Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: By the time this goes up, we will have met in person.
[00:00:05] Speaker B: Yaa. Yeah, but not hazelnut.
[00:00:08] Speaker C: First time.
[00:00:09] Speaker A: Yeah, but not Hazel.
[00:00:11] Speaker C: Yeah, not Hazel. Less rooted, unfortunately.
[00:00:15] Speaker A: Zero out of ten experience. No, Hazel.
[00:00:18] Speaker C: Hazel's gonna have a great time hanging out with Stephanie for an entire week, so I'm bad for her.
[00:00:24] Speaker D: I would also have a great time hanging out with Stephanie for an entire week, so.
[00:00:27] Speaker C: Right.
[00:00:28] Speaker D: Stephanie, if you want to sponsor me.
[00:00:42] Speaker A: What is your bev of choice today? Jay?
[00:00:46] Speaker D: I've been going to dutch bros on Thursdays because it's right next to my current job, and I've been limiting myself to one day a week. Cause if not, I'll justify going every day a week. But if I make it a traditional weekly thing, then it's a routine that I can't break. So today's I've been recently going for, like, try. Cause on Thursdays we record. And so, like, I've been going for like, a blue drink or like a purple drink. And so what I did today is I got something called a shark attack, which is like a blue razz thing. And then it has. It has like a red, like, gosh, a red, like, drizzle on top that like, sinks down so it looks like blood and water, but it all mixed. And now it's this really weird dark purple, which is also also on brand because I consume purple, apparently.
So I'm consuming purple today.
[00:01:37] Speaker A: Oh, I just remembered that Melon asked if Jamyla ate the magic.
[00:01:42] Speaker B: Do you think magic would be crunchy or chewy or.
[00:01:46] Speaker D: Oh, my gosh, save it for shifting gears.
[00:01:48] Speaker B: Oh, you're right. I'll save that for shifting gears, which.
[00:01:52] Speaker D: Will be next week here on spells of whistles, a dandy five podcast.
[00:01:58] Speaker C: Anyway, well, hi. Welcome to spells and whistles. This is a Dnd five U podcast. It is the finale episode of arc three, which is very exciting. Our longest arc so far. Very hyped about that.
So last time, the team takes a break, a short rest, if you will. While the institute burns in the background with Milo's knowledge, they find a hidden back door to the building where it is not yet on fire. They find a multitude of things, including, but not limited to, a list of the institute council members, a mysterious recipe, a few magical items, evidence of some larger magic. It and Melbourne destroy the symbol that they found in the library. Mila has papers and books to read, and Auden provides help to her friends. They leave the institute behind to be consumed by its own fate.
So I can't believe I wrote those words in real life.
[00:02:50] Speaker A: I have a confession of just my entire dumbassery just now because you said, like, it was consumed. I heard id was consumed, and I was really confused for a hot minute.
[00:03:05] Speaker B: You forgot he got eaten by a purple worm at the end of last session.
[00:03:09] Speaker E: I fell down with the consumption.
[00:03:12] Speaker D: You fell down with the gut ovation? Is that what you just said?
[00:03:16] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:03:17] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
We're off too strong. Siddhart.
[00:03:22] Speaker C: It is a sickly victorian orphan boy.
[00:03:25] Speaker E: You know, there have been worse descriptions.
[00:03:28] Speaker A: I don't know.
[00:03:29] Speaker C: Sigly and orphan do describe it, which.
[00:03:34] Speaker A: You know, he's hailing at the moment.
[00:03:40] Speaker C: We don't know if he's victorian. We don't know where he came from.
[00:03:43] Speaker B: So bring him an extra portion of gruel so he lost through the night.
Oh, okay.
[00:03:52] Speaker D: I can't.
[00:03:53] Speaker C: So how far do you guys want to, like, head back down your path?
[00:03:59] Speaker B: I think we had found, like, a fairly safe feeling little spot where we took our short rest.
If we wanted to just kind of cozy up there and take stock of our plan and then go from there, that might be an option. Rather than just walking potentially in a direction, we opt to not go down.
[00:04:23] Speaker C: Ultimately, it was a safe ish spot. Like, it was across the bridge from the institute. So you're not, like, on the same spot, but you can still, like, very far see it? I see it's not super far, but, I mean, you so far haven't seen anybody else around or anything, so it's decently safe.
[00:04:43] Speaker D: It took a few days for us to travel to the institute, so maybe we can just backtrack to the last place that we, like, took our long rest or whatever for posterity's sake, just because, you know, we would have had to find a decent place to stay for long, resting. So maybe that can be, like, our little, I don't know, a little hideout.
[00:05:04] Speaker C: Yeah.
Yeah. You guys walk back towards where you came from and find evidence of your encampment from the night before with the, like, snow piles and igloo. Partial igloo, yeah. Oh, yeah.
[00:05:25] Speaker A: I guess it was, huh?
[00:05:27] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, you guys can definitely head back there.
[00:05:33] Speaker D: Once we get back, I think I immediately want to start looking at that secret book I found.
[00:05:39] Speaker C: Sure.
[00:05:40] Speaker D: No time to waste. I want to see what's inside of it.
[00:05:44] Speaker C: Yeah. So it seems to be a personal, like, note taking journal from somebody from London, like, hundreds of years ago who probably, like, went here or their stuff was stolen or, like, something.
But the way that they speak is very, like, academic, so it's not impossible. To believe that they probably were here as either a student or professor or something, but it doesn't say.
It also only has a first initial, which is v, like, Victor, and no last name. So it's just v. That's it.
[00:06:32] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:06:32] Speaker C: It doesn't seem like it was meant to be any sort of, like, library record or anything, but what you find from this is this person's theory on, like, where deities come from, and they have two thoughts. Their first thought is that these deities just came from having, like, having complete control or mastery of a magic type, so they became the God of this magic type. Their second theory is that if you. That they might have garnered enough support, had enough followers who used this kind of magic, that they became the, like, leader and therefore became the deity of this magic.
These are just kind of their theories. They don't have any, like, proof or anything, especially because, like, the gods here are, like, centuries old, and no one really knows what's going on. Some people know there have been some changes over, like, over the millennia, but there's not, like, most places don't have any sort of record of, like, what happened or how. So this was their kind of condensed ideas.
[00:07:59] Speaker D: Gotcha. And does it have, like, you don't have to, like, actually list them all, but. But does it have, like, a list of, like, names of, like, these are the gods of, like, the magics, and, like, is it just, like, the main ones that we know? Like, does it only include, like, the red? Gru. Gru. Hi. Welcome to this, big boy.
[00:08:19] Speaker B: Yeah. Little girls.
[00:08:22] Speaker D: The red, blue, green, black, white ones. Cause I know that there's, like, obviously, like, purple is, like, kind of new. Pink is kind of new. Brown is wild, magic ish. Gray is mind shit. Like, I don't know. It's like. Does that make sense?
[00:08:39] Speaker C: The last one that you missed was yellow, but yellow.
Blue, red, green, black, white, yellow.
So it does have, like, the names of some of the gods.
I need to find my own list of it, because I don't remember where it is, so that's fine.
[00:08:59] Speaker A: We know the name of one true.
[00:09:04] Speaker C: Oh, I found it.
So the gods listed that are known are red, yellow, green, blue, black, and white.
In terms of other colors of magic. They mentioned that nobody has seen an orange God. Nobody's seen a.
Actually, that's the only color that they mention, that nobody's seen an orange God.
[00:09:38] Speaker B: Which implies that they maybe have seen a purple God. Question mark.
[00:09:43] Speaker D: I don't.
Purple is, for. At least from my understanding of it, purple's fairly new. As well. Not, like, super, like, brand new, but it's, like, fairly new ish in comparison to the other magics.
