaker E: Is that with the minus three or. [01:07:56] Speaker B: After the minus three? Zombie number six. [01:08:04] Speaker E: I take it back. I love this feat. [01:08:06] Speaker B: Zombie number six gets a five to hit. That's not. I kid you not. I rolled. First roll, double fives. Second roll, a two and a three. Third roll, double fours. Fourth roll, a seven and a 20. I'll take it. Fifth roll. [01:08:24] Speaker E: There you go. [01:08:26] Speaker B: Yeah, bad. Okay, that's crazy. That's stupid. Did I roll for the one that hit Auden? I can't even remember. I don't think I rolled that one. Great. Does a 17. I'll take it. Three points of damage halved to one. Okay, I was gonna ask about that. Okay, good turn. Zombies, top of order. Fire spread. Fire spread more. [01:08:53] Speaker D: Fire spread more. [01:08:56] Speaker B: Actually. That was incredible. [01:08:57] Speaker E: Fire spread. Go. Fire spread. [01:08:59] Speaker B: Yes. [01:08:59] Speaker D: What if. More. [01:09:01] Speaker B: Oh, it's not okay. [01:09:02] Speaker E: What if. Fire spread? Yes. [01:09:04] Speaker D: Oh, that spread a lot. [01:09:05] Speaker B: Jesus. Ooh. [01:09:07] Speaker D: Somebody should really go get our little plant. God. [01:09:10] Speaker A: You know what? No one asked for yarn. [01:09:14] Speaker B: Oh, my giddy aunt, I need. [01:09:18] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Handed Mickey. [01:09:23] Speaker B: Yes. I want to screenshot this for Patreon. Cause that's. Yeah, I got it. I got you. Wow. Iconic. All right. The fire spread by 15ft, which covers a good left half of this map. With fire, it's getting to be a more prominent issue. Auden, your first. Gosh. [01:09:47] Speaker C: Okay. Auden's gonna kind of, like, lurch forward, and she's gonna make two attacks against Ellen drill. [01:09:59] Speaker B: Every single one of you. [01:10:02] Speaker E: It's mostly just me that's been saying it like that. Yes. [01:10:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. [01:10:09] Speaker C: This is exciting day for me. Okay. I love it when this happens. Okay. That one fell off the table. Okay. Okay. What is my. Okay, I'm cool. [01:10:22] Speaker B: Super cool. [01:10:22] Speaker C: And chill. [01:10:23] Speaker B: Okay, I'm good. Okay, great. [01:10:25] Speaker C: Okay, so eleven plus two is 13. [01:10:29] Speaker B: Plus four is 17 1717. [01:10:33] Speaker C: That's not a great hit, but I'll take it. Awesome. I didn't roll super great on damage, but that's 17 points. [01:10:39] Speaker B: I'll take it. [01:10:40] Speaker C: And then I'm gonna make it. Another attack against, indeed evil skeever. [01:10:46] Speaker B: Another. Oh, my God, that's wild. Sorry. Gosh, I'm really excited. I got a 17 for the other one too, so that was good, Rollins. Sorry. That was really exciting for me. [01:10:58] Speaker C: Okay. Oh, my gosh. I rolled even worse on that one. So that's a little unfortunate. Okay. Ten plus four is 14 points of damage on that second. [01:11:06] Speaker E: Did you add rage damage on both of those? [01:11:08] Speaker B: I did it on the first one. I heard it. It was a plus two. Did. [01:11:12] Speaker C: Yeah, I have a plus two on my rage damage right now. [01:11:16] Speaker E: I think I just heard plus four, and I was like, that sounds like stretching. [01:11:19] Speaker C: Yes. And then I added the three and the five that I rolled on that one already. [01:11:24] Speaker B: So three and five is eight, plus two is ten, plus four is 14. Yeah. [01:11:27] Speaker E: Got it. Understood. Okay. [01:11:29] Speaker B: Yeah. So, awesome. Yeah. [01:11:32] Speaker C: Auden is. I think her flow state is, like, that calm, but I think there's, like, a tension there that, like, isn't usually when she's in that kind of peak as she is, like, just kind of wailing in and just swinging her hammer as hard into this guy as she can. And that is where I think she will finish her turn. I don't think I have anything I can do on a bonus action. So