Latest Episodes

Episode 5
May 21, 2023
2.05: What's in a Name?
As a new day dawns, it's time for a festival! Nothing can go wrong, right? That is, until you add our party into the...

Episode 4
May 14, 2023
2.04: A Change in Seasons
Continuing their decompression from the day's earlier events, the party settles in for the night and gets to know each other. Upon their "bonding"...

Episode 3
May 07, 2023
2.03: Investigation of Fish-Like Things
With the foe defeated, the only question is: what is this jack? Oddyn's curiosity puts her in an interesting spot and Id and Myla...

Episode 2
April 30, 2023
2.02: Mel-napped
Directly after making friends in unexpected places, our newfound group of adventurers are off! To... go get paper? At least, that was the goal...

Episode 1
April 23, 2023
2.01: The Promise of Paper
After a few months of in game time, we pick up right where we left off! Well, sort of. Id and Ari have been...

Episode 6
April 16, 2023
Honey Heist: Part 2, Intrepid Influencers
Hold onto your honey pots! In this exciting Spells and Whistles special, we take on HONEY HEIST! After alerting the Museum of Natural Histor-Bee's...