[00:09:58] Speaker E: So it could instead mean that they've seen those colors of magic plus orange magic, but not an orange God. Right. If they're connecting magic types to deities, then it might be saying, like, the flip of intriguing.
Have we seen orange magic anywhere?
[00:10:20] Speaker C: I don't think you guys have.
[00:10:22] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't think so.
[00:10:24] Speaker B: I'm, like, searching through my notes and nothing is showing up.
[00:10:29] Speaker D: I don't think you have.
[00:10:32] Speaker B: Well, I'm assuming that Mila is sharing this information with the rest of the world.
[00:10:37] Speaker D: Yes, she is.
[00:10:40] Speaker B: So if we're getting all of this information, all of this stuff about, like, where gods are coming from and all that kind of stuff, do we think that that's in line with what they're trying to do with, like, purple magic? Are they trying to give someone enough of a following or enough, like, mastery over it to sort of ascend to that position? Is that what we think might be happening here?
[00:11:12] Speaker D: Oh, well, that would make a lot of sense, because isn't it, like, a cult person who's, like, doing all this?
I don't know.
[00:11:22] Speaker B: I would assume so, based on the triangle moon thing.
[00:11:26] Speaker D: Hmm.
[00:11:27] Speaker B: But I'm not an expert in that. Signed v on that list, there was somebody whose last name started with a v.
Do we think it could be them?
[00:11:42] Speaker D: Maybe. But the v could also be a first name. I don't know.
It's hard to.
[00:11:47] Speaker E: It could be a five.
[00:11:48] Speaker D: I don't know. It could be first name or last name.
[00:11:51] Speaker B: Those Gosnesh numerals.
[00:11:53] Speaker D: Could be a five.
Anastasia's nodding.
[00:12:03] Speaker C: I mean, why not?
[00:12:06] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:12:07] Speaker B: Roman numerals.
[00:12:09] Speaker D: Um, I mean, yeah, it could be a five. It could be first name. It could be a last name. It could be.
I don't know.
[00:12:18] Speaker C: It's, I think, my way. It's probably not a five because there's a dot after it.
[00:12:24] Speaker D: It's probably not a five. I think there's a dot at the end, but good thinking. That's a really good thought.
So something I forgot.
Um, I mean, I would. It's probably pretty safe to assume then, that this person, like, wants to ascend to godhood or, like, whatever it is.
[00:12:43] Speaker C: Yarn starts making a snowman a home that is, like, I don't know, two inches tall.
[00:12:52] Speaker D: Hmm.
[00:12:54] Speaker B: With this list and now this book, I am not quite sure what our goal is from here.
[00:13:07] Speaker D: Hmm.
[00:13:08] Speaker B: Do we want to try and get in contact with the. I know one of the people on the list, I don't know if you know anybody from the least, but that could be a potential lead. I mean, if we're from the same place, we've got that in common, and that might be like, you know, a show of commonality.
So maybe we could get in touch or in contact with them.
Not really sure.
This is more like your thing. Milo. What do you want to do?
[00:13:47] Speaker D: Oh, I don't really know that much anymore.
I mean, I want to stop it. That's been my goal for years now.
I mean, but I don't know.
These people are really powerful, and I don't think that it's worth it going back after them if we're not strong enough to handle them.
We have some more information.
We can do some recon. I can reach out to some people in the shroud and see if they know anything or if, I don't know, they have a safe house they could stay at for a little bit. Unless everyone else also wants to come.
I don't know. I don't.
I feel safe around you, right? Like, I feel safe around you guys, but I don't know if that's enough anymore. We all basically, I don't know, we got our asses handed to us, and we can't do anything if we're dead.
So maybe we just fall back for just a little bit and try and do some more research about this symbol that is on this person's head or who this person might be. We can reach out to your contact. That would be helpful. Or I could use the stamp that we found. She sort of pulls out the Gaznesh stamp.
We could use this to write some letters to one or two of the people and basically be like, the council is meeting, and.
But it's us, and be like, hi. We have some questions about what's been going on.
[00:15:48] Speaker E: In terms of information, I think the person who might know the most about this, that still could be an ally, would be Kyo, right? We don't. We didn't see any evidence of Kyo being here, which probably means that Kyo got away.
If the professors were who were going after Kyo, and Kyo wasn't in the institute, but the professors were in the institute.
Unless Kio was in a room that got burned.
I know That's a long way to go up north, but they probably would.
[00:16:32] Speaker B: Have, like, turned them into the undead army, too, if they had another person at their disposal, maybe.
[00:16:40] Speaker D: Yeah. And also, kyo does a lot of green magic, and we have sort of looks at yarin, somebody connected to that.
[00:16:54] Speaker B: Not maybe jinks or anything.
[00:16:56] Speaker C: It just goes completely over their head. They're, like, not paying attention to what you're saying.
[00:17:00] Speaker D: So maybe that would be, like, a good. Like, I don't know, like a show, a sign of good faith or something to kyo, like, hey, look, we got this Little thing.
[00:17:15] Speaker B: Yarn. Do you know anybody named Kyo that's also green magicy?
[00:17:21] Speaker D: HmM?
[00:17:22] Speaker C: No. What?
[00:17:25] Speaker B: Do you know any other people that are not, um, like you guys?
[00:17:31] Speaker C: No.
[00:17:32] Speaker B: Okay.
I wasn't sure if it was, like, the green magic connects everything, and you can know who's using it in stuff, but it seems like that's not really the case.
Like an anemone or something.
[00:17:52] Speaker D: No.
[00:17:54] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:17:56] Speaker C: I'm gonna go find a stick.
[00:18:00] Speaker B: Okay.
What do you think, Melvin?
[00:18:04] Speaker D: Hmm?
[00:18:06] Speaker A: Sorry.
[00:18:08] Speaker B: What do you think we should do?
It kind of sounds like we have a lead with Keo, maybe. And Milo maybe has something with some shroud people.
What. What direction should we.
I don't know. What do you think?
You read a lot. You know, stuff.
[00:18:31] Speaker A: Not like Myla does.
Um, I'm really not sure. I'm sorry.
[00:18:39] Speaker B: That's okay. I don't really know either.
Any ideas?
[00:18:47] Speaker E: I just gave my one idea.
[00:18:50] Speaker B: Okay, then I think that's probably where we ought to start.
About what time of day is it, Anastasia?
[00:19:00] Speaker C: You guys are hitting, like, 09:00 p.m.
Evening post, dusk.
[00:19:10] Speaker B: Ebay.
[00:19:11] Speaker A: I'm so sorry.
[00:19:17] Speaker D: Auden. If your connection is in Votara, that's to the west of here, maybe we could either try to hit that before going super north, or on the way, try and get in contact with your person.
Or we could go back to Gosnesh, which is nearby.
If we're able to find, like, a city with, like, a place to, like, work, I can try and look into those potions a little more that we've been finding, maybe see if I can, I don't know, do some. I don't really have a lab or anything, and the last one we were in was on fire, and the only other one nearby is in a sinkhole, so.
Yeah, I don't know. That's another suggestion.
[00:20:11] Speaker B: Let me pull up the map really fast just so a can see.
So, the options as far as, like, solid locations. There's Votara, there's Gaznash, and then there's Darheim, where Kyo is, which is way north. Allegedly.
Allegedly. Yeah.
It's unfortunate that it's all in different directions.
[00:20:42] Speaker C: Sorry, what's next?
[00:20:44] Speaker B: No, no, no, I think closest.
[00:20:47] Speaker E: Definitely the closest.
[00:20:50] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:20:50] Speaker A: It's almost like we came from Gosnash.
[00:20:52] Speaker C: Yeah, it's almost like. That was a really stupid question. I'm really sorry.
[00:20:58] Speaker B: You don't have the map in front of you. They're just names and words, and it's nebulous. Confusing.