that's it for me. [01:12:07] Speaker B: Awesome. Milo, your turn. [01:12:09] Speaker E: Wait, don't you have that bonus action bite thing? [01:12:12] Speaker C: I. [01:12:13] Speaker B: That's a great question. [01:12:14] Speaker C: Let me look and see. I don't think that's a bonus action. I think that's just its own attack. Oh, no. I. I took the tail, so as the form of the beast. [01:12:25] Speaker E: Understood. [01:12:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:12:26] Speaker E: So you have to take it. [01:12:27] Speaker C: Yeah. So I have to choose between bite. I didn't say it out loud, but that's what I've been defaulting to, because the bite is not that good. Only gives me, like, three healing points. But the tail, I can use a reaction to impose, like, to boost my ac. So I'm defaulting to the tail. [01:12:43] Speaker E: Oh, cool. [01:12:44] Speaker B: Mila, your turn. Cool. [01:12:46] Speaker A: Myla's gonna. Mila is stressed. Mila's super stressed. Everyone's so many everyone's. She is going to so many everyones. I'm so sorry. Um, she is. [01:13:04] Speaker B: I don't want to flavor this. [01:13:06] Speaker A: I think that as Auden takes these swings, all of a sudden, a sort of, like, purple disc appears beneath her feet, and it sort of, like, moves. Moves up a little bit and almost, like, cartoon timey wimey, like, when things, like, shrink into, like, a center point of light and, like, disappear. It's almost like that. Unless audid would like to resist. [01:13:28] Speaker C: No, she does not want to be there anymore. [01:13:31] Speaker A: Uh, and Myla. So Myla can plop you literally anywhere. I could plop you. Plop you by the front door. [01:13:39] Speaker C: I mean, that's far away, but I think we should leave. [01:13:43] Speaker B: Okay. [01:13:43] Speaker C: And so by the door is probably good. It just doesn't give me a whole lot of options to, like, do stuff. But I think we should all is what Auden is gonna push for. [01:13:53] Speaker B: Okay. [01:13:54] Speaker A: Mila is going to do that. So Auden blinks out of existence up on the stairs and she reappears right in front of the doorways. And Mila's just going to say, I'm not leaving without everyone else leaving. And then Myla is going to take two attacks of opportunity from these two zombies and is going to use her movement to go towards the door as well. [01:14:21] Speaker B: Does a twelve hit you? [01:14:23] Speaker A: It does not hit me. [01:14:24] Speaker B: Okay. Then the other one also doesn't hit. [01:14:26] Speaker A: And Myla, as she runs down, is just gonna say id. Mellon, come on, please. [01:14:33] Speaker B: You are in a square that will cause you to take fire damage. Okay. Anything else? [01:14:39] Speaker A: No. That is my turn. [01:14:41] Speaker B: Okay. It's gonna be Aaron drill's turn at the end of turn or start of turn. [01:14:47] Speaker E: End of turn. Blinded until the end of the attackers. [01:14:49] Speaker B: Ha. Get fucked. [01:14:53] Speaker E: So good. [01:14:55] Speaker C: Thank you. [01:14:56] Speaker E: There's not many things that do the end of the next turn, which is rad. [01:15:00] Speaker B: They're going to. They're gonna hold on to the banister? Yes. Opal has like, kind of indicated on where they are. So they're gonna just move, uh, 15ft along the banister's edge just to kind of be more central. Uh, yeah, I think. End of turn comes, they are unblinded. And then just kind of like, look at all of you and say, such pity. Would have been nice to have you. That's gonna be their turn. Because they can't really do much about being blind. Mellon, your turn. [01:15:34] Speaker D: I don't like this man at all. [01:15:35] Speaker B: Oh, you were supposed to like him. That's what made him. He's just not socialized. [01:15:43] Speaker D: Standing in fire is probably not the best. Or do Melon is gonna take one step north. So she's not in the ring of fire anymore. [01:15:51] Speaker B: Go to the door. Go to the