[00:21:02] Speaker C: We came from the capital of Gaznash.
[00:21:04] Speaker D: And walked six days to get to where we are.
[00:21:07] Speaker C: That was a dumbass question.
[00:21:08] Speaker A: I'm so sorry.
[00:21:10] Speaker D: You're all good?
[00:21:16] Speaker C: Yeah. There's also, like, places.
Big cities will get you places faster because they have transport. They've got airship transport.
[00:21:24] Speaker B: And we're rich.
[00:21:26] Speaker C: We're wealthy, and you're currently rich.
[00:21:31] Speaker B: So maybe God's niche is the way to go just to set somewhere up.
[00:21:35] Speaker D: That'S.
[00:21:38] Speaker B: In a bigger city and gives us access to other places.
[00:21:43] Speaker D: And we ID and Mylan know that there's a port, like, an airship port at Votara, because that's how we got there the first time.
So we would know that as well.
[00:21:58] Speaker C: Yes.
If you wanted to go to sea, which is sounds like the lead that you might follow at some point. Like, you'll have to figure out how to be underwater for extended periods of time and under pressure for extended periods of time without dying. So also something you might be able to buy. But just. Just a thought that Seiya is completely underwater.
[00:22:27] Speaker D: Who did we talk to last time?
Ark one. Who did Id and Archanog and Myla travel with? Cow.
Was it? Cow?
[00:22:41] Speaker C: That sounds right.
[00:22:42] Speaker A: That's cow.
[00:22:42] Speaker D: Cow.
[00:22:44] Speaker C: Yeah. You guys do Myla and ID have those inflatable, basically, like, space helmet looking things for, like, they're not actually inflatable. They're magic. But, you know, it's fine, like, bubbles for around your head. But you were also, like, relatively close to the surface, so this probably would not work for, like, deep underwater, which is what this is.
[00:23:09] Speaker D: Maybe we could meet up with Cal. I know they super like us.
Super like us. We're, like, best friends.
[00:23:18] Speaker C: Somebody likes you guys.
[00:23:20] Speaker A: That's grace.
[00:23:21] Speaker C: Sorry.
[00:23:23] Speaker D: These super like us.
[00:23:25] Speaker C: Oh, I'm pretty sure that was the first character. I was like, oh, this character's got a cool backstory. And then you guys never asked her any questions, and I was like, never mind. Never giving my characters cool backstories.
[00:23:37] Speaker D: Oh, and her. So Cal's like, boss, his name looks at Auden is a galynn. So it's like your name, but not really.
[00:23:50] Speaker B: No way.
[00:23:52] Speaker A: I'm so sorry we did this to you.
[00:23:56] Speaker D: Yeah. So that's cool.
[00:23:59] Speaker A: Mm.
[00:23:59] Speaker B: Hmm. I think I had picked out the name Auden before I got to those episodes in my listen through. I just want to make that clear. And.
[00:24:07] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm pretty sure you did.
[00:24:09] Speaker C: Oh, I don't. I don't care, even. Doesn't matter.
We got names.
[00:24:16] Speaker A: We got characters whose names rhyme. We got characters whose names start with similar syllables.
[00:24:22] Speaker B: Tee hee.
[00:24:24] Speaker C: You guys went with Melwyn and Auden while also knowing the other person's choice. So, you know.
No, I'm teasing. It's great. My brain just goes like, melanie's got.
[00:24:36] Speaker A: A proper name, we just never use it.
[00:24:40] Speaker D: Fair.
[00:24:42] Speaker B: All right, so it sounds like Gosnesh. And then from there, I don't know if they'd be small enough for like day trips, but you know, short little excursions to the other places.
[00:24:56] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:24:57] Speaker D: I mean, when we get back into the capital of Ghaznash, I can find somewhere to, I don't know, maybe look in with this potion thing. Or I could try to do it right now, but I'd rather have a lab or at least a room.
Good cash.
[00:25:18] Speaker A: Identify.
[00:25:20] Speaker D: That's true.
[00:25:22] Speaker B: You should also do that on the ring we found in there.
If you have like the juice for it.
[00:25:30] Speaker A: Help.
[00:25:31] Speaker C: Grace.
[00:25:31] Speaker B: Grace.
[00:25:31] Speaker A: Just remember what ring you're talking about.
[00:25:33] Speaker B: We found a ring that had blue magic energy.
[00:25:38] Speaker A: Oh, that was so loud. I'm sorry.
[00:25:41] Speaker D: Also I found some money. Everyone and everyone gets 50 gold pieces from 200 that we found.
[00:25:50] Speaker A: Okay, so with no money, I have so much.
[00:25:54] Speaker B: Now, Grace, just to refresh your memory on the aura battle spine person from Auspy, we found a blue magic ring and a white magic pocket watch.
So I bet those will be surprise tools that will help us later. So I think that'd be cool to figure out what they're. What they've got going on. But I'm useless with that. But I don't want to tell you what to do.
[00:26:22] Speaker D: So I got some spell slots.
[00:26:26] Speaker A: I can also ritual cast at least one once just as an action.
[00:26:33] Speaker D: So sweet.
[00:26:35] Speaker A: So I'll do that, I guess.
But I'll wait until. I'll wait until we're. Well, no, we are stopped. Never mind, I'll do it now.
Let's cast identifying some shit. Anastasia.
[00:26:48] Speaker C: I knew I was forgetting to prep something.
Give me a second.
I know what they do, but like. Okay, so the ring is a ring of invisibility which is super strong.
You can turn invisible as an action.
It has the same invisibility rules where stuff you're carrying or wearing is invisible.
If you attack or cast a spell, it goes away.
Or you can use a bonus action to become visible again. So is it just like a cast?
[00:27:20] Speaker A: Does it have charges? Is it just a cast of invisibility?
[00:27:23] Speaker C: Anytime you want.
[00:27:26] Speaker D: Whoa.
[00:27:30] Speaker C: But it is basically just the, if I remember correctly, same invisibility rules as the spell. Invisibility makes sense.
It requires attunement, so you need to attune to it so you can't cast it on anybody else other than yourself. If the ring is removed, it will also end the spell.
[00:27:50] Speaker A: Handy dandy, right?
[00:27:53] Speaker C: It'll last an hour.
Those are the normal invisibility rules. So there's that.
The pen is. You're doing all of these, right?
[00:28:05] Speaker B: Yeah. I didn't realize the pen was magic.
[00:28:07] Speaker C: Yeah, there's three magic items. It was the ring, the pen, and the pocket watch. So the pen is called plume de nom, and it remembers all signatures that it's ever done. And you can use once per day. You can use a stored signature in it.
You can't know the signatures until you request to use them. So it might take you a while to figure out all the signatures in here, but they are there.
[00:28:39] Speaker A: The one stored signature per day.
[00:28:41] Speaker B: I'm sorry.
[00:28:42] Speaker C: Yeah, one once per day.
The last one is a quickening watch. It has one charge. This one's the most complicated. It's got one charge every gains one charge every hour. So up to a max of four as a part. As part of an action, not the whole action. The person wearing it can spend a charge.
You roll a d twelve and it gives you a specific result.
So if you roll a one, the action is lost. You can't use, you can't do anything else on your action. You've used your action to use this charge.
If you roll a two to ten, whatever action you decide to do as part of using this watch is now a bonus action.
So once you do that, you've used your bonus action for the turn, and on eleven or twelve, you get to do the thing you want for free and you still have the rest of your turn to do everything else.
This also requires attunement. Yes.
[00:29:53] Speaker E: Ben, if you have already used your bonus action and you get the bonus action, one, does it just stay as an action?
[00:30:01] Speaker C: You can choose. Yeah, you can choose to use it as an action if you want.