door. [01:15:53] Speaker D: If I go towards the door, I'm going into fire. [01:15:57] Speaker E: You can. Anastasia said it only happens if you. [01:15:59] Speaker D: End your turn in the fire. But Melon's not getting out of here until id does. [01:16:02] Speaker B: Yes. [01:16:03] Speaker E: Are you okay? Okay. Sure. That's fine. You were allowed to. [01:16:08] Speaker B: Melanie is not leaving until it does. [01:16:10] Speaker D: I am making that choice. [01:16:12] Speaker B: I haven't. It's not my turn yet. [01:16:13] Speaker D: I know it's not your turn yet, sir. I'm aware of this. [01:16:17] Speaker E: You can't. Okay? [01:16:19] Speaker D: Plus, I wanted to do some more damage to this thing. So Melon is going to cast a witch bolt on opal, or at least try to. [01:16:27] Speaker B: Okay. [01:16:27] Speaker D: That requires me to hit an 18 to hit. [01:16:31] Speaker B: 18 hits. [01:16:32] Speaker D: Cool. I am up casting that at second level. So we are doing two d. Twelve damage. Great amount of lightning damage. That's three lightning damage on Opal. But there is an arc of lightning that is connecting melon and opal right now. [01:16:48] Speaker B: And you can do it on subsequent turns, right? [01:16:51] Speaker D: Yes. [01:16:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:16:54] Speaker D: Thank you. You're in my mind. [01:16:56] Speaker B: Okay, cool. That's melon's turn. It's your turn. [01:16:59] Speaker E: It is going to bonus action. Cast wrathful smite. First level spell. I'm just going to throw a javelin at every enduriel. I don't have advantage because. Not blinded anymore. [01:17:13] Speaker B: You have disadvantage because 18. [01:17:17] Speaker E: Are within 5ft. I sure do. The second one was a natural 19. [01:17:22] Speaker B: So 18 to hit a. It's worth a shot, you know? [01:17:26] Speaker E: Yeah, no good. Your good .8 points of piercing damage, five points of psychic damage, 13 if it matters. And he needs to make a wisdom saving throw, please. [01:17:38] Speaker B: That's a fail. So he's gonna resist legendarily. [01:17:42] Speaker E: Okay, that's fine. Yeah, that would. That's a good one to resist because that's frightened and then it will. Are any of these zombies hurt? [01:17:52] Speaker B: I think all of them are. Oh, except the one that's north of you, purple guy. [01:17:58] Speaker E: That's fine. We'll take an attack on number five. Another 18 to hit. [01:18:05] Speaker B: That's definitely hit. [01:18:07] Speaker E: 13 points of damage. [01:18:09] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah, no, that zombie is dead. [01:18:13] Speaker E: Great. Just trying to clear a little path for Melwin to get out, and then he will move five, step on this dead zombie. 1015 2025. 30. Taking three attacks of opportunity from zombie eight, three and six. [01:18:32] Speaker B: Yes. You are right next to Yaren. [01:18:35] Speaker E: Please pick up. [01:18:37] Speaker B: Pick up the baby object. Interact. [01:18:40] Speaker E: I scoop the baby. [01:18:41] Speaker B: He stab. He stands, really? So that he can pretend to be an object. [01:18:47] Speaker D: He is so lucky that the flames do not spread that far. [01:18:52] Speaker B: I didn't give him initiative because honestly, I forgot that he was there. So, yes, you can scoop him up. He's just been. Okay, you know what he's been doing? Like, the baby groot thing where, like, the intro scene of Guardians of the Galaxy two where baby dancing and there's like a huge fight going in the background. He's just like, yeah, absolutely. 100%. That's what he's been doing. So not been paying attention even a little bit. Okay. Zombie attacks. Oh, that's a 21 22 to hit. Yes, that's a 20 to hit and an 18. Wow. [01:19:29] Speaker E: It's real bad on your damage. Actually, I don't think I can. [01:19:32] Speaker B: Seven on the first hit. [01:19:34] Speaker E: Okay. We're doing. [01:19:37] Speaker B: Twelve on the crit, two on the last none. Awesome. That's it. Professor Opal's turn. So she. I know I sound like a broken record, but she's gonna switch places with the zombie up top. The witch bolt goes with her. [01:20:00] Speaker D: She would be out of range. [01:20:01] Speaker E: Actually, no, that range is just the initial range. Does it have, like, a wall there within a certain range of you? [01:20:09] Speaker C: Spell ends if you use your action. [01:20:10] Speaker D: To do anything else. The spell also ends if the target is ever outside the spell's range or if it has total cover from you. [01:20:16] Speaker B: So. [01:20:16] Speaker D: Yes. [01:20:16] Speaker B: Oh, it's not okay. All right. Pesky spell ends. She switches spots with the zombie. [01:20:22] Speaker E: Good reading. [01:20:23] Speaker B: Yes. Thank you for the clarification. [01:20:25] Speaker D: I learned how to read for once in my life on this podcast. Look at that. [01:20:29] Speaker B: She steps up one square forward to be next to Arendrill and just kind of looks at him, and he just shakes his head. So she is gonna end her turn there. Zombies are gonna go. They're all just running up, I guess, to try to hit people. One of them is close to Melwyn. So one's gonna go towards Melwyn. One is within range of id. The second one comes within range. Third guy doesn't. So he's gonna dash. He. He's gonna dash to be like, up next, id. But he dashed, so he can't do anything else. Two zombie attacks on id. [01:21:07] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [01:21:08] Speaker B: I don't think a 14 hits, but a 19 does. [01:21:12] Speaker E: Correct. [01:21:13] Speaker B: Okay. Five points of damage. Reduced to. [01:21:16] Speaker E: Reduced two. I'll use my reaction to redirect the one that missed. [01:21:21] Speaker B: Okay. [01:21:21] Speaker E: To an ally zombie. [01:21:24] Speaker B: Eight. Oh, yeah, actually, that does it. [01:21:27] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:21:29] Speaker B: Which zombie do you want? Three or six to get hit? [01:21:33] Speaker E: Six, please. [01:21:35] Speaker B: I rolled six points of damage. That zombie is still up. Just kind of like double hand fist swings to the side instead and confused. Zombie grunts. One is going to hit melon. 17 hits, I think. [01:21:53] Speaker D: Yes, it does. [01:21:54] Speaker B: Five points of damage to you. Cool. [01:21:56] Speaker D: I am going to shocking rebuke. So. [01:21:59] Speaker E: Hell yeah. [01:22:00] Speaker D: Double checking. You need to make a dex save. [01:22:04] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, super bad. Four. [01:22:08] Speaker E: That does not succeed. [01:22:10] Speaker D: I'm just double checking what my damage is. Three D ten. Jesus Christ. [01:22:16] Speaker B: That's good, because, actually, I think I lied to you earlier, Ben. Four hasn't taken damage. [01:22:22] Speaker E: That's okay. [01:22:23] Speaker B: But three d ten might kill it. [01:22:25] Speaker D: So three D, ten. Lightning damage from Melan. Oh, that's pretty good. 24 points of lightning damage from Melan. [01:22:32] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Zombie just dies. Nice. He goes up and like slams at Melan and then just gets like, like vibrated apart to pieces. [01:22:42] Speaker D: Listen, having reactions on a spellcaster is basically just pushing a magical no button over and over and over again. [01:22:49] Speaker E: True. [01:22:49] Speaker D: That's why I love playing a spellcaster. [01:22:51] Speaker B: Awesome. Okay. Did I move, uh, did I move zombie seven? I don't. Oh, I did actually. I think, um, at the top of the round, fire spread. Oh, that's not good. Oof. [01:23:05] Speaker E: That's a lot of fire. [01:23:06] Speaker B: There is. [01:23:06] Speaker E: All the fires are spreading. 