It's up to you whether you want to take that gamble.
[00:30:11] Speaker E: Right?
[00:30:13] Speaker C: If you've already used your bonus action, that's the most likely outcome for rolling for this. So if you want to try to roll an eleven or twelve and do your action for free.
That's up to you whether you want to spend that charge to do that.
[00:30:26] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:30:27] Speaker C: Otherwise it's worth just doing the action as an action because you're not gonna get anything else other than doing it for free, potentially. But you still spend the charge. Does that make sense?
[00:30:37] Speaker D: Yes.
[00:30:38] Speaker C: So if you've already used your bonus action, if you roll for the bonus action, one, you don't get to do it as a bonus action because you've already used your bonus action.
And then we wanted to look at.
[00:30:54] Speaker A: These potions too, Anastasia, what's called the fuck?
[00:31:01] Speaker C: So these potions are partially created by a spell. It takes like, magic to make these potions.
It seems to be like some sort of, like. What's the one? Tasha's caustic brew.
[00:31:19] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:31:19] Speaker C: Yes. Thank you. I couldn't think of the name.
It seems like a slightly modified Tasha's caustic brew helps make these potions, but it's not the whole thing.
They make something called the created. When ingested, if ingested by a willing creature, it just works. If ingested by an unwilling creature, they have to roll a constitution save versus the person forcing it upon them. Like DC spell save. Typically save to make a constitution save against that. Otherwise you become a created. If you save, you take, you take four d, four psychic damage, but you do not become created. They are one time use. So you can't just like split it in half and hope for the best.
It has to be all or nothing because of identify and because I want to give you my fun lore stuff.
They created our volunteer, our involuntary or voluntary followers of Aarondrell. They give him advantage on everything if they are within 30ft of him.
Their basic function is to help Aaron drill. So that is their, like, main purpose is that he just wants created around him so that he can do better at his stuff.
If a created is alive during conversion, it is harder. If they are dead, it is instant. Yeah, I think that's what you would learn from identify.
I think you also know that the longer this magic, like, stays within a person and if it. The longer that it stays there, the harder it is to get out. It's kind of like id stuff where like, it's very complex and like, attaches to nerves and things. So the longer it stays, the more connected it gets to, like, the brain and the rest of the body.
Such that like, even a dispel might not work on it because it is so biologically complex.
Yeah, that's what you got.
[00:34:06] Speaker A: Okay, um, give me a sec. I'm not gonna write. And no worries at the same time.
[00:34:12] Speaker C: That's not gonna happen.
[00:34:13] Speaker A: Okay, so thoughts, brain thing happening. Myla was hit with something that caused her to lose consciousness well, back when we were in kindier. Now that Melan knows what this shit is under detect magic. Can she see something going on with Myla that would kind of indicate whether or not she has this?
[00:34:36] Speaker C: She was hit by what?
[00:34:38] Speaker A: She was hit by something. We don't know what.
[00:34:42] Speaker E: When the professors came and attacked us.
[00:34:44] Speaker A: When the professors attacked us in kinder, Myla something. Mila either ingested something or was hit by something that caused her to lose consciousness. Now that no one knows what this looks like.
[00:34:54] Speaker C: No, they are completely different things.
[00:34:57] Speaker D: Okay, cool. Because I remember.
[00:35:00] Speaker B: Check, though.
[00:35:00] Speaker A: The only reason that nothing ended up really kind of happening with that was because it used to lay on hands on Mila almost immediately.
[00:35:08] Speaker C: Yeah. So, um, no, that was. I think we talked about it. That was, like sleeping Sage or something along those lines that she probably ingested.
[00:35:18] Speaker A: I'm sorry.
[00:35:19] Speaker C: No, you're good. This is good. I forgot, like, what we were talking about, so it's good refresher for me, too.
Yeah, that was called sleeping sage, I think.
Id I think found, like, plant excess in Milo's body. But I try to use that lay on hands to, like, cure poison and disease kind of thing.
Yeah, it seemed like something that Miley ingested at some point, but no clear connection that you can see.
[00:35:51] Speaker A: So another question for you.
[00:35:53] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:35:53] Speaker A: And you can say no because it's Melwin.
And I say this because Melan is wee little child being. But with enough time and research and a high enough level of magic, do you think Melwyn could find a way to kind of reverse engineer this or find a way to kind of, like, stop this again, because it is Melwyn.
Maybe not so possible, but I want.
[00:36:25] Speaker C: To hear what Jay has to say, and then I want to hear your question.
[00:36:29] Speaker D: Myla has access to Tasha's caustic brew like it's one of her spells on her spell list.
And also, she knows how to use alchemist tools so she can help Melwyn in completing Melwyn's goal with whatever she needs.
So whatever Melwyn needs or wants help with, if she chooses to share this information, Milo would be more than willing to contribute whatever Melwyn needs on that regard.
[00:36:59] Speaker A: Melvin also can learn this spell because it is in both the switcher and the wizard spell list.
[00:37:04] Speaker C: So I will also point out that I think you have something that would make this a ton easier for you.
[00:37:11] Speaker B: We have the little syringe full of it also.
[00:37:15] Speaker C: That's true. I'm thinking about something else.
[00:37:17] Speaker B: I have something.
[00:37:18] Speaker A: Lila has something.
[00:37:19] Speaker C: I don't know who thinks Lila has something?
[00:37:22] Speaker D: Oh, gosh, I probably do. I just need, like, physically or an ability.
[00:37:27] Speaker C: Yeah, you picked it up last session.
[00:37:29] Speaker D: I have a journal. I have a magic ring. I have a pen.
[00:37:37] Speaker B: We have a recipe for it. We found a recipe.
[00:37:39] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:37:40] Speaker D: We have the recipe lab.
[00:37:41] Speaker B: I just didn't scroll up far enough earlier.
[00:37:44] Speaker A: Right.
[00:37:45] Speaker D: We have an encoded recipe for the created. It's in my notes. Wow.
Okay, well, it's encoded with numbers. Oh, my gosh. Melbourne. We can do a cipher. I'm about to say that. A character. Oh, my gosh. Melody. We could do a cipher. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. It's the cipher. We could make the cipher. We could do it. We could do it together. We could be so good at it.
[00:38:07] Speaker A: I'm not very good at puzzles, but anyway, so that answers the first half of my question, but not so much the second one.
[00:38:21] Speaker C: That's okay. You. So we can.
[00:38:23] Speaker D: Man.
[00:38:24] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:38:24] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:38:25] Speaker C: So, yeah, I mean, this is just gonna make it a lot easier for you to figure out if you can slow down the process or stop the process.
[00:38:38] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:38:39] Speaker C: It's probably gonna take a lot of time, but you could try.
[00:38:47] Speaker A: It.
[00:38:48] Speaker C: Is.
[00:38:48] Speaker B: It is doable.
[00:38:49] Speaker C: That sounds like. From DM words. That sounds like it's not doable. It is doable.
[00:38:54] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:38:55] Speaker A: I mean, yeah.
The reason why I said, because it's Melanie.
[00:39:01] Speaker D: Two brains are better than one. It doesn't matter if Melan's a kid. We're smart, and we can all figure it out. Teamwork, help. Luckily, there's action economy to help us with this, called the help action. There is proficiency and expertise.
D and D was made with no age in mind.
[00:39:21] Speaker B: I think.
[00:39:21] Speaker D: I think.
[00:39:23] Speaker C: I think Mila could figure it out.
[00:39:25] Speaker B: Okay. Auden will offer herself up for human trials. No.
Once you know it works, why would.
[00:39:33] Speaker E: We ever know it works? The only thing it does is help the guy that we want to kill.
[00:39:39] Speaker B: I was in reference more.
[00:39:42] Speaker C: The vaccine.