15ft. We've got not a lot of unfired space left on this map. There's a chunk in the like, center. North. [01:23:16] Speaker B: Up on the balcony is fine. [01:23:18] Speaker E: There's like a path down the middle. Yeah, up in the balcony's fine. There's a chunk in the southeast corner ish. That kind of leads to the door. [01:23:27] Speaker B: It's a little rough. Look. A little rough. It's a lot of fire. [01:23:31] Speaker E: I have a flavor question. Is this more fire or less fire than id saw in his vision or. [01:23:37] Speaker B: About the same. You're getting great. I. It's. We've been done. We've been doing 2 hours of recording charges is a long time. Be a long episode. [01:23:48] Speaker E: Do you think we're almost done? [01:23:50] Speaker B: Are you gonna turn around and try and kill zombies? No. [01:23:53] Speaker A: Yeah, we want to go. [01:23:54] Speaker B: We're running. If you guys just want to leave, if you just want to take your actions to dash out of there and leave, that's fine. [01:24:04] Speaker E: I mean, where you got, there's like opportunity attacks and stuff. [01:24:07] Speaker B: Okay, great. Let's do it. See what happens. We'll just do it kind of quick because everyone's got really basic moves now. Auden, go. [01:24:14] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna drop my rage and I'm going to cast wall of water. [01:24:18] Speaker B: Yippee. [01:24:19] Speaker C: I'm going to make a. How do I make it a circle 20ft in diameter? Um, I forgore how to do that. Oh, thank you for the circle. 20ft. And is that your circle or my circle? [01:24:33] Speaker E: This is your circle. [01:24:35] Speaker B: That is. [01:24:35] Speaker C: That's 20ft diameter or. Oh, that's teeny tiny, huge, stupid tiny circle circles. [01:24:42] Speaker B: So fire circles. [01:24:43] Speaker C: So Auden is going to cast it pretty close to where she is and try and create some kind of little buffer to keep her and her crew from like crispy up should they approach the door. [01:24:55] Speaker B: Awesome. Yeah. So that spot where the fire and the water overlap, the water wins out in this spot. So don't count the fire in that spot, but you can't do it very well. [01:25:04] Speaker C: Now there and then as an object interaction, can I open the door? [01:25:09] Speaker B: Sure. Yeah. Okay. [01:25:11] Speaker C: Auden's gonna open the door and she's gonna say, we are leaving now and she's gonna zoop out the door. [01:25:19] Speaker B: All right, Mila. [01:25:22] Speaker A: Myla is going to go 510 15ft south east to where she can now see the open door and see id. And Melwyn, she's going to put her hand out towards Melwyn and is going to vortex where Melwyn out the door. [01:25:43] Speaker B: That works, love. [01:25:44] Speaker D: It also solves my issue that I could not get through that wall of fire and that wall of water. [01:25:49] Speaker A: 25 30 and Myla is, like 5ft away from the door now with the rest of her movement id. Let's go. [01:25:58] Speaker B: Aaron drill is not going to do anything, actually. It's just going to watch. Melan, your turn. Anything particular. [01:26:08] Speaker D: Man? Flexible casting would have been really, really smart. Like, whatever the thing is that lets you shape your spells, that would have been really, really, really smart to take just in general. [01:26:21] Speaker E: Oh, like, careful spell would be really. [01:26:23] Speaker B: Helpful because I have a lot of. [01:26:25] Speaker D: Aoes and people that likes to be in creatures faces that I don't like. [01:26:34] Speaker E: That's true. I do like to be in face. [01:26:37] Speaker D: Maybe that informs my next level up a little bit. Valen is going to move, so she's kind of poking her head in the door and fireball is a 60 foot radius, so she is going to very carefully place it. So she is hitting at least two of these things. [01:26:58] Speaker B: The amount of fire I can get. [01:27:01] Speaker D: Two of them, it doesn't really matter which two, honestly. So we'll just. [01:27:07] Speaker E: I don't think so. [01:27:07] Speaker C: Can I weigh in? I might suggest these ones because this one is a little bit closer. If it lives, it could potentially run and make an attack. [01:27:16] Speaker B: But I. [01:27:17] Speaker C: It also will likely incinerate also got buff somehow. [01:27:20] Speaker E: The purple thing that's on. [01:27:22] Speaker D: Yeah, we'll hit that one. [01:27:23] Speaker E: We don't really know what it is. [01:27:25] Speaker D: Anastasia, I'm gonna need duck saves for those two. [01:27:28] Speaker B: Ah. Zombie six got a fight. Zombie eight. The purple one got an 18. [01:27:38] Speaker D: Okay, so one of the. Wow. My. I should stop using these spells. [01:27:43] Speaker B: You're just rolling. Bad damage. [01:27:45] Speaker D: I just keep rolling. Worse every time. [01:27:48] Speaker B: Oh, no. So the one that rolled a six fails. [01:27:52] Speaker D: So it takes the full 24 and the other one takes half. [01:27:57] Speaker B: That dummy had four hp. He lived. Like, didn't matter if it saved or failed. Megan did. [01:28:03] Speaker D: All right. [01:28:04] Speaker B: Zombie eight. [01:28:05] Speaker D: The other one takes twelve. [01:28:07] Speaker B: Yep, got that. Cool, cool. Awesome. Yeah. Red, anything else? [01:28:11] Speaker D: I really hope you didn't need a counter spell. Cause that was my last third level spell slot. [01:28:15] Speaker B: I hope not. Cool. [01:28:18] Speaker D: Yeah, no, that's it. [01:28:20] Speaker B: All right, edit, your turn. [01:28:22] Speaker E: I'm gonna ask my crew, do I lay on hands myself and move, or do I disengage and move? [01:28:30] Speaker C: You can move 30ft. [01:28:31] Speaker E: You can move 30ft. Because if I lay on hands myself and move, I'm gonna maybe take a couple, maybe take two hits that will both be reduced by three. But then if they live and reach me, then I will take a little bit more if I disengage. I mean, either way, I think I'm. [01:28:51] Speaker A: Gonna take you checks that lay on hands. [01:28:53] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [01:28:54] Speaker C: I think that's a good call. [01:28:55] Speaker E: I think it's a tiny bit safer to lay on hands. All right, I'll lay on hands myself for 25. Yeah, I got two left over. [01:29:05] Speaker B: Just. It's so much healing. [01:29:08] Speaker E: Cause I used some earlier. I'm up to 34 now. And I will move 510. There's my two opportunity attacks there. [01:29:17] Speaker B: Yeah, why not? [01:29:19] Speaker C: You should move into here if you. [01:29:20] Speaker D: Can'T see through the wall of water. [01:29:22] Speaker E: I can't move through the wall of water. It's a wall. [01:29:25] Speaker C: You can. It's difficult terrain. [01:29:27] Speaker D: Okay. [01:29:27] Speaker E: I can't get there with my moving. [01:29:29] Speaker D: That's why I said it's a good thing that Myla did vortex warp, because even with dashing, I would not have been able to get through that. [01:29:35] Speaker A: I got you, boo. I saw that measuring tool. [01:29:38] Speaker E: It is gonna make our exit a tiny bit. [01:29:39] Speaker B: Zombie three got a nat one. And nice. Purple zombie got a 16. [01:29:47] Speaker E: Those are both misses. [01:29:49] Speaker B: Perfectly calculated. [01:29:51] Speaker E: All right. 15 2025. 30. It is right next to the door and a tiny bit ahead of Mila. [01:29:59] Speaker B: Awesome. Opal will not do anything. He zombies are just ride or die, really. Ride or die, guys. 510 15 2025. Gets one zombie up in Myla. And its faces. Oh, wait, hold on. Wait. I forgot. They only have 20ft of movement. [01:30:22] Speaker A: Hit me. [01:30:22] Speaker B: So one of them hooks up with Myla. Hit me 20. The other one moves 20, and then is gonna dash 510 1520 into the wall of water because he's not very smart. So that one zombie is gonna take an attack at Myla. Oh, a dirty 20 for five points of damage. [01:30:44] Speaker A: Yeah, that's. That's. [01:30:45] Speaker B: That. [01:30:45] Speaker A: That's fine. [01:30:46] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. Sorry. I apologize. [01:30:49] Speaker A: No, it's fine. No, it's fine. I was seeing if I could