[00:39:44] Speaker D: The vaccine.
[00:39:46] Speaker E: But there's. But nobody's. Nobody here has it, so why would we test it on somebody that doesn't have it?
[00:39:53] Speaker A: Yarn as our test subject, but yarn.
[00:39:56] Speaker E: Doesn'T have it either.
[00:39:58] Speaker B: Test. Animal testing.
[00:40:01] Speaker D: Does he count as an animal?
[00:40:03] Speaker C: What is he?
[00:40:04] Speaker A: We don't know.
[00:40:05] Speaker B: I am against animal testing. I want to make that clear and put that out there.
[00:40:11] Speaker A: I fully said that as a joke.
[00:40:12] Speaker C: I don't, obviously.
[00:40:16] Speaker A: Listen, I've threatened to use this thing as a bomb already.
[00:40:19] Speaker D: Like, amazing. Yeah. I think that's something we could probably do. I think that's something we could all figure out together.
[00:40:27] Speaker C: I sent the magic items and resources just so we have them written down.
[00:40:31] Speaker D: Slay.
[00:40:32] Speaker C: That was my one thought for the night. I will proceed to be a headache.
[00:40:39] Speaker B: If we have a general direction that we want to go in, I think probably we ought to rest all the way up tonight and hit the road in the morning.
[00:40:51] Speaker D: Yeah, that makes sense.
[00:40:54] Speaker A: Does this mean travel tables?
[00:40:59] Speaker B: It very well could.
[00:41:00] Speaker D: I am gonna go continue building that igloo outside that never finished. Cause it's still there.
Anastasia said it was still there. Anastasia said it was still there because it's still there. Oh, I thought you said, is it still there? And I was like, yes. What do you mean?
[00:41:18] Speaker C: I said because it's still there.
[00:41:21] Speaker D: Doubting my structural building expertise.
[00:41:25] Speaker A: Well, it makes sense that it would still be there because unless it got freakishly warm and everything melted.
[00:41:32] Speaker C: Yeah. On the top of a mountain.
[00:41:33] Speaker B: Our igloo is permafrost.
[00:41:35] Speaker A: We've been gone for, like, a day and a half.
[00:41:38] Speaker D: True.
[00:41:40] Speaker B: Auden will take first watch if people want to sleep and rest.
[00:41:48] Speaker C: Yeah.
Roll a check for me.
[00:41:53] Speaker B: Okay. I will be rolling. Perception.
Wow. An 1818.
[00:42:02] Speaker C: It's just, like, unsettling outside. It's kind of windy at night.
Igloo staying strong.
Igloo is actually better because of the wind because it's blowing some, like, ice chunks onto it, but, yep, all's good.
[00:42:23] Speaker B: I think she, you know, as people are kind of, like, settling in, I think she'll kind of sit and she'll do, I think you guys have observed her do it a couple of times before where she has just kind of, like a routine of, like, movement and flow, like sort of like yoga, where she just kind of like, you know, centers herself and, you know, is in the moment and all that stuff. And as she's going, you know, kind of, like, twitching and wiggling her fingers and just kind of settling into, like, that kind of self soothing thing that she just does.
And I think when she gets on her watch, she'll just kind of, like, sit down her knees kind of pulled up close to her chest and just kind of rest her chin on her knees and her eyes, like, very focused on just kind of, like, scanning the surrounding area, listening and just kind of very alert compared to her other watches in the past.
[00:43:20] Speaker C: Who takes next watch?
[00:43:21] Speaker B: I think she'll go over and nudge Myla. Just kind of gently, like, shake her shoulder.
[00:43:31] Speaker D: Yeah?
[00:43:32] Speaker B: If you want to wash. Yeah, sounds good.
[00:43:38] Speaker D: Yeah. Yes, yes.
[00:43:41] Speaker B: Are you okay to do that on your own? Do you want me to wake up eating?
[00:43:44] Speaker D: Yeah, no, no, it's fine. I'm good. I got this. I'm good eating, so.
[00:43:50] Speaker A: I'm kidding.
[00:43:50] Speaker D: I'm sorry.
[00:43:51] Speaker A: I'm asleep.
[00:43:53] Speaker D: Sometimes I just.
Sometimes it just takes my brain a second to, like, focus.
[00:43:58] Speaker B: Yes, yes.
If anything happens, don't be afraid to wake us up, okay. And please be very, very safe.
[00:44:11] Speaker D: Okay? Yeah.
[00:44:12] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:44:13] Speaker D: Oh, speaking of which.
So when we were in the university.
The institute. Sorry, universities. The other place.
[00:44:23] Speaker B: This is the institute.
[00:44:24] Speaker D: It's been a long week.
You were like, hey, we should all go. And you were like, you should go, like, to me, but you, like, went further in, like, to the institute, and that was very scary. So please don't do that. Like, if we're going, like, we should go, you know, I couldn't.
[00:44:52] Speaker B: I couldn't leave Millie in there.
[00:44:55] Speaker D: Oh, no, no, no. I had. I had. I think it was just like, I had a plan for Melwyn, so I was getting really mixed signals. Cause you were like, yes, go, save yourself. But then you, like, went further in, so I was like, well, if I leave, are you coming with me? Or, like, are you staying here? Or, like, what's the deal?
You just get in a very, like, focused, like, mindset when we're fighting people, and that's totally fine. That's great. It's like your thing. It's like your jam. That's what you do. You're great at it. It's great. I just was like, is she gonna keep fighting until, like, we're all gone? And, you know, sometimes id tends to do that. So I was just getting a little confused.
[00:45:37] Speaker B: So Arun nods and kind of like, yeah, if it makes it easier in the future.
I'm not, like, id in the sense that there are very few things that I would want to die for. I would much rather not die and run away. So.
[00:46:03] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:46:04] Speaker B: If that happens again, okay. Chances are I'm planning on running after.
[00:46:09] Speaker D: Okay, that's good to know.
[00:46:11] Speaker B: I didn't know that you were gonna do your thing with the magic and the. And so I was concerned because she was up there with different guys, you know?
[00:46:21] Speaker D: Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Totally fine. Totally fine. Totally fine. Totally get it. It's good. It's all good.
[00:46:30] Speaker B: I'm glad that you and all of us are safe, though.
[00:46:35] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, me too. I'm glad we're safe.
[00:46:38] Speaker B: Thanks for, thanks for getting us out.
[00:46:43] Speaker D: Yeah, anytime.
As long as I'm not like all out of juice and stuff, you know, so anytime, it's good.
[00:46:59] Speaker B: Well, good luck with your watch. I'm going to go to sleep now. Goodnight. She's going to sit down in her sleeping bag and just kind of like pull her little covering blanket, whatever it is, just kind of around her and.
[00:47:13] Speaker F: Turn over on her side and just.
[00:47:14] Speaker B: Kind of start falling asleep.
[00:47:17] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, absolutely. Have a good rest.
[00:47:21] Speaker C: It's like, weirdly comforting to sleep out here because it's cold, which is very normal for Auden, like.
[00:47:32] Speaker D: Your perception check, how it goes on watch. Sure. Let me pull up my stats, which is short for statistics. Statistics.
[00:47:49] Speaker C: Wow.
[00:47:51] Speaker B: Innovation here. It spells and whistles.
[00:47:55] Speaker D: Uh, perseppy. Let's go, two.
[00:48:02] Speaker C: Oh, my God.
[00:48:04] Speaker B: Oh, no.
[00:48:05] Speaker C: Lucky for you, everything's fine. Uh, yeah, I think you're, like really mess.
I think what's very distracting is that yarn is starting to turn into stuff from his dream. So he turns into like a leaf and then like stays like that for a second and then turns into like a frog and then stays like that for a while and then turns back onto himself. Like, it's very distracting.
[00:48:34] Speaker D: Yeah, I think the two makes so much sense.
Myla is now without model two as well, and I think that she pulls out her notebook and she's like getting ready to start working on the next draft or what kind of sphere can I make now?
But I think for the first time, she doesn't know what to make.
And I think as she's putting away her journal, the surveys she gave everyone just sort of fall out and she just looks at them, shakes her head, shoves them back into the journal and puts it away. And I think that she just, I think that she just sort of uncomfortably sits in her feelings.
I don't think she knows what to do with it, but she's allowing herself to sit and it's horrible. She feels so uncomfortable. It's, it's kind of like when, when there's like a big bug in your room and you can't tell what it is from far away, but you're not at a position where you can like, go handle it, you know? So you just sort of keep looking at it and I'm like, is it a spider? Is it a beetle with long legs? Like, what's going on? I think it's sort of like that. And she just sort of sits in it and blinks and realizes she dissociated for a little bit and she's like, oh. Time for whoever's next.
[00:50:04] Speaker C: Good watch, good watch, good watch.
[00:50:07] Speaker D: She goes to wake up. Idiot. Sort of pokes the side of his face.
[00:50:15] Speaker E: Ow.
[00:50:18] Speaker D: It's not that hard.
[00:50:19] Speaker B: Get up.
[00:50:20] Speaker D: It's time for you to watch.
[00:50:21] Speaker A: Takes a hit from the enemy. Doesn't say anything. Gets poked in the face. Ow.
[00:50:29] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll watch before id goes to bed. I just want to be like, oh, how is your, um, your heart?
[00:50:37] Speaker E: Is it up at all or felt anything? No.
[00:50:41] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:50:42] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:50:43] Speaker D: Just want to make sure, cuz, you know, like, you could tell me if it does. Yeah, okay.
[00:50:50] Speaker E: Told you I would.
[00:50:52] Speaker D: No, I know. I'm just saying.
Okay. Yarn keeps turning into things. Have fun with it.
[00:51:03] Speaker C: I love my guy.
[00:51:05] Speaker D: I love yarn, too.
[00:51:07] Speaker B: I love him so much.
[00:51:11] Speaker C: Roll your perception check, Ben.
[00:51:13] Speaker E: Okay.
[00:51:14] Speaker C: Call my guy. Gross.
[00:51:16] Speaker E: I can call him whatever I want. 23. I see so much shit, I can.
[00:51:20] Speaker C: Call you a jerk then. I'm just kidding.
Yeah, everything is all good. The wind has, like, calmed down a good amount.
And the end of your watch and says, like, some of the sunlight filters through the trees, a little bit of the sunrise.
[00:51:45] Speaker E: Id spends most of the beginning of his watch looking up at the night sky like he had done multiple times as they were leaving the institute. And thinking over and over in his head, Myla didn't die. You were wrong. Myla didn't die. You were wrong.
I took the blows. I almost killed them. You were wrong.
What's next in a bring it on way?
[00:52:22] Speaker C: Um, do you want to make an intelligence check?
[00:52:24] Speaker D: Sure.
[00:52:28] Speaker E: I add nothing to this, and it is a 17.
[00:52:31] Speaker C: Okay, uh, who's the. Who's the earliest riser of the. The remaining three?
[00:52:39] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:52:40] Speaker C: Auden.
[00:52:41] Speaker B: Auden. Sorry, I should clarify pointing and then audio only, medium. Sorry, my bad.
[00:52:50] Speaker C: Like Audane, you wake up and I think you watch this very weird.
[00:52:58] Speaker D: Kind.
[00:52:58] Speaker C: Of relax of muscles that happens with id that he's sitting there and his muscles relax and his head falls forward just for a second, and then it comes back. But during the second longest second of your entire life, feels. Feels longer than a second. You get that, like, shunted feeling again. Like, shunted back into space. And this mind flayer just looks at you and says, you changed it.
[00:53:30] Speaker E: I didn't change anything. That hadn't happened yet.
[00:53:33] Speaker C: It's different now.
[00:53:36] Speaker E: It wasn't anything until it happened. You just had an idea, a prediction.
[00:53:44] Speaker C: Yes.
You found a different way.
[00:53:49] Speaker E: Mila found you a different way.
Mellon found a different way for her memories and emotions.
Come on. We're all finding different ways.
[00:53:59] Speaker C: All I know is what is most likely.
[00:54:02] Speaker E: You thought the most likely thing was that I'd be away from my friends.
That I'd have to run to catch up to them.
That's what you think of me?
This vision of yours. What was I doing before that? That I was so distant from them?
[00:54:20] Speaker C: Protecting them.
[00:54:23] Speaker E: From what?
What was behind us?
[00:54:27] Speaker C: I don't know.
[00:54:29] Speaker E: So was it me that changed it? Or that thing?
[00:54:33] Speaker C: Both.
That is how statistics works.
If you do not want my help, I will not give it.
[00:54:45] Speaker E: I do want your help, but.
[00:54:48] Speaker C: Then do not be mad at me.
That is not where your anger lies.
[00:54:55] Speaker E: You're right. I'm not angry at you. I just think you need to change how you are predicting things. Because you had some holes in that one, apparently.
[00:55:08] Speaker C: I only know what I can know. I don't know everything.
Your friends are waking up.
It just pushes you back.
[00:55:20] Speaker B: Are you alright?
Looked like you were dozing off something.
[00:55:25] Speaker E: It just kind of tilt his head back and forth. Like stretching his neck.
Yeah. Boring night.
[00:55:33] Speaker B: Best kind of night in my opinion.
[00:55:35] Speaker E: Good for safety, at least.
[00:55:38] Speaker B: Um, just real quick before the others wake up. I know that you and I didn't really get off on the right foot. Um, but you do a really good job of looking out for Mellie and for Myla. Um.
So thank you for doing that.
[00:56:00] Speaker E: It's my job.
[00:56:01] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:56:03] Speaker E: We almost had him.
[00:56:06] Speaker B: Oh, we almost had the symbol face.
[00:56:11] Speaker E: Fuck yeah.
[00:56:15] Speaker B: Should I have stayed?
Should I have kept eating?
[00:56:19] Speaker E: I don't know.
I guess we'll see, right?
[00:56:24] Speaker B: We'll hit him harder next time.
[00:56:27] Speaker E: Well, it seems like we gotta take out these created first or whatever so that'll be easier.
It stands up and goes. Wakes up. Mila wakes up. Melwin.
[00:56:44] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:56:46] Speaker D: Good morning.
[00:56:48] Speaker B: Good morning.
[00:56:49] Speaker D: How'd everyone sleep?
Melvin, how'd you sleep?
[00:56:55] Speaker A: Um. I slept alright, I guess.
[00:56:59] Speaker D: Okay, cool.
[00:57:05] Speaker A: Not like you to ask. Is something wrong? You're being weird.
[00:57:10] Speaker D: No, no, I'm fine.
[00:57:13] Speaker E: You're being weird.
[00:57:14] Speaker A: Insight.
[00:57:14] Speaker D: I'm not being weird.
[00:57:16] Speaker A: Insight. Jack.
[00:57:18] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:57:20] Speaker A: Nine.
[00:57:22] Speaker B: Ah.
[00:57:25] Speaker D: A nine. I rolled worse. So let me see. What? My Christmas. Hang on.
[00:57:32] Speaker C: Uh, zero.
[00:57:33] Speaker D: I rolled an eight.
[00:57:38] Speaker C: Whoa.
[00:57:39] Speaker D: It's weird because I don't think Mila knows anything is like up. I think you could definitely tell that she just like.
She's had a lot on her mind recently and I think now that we're finally, like, we're not out of danger, we're still very much in danger. But now that we're sort of on the other side of like going back to the institute and, like, her sort of reliving everything, she's kind of allowed her brain to start processing other things, and she doesn't know what to do with it.