have negated it with a shield, but my ac would have been exactly 20 anyways, so I cannot. [01:30:59] Speaker B: Cool. AC is only 15. Yeah, that was higher than that. Five points of damage. That's the zombies turns. Auden. [01:31:06] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:31:07] Speaker C: Auden's gonna maintain the wall, and she's not gonna move any farther. That will, like, make it stop happening. But as soon as, like, everybody is out, she's gonna drop it and then. [01:31:19] Speaker B: Just move it with the rest of the group. Milo. [01:31:22] Speaker A: Mila's moving. I get an attack of opportunity from zombie eight. [01:31:27] Speaker B: Yeah. Red. Oh, does a crit. Sorry. That's so funny. [01:31:36] Speaker A: There's no way. There's no way this zombie kills me. There's no way. [01:31:41] Speaker B: Ten points of damage. [01:31:42] Speaker A: Yep, I'm still up. We're good. [01:31:44] Speaker E: Oh, thank God. [01:31:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I think that as the zombie, like, hits, like, my back as I go, I just turn around, I double flip it off, and she. [01:31:54] Speaker B: Screw you, bitch. [01:31:55] Speaker A: I'm leaving, and I'm gonna keep. I'm gonna dash. Action. Book it out. I'm mick outy. [01:32:04] Speaker B: That's her. I am going to. I forgot about fire spread, so I'm gonna do that real quick. It shouldn't matter too much, you guys. But just in case. Just in case it does. [01:32:16] Speaker C: Jeez. What a cool dynamic combat, Anastasia. I like it. I'm gonna torment my players something like. [01:32:24] Speaker A: This at some point in time. [01:32:26] Speaker B: I'm gonna take a. A picture of this later because it's just so much. Okay, so that's great. Your wall of water is working really well right now. It's keeping back, like, a good chunk of fire from the door if necessary. Okay, that's Milo's turn. Aaron, drill. You guys are starting to not be able to see them because of smoke and such anymore and, like, a ton of fire. So you do not know what they do. Melon, it's your turn. Anything? [01:32:56] Speaker D: Nope, just moving. [01:32:58] Speaker B: Awesome. [01:32:58] Speaker D: Door following. Following Milo. [01:33:02] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [01:33:03] Speaker B: Ed. [01:33:04] Speaker E: I'm just moving. No. Zombies will opportunity me. I'm getting out with everybody. [01:33:09] Speaker B: True. You're dashing. [01:33:09] Speaker E: Yeah, why not? [01:33:10] Speaker B: Great. [01:33:11] Speaker E: I get as many people in my aura as I can as. We're leaving, just in case. [01:33:16] Speaker B: Okay. These zombies will not be able to catch up with you. They have less movement than you guys. So even if they dash, they're, like, not gonna be able to keep up with your dashing. [01:33:22] Speaker D: They're also standing in fire now. [01:33:24] Speaker B: They're also standing in fire and probably died about two rounds in that. We were gonna end the episode there. Thanks for listening. Sticking around. No combat. Good times. Good job, guys. [01:33:38] Speaker E: Hello, listeners. This is Ben. If you like what you just heard and want updates, trailers, or just to be informed when our new episodes come out, follow us on social media at spells and whistles pod on Instagram and TikTok or whistles on Twitter. We also have a community discord where we do things like D and D trivia, chat with our audience, get questions from our audience for things like bonus episodes. And if you really like what you have been hearing and you want more homebrew content or behind the scenes content, consider supporting us on Patreon. All the money that you give us there goes towards making spells and whistles even better than it is now. There's things like homebrew feats and weapons, bonus episodes, and more. Thanks for your support. [01:34:28] Speaker B: All right, we will catch you in the next episode. Goodbye. Bye.

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