And so she's just, like, checking in, making sure everyone's good, because she's like, I have thoughts and feelings and emotions, and it's very new and scary, and I hate it, which I think you recognize very well.
[00:58:33] Speaker A: Don't know how much of that Melan actually kind of, like, understands to that degree, but I think she just kind of, like, looks around at ID and Auden and just kind of like.
Right, then.
[00:58:55] Speaker D: What's for breakfast?
Should we eat?
For hitting the road?
[00:59:01] Speaker B: Got rations.
[00:59:05] Speaker A: I can, um.
Breakfast, breakfast, breakfast. I can do minimal magic snacks. I still haven't figured out what the fuck these treats are.
[00:59:20] Speaker C: I would.
[00:59:20] Speaker A: I will one day. Today is not that difficult.
[00:59:23] Speaker B: Skeevers.
[00:59:25] Speaker A: The what?
[00:59:26] Speaker B: Evil skeevers. They're like, what? The little donut y things. Let me find a picture.
[00:59:31] Speaker A: Like a munchkin or a tip.
[00:59:34] Speaker B: No.
[00:59:34] Speaker C: What?
[00:59:35] Speaker D: Wait, what are they called?
[00:59:36] Speaker B: They're called. Well, like, able skeevers.
They're. They're dutch able skeepers.
You have to have, like, a special pan for him.
[00:59:49] Speaker D: Oh, I thought it was, like, a brand, and I was like, what is an able ski?
[00:59:55] Speaker E: It's like takoyaki.
[00:59:59] Speaker B: No, it's not full of octopus.
[01:00:01] Speaker D: It's just donuts. Little pancake balls.
[01:00:03] Speaker C: Yeah, they, like.
[01:00:04] Speaker E: They don't have anything in them.
[01:00:06] Speaker B: Yeah, they. Sometimes they do.
[01:00:10] Speaker C: Which is really funny because apparently the name means apple slices, but nobody uses apples in it anymore, which is really.
[01:00:18] Speaker E: That's really funny.
[01:00:19] Speaker D: According to House of Nash eats.
[01:00:24] Speaker C: Wait, wait, wait.
[01:00:25] Speaker B: You know, evil spigs are at home. Listeners let us know in our discord.
[01:00:29] Speaker C: The name means apple slices. Yeah, there's not. But nobody uses apples in it anymore.
[01:00:35] Speaker D: No, but they are dusted with powdered sugar before being served with honey or jam, according to houseofnasheats.com.
[01:00:43] Speaker C: Yeah, apparently it's supposed to be, like, a Yorkshire pudding interior, which I've never had Yorkshire pudding, so I guess I wouldn't know what that means.
[01:00:50] Speaker A: Lovely.
[01:00:51] Speaker D: But what the fuck?
[01:00:54] Speaker C: They're donut hole shake handcakes is what they are.
[01:00:59] Speaker B: Yeah. Little treats.
[01:01:00] Speaker C: Cute.
[01:01:02] Speaker B: I just assumed this was just an option for you.
[01:01:05] Speaker D: I think Melwind should make some able skeevers.
[01:01:11] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh.
[01:01:12] Speaker E: Okay, there's somebody on Reddit who is asking if they can use their takoyaki pan for making able skeevers.
[01:01:21] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't see why you? As they should.
[01:01:24] Speaker C: It's just a sphere.
[01:01:28] Speaker E: Not very good response.
[01:01:29] Speaker D: Just like model two.
[01:01:29] Speaker B: Oh my gosh.
[01:01:30] Speaker D: Full circle. What? Full circle.
[01:01:32] Speaker C: For real?
[01:01:33] Speaker D: No eyes.
[01:01:36] Speaker B: Sorry. I'm good.
[01:01:39] Speaker A: Okay then.
[01:01:41] Speaker D: Breakfast melon.
[01:01:43] Speaker A: Melon makes little treats. If you eat them now, you get three temp hp.
[01:01:50] Speaker D: I shall eat.
[01:01:52] Speaker B: I also will eat.
[01:01:54] Speaker A: I also do not have any magic in it because I can only make three.
[01:02:00] Speaker C: No, there's a reason it always goes to you.
[01:02:04] Speaker A: Three.
[01:02:05] Speaker B: I thought you were eating the good stuff all along.
[01:02:10] Speaker D: I think while we're sort of like eating all the fishy number.
So I don't know about you all.
I feel like this. She'll sort of point at the like in the invisibility ring. I think this should go to you. And she points at Melwyn.
And if anyone else wants it, that's fine. But if you need to get out of a situation quickly and sneakily, or need to be out of harm's way, I think it's a pretty good option for you.
Um, can't hit what you can't see.
But um. I don't know.
[01:02:59] Speaker A: I actually think it might be better on you.
[01:03:03] Speaker D: I got this really cool, this really cool stone, though. Her rock still flying around her bed.
[01:03:08] Speaker C: Yeah. I think that would actually not go invisible.
[01:03:12] Speaker D: Yeah.
[01:03:13] Speaker C: Because you are not wearing or carrying it. So I don't think it would actually go invisible.
[01:03:18] Speaker E: So funny.
[01:03:19] Speaker B: It does not specify the objects in orbit don't turn invisible.
[01:03:24] Speaker D: That is so funny.
[01:03:30] Speaker E: That you're so good.
She got herself so good.
[01:03:40] Speaker D: So good.
[01:03:41] Speaker C: I just didn't like process it til just now, which is really funny.
[01:03:47] Speaker D: But yeah, I think. I don't know. I mean, and maybe everyone else can also weigh in on it. I think it also makes sense for this watch thingy to go to one of the people who hits things a lot because that way you could hit a lot. A lot.
Right. Like a lot a lot.
[01:04:04] Speaker A: But not be able to move.
[01:04:07] Speaker D: Or not be able to move. Which. But that's like not very probable. Like in the, in the realm of stats, which is short for statistics, but the one that we roll collectively as.
[01:04:19] Speaker A: A group respectfully fucks statistics.
[01:04:24] Speaker C: Also incorrect. It still allows you to do your bonus action and movement. It just consumes your action.
[01:04:31] Speaker D: It negates your action.
[01:04:33] Speaker C: No one doesn't know that you didn't identify on it.
[01:04:38] Speaker A: Melwin wouldn't understand that.
[01:04:41] Speaker D: Melwyn doesn't understand.
[01:04:43] Speaker A: Grace understands it.
[01:04:44] Speaker C: Okay, got it. Action economy doesn't exist.
[01:04:47] Speaker A: That's not a concept.
[01:04:49] Speaker C: She's functionally twelve.
[01:04:50] Speaker A: Sue me.
[01:04:51] Speaker E: Like, losing your thing would make sense, but it does. Like, identifying it would tell you that it doesn't, like, root you in place. Right. Yeah, that would make sense. In universe.
[01:05:02] Speaker C: She assumed.
[01:05:04] Speaker A: Listen, Melan jumps to conclusions.
She assumed that the word consume meant mila ate magic.
[01:05:10] Speaker D: Like, this is an established thing that still unconfirmed shit.
[01:05:15] Speaker C: If it's a character choice. Did you. Super.
[01:05:17] Speaker B: She's a Pisces.
[01:05:20] Speaker C: If it's a character.
[01:05:21] Speaker B: Is that what you said?
What I heard you say, like Melvin said, melvin jumps to conclusions. And then it sounded like you said, she's such a Pisces.
I don't think that's what you said.
[01:05:39] Speaker D: Super.
[01:05:39] Speaker C: Not what I said at all. Even remember.
[01:05:42] Speaker B: Well, I thought that's what Jay was saying.
[01:05:43] Speaker D: No, I didn't say Pisces.
[01:05:46] Speaker B: Never mind.
[01:05:47] Speaker D: Oh, I think I just said time skip. Like, I don't think they said Pisces.
[01:05:54] Speaker C: No, that's super. Like, that's great. If it's a character that tries rad. I just. It sounded like everyone was agreeing, and I just wanted to clarify that that's not what it says.
[01:06:03] Speaker D: Yeah.
[01:06:03] Speaker B: For sure.
[01:06:04] Speaker D: For sure. For sure.
[01:06:05] Speaker C: Great.
[01:06:05] Speaker B: For sure.
[01:06:06] Speaker D: For sure.
[01:06:08] Speaker A: Grace understands how action economy works.
[01:06:11] Speaker C: I promise.
[01:06:12] Speaker D: I don't know, it just seems like. I don't know.
Maybe if we need to hit a lot, it would be a good hitty. A lot.
Or like it. I know sometimes it takes you a while for your hands to do the magic heels. Like, maybe it could help with that. Or, like, Auden. It could help, like, if you, like, need something more to do with, like, yourself or something like that. Like, it could help you with. I really just have more to do.
Yeah, but you could hit so much.
[01:06:39] Speaker B: I could. I'm not. I agree.
[01:06:42] Speaker D: I can eat a lot. Yeah, absolutely. But, like, whoever can have it can have it. Whoever wants it can have it. It doesn't have to be, like, one thing.
[01:06:51] Speaker E: I think Auden should. I sometimes am able to spend a little time, like, imbuing my weapon with magic. So, like, that thing where I turn it into a scythe. That doesn't take that much time.
[01:07:09] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:07:10] Speaker E: I don't see Auden using that time span very often.
[01:07:17] Speaker A: Trying to talk around action economy is so hard.
[01:07:21] Speaker E: Yeah.
[01:07:23] Speaker D: It'd be like playing whack a mole.
[01:07:24] Speaker B: Just kind of like, hold it up to her ear. Is it like a. It's a pocket watch. Is it like.
[01:07:30] Speaker D: It's.
[01:07:30] Speaker C: Yeah, it's functional. Yeah.
[01:07:33] Speaker B: Yeah. I think she's very enamored by it.
[01:07:36] Speaker D: Yeah.
You start collecting all those odds and ends.
[01:07:41] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:07:42] Speaker A: Do watches work underwater?
[01:07:45] Speaker C: Teehee.
[01:07:50] Speaker D: If you haven't listened to world of inked the party, you should go give it a listen.
[01:07:56] Speaker C: Alright. So where are you guys headed?
[01:08:00] Speaker D: Oh, sorry.
[01:08:04] Speaker A: Moving on.
[01:08:05] Speaker C: If you wanted to say something, you totally could. I wasn't looking at my screen.
[01:08:08] Speaker A: It's. No, you're good. It's inconsequential.
[01:08:12] Speaker C: Okay. Where are you guys headed? Back to the capital jazish, which we definitely said the name Ingen and I.
[01:08:19] Speaker A: Definitely wrote it down.
[01:08:20] Speaker D: Ingen.
[01:08:22] Speaker C: I opened my own notes.
Good. Dm.
[01:08:26] Speaker A: It's in the notebook that I'm using. I was just lazy to flip back and find it.
[01:08:31] Speaker C: Yeah. You guys head back to Ingen a couple days. On your travel back to Ingen, there's a moment where yarn stops and says.
[01:08:44] Speaker A: She says she has something for you.
[01:08:47] Speaker C: So here you go. And then just like turns into the biggest flat leaf that he can, which is, I don't know, like one of those monstera. The. No, the monstera leaf. You know, that's like. Anyway, there's like a little vision that pops up on this. On this leaf. Like it's a, like, it's a screen.
So first you actually hear a very, like, light woman's voice through and she says, I need you to follow this.
I turned into this vision.
Somewhere on the border of rain and traila, you can see it kind of zooms in Google earth style onto a small town lying there quietly in the rolling grasslands.
The people greet each other with smiles, and the sun is shining.
In the center of town, a black and purple smoke appears, swirling like a tornado until it reveals Arendril and Opal.
The townspeople start screaming and running away, but the closest resident, a blacksmith, is caught by Opal. Arendril walks up to him and touches his forehead, which causes black smoke to pour out of this man's mouth.
A drill breathes it in, looking stronger for it, and the man slips to the ground.
They hold their breath for a moment and then breathe back out onto this man. The smoke is this time infused with purple, and the man sits up, eyes completely white. He stumbles towards more townspeople with his hammer in hand, and they scream and run away. In the background, Arendrill converts another and another until all eyes that were unlucky enough to be on the street that day are white.
Arendrill's symbol glows brighter as he looks towards the vision and says, come find me.
That's where we end ark three.
[01:11:07] Speaker F: Hello, and thank you so, so much for tuning in for arc three of spells and whistles wow, what a crazy.
[01:11:16] Speaker B: Couple of last episodes.
[01:11:17] Speaker F: Me and the rest of the crew of spells and whistles really hope you enjoyed and thank you again for being with us throughout this amazing story that Anastasia has put together for us. We are going to be picking back up with arc four in early August, but don't go anywhere because we are going to be filling our summer with a lot of really, really fun stuff next week. The 27 April is our shifting gears part five. Shifting gears is our talk back show where we, as players, get to debrief a little bit about the campaign, ask questions about each other's characters, and kind of where they're at in the story. We also get to answer questions from our listeners that are submitted through our discord. So if you're not already a part of that, I would seriously recommend hustling on over there. After that, we are going to be taking a week off just to kick off the summer. But after that, we are going to be kicking off our miniseries mayhem. After that, miniseries mayhem is coming back. I am so excited. We have a great lineup of games.
[01:12:13] Speaker B: Up.
[01:12:13] Speaker F: First, we'll be doing another history check one shot. This is gonna be called history check Drakkon, which is a two part epillion one shot. I don't wanna spoil anything about it, but if you're curious about what the game's gonna be like, just Google epillion. It's gonna be super great. Following that, I'm going to be running a two part one shot called the great underground mole fighting league mole hunt. After that, we're going to be doing a three part mini series of perils and princesses. And after that, we'll be doing another three part one shot. That is a surprise. And we will announce it as it gets closer.
Finally, we have one more special one.
[01:12:48] Speaker B: Shot that's going to be coming out.
[01:12:50] Speaker F: Before we get back into our main campaign. And that is going to be a single part au one shot featuring the characters of the main campaign in a different setting. It's so much fun. We had a blast recording it all together in person. So with all of this fun stuff happening, we're gonna be having a plethora of guests join us on the show. We are super, super excited and are so grateful for everybody who has helped us and supported us so far in spells and whistles. If you're interested in supporting us outside of being a loyal listener, we do also have a patreon where you can help support us and help the show be even bigger and better than it is already. We offer blooper reels, tarot readings for the characters, and a handful of other bonus content. A couple other quick shoutouts just because I can. Our cover art is made by the amazing Incredacoon studio on Instagram, and our campaign character art is by Maddie Saxon. You can follow both of them at incredicoon Studio on Instagram and Msaxon art on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. That's msaxon dot art. Once again, thank you so much for listening. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. We will see you on the flip side for some amazing one shots, and we'll be back before you know it in August with love and worm grog, the spells and whistles cast.
[01:14:09] Speaker C: Thanks for thanks for listening. It's been super fun. Longest arc yet. Excited to see how they get to the big bad. Cause now we've got a big bad.
And yeah, listen to shifting gears, which comes out next week. We're gonna debrief on all of this, so if you're caught up, take a listen.
Thanks for playing, guys.
[01:14:29] Speaker D: Thank you.
[01:14:30] Speaker C: Thanks for listening